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0 1970, Parke r Brcthera, Inc., Sa lem, Ma. 01970 SOMA~ ls Parker Brclhers Tradema rk tor ltl Cube Pu.

.u le Ga~ Equipment
VOL. 1. NO. 1

This is it! Y'ou keep the le1ters coming and we

SOMA lovers. your response to our In~
vttat ion to contr ibute to th is Ne'N'Sietter a t Parker Brothers w tll ho ld up our end
has been overwhelming. The SOMA of the bargain. Look on the th ird page
Addict is now a real ity. of rhtS issue for instructions on how to
Your letters are just great We are contribute to The SOMA Addict and
re all y enjoy ing them . There are now how to get your fr iends on our mailinQ
abou t 2 m ill ion SOMA fans out there li:sL
and tho usands have al ready wr itten to 11 you have sent us so me th1ng for
us. Some of you have contnbuted new The SOMA Addict al ready , and don 't
SOMA puzzle figures . solut ions to fi nd your name or contr ibution In this T,.,. WW~I_.
those in the SOMA Booklet marked issue. don't get up t i9ht. There are
" not proved poss ible,'' and whole new many more issues coming. SOMA
sc hemes lor bas1c ana lys is of SOMA lovers have already sent us so much
prob lems : others have simply asked
for The SOMA Addict and more puz-
interest inQ material that it will take
Qu te a wh 1le lor us to ac knowledge The Piet Hein Award
zle fig u res . Well. here it is. w ith lots of a :')d use it a ll.
ne w puzz les. Piet Hein w ill also try to answer your So, Is It Possible?
letters in another " few words " way in Katherine Lay proved that her ALMOST
every issue of The SOMA Addicl W-WALL is possible. Our policy will re-
A Few Words To All SOMA Addicts He will re-draw a new SOMA puule
subm itted by a contributor. After our
main the same as It was In the booklet.
on her puzzle, though. You lind the
s ~ ution; the problem is worthy of at~
From Piet He in: printer is through w ith it, the lucky
cont ri butor w ill receive that originaJ
tack. U you want to send In your solu~
ltonS when you do find them , we will
Piet He in drawing, signed and suitably
?rctf/e r?."' s W or 11?'1 inscribed.
report back in a later SOMA Addict
issue whether or not anyone has found
of ~ ,-':~ck Are There Any Rule a? an ALMOST W-WALL solution that is
d olterent from Katherine's. Thars part
pro v e... !"h -eJr wor/;:7 Th is is not going to be the usuaJ com--
of the SOMA game. too.
petit ive contest, however. We can 't
As to THE W-WALL, no, it has not
6'f h;f/,r;3 tfcrc.!::. . -'~ begin to tell you what the rules are.
yet. as far as we know, been proven
right now. except that Piet Hein will

possible or Imposs ible.
only re--draw what he considers '"prob-
lems worthy of attack." Hey- One Rule I
Our fi rst w inner is M iss Kathenne That last sentence suddenly made us
P!et He1n. based 1n Den mark, trave ls A lo t of you wrote to Piet H ei n and Lay . age 9 , of Granada H ills. Cali fomi..a rea 11 ze that we can set up one n.Jie for
and create s all the lime. so he cor- Par'l(. er Brothers by hand . That is one 91344 . Her ALMOST W-WALL is shown THE PIET HEIN AWARD. The first
res;:londs w1th the fewest words pos~ s~n of a personal le tter. He re 's Pier s above: can you solve it? reader to send us either a poss ibility
s1ble. He is delighted to hear in such answer; he likes your responses to the proof or an impossibility proof of THE
numbers from a new generation of SOMA challenges. One Clue W-WALL is guaranteed a PIET HEIN
North American SOMA Add icts. He Inside are other p ieces of h is re- Katherine g ives you a clue: she says AWARD. You ' ll get it just"-' quickly as
sent us this hand-written copy of the soonse to your letters in the form of she discovered this puzz le figure while we can track Piet Hein down and put a
sa me GROOK wh ich we have used on lhe MORE PUZZLE FIGURES you doing the .. Third Transition .. (pages 46 pen into his hand. too.
:he back cover of our SOMA Booklel as"ed tor. 53 in your Parker Brothers SOMA 01 course. as we said. this isn't the
Booklet). See if you can figure out only way to get a Piet Hein award. It's
wh ich step she was on. jus t the only way we can describe to

Who Is Piet Hein, Anyway? What's In a Name?

Anyway . M iss lay fi rst thought th at she
you now. In the meantime. here's Dan
DOORWAY. lsn"t the fi rst close to
s.c n bed 5ha pes whi ch he also invented . had In fact bu ilt the fam ous W-WALL Katherines ALMOST W-WALL? Dan.
No wonder. th en. th at Esquire Maga- (.. Is It poss ible?"") on page 25 of your '41.1"10 lives in San Jose. Cal ifo rnia. was
z:ne. when the y pub li shed an art icle on SOMA Booklet , so she ca lled her new also worki ng o n The Trans itions. and
P1e t He1n (January . 1967) used fo r the figure W-WALL II. We think that the says tha t his SMALL DOORWAY's ends
title " King of Supe rs hape .'' You might hund reds of questions we've had can be fol ded up to make a figure he
find on e or the othe r o f these old mag ~ ("W ell . tell us . is it poss ible? '"} f ro m calls THE PASSAGEWAY, wh ich is in
az mes in !he ltb rary 1f your curios ity you abou t that f rustrat ing . tantali Z1"9 tac 1 THE CANAL (pages tO and 49 of
gees beyond what Ne c an tell you here. orrg on al THEW- WALL makes AL MOS T your SOMA Booklet) ups ide down. so
WWALL th e best name ~or Kather me s we don't show the drawng. Try Dan 's
Can We Call Him " Pyet" ? discovery . Transition yourself.
Ame rtcans :e nd to assume that Piet
Hems name s hard to pronounce : we
aJI lke to call eac h o ther by our t rst
n.a.~. too. The name " Piet " is pro~
nounced " Pete" and " Hein" is pro-
nounced " H ine... It IS the cus tom in
Denmark. Nn1cn 'Ne follow here. Ia ad
To Qu o te from Mar1 1n Gardne r. whose oress htm ar.d !O speak of h 1m usu'g
cooks and monthly SC IENTIFIC :>a:n '"la lves ot .,,s nam e - Pie! Hem .
AM ERICAN ' M athem a ti Cal Games" 'lo m,s!er " 1u sl olatn PI ET HEIN.
column are ,1robab!y l(nown to many of
'J OU. " How Old is Piet Hein?" you ask?
P1e! He1n has one o f !hose rare and We haopen to <now ? ret Hein's ac tual
:O~yc hr;t c-g , cally mysteuous m1nds. pos- cl'lrol"lo loq tcal aQ e. but 11 is not lm-
sessed ny so ma ny grea t c reatve sc i oot1ant He and his wor'<s are aq ele5 s ff'le Small Ooorwar
e n!1S I~ suc n as Ens!en and N 1el s T 111\'0 cf n1s s.:J.n s are QUi te young. Jo tun
Bohr. a nund th ai goes stra tg ht to the P '-e1 He1n "AilS 12 when he wo rked ou t
11ea n. of a proo lem. seeng all ti S tu s rmposs ,b thty p roo f fer THE BA SALT
aspect s as .J smgle unty. then fmd ing ROCK on pages JaO of your SOMA
a solut ion that IS as unexpec ted as 11
s bcau t1fu l.
Booklet. Jotun also nvented The
Transit ions. a ~"d ooes !hem so las t you Coming in Future Issues
' Pe t Hen s wt)rlt cuts de ro ss ma ny WOUidn t t>elteve t HuQO Hen ,.,Jch ed
NEW SOMA PUZZLE FIGURE S {O f c ouru ~ But send yours. too)
trJO tlonal bo rder lmcs bu t 11 IS never- the g reat age of 6 lh ts yea r We eA:oec t
:h eless one s1ng !c lclo lo r t 5 the to have a c~tr J bu hon to The SOMA 2. SOM A DO and SOMA DON.T {ThO$ a""''" won"f be by Henry Gtbson. thoug h)
same o f c r e a t1v~ thtt"'i(lr.q wl'l c h t h om Huqo .1ny day P1et Hetn' MORE SOMA IN SCHOOLS
he applt c s !o eve ry part of +1. whether r~me r was ~ C1v11 eng ,nee r. He de 4_ SO M A TR IPLET S 1P1et H e:n shOws )'OU a new type o f SOMA puzz: le l:gu r!')
I IS w1th1 n sc1en ce . technotO<}y . games. ~ned and bu11t the roller coast e r 1n 5. SOMA AND VISUAL OISTURBANCES
cu zz tes . art o r poetry tn.e f ~mo us Trvol 1 G3 rd~s '" the cen ter 6. THE PfET HE IN AWARD
The po r t ra1 t of P tot Ho n n ths ss ue ol Copenh..:.gen Any o f yo u lucky
1 ac.1otca from LI FE MaQ ,u ne fOc:o- ~~Gh to gel there sMuld try t P1e1 SOMA CL UB NEWS
O'Jr )1 1966 ) He S shown loo1t1ng He "'~ s mcl!"'e r 'N<IS a well-lcnown eye Plus a ho st o f othe r th r1l hN; oi? JJ C.fJrt; unny bu t scnou s news about SOMA
'h muQn .J sc ru:o s of SUPER ELLIPS ES coco r. d v~ry unu sual lhtnQ bef o re lnc lud rl'lq !he rC?u i.Jt lc.lfures ~l.n "' !P"'HS rssuc SO MA ZOO LOGY . SOM A
J :! .J S5 o l IJaSC rnJ:,cm.l! C.l l! ( d C t l :. -.4:'"1 1 i.. !;>o!!'r,)! JO n , ,...JS tOVCn !Cd !CO OOOIT! ES J r.d soon

so far. No other prover-possible n._

SOMA Oddities, or Mrs. Donald P. Kahn, Key Biscayne. Fla.
Miss Carol Dam iani. Un iv. of Connecti- shown up In our mail for It yet
cut, Storrs, Conn. That's enough on POSSIBILITY
Whoever Dreamed That One Up? Miss Harr~t A. Preston , Rockford , Ill. PROOFS lor one Issue.
Here's 1 very neat Impossibility
GANTRY aotutlons were .sent in by
Th is will be ano ther regular SOMA that you can look at SOMA I rom lots ol Captain Pete G. Vas il lon. the Pentaoon, proof from Mr. Skip Newhall, who 1e
Addict fe Btu ro. We 've got enough ma- angles. Wash ing ton, D. C., and an amazing mentioned on page 17 ol your SOMA
te ri al tn ttus cate-g o ry to fill 5 yea~ of Here's a "diagonally balanced" or husband-and-wife team , April K.. and Booklet. He ia now on leave ot absence
Nev.-s le ttors! Like what? on-the -bias SOMA puzzle figure which Adelbert F. Giguere. There are at least from the Jet Propulsion Lab., working
Mr. Noble D. CaMson ol Willoughby, 2 solutions lor THE GANTRY. Maybe full lime on hit doctorate in applied
Well, Height , for Example Ohio sent to Martin Gardner back in more? mathematics et Cal Tech. He also likes
Eben Atw ater. Concord, Mass., the 11)- February, 1960. Mrs. Giguere is 1 GOOD WIFE. She to be known as "just plain 'X' ." He
yoar- otd bro ther ol Sam, ol SAM 'S bought lhe first ol the lamily 's SOMA lalla ua: "On page 28 you show several
SITTING DOG lame. (page 19 In your Cubes because she likes Henry Gib- positions ol piece 1 In relation to the
book let : yo u' ll hear more about Sam 's son. Her fil'3t look at the bookJet con- as.sembled cube. PosiUon B admits
puzzle figure next iss ue) asked him~ vinced her, she says, that she and her 207 simple solutions (d iScounting rota-
sell, and solved. the question : "What husband would soon be fight ing over tions and roUections). 0 has 14 solu-
is the tallest stat>le structure you can it : her first " SOMA solut ion ": hrs-and- tions , and H has 19. The total is, or
build w1th the 7- pe<:e SOMA set?" So, hers SOMAl course, 240. Note that position E is a
Add icts , go to 1t There is only one That's not all. Mrs. Giguere says, rotation and rellectlon ol B. es is G.
nu m ber- o f -c u bes-h i gh ans w er ; how anyway, that her "prov--ess with the There are no solutions poss1ble for
many w ays can it be done? Th is is a Cube leaves much to be des ired ." so positions A, C. F, or I. The proof : Sup-
good Class ,c al Fi9u re game, pa rt icu 4
she 9ave up her SOMA to her husband peso. on the contrary. that a solut ion
larly if all contes tants have a set to use so that he could tackle the 2-set puz- does ex ist. Paint all 27 small cubes
at once. bec ause it ta kes a steady zles. That's why the Giguere team- checkerboard style, alterna ting black
hand to bu tld a TALLEST in a contesl Mr. Giguere finding the solutions and and wh ite: the corners will all t>appan
Mrs. Giguere draw.n9 them up for him to have the same color, say black. Re.
Is Plet Heln 1 Square? Or Is he Do you think he used all 7 pieces suit : 14B, 13W.
- missed only the BRITISH SQUARE
Biassed Against Diagonals? lor th is one? II so, what does the "Next. remove piece 1. In th is color
of the si.z orig inal SOMA BookJet 2set
Fa1r au est ons. maybe. Don 't expect us other sK:Se look like? Solve th is one, "NOT" puzz l ~ now proved poss bfe by scheme. it will have 18, in positions m
to answer th em. though. Yes . we know.
and yo u ca n bet Pie t Hc in knew it first,
and send us your own " on-lhe-bia.s"
SOMA ligures.
Addicts. The o ther 5. Mrs. G. Mr. Y. A, C, F, or I. By removing it. rema inder
ol big block has 13B, 11W.
G. proved possible In about 24 hours.
The next step, Mrs. G .. is to get him to " Pieces 2, 4, 5, and 6 will always
invent new ones himself. have 2W and 28 apieo:e, no matter
what their orientat ion. Remove all
BUTTRESSED TRIANGLE was lour, and the big block loses 8B and
What Does SOMA Mean, Exactly? solved by Mr. Giguere and Dennis
Cadarette, New Bedford, Mass. Oil
8W, leaving SB and 3W to be assigned
to pieces 3 end 7.
rerent? Yes , there are at least 2 ways "But pieces 3 . and 7, In checker-
All Sc ience Fiction addicts ought to az ine, May 30, 1970 (pages 9098) indl
to do this one, too. board motif, will have 3 ol one color
know the late Aldous Huxley's BRAVE cates that an American. Mr. R. Gordon
NEW WORLD . It is a looking- into-the- Wasson, has found the answer. Mr. THREE WAYS OUT solutions were and one of the other. Combine them,
lulu re novel n a c lass with those of Wasson Is an amateur mycologist subm itted by, y~ . Mr. G .. and Jim and we have either six blocks of one
H. G. We lls. Jules Verne, George Or- (student of mushrooms} and a retired Hayes, Concord. Mass. Aga in, at least color and two of the other or four
well , Isaac As imov, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Vice President ol J. P. Morgan & Com 2 ways to do it blocks of each color. In no way can
and Robert Heinle in, to name a few pany (how Establishment can you TRI-TOWER? Mr. G's solution is dil we paint pieces 3 and 7 to yield
who can be enc oun tered even on some get?). He has pretty well proven lhal ferent from the one sent by David together SB and 3W.
Eng lish reQui red reading lists. the ancient SOMA was indeed derived Faught, of Wheaton, Illinois. We' ll bel " Hence, positions A. C. F, and I admit
In BRAVE NEW WO RLD , 1 delicious- from a mushroom. Amani ta Muscaria. the re are more than 2. no solutions for piece 1. A similar
las ti ng euphoric drug called SOMA Proofs in anthropoiQ9Y are rarely u BLOCK HOUSE, Mr. G.. is all yours, analysis holds lor the other pieces."
was prov ided to the population by the clear-eut and unarguable as those tor
ESTABLISHMENT. It was to be taken SOMA puzzle figures wh ich you have
.., hen ever any innab1 tant was neither actually done . of course. but Mr. Was~
.:: s st r ac ~ ed no r busy. and "by some un-
uel<.y cnanc e .. had botn the opportun-
sons has been very carefu lly wo rked
out. So, however that may be , le t us
Checkers, Anyone?
ty and temp tation to "sit down and now quote from Hymn -&8. Book Ill of Now, to help yoy illustrate "X' s" proof white . Here are the correct alterna-
:hink. the Rig-Veda, wllich Mr. Sargeant has lor yourselt- A, C. F. and I for Piece tive ways to " checkerboard" your
provided in The New Yorker: 1 in the Fl~t Piece Placement Game
You Mean to Say SOMA Is an " We have drunk the SOMA, we have
SOMA sets, and no less than 8 (new)
Establishment Trap? are impossible - and to appty the an- ways to try to make The Checkered
become immortal, we have arrived at alys is to the other SOMA piecM, Piet SOMA Cubes. Some proved possible,
3u re we do. If Parker Brothers ~n ' t the lighL we hive found the gods ...
eal w1red-m ESTABLISHMENT in the Hein lays it out lor you in black and some not. Tell us what you lind.
w1th the enlivened sptrit ot thy ju ice .

game and ~u zz l e industry. who is? may we share. as it woere , ancestral
~ ~ rst. olie nooked you wt th INSTANT wea lth ... Soma. Kinq , prolong our
INSA NI TY ; now. "A-eve na1led you to l ifetimes, as the sun prolonQS the days

.~ !~ )<'
:he wall wit h SOMA . We ' re not
hroug h. eithe r.
in Spring."
1 7
~ ........, ,../""':'"
,,-:..&. "::~~

The SOMA Establishment is Let's Get Back to Pie I Heln

Pretty Old . , , and the Puzzle! .-, 'o::;.. )1.- .-e_

~' .c
') ~ ~..:.-u
-1 owev er. le t 1JS add some more his~ Well. we confess that Piet He in had his I "'t ;. "" i::l " ~
ory. Aldous Hc xley too k the name ton gue in h1s cheek when he chose the L ~~ (ft,ft '."6
30M A from an anc1en t lndo European name SOMA for the Wo rld's Finest ;r
it !f:7$ f-t-.!.:<
e11g1ou s doc:.Jment c alled the Aig-
'/eda . wn: ~ e n 10 a language itnown as
Cuoe Puzz le Game. By then , though.
some o f the world 's greatest phySIC ISts ~

- ~
"'_r~ :..,r~
:A_,. ..;,.

