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Lights, Camera and Action Topic Map We will be using ICT to create a news report
programme with iMovie and green screen
Key Dates & Events: 10th March - Elm class poetry assembly. (PSHE) not talking to strangers on the internet
Friday 24th March Fantastic Finale to the school (no parents)

English Core Texts Lights, Camera, Action! Religious Education

As communicators we will be As Religious Educationalists we will be learning
Blue Peter Spring Term 2
presenting and recording our about Sikhism through some well-known stories.
script. Year Group: Four
news reports.
As readers we will be considering Time: 6 Weeks
the layout and choice of Class novel:
News Kids on Geography
the Net by As Geographers we will be conducting field work
As writers we will using our
Nick Handel in order to answer questions about our school and
grammar skills to write news
surrounding area to report on our TV show.
reports for a magazine type
Skills: Suggest questions to ask as part of an
In spelling, we will be exploring
investigation, record notes, annotate sketches with
phonics- rare alternatives and
descriptive and explanatory labels.
silent letters.
Common exception words: earn Knowledge: Use appropriate geographical
certain inquire library particular
vocabulary, picking out key lines and features of a
Focus upon
register our personal, social and health education will
include: view.
Staying safe, washing hands, crossing the road and staying
safe in water.
Design and Technology
Maths As Design Technologists we will be creating our
Science As mathematicians we will be learning On Air sign to help record our TV programme.
As scientists we will be investigating circuits and more about decimals and linking this
electricity to make On Air signs for our TV show. to solving problems involving money.
Art and Design
Scientific Skills: As Artists we will be using our sketching and
To be build circuits with different components. Music drawing skills to create a picture of our school.
Investigate insulators and conductors.
As Musicians we will be learning
Scientific Knowledge: steel pans
Construct a simple electrical circuit
Physical Education
Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit. Throughout our PE lessons we will be recording a
Key vocab: We will be learning language skills related
dance routine and athletic demonstrations for our
Electricity, circuit, insulate, conducts, to parts of the body, days of the week, TV programme.
components, switch, volts. numbers and greetings.

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