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Optimizing Condition Based Maintenance Decisions

Andrew K.S. Jardine University of Toronto Toronto

Key Words: Condition based maintenance, Condition Monitoring, Proportional hazards modeling,
Vibration monitoring, Oil analysis, EXAKT software, Expert systems, Neural networks.


The paper first reviews common strategies for implementing

smart condition monitoring decisions such as trend analysis Classical Smart Condition Monitoring Strategies
that is rooted in statistical process control, expert systems, and
the use of neural networks. Expert Systems 1.2.3)
The paper then focuses on current industry-driven research
that employs proportional hazards modeling to identify the Some Advantages
key risk factors that should be used to identify the health of Expert systems are automated built-in test systems which
equipment from amongst those signals that are obtained make use of IF-THEN rules to make a decision (based on
during condition monitoring. Economic considerations are inputs)- since they are automated, they can replace a human
then blended with the risk estimate to establish optimal experts decision-making responsibility
condition-based maintenance (CBM) decisions. Expert systems are able to continuously monitor the
Recent results of the research program included in the paper condition of a system and make expert decisions, whereas
include development of the EXAKT software, and its human experts may not be available to continuously
successful application to the condition monitoring techniques monitor a system
of vibration monitoring (with Campbells Soup), oil analysis s Expert systems are able to give explanations as to how they
(with Cardinal River Coal) and visual inspection (with Hong arrived at a particular solutionidecision via an audit trail
Kong Mass Transit). that includes rules the system selected and why these rules
Finally, the paper reports the substantial economic benefits were selected
associated with this new approach to the optimization of Requires less programming (or training time) than
condition-based maintenance decisions through three case Neural Networks
examples. The studies cite identification of the 3 key In addition to employing hard-and-fast IF-THEN rules,
vibration monitoring signals out of 18 to be used by Expert systems can be built using Fuzzy Logic
Campbells Soup to optimize their CBM decisions for shear (uncertainiunclear IF-THEN rules)
bearings, resulting in a documented cost reduction of 33%;
identification of the 2 key measurements out of 12 taken by Some Disadvantages
Cardinal River Coals wken they conduct oil analysis of their Since Expert systems are modeled after actual human
wheel motors that results in an expected cost saving of 30%; experts, there may be inherent flaws in the knowledge base
and finally the improvement in system reliability by Hong of the expert system if the experts logic is flawed-
Kong Mass Transit through using the optimization procedure however, this can easily be fixed by selecting many
to establish an optimal frequency for inspecting the bearings competent experts to verify the rules and the logic of the
on their trains, resulting in the expected number of annual system
system failures being reduced from 9 to 1 with an associated 0 Since it is relatively simple to make changes to the
economic benefit of a 50% cost reduction.
knowledge base, it is easy to introduce errors into an expert
system- again, this can be remedied with extra diligence in
building the Expert system
In order for an Expert system to be built, the situation must
already have been dealt with and encountered by human
With the plethora of techniques available to monitor the
health of equipment there is always the question about how
best to smartly interpret signals emanating from a condition- There is a certain skill involved in building an effective
monitoring tool. Following is a summary of key approaches Expert system- it is important to learn how to question
used to interpret signals emanating from condition-monitoring domain experts in order to get better answers for CM
tools. Unquestionably the most frequently occurring approach
is through trending of measurements, setting limits on these Expert systems normally do not incorporate economic
measurements, then basing the maintenance decision on analysis in their decisions (Le. is it more profitable to
comparing a specified measurement with its limit. preventively replace or to run until failure?)