3anskrlt abOt.:t 1500 B.C. Schol ars have and mathemahc 1ans who vis1ted the

(HECKEfE]) Sot1A
'-= - :.
Juz z1ed ever ..,..nat :he SOMA rea lly Ne1IS Bohr Lat>oraton es whe re P1et .. .::J "' !
Nas: 1t seemed !o be a halluc ina to ry Hein was wodong at the time became ;r
~ ru g . ta~en as a d rmk. and als o to be
l god. A lon g OOCI'l rev,ew by Winthrop
very Qu<ekly " hoo ked " on The CUBE.
The CUBE 1S saler than Am anita . tha t' s 0
-;;;,. ;;:;:,~;:'(/_k cw l f L rl J rf
~ ~ :~ ~;,. n,~ 5o~ 4 p ~cPs
..,a ,J..
'5argeant. 1n The New Yor ker Mag- lor sure. d~ ~~~~ 1...
J: ~ cl.. .:1Md w,/!, ~ a . W,.a4 1~o
.,." ?F- "'t.- A-""' '
, n .:.t J ..a,nt ~J td',tt r c ;rcL~t r.:y
,raJ~;.. . - g J,b,Jt .? Jif,., V/
J{,v ''(~ .:"',..,t, JH&tr,:.: Jt ,~' ''
I've Done Almost all the Puzzle
,v,,.-. ~ .,. . .,. . ,.. ~....: ;.Pa c..<:. " ~t.~ . J~ ~...,... :.. .,t/,
/-<t. r .. , ,' r:: j l ~ J
' ;J, 1f ~,r ., ,~ . ti M .

Figures in the Booklet ... Or, When

Do You Untie the HNots"? ;;.,.: "'... ...;.
/'< ...
~ ~_,_ ...<~
,I -~ J.v.., . ... -,'......-r ....,.. .... .. ~~ ~- v ~r., ;,-;; ,I,._. ., . ., \,
1lj_:-. :,
!.l~<c-r.~"lt a"':.d Qu('st .on arc from
T"' ,s not poss1bl e ' ). Those o l you who r,avc v ~ ' '. ...-:.... .... - ~ ' ;: _. .,b <#, ,-.~ .., ._:. ~ . w /- ;,_.,.,
he tene rs of mal"'y ol You Grea t Con- thC lates t ecthOn Of the b OCI<iC t l1n d _.
r,butors Some ol you have . .1s you only 2 ot the 2-set fig ures st ill ca r ry ing ~;...-'f" .Jr, ~ ~ . . .. i"" ./- ,..., .
... e re to oo 1n the Parko r
tOV 11ea
Brothers SOMA bco~l e t. giVen us a
the unlled NOT S" - THE AZTE C
b l -,J ... -~
~~ f
- !
i! :r

lot of ~ I :> '" ~:h drection s - more

:~uzzte hgu res . !o:s of proofs that some
w6 ever ge t th rougn sorti09 our mail.
1 ~ may go. too.

,... #"'
,, ,. .,.
.~ )

"'"? :J
[ II 1
l ;:.
r :;

-of U,e rn :he ::Jooldet marked "Is For the reco rd. w~ don 't pian to pub- - - I _k.- ~ , ' ," , . , ~ J ~ ~ ;.
oc~s ~ e : e ~o ;)roved poss,ble." or lish 'S OIU !IOO.S . OOt we Will try 10 g rve ' :' ~~AI ;.., .. , : " ...J. , ... , . , / ... . .. r""..,
: .mply - " 4rc ~ t b l c . and a ve ry few you soiu tron-sendcrs c re-drt. on a first . ~.. '"~ ~
;)roots hat some of these are NOT
.:>OSS~ e .
rn b.lStS . Also. you m 1qn t l1kc to enter
in you r booklet the num bers o f ditferen t
-- =+-....
. :;.-~

,- . .,.,... -".cr ,..,I'..

"' .,. .f.
,_. ;,; .-__

:,J(.~~:; . ~ ~ .~~.;;
, .

If you r bcoldet tS an e arly edit ion solut JOns we have manaQOil to detec t, ~ J_,.. .;,.,. tt .-.~,
7 ~.. ;.-,.<. ~
l!or !he ff'5t 1.500.000 or so . Part(e r so ta r -: c., -~~ ., .... < .... "'1: .:..;
"''" . ~ ..:.:::. ~-<::. ; . _, , ' *,.'

_:;;~-::, }: -~~::: ~ :_:~ ~:-.:~;:~.:~0-~;..:.

8r o tt1c~ ~ en t ha~ d Ch3nce to eaten BRIT ISH SQU ARE on page 34, 'Na s
1 bre.J:f" ) ~"'0 c~ ' h,l n 8 n f tho 17 puz - mo:s t at!rac:rve !O the lad 1es. We ha1e
:. t1 ' r; J'~s ...,,JCe wtrn 2 SOMA sets 4 SOivftQn'\ . rJII c ompl eref y d dt(!rent .
... .. ,~ 'T' :r V: ~ .., .Jrov~d C O 'S~tbl~ 'l !rom
J~"':: .. 1-"E :!A ..:. L 7 ~ OC K .... <~~ r p r J v ~d \Ar'\ ':: L ~ . 1 ;!. 8c.,l '1., n .H:>Qr
SOMA Addicts, Be Inventive The Art of Discovery
How do you Invent e new SOMA figure , SOMA rules work differently, de- Teachers have been us ing SOMA We think not. SOMA is a good way,
anyway? If you do it only by watching pending on what you are trying to do. Cubes In classes in North America for though, of teaching the art of dis-
whet happens while you "doodle" Finding out, by playing, how the more than 10 years now. Many of the covery. Kimberly Hunt tells us: "Being
with your set(s) end recording the "dis- world 's simplest set of "built-in" rules new SOMA puzzle figures in this and all of t3 years old and not too mathe-
coveries" you like, fine. All of yours wo rk is whet SOMA is ell about foll owing issues are one result of that matically bright . . I don't reason
will by definition be PROVED POs- use. Is this just a sneaky way of teach- things out too well, I really amazed my-
SIBLE. It Ia still interesting to see If Ing solid geometry? self by discovering e new version of
there are other solutions to each of Heavy SOMA for Add icts THE MONUMENT!"
thOse. The word " heavy" Is now youth-slang Several others have Independently
However, the g reel figures like W- lor Important. If you want a SOMA that discovered this one, Kimberly, but
WALL, which are stilt not proved Is heavy In both the old and new mean- yours arrived first. We think you're
either possible or NOT ("NOTTY Ings or the word, Inspect our ooupon plenty bright, and swill, too.
PROBLEMS," that Ia), can only be In- . offer of. an ultra-durable, beautifully Anyway, we don't want to scare ott
vented by considering all possible 3-0 hand-finished rosewood version of the our adult readers by discussing In
shapes that can be made by assam- SOMA C,ube. This offer Is lor this Issue Volume 1, Issue 1 of The SOMA Addict
bling 27 or 54 small cubes, (Or, fewer, .119
only, }~trlcted to SOMA Addict how SOMA relates to "the new math"
and things like Set Theory. We may,
or more- when Is e cube structUre ' aubacrlbe" .on a one-to-a-customer
problem NOT A SOMA PROBLEM? . basis. The rosewood SOMA Ia made however, later on. Dr. Patricia S.
We' re Interested In having SOMA In Denmark by Skji>de of Sk)em, the Davidson of the Harvard Graduate
Clubs debate that question). SUPER-EGG Center of the World. School of Education, who Is also Math-
The main rules of SOMA are ~1- Sk)6de, a short-bearded mathematJ. ematics Coo rdinator for the Newton,
menslonel. By pre-joining the 27 small clan, Is Plat Hein's chosen designer Mass., Public School System, recom-
cubes In every set Into one 3-Cube and "first-edition" producer. H,. prod- mends SOMA for use in Math Labs.
SOMA piece and six 4-cube SOMA ucts are "automatic heirlooms." R~'
pieces, Plet Heln has Imposed what wood SOMA decorates desks, mantlea,
mathematicians call "constraints." tn coffee tables and even dining tables.
most games, such as chess or check-
ers, the constraints are In the written
tt Is too beautiful to put away, and the
pieces are too satisfyingly solid to put
How About More 2-Set
rules- the shapes end colors of the
pieces Just remind you which of the
down. Even the noise the pieces make
as you assemble them Is aoul-satla-
SOMA Puzzle Figures?~ __
rules apply and how. lying, (THUNK!)

.;" ~
-!' ' ./
When you am trying to Invent e Equally heavy Is Piet Heln's SUPER
super SOMA Puzzle Figure, Ignore EGG, which Sk);de makes of solid i . .
those simple built-In rules. Dream up brass and puts Into a real leather bag.
the 27-cube or 54-cube figure you Parker Brothers also offers this heavy
went, then see if you csn build It with but useless object to The SOMA Addict
your SOMA. But, If you want to use subscribers, complete with an amusing
more or fewer small cubes in Inventing
SOMA figures, then you must consider
booklet on Piet Hein's Super Ellipses. ,.
on the same one-per-subscriber, one-'
:... ';
~ '
~~~ .-'1>., . ' '

~~~"'- T ,.,Cal.
the 7 pieces. time-only, basis.
The F o r t r
es Hyde,
s ,York,
. - Po.

How Do I Contribute to the SOMA

Addict, or, What's in it for me? i.'"'
....... - '
When we say "contribute," we mean And to Your Friend I .;.
give. There Is no subscription price Our handy coupon below can be , - 1 "-' - , -~
for The SOMA Addict. Piet Heln con- clipped and sent back for several rea-- ~~ . j._: , :;.11 ~ '
t ; '.:;\ .,.;~~/, ..
tributes his new SOMA materiels In di- ; : ~ -~ DUmbill ~ Martin 00: N -~~ie~i~ Mlitau ::._ The King' ThrOM :....: Paut
rect response to your great letters. sons. You don't have to write your . mlnguoz. LOa Mgotoe, Cal, MaryJulle ,, Soukup, . Woat- Lizotte and Robert Difranco,
Parker Brothers wants to hear from ~:a~~ ~~dt::t:~:o~ultt.";;,~h~~ u~; . , . ,,i.'f,.\{;~.~:~~ . ..
cheater, Ill. : ; . Wilmington, Mass.
you, and to answer your letters through the coupon to: Would Y,o~ Believe A 3-Sel SOMA Puzzle?
The SOMA Addict. There's no other
way because there are so many of you.
1. Correct us if your name or ad- Mr. Ro!/A.Ciaramella ol Cheekto-
dress is wrong, has been changed, etc. wags, N.Y., hu appropriately called
So, If you want to be mentioned, make
2. Tell us the names of friends, rei- thla 3-set SOMA puzzle figure
it clear we are FREE to use your letters atives, or SOMA Clubs which you know COLOSSUS.
and what is in them.
aren't on our mailing list, but want To show that Mr. Ciaramella's
Tell us It's Ours! to be. architectural skills don't require 3
3. We'll be happy to send The SOMA Cubes, here's his OFFICE
We would appreciate it if you will say SOMA Addict to your school. too, for BUILDING.
plainly, in your letter, that we have you r posting on the Bulletin Board , filing He doesn't tell us if either one is
permission to use your SOMA puzzle in the Math Lab., etc. Just ask your possible, but we 'll bet that COLOS-
figure, im~ossibili\'j 9root, or idea and \eachel \a \ell us ha'N i\ should be ad- S\JS has ae~eral solutions.
name in thi s publication. Those which dressed.
stand the test of time and your own 4. It would help if you would en-
reactions . we will perhaps use in la te r close your coupon wit h any further
editions of The Parker Brothers SOMA contributions you make to The SOMA
Booklet as well. We can only do that
without payment to you of any ki nd .
Addict, so we can tell at once that
you ' re already a subscriber.
SOMA Zoology, Or Let's
Otherwise, and if our attorneys feel
that you haven't made it clear that your
SUPER-EGG order-form of the coupon
All Go to the Dogs
letters are cont ributi ons, The SOMA should be carefully fill ed in, and check There are a lot of dogs in the SOMA Those of you who solve this one
Addict is likely to be too expensive an or money order enclosed fo r the exact figure archives, and lots of other - yes, the re is at least one solution
ope ration to be carried on. 3mount. The prices offered to The animals, realistic and mythological. - wi ll be all set for next issue, when
SOMA Addict charter subsc ri bers are This category will be a regular fea- we plan to give you 4 standing dogs
And We'll be True to You In
below retail prices in the fine stores ture. This Issue. though, is dedi- from The Rev. John W. M. Morgan
Our Fashion ...
which handle these products, so we cated mostly to Man's Best Friend of England , all different from Tar-
So, all we can offer you now is a repeat- only one per subscriber. this (SOMA IS Peop le's Best Friend, rant's but ..
chance to see your name and c reation one time. girls). Center, above, the dogs having
in print and a shot at the PIET HEIN Mr. Noble Carlson sent Martin had thei r day, is The Rev. Morgan's
AWARD. Plus, o f course, your "sub Gardner in 1960 a very nice SLEEP- GIRAFFE (WALRUS, we think) with
scription" to The SOMA Addict, which ING DOG . (See below). We'll let his menacing GORILLA, :owor left.
you need only write for. him lie, but he does look rat her Mr. Gregory Gave. Concord, New
turtle-on-his-backish. to us. Is he Hampshire. can't be very old . but

Mail To: Parker Brot hers, Inc.

P. 0 . Box 900
I proved possible? Mr. Car!son
doesn't say. You tell us. ~lease.
Next, (top rightl dog lovers. is
he's inventive. His MIGHTY LION
{lower right) is mighty handsome.
Gregory's proof drawings use the
Salem. Mass. 019 70
Please send me: I Junior Tarrant. of Nash. Oklahoma,
(with reference to Sam's, he says).
same technique Piet Hein uses in
the Th ird Transi tion. Try this one:
It's a great-looking King of Beasts.
;:] One deluxe Rosewood SOMA Puzzle Game @ $12.00
[J One brass Super Egg @ S4 .50 I

*l ../'
I have enclosed S in check or money order. Send to my co rrect
address which is shown on the back of this coupon . (If addres5 shown is nor
correct please change it.) Send FREE copies of future issues of The SOMA
- ~~ ~
Addict to:
Name ---------------------------------------------------
Address '------------ -------------------------------------
City :____________________ Slate:----------------- Zip: ____
I Sleepin g Dog ,, /'

. Giraffe 1
Sranding Dog

I i
i' ' Gorilla ' Mighty Lion


Do I Have to Use All the Soma Addicts Home

SOMA Pieces? Furnishing Bee
Th is quesllon Introduces another of which Plet Heln challenged you to American plonee~ used to help one the 4 lad les who cracked THE BRITISH
what wi ll be Regular Features of The solve on page 7 is one of a category another get settled by having house- SQUARE. sent in no less than 19 par
SOMA Addict : Partial-Set SOMA Fig which Plet Heln calls COUPLES- "'''"09BEES, quiltin9 BEES. and so tlal-set SOMA fi9ures. Her drawings
ures. Yes. Amanda , you can make pairs of pleasing partialset figures on. Has the profess ional designer, Mr. are very clear, and exactly to the Piet
some very neat SOMA figures using which, IO<Jether, use up all 7 pieces. Parkr. had furniture desiQn help from Hoin style format, so here they are.
only 2. 3. 4, 5 or 6 of the pieces. In his The one in your SOMA Booklet and, Tha SOMA Addict contributo~? You reproduced from her letter.
usual sublle (or sneaky) way, Plot Heln perhaps, the Fl~t Transition on page bet! We assume that some of these were
chal/enQeS you with 5 puzzles of this 43, miQhl be called MARRIED U~ . C. L. Hall. the Benton Harbor. discovered by Mra. Hall's students.
type on pages S.7 of your SOMA Book COUPLES. to Indicate that these par M ich ~an school teacher who is one of
let. The 2 pstra of psrtlst-set SOMA ticular COUPLES fit to,.ether to form
figures on paQe 7 Indicate the kinds The Cubs. Do you find othe~ in The
that Plet Heln likes best. Each is a Trans itions? Can you discover others
category ol SOMA ligures tha t can be in your own SOMA set?
expanded greatly if you figure out what Anyway, Mr. James 0 . Parker. Jr. of
the category is and work within it. San Anton io , Texas. whOse business is
Let's call the category illustrated at Creative Des ign, 314 Encino Avenue.
!he top ol page 7 SOMA Piece Puzzles. has asked for and rece ived permission
The 2 piece puzzle on page 5 is a mem from Plet Heln and Parker Brot he ~ to
ber also, then. In this category. Jona make large SOMA sets - furniture
than Kost ick. Arlington. V irg in ia , has scale. His customers . we think, w11f
sent a 2set entry. No need to show want all the COUPLES ligures you can
you a drawino. Jonathan' s challenge come up with. For starters. here are 3
to you Is a "look alike'' of Piece 1 new ones from Plet Hein. WHICH ONE
which Is 2 cubes high, 3 cubes w ide IS A MARRIED COUPLE?
across each leg , and each leg is 6 Like some of these in your living
cu bes long. Why is it only a "look room? " The number ol p/eesiOQ struc
alike" or Piece 1. not a replica or lures that can be built will! the seven
scaled-up duplicate? SOMA pieces seems to be unl imited."
says Martin Gardner, on the streOQth
Would You Believe SOMA ol the flood ol mail that lotloW1>d his
Furniture? lirnt SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Column
The last pair of partial-set puzzles on SOMA.

