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Pushes and Pulls

Kelly Gaule
November 18th 2016
3rd Observation
Kindergarten Whole Group Science Lesson

Elements of the Lesson Evidence that Documents the Elements

Standard P.FM.00.31 Demonstrate pushes and pulls on
objects that can move.
MDE grade level or CCSS
P.FM.00.32 Observe that objects initially at rest
will move in the direction of the push or pull.

Objectives/Targets and I can statements The student will (TSW) demonstrate a push and a
pull on a object that can move.
What am I going to teach?
I can push and pull an object that moves.
What will the students be able to do at the end of
the lesson? The student will (TSW) observe that objects at rest
will move in the direction that it is pushed or pulled.
What formative assessments are used to inform
instruction? I can notice that an object will move in the
What challenges might students encounter? direction of the push or pull.
The student will (TSW): Identify whether a picture
is of a push or a pull.
I can identify a push and a pull

Formative Assessment:
The students will say and show what a push or a pull
is to the teacher by answering questions and moving
a toy car. The students will answer questions on the
direction a push or a pull went. The students will also
provide a visual example of understanding by looking
at an action in a picture and placing it in the correct
push or pull column.
Lesson Management: Focus and Organization Lesson Management:
What positive strategies, techniques and tools will Discuss what a push and a pull is
you see? Turn and talk about pushes and pulls
What ideas for on task, active and focused student List pushes and pulls from the video
behavior? Use motions to describe a push or pull
Explore with a partner how to push and pull a
toy car
Categorize pictures of pushes and pulls

Student Movement Management:

Students will turn and talk to one other student right
next to them. Teacher will assign partner if they are
unsure. Students will turn back to the teacher when
the teacher counts down from 5 and snaps fingers.
Students will get up from the carpet and find a quiet
place in the room to practice pushing and pulling a
toy car. The teacher will say Give me five and give
instructions on where to put their car. Students will
return to the carpet by the time the teacher is done
counting down from 5.
Students will also get up off the carpet to go back to
their desks to complete a categorizing project.
Active Student Participation
The students will actively participate in answering
questions about pushes and pulls, discussing their
ideas with another student, and using our I agree
hand signal if they agree with what is being said.
Students will also participate in pushing and pulling a
toy car and saying if it is a push or a pull. Student will
also glue pictures into categories. They will also move
their hands to show a push or a pull.

Classroom management
Students will demonstrate the expectations of good
listeners by sitting crisscross in their square on the
rug with eyes on the teacher. Students will raise their
hands or put a thumb to their heart (when prompted)
to answer questions or speak aloud. The students will
use a level two voice when talking to other students,
working with their partner with their car and working
at their desks. If students are talking over the
teacher, the teacher will count down from five and
the students will quiet down. When student are
engaging in a turn and talk, they will turn back to the
teacher when the teacher counts down from 5 and
snaps fingers. When students are at their desks or
around the room, the teacher will say give me five
to indicate to students to stop talking, look at the
teacher, and raise their hand to show they are ready
to listen.
Students who do not follow these guidelines will first
get a silent reminder to be on task. If it continues the
student will receive a verbal reminder from the
teacher. If they still continue to then the student will
clip down on the color chart. Students who are
demonstrating good active participation and listening
skills will be asked to clip up on the color chart.

Introduction: Creating Excitement and Focus for the The teacher will (TTW) review what was
Lesson Target learned in previous The Way Things Move
What will you do to generate interest? lesson
How will you access prior knowledge? TTW access prior knowledge by asking what
What will you practice/review?
students know about pushes and pulls
TTW generate interest by showing a video with
a song and what pushes and pulls are.

Task analysis: Task Analysis

What information does the learner need? If Engagement:

needed how will it be provided?
How is the lesson scaffolded? TTW introduce that the lesson will be able
Higher Level Thinking: Questions to engage pushes and pulls
students thinking TTW ask what students know about pushes and
The students will (TSW) watch a YouTube video
entitled Forces Can Push or Pull
Creating I Do:

TTW show students poster of someone pushing

Webbs Depth of Knowledge and pulling
TTW discuss the definition of a push: moving
something away from you
TTW model a push with their hands
Strategic Thinking
TTW discuss the definition of a pull: moving
Extended Thinking
Accommodations: differentiating to meet students something towards you
needs TTW model a push with their hands

