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Introduction of Survey:
The survey is conducted between 90 peoples in NFC Institute of
Engineering & Fertilizer Research Faisalabad. It includes the students of 1st
semester, 3rd semester, 5th semester & 7th semester from all departments
including teachers, boys & girls. The purpose of the survey is just to give you
the exposure about what you are thinking & what you can think. Everyone
gives the 100% response. Everyone from all of you gives the right answers
according to his/her thinking level. I really appreciate your efforts. I am very
thankful to all of you for considering it valuable and giving the answers.

Each question contains two answers. Answer-1 is the result of survey.

Answer-2 is the suggestion & relevant material from my side.

Words of answer-2 are not my creativity (words).

These are the reflection of the study of different
books, ideas, thoughts, articles, results of surveys
conducted by experts in worldwide & the opinion
of experts.
Do you think you waste your time on daily basis? If yes then
why you cant make your time productive? If No then what you
do in your free time?

Time wasting concept is different for different people. For example
person A and Person B are watching the same movie. Now the difference is,
person A is watching the movie to learn something new but person B is
watching for having a fun or time passing. Similarly, for example person A
listen songs because songs listening are the key drivers for him/her but
person B is listening for useless purposes or time wasting.

90% (81 Persons) people give the answers: Yes I waste my time. They
give the following reasons of their time wasting:

Social Media (Facebook, What Sapp)
Lack of encouragement in university
Mobile Phones
Watching movies & Dramas
Do not know what to do
Education system
Time wasting gives me long-lasting memories
Lack of productive environment
Lack of commitment & determination
Playing games
Friends talking
Only 10% (9 Persons) peoples give the answers: No, I do not waste
my time. Combine result of these 10% people is as follows:

Everyone from born to till death, nobody waste its time. There exists
some sort of learning at each level of your life in any situation either you
consider it or not. Everything in your life & every happening in your
surroundings teach you a lesson both it is worse or good and this is called
experience. If you satisfied from that experience then its not a time waste but
if you are not satisfied then its a time waste.

They mention the following activities that they do in their free time:

Net Browsing
Song Listening
Observing the surroundings
Reading books, articles & quotations
Art & craft
Learning from movies

Herbert Grey, a businessman, conducted a long-term study searching for
what he called the common denominator of success. After eleven years, he
finally concluded that the common denominator of success was that
successful people make a habit of doing the things that unsuccessful people
dont like to do. What Grey found was that successful people are more
concerned with pleasing results, whereas failures were more concerned
about pleasing methods. Successful, happy people were more concerned
with the positive, long-term consequences of their behaviors, whereas
unsuccessful people were more concerned with personal enjoyment and
immediate gratification. Motivational speaker Denis Waitley has said that the
top people were those who were more concerned with activities that were
goal achieving, whereas average people were more concerned with activities
that were tension relieving.
Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to live with. Good habits are hard
to form, but easy to live with. And as Goethe said, Everything is hard before
its easy. It is hard to form the habits of self-discipline, self-mastery, and self-
control, but once you have developed them, they become automatic and easy
to practice. When the habits of self-discipline are firmly connected with your
behavior, you start to feel uncomfortable when you are not behaving in a self-
disciplined manner.

The rule is that to become someone that you have never been before,
you must do something that you have never done before. This means that to
develop a superior character, you must exert ever higher levels of self-
discipline and self-mastery on yourself. You must do the things that average
people dont like to do. Another success principle is that to achieve something
that you have never achieved before, you must learn and practice qualities
and skills that you have never had before.

By practicing self-discipline, you become a new person. You become

better, stronger, and more clearly defined. You develop higher levels of self-
esteem, self-respect, and personal pride. The person you are today, your
innermost character, is the sum total of all your choices and decisions in life
up to this date. You are a choosing organism. You are constantly making
choices, one way or the other. Every choice you make is a statement about
your true values and priorities. At each moment, you choose what is more
important or of higher value to you over what is less important or of lesser
Qualities & characteristic are either God gifted or can be
learned (created)?