0-7803-7348-0/02/$10.00 61 2002 IEEE

90 2002 PROCEEDINGS Annual R E L I A B l L l n and MAINTAINABILITY Synrposnnn
Trending (SPC) (Rrf4S NN suffer kom spillover- when a drift is introduced into
one variable, it impacts the estimate of a different variable-
Some Advantages this can make it seem as if many signals are drifting,
Trending is a statistical analysis technique that is used to whereas only one signal is actually drifting
measure if actual signals are within reasonable control NN normally do not incorporate economic analysis in their
limits (i.e. if the signal is close to the estimated signal)- condition monitoring decisions (Le. is it more profitable to
since it uses only statistical analysis, no knowledge of how preventively replace or to run until failure?)
the system operates is necessaly
Trending can be (and most often is) used as input to both Statistical Modeling (Ref.3,8,9)
Expert systems or Neural Networks in actual CM software-
incorporating trend data, especially in the case of Neural Some Advantages
Networks, cuts down on training sets since the trend now Statistical Modeling (such as Proportional Hazards
replaces a multitude of variables Modeling or Principle Component Analysis) uses a lower
(sometimes much lower) number of training sets than NN
Some Disadvantages (i.e. historical events data and inspections data)
Trending is essentially a process monitoring tool rather There is a knowable degree of confidence in applying
than a control tool- Statistical Process Control (SPC) statistical models (Le. confidence interval)- this is not the
requires that successive observations behave like case with Expert systems
independent identically distributed random variables, and Since the working age of the equipment is considered in
thus it cannot be considered valid for processes where data Statistical Modeling, risk estimation (Le. predicting
correlation is significant impending failure) may be more effective
Trending, or SPC applies warning and control limits which
are relatively static. That is, the control limits do not Some Disadvantages
account for aging of equipment where the risk of failure Statistical Modeling is a static condition monitoring
in an upcoming interval is partially dependent on its strategy- it only takes data at specified times and not on a
working age continual basis
Trending normally does not incorporate economic analysis Statistical modeling normally doesnt incorporate
in CM economic analysis

Neural Networks (Ref.S,6.7) EXAKT Condition Monitoring Strategy

Some Advantages Some Advantages

Neural Networks are processors that have the ability to EXAKT blends together risk estimation via Statistical
acquire knowledge through a leaming process (Le. data- Modeling and Economic considerations- therefore, it
mining) and then store this knowledge by connectors (each becomes possible to determine if it is more profitable to
connector, or synaptic link, has a weight associated with preventively replace a piece of equipment or to run until
it)- therefore, NN are useful in CM because they can learn failure
the systems normal operating conditions and determine if It is an efficient tool for identifying key risk factors used
incoming signals are significantly different (if used in for condition monitoring- thus, it pinpoints the most critical
conjunction with SPC) risk factors out of a group of several risk factors
NN useful when there is lots of training data available
NN useful when the CM process has some notable Some Disadvantages
imprecision- they are adaptable and dynamic Good records are required in order to effectively use
NN are useful when hard-and-fast rules (such as those used EXAKT (i.e. when items came into service, when they
in Expert systems) cannot easily be applied- in fact, this is were removed, and when any minor maintenance activities
specifically the case with Fuzzy Neural Networks occurred)- sometimes it is difficult to get these records

Some Disadvantages
There are no methods for training NNs that can magically The work reported in this paper originated in the
create information that is not contained in the training data measurement of oil deposits in the Pran and Whimey engines
0 Training data must be representative of ALL the machine on the Boeing 707 of the Canadian Department of National
conditions in order for NN to successfully be used in smart Defence [Ref. IO], where rates of change of certain engine oil
CM deposits were compared to standards. If the rate exceeded its
Significantly longer training times than those for Expert limit, the engine was removed from service prior to its design
systems life and retumed to Pratt and Whitney for major overhaul. In
A NN decision engine has the ability to adapt with that initial study it was noted that from time-to-time engines
incoming signal inputs- thus, if the incoming signals are that had been removed were in fact in good health, and could
drifting, the NN may adapt and view this drift as normal, have remained safely on the aircraft for a further period, This
when in fact, this drift is a sign of an out-of-control led to an interest in obtaining a good estimate of what the risk
process- referred to as over-fitting was of an engine transitioning to a failed state between two


