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You could call this game a Beer & Pretzels game and youd be right. The game is easy to
play, but fun. Its easy to play, but still a challenge. Its for when you want to play
a game without needing to put too much effort into playing it.
The game is aimed at the casual or new gamer with little or no experience. Its perfect
for playing solo or cooperatively with your friends. It doesnt take much time to learn
yet it is a fun little game. No two games will ever play out the same.
Weve made the game simple by using Classes to define the figures instead of weapons.
Missile guys shoot, Melee guys melee, and Casters cast spells. Easy to use and memorize
tables without modifiers make game play fast. And you only need to roll 2d6.

Playing the Game

As you may or may not know, all THW games can be played solo, same side (cooperatively)
and head-to-head (competitively). Feel free to play anyway you like.
The solo and same side rules are brilliant. You do not draw a card to see if a group
moves; nor do you have to make the best decision for the non-player enemy. The
mechanics of the game do all that for you.
Playing with everyone on the same side is also great for teaching the game to newcomers
and non-gamers.

Your Role
Your role in the game is up to you. Here are some suggestions:
You can play as a loner, going on Encounters on your own.
You can play as the Leader of a Band.
You can play solo or same side against the game mechanics or head-to-head against
The bottom line is you can play it any way you like because its your game.

Needed to Play
You will need a few things to play the game. They are:
Six-sided dice, referred to as d6. It is best to have two per player.
Any combination of metal, plastic or paper figures in a consistent scale of your
choice. You can even play with pen and paper.
A 12 x 12 flat surface.
The Dice
During the game you will be required to roll dice in one of two ways.
When the table says Taken versus Rep, roll 2d6 and compare each score versus the
Rep of the figure. If the d6 score is equal to or less than the Rep, the d6 has been
passed. You can pass 2d6, 1d6, or 0d6.
When the table says Adding the results together, roll 2d6 and add the results
As mentioned earlier you can play the game with any kind of figures. You can even play
with cardboard counters.
Each figure represents one man or creature. The easiest way to base your figures for
the game is one figure on a round or square base, as either style will work.

Figures & Bands

Note that the words figure and character are interchangeable.
The game is played with individual figures that are defined in the following ways:
Is it a Star or a Grunt?
What is its Reputation?
What is its Class?
What is its Armour Class?
Is it a Leader?
Stars and Grunts
We use two types of figures, called Stars and Grunts.
A Star figure represents you, the player. Compared to Grunts, you will have more
freedom, as in real life, to do what you want, as well as some distinct advantages.
Grunts are the figures that do not represent a player, they may be friends or foes and
will come and go as the game progresses. Grunts are controlled by the game mechanics.

Star Advantages
As a Star in the game you have two important advantagesStar Power and Free Will.
Star Power
Star Power is the ability of a character to ignore normally disabling damage.
Stars start each Encounter with 1d6 of Star Power for each point of Rep. So a Rep 5
Star starts with 5d6 Star Power.
Whenever a Star takes damage, it roll its current Star Power d6. Read each d6 as
o Any result of 1-3 reduces the damage by one level.
o Any result of 4-5 means the damage stays but the d6 is retained for future
o Any result of 6 means the damage stays and the d6 is removed from the
characters Star Power for the rest of this Encounter.
Damage is reduced in the following ways:
An Obviously Dead result becomes an Out of the Fight result.
An Out of the Fight result from shooting damage becomes no effect.
An Out of the Fight result from melee damage becomes a -1 to Rep (the lowest you can
score when in melee).
It is possible to reduce damage by multiple levels if you roll several results of 1-3.
Free Will
The Star can choose to leave or have his side leave the Battle Board when taking the
Will to Fight Test without rolling any dice.

Reputation or Rep represents a combination of experience, morale, and motivation. Rep
is an expression of a figures overall fighting quality. Both Stars and Grunts use Rep.
There are three possible starting levels of Reputation:
Rep 5: These are veterans of numerous successful Encounter.
Rep 4: These are experienced men and women that have been in combat.
Rep 3: These are raw troops with little combat experience or desire to fight.
Stars always start with a Rep of 5.

