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The One and Only Ivan By Katherine Applegate Week 3

These are the questions and activities that we will be working through as we read the book. Each
week you will be given new ones, you are responsible for completing the reading and assigned
work. ALWAYS do the reading the first, and then answer the questions. DO NOT read for the
answers, you will miss a lot of enjoyment and meaning if that is what you do.

Read Pages 61 -70

1) On Page 62, Stella says, not hoping. Not at all. Why does she say this? What could have
happened in her own life to make her say this / feel this for a baby elephant?

2) Think about Stellas story of Jambo the silverback. If Ivan were in Jambos position, do you
think he would have done the same thing? Why or why not?

Read Pages 71 81

3) When Stella gets Ruby off of the truck, and into the domain, their trunks are intertwined
and she is whispering to her. What do you think she is whispering? If you were Stella, what
would you whisper to baby Ruby?

4) Ruby introduces herself to Ivan, and asks about his family. She states her entire family is
dead, killed by humans. Take a moment to reflect on past chapters: What have humans
taken from and done to Ivan? To Stella? To Bob?
How does this make you feel?

Read Pages 82 89
5) Ruby asks a lot of questions, what does this remind you of? Ivan says his dad used to sleep
very soundly, but now he thinks that maybe his dad wasnt actually asleep. What does he
mean by this? Does this remind you of any adults in your own life?

6) Stella is sleeping more and more. George is worried about her foot. Mack says there is not
enough money. What do you think is going on? What needs to be done?

Pick either George or Mack, (or both) and draw how they see Stella. They each picture her very
differently. Think about how they treat her, how they interact with her, and how they care for her.

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