scheduled inspections. If this risk was high then the engine Companies currently members of the CBM Consortium are
should be removed, if low it should be left on the aircraft to identified above by an asterisk.
the next scheduled inspection. A paper had been published by
Cox [Ref. 81 where he drew attention to a procedure known as
proportional hazards modelling, and made the comment in that 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXAKT SOFTWARE
paper that the applications are more likely to be in industrial
reliability studies.... The paper by Anderson et al [Ref.lO] There are two keys to the EXAKT software used for
we believe was the first to use proportional hazards modeling optimizing CBM decisions. They are:
for risk estimation of equipment subject to condition
monitoring. I. risk
The next step was to consider the change-out time for 2. economics
components based not just on risk levels, but also taking into
account economic considerations. The blending together of Risk is estimated using Coxs proportional hazards model with
risk and economics was tirst reported in the conference paper a Weibull baseline failure rate:
[Ref. I I], and then in the journal paper [Ref. 121.
Subsequent to the journal paper being published a major
research project commenced at the University of Toronto to
take the theoretical results published in [Ref. 121 and develop
a software tool, now known as EXAKT that could be used by
organizations wishing to optimize their condition based
with p and q being the shape and scale parameters of the
maintenance procedures. Many of these organizations were
Weibull distribution and f denotes time (working age) of the
observing the same result of condition monitoring as was
item at inspection.
found in the initial study of Pratt and Whitney engines, namely
Economic considerations are those associated with the total
there were often premature component removals due to
cost of replacing the item being subject to condition
misinterpretation of the signals emanating from condition
monitoring either preventively Cp or due to failure, Cf.
monitoring. In a recent paper Christer [Ref. I31 made the point
A paper describing in detail the sofiware development and
Since introducing CM of gearboxes, failures had fallen by
underlying mathematical and statistical modeling is that of
90%. This is a notable accolade for CM. ...It transpired that
Banjevic at al [Ref. 151.
when reconditioning defective gearboxes, in 50% of
occasions there was no evident gearbox fault. Seemingly, CM
The key outcome of the analysis undertaken in EXAKT is to
can be at the same time very effective, and rather inefficient.
evaluate the various measurements that are used to monitor the
Funding to develop software and continue research into the
health of equipment, and through goodness-of-tit checking
optimization of condition-based maintenance decisions,
establish the key risk factors that should be used to health
resulted in the creation of the Condition-Based Maintenance
monitoring, then by taking into account the economic
Laboratory at the University of Toronto in December 1995.
consequences associated with both preventive and failure
Initial financial support for a 3 -year period was provided by
replacement produce a decision chart that can be used by
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
inspectors to identify the optimal decision to take at the time
Canada, Material and Manufacturing Ontario and the
of inspection. The chart is illustrated on Figure I . This chart
following six companies:
related to measurements taken in an oil well where there were
severe corrosion problems. On the x-axis it is seen that the
only condition monitoring measurement that was used was the
Barrick Gold
ppm of Fe in the oil sample, and the weighting to give it is
Dofasco Steel
Molson Breweries
Syncrude Canada*
Wear Check Canada

As time progressed new companies joined for future 3-year

projects, while others terminated their support.
The complete listing of companies who have supported the
development ofthe software, now known as EXAKT [Ref. 141
in addition to those identified above are:

Campbells Soup*
Canadian Department of National Defence
Mass Transit Railway Corporation of Hong Kong
Pricewaterhousecoopers , Management Consulting Services:
Hydro One
Electricite de France*
Figure I: EXAKT Graph of Optimal Replacement Policy


useful life. Quality .estimates of necessary values cannot be
3. OPTIMIZING CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE obtained solely from condition monitoring data, but
DECISIONS additionally require "event data", such as when equipment was
installed, when maintenance actions took place, when
As mentioned in the previous section there are two keys to equipment was replaced, and so on. From our experience, this
optimizing CBM decisions: risk and economics. "event data" is frequently incomplete: missing or perhaps
Organizations using condition monitoring always have large embedded in work orders that may not be easy to access.
quantities of inspection records. Usually these records are Figure 4 illustrates the associated event data for the
quite complete, but there are situation where there are missing transmissions. That is information about when a transmission
values. To improve the risk estimate requires that these was installed, when it was replaced, reason for replacement,
missing values are replaced by appropriate estimates. The first and any other maintenance actions that have taken place
decision that has to be made before commencing the analysis during the life of the transmission - such as oil changes.
is to establish what type of data quality situation is in place
(Figure 2), and then undertaking the appropriate risk
estimation analysis.