All characters are one of the three following Classes. Stars can choose their Class.
Missile: Missile characters are those armed with ranged weapons with the intent to
defeat their enemies by showering them with missile fire from a distance. Missile
troops are armed with bows, crossbows, slings or similar weapons.
Melee: Melee characters are those armed with melee weapons who strive to charge into
combat and deliver damage to their foes in hand-to-hand combat. Melee troops are
armed with swords, spears, and other weapons used in hand-to-hand combat.
Caster: Caster characters are those that cast Spells and attempt to defeat their
enemies through the medium of Magic.

Armour Class
There are three different Armour Classes (AC) in the game. Armour comes into play when
taking damage in Missile or Melee combat. Stars can choose their Armour Class.
AC 2: Light armour (leather or lighter armour).
AC 4: Medium armour (metal or similar armour).
AC 6: Heavy armour (heavy metal armour).
A Band will always have a Leader.
The Star is always the Leader of the Band when on the Battle Board.
A Temporary Leader is the figure with the highest Rep in the Band when a Star is not
on the Battle Board or is Out of the Fight.
The Leaders Rep is used when rolling on the Action and Will to Fight Tables.

Recruiting the Band

Once you have created your Star, you start the game alone or you can recruit Grunts to
form a band.
Your Band can be as large as your Rep, including yourself. This means you can
recruit your Rep, less one, Grunts. As your Rep goes up or down, so will the number
of Grunts in your Band.
Roll 2d6, and consult the Recruiting Table to see the stats for your Grunt.
Do this for each Grunt you want to recruit.
You cannot have Grunts with a Rep equal to or higher than yours. If your Rep goes
down, any Grunt with an equal or higher Rep will leave your group! This can also
occur if the Grunts Rep increases to a level equal to or higher than yours.
2 Caster 3 2
3 Missile 4 4
4 Missile 3 2
5 Missile 4 2
6 Melee 3 4
7 Melee 3 2
8 Melee 4 2
9 Melee 4 4
10 Melee 5 4
11 Melee 5 6
12 Caster 4 2

In the game we call your games Encounters. We have provided you with three Encounters.
They are:
Explore will be your first Encounter. After that we use the Next Encounter Table to see
what your next Encounter will be.
Explore Raid Defend
Raid Raid Explore
Defend Explore Defend

You are travelling the area looking for any opportunities that may arise.
Resolve all of the PEFs found in the Encounter.
You may use your whole Band for this Encounter.
If contact occurs, move to the Battle Board.
o Resolve all of the PEFs found in the Encounter.
o Resolve all battles generated by the PEFs.
o Enemy forces are generated normally.
o Your Band will be the moving side on all Battle Boards.
Play continues until the player has accomplished the objective, is defeated, or
leaves the Battle Board.

You are attacking an enemy camp.
Drive the enemy from their camp, located on the last Battle Board.
You may use your whole Band for this Encounter.
All PEFs will be resolved as contact during this Encounter.
o Resolve all battles generated by the PEFs.
o Enemy forces are generated normally.
o Your Band will be the moving side on all Battle Boards.
Play continues until the player has accomplished the objective, is defeated, or
leaves the Battle Board.

The enemy arrives to drive you off the field. You must prevent them.
Prevent the enemy from driving you off the Battle Board.
You may use your whole Band for this Encounter.
Your Band stars on the Battle Board.
If contact occurs, move the Enemy onto the Battle Board.
o Resolve all battles generated by the PEFs.
o Enemy forces are generated normally.
o The Enemy will be the moving side on all Battle Boards.
Play continues until the player has accomplished the objective, is defeated, or
leaves the Battle Board.

An Encounter may specify what the terrain on the Battle Board will be. If not, use the
following method to decide the terrain for the Encounter:
Roll 1d6 and read the result as rolled.
o On a 1-4 the terrain for the Encounter will be Clear.
o On a 5-6 the terrain for the Encounter will be Cover.
This terrain is flat and does not provide cover to figures when on the Battle Board. It
could be a street, grass, or even roof-tops.
This terrain has plenty of obstacles to hide behind and figures on the Battle Board
count as being in cover. This comes into play during Missile combat.