Dear friends this question is very sensitive and it needs a lot of study
and concentration. Some of you may ask that I am talking against Islam or
denying the God gifted qualities but actually I am not doing this. God gives us a
very intelligent and extra-ordinary mind to every human either human is
physical fit (men, women) or disabled (blind, deaf, disable). Now it is our duty
and responsibility to use or explore it. It depends on us how much we expand
it. The good news is that your mind is like a muscle. It grows stronger and
more capable with use. Everyone have ability to do something unique and
extra-ordinary than others but he/she have to find that special ability.

In Holy Quran Allah Says: Nothing can move without my permission

even the leaves of trees. But in another place Allah says: Everyone has its
own choices to do anything either right or wrong. I intend to all of you to
focus and try to understand the answer.


70% people give almost the same answer and they give the following
Some qualities are God gifted & some can be learned by:
Strong Decision
Burning Desire
The company we keeps
Doing different activities
Choosing right direction
30% people give the following answer:

Just talents are God gifted and we have to create the desired qualities and
characteristics by using that talent. Everyone has some special quality which
makes him/her different from other people. But now depends on the person
that he/she how much discover or polish that quality. Learning gate is always
open for everyone.


Your ability to learn, grow, and fulfill your potential is unlimited. Your
ability to learn and remember can continue throughout your life if you keep
your brain alive, alert, and functioning at its best. The good news is that
almost every important skill is learnable. Every business skill is learnable.
Everyone who is proficient in any area was at one time completely ignorant in
that area. All moneymaking skills are learnable as well. Almost every wealthy
person was once poor. You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve
any goal you can set for yourself. The starting point of your moving upward
and onward toward becoming one of the most competent, most respected,
and highest paid people in your field is simple: Make a decision!

We are all born to lead successful lives but our conditioning leads us to
failure. We are born to win but are conditioned to lose. We often hear
statements like, this person is just lucky, he touches dirt and it turns to gold
or, he is unlucky, no matter what he touches, it turns to dirt. This is not true. If
you analyze, the successful person is doing something right in each
transaction and the failure is repeating the same mistake in each transaction.
Remember, practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes
perfect. Practice makes permanent whatever you do repeatedly. Some people
keep practicing their mistakes and they become perfect in them. So their
mistakes become perfect and automatic.

Our thinking pattern becomes habitual. We form habits and habits form
character. Before you realize that you have got the habit, the habit has got you.
We need to form the habit of thinking right. Someone once said, "Our thoughts
lead to actions, actions lead to habits, and habits form character." Character
leads to destiny.
How do we get conditioned?

Think of the mighty elephant that can lift in excess of a ton of weight
with just its trunk. How do they condition the elephant to stay in one place
with a weak rope and a stake? The elephant, when it is a baby, is tied to a
strong chain and a strong tree. The baby is weak but the chain and tree are
strong. The baby is not used to being tied. So it keeps tugging and pulling the
chain, all in vain. A day comes when it realizes that all the tugging and pulling
will not help. It stops and stands still. Now it is conditioned. And when the
baby elephant becomes the mighty giant elephant, he is tied with a weak rope
and a small stake. The elephant could, with one tug, walk away free, but it goes
nowhere, because it has been conditioned.

We are constantly being conditioned, consciously or unconsciously, by

exposure to:

The kind of books we read.

The kind of society we live.
The kind of movies and TV programs we watch.
The kind of music we listen to.
The kind of company we keep.

While driving to work, if we listen to the same music every day for several
days, and if the tape deck breaks down, guess what tune we will be humming?
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting
different results. If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep
getting what you have gotten. The most difficult thing about changing a habit
is unlearning what is not working and learning positive habits. Our input
equals our output. Our subconscious mind does not discriminate. Whatever
we choose to put into our subconscious mind it will accept and our behavior
will reflect that accordingly.