Figure 4: Events Data

Once all the records are obtained a proportional hazards

Figure 2: EXAKT Procedures Window analysis is undertaken to establish what the statistically
significant measurements are. This is achieved through
Figure 3 shows a typical screen capture of data coming from classical goodness-of-fit testing. The penultimate step for the
the transmission records associated with oil analysis of transmission analysis is shown on Figure 5. There is it seen
transmissions on a haul truck in a mining operation. It can be that for the parameter "Calcium" there is an "N" in the third
seen from that Figure that certain measurements are not column. This indicates that calcium is not a statistically
provided in the inspection records. significant variable and can be dropped from the analysis.

Figure 3: Inspection Data . - . .. - . .. ... . .. .

The goal of interpreting the CM data is to make the best Figure 5: Summary of PHM Parameters- Including
possible maintenance decision by, for example, getting a Calcium
handle on the true state of health of the equipment, calculating
the risk of impending failure, and estimating the remaining


The data is then re-analysed and the final result is obtained, measurements. If the result is in the lower region the
see Figure 6. conclusion is to continue operating the equipment to the next
scheduled inspection. If it is in the darker region then the
appropriate maintenance action is preventive replacement. If
the result lies bcttrccn these t u o regions then the hrst action is
to plan to rcplnce the item bdorz r ~ w h i n gthe n w schedulcd
inspectim, the appropriate tinic is pro\ ideJ.


The optimization of CBM decisions through collaboration

with companies has been a concentrated effort by a team of
researchers at the University of Toronto since December 1995.
While some studies that have been undertaken with companies
that are members of the CBM Consortium are confidential it is
possible to describe one that have been undertaken with
Campbell Soup and relates to the use of vibration monitoring
as the tool for condition monitoring, and the other with Mass
Transit Railway Corporation of Hong Kong where the
condition monitoring tool was visual inspection. Another
Figure 6: Summary of PHM Parameters- Without study undertaken with Cardinal River Coals where the form of
Calcium monitoring was oil analysis is also outlined below.

