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Placement: Ontario Early Years (Cumberland)

Purpose: Today I attended a workshop for the infant group on

Reason for completing the task. setting the stage for positive discipline. The session
This could be based on an revolved around the idea that infants cannot be
observation you made, a disciplined, however, there are techniques that an be used
conversation between you and to prepare the child for positive disciple when they
your site supervisor, etc. become older.

Task: Objectives:
What are you planning in response 1. To help the caregivers understand their role as
to your purpose? parents in relation to dealing with their infants
-Label your task (e.g. bulletin undesirable behaviours. The main behaviours
board focused on the importance parents were concerned about where the baby
of play-based learning). touching things they shouldnt, or not sharing. It
-What are your 3 objectives for was explained that at this age, caregivers should
this experience? (i.e. Why are you avoid issues by simply not having items
creating a bulletin board on the accessible to the baby if they are not allowed to
importance of plat based touch them. It was also clarified that it is
learning? What message are you developmentally normal for babies to want to
sending?) touch everything and they cannot be expected not
to. The issues revolving around toy taking and
Describe the experience: sharing were encouraged to be solved with
-Describe the completion of the distracting until the child is of age to begin
task, with a step by step understanding sharing and turn taking.
description. 2. To help the caregivers understand what is can
expected of their baby and what is not
developmentally appropriate.
3. To clarify that saying No is okay.
4. To answer any questions parents had in regards to
the sibling conflicts.
1. The room was set up so that the caregivers could
sit and listen to the workshop, while still within
their childs view. There were ECEs available to
help the children as well.
2. We spoke about preparing for positive discipline
in the early years.
3. We emphasized the importance of a positive
relationship and attachment before positive
discipline can even begin.
4. We shared some tips and tricks in regards to how
to manage undesired behaviours from infants.
Reflection: The session went very well and the topic quite clearly
-What went well? was of interest because the turnout was large. All the
Provide examples of how you moms were very engaged and had many great questions
know it went well. about the topic. I think that for the most part, the parents
-What didnt go well? Provide knew the information being shared, but due to the
examples of how you know it multiple rumors and misconceptions caregivers hear, the
didnt go well. reassurance that they are doing things right was helpful.
-What did you learn? There are many misunderstandings about disciplining
-What might you do differently infants and specially around using the word No. The
next time you implement this same clarification that infants cannot be disciplined, and
task and why? cannot be loved and coddled too much, I believe was
-Did you make any adaptation or extremely encouraging for the caregivers. A lot of the
modifications? If so, what were parents thought that using the word No was a bad idea,
they? but it was clarified that it is important that they learn the
-What type of experience might word, and the idea of consent. Overall, the session went
you plan to extend on this one? extremely well, and I believe everyone, including myself
learned something new.
Field Supervisors Feedback:

Signature: Date: Thursday February 2nd 2017

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