COUPLES lr om P1Df Hem,

+ We are reserving 12 regular full-set

SOMA puule fi9ures contributed by
Finally, from a youn9 Amencan Ad
d iet, if your living-room space permits,
Mrs. Hall for later issues. but since it how abcut a GRANO PIANO? Can you
~ not occur to SOMA furniture cus.. solve it? It is from Rick Murray, Troy,
tomers that they can 3.Jso make beauti- M ich igan.
ful music w1lh their versatile set. we do
throw in Mra. Halt's THE PIANO. Let
u.s know what else you need. THE
PIANO was also sent. independently.
and I<>OQ ago, to Martin Gardner by the
+ Rev. John W. M. Mo rgan . St. Albans.

What's New from Parker Brothers?

\1any or yo u te ll us you have recovered move a steel ball that is on the other It' s Clubby to Communicate
from INSTANT INSANITY and now side through the maze you can 't see.
Somebody wins. somebody loses.
The SOMA Addict proposes to be the
waste yo ur lime wllh SOMA, but w ant
but the re are a lot of f rustrat ing unseen OFFICIAL JOURNAL lor SOMA CLUBS.
!O know what other fi e nd ish puzzles or
So, to SOMA CLUB OF THE '70'
~ames Parker Brot hers are concoct ing impasses on th e way throug h. Can you
Cha tr man M ichael Humphrey, Du tton
'or you. Well . " I-I " tS a pu zz ler. alrtght. le arn from you r unseen experiences?
Moll Road. R.D.2. Box 21l9. Malvern.
Jn~ SOMA tS a who le bu ,c h o f puzz les You d be!le r !
Anyway . it you've los t the first round . Pa. 19355. we have your messac;;~e !
Jnd games. How about a game o f
Th os SOMA Club already had approxi
strategy flt ke chess or checl<ers) that you've learned someth1ng about th e
ma t ~y 70 members in Apnl 19i0.
s also pretty puzz !ey? Parker B rothers way you r o pponent' s mtnd wo r't.S bot h
SCMA Clubbers, wote to Mtchael
I.A INO MA ZE features an .ngen,ous 1n Cl es1gnmg mazes and trytng to so lV e
them . There are mouse-t r app~rs . pit- Hu-mphrey and to us . and let us know
1e t iJCal play rng b o ar~ . on whtc h you you find o ut, and invent.
Jn~ your o p pon ent puzzle on e another. fallers. ent1cers an~ crunchers . But can
Some o r those who know MIND
~M lE ~~w-:- nic k -named the board the
yOlJ ~ xpec t the same kind of patterns
ne xt round? Wha t wdl you do d iHer- r--------- -- -- ---
sPITE FE :-.t CE.' Why? Because w h ile en rly , and -A ha t do you think your op-
y OL' 1 r0 CC"! Sir UCtlng a fiend ishly dd- po nent th1nks you are lhtnkillQ.. You B ul k. A.ate
11CU I I maz e or. you r side of the boa r~ .
to ur opoonent 1s doing the sam e on
get the dolt. Yes . tt is a game. but it's
a puzzl er ~
I Park er Brothers. Inc. u . S. Posuc;e Pate:
Pa tkec Brothers tnc
' he ether S1d e. Netther of you can see
wh at the other is domg . but you know
And . of course. when your body is
ready lor a littl e exerc ise- so i1 ean I P. 0 Box 900
Salem. !.lass . 019 70
tna t you are being very tncky and eaten up w1th the work-outs ou r games
1"t.31 ic tous. and you JUSt have to assume and puzzles have grven your m1ndS and
:ha t you r oooonent ~ ~ . too Psyct-ua trtSts
-:all thai "proJec t ion Yo ur oooonent
your emollons - grab your NERF San.
The wo rtd 's hrst tndoo r b311 IS !1'\e per- I
Icc! unbreakable and unOredk nq ;1zmo
may , '" tact . be mak1n9 up an absur~ l y
Stm p le maze wh1ch wtll ca use yoo to
be traoped and frustrated by your own
for physica l celebrat ion of ol great
SOMA breakthroUQh. Or. lrustraled by
:nckme ss.
When you l"tave each liOI'Shed you r
maze -tlu ti CJ tnq you then try . ' 'multane -
a MINO MAZE Maste r Builder. 'f04J
eas o the stratns ol concentraraon by
slammtng and k tckinQ the ole NERF
.,u sl y to sor ve the othe r oer'Son s
'TI .ll l'> '\ rt;n t Jn5e'!n usnQ a MAG
'JE TIC CCN TR.OLLE R " " f OU r Std C '0
8 ~1 1 1 Jtound 11 LOVES fha tt
~'Soi\IIA I ~
.. .

e 1V70, Partttr Brothef'$, Inc .. S.ltm, Mus. 01970 SOMA& II Parker Brothers Trac:Mmrk for Ill ~be Punlt a.~ Equlpm~l
VOL. 1, NO. 2

More SOMA Puzzle Figures For All A Bit on SOMA Drawings

. Our flrst luue of TM SOMA Addict mas toy flgures. We think ttlis one
1. had to Include a lot of explanations lookl like he Is a real bear, juat wsk
and what not lng up from his winter's hibernation.
Now that we've covered most of
that. we can concentrate on what most
readers say they want: Mo"' .,...
SOMA Puule flilurM.
M we promised, several from Plet
Hein, the ever-fer1ile creator of SOMA.
and some from Martin Gardner's Sci
entlfic Ame1ican reade" but most from
you SOMA Addicts.
We intend, thla Issue. to brighten
your lives durinQ those winter months
when Christmas e~citement has
passed. but Spring Is still a long way
Keep your minds and Imaginations
In good shape, SOMA lovers. Spring
Is coming.
To symbolize this time of the year,
here's THE TEDDY BEAR from Mr. D. II he posalbto? Yes, Indeed. Mr.
L. Mumford. Windy Hill, Newark. Oela Mumford sent one solution ; we believe
ware. Teddy Bears are familiar Christ there are several.

What Follows Couples? TRIPLETS I

We told you Piet Hein prefers partial We would be happy to have you sug How ,"nsh-"'c.hv~
, let SOMA puzzles which still manage to gest names tor the 3 couples in tuue ~ .,.. sl'<:>l'" t
~ uae up all the pieces. The Danes don't No. 1, u well u for these sell. We I f CAff ke<,t:h tt s
::: like left-overs. heve suggested names tor 2 of the new from ~,.
So, to further encourage all you COUPLES, bu1 think you can do better. just ~,.,. sn."!//
SOMA Addlcll to Invent neaHy, Piet In the meantime, ARE THESE ALL are..
each o~"lt~
Hein hu sent you 3 more sell ot POSSIBLE? TRIPLETS Ill, IN PAR ~/.H_,;..
COUPLES, and 3 more new puzzles of TICULAR?
this type , called TRIPLETS I, II. and lit.

Our mall proves that there are Iota of aomotimea, bu1 it still goes by the
ways one can draw up SOMA ftgures numbers. He,.., Plet Hein shows you
and record solutione. For the curious, how to remember the numbers of the
Piet Heln (and therefore SOMA Addict) pieces (below).
uses what mechanical draftsmen call
ISOMETRIC drawings. ISO is Gnoek
for "equal" and METRIC, of course. The word "mnemotechnical" prob-
means "measure." Many of you use ably Isn't in your dictionary, but it you
the draftsman approach which shows have to lOOk ~ up, you'll find one or
each "face" or "prOjection" of th,_. two words cloee enough to tell you
dimensional shapes face-on, with ~ what Piet Hein means.
ol what the artist calls "perspective."
A perspective drawino is given three-
You don't really have to use colors.
dimensional depth by taking account
of the tact that a distant object looks in recording the solutions to 2-set
SOMA puzzles. We know where the
smaller to us than the same obj4!Ct
unseen parts of each piece have to be ,
nearby. If you show each lace of
and you will too. with a bit of study.
a SOMA drawing head-on. then of You may, though, have to draw some
course , you usually have to make two
2set SOMA puzzles, and an occas ronal
or three drawings to show the whote
thing property. (It depends on how 1-set one it it ;s not symmetrical. !rom
2 diffe ren t angles in order to descri be
complicated your puzzle figure is. of
course.) it completely.
Well , the Piet Hein ISOMETRIC
SOMA drawings show you 3 sides a< However. also. in his ic
"faces" of the figure as a wnote , w tth poetic mathematician way , Piet Hern
artist's perspective. but draftsmen s talices the 7 SOMA prec es and thei r
prec ision. Many of you do ilkew ase . numbers in to astronomy, complete with
very well. Others. back to the draw u~ Arab ic names of the 7 stars in the Big
board! Dipper. Why not? The numbers we
use are Arabic numbers. aren't they?
But My 2 SOMA Cubes Are With all that, another GROOK. suotable
Different Colora I for cutt ing out and framrng . Working
But 2-set puzzles are different? Well . by the numbers should never be dull.

.~.:. , ..., _<;:, .t i4 , ,., ~6 ... ;....,.,., , . ".... -~l""f J .- ~.. , """"'(Aotoo
,...,..,_u 'o /:<l'n # ... ,..J f .,,I. e. ;..-.., ~ vCr41 ..- S t...,l>zf
~ ~ ,. t~ Jo'l~:.. :~ - ~ ~.. 17-:,'*f.~ ,~JtL a'"'b..,,.,
(-/''u-~ ;, . .. ':' ~ ..... "!'>,_,~, ~~ ..f'0 "':',..-1./~ . :.1

' ' J r, l ,.....r I~ ,~ ;~ ;.{_.. '"u'*.f.- ~ /.{, S~C

, . ' "' ~ ..: .. - ...--.. _,, ,~ <.A,.. /. , ~<- ~ b
;..,.. "I S ol .,~ .,-. ~ - ~,,.. . ,:.. ,.#4 ::'. A.y--~/~/""' ~-'' -~~
,' I,. ' t .,.#"" , -:,.
Almost a Piet Hein SOMA Award SOMA Still Goes to School
Last issue featured THE ALMOST underlined. What do you me ~n by that We always enjoy hearing from teachers Discovery = SOMA
WWALL by Kathenne Lay We also statement. anyway? Here, we offer who are using SOMA 1n their classes Miss Argenta asks tor a copy ot The
promi~d a cettain Piet He1n SOMA pieces 4, 5, 6 and 7 put toge ther 1nto and Math Labs. SOMA Addict " . . .If Jimmy's name
Award for an imposs1blity proof tor the a valid (this far. that 1S) st art on THE does appear . . since Jimmy is so
Th is iS3ue. let's quote lrom Miss
original THE WWALL (page 25. SOMA WWALL. Of course you cant lin1sh excited about hts discovery. "
Judith Arge nta. seven th grade mathe-
Boo~let) . that figure from th is start . but clearly, At with--it teachers like Miss Argenta
matics teacher at the Prospect Avenue
Well. this issue we have an ALMOST piece 4 is " fitting " with Pieces 5, 5 know, DISCOVERY is, with the excit&-
Scnool, Ridgefield , New Jersey. She
PIET HEIN AWARD. tor Bob Smith. and 1. (Can you find where 1t 1S ment that results, the key to teaming..
says : " I find your puzzle one of the
Unfortunately, Mr. Smith did not put ADDICTS?)
finest I have ever introduced to my
a return addresa on either his mem-
classes. I find it stimulatinQ to students They Discover In Benton
orandum or his drawing. Bob Smith. of vaned ability, and it has never Hrbor,Too
where are you? We contes.s that we lost ceased to interest any studenl" Now, as promised last la.tue, here'a a
your envelope, which might have told whole Oak&r's donn (any ot you ~now
us. Miss Argenta enclosed Jimmy Nlo$i"S
what than ancient phrase used to
A Double Challenge poss i bility proof ot THE BLOCK
mean ?I of new t .. ot SOMA puzzles
HOUSE. which she hel ped him to draw
We th ink that Bob Smith may have the from Mrs. C. L Haft. the Benton ~r
up. using color-cOd ing. as many of
s!art of a valid impossibility proof for bor. Michigan, school teacher. Yes.
you Add icts do for 2set solut ions.
THE W-WALL. as follows : there were 19 partial set puzzles and

B Congratulations. Jimmy! Your solu a PIANO from her. last tssue.

tion tor THE BLOCKHOUSE is indeed Other school systems ~nd SOMA
d1flerent from the only other one we clubs, you r DISCOVERY powers are
So, how about it, Bob Smith and lei
have. The amazing Mr. A. F. Giguere. challenged!
low SOMA Addicts? Can a few more
as reported last issue. is the only other Note, too, that draw1ngs and puzzle
words be added to Bob Smith's at-
addict to prove that one. and now the figure names are aJI exactly as sub--
tempt at an impossibility proof tor W
world knows there are at feast two (2) mitted by Mrs. Halt. Are they all pos-
WALL to make it valid? If so, first one
solutions to THE BLOCKHOUSE . sible? That 's tor you to DISCOVER.
in shares a Piet Hein Award wilh Bob
Smith. (Yes . you 'll each get an orig-
inal inscribed drawing.)
A c Or. is Bob Smith's start towards such
" Piece =4 cannot be used in either a proof really like our start towards a
of these places. [Outer "wing" ends: WWatt- valid up to a point. but just
see 1llustralion immediately above.] It another dead--end? Is it in tact fair to
cannot be placed [ in THE WWALL] pick on poor ol d Piece No. 4 as the
w ithout being at Place A. B. or C [the culprit? Could we in fact go just u
three ri9htanote corner posi!ions] on tar u Bob has gone but pulling the
my figure. blame on No. 2 or No. 3. or even little
Pieces 5. 6 and 7 would have to be No. 1, the only 3-cube " runt of the
placed at places A, B and C since they litter." so the feast able to fight back?
cannot fit anywhere else. As we point&d out last issue, anyone
Piece 4 does not lit with ieee 5, 6 can build a W-Watt with 27 individual
or 7. [ We added the emphasis here. cubes, butlhal is not a SOMA problem.
----;'"heretore, the W-Wall figure is im- Keep working on WWALL, Addicts:
possible." the opportunity tor tame and glory is
Well, Bob Smith, wherever you are. stilt there. Do you have to share it
your proposition is perfectly O.K. until with Bob Smith, or can you collect all
you reach the sentence which we have the marbles?

The Shell Game Up-Dated

Richard A. Ravansky , San Leandro, You can toot some of the people,
California, sends this 1-set SOMA r.g- Mr. Ravansky, but we'tt bet your fellow
ure, saying : "Although quite simple, SOMA Addicts will see through your
many of our friends have been unable litttegamel
to solve it. " Since Mr. Ravansky didn't
name his creation. we call it SHELL
GAME. If you know what that meana, Tridy
you are on your way to a solution.
Actually, there are two solu1ions; one
puts a smokestack in the center. That
one might be called RIVERBOAT
SHELL GAME, which is even more

suitably historical. ''The hand is
quicker than the eye" confidence men
were both riverboat and carnival fea-
tures. years ago.


A Clear-Up for Computer Buffs

Sk ip Newhall, who also likes to be reflections are counted . even in the
l(nown as just plain "X" , wishes us to briefest at computer tanguage nota-

clarify our SOMA Booklet's reference tions, in 82 seconds would be unlikely.
{page 17) to the JPL computer analyses In 82 seconds. a modem digital com-
ot the SOMA cube. It is the 240 s imple puter can perform incredible numbers
s.ruw ln.t'\~... 'ru. Th'i'o;; rt!.~ . '11\$, -..~u lm in'lg '"dr-rncihfematifci.J -6pera iiOris. ~Ut. get -
rotations. re flections. et c.. which th ei r
analytical programs proved out in 82
sec onds. Print -out ot the 1.105.920
solutions poss1ble when rot ations and
ting the programs and da ta IN and the
results OUT is st1ll a lot slower than the
calculations. I .... . ..... Tower 2

A Unique Solution to the Cube School's Out! let's Go Home!