The result for the risk model is therefore: 4. I . Campbell Soup Company.
Campbells Canadian operation is in Toronto, Ontario. It
- I
was there that a study was carried out that compared their
current replacement policy on shear pump bearings with
r ( f , z ( r ) )=
other replacement policies, including one that used
exp(0.2626* Fe+I.O52*Pb) The results show clearly that replacements that are made
according to the output from EXAKTThcan save substantial
amounts of money compared to other approaches.
Blending together the risk model and economic
Altogether 25 histories were used in the study - a
considerations is then achieved by first establishing the
history means maintenance and condition monitoring
economic consequence associated with replacing the item, in
records for a unit. The condition of the bearings was
this case a transmission, on a preventive basis and the cost
monitored by vibration readings provided by an
associated with replacing it subsequent to unexpected failure. accelerometer, and the readings provided 21 vibration
For the transmission example the cost consequence associated
covariates. Besides this data, age-based data was also
with a failure replacement compared to a preventive
compiled that included information on maintenance actions
replacement was 4.5 greater. Using this enables Figure 7 to be
(events), replacements and failures over time.
First of all, it was found that only 3 of the 21 covariates
being measured were significant. That is, the analysis was
not improved by using 18 ofthem. This alone means that the
collection, storage, compilation and analysis of much of the
data could be eliminated with obvious gains in the productive
use of time.
But the real pay-off from using EXAKTTM is illustrated by
the calculation that the average replacement cost under
Campbells current system of $59.46/day could be reduced to
only $26.83/day using the optimum policy calculated by the
software. Thats an impressive 55% saving.
Further, Campbells current average time to replace the
bearings was 157 days compared with the EXAKTTM
recommendation of 173 days, a lifetime increase of 10.2%.
That means a lower annual cost of bearings, and fewer
Worklng Age-3623 p]
Z=Q.-?rm +?.%mad
maintenance intrusions on the machinery.
Additional details can be found in the paper [Ref. 161. A
very detailed application ofthe modeling approach discussed
Figure 7: EXAKT Replacement Recommendation
in this paper to equipment subject to condition monitoring by
vibration analysis is provided in [Ref. 171
Once the Replacement Decision Chart is obtained the CM
inspector then plots on the chart then result of the inspection
4.2. Cardinal River Coals condition monitoring is "impossible" since there will be very
The paper [Ref. 171 discusses work completed at Cardinal few, if any, failures observed. This is not the case.
River Coals in Canada to improve the existing oil analysis The purpose of condition monitoring (CM) certainly is to
condition-monitoring program being undertaken for wheel mitigate the consequence of failures. However, in the context
motors. of optimization one is always examining trade-offs. So, while
Oil analysis results from a fleet of 55 haul truck wheel the outcome o f C M may result in a substantial reduction in the
motors were analyzed along with their respective failures and number of failures that may have been experienced prior to the
repairs over a nine-year period. Using the proportional- implementation of CM, a question that could be asked is: Is
hazards model (PHM) approach, the key condition variables this reduction economically justifiable?
relating to failures were found from among the 19 elements Our experience is that CM does substantially improve plant
monitored, plus sediment and viscosity. Those key variables - reliability, but we also note that there are often significant
only two, iron and sediment- were then incorporated into a premature removals due to misinterpretation o f the signals that
decision model that provided an unambiguous and optimal emanate from various forms of CM. In the wheel motor study
recommendation on whether to continue operating a wheel referred to above there were many CM records associated with
motor or to remove it for overhaul on the basis of data the 138 wheel motors associated with a fleet of haul trucks in
obtained from an oil sample. an open pit mine. Oil analysis was used to monitor the health
Wheel motor failure implied extensive planetary gear or sun of the wheel motors, and rules were used to decide when the
