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6.6 Systems of Inequalities

Systems of Inequalities
A set of two or more inequalities with the same variables is called a system of inequalities. The solution of a
system of inequalities with two variables is the set of ordered pairs that satisfy all of the inequalities in the system.
The solution set is represented by the overlap, or intersection, or the graphs of the inequalities.

Example 1 Solve by Graphing
Solve the system of inequalities by graphing.

y > 2x +1

y x + 3

Guided Practice

y 3 2x + y 2
1A. 1B.
x + y 1 2x + y < 4

y 4 x + y >2
1C. 1D.
3x + y 2 4x + 2 y < 8

Example 2 No Solution
Solve the system of inequalities by graphing

3x y 2

3x y < 5

Guided Practice

x +6 y 2
y >3
2A. 2B. 1
y < 1 y x +7

6.6 Homework

Solve each system of inequalities by graphing.
1. y > x 2 2. y x + 2 3. x + y 1
yx y > 2x + 3 x + 2y > 1

4. y < 2x 1 5. y > x 4 6. 2x y 2
y>2x 2x + y 2 x 2y 2

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