The Pedet\al Solution has been inde--
pendently discovered by several SOMA Here's a partial-set HOUSE. from Paul
Addicts. Martin Gardner was told Bond. of San Pedro. Cal i fornia. If you
about it by some of the computer pro- have a big tamly , net ia HOME, a 1-
grammers, but we 're not sure who set puule from Larry Pitzer, Wichita,
should have "fit1t " credit. Can you Kansas. Both are proved possible, but
do t? Paul forgot to keep a copy of tlia , and
As Piet Heln's drawing Ind icates. asked us to send hm one. Here it is.
there is at least one way to bUild THE Paul.
CUBE so that 11 can stand on a pedes-
tal that Is no larger in area than the
center small cube on the bottom. You
should find that solut ion taster if you
have worked (played?) your way
GAME. pages 2&-31 in your SOMA
Bookie!. " Is there mor o th an one way
or dotnq 1t ?" P1cl HC'1n asks . 21'lCI ' " II
there IS more than one PEDES TAL
SOLUTION. how ma ny?
SOMA Aquarium SOMA Zoology Expands
No reason SOMA shouldn't recogn ize, Nexl, a fancy FANTAIL GOLDFISH First. as oromised. DOGS - no lesa bered lhese beasts. No. 1 might be
the Age of AQua nus. so th is issue starts (we call it} from Craig Kenworthy . !han 4 - all from !he Rev. John W. M. the famous Brilish Bulldog : No. 3 !he
with a SOMA FISH !rom . we think, Mr. Morgan of England. Can you help us Scoltish Airdale? Do !ell us wt>al you
Noble Ca rlson via Martin Gardner and dec de ..nteh breed each one belongs think.
the Sc1enttftc American. to? The Rev. Morgan has simply num-

Then. trave lling the o ther d irection. there 's really no telliOQ , and we have
a creature {also via Mart in Gardner) no address. either. Anyway. he learned
whch l's crea tor called GHOTI. which aboul SOMA from ... "Bob Wagner.
uses !he fi 1'$1 6 of !he SOMA pieces. a teacher at my school . . ." who was
We prefer to show il. as here, as also a Martin Gardner ran. Gentlemen.
MOTHER FISH and MINNOW. if either of you sees this, we would
We th ink the inventor's name is MIKE like lo hear from you.
GITILOW. bul he wrore il so small,

Or WMI You Sphinx? Done? Sphinx Again

SOMA Zoology somehow keeps crowd- To show you how closely SOMA Ad-
Meanwhile, Back In the Deeps- ing o..,r inlo mythology. Perhaps !here d icts' minds often wor1<_ IHJI with very
is an Egyptian SOMA Addict oul !here few exact duplicates, here Is an elegant
Our final AQuarian treat is another
who can !ell us wt>elher or not a THE SPHINX Invented by Cha~es M.
oldie, courtesy of Noble D. Ca~son , SPHINX belongs In the zoo? Anyway, Hains of South Pasadena, California.
Willoughby. Ohio, courtesy of Martin
here is HEAD OF SPHINX from Don His drawing, too-- just reve~ed
Gardner: LOBSTER! the negative to put the aheding on !he
Pelion. Those wno solved Grego<y
Not only is this crustacean hand
Gove's YIGHTY LION in last Issue have Plet Hein side. Possible? Mr. Hains
&Ome, he can , t-Ar. Carlson points out doesn't say.
.. with 1 lime shifting and careful
a head start on solving ll
balanc ing . . . be placed upright . "
and pre.sto: from Aquarium to Archi
teclure l
This second skelch is as far as the
Ingenious Mr. Carlson ever goes in
showing you how lo do it. The rest Ia
up lo you ~ida.

Then_ two more called THE SPHINX,

by Mari<. Legin of Duquesne, Pa. (he
has p<O'ted !his one possible 2 ways,
he says ) and Barry H. Palmer of Easlon.
Pa. 8vTy doesn'l say whether or no!
he's J)f'O'IIen his possible. If you have
a map of the State of Pennsylvania
handy. you will see that Easton is on
SOMA Oddity the far e.,a.stern bofder. whi le Duquesne
IS just east of Pittsburgh, close to
We haven't heard yet from any Tahi the sou:thwestern corner. These two
!ian SOMA Addicts. so we can only SPHINX look somewhat alike, but lo get
hope !hal placing Michael Spiering and logelhe< in a SOMA Club. lhese 2 AD-
David Macsens TAHITIAN GOD in !he DICTS will have IO rely on !he U. S.
Oddity ca t~o ry isn't sacril ig ious. Happy Va lentines Day ' Pos! Qt!ice.

l M~o:-;:rk:;;ro~. I~ I
P. 0 . Box 900
Salem. Mass. Ot 970
Use !his coupon to send us names of fn ends_ W! achers , etc .. w ho woul d
also like lo receive The SOMA Addict. No need to send us your nam e
if we are already mail in9 to you. But. if you want to cl ip !h is co upon lo I
any contr ibul ions you send to TIM SOMA Addict, fine . II will show us
lhat you are already a (FREE!) sut>ser iber. If we have your address
wrong, please correct it on !he o tt>er sde, .mere we have addressed
The SOMA Addict to you.

Name --------------------------------------------------
Address :
City : S tale - - -- - - -- - Z ip: _ __
Name I
CFiy S t~e - - - - - - -- - - - - Z op _ _ __
Ni'l m,..
;. ,.
f Who Is Piet Hein, Anyway? ~~~:-.:'.:~ SOMArchitects
r C~pter Two; An Atmoapherlc When the Nazis Invaded Denmark in We like to think that many a famous You might suggest that ~r . Smith
; _Blogrephy t940. Piet Hein. wllo happened to be architect got his start w1th SOMA. But. should call the first of lhese 2 sym
{ When we asked t Heln tor some the president ol the Anti-Nazi Union. it is easter to design (or discover) metrical structures "t-a-ts (why').
,. facts to constitute a short biography went underground atld Invented hLa SOMA bUilding than to solve them. but the real po int is. can you t:xJild bolh
.~ hlt repfy wu : "I don't belkwe in facti , short aphor i st ic poem a , called A neat SKYSCRAPER wlliCh Mr$. of them? BRIAN PRENDERGAST of
I believe In atmosphere ; details are GROOI<S. with double or multiple F. M. Sell or Spartanburg. S. C .. s~nt ~ercha.nrville. N. J. independently rn-
for peo~e who don't understand nu- meaninQs. the only way certa in human- vie Mart in Gardner of the Scientlfic vented ""1-4-9"". He called rt OFFICE
. ances." is tic and demoCratic things could be American, la a touQh one. BUILDING an</ sent a proof. too. Is
' So we have tried to put together an said at that time. He was immed iately 4-8-t5"" pou ible?
atmospheric biography lrom his many acclaimed a bom classic." a de- Mr. Smith also knows his ancient
essaya and interviews, and artlclea scendent lrom tha writers ol the Old castle architecture. Here's his PORT
: about him lrom many countries. Nordic Havamal poems. He haa now CULLIS (quick. history students, what
He Ia reported to have stayed age written more than 7.000 GROOKS: don lhaf mean?) He could have

20 In lnqula~lveneu and appetite lor GROOK collections have aold hall a c alled lhls one ""3-3-3 turn - 3 up t -J
the wond and age 200 In wisdom all his million copies In Danish. a language up 23 up 1-J-3-3 tum" but - re glad
life. If that ie lnue he has held the two spoken by fe-r than 5 million people. he didn't.
.; egeo since t 905. He aays he means. This would correepond to more than
and we wouldn't be surprised if he 30 million copies In the English-speak
manages. to go on doing so until the ino wortd. whW:h ill now getting a
year 20-40. cMnce to catch up with the Oanea.
He_start~ in sc ient~, and Accord ing to Swedish and Norwe-
worklrlQ w1th some of hiS own 1deas at g ian revie'NS Plet Heln is "the mo3t
the Niels Bohr Institute of Copen- quoted Scandinavian." "A kind of un-
hegen. but since aclenco _haa to be official (the Institution doesn't exist)
miSUsed for one of two th11l9S- the Scandinavian Poet Laureate ." and
university carMr or technology " and "often proposed ror the Nobel Prize"
Pial Hein felt he was "more of a wild (LIFE).
an imal than of a tame one" he went When a first small volume of
into tec hnology. He has produced a GROOKS was finally published by an It Is a line building : it is also. Mrs.
'~ long ll~e ?' 1nvent1ons which dLSplay Amer ican university (M .l.T. Press) they Sell says. a trans ition figuna : " If the
t his sc tenhfie appr~~ch to problems. immediately became "a runaway best two topmost .. . SOMA (pieces)
t wh1ie at all times wnt1ng essays, fables sella~ (New York Times). one of are moved to new positions. (the) Cube
, and poems. . many people who reacted with great Is formed . : Doesn't it look as
r Through many yeara he vlsi.'ed With appreciation to GROOKS was Chanes though the two "topmost" pieces might To show again how SOMA Addicts
~ Albert E1nsteln from whom hiS math- Chapl in. w ith whom Plat Hein has de- come off to form a MARRIED COUPLE tend to think alike but not exactly alike,
t amat1cally-based but aurpr1S1ngly Slm- veloped a close understanding. and to on the way to the Cube? Try it, but hera ' s anolher PORTCULLIS from
~ pie puz~les and games spread to whom he has dedicated the second don't forget we warned you .
t unrversltlel. then on to the general
volume of GROOKS in English.
another of Martin Gardner's contribu-
tors wnom - (no fault of Martins's!)
Buildings by the Numbers
l Norbert Wiener, the father of Cy- Piet Hein regards himself as " a char- cannot identify. Splendidly different.
Mr. Furman H. Smith, student of stat is
bemetica, the acience behind the acteristic spec ialist" because he ap- isn't it? And at least as herd? Is it
tics at Florida Slate UniverSity. has sent

"electronic brain." wrote his last book plies the aame kind of cnaative lmegl possible?
SOMA Add ict contributions of several
God & Go/em, Inc . willie living at Piet nation all over '"his little specialist's lypes. Hera are two of his architee
Hein"a place In Rungstad. Denmark. field." This does not make him typi- tural structures. named, naspectively.
and dedicated It to Piet Hoin. cal. because hia flefd happens to fall "1+11" and '"4-8-15".
Recently Plat Heln was offered the across all ~ the traditional border11nes
job of Secretary General of an Inter between established flelda. In partlc~>
~ national loundatlon fonmed to bring lar. Piet Heln bridges the chasm be-
< together a group of 100 outstanding tween sc ience-technol()9y and the
~- personalities from all over the wond, humanistics. and the generation gap.
most of them Nobel Laureates. The He in terprets the enormous re- ~
job paid a salary of $50 thousand per sponse to his work not as a tribute to
year. tax-free. Piet Hein refused the himself but as a very encouraging algn
offer on the spur of the moment. say- that the wond does appreciate those
Ing: "I am a compoaer; I am not a things wllich bridge the man-made
conductor!"" (Toronto Globe and Mail). gaps in our human universe.

Now What's New From As you see. chess players are not
Parker Brothers? the only ones who can make castling
moves. Here's another SOMA figure
Board games (that's board. not bored) You .see, you and your opponent which Michael Spierinq and O"'id
have been a round tor a long time : in each get seven ninnies. tour num Madsen of Omaha. Nebras~a call CU
fact most of the real oldies are board skulls. and a brain ! Follo w1ng the ar- BICAL ACCtOENI . We th1nl<. it is a
games. MONOPOLY' is one of the rows on the board you 've got to cap- CASTLE WALL.
granddaddies. and its populartty is st ill ture h is bra1n befote he gets yours.
growing. believe it or not. But. tflere Sound com plicated? It's so simple that
are so many other good board games all the rules are pnnted right on the
on the market. both ours and other board . &,t warcn out tor those arrows .
compan ies' . that we somet imes wonder Sometimes you jus t can ' t get there
whether there are any more good vana from here !
IIOfiS left. It's a problem for us. so it's HaV1! you ever seen a brain check-
also a problem for you who are lookmg mated by a numskull? It can happen !
for someth ing new in a game.
Neverthe less , wonders will never
cease- thJ.S year we found two board Leiters, SOMA puzzle figures and solutions addressed ro Parker Broth ers
games that are refreshmgty di fferent . or The SOMA Addie! are considered unconditionally ass i gned for publi ca-
One 's a brand new rdea and lhe other lion and cop yri ghl purp oses and for The SOMA Addicrs unreslric l ed righ t
t.S based on an old boa rd game some to edil ana ro comment e<Jifonally. We w1ll lry ro do so only amus ,ngl y and
of yo u may have heard o f. chess
CAPER"" rs a board g a me that breaks
the two--d lmens1onal barner. You get
to plan your own jewel heist. but you 've
instructive l y.

r- --=-----.1
Th ere will be more arcnrtect ure '"
future issues. Th1s ti me. we ero se w1th
Don Pelton 's mystertous-1ook1ng

got to do some c limbrng fo b ring rt oN, Bul l( R.ate
lor the board sets u~ rnro a th ree tiered
complex or stronghold s. Setting the
P. 0 So 900
u S. PostaQe P axt
P JL t Brothe rs.. Inc.
I Department says n1ey may sol ve 1t
some~ay : we lh ir;k you Add tcls wrll
send us soluti ons sooner ' Maybe it is
board up s a snap- even easrer than
THE WWAll. And the mMt tun of all
S that you can let anothe r thtel c limb
I Salem. Mus 01970 I necessary to brush up o n you r Tolk1en
the wall . cut the fences and sty mie the
burglar alarms- and then swpe h1S
booty nght away from him!
So you see . th ievery j ust doesn 1 pay.
but CAPER IS a great way 10 got lhe
larce ny out of your system and have
lu,., at the same time.
If CAPER sounds too sneaky lor you .
you II lind !hat everyth1ng IS abOv~
board '" SMESS "". We call rt .. the I I
N mny s Cl'lt>'1 " Now don't get uoset
- we kno you' re not n1nn u:o s. bul ~re
s a 9ame 't'IJ I you r oa rc nts can unc cr
s:Jf"d Be.s .cc' f s a !'l c c k u'J tor
!u"' l o r nuiT'S , ui !S ,Jnd to r 01 1'" ' too
1971. Pat1cer Brot~rs . Salem . Man. 01970 SOMA& Ia Parker Brolhers Tradema rk Pot 1IS Cube Pu zzle Gam.t Eq.uiptMftl
VOL. 2, NO. 1

W-Wallls Possible! Answers (But Not Many)

Yes , yes ; It Is true that we reveal el"' could hardly wait to tell all you Add icts As we he~ axpla ined. the SOMA Ad- 1, are just not avalable. Perhaps,
where in this issue that 30-odd vandals the 9ood ne~ . W-WAll and Memorial dict 11 publoshed mostly 10 pose ques someday, ts " collector' a ttem " scarc ty
have proved that famou tantalizer, still live! tions. or chaflen9M. in the form of new value Will gettl rf!-pr inted. In the mean-
THE WWAll, to ~ IMPOSS IBlE to We have also been offered some SOMA Pun1e Figures and Ideas. time. at least three of the puzz le fig ures
b<JIId with your SOMA set. and we are W-WALL " sofutions by a French But, several questions that come up wh ich were in that issue are repeated
sending them all a Piet Hein Super Egg SOMA Addict, M . Jean Paul Francillon. tn lots o f leners shoud be answered . in this one. Read on and find them .
a recognition of ach ievement now of Montreal, Quebec. Ca nada. snce the.s IS the onl y way we can 3. No, sorry : we don't accept or pay

H o we~ , juat as the Super Egg can Hov.ever. M. Francillon told us QUite an swer most Jetters: lor unsolicited ideas of how to promo te
be toppled over and slill come back up cand idly that h1s W-WALL construc - 1. There ~re 2 issue-s in Vo lume 1: or advertise the SOMA Cube : ~r nee lit .
aland ing on end again. THE W-WAll tions looked perle<:: I lrom the front. but herew tth ~ns Volume 2 Yes , we do let's face t. for anything to d0 w 11n
was also rebuilt - PROVED POS would not bear <::lose scrutiny from lop expect to publish 2 ISSues per year. SOMA Addict But. we still donTcharge
SIBlE - by two of its demolishers, or back. They are, in short. phonay, 1e. Fall (<!lt. maybe early lor the SOMA Addict, ei ther!
Richard M . Naylor. Denver, Colorado ersatz. window-tr imming types, but w inter?) and Spring (or latish -winter?) . 4. Yes . a genius like P1et Hein can
and David M . Collison, Sunnyvale. Call amus ino. Try to find them . We reserve the right to schedule ac make mistakes. and so can we. and so
fom ia. Naturally, we re nominating Mr. Collison. also. notes that his ver cording to TIMElESS delights the can you . At least one e:~tample or each
these two geniuses lor pairs of match- .slons of these two Famous Figures: CUBE proondes : - tell you elsewhere category is discussed elsewhere in thi s
Ing - leN -hand and right-hand - . . . " should prove a challenge to your how to help us schedule better . issue . Gloat. nit-pickers .
Super Eggs. read<!rs and (have) poss ibilities for a 2. No . sorry; back copies of Vol . 1. No.
Mr. NayiO<'s " possibility proof" for Pf8ctical joke.' ' BUT, his constructs
the W -WAlL was Nrst In, and II i s also and Mr. Naylor's will indeed stand up
simpler than Mr. Collison's, so he has
a slight edge in this unannounced con-
under inspection lrom all angles. We
have built them : they' re beauti ful! They Color Me Oddity
test. sit before us. as we write. We have only
However, Mr. Collison not only r&- 2 SOMA sets to work with , we assure Many SOMA Addicts p<efer color-cod third steps all one color and the second
atored W -WAll. he also sent an equally )'0<1 . ing to number-coding, particularly in and fourth all another From the rron t
''valid" (whatever that means) " possl And, the technique which these two recording sotuUons to 2-set Puzzle that is . . " 1 have not. however. been
bHity proof' for THE MEMORIAL (p. 22 " urban renewers" have used is an Figures. .able to continue th is pattern on the
of your SOMA Booklet) a structure authenti c Piet Hein technique which is Many other Addicts. like Joseph F. back (but) I had fun doing th is and I
which Or. S. W. GoiO<nb of UCLA (and in your SOMA Booklet! (Are we playing K impflen. who contr ibuted to the thought othe r ADDICTS might en joy ot
POl YOM! NOES fame) actino as SOMA a game w i th you? Ma~). COUPLE and TRIPlET categories for It's a different type of SOMA puzz ler
Building Inspector. had long ago con- That's all we' re going to tell you , this is.sue. have also asked speci fically and maybe your readers could apply
demned. ia Martin Gardner, SCIEN now. except that if you could see either for more 2-set SOMA Puule Fi gures. thiS idea to other two-set figures."
TIFIC AMERICAN . of these actual constructions , the sec- (A request- have granted, of course) . You 're RIGHT ON, Clyde. We hope
So, while we cannot poss ibly break ret might or might not be Immediately Clyde Ankenbauer of CinciMati, we will have more symmetrical 2--color.
with our policy of not publlshino solu obvious. If we told you what obvious- Ohio auggesll - an try to put these 2-set figures shortly.
Uons (which, of course. " possibility ness would depend on, we would ~ two things tooether : "Makino double-
proofs" are) in the SOMA Addict, - telling you everythino. set fooures ,.;lh two d illerent color
Think about il SOMA tets usually produces a hodge-
podoe o1 colOra ... it would ~ inter
nting to create some color scheme in
a two-set figure. I have never been
No f (Alii~ able to do 1t1it until I built the STEP
, k<.J <U"'S="' PYRAMID by Stu BYrns In the fortt
, ,;.~ issue . . .....
For those many who missed Vol. 1.
No. 1, t>en! is Stu Bums ' figure again.
Clyde 's sorution-sketeh proves !hat he built this figure wi th the first and