gear damage necessitating the replacement of one or more wheel motor should be removed. We had no wheel motors
major internal components in a general overhaul. The decision removed due to unexpected failure while in operation. We had
model, when triggered by incoming data, provided both a 94 wheel motors removed due to CM readings. Examining the
recommendation based on an optimal decision policy as well maintenance reports associated with the "rebuilds" it was
as provide an estimate of the unit's remaining useful life identified that 32 of the motors could be classed as "failures",
(RUL). By optimizing the times of repair as a function both of i.e. had been removed shortly before one might have expected
age and condition data a 20-30% potential savings in overhaul a functional failure, whereas the other 62 could be classed as
costs over existing practice was identified. "premature removals". That is, they had useful life left in them
4.3. The MTR Corporation and could have safely been left in service. So when building
Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway keeps 2.4 million the risk model for wheel motor failures the 32 "good"
people on the move every weekday, making it one of the most removals were treated as "failures" and the other 62 as
heavily utilized mass transit systems in the world. "suspensions". (i.e. only 34% of the removals were "good"
Committed to continuous improvement, the MTR removals)
Corporation has embarked upon an $8 billion 5-year capital
works program to bring about improvements in the areas of 5. THE FUTURE
customer service, and environmental and station system
management. These will result in better services for Funding has been secured for a further period of three years
passengers. to continue the development of theory, primarily through the
The same dedication to excellence is reflected in their research students and post-doctoral fellows and associated
approach to maintenance. The MTR Corporation recently put tools, primarily software enhancement to EXAKT, through the
EXAKTTM to work on ball bearing failures in its traction staff of the CBM Laboratory. The development work is
motors. In-service failures were averaging 9/year, and each substantially influenced through semi-annual meetings that
failure resulted in - (or had the potential to result in) - take place between CBM Lab staff and consortium members.
stoppage of an entire subway line with severe consequences The overall goal of the work that is taking place during the
for its passengers. period 2001 -2003 is to enhance maintenance managers'
In this case, the condition of the bearings was monitored by decision-making when dealing with equipment whose health is
tracking changes to the color of the lubricating grease - the monitored through either oil analysis or vibrarion moniroring.
darker the color, the more definite was the signal that The planned work would enhance the EXAKT software
deterioration was occurring. For consistency, a "color card" (version 2.2 released in June 2000 to Consortium members) in
was developed that was used to compare various color tones three aspects:
with the grease, and to establish which "Code Number" to 5.1. Software features. This includes:
assign - colors were graded Code I to Code 4. Enhancing data cleaning features
EXAKTT" used the color codes as its input for the parts' -Assisting in the integration of EXAKT with CMMSs
condition, and additional data was used for failure and or EAM systems of Consortium members
maintenance-event histories. The output indicated that Enhancing data base flexibility: organizing data in a
inspections intervals should be shortened from 3% years to sequential form
annually, and by doing so the failures could be reduced to only Including two types of analysis, such as oil and
Ifyear compared with the previous 91'year. Taking into vibration, in one model
account the "total costs" associated with the maintenance and 5.2. Statistical features. This includes:
replacement of the bearings - increased time on inspections, Enhancement of the general statistical analysis option
more that offset by fewer failures - the reduction in costs will Estimation of the conditional reliability function and
amount to 55% of the pre-EXAKTTM costs. remaining useful life
It should be noted that while it may be thought that to build 5.3. Model building features. This includes:
a proportional hazards risk model for equipment subject to