PEF stands for Possible Enemy Force. We use PEFs to limit the intelligence the player
has before and during the Encounter. By using PEFs we create an uncertainty as to the
size of the enemy force and its composition. A PEF could even be a false alarm or just
a case of nerves.
PEFs have a Rep of 4.
The terrain determines how many PEFs there are.
o Clear terrain will have 2 PEFs.
o Cover terrain will have 3 PEFs.
The last PEF always contains the objective of the Encounter.
PEFs are resolved one after the other.
Resolving a PEF may result in enemy contact.
All contact must be resolved before moving on to the next PEF.
After all PEFs are resolved, the Encounter is over.
Resolving PEFs
Roll 2d6 versus the PEF Rep of 4 and determine how many d6 are passed. Then consult the
PEF Resolution Table to see the results. If contact occurs, find out who the enemy is
and set up the Battle Board.
2 Contact! You have run into the enemy. Roll 1d6 for how many:
1 = Two less than your Band*
2 = One less than your Band*
3 = Same number as your Band
4 = Same number as your Band
5 = One more than your Band
6 = Two more than your Band
*Always at least one enemy
1 Somethings out there! Resolve all subsequent PEFs using 3d6
and counting the lowest two scores.
0 False alarm! If this is the last PEF and no contact has
occurred, count as if passed 2d6, otherwise nothing happens.

Who Are They?

This will depend upon the enemy you are fighting. You can use the following Enemy Table
or the Lists weve provided. Roll 2d6 for each enemy you require and consult the Enemy
Table to find their stats.
2 Missile 3 2
3 Missile 4 4
4 Melee 3 2
5 Melee 3 4
6 Melee 4 2
7 Melee 4 2
8 Melee 4 4
9 Melee 4 4
10 Melee 5 4
11 Melee 5 6
12 Caster 4 2

Loading Up PEFs
Heres a shortcut you can use which will save you a lot of time:
Before the game, generate at least 7 Enemies from the Enemy Table or Lists.
Queue them up from best to worst with the second and fifth figure being a Missile
class and the sixth a Caster.
When you make enemy contact, take the number of figures you need, in order, starting
from the first.
After the battle, place the used figures back in the queue, but behind the figures
that didnt get used last time.
Do this for the whole Encounter. This will give you a wide variety of enemy groups.

Running the Game

We call the 12 x 12 area that the game is played on the Battle Board. When a PEF is
resolved as enemy contact, place the figures onto the Battle Board.
Depending upon the Encounter, one side (defender) will start on the Battle Board,
and the other side (attacker) will move onto it.
Place the enemy figures within 3 of the far side of the Board edge.
Place your band within 3 of the near side Board edge.
The Leader of each side then rolls 2d6 versus their Reps, which determines who
passes the most d6.
Consult the Action Table to see which side activates first.
A score of 6 is always a failure.
Mounted figures roll 3d6 and count all results.
More d6 Side that passed more d6 becomes active and will act first.
Same number Higher Rep acts first. If equal Reps, the moving side
of d6 becomes active and will act first.

The active side will now act, in order of Class.

o Caster classes act first. NPC Casters will use the NPC Spell Casting Table to
determine which spell they will use, then go the Casting Table.
o Missile classes act second and go to the Shooting Table.
o Melee classes act last and go to the Charge Table.
After the active sides figures have all taken their actions, the inactive side
takes the Will to Fight Test.
If the inactive side remains on the Battle Board, they will become the active side
and follow the procedure above for their actions.
Play continues until only one side remains on the Battle Board.

When a side is active, before taking any actions, assign each figure a target from the
inactive side, or if casting a Defend spell assign the caster an active target. All
inactive figures must be targeted at least once before any figure can be targeted a
second time.

