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What is taxonomy? Earliest prokaryotes Some are colonial

Kingdom Monera Live in most extreme environments Take in food by simple diffusion and
Prokaryotes phagocytosis
First types of cells to evolve 3.5 Reproduce asexually and sexually
billion years Groups: Groups of Protozoa
Characteristics of prokaryotes 1. Methanogens live in swamps and 1. Rhizopoda ( Sarcodina) amoeboids
- Nuclear materials not enclosed by marshes, and guts of organisms - unicellular and asexual organisms
nuclear membrane (nucleoid) including mammals - pseudopodia
- Lack other organelles that are found - produce methane gas - phagocytic
in cell of higher organisms 2. Halophiles live in high salt content - Amoeba
- With cell membrane and enclosed by environment Entamoeba hystolitica
cell wall 3. Thermophiles live in high 2. Zoomastigina (Mastigophora)
- Some move by means of flagella temperature zooflagellates
- Reproduce by means of fission 4. Acidophiles acidic environment - with flagella
- Some forms endospores Eubacteria - phagocytic
Monerans can be classified based True bacteria - Trypanosoma gambiense
on the following: Classified according to their mode of - Giardia lamblia
Nutritional requirements acquiring nutrients, mechanism of 3. Apicomplexa (Sporozoa)
1. Photoautotrophs blue-green algae movement and their shape. sporozoans
- produce Photosynthetic bacteria - no locomotory organelles
energy from light A. Cyanobacteria photosynthetic - parasitic
2. Heterotrophs some are parasitic bacteria - Plasmodium malariae
bacteria, pathogens, and Nostoc 4. Ciliophora
saprophytes Gleocapsa ciliates
3. Chemoautotrophs produce energy Spirogyra - cilia
from inorganic substances Shapes of bacteria: - macronucleus and micronucleus
Oxygen requirements bacillus (bacillus anthracis, bacillus - Paramecium, Balantidium coli
1. Obligate aerobes require oxygen subtilis, Mycobacterium Plant-like Protists - Algae
to grow tuberculosis ) 1. Dinoflagellates Pyrrophyta
2. Obligate anaerobes do not require coccus ( streptococcus pneumonia , - two flagella
oxygen to grow nesseria gonorrhoeae ) - red tide
3. Facultative anaerobes can live Spirillus ( Treponema pallidum ) 2. Golden brown Chrysophyta
with or without oxygen Protozoa animal-like protists (diatoms)
Two groups of prokaryotes/bacteria Unicellular organisms - unicellular; cell wall contains
Archaebacteria Motile silica
3. Green algae Chlorophyta -Penicillium notatum -Cells are specialized to perform
- with chlorophyll a and b -Aspergillus specific function
- ancestors of present plants Kingdom Plantae Phylum Cnidaria/Coelenterata
- multicellular Animals Karaoke players can order -Aquatic ; radially symmetrical; with
- Caulerpa racemosa free grade soda tentacles around the mouth
Caulerpa lentellifera Plants Karaoke dancers can order -Jelly fish, sea anemones, corals
Ulva free grape soda Phylum Platyhelminthes
Division Bryophyta- mosses -Flatworms; bilaterally symmetrical
-Grow in moist places -Flukes, planaria, tapeworms
4. Brown algae Phaeophyta -No true roots -Liver fluke (Cestoda) * Tapeworm
- marine; multicellular -No vascular tissue (Trematoda)
- Kelp and Sargassum Phylum Echinodermata
5. Red algae Rhodophyta Division Lycophyta - Selaginella -Marine; sea stars; water vascular
- multicellular; aquatic; mostly Division Sphenophyta - horsetails system
marine Division Pterophyta - ferns Phylum Nematoda
Kappaphycus alvarezii -Seedless vascular plants -Round worms with tough
Euglenoids - Euglenophyta -True roots impermeable cuticle
KINGDOM FUNGI -Vascular tissue
-Saprophytic -Survive in dryer environment
-Unicellular and filamentous Division Cycadophyta - cycads Phylum Annelida
-Some are parasitic, causing diseases Division Coniferophyta cone -Segmented worms; with parapodia or
in plants and animals bearing plants setae for movement
-Body composed of filaments called -Naked-seeded plants Phylum Mollusca
hyphae collectively called -Pinus -Calcareous shell; aquatic and
mycelium Division Anthophyta flowering terrestrial
-Bread mold (Rhizopus nigricans) plants Phylum Arthropoda
Candida albicans Class Liliopsida monocot -Segmented; exoskeleton
Saccharomyces cerevisiae - flowers parts in threes Phylum Chordata
Unicellular fungi Class Magnoliopsida dicot -Fish
-Yeasts - flowers in fours or fives -Amphibians
-Bakers yeast KINGDOM ANIMALIA -Reptiles
-Candida albicans Phylum Porifera -Birds
Filamentous fungi -No true tissue no organs -Mammals
-Bread mold

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