Success in ; success out.

Failure in ; failure out.
The First Blind Athlete in the Olympics Marla Runyan won four gold
medals at the 1992 Summer Paralympics. By 2001 she won her first of three
consecutive 5000 meter National Championships. The First Blind painter
John Bramblitt has received much recognition, including the "Most
Inspirational Video of 2008" from YouTube and three Presidential Service
Awards for his innovative art workshops. His art has been sold in over twenty
countries and he has appeared internationally in print, TV, and radio.

How you judge the people?

Concept of judging the people is different for different peoples. You can
judge the people in many perspectives like physically, morally, intellectually
and for future life achievements. Examples of each case are given blew:

1- If the perspective of person A is to judge the person B by physically then

definitely person A focus will focus on physical appearance of person B like
dressing, health fitness, personality, way of walking and etc.

2- If the perspective of person A is to judge the person B morally then person

A will not focus on external looks but person A will focus on person Bs ideas,
thoughts, manners, character, way of talking and etc.

3- If the perspective of person A is to judge the person B for future life either
he/she will be highly successful or average successful in future then person A
will focus on person Bs goals, determinations, discipline, commitments, self-
improvements, burning desires, decisions, sacrifices, time management and

4- If the perspective of person A is to judge the person B for intellectually then

person A will focus on person Bs activities, interests, company (Friends),
beliefs, skills, and etc.
85% people give the following answer: I judge the people by following ways:

Company which he keeps

Nature (18 persons)
Way of talking
Behavior (36 persons)
Daily Routine
Dealing with me & others
How they entertain
Moral works
Spending time
Attitude with poor people (1 person)
Thoughts (4 persons)
Dressing (18 persons)
The words that he used to say on someones back (1 person)
Creative thoughts (1 person)
Face expressions

14% people give the following answers:

1- I always think positive about the people initially then it depends on

their behaviors.
2- I never judge the people. I only came to know about people when they
interact with me & it totally depends on their attitudes how they behave
with me.
3- I morally do not get curious about judging the people. They mostly
show themselves in two to three hours conversation.
4- Do not judge the book by its cover that is my policy
5- I do not judge the people. Everyone have good and bad qualities at the
same time.
You all see the only 10% skills, abilities or habits of other people
physically. The remaining 90% are hidden inside the person like the iceberg.
You just judge the people on focusing 10% but you should also focus on
remaining 90%. Hazrat Ali (R.A) said: If you want to judge someone then
observe the person in the situation of anger and in journey. Similarly, If you
want to check the abilities of person either he/she will be highly successful or
average successful in future life then observe his/her activities and talks
which he do in its free time.
How someone can remove negative thoughts from his/her

You are surrounded by an ocean of thoughts and you are floating in the
ocean of thoughts. You are absorbing certain thoughts and repelling some in
the thought world. Everyone has his own thought-world. Thought can do
anything. The velocity of thought is unimaginable. Thought is finer than either,
the medium of electricity. In broadcasting, a singer sings beautiful songs at
London but you can hear them nicely through the radio set in your own house
anywhere in the world. All messages are received through the wireless. Even
your mind is like a wireless machine. A person with peace, poise, harmony
and spiritual waves sends out into the world thoughts of harmony and peace.
They travel with lightning speed in all directions and enter the minds of
persons and produce in them also similar thoughts of harmony and peace.
Whereas a worldly man whose mind is full of jealousy, anger, revenge and
hatred sends out negative thoughts which enter in the minds of thousands and
stick in their minds.

If you throw a piece of stone in a tank or a pool of water, it will produce

a number of concentric waves travelling all around from the affected place.
The light of a candle will similarly give rise to waves of ethereal vibrations
travelling in all directions from the candle. In the same manner, when a
thought, whether positive or negative, crosses the mind of a person, it gives
rise to vibrations in the mental atmosphere, which travel far and wide in all
directions. You may cease to your thoughts but your thoughts can never die. A
normal person has more than 60,000 thoughts per day but most of them up to
50,000 are negative thoughts.