Casters can cast one of three spell types.
Damage Spells
The Damage Spell is the most powerful spell. It is used to cause, often fatal, damage
to the target. A successful Damage Spell allows the Caster to roll on the Casting
Damage Table.
Dazzle Spell
The Dazzle Spell is used to stop the target from acting. A successful Dazzle Spell
forces each target to forfeit its current action if active, or its next one if
Defend Spell
The Defend Spell is used to protect one or more targets, including the Caster. A
successful Defend Spell increases the Rep of each target by 1 point. The Caster will
always have the Defend Spell affect himself before others.
NPC Spell Casting
Non-Player Casters will roll to see which spell they will use when casting.
Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of the Caster and determine how many d6 are passed. Then
consult the NPC Spell Casting Table to see which spell will be cast.
2 Damage Spell
1 Dazzle Spell
0 Defend Spell

Casting Spells
Casters cast spells when active and when directed to by the Charge Table.
The Caster first chooses his target. If the spell is successfully cast, the Caster
may be able to target additional figures to the left and right of the target.
Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of the Caster and determine how many d6 are passed. Then
consult the Casting Table to see the results of the casting.
A score of 6 is always a failure.
2 Success! Affects a number of targets equal to the current
Rep of the Caster.
Dazzle Spells cause the targets to remain in place and
forfeit their current or next action.
Damage Spells cause the Caster to roll Casting Damage
against all affected targets.
Defend Spells cause the targets to count as 1 Rep higher
on the current turn of activation.
1 Partial Success! Affects one target.
Dazzle Spells as above but only affects one target.
Damage Spells as above but only affects one target.
Defend Spells cause the Caster only to count as 1 Rep
higher on the current turn of activation.
0 Disaster! Spell fails and the Casters Rep is reduced by 1
point for the remainder of the Encounter.

Casting Damage
When a Damage Spell is successfully cast, we must determine what damage each target has
Add the Rep and the AC of the target, this is the Defence Value (DV).
The Caster rolls 2d6 versus the DV.
o If the Caster rolls higher, the target is Obviously Dead.
o If the Caster rolls equal, the target is Out of the Fight.
o If the Caster rolls lower, the spell has no effect.

Missile classes can shoot from any distance. If the terrain for the Encounter is Cover,
this will effect shooting.
How to Shoot
The shooter can target any figure it desires subject to the target rules.
Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of the Shooter and determine how many d6 are passed. Then
consult the Shooting Table to see the results.
A score of 6 is always a failure.
2 Hit. Roll for Shooting Damage.
1 Miss if target is charging or terrain is Cover.
Otherwise, hit. Roll for Shooting Damage.
0 Miss.

Shooting Damage
When a hit is scored, the shooter rolls to see if any damage has occurred.
Add the Rep and the AC of the target, this is the Defence Value (DV).
The Shooter rolls 2d6 versus the DV.
o If the Shooter rolls higher, the target is Obviously Dead.
o If the Shooter rolls equal, the target is Out of the Fight.
o If the Shooter rolls lower, the spell has no effect.

To melee the enemy must come into contact which is done by rolling on the Charge Table.
Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of the charger and determine how many d6 are passed. Then
consult the Charge Table to see the results. If charging a Caster or Missile class
figure, they may get to react and cast or fire a missile during the charge. However, if
a figure is charged by more than one opponent, he only gets to react to the first
Mounted figures roll 3d6 and count all results.
2 Target cannot shoot.
Go into contact and fight Melee.
1 Target Caster class can cast a Damage Spell.
Target Missile class can shoot.
If charger survives, go into contact and fight Melee.
0 Charger remains in place and forfeits his action.

If the charger reaches his opponent, they now enter melee combat.
Each figure rolls 2d6 versus their own Reps and determines how many d6 each pass. Then
work out which figure passed the most d6 and consult the Melee Table to see the
2 more Opponent Obviously Dead.
1 more Missile class or Caster class
Fight another round of melee
with both figures counting -1 to
Melee class winner, roll 1d6:
If score is higher than losers
AC, loser is Out of the Fight.
I score is equal to or less than
losers AC, fight another round
of melee with the loser counting
-1 to Rep.
Same All class types will fight another
round of melee with both figures
counting -1 to Rep.

There are three types of damage in the game. Remember that Star Power can be used to
reduce most damage that a Star receives (see page 2).
-1 to Rep
During Melee, the figure can have its current Rep reduced by 1 point. Losing Rep is
cumulative so it is possible for a figure to have its Rep reduced drastically. If a
figure reaches 0 Rep, it is Out of the Fight. If opposing figures reach 0 Rep at the
same time, ignore the result and fight another round of melee, continuing until only
one figure is left. After a figure has completed all of its melees for the turn of
activation, any lost Rep is recovered.
Out of the Fight
The figure has taken damage and falls to the ground. It cannot continue to fight. If an
active figure comes into contact with an Out of the Fight figure, it can choose to
automatically dispatch the figure or capture it. This is done by taking it off the
Battle Board or holding the Battle Board after the fight.
Obviously Dead
The figure has taken so much damage that it is obvious that the figure is dead.