New Multi-Set Figures

(HECKEfE) SOI1A M iss Judi th Argenta. Seventh Grade The next. by Richard Valero . Suc-
~~~J:;;,.:f-;'.k cw iJ. L., J 'f- Math Teacher. Prospect Avenue casunna . New Jersey. came unt ttl ed
~,;;: '..4"' ~ r ""C'Ir ,J_ rf.r, 5:; 1} .1 ~~.: <i's
1 Schoo l. ~e field . New Jersey . re- but ac comoanied by ph o tog raph s to
,... . . ...... .,... .~
~ -.. ,::. - '=;:. .., ~
.ff / it... _,w..,.~ .~.,. mains a confi rmed SOMA -i n-cl ass user. illustrate the handsome co/or e tfect
., ,. ~IF'- . ' .... ,~ ,n C' 3 -d. r~$#';/a ~q ' c/r, cL ('fltl bu t 1t is hazardous : .. . my students (li ke our COLOR ME ODDITY lea ture l
nave becOtl'\e so enthused over you r whch Richard 's solut on to ths 3-
r ~...,~-v;... ~ <; ;/olt!r .~ ~~~ "f..' game puz:zie I can b.llrety keep up w tth SOMA Puzz le Figure Ach ieved We call
f"o~ ,.~ ,~,.. c r ... ,.,a rt: t.L .~t 'l'\ them ... Thank you for such a marve l- it SUCCASUNNA HILTO N. The loqnt.

,..~ ~"..l c /L ' ~'.J-W,, Jrl~ __,. ._"" t 1.6
' /'I>', J.,-.. ......... ~ ......,, ous puzzfe ." Thank you. M1ss Argenta . colo red areas are the Pen thou se and
. ,<Yf 'f,;. ., .~ ...-
l-~ rt:' 1 1 .-vj ,<"'J fo r keepfng the new creations llow,ng .
This time. she has sent th1s 2 -set
the VIP wing .

yt'~ SOMA Puu~ Figure. wh ich we call


....... r .,; ,.. .., ,. ... .... J'r., ~-. ; ~r..~ - ~ ~; ~~ ~ J :,, ; nett Rud a.
r.n- .... -1. - '< .6 A_...,l, , , 'tJ.f>?.r

'1 ?~.:. ... ~ 4.1 1 [ : !! !!

" Jr::J
- ;., ~. ,,.~
.t'c.). ll !l I IT
~.... h ~ ... ~ -
. .;, ) II D [ /1. l .!!
I' - ..._...,,;), . Y.,~ !1 .'! I .7 r ;; [
.,4_ I_:,.,,.. . , .. ., . '-=t / ..~ ....... .. "ii'= ~ ( \>
, ., !' ~, .....
- qrrfret'J" 'h,, ,I J .,.,..,.4 Then. JUmptng to a 4 -set fu.;1 ure
..,...,...-"'~"' .
~,... , ,..CJ .//'F,/ .,. q,'; / ~ ""'~ ( Pros pect Avenue Sc hoo l 1S w ell -
,....-u~ :; (r- .....
!:~ ~q ~ .:;.,,.,!,.~... We sl\outcl not neg}ect the 3- se t cat e- eQuo ppe d ). here s THE SW IM M ING
" ...... _./ "'<t

-:: f..,
- ~'"
. . . J-_,,...:., _.-..~~.
, c..,..."!;,;
:;Jt ~.;~ .: i ' :~
.;..... ...;.-<, : U'. , ..,, ..,, .
gory Here re two. The one we call
WALlED TOWER is by Mary Rosauer
POOL . by Scon Lamber1 and Mok e
Orleo. also sent in by M iss Argent~
V" ~ .;T.,. // _.. Q,.,.. ' ,;#.._ / , ; (so 11 mymes t). St. Pa ul. Minnesota.
" +A.,_,- ~~ . ,_, .(. -~"'';;_ ._ : " ;:;;:: ~: _, 1.,. , . . , , ..., ,. , ~C~ .'"; \
:~~~~-- _.'lu .-;;'!;; : ..:~/ ...'~~~.-;.:7-r-:~ . Cl . -.
'~ ' :~ ..

Th s handsome p , ~ t Hetn con l rbu- and powerful. as In Jotun s Proof n

hon. n 1'1 s un q~..oe nand-pnnltng and your B oo ~!. let Also. the challenge oosed
Sk etcrh,Q IO V 1 "''o
1 o l The SOMA - can you budd The Cube "'' 8 ways
Addict S reoeatec :>ec.1use so many o f cO<'ectly checke red on J ll 6 races " "
y Ou m t S\ f C tr'I..J t \S u e The C "'CC'((' f - "\as no ! yet occn me t by .1 ny o l ou r
oo ar dnc:; te< ~" C J ('t ., J b.n c ., n<':! r ('..t~ ... ,, Ca, yOu 110 ' ' Ot pro ..e tl tm
: ...... Q/ t>.,

There'll Always be An England! Are We Being Put On,

With all due respect to his cloth . the
Reverend John M. W. Morgan. Vicar of
Upon, Or Down?
St. Matthew's Church. Luton, Beds ..
England , has a devtlishly, fiend ishly, Sam Pascoe and Tom Hirsch, from ''Glad to see that you and Mr. Hir-sch
ingentous way with SOMA. Falls Church, Virginia. sent us a couple are ~njoying our SOMA Cube / Puzzle
He evdenlly still does not know that ol "imposs1bdity proofs" way back in Game. After eight hours ot exhaustive
hos PIANO . GORILLA and GIRAFFE 1S69. We have ke pt them in the vau l ts etrorts, I have come ro the conclusion
were i n Vol. 1. No. 1 - here they are until this ssue, when the GREAT that your Impossible proof lor the Flat
agatn. small . for those who missed that W-W"LL is finally brought down. So Plane is correct Bravo, and all that
issue - before his 4 dogs appeared in Vol . 2, No. I will probably go down. too. razz
Vol. 1. No. 2. in SOMA History, as the lmpo~ib i l i ty 'As lor the Graf Zeppelin. bener
Proof Issue. known as the Flying Pickle. this is an
On second thought, perhaps the other maHer. You are correct aga in . It
world i1 still not ready for the Pascoe-- disintegrated at winds of 500 M.P.H.
Hirsch d isclosure that it is impossible and testing had to be stopped because
to buold either ( 1) a 3 x !k:ube "1\a t I ~n out of breath and collapsed.'"
plane or (2) a flying replica or the Graf
Zeppelin, wilh a SOMA set. Thus was a promising career, de-
Instea d, we give you excerpts from voted up to that time 10 SOMA, cut
Mr. Arthur P. Venditti ' s September t6. short. Too late, Mthur noticed that
, 969 response to I his creative pair: Pascoe rhymes w tth "fiasco."

CheCking back lo Plot Heon's original

To Err Is Human ... sketch. and comparlno that with the
Rev . Mr Feser's pair of "as drawn" and
It may not seem fair to all you other
The Rev. VIctor G. Feser, OSB, Depart- correct COUPLES" solutions. and also
stillunpublished Puzzle Figure sub-
mttlors. but in June. 1971 , the Vicar ment of Natural and Physical Sciences BEPPE S"BA TINI's solution lor PILLAR
(Malhematics). Assumption Coll898. and POST.
wrote : . . I do not know whether you
Richardton, North Dakota, proves that Beppe, age 14, ot Mclean. Virg inia,
recetved all or JUSt a few of the figures
the Rev. J.MW. Morgan of England. (whi ch seems to be a real "hot-bed" of
{this at least suggests that the Vicar is but PENGUIN is a bit or ganius (it man-
although he has so far appeared in SOMA activity} has, as invited, re-
not omnipotent on SOMA matters) .. ages to look as humorousbutdi gnified
every issue of The SOMA Addict, h&s named lhis figure SOFA BED-anda-
In any case. I enclose .. . some more as the real bird) which ia only topped ,
no churchly monopoly in our field . LOAFA-BREAD. adding " someone bit
recent models. All (repeat 'all'} are pos in the birdly kingdom, we believe, by
soble . . ." [Then again. perhaps he is Among the Rev . Mr. Feser's contri- it""- the LO"F" BREAD. that Is- and
BIRD "SLEEP ON ONE LEG. That is suggasllng that the piece he has le"
omnipo tent!) also the longest legitimate SOMA Puz- butions (others are acknowledged else-
No editor worthy of the name could where In this issue} is detection of a over, No. 3, come Into the set - now.
zle Figure til/e we know of. but It is the of course. a TRIPLET - as BREAD
in good conscience .(We are not Angll combination of sculptured quality and SOMA puzzle error by, no less, Piet
cans) wi thhold all of the Rev. Morgan's Heinl KNIFE. BUT. the Rev. Victor Feser's
puzzle dilfaculty that truly distin gu1shes. tett over" was Piece No. 1.
revelations from his SOMA Addict flock The word of waming from the Vicar: Mr. Feser stales : "'In Vol. 1, No. 2 of
for even so tong as one more issue. " . . . . will balance, given normal wood/ lhe Addict every figure presented (ex- Well. Back to what really intrigued
Besides. we want to make amends be- cept of course. theW -Wall!) is possible. us. Piet Hein's original sketches noted.
wood friction. " The only so1ution we under each figure, the SOMA pieces
fore the Vicar discovers that we sug. have found needs to be gantly sup- (yes. 1 " detailed and rigorous proof of
the impossibility of the WWall . : is which were used. Under the part ial-set
gesled thai his GIRAFFE might better porled, but it Is worlh it. with plastic.
be called WALRUS. His latest letter among the Rev. Mr. Feser's contrib<>- fi9ure we had called PILLAR, he had
tiona). designated use of lour SOM" pieces.
notes: " The GIRAFFE has ~s head on
one side . It is thinking." Sony. Sir; we '"PILLAR AND POST aa pictured can including No. I . POST was to be con-
sttould have known!! be constructed .. . but it uaes only e structed of three of the 4-cube SOMA
pieces! So, he erred twice, and so did
So. first. the Vicars BIASSED DOG . I SOMA pieces - 23 cubea. This muat
si de-view and front. although we think have been a sketching error, because - in only one little old DOUBLES
It Is the rear vtew whlcn Is most needed. the same concept can be presented fi9ure.
using all 7 pieces .. : We owe you Addicts better lhan thai,
We also think this devilishly difficuft
and we'll TRY!
mutt iS related IO the Hound ot the
Baskervilles : only a Sherlock Holmes However. while confessing, let's also
acknowledge an error first brought to
can build him. comptele. But. ... "All
(repeat "all") are possible."" says Rev. our anention by Kenneth Eslick of
Morgan. uHabra. California. "gain. Vol. 1, No.
2; Mr. Noble D. Carlson 's LOBSTER

should have a 2x7 14 cube tail. It did.
in one ot Mr. Carlson 's sketches, but
Pengum (X marh tail on Nck)
the one we chose to reproduce in the
SOMA Addict tell short. Oh, well ...
Finally, since some SOMA Addlcll
may well also be error-counters, we
also acknowledge that the first edition
of lhe Parker Brothers SOMA Booklet
One more Marvellous M org an Mam contained a counting-sketching error
mal. tl"le CAMEL (th is ti me. the needed in the S"M'S SITTING DOG ligure.
rear vt ew 1S provided}. then o n to the That error IS the only way one can
egg- lay ng group. denhfy that presumably VERY VALU
ABLE frst..e<:Jition book let. Anyway,
SAM was a w1nner. because of tl. He
now owns the o rig1nal Piet He1n d ra'N-
ing of the 1ncorrect figure . a charm ingly
apo1Q9etic mscribed or ig inal of the
correction. and a color photograph of
his Puzzle Figure. const ructed from a
SkJOde rosewood SOMA, in the palatial
Since we had carefully exP'ained palace~villa of the Aly Khan in sw,tzer
that COUPLES must by delinotoon use land. That IS where Piet Hc1n fina lly
all 7 SOMA p1eces. we have. o f course . round the t1me to make tha t co rr ect1 on.
compounded Piet He,ns " sketchtng So. even a gen1 us can ma k:e m1stakes.
error" by an editorial-checking error- It JS somewhat in the trad il!on that grea l
pr inting h is sketch exa c tly as he had mathematicians arc often JU St pla 1n
sent 11 without cube-coun ting . tern ble at ev ery day artthme t c prob~
The really 1nt"guing. SOMAdisc.ov lems. We poor edi to rs ha ve no such
ensh . aspect of th is pa~r of erro ~ excuses. From .-; ow on. we w1ll double -
TYRANNOSAURUS os we l>eloeve (" sketchmg " plu s ea iun9 ) comes from Check eve rycnt:.. including o urselves.
the ltrst SOMA dtnos.aur to suNtve on
1nto modern l tmes But I 15 as an
AVIAN SCULPTOR that the V c ar truly
sh ones . H , s DUCI< -GOOSE -SW AN
group s a st nk1n9 " fa mil y "
Submitting Gracefully
A few perceptive Add icts like Mrc.hael on a separat e and co rr ectly hea ded
Dortch, Brooklyn. New York. heve ex- sheet of paper . and
pressed sympathy fo r the d itficutt task 3. Putting y<)ur name. cty and state.
of choosong SOMA Addict materoal and the date on each one of those
from thousands of letters. Tttank yOu. P'eces of pa per _ too
perceptive few! It wou ld also be nice i f each such
You can all help make the fOb ea.sutr enrry wer e cros s-ndoxed w1th all you r
- and 1ncrease your chances of 9et other COOitibuhons. bu t that seems a
hng your ~nhon - by . btl much to ask. ~ven to us. We II lry to
1. Cfa3sdyng your contnbuti ons do that tor you
solut1ons (by category ). new (you t"tope) II what were ask: tng sau nas 10r::
Puzzle F' '9 urcs 1n Part , ~ ! Set. 1-Set. much like wo rlt . note your.t]
2-Set n-scl or COUPLES TRIP SOMA Add icla. that dotn Q w a r~ wh <: ~
LETS etc Cdlego r 1e5 .tnd ~o ~n anel you cn ,oy c.Jn 0<' mo re lun .1r 1 ,,.,,,n
2. Pull nQ each c i,Jss o r con1r 10;..tron mtnQ frlol t S ff' J il y w h Jt the Atr.o'r C 1r
Dr Mn 'i Jll ,l[)Cu l
Soma Architects Still At It Now, We Throw You Sliders
Then. Still in !he counlry - maybe
am ong the c li N-dwe111 ng H!J p lndan s
the cross-sect iOn sna oe of P1ece No I .
po ss tble" . and ( 2) , o w abou t the same
stru cture w1lh the to p cent er c ube
Flrs t. we pres ent yo u tw o Arch i tectural BARBECUE has a 2 x 2 base . a 3-cu be - we ask you 10 look aga n at TOWER . spac e open . and that 27t h cu be re sl!ng
Oddttte s by Terry Bartsch , Port Albe rni. sec ond -I ter to prov de fo r the tire pt l. above, then WATCH THE NOTCH slide in the towe r' s ope n fro ntal " V" . re pre-
Cana oa Th e fi rst tnvo tve s a way of and a 1-cube c h.m ney to the nght of down thi s next set ot n11ties wh 1ch are senting an elevator a t the etghth floo r "
m&k mg th1S s1mple figure whi c h is also the f1re P41. !ly e11her R1c k y Howe, o r Cnus Brown- Larry uks: ". Are there solu tio ns
on p 9 of you r SOMA Boo klet. 0 K. Go t !hal ? Well - these 3 BAR - 'ng . or John Crom 1e. all Maple Hill High with the elevato r at eac h level ? Or are
BECUES nes t to form an ex tre mely Sc hool. Mr. Gera ld H1ll . Schod ack Cen- the re some f loo ~ the el evato r does
uns table struc ture (e rrors '" bl ocks tral Schoo l. Cas lleton --on-Hudson . New no t stop 01'1 1" Te ll us. Addicts.
are com pounded } . a norma/ TO WER Yo rk. sent n these boy 's draw,ngs. Urban Renewal
locks together pro perly Try it : he's Speak1ng of 1-<: ube o pen,ngs, you Ci ty-
n gt'lt ! dwellers are not be ing neglec ted .
Then. to prove tha t T Sa rts c t'l c an Here's another architec tural tno by
also d es ign stable struct ures. here 's J. H. MacDonald, Laguna Beach. Cal-
hos STORK ON CHIMNEY (or ROAD- forn oa. He calls !hem ROW APART -
RUNNER TROPHY if you pul il on !he MENTS; lucky 3-sel SOMA Addlcll
Base). If you can 't solve the Rev. Mo r- can (yes, they are all posstb le) build all
gan 's BIRO ASLEEP ON ONE LEG , lry 3 sid&-by-side. We like !he way !he
this one. entry-way and ba lcony positions and
number of floors rema in constant while
T er ry B artsc h 's " bluep rint" to r mak 4
the penthouse sl i de s ma jest i cally
ing THE TOWER topply t.S an tngenious Maybe the who'e senes sho uld be acros.s the back or the roof. To ensure
QUA DRU PLET which he calls 3 BAR- ca lled OPEN ELEVA TOR. Can you the best view. we presume The thH<:I
BECUES and A BABY CARRIAGE ." so lve all theso'? (Yes, they 're pOSSible) . ~~~d~:~. or ig i nally publi shed by1-Martin
Bec au se of another Oddity -cond i tion Can anyone make !hal ELE VATOR
on our use of his sketches, and be ~ stop at the 3 lower floors'?
ee use usm g them gets pretty close to Don 't worry, Larry 0 . Seiler. Tor I
publishing a solution (ugh !} anyway, ranee. Cal i fornia ; we'll get to your
we re JUS t going to describe the 3 BAR 9-floor TOWER 1nd ELEVATOR TOW-
BECU ES as 3 identical 8-<:ube con- ER. too. without drawings. Larry, who
structions. and the BABY CARRIAGE is also prom inent in our solutions sec-
is smply Piece No. 1. Each Bartsch ti o n. asks : (t) Is a "9- story" tower wilh

Soma Isn't Everything!

There are other ways to relax and en-
joy hfe bes ides playi"9 (worko"9 ?) with
SOMA. Oevek>p ''k)w cunn1ng " . as well
as yo ur bra ~n . w1ts . vis ion and dexterity!
Here are a few samples of what we

QUBIC"- - As a SOMA Addict, you

like spatial relations. and thai's what SCANT .II. -Here's another brand new
OUBIC is all abou1. It's var iat ion of one ; another Parl<er Brothers game
tic tac-toe on tour leve1s. so instead of lhallesls your wils and perception. The
n ine spaces. you have ~ spaces to bener you are at ~tch i no shapes.
p lay on. There are somethfng like 74 colors and patle,.,..., the more you w ill