Every person gives different answers. Their answer is given blew.

Someone can remove negative thoughts by:

Engaging himself busy

Participating in healthy activities
Thinking truly/rational
Changing social circle
Offering prayers (44 Persons)
Writing your thoughts (1 Person)
Faith of God in mind
Trusting other peoples
Joining good company (Friends)
Thinking positive
Creating positive environment in surrounding
Adopting good habits
Helping the poor people

Most of our behavior is habitual. It comes automatically without
thinking. Character is the sum total of our habits. If a person has positive
habits, then he is considered a positive character. A person with negative
habits is a negative character. Habits are a lot stronger than logic and
reasoning. Habits start by being too weak to be felt, and end up becoming too
strong to get out of. Habits can be developed by default or determination. I
remember as a child my parents telling me, "You should form good habits
because habits form character." That means we must make it a habit. We are
all being conditioned continuously by the environment and the media, and we
start behaving like robots. It is our responsibility to condition ourselves in a
positive manner.
Our input equals our output. Our subconscious mind does not
discriminate. Whatever we choose to put into our subconscious mind it will
accept and our behavior will reflect that accordingly.

Negativity in ; negativity out.

Positivity in ; positivity out.
Good in ; good out.

There are dozens of negative emotions. Although the most common are
guilt, resentment, envy, jealousy, fear, and hostility, they all ultimately boil
down to a feeling of anger, directed either inward or outward.
The fastest and most dependable way to eliminate negative emotions is
to immediately say, I am responsible! Whenever something happens that
triggers anger or a negative reaction of any kind, quickly neutralize the
feelings of negativity by saying, I am responsible. The Law of Substitution
says that you can substitute a positive thought for a negative one. Since your
mind can hold only one thought at a time, when you choose the positive
thought, I am responsible, you cancel out any other thought or emotion at
that moment. It is not possible to accept responsibility and remain angry at
the same time. It is not possible to accept responsibility and experience
negative emotions. It is not possible to accept responsibility without becoming
calm, clear, positive, and focused once more.
When you accept responsibility, you feel strong, powerful, and
purposeful. Accepting responsibility eliminates the negative emotions that
destroy you of happiness. When you exert your willpower in the acceptance of
personal responsibility for your life, you take complete control of your
thoughts and feelings. By doing so, you become a much more effective, happy,
and positive person in everything you do.


Are we born with attitudes or do we develop them as we mature? What
are the factors that form our attitudes? If you have a negative outlook on life
because of your environment, can you change your attitude? Most of our
attitude is shaped during our formative years.
There are primarily three factors that determine our attitude. They are:
1. Environment
2. Experience
3. Education
These are called the triple Es of attitude. Let's evaluate each of the factors
1. Environment
Environment consists of the following:
Home: positive or negative influences
School: peer pressure
Work: supportive or over critical supervisor
Media: television, newspapers, magazines, radio, movies
Cultural background
Religious background
Traditions and beliefs
Social environment
Political environment

2. Experiences
Our behavior changes according to our experiences with people and
events in our life. If we have a positive experience with a person, our attitude
toward him becomes positive and vice versa.

3. Education
I refer to both formal and informal education, not just academic
qualifications. Knowledge strategically applied translates into wisdom,
ensuring success. I talk of education in the broader sense. It makes the role of
the educator vital. A teacher affects eternity. The ripple effect is
immeasurable. We are drowning in information but starving for knowledge
and wisdom. Education ought to teach us not only how to make a living but
also how to live.
I really need your feedback. I request you to come with me & take a cup
of tea on giving me feedback. Feedback may be of any kind & you can disagree
from any point. You are free to ask any question.

Prepared by: Zahid Hassan

Civil Engineering Department

Special thanks:
Usman Farooq
Faiz Ali

Thank You.!!!!

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