Retrieving Wounded
Characters can attempt to recover Out of the Fight figures during the Encounter.
When active, move the figure into contact with the wounded figure. The active figure
then picks up the wounded figure.
When next active, or forced to leave the Battle Board by failing a Will to Fight
Test, the figure carries the wounded figure off the Board.
Figures cannot fire weapons when retrieving a wounded figure.
Figures charged while retrieving wounded figures will drop the wounded.
Figures who are shot at while retrieving wounded will count as if in Cover, with any
result of miss due to cover counting as a hit on the wounded figure instead. Roll
for shooting damage as normal.

Will to Fight
After the active side has taken all of its actions, the inactive side must see if it
remains on the Battle Board.
Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of the inactive sides Leader and determine how many d6 are
passed. Then consult the Will to Fight Table to see the results. A Star Leader can use
Free Will instead of rolling on this table.
A score of 6 is always a failure.
2 Carry On.
1 One figure leaves the Battle Board.
Lowest Rep Caster will leave first, followed by lowest Rep
Missile, then lowest Rep Melee.
0 Two figures leave the Battle Board.
Lowest Rep Caster will leave first, followed by lowest Rep
Missile, then lowest Rep Melee.

After the Battle

When the battle is over, you must see if the Out of the Fight figures and those that
left the table will return.
Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of each qualifying figure and determine how many d6 are passed.
Then consult the After the Battle Recovery Table.
2 Figure returns to the Band.
1 Recovered Out of the Fight figures return to the Band.
Those that left the Battle Board before the Leader left do
not return.
0 Figure does not return.

When the Encounter is over and the After Battle Recovery Tests have been taken, its
time to see what happens to you and your Band members.

Rep Adjustment
The Reps of you and your Band members can change after an Encounter. This depends on
what happened to each individual during the last Encounter.
If the figure achieved all of the following four requirements, it can test to see if
its Rep increases:
The figure shot at an enemy and scored a hit or engaged in melee.
The figure did not go Out of the Fight.
The figure did not leave the Battle Board.
The figure did not use any Star Power d6.
However, if the figure did either of the following, its Rep may decrease:
The figure went Out of the Fight.
The figure left the table.
Increasing Rep
To test if a qualifying figures Rep increases, roll 1d6. If the result is a 6 or any
other number that is equal to or higher than the figures current Rep, its Rep increases
by 1 point. Any other result and it will remain the same.
Decreasing Rep
To check if a figures Rep decreases, roll 1d6. If the result is a 1, its Rep will
decrease by 1 point. However, Rep can never be any lower than 3. Any other result and
it will remain the same.

New Grunts
If after the Encounter you do not have the full complement of Band members, you may
attempt to recruit new ones.
Roll 2d6 versus the Rep of the Star Leader and determine how many d6 are passed. Then
consult the New Recruits Table to see the results. Use the Recruiting Table (page 3) to
generate each new Grunts stats.
A score of 6 is always a failure.
2 You can recruit new Grunts to bring your Band back up to
full strength.
1 You can recruit one new Grunt.
0 No new recruits are available.

1. Create Star (page 3-4)
2. Form Band (page 5)
3. Choose an Encounter (page 15)
4. Generate Terrain (page 13)
5. Determine how many PEFs (page 13)
6. Resolve PEFs (page 13)
7. Place the figures on the Battle Board (page 5, 14, 17-18)
8. Roll on Action Table to decide which side acts first (page 6)
9. Active side takes their actions (page 6-11)
10. Inactive side takes the Will to Fight Test (page 12)
11. If inactive side remain, they take their actions
12. Repeat steps 9-11 until one side is victorious
13. Take the After the Battle Test (page 12)
14. After all PEFs are resolved the Encounter is over
15. Check to see if any Band member's Reps change (page 16)
16. Roll on the New Recruits Table if applicable (page 16)
17. Figure out the next Encounter type and repeat steps 4-16

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