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20 points granted

Test paper 7th grade

I. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.

1. Youre Italian, ?
2. Nicola isnt French, ?
3. Tom wasnt at work yesterday , ..?
4. Jake doesnt live in America, ?
5. Louise is staying at the hotel , ?
6. Youve been to Cornwall before, ..?
7. There arent any big rivers in Cornwall, ?
8. Were going to have a good time, ..?
9. You dont live here all the time, .?
10. He speaks English very well, ..?
(102p = 20 p)

II. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Simple Tense
1. We (never/ to meet).such a beautiful creature.
2. They (always / to do)their duty.
3. I (to see)many interesting things lately.
4. / to travel).by plane abroad?
5. I (to decorate).my room.
(5 4p = 20 p)

III. Make sentences.

1. my father / just / come / home.

2. we / finish / already / project / Science/ the

3. our/ yet / teacher / into / classroom / come/ the

4. Meg / breakfast / already / finish / her

5. Yet / the students / enter / the gymnasium.

( 5 2p =10 p)

IV. Write the second and the third form of the following verbs.

Example: to be was/ were been

1. To do
2. To dance
3. To go
4. To try
5. To buy
6. To travel
7. To cut
8. To write
9. To swim
10. To teach

(10 0.30 p = 30p)


Test de evaluare la limba engleza (L1)

Anul scolar 2016 2017

Clasa a VII- a

Barem de evaluare si notare

Nu se acorda punctaje intermediare, altele decat cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acorda 20 de puncte din oficiu.
Nota finala se calculeaza prin impartirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.
Timp de lucru: 50 minute

Exercise no. I ( 10 sentences 2 points = 20 points)

1. arent you?
2. is she?
3. was he?
4. does he?
5. isnt she?
6. havent you?
7. are there?
8. arent we?
9. do you?
10. doesnt he?

Exercise no. II ( 5 sentences 4 points = 20 points)

1. We have never met

2. They have always done
3. I have seen
4. Have you ever travelled
5. I have decorated

Exercise no. III (5 sentences 2 points = 10 points)

1. My father has just come home.

2. We have already finished the Science project.
3. Our teacher hasnt come into the classroom yet.
4. Meg has already finished her breakfast.
5. Have the students entered the gymnasium yet?

Exercise no IV. ( 10 verbes 0.30 points = 30 points)

1. To do did done
2. To dance danced danced
3. To go went gone
4. To try tried tried

5. To buy bought bought
6. To travel travelled travelled
7. To cut cut cut
8. To write wrote written
9. To swim swam swum
10. To teach taught taught.

Interpretarea testului

Disciplina: Limba engleza

Profesor: Mihaica Gianina
Durata : 50 minute

O1: sa scrie forma corecta a verbelor regulate si neregulate
O2: sa exerseze intrebarile disjunctive
O3: sa puna cuvintele in ordine pentru a forma propozitii corecte
O4: sa completeze spatiile libere cu formele verbelor la timpul present perfect

Clasa Note obtinute Nr elevi Media
testati clasei
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a-VII- a


NAME: Mihic Gianina

SCHOOL: Ionel Sirbu, Ciorasti

DATE: the 2nd of February 2017

CLASS: 7th grade


TIMING: 50 minutes

TEXTBOOK: Snapshot Pre-Intermediate

TYPE OF LESSON: Evaluation lesson


To revise the regular and irregular verbs

To exercise the question tags
To put words in order to form correct sentences
To fill in with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

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