2002 PROCEEDINGS .4,7nunl RELIABILITY and MAlNTAINABILlTY .Ajmfpo.~iufn 95

Combined age preventive and condition-based organizations to implement smart equipment condition
strategy monitoring.
Using different costs, depending on the age (e.g. cost
of failure up to minimal preventive replacement
time). Also, inclusion of variable cost of inspection REFERENCES
(this can influence the policy)
Decision policy that utilizes risk of failure in a given 1.Christine W.J. Chee & Margaret A. Power, Expert
interval, with or without costs (e.g. upper risk limit is Systems Maintainability, Proceedings of the Annual
given, and may be costs: if acceptable risk is P = 1, Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1990, pp. 415-
then this is our previous case; if costs are zero, then 418.
only risk matters) 2. Robert Milne, Continuous Expert Diagnosis: Is the
Cost analysis of the real data Future So Far Away?, A n International Newsletter Condition
Improvements in handling repairable systems (such Monitor, Elsevier Science, June 1996, pp.5-9.
as taking into account conditions of an item at 3. Stephan Wegerich, Alan Wilks, et al, Functionality of
installation - say, age and state - in modeling and in the SmartSignal Modeling and Detection Engine, Illinois,
decision: it requires improvements in data SmartSignal Corporation, 2000.
organization such as generalization of 4. David Liptrot & Gino Palarchio, Equipment Reliability:
CovariatesOnEvents table to handle values not in Achieving Maximum Equipment Reliability, Maintenance
inspection table, hut not given as defau1t)and would Technology, October 2000.
enhance the currently developed mathematical 5.Sanjutka Patro & William J. Kolarik, Neural Networks
models by developing procedures for estimation and and Evolutionary Computation for Real-Time Quality Control
control in stochastic models o f partially observable of Complex Processes, Proceedings of the Annual Reliability
systems. The research will focus on the following and Maintainability Symposium, 1997, pp. 327-332.
three areas: 6. S. Haykin, Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
Foundation, NY: Macmillan, 1994- pp.2.
5.3. I . Development of procedures for state estimation I.Neural Networks FA Q: Introduction,
(e.g. estimation of machine condition), model parameter ftu://,html.
estimation (e& probability of machine health going from one 8. D.R. Cox, Regression Models and Life-Tables (with
condition to another) and optimal control for a deteriorating, discussions) J.R. Statistical Society, London, 1972, 834,
partially observable system subject to failure. Examples of pp. 187-220.
such systems are complex repairable systems with different 9. I.T. Jolliffe, Principal Component Analysis, New York:
levek o f information. (For example, systems where only cost Springer, 1986.
and operating age information is available (level I), systems 10. M. Anderson, A.K.S. Jardine and RT Higgins, The use
subject to condition monitoring at discrete points of time of concomitant variables in reliability estimation, Modeling
where the information is obtained through oil analysis, visual andSimulation, Vol. 13, 1982, pp. 73-81.
inspection and testing and vibration monitoring (level 2)). 1 I . A.K.S. Jardine, and V. Makis, Optimal Replacement
5.3.2. Development of integrated models of complex of a production System - a Proportional Hazards Model,
systems with a special focus on optimizing jointly Proceedings of X I International Conference on Production
maintenance decision-making and inventory control of spare Research, Hefei, China, 1991, pp. 718-722.
parts. 12. A.K.S. Jardine, and V. Makis, Optimal Replacement in
5.3.3. On-line adaptive control of processes subject to the Proportional Hazards Model, INFOR, Vol. 39, 1992, pp.
random change in process parameters. The objective will be to 172-183.
develop recursive procedures for parameter estimation and 13. A.H. Christer, Developments in delay time analysis for
economically designed schemes for quality control. modelling plant maintenance. JORS, 1999, pp. 1120-1 137.
The reference probability approach to optimal filtering and 14. For information about EXAKT see
control in discrete time will be applied when tackling these www.mie.iitoronfo.cdcbm andior wnw Oliver-groiipconi.
three problem areas. The theoretical results obtained in this 15. D. Banjenic, A.K.S. Jardine, V. Makis, and M. Ennis,
research will enable the researchers to hrther develop CBM A Control-Limit Policy and Software for CBM, INFOR,
models that will he embedded in the EXAKT software used Vol. 39, No. I , 2001, pp. 32-50.
first by consortium members, and then made available 16. A.K.S. Jardine, T. Joseph, and D. Banjevic,
generally. Optimizing condition-based maintenance decisions for
equipment subject to vibration monitoring , Joirrnol of
Quality in Muinlenance Engineering, Vol. 5. No. 3, 1999, pp.
17. P.J. Vlok, J.L. Coetzee. D. Banjevic, A.K.S. Jardineand
Preparation of this paper would not have been possible V. Makis, An Application of Vibration Monitoring in
without the guidance and support of the research group in the Proportional Hazards Models for Optimal Component
CBM Laboratory at the University of Toronto, especially Replacement Decisions, JORS, 2001 (in press).
Professor V. Makis, Dr. D. Banjevic and Mr. M. Wiseman. A 18. A.K.S. Jardine, D. Banjevic, M. Wiseman, S. Buck, and
special appreciation is due to Angelo Gentiles, an NSERC T. Joseph, Optimizing a Mine Haul Truck Wheel Motors
summer student, for researching various techniques use by Condition Monitoring Program: Use of Proportional Hazards
96 2002 PROCEEDINGS .4nnrm/ RELIABILITY and MAINTAlNABlLITY .Svniporposiuni
Modeling, Journal of Qualify in Maintenance Engineering, where he obtained his Ph.D., and was a member of its
2001 (in press). Department of Engineering Production.
In 1993 Professor Jardine was honoured by the Institution of
Engineers Australia being named the Eminent Speaker to their
BIOGRAPHY Maintenance Engineering Society. In 1998 he was the first
recipient of the Sergio Guy Memorial Award from the Plant
Andrew K.S. Jardine, PhD, C.Eng, P.Eng Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada in
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering recognition of his outstanding contribution to the maintenance
Condition-based Maintenance Laboratory profession.
University of Toronto
Internet (e-mail):

Dr. Jardine is Professor of Industrial Engineering in the

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and
Principle Investigator in the Condition Based Maintenance
Laboratory at the University of Toronto, Canada. He also
serves as a Senior Associate Consultant to the Global Leader
of PricewaterhouseCoopers Physical Asset Management
Group. Professor Jardine has been actively involved for over

25 years - with teaching, research and the application of

scientific techniques to real-world decisions associated with
equipment maintenance, replacement and reliability. A native
of Scotland, he attended Strathclyde University where he was
awarded undergraduate and graduate degrees. From
Strathclyde he went to the University of Birmingham, England


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