d i fferent ways to get four in a row and defy your opponents. All you need is a
up to six people can play at once. pair of eyes and a quick hand, so it's
0on1 worry about all those pairs of good lun for a1119es. espec ially SOMA
beady eyes watchi"9 YOU ; you 've go! game champs who can 't gel anyone lo
lo figure out what !hey are up to . play with them anymore.

MASTERPIECET.M. - a brand new art

a uct ion game that lets you try to outb id
and outw i t yo ur o p ponents Ia win valu-
ab le pa 1nhngs o r fo rg eoes -
never know whch unt il you o wn them .

s1nc e MONOPOLY " . . but 1t c o uld

also be ca lled BUYER BEWARE !
yo u

We ' re ca lling it .. . " the gr eate st game

SPill & SPEll' - Th<S os a sur-
p n singly vers.atl e game o f crosswo rd
(no! SOMA ) cubes . No matte r how good
you are w1th o rds . tt"le se li ttle cu bes VERTIGO' - VER TI GO os a fas-
ORION' M. - ORION is a new game-
love rs' g ame that 15 1n a class by nsetl
It's an entlfe ga:'1'le sys tem based o n
the un1Que 1ntera ct1o n o f Pec es as
they move around the tnterloc kmg ro-
to rs. There are over 25 dt ller ent g ames
1n the rules boo k. ranq 1ng from soli
w tll always turn up a challeng e . You c1 nat1ng pu zzle tha t end s up as a gently ta ire puzz les to 1 na t ~ng lour -hand ed
race agamst ttle 11rrer :o ma ke wo rd s t1o at1ng mob1l e scu lp tu re. Yo u need to strategy games. Ea c h t5 a totall y new
wtt'l as many of the 15 c ubes as yo u find JUSt the rtg ht com b tna t1on ol puzz ling or game -pl ay1n g expe r~en c e .
can . The longer the words . the hig her weights and coun terwe gtlt.s at all .SIX T he " bOard ". ' we do sa y so oursel ves .
you score. so budd the ok:l vocabul ary levels o f !he puzzle. VERTIGO os !he IS a bol of a MECHANICAL MAR VEL
and wm . Instead of ben-.g frustrated by puzzle that thiniu 1f s art! We managed It was a rea l prOduCt iOn challenge to
the fie ndish wa y Ptet Hem put 27 sma ll to get one together so tl bal ances . as orOduce tt to sell lo r our rtdtculous ly
c ubes toge ther to ma lce 7 SOMA the p1ctu re 1no tc ates. so yo u can too low onc e fless I han ..tO cents pe r game /
PieC es. try to put 15 SPILL & SPELL \Who knows "N ha l happe ned to o u rs

puzzle not coun tmg those you m1g tl t
cubes . ra ndom l y ca st. tog ether m ONE afle r the camera shune r sn apped? ) 1nven11. The " chck -c li ck whtch ac
BIG WO RD ' com pa ntes the g lld 1ng or the bo at
shaped (and n 4 colo rs ' ) playmg p1ece s
I around the maze 15 ve ry sat tsly 1ng t.J
the ear - only the lac! rna: t,e y may
Ma1l To : Pa rker B rother$.
1 190 Bndge Street.
Salem. Massachuse tts 0~ 9;Q
I not go w ~re you ,, tend eo them to oe -
cau se yo u goo:e.j or an opp onent
l Ol led you offsets ORION s AUD IO

I __Ouan!Uy
MasterPV!Ce @ S5 79 --.. Sp oil & Spell @ S3 35
I VISUAL MAJo-; !PUL ~ l'IVE sahsl act.ons '

I :___ Scan @$2.89 ___ Ver1 o9 0 @ S2 89

__ Plot: @ $4.79 I
___ _ CuboC @ $3.25
Oroon @ $9.95 SCMA @ S2 25
If you want to o rder a.,y of these
PLOTZ' "- - The ob,ecl of PLOTZ os
to ~~ rn rce of your marbles 1n a row
I ,...,c. nts -"" ] ....,.,.
Wa.s U I games O rect lrom u$. hit out th ts cou-
pon a/'\C send f to us wlh yo ur check
or money order We II se nd yo u yo u r
'" the StXby SIJ[ n x or PIIS The diCe
ten you !he coo ra nat es for eac h turn .
~nd yo u ve go t to bE! Qu ck and accu -
I Name
I games pos tage paid Please t>e su re
we h.ave you r corr ect na me and ad-
dr ess on the other stae o r the cou po n -
rare and rar10n your marble s as well.
PlO TZ s l hvel y new (so w hat 1f 11 I Add ress - - - - -- - lip COde of co urse - ana Just allo w
enouq h lime lor o ne ol lh<' Par lo(.er
t:1C>e$ ,a.,.e a ston e -age the m e ?) oame
lo r o~ gc ~ ; to ac:l ult 51111 too e arl y to I Cot y - - - - _ - Bro ther, to ltc k 11'\C starnos
~#" 1! "" "" t:--er PLO T l wll hel p to b r~ dg e St.J i e Zop _
,,....., QP"'tto_.. aton q ao o r mu lo(. c I J lot
~>~ ! ' ' LP ' c~~ " ' J N ho w 11 got:.~ .n yo ur 1
Ia - ' '\ ' "0''

W-Wall Topples (Impossible!)

No Joshua 's t ru m p~t s . no dynam tte or have done this . Howe'l er. my proo f . boardino Techn ique to !h is problem. Complete "cla~lcal proofs"
w rec ker s ball : rust the ama ztng versa - 15 so smple a,d di rec t that I cannot However. Mr. Robertson (wi th , maybe, category:
tllt ty ana tngen uity o f SOMA Addict1 be lteve that someone else has not al ~ some help from c olleag ues Wendy Fein Dallas Webster. Princeton. N. J.
have fi nally m a de thtS famous tan ta li zer ready oroven the same thing. Marl! ~ of Stony Brooil, New York and Martin Stephen Hopper, Roswell, New
tnt o ruoo1 e over. my proof. though not very long H . Goodman ) needs no t only hi s " color Mex1co
Mo re tha n thlf ty o f you c on tr tb u ted {8 pp., I turns ou t. plus 5 pp. of 16 se ts lemma " (c hecke rbOardi ng. in effect) W. Scoll Gaylord, Fr~encltsbur9 .
to the demoliti on. Billy Russ ell. of of d agrams wh tC h we may re prOduce b ut atso a rlipptng lemma" {symmetry Virginia
A llanta. Ga . w ho hel ped com plete Bo o tater I. 11 not particula r1y elegant and I statements. to less colorful Add lcta) Gary Anwyl , Huntington Beach.
Smtih 's p roof. s only 9 yea rs old . ot he r fee l that nicer proofs must exist . . and his "32 Theorem to reach the end California
c o nt r~ bu t ors are membets o f. or stu - Well. Dallas Webster was right on resull Rev. VIctor Feser. Richardton,
dents '" Coll ege or Untversty M arhe- all counts . We do not re produce his North Dakota
Now. see if you think Y ike 's Is c~
m a t tc s Oe oattme nt s . a n d Oa tt as proof in lull because far shorter ones Michae l o. Ransom. Tulsa, Oklahoma
plete? It starts ort : " Pretend the
W ebs ter. wf'\0 we feel sent the fi rst com- came in subsequently. We think yoo Beppe Sabatini, Mclean, VIrg inia
WWALL is flallened into 1 3 X 9 'rug'
pl etely adeq uate impos.s tb illty PfOOI. can reconstruct it pretty well trom Pus Dean Hickerson, Oavls, California
{yes, the same "3 x 9 plane" which
uses the lellerhead of The School of beaut ifully-made drawnos when we Peter G. Pan telidakia, Phoenix,
Pas.coe and Hir~ch had much eartler
Mathema ti cs . The lnshtute for Ad- find spece. Good work, Oa:tas. and !he Arizona
proved im~sible" with a ~word ... .
va ne ~ Study. Pri nceton, New Jern>y, 7 other Addicts who furnished com- wrtion proof '. One of those words wu
w here A lber t Einste.n spent the last pletely detailed proola essentially slm Short, neat, t/10 proola:
a SWEAR. too!] and let the 27 cubes
yea rs or hs hie . itar to you". One of lhote 7, Beppe Thomas A. Brown, Santa Monica,
be numbered . .. (u.,ng a (1, 1), (2 , I)
Mo at am a ztng rs the number of d is - Sabatini, says that he, too, develo~ Cali fornia
. . . (3. 9) scheme Indicating small cube-
ti n c tl y d ttferen t w ays you all have man- his proof " a few days af1er Ch ri stmas " Richard M. Naylor, Denver ._Colorado
ln3-rows loeattons). Color ( 1, 1) black
aged to oo the JOb. It s not all that but he had been saving it for use 1n a Jeremiah B. Model, Minneapolis.
nd all other cubes s requ ired to
nsy to c lassty mpoWbt lity proofs, SOMA based school project he was Minnesota
checkert>oard the ' rug'. Fold the rug
many of you wt ll appl&elate. but we woril: ing on. Or. Charles A. Stigers, Ottawa, Kansas
back nto a WWALL
must try to do tha t as a part of eva tuar~ The Shortut W WALL Impossi bility Define (2. 2), (2, 1. (2, 8), and (2, 8) S. B. Ake" Syracuae, New York
mg the m. Prool, which we call the " 9/10 solu os 'center cubes', noting that all are Albert deNeufvllle, Bethlehem, Pa.
For now. we are wor kifl9 w i th three lion", was submi tted independently by black. As shown In the first 'SOMA J. E. Bennett, Islington, Ontario,
or lour ca tegor ies ot W-WALL lmpos another group of 8 Addicts. Addict' (and repeated herein). In 1 Canada
sib ili ty pr oofs . aga inst three or four Fl"t of these seems to be from structure that has I more black cube Kevin Compton, Pueblo, Colorado
tentat i... e p nzewin ning categor ies - Thomas A. Brown of Santa Monica, than wh tte cubes . Piece l must occupy
Flfst Ac c eptable Proof to Reach Us : California, (February 1971). !What fa"" 2 black cubes. lngenloua checkerboardlng
Most t n ~ n i ou s Proof; Shortest Accept ous "think tank" , recently in the news. (Therefore) A. Piece 1 must occupy Michael Wh inihan. Oes Plaines.
ab le Proo r: and ma ybe Most Meticulous is there, Class?), but both Richard M. 2 black cubes In order to form the Illinois
Proof, or some such.. Naylor. Denver, Colorado and Jeremiah WWALL John P. Robertaon el. al.,
Our 32 contributors to this exci ting B. Model, Minneapolis, Minnesota, who 8. Piece I must occupy at least 1 'cen. Cambridge, Mass.
outcome a re all being sent 1 oenu ine, are among this group, have some claim ter cube' to occupy 2 black cubes in
solid brass. leatherbawed P>et Hein to priority In that both had apparently the WWALL; indleat" 2~ wh\Ntl *hO tubnuttec5
SuperEgg. Let's face I t - awardwin. submitted much earlier con tributions c. Pieces 3, 4, 5, and 6 also must oe both "POMi~Uty " and lmpoulbHity Prooft tor
ners in impossibility proof contests do covering the basic analytical technique cupy at le.ast one 'center cube ' to fit In WWAll f... &IMwtlart tn tfhl I..,.!)
not. in fact. supply anything for Piet involved. Mr. Model's earlier " method the WWALL;
Hein to draw, so the best reward for of parameters " paper Ia not to be found D. Five pieces must occupy at leut t These listings are In rough order of
them is another irritating (let's face it ; In our filea. Mr. Naylor's wu dated center cube' and only 4 are available. dates : end nameo on the three longer
the Super Egg is an amusing but pretty November 1~9. and had been, he says. The WWALL Is Impossible." lists are those which were UNOA TEO.
darn ~tess obj.,;t!) Piet Hein inven- sent earlier to Martin Gardner, who Are Mll<e'a " unlolding" and "re-fold- Please don'f. though, dispute your
tion. kindly referred him to the SOMA M- Ing" really necea11ry conceptual rank-order. It lo not worth It and would
; In the meanttm., we are submitting cllct wNcll was not yet In existence. atepe? Pencn In tile B-W designetlonl apoll the run. You all get Super EIXJ'I,
f: the works of our top eondldates lor Mr. Naylor, designating positions In The on a W WALL d.-fng, and you'll - wlllcll ~~.a.. no ct>oleaterof, end wiR
t further a-rds for WWAll demolition Cube u "Vertex" (corner), Side, Edge why he.,... them ; they- either a otlnd on either Ind.
merit to a panel of eminent judges - and Center, astabll~ In 4 pp. willl tot more words, and/or a sketch.
' Plet Hein, Martin Gardner. and 01'. S. W. one sketch the possibility or lmpoasl - r . doea the rest of Mlke'a
_ Golomb.. II we can con them all into - - blllty of all of tile Firat Piece P~menl
IC Cepting thi$ IWesotne responsibility. proof alan<! up under - for oorn-
OuMiions. pp. 27-31 in your SOMA
They will decide whether
awards are in order. and if so. to whom.
or not further BookleL
ptet,_ and absence of ambiguities
or implici1 assumptions? Feel free to Sonia Breaks
join our Jury. We've reprinted CHECK
They m i ~t decide to cite us all for
vandal ism. The WWALL is bet ov~ by
He and 7 other Addicta thus prove
readily that. since there are 10 corner EREO SOMA so you can: Mike lo .,.
titled, because he cited lhef. to uae
Into Print
many. But. it .W.s live on, too, as "ex
or "vertex " small-cube positions in
WWALL, whereas only SOMA PiecH every screp of Information In II. Bea ldea the 6 set SOMA "SOMA"
plained" elsewhere in this same issue. Finally. we also want to mention
2 and 3 can contribute more than one which completes the English Rev. Mor
Anyway, now we stick our necks out. Peter Pantelldakis, Phoenix, Arizona,
such cube to the WWALL, and they gan'a contribution to this issue, we
Here are the WWALL Impossibility whose " atarting position " approach
can at best aupply 2 each, for a total have other contributions to the art of
Proo fs wh ich have leading pc>sitions in also ha s some elements of novelty.
of 7 + 2 " extra" - 9, W WALL is im lettera besides WWALL.
each principal cateoory : In short, Piet Hein " Super Egg" ln.
possible. Short. neat. elegant and First, to warm you up to the subject,
complete, particularly in Mr. Model's ter im Awards are going to the follow- architect Joe Oorie 's BIG H, a 3-dimen-
vers ion which lists each SOMA piece's ing, by category: sional type-face that looks like it was
Bo b Sm1th . No rth western Uni...ersity. co rner-cube possib ili ties. (i.e .. Piece l . Bob Smilll, Evanston, lftlnola handcut by Herr Gutenberg. The sid.,.
Evans ton . Illinoi s has an impregnable 1 or 0 : Piece 2. 2. I or 0 : . . .) in WWALL. and followers: flan ges are to lock It in plac e in the
late July-ea rly August. 1910 d ate. but Most usual ske tch to r this sol ution ROd ne y Conover. Auro ra . Illinois pr inting press.
as h is memo of transmtS.SIOO recog- s1mpty shad es. col o rs or heavily out Gordon Kee lin, Upper Darby, Pa.
ni zes {" I ha ve atrempt~d to prove . ti nes the 10 corner cubes. indicating Robert Nathanso n. Cu pe rt ino.
li the proof s nc o m ~ ete . . .. are d i rect the bo ttom -c enter one by an arrow. so Ca ll fom1 a
quot es . we added emph.u iS). h1s effort we see no need to reproduce any On Oav1d M. Co lli son. Sunnyva le.
tac ked someth1n g. His follow- up c ard Dallas Webs ter's Diagram 1. the Co r - Ca li forn ia
th ts year {Feb ruary ) sttll d<>e3 not com ner Cubes are Nos. I . 3. 1. 9. 13. 15 Bo b Stellingwerf. Boulder, Colorado
plete a vali d proof. {no t VISi ble ) 19. 21 . 25 and 27. He num Geoff WhtUow. Ric hmond. Virg inia
To quote t'ft O ot our c om ~e te-p r ool be rs eac h pos1t ron. Bill y Russell. Atlanta. Geo rg ia
subm tttors w hose pot nt o f departu re l ngen1ous W -WA L L lmposs1 Phd Heifer. Lakewood. Cal i fo rn ia
was essent1a lly stm tlar to Boo Sm ti h 's : b1llty Proof. we bel iev e, s from Mike Steven Spada foro. Sprtng Valley .
" The proof subm1ne<1 by Bob Sm tih Whinhan. Des Plaines. llhnot s. Mk e New York
req utre s a c;reat deal of work be fore 11 and John P. ~ obe r t s o n . Harv ard Un Anthony Bresc ia. New YorX. New Yo rk
rs made va hd .. and " I had the sam e vers IY. Ca mbr roge . M.:tss . were the Rebec ca Powta n. La layette. Ca li fo rn ia
tdea as Bo o Sm tth usng : 4 . But on ly 2 Addic ts to ap ply the Chec ker- Theresa Farrah. Millb ra e. Ca lt form a
the re we re too many va nat.ons to cover
Actua ll y . Bob S m 11h s start s on ly The n - red y ? - MO VE A BL E
abo ut 1/ 1'2 o f the p roof TYP E T by the Rev . Victor G Feser.
Severa l of the 13 {un l ucky" ) AOd tClS
who und e rt ook to support Bob sm .th ~------- ---------, OS B. Assumption Co ll ege, ~ i chardt ot'l ,
N.O. Thts one has not - repeat NO T
d re eau a!Jy o pen to the c ha rge tha t they .-------, I - been proven et ther way. New chd l
ar e esse-nl!aily as3crt,n g some " ca n' t
oe done S!atemt..nt s '"a way that does
1 SOM~ NEWSLETTR I Bul k A~ le

u S. Postaqe PaCI
lenqe to pro ve~!

no t go far en o1..1 911 ::>eyona U'\e ut'laC Parke r Brot he~

PJrilf! r Bro l ht rs
CCOidOie s!atement
aotc to do t. then no one :
u 1 n.aven t bee-n
I P. 0 . Box 900
Salem. Mass 01970 I
Rooney Conove r . of A urora. llltnct s.
atso c tams the Aw-ard on groundS of a