Remediation/Intervention We Do:
TSW turn and talk to a partner about what
Methods, Materials and Integrated Technology
pushes and pulls they think they saw in the
Instructional techniques video
Engagement strategies TTW explain and model that you can push and
Materials and Integrated Technology list pull a toy car
TSW work with partners to practice pushing
and pulling toy cars
TTW walk around the classroom and ask and
answer students questions about how they are
pushing or pulling the cars
You Do:

TTW instruct students that they will be looking

at pictures, decide if they are pushes and pulls,
and then gluing them in the push or pull
column of a worksheet
TTW review what a push and pull is
TSW will work independently to sort pictures by
pushes and pulls and glue them in the correct

TTW will review what a push and pull is

TSW answer questions about what is a push
and pull
TTW review I can statements
TTW will discuss that the students will use the
knowledge of push and pulls in the next lesson
about slowing down or speeding up pushes and

Thinking Levels: questions to engage students


Remembering: What is a push? What is a pull?

Which direction did the car go?
Understand: What is the difference between a
push and a pull? What would happen if you
pushed/pulled the car?
Apply: Can you demonstrate a push or a pull?
Analyze: Classify pictures of pushes and pulls
Accommodations: differentiating to meet
student needs
Remediation/intervention: A push or a pull will be
demonstrated multiple times to students who are
struggling. The students will also get extra time to
complete their activity sheet of classifying picture.
Students who are struggling with classifying may also
work with a table partner.

Extension/ Enrichment: Students who finish early will

be instructed to draw a picture of another type of
push or pull on the back of their activity sheet.
Materials and Integrated Technology:

Computer and projector to show video

Poster of push and pull
Toy car for each student
Bag of pictures of pushes and pulls
Activity sheet with Push and Pull columns
Glue stick for each student
Modeling: I Do I Do:
SHOW/TELL (Visual/Verbal Input) Show students poster of someone pushing and
Discuss the definition of a push: moving
How/WHAT (Questioning and redirecting) something away from you
Model a push with their hands
Discuss the definition of a pull: moving
something towards you
Model a push with their hands

Checking for Understanding Questions to be asked for understanding:

Samples of questions to be asked What is a push?
What is a pull?
Ways in which students will respond and be engaged
Can you show me a pull?
Formative assessment strategies to be implemented Can you show me a pull?
What is an example of a push/pull?
What way does a push go? Towards you or
What way does a pull go? Towards you or
Do you agree?
What will you be doing with your partner and
the car?
Students will be asked to answer questions by raising
their hands, putting a thumb to their heart, or
showing their I agree hand signal.
During the turn and talk, the teacher will listen to
students ideas.

Guided Practice: We Do Together the students and teacher will:

What do the teacher and student do together? Talking about examples of pushes and pulls in
How will a gradual release of responsibility be
the video
accomplished? Practice modeling pushing and pulling toy cars
Describing what a push and a pull is
Modeling a push and a pull with their hands

Collaborative (You Do Together) and/or Independent Collaborative:

Practice (You Do)
Turn and talk about examples of pushes and
What practices will be demonstrated/modeled? pulls
Independent practice

Sorting pictures into push and pull columns on

an activity sheet.
Closure Closure:
How will the I can statement(s) be reviewed? Ask and answer questions about what a push
and pull is
How will students be involved?
Restate I can statements and describe what we
What connections to future learning will occur? did to meet them
Discuss that the students will use the
knowledge of push and pulls in the next lesson
about slowing down or speeding up pushes and

Assessment If students are able to correctly sort pictures into the

push and pull columns on the activity sheet then the
What evidence supports that the objective(s) were
lesson objective has been met.
met? If students are able to identify the direction a push or
pull goes in then the lesson objective has been met.
What do my students know, understand and are able
to do? If students are able to use the toy car to demonstrate
a push or a pull then the lesson objective has been
What formative assessments will be used to inform
instruction? met.
The students will then understand what a push and
pull is, identify a push and pull and how to
demonstrate pushes and pulls.
The formative assessments will be used to inform
instruction on the next lesson of speeding up and or
slowing down pushes and pulls. Instruction will vary
depending on if students understood this lesson or
How do you know that the objective(s)/target(s) was
met? What is your


Based on the data gathered, what will you do next?

How well did the students perform/respond? How did

students show they

were engaged?

What evidence do you have?

What aspect of the lesson was particularly

challenging for students? What
will you do to help the student(s) who struggled?

What will you do to extend the learning for those

students who met


Were there any surprises? What would you do if you

taught this lesson


(Edited by Elementary Team, 2014)

Push or Pull
Decide if the picture is of a push or a
pull. Then glue it in the push or pull

Push Pull

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