Scptemoer. 19 70. d ate - alter 8otl I I
Sm t,,.s - and hS " proor rs. appar
ently almost e:uc!ly lt ke Bob Sm tth ' s.
So. ~ Odncy. ~edse ~ h.lppy th 'fOVf
Su pe rE99
N e ll i 1n oont of lime w~s. . as abO-we.
Mt Oana:s Webs ter ot the School of
Mdthem.u .. cs . ln s l tute IOf Advanced
St udy. to n N J .. , r ec=e1'f'ed a I I
SOM A Cube to r Ctm stmas from my
yOtJnc;;lt.' r ~ r o t he r A~"'O r eq~ s : ed I
w or ~ m y ay uo 10 W W.ALL & ! he u5-e s
I Cl yd e AnkPn b~~ e r
I'CJ26 L6 1 s Dr .
amr ' ''S.J''" ~'S HJQ 1 I ar t v l !hen or ove tha1 C~ nn , , Ohlo -4~239
l flt..~ W .1 .! L. .. c dnnof oc c~struc ! eO I I I
e1t72 . Parl<er Brothers , Sllom, Mo ... 01870 SOMAS Ia Parker Brolhers T..O.matk lor 111 Cube Puulo Garno Equipnl4ftl.

A Seasonal Transition Soma Architecture Takes New

In V. 1, No. 2 we ran Mr. D. L Mum-
lord's (Ne-1'1<. o.l.) happy TEDDY
and make aure that there are at least
two SOMA seta In the hawse. Prefer
Turns: Angles and Openings!
8AR In time to recall Christmas paal ably, two dllferent colorw ao everyone
Mr. Joaeph E. Oorle, Farmington, Mich- So, the tt Oorle O.lgna p<Mented
tJow. with Spring really here. Mr. Mum- can worl< on Color Banding, Int roduced hena bring us up to just half of our
Igan, urges uo : " . . . give thoae people
lotd provldeo a seasonal tranaltlon- last laaue and given a larva boost In
who can aasemble but not design Inventory. Prove you want more by
TEDDY BEAR to CRAB. Kids who got th~ one. However. wHh two t e ts each
freely, 1 larger group of figures to proving these.
Ieddy bears for Chriatmu may ha"" the samo color. you un also build all
build ..... " Mr. Oorle leaves his wor1<a of art un-
already turned into crabs themselves. thoae famou. Proven IM~ Ible things
Amen! Mr. Dorle leaves no doubts titled, 10 don't blame him If you don't
but those who got SOMA have simply like W-WALL. and only an equally alert
as to which group he belongs to. He llka whet we 've called them.
be<:ome Add icts who will make th~ SOMA Adcllc1 will know how you did
has submitted 24 beautifully drawn Please note Mr. Corle 's freqllent use
trans ition tut. Think about it, parents, H. Read on! of odd angles, open spaces and just
SOMA Puule Figures : alit-set: almost
all truly new, thus Illustrating once plain holes. Yet, many of his worl<a are
again Martin Gardner's ob&ervetK)n: symmetrical one way or another. Which
'the number of pleasing structures are and are not. to prove you know
that can be bull! with the seven SOMA what that means? When will we get a
plecea seems to be unlimited." DORIEC COLUMN? (Maybe Mr. 0.
In true SOMA Addict tradHion, Mr. dislikes bad puns).
Oorle Implies that all are possible, but
auppllea no proofs. We did our cul>&-
counting chore: the real Is up to you.
One of Mr. Corle's deolgns, BIG H.
ran last laaue, to help start on the still
growing SOMA Type Face Series along
with Rev. V. G. Fese(l MOVEABLE
TYPE : T (already possibly proved IM
possible by Roy Reevea, Twinsburg,

t ~

, \ // Toddy S.111 to Crab

More From Piet Hein Himself
Firs~ a pair of 1-aet SOMA Puule Is always useful. Then locate each of
Flgu<M hand-labelled In Plat Heln's these 7 Cubeo (are they all d ilferent?)
distinctive script almply EASY and on J. H. Conway's magnificent SOMAP,
OIFFICIJLT. 0o you agree? IF you can. (Which Piece Is C.ntral;
Then, a aet of CUbe Pattern puulos. which Deficient; etc.?).
NEW. Piet Heln aakl : " Can you make
a Cube where fhe division linea !>&-
tween the Pieces form those potterns?"
He starts you off with an easy one. tell
lng you why it'a easy. See If that clue /


A Living Soma Classic ~ This contains a mnemonic for get

ling from the dIamond to ,:_ . . It
Nothlr>Q goes on forever. Any iaoue of notogy, Pasadena, Cel .. which helped puler- If you find the right way of would be nice II you published the
The SOMA Aclcllct could be the last; ua, we auspect, to gat you SO MAP, to- organizing tlM material it should take mnemonic, without pubHshing the ex~
who knows? Thus we are especially gether with JHC'a own-words dlacua- Jeaa time to do the wnote thir>Q by hand planation."
delighted to be able to reproduce right slon of Ita origin, secreta (including a then n does to program the ma- Which. of coui'SO, In SOMA Addict
here and now, lor poaterlty but moetiy cipher) and potentials. chine . . . " So, you aeveral Addlcta tradlllon, we just did . First to get a
lor our today readet'S, The SOMAP, the Before gettlr>Q Into SOMAP, let us who do not own Of have accesa to correct written solution will win a valu--
unique conception and development of thank Dr. Conway by clearir>Q up a computet'S, don't worry about it Since able J. H. Conway Award lor mental
Or. J. H. Conway. (YN, to answer a SOMA Booklet error which " ... has we have already cleared up " X" New- doxterlty. Sinister types need not ap-
question from John Jay Smiley ot Co- alwaya mildly Irritated ... " him. Justly hall'a objection to page 17 of tha ply, but once the other minorities have
lumbia, Mo.. thla il Indeed the John ao, we t.el. We hereby apologize. and Booklet, we trust It Ia now OK all gotten their righta established. we'll
Horton Conway, Mathematician at make correction In JHC'a own words : around. "X", we lhould add, used a bet the world's ten-handed people will
Calua College, Cambridge, Er>Qland, "We (JHC and hla Cambridge col computer because uslr>Q e computer rise up In protest of those old termlno&.
wlloae " . . . cellular-automation game, league, M. J. T. "Mike" Guy) enumer- was hla job at the time. oglea.
11fa' . . ." was dlscuaaed In Martin ated the 240 (basic) SOMA aolutlone Now then, here' a SOMAP, rep~ Still NMd A Compua 7
Gardner'a Jan. t972 Scientific Amer- by hand . . . one wet afternoon ... I duced hena In partial form for reaaona JHC could obviously tell us a Jot mona
Ican cOlumn.) Or. Conway Ia currently think for a puule the size of SOMA lt'a ot apace and legibility. about SOMAP. and with a typical Brtt-
vlaitir>Q The California lnatitute of Tech- an admi$.Sion of deleat to uae a com- lah reserve. ha does add : " I should
mention that the SOMAP Ia so drawn
that there is sufficient infomllatlon on
it to poaitively Identity each poaaible
aolu110f'l and my name for it, from the
map, 10 that by itsell it servas aa a
complete catalog. It ia nice in that it
does lhia without giving rny solution
rwey/ [Truly a man after Plat Heln's
haartl) So before you can use it you
have to tind at least one solution for
youraell and locate n
on the map,
which then helpe you to lind all but
one of the 240. I think it'l also nice
that you only get 239 out of 240 this
way, unless you know and understand
[read ' 'figure out" ) the mnemonic! (I
have hkklen a number of other inter
esllr>Q relalionshipa in the map- tor
Instance, ~ and _! are related In the
me way u 7~ and 7~. and one can
paaa eulty between any two ot theee
4) . . There's one place on the map
where l'w drawn a solution and Ita
nanectlon, to make thlnv- clearer -
otherwise, only one ol a pair ia drawn.
TM; xe8plion produce. a pretty paU
of aolutlona (84e, 841): from either of
theae, we can get either to the other or
to lla rettectlon by a 2-plece move."
[Note that It II appanantly OK to write
SOMATYPE aolution "names" all on
one line, In written discuaalona like
thla, Instead of the auperseriptlsub-
acrlpl form used on SOMAP.)
To help you gel tha har>Q ot 11. we ulde: "Thia Ia quite an old aet, and since these are the only piecea which Just Well Until It's FlnlsMdl
must obviously give you the basics of was uaed by Richard Guy [Mike'a are capable of havlr>Q auch a choice. There Ia a lot more to tell, but JHC
the Conway-Guy "SOMATYPE" nota- lather, now at Calgary, wtlo wrote an We do this by givir>Q the sum of the began hla letter by stalir>Q that the ver-
tion scheme. We do so aa far aa poa- article abou t SOMA in NABLA. when numbet'S of these which are dexter sion we've printed here is a " ... new
alble In JHC'a own words. It should he was In Malaya . . . )". Evidently, (I.e., appear L. L, Z alignment on the (and still Incomplete)" ... edition of
probably surprise no one to dlacovar MJT Guy has Inherited, like Jotun aurtoce aa oppoaed to J, J, :S: ). Since SOMAP. Maybe some of you can help
that " .. . the right way of organizir>Q Hein, an aptitude for SOMA. plus at 1, 2. 4 are distinct powei'S ot 2, polish ~ up ; we're still stunned by the
the material .. . " worked out that 'M!t least one Intere-sting set--of-many~ this sum (the dnterity) auHicM to tell sheer bnlliance of the th ing. We think
afternoon invofves not onty checker~ colora. Thoae coloi'S have now been uo exactly which are dexter. So tor it is anaJysis that ia comparable to Piet
boardir>Q, but also the "Vertex" indi- sanctified In SOMAP. However. JHC each solution, we have ita SOMA TYPE: Heln'a conceptual nash that started ~
vidual-small-cube-position analyaia also notes: " ... originally, Yellow waa "if
e.g .. wihich mNns Y ia Deficient, U all. Anyway, to show what kind ot
which produced the shortest, neatest Silver and Brown was White .. . . " II Central. dexterity ia 3. and that it is the Ideas are evidently needed to "com-
''9/10 SOlution" IMpoaaibility proofs you lhould aomehow stumble on an fth solution with these propertlea. plete" the SOMAP, we quote JHC on
lor W-WALL In JHC parlance: '"The early vera ion ot SOMAP, or if we ever When 0 = C. we just use one letter: a bit that hn been diacarded : "The
27 cubea In the 3 x 3 x 3 are called 8 manage to track down " NABLA" and :. is the q 'th solution In wihich Orar>Qe fli'St ed~ion ot the SOMAP also gave
Verticu , 12 ..Jr;es. 6 lacH, 1 centre. that Richard Guy article, it will be use- ~ both O&licient and Central, and for each solution a description of
[That tnt ia an Er>QJ~h word meanir>Q ful to remember those char>Qes l In the wh ich has dexterity 2. To reflect . swap whe ther it could be support~ or not
"center" In American.) The pieces can meantime. keep on the lookout tor a R and U. ubtract dexterity from 3 (0 - I.e.. put on a plinth [another good
occupy at most (respactlvety) 1 + 2 + new book on mathematical gamee tn deficient). 6 (8 deficient) or 7 (other word for you 1 touch ing only one piece
2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 9 vert ices, so just preparation by Richard Guy. JHC and wioe), and -.... the same tag letter. at Jhe bottom, with a book at the to p
one piece, the Deficient piece. must be Elwyn Berlekamp, noted in that Martin So reflections of the above (two ex- to keep it together if necessary : and if
one vert~-.x short of its maximum (In Gardner column . amples ) are "': , o so, v.i'tic h is the supporting p iece
any solutkln of ttie Cube j. This piece Back to SOMAP notation. JHC con- Got It, AddiCts~ Guess you ahould, (theret ne......~r 1note than one) and
cannot be Green, jPiece No. 3: see tinues : "Colouring the 27 cubes black for JHC goes on: "Thia should just wtlethcr. thE- i;tlOportin.g Is central or
below) tor Green could only occupy 2 and while so v. F [I.a., Vertices and about [Yes, lha1 " about" makes ua a obliGlln'. lh:~i-i'':\ :uS.! one J'Jiution sup-
or 0 vertices. So Gteen lie$ along an Faces) =black, E. C [Edges and Cen- bH uneasy. too) explain the namir>Q portrbJG on A8d , . . . one centrally on
edge of the Cu"-. ter) = white, we now know what ayatem. It's nice because H tells you Drown, . . . and one obliquely on
Aa a nice histo<ical happenstance coloura Y, G, 0. U, A uae, 10 B muat exactly the way In which each lndl Brown... one obliquely on blAck ..
JHC and MJTG worked that aemlnal have 1 while, 2 black, A hu 1 black, 3 vidu.J piece is lOcated In the Cube." - lhla last ~ a very nice solution .
afternoon with a piebald SOMA aet; white. (These condillona tell ua ex- JHC then ~ on to Ju.t about ex lha obliquely supportable Brown is
each ple<:e a d illenant color, u rotloWI: actly which Jocationa of plecee in lha plain the SOMAP'a atructure: "The really remarkable lor the way In wnich
Piece No: 1 2 3 3 x 3 3 are peuibte.) It turna out that SOMAP ahowl by solid llnes every all tM other pieces cling deaperatety
Color: ~ro- Yellow green when we specify the Deficient piece 0 case In wlhicl\ two solutlona are related to Brown to avoid lalllr>Q ott. wh ole
4 s e 1 and the Central piece C (that occupy- by fiddllnQ wtth just two pieces. and Brown doftn't give them much help,
Qrange blt,ia Bed ~ck lr>Q Centre) we know ot each piece juat enough cases with ~piac:a linka to belr>Q .. . j in a poaition moat Add icts
The capitalized and underlined Jetter how many V, E. F, C it uses. II we want join the "''I> together, except that don't expect It to be In 11 the sup-
in each colO< [ '"COlour ' in Engliah) ia to cut up ttwt aotutions fur1Mr, we can there Ia just one solution. the diamond porting piece. ao) this makes qu1te a
the tetter w!Hch Ia used to designate soecty wh ich of piec es 1. 2. 4 [or B. Y, 1~ whk:h ta isol ated even under 3-- good problem."
tha t PKe on tt'le SOMAP. Further h._ ~ OJ appear rlght-handedty (dexter) as plece llnb. Whn you find the di1~ If you know the ru in for punc tua!lfl9
toncal cf'\arm IS added by a Conway oppoaed to lett-h and edl y (s intsta r), mend. ~!!. ,, 1191if l - o It secret is QUota ltons from whCh dCie!10ns have
been made, you already suspect us so
we'll confeas. JHC did identify the Candy-Colored /
above " supportable solutions " in
SOMATYPE, but we 're not about to
puo them on- you find them. What Sorry, still unpublis~ed Addicts. D. M.
Collison gets a lot of space this issue.
we have given is the support inQ piece as lut, because he 's both in9enious
ktentitles, and more answers than you and last. The ink was scarcely dry on
are entitled to to the Piel Hein quos the last issue. which revealed to the
Ilona which ended " The Pedestal So- world Clyde Ankenbauer'a and Rich-
lution" in Vol. 1. No. 2. and. we sua- ard Valero's COLOR-BANDED (Coli~
peel, the anawer to the mystery of who
son terminotOQy : now official) multi-set
SOMA Punta Figures, wflen DMC's
nrst came up with that whole idea. Now DMC raises hla sights to
response arrived : "Th'- has given BANDED 4 x 2 TOWER I and II. Not
Central and oblique makea lor con- SOMA a new lease on life for me, u
so perfect from an pointa of view,
Yinclng detail. the figures were getting too easy [IJ
maybe, but good onea .
So, go to it It may take some Ad- . . . Theee ahould lnaplre other Add icts
dicts a willie to realize the Incredible to take the familiar flgurea and give
rlchn0$1 of JHC's contribution. But. if them a twist" DMC obeerves: ''The THRONE felda
''These" Include, flrat. BANDED nat to make a well-known 'lmpoaslbla'
you pencil rlnga around each SOMAP DOUBLE CUBES 1, 2 and 3 : " No draw. ftgura . .. " the fabled 1 x 3 x 9 Pucoe-
solution you achieve and also mark the lnga are needed . . . they are banded Hirsch "flat plane" and Mike Whln~
2-piece and 3-plece links you used to 2, 1, t . 2 and 1, 2. 2, 1 and 1. 4, t . .... t\an 'a "pretend 3 x 9 'rug' " . How do8a
go from one to the other and write in That is, each Is a 3 x 3 x e "brick" he do It? Obviously, the sa'l"' way
the un-noted reflections you 've built. buill from 2 different-colored SOMA DMC "proved" both WWALL end THE
sets; from top and front and both enda, MEMORIAL posalble lut luue. using
you 'll begin to see just how far you the two colors are perfectly banded aa the Plet Heln Non-Standard aett tech-
can go. In the real of your apare lime. DMC Indicates, oo it Ia obvioua you nique, pp. 32-3 of your SOMA Booklet.
you can try to figure out that mnemonic didn't juat stand 2 Cubes aide-by-aide. To finish this DMC Color Banding bit.
and reconstruct the rest of SOMAP None ia banded back or boltom, but Bn<JJ 4 :r 2 8a~d.f~2 we unbend our no-eolutlons ocrupl"
lor yourself. In case you're wondering they are beauties, nonetheless. Toww r Tower 2 just enough to hint how DMC lets you
about the pencilled-in alphabet, JHC Next probably searching for 3-sides- build both of those famous IMpoaalbla
pertect BANDED DOUBLE CUBES. Mr. figures at once with juat two Mts:
aaya : " The old edition has also the liat Collison discovered another 3 x 3 x 8 Finally, Mr. C. reaches lor the stars Richard Naylor "restorea" W-WALL
of components under 21inks: 118 aolu- masterpiece he calla THE DOVETAIL. with BANDED DOUBLE TOWER I and by awapplng out just one ~ube piece,
tionl (A), 18 solutiona (B), 11 (C) .. . "which can be viewed from all aides II. Find out lor yourselves how all- which le ,_., but DMC'a joke le
clown to 15 Isolated aolutlona (Z) .. ... (except underneath)." We dlsagnee. It around aymmetrically bonded they are. double-neat in that his W-WALL winds
and he pencilled In whet you aee. you cen oolve th'- one, we promise But look out for No. If ; with the two up ualng two of piece No. 4, which oo
you'll find the paltem on the bottom sets we used. it's a BANDED DOUBLE many of you were ao sura wu the
Sometime, the lull lialing mey get com- TOPPL Y TOWER. " villan" thet made W-WALL a bum-
pleaalng: It goes dot-das!Hiaa!Hiot-
pared wijh "X" Newhall's liat and dash-dash, Ina teed of the dot-dash-dot- Is he through? He offers 1 2-aet mer, and he reator" THE MEMORIAL
many other Addicts ' " First Piece Place- dash-etc. of the top view we show Couple. KING AND THRONE. we al the same time. Someone may be
ment" analysea. here. And why shouldn't If? The color won't show you. The THRONE part, able to do this dual restoration with a
Now see II all this doesn't help you pallem on the end you don't see Is though, we'll describe : it's really a 1-piece swap, but we doubt It THE
the oppoaite of that on the end we BED, 3 x 3 head and foot ond nat por- MEMORIAL aeems to need 5 "complex
with Plet Hlen'a "con you make the tion, or 27 small cubes total. Can you plec..." That ahould be all the hinta
ahow, too. A very poetic aort of not-
Cube with this pattern .. ." contribu- quite-symmetry; very Plet Hein. build that with one aet? What'a more, you need.
tion to this laaua.

Brand New for 1972

Every February we Introduce a line of lew months you 'll be able to find them
new gamea and puules to add to our all in local stores. but if you're im-
long list of classics like MONOPOL YIP patient, you cen order them directly
and SOMA. The cream of lhia year'a fromua.
crgp Ia hown botow. wnhtn the next

SNAPSHOfT.JL- Test your visual ,._ NERF FOOTBAU - The new out-
call with this game of missing pic- door teammate of the NERF BALL Is
tures. Spread out 17 of the 30 comical made of a dense loam with a tough
photos, and look them over for a realistic akin. lt'a the football that's
minute. Tum them over, shuffle and easier to pasa and calch because it'a
remove three. Then nip the rest over
easier to grip, yet H handles amazingly
again and be the flrsl to tell which like the real thing. Thla, by lha way,
three are missinQ. Play thiS one again was the most popular Hem of the new
PATTERN PENDING"" - You can and again, interchanging photoa as line when It was Introduced In Febru-
create an endless variety of fascinat- you go. You don't have to have 1 phole>- ary.
THE JOHNNY HORIZON ENVIRON- ing black and wllite patterns by doo- graphic memory to play- juat make
MENTAL TEST KIT-Here'a a kit dling with these intriguing cubes. Thera sure none of your opponents do either.
that allows you to team about your en- are several chai~reaction ponies in
vironment. There are ten key testa for the instructions to gel you started, but
air and water, all ean be repeated many like SOMA. the real chanm of PAT-
times . and refill kits are available from TERN PENDING lies in what you do on
Parker Brothers. All the tests are de- your own. You get f 2 large black and
rived I rom those used by state and white cubes in a clear vinyl storage
federal agencies : in fact. Newsweek case.
calla it " perhaps the most real istic
ecology toy [on the market ). " The only
exception we take with that statement
ia that it's not rea lly a toy . In fact, we
recommend adult supeNis ion since
the kit contd irls some chem icals which

could be ha 1mfl!l if misused.


that makes everybody a uaed car
dealer. Every player has their oWn

Blue Book with varying values lor each
of the 24 incredible cara. A cer that'a
worth lhouaands to you could be junk NERFOOpt.JL- Indoor baketball at
to an opponen~ bul he'll try to Mil If tr a belli Th'- 4-inch NERF BALL hat
.,.1f! ~ - --~ to you lor aa much 11 he can get. If
you think he'a bluffing, you cen took
under the hood : otherwise you'll never
basketball aeams, and e<>mes com-
plete with e ,.~, hoop, and special
bracket tor mounting ove< a door or
LANDSLIDE".._- Hereo your chance know whether h;.e 't makino money or onto a wall. Shooting at the NERFDOP
to try to become Prestdent! In thls losing it. So barter. haggle. deal and Ia like eo ling peanuta -once you start
game of power polltlca you manipu- SQUARE OFF' - Our game of trade; II that c!oesn't wort<_ try bumlng you'll never atop. We know because
late milllona of popular votes. bidding quick conneettona is an unusual new an opponent'l ct~r . A11'1 fair when wa've tried ~ - wt1 don't get much
for states with ei"'I\Jgh electoral votes duel of wits for two. Pick a teller. roll you 're trying to become the richest work done around here anymore!
to get you into tho Wh1te House. If' a a the die and atart sliding the Wes. ca r dealer In town .
ttllfty game- you can be beh ind un ti l You ' re rac in9 to form an unbroken
the last mmute and still win! It tak es P81h between a let1er in lhe cen ter and If you want to order any of these games d irect from u1. nn ou1 the
the ume knd of luck. wt and gam- 8 number on the t ide The wmner coupon on page and .end t to u-s t~nth your check or money Ofder.
bler 'w lnsllnct as the roal rac e - but must ta ke 3 001 ol 5 rounds. For the We 'll send y our games pott age paid Pteaae be aure we have your
you don ' t na ve to .-rt att four years be rea! thcnke rs tf'le re s alt o a srr aleQ1C c orre<t na m e and ad d re ss arn:l Z~ COde -and all ow ttlree to
tween gamot 1 'o oentar v c ~ ton loyr w4!eks 'Of' delivery
Proofs We Got! Llllla mora apace for proofs/aolu-
tlona news, but we can't resist telling
Our filet are jammed w1tl'l proofs by Robar1 Edelman, Huntington Woodla,
now. including some th&l aren't We Mich., lhat he eama very cloae to loa-
can. lor now. only hit a lew high (or lng hla bet Only ona other Addict.
low) opota. Mark Cfovella, Buftalo, Now York.
For a non-proof example , a SOMA came up with hla topay-1\Jrvy solution
Addict from Concord, Mass.. cla ima to the OPEN ELEVA TOR challenge In
ltlal HIGH AND LOW I and II (p. 24. Vol. 1, No. 2: make the ELEVA TOR
SOMA Booklet) are both impoasible atop at the lower floors" . .. by merely
.. . " because no two piece& are equal turning the atruci\Jre[a) upa~wn. "l
to t blocka unleaa you have more than Congreta ll>d a Super Egg to each of
two aata." Oh. corM on now! Mar11n you; buf, urry Sel,.r'a TOWER and
Gardner quotes a British mathemat~ ELEVATOR TOWER chaltengea, which
elan, JoM Edenaor Lit11ewood: "A Immediately followed, remain ur>-
good mathematical joka ... Ia bet1er, touchad by alt. MUIII we call on
and better mathematics, than a dozen Collison again?
mediocre papers . .. " but ara you
On 1t1e other hand, Dennie Kelly,
Ket1ering, Ohio. who Ia auch a demon
which certainly telta us where o,.
piece (ao to apeak!) must be, and:
A Couple More 01 lntertlt
Mr. Bartow and David Beyerle, Santa
Soma Club News
poasiblprover that he simply sent In
hla &OMA Bookt.t with proofs entered
" . . . only numbers 2. 3 ll>d/or 7 can
accompany It . .. [and) the remaining
Ana, Cal., aach - " (different) aolu-
llona to Mrs. Setl'a (Spar1anburg, S.C.)
Ia no ~ws good ,...._, Wa,'hear from
In tho Plot Hlen drewlnga, shows these plec" cennot form the bonom." He SKYSCRAPER reproduced here from
two figures. along with just about every then aaaerta: ''There ia only one way Vol. 1, No. 2 bee...a both failed to lime to time of SOMA Clut.. getting
thing alae, very poas lble Indeed. Keep to bu lid the bottom 10 lhat par1 . . . mention the fact lhlt. as Mrs. Sell had atar1ed, but then NOTHI~ Do all
H up, Dannie. alicka up Into the top. This uses pieces alated, bod> of their solutions come SOMA Cluba aelf-deatruct Into 7 lac
1, 2. 4, 5, and a. Piece No. 2 then apar1 Into a Married Couple (transl- Ilona and 27 aut>-ellquee? Whatewr,
What's Still Not? Ask Collison. forma 1 bloc~ of the bonom and 3 David Beyerle, 13572 Whembly Drive,
tlona directly Into The Cube, new-
What with last lssue'a W-WALL IMpoa- blocka of the top [but hia drawing of Santa Ana, Ca. 112705, and colteag.-
comers) which - call SEAT OF
alblllly proving binge, and the Naylor- thia shows No. 2 aupported by levita- MIGHTY/SEAT OF MEEK. Thla Couple -all damon Provers- were trying to
Collison REproving job, you Addlcta tion. 1 cu~pece above the surface. will a/ao tranalllon Into an Interesting get a SOMA Club alllr1ed at Foothill
have left very lillie Indeed In the "not Maybe that's what makes ua a~ep- BALCONIEO HOUSE on the way to High School a year ago, and loo~lng
proven " (either way) category. In the Ucal ?). Plec:M 3 and 7 .. . do not have The Cuba. Try to flnd, Addicts. fa< " . .. fallow llddlctl In the general
Booklet, Kevin Compton, Pueblo, Colo., the shapes needed . .. [to complete vicinity of Orange County such lhat
atka about SKYSCRAPER Ill, p. 23, the nat area of the head)." That, we'll interschool competltlon and zany an-
which M. Gardner flrst published, and buy. How about K, Addicts? Will this Ilea could ~~~~. p4aca ...
dleclared Impossible, In the Scientific do? Wa ara still looking for a aponaor,
~lean . But, no proof. Leave It to
From Vol. 2, No. 1, we now repro- but K we do not ftnd one we will just
the redoubtable David C. Collison, last duce the Rev. V. G. Feaer'a MOVE remain an unaanctloned group."
lasue'a double Super Egg winner and ABLE TYPE : T. We received a checker We'll aunafy aanctlon you, David, -
lhls lsauea champion Color-Bander. boarding IMpoaslblllty proof for this v peclally alnca K took .. ao long to get
Last May, he sent us an IMpossibility one, but we reject It Can a 1-aet your meaage Into the medium. There
proof for SKYSCRAPER Ill that Is, u should a1a0 be at ,..., one Math
Figure, checkarboarded, have 15 black
he aayo : " ... rattler tedious, [ao we cube& and 12 while? Rereading Jotun'a teacher lnter..tad? Or maytle a pay-
don't give It, but a hint:) but It does ex Proof, pp. 39-40 of the SOMA Booklal. chologlstls Medad? In the meantime,
plain why H Is poaslble to construct we think ao. What you are at1ampllng Orange County Addleta, wrlle or call
SKYSCRAPERS I and If." to do when you cheekerboetd deter Dew. You should Ill teet IMplred by
the cunent pr~ of J. H. Conway
i'lllon~~~~:~~ ~
ri\JnM how """'Y deg- of freedom (SOMAP) juet up the road In ~
you haft. MOVEABl.E TYPFACE: T
i tat two :He! NOTa, No.a 5 and t . Of Ia not The euto.. Meantime, - quote wttll apptOYIII
AZTEC TEMPLE, ha simply aaya: the 2-man SOMA Club of Panna. Ohio;
. . _ lmpoaalbla, by Jotun'a theorem, Michael Molchan and Pliny Szarka:
lmmadlalely." Try It, young Addicts. - - - -- - --------~ .. -W&-ol'ww 80M t ' 'h' .._
FIVE SQUARE look 1 bH more worl<. think working togelt1er ia much IMa
Mr. Collison's IMpoaalblllty proof for It nerve-racking tllan II you do II by your-
wu preceded In our ntea by an _,_ aelf." They also _ claim thai Mlka
tlalfy similar but aubelllntlally l~r
one from John P. Rober1son, Harvard so~ NEWS~ . . can't lhlnk up a helklacent puz
zle ll>d Perry can, draw a half.
U., also a lastlsaue Super Egg-head. Parker Brothara decent puzzle but they have con-
To summarize a bK drastically, thea& P. 0 . Box900 trlbutad 2 batcMa of whole-decant
guyo (1) cooalder which SOMA plec:M Salem, M-. 01970 -'klrawn puzzlee- teamwork worka.
must go Into which sub-segments of
FIVE SQUARE : (2) consider which of
the "ftat" ple<:M can go together
which ways - and which wayo nor-
Wedding Present
In the Figure's "wings" ; and using
proper checkerboardlng techniques For June Brides
throughout, deal with the messy bill Sharpie Rober1 Edelman, who pushed
of-pieces that must [can you build Clyde Ankenb ~uer the Down Button on OPEN ELEVATOR
either a 3 3 1 or a 3 3 x 2 with any F92 6 'L61s Dr. from the basement end of this lsaue'a
of the 7 SOMA pieces?) interact ~
tween the center and the wings. But,
Ctnn, , Oh1o 4f>239 PROOFS WE GOT column, also ~
tnbuted elegant Married Couple, (the
both of the IMpoasibillty proofs also type lhal "tranalta" right Into 1t1e Cube).
lead right into the Collison-NayiO< RE Here ~ Is (they are?); our title il UP
possibility proofs for, probably, a// AND DOWN 'V'.
" famous NOTs" . For more on that.
LISON (him again? Yes.) elsewhere in
thi.s issue. /
What Now For Nob?
Each pr ior issue of the SOMA Addict
earned some sl itl untied NOTS. From
Vol. 1, No. 1, here' Noble Ca~son ' a ,-----~---. I
(Willoughby. OhiO) " on-lhe -biao ODD-
Mail To : Parker Brothers
190 Bridge Street I
Salem, Massachusetts 01970

I Ouanllty I
I - - -- Jol:nny Ha<i.zon Kit -- Square on $6.00
. $14.00 _ _ Dealer's Cholca S6.00
I _ _ Landollde $6.25
_ _ Pat1ern Pending $2..50
Nerl Football' S2.75
Norloop $3.00
I Fun and Games
- - Snapahot $3.00
....... ~1\U .o:ll ... ..-. IIU...
- - Soma S2.25
I Look at THE GORDIAN KNOT, p. 22
of your IOMA Booklet. It ia possible :
many have built It But whet K thole 4

II Name : __________________________________ ______________

I atuda which polta ou1 of 1t1e oldet
around the bottom tier were moved up
to tho aaeond tie<? You would have a
Addraa : ________________________________________________ I Puute Figure which RaY. V. G. Feser.
From V. 1. No. 2. we also repeal the
SPHINX sent In by Cha~es M. Halna,
Sout h Pasadena. Cal. For lh;s one ,
I Clfy : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Aaaumptlon College, conceived and
called COMPASS. A very good name.
but an IMpoaalble Puz.tle. h say. by
w , L. Bar1ow. Greonvtlle, N.C. hat State : ____________________ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ chackarboardlng analylla. We' re aure
su bm tf1ed en IMposs ible proof th1t we
find rather conv 1 n c i ~ but someho w
I A'fa tlab,. an-t Jvtte 1. 1t71 I h wouldn't suggest such thing. but
maybe If you ahowed an un-ary lrH!tnd
tackm9 To a9 a'n bru tal ly summ artze.
~ r B 1~1 d tvde-s the FQu re tnlo a 16--
cube t>o ttom and t n 11 -cu~ to p ,
L ___________ _ _j
that you could build THE GORD IAN
KNOT . that would c onvince him !
COMPA SS was t u tlable response ?

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