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LMO2-Associated Clonal T Cell Proliferation in Two Patients after

Gene Therapy for SCID-X1

S. Hacein-Bey-Abina et al.
Science 302, 415 (2003);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1088547

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long terminal repeat (LTR)driven MFG vector

LMO2-Associated Clonal T Cell (4) resulted in the development of a functional
adaptive immune system (Fig. 1A) (2). The clin-

Proliferation in Two Patients ical benefit has been so far sustained for more than
4 years in the first two treated patients; potentially,

after Gene Therapy for SCID-X1

this sustained efficacy could be explained in part
by the transduction of pluripotent progenitors with
self-renewal capacity (5, 6). The main potential
S. Hacein-Bey-Abina,1,2* C. Von Kalle,6,7,8 M. Schmidt,6,7 risk of retrovirus-mediated gene transfer is inser-
M. P. McCormack,9 N. Wulffraat,10 P. Leboulch,11 A. Lim,12 tional mutagenesis resulting from random retrovi-
C. S. Osborne,13 R. Pawliuk,11 E. Morillon,2 R. Sorensen,19 ral integration. This could either activate proto-
A. Forster,9 P. Fraser,13 J. I. Cohen,15 G. de Saint Basile,1 oncogenes over long distances (up to 100 kbp) or
inactivate tumor-suppressor genes, ultimately
I. Alexander,16 U. Wintergerst,17 T. Frebourg,18 A. Aurias,19 leading to malignancies. To date, this risk has
D. Stoppa-Lyonnet,20 S. Romana,3 I. Radford-Weiss,3 F. Gross,2 been considered very low, because it has never
F. Valensi,4 E. Delabesse,4 E. Macintyre,4 F. Sigaux,20 J. Soulier,21 been observed in a clinical trial. Furthermore, only
L. E. Leiva,14 M. Wissler,6,7 C. Prinz,6,7 T. H. Rabbitts,9 recently has evidence become available that inser-
F. Le Deist,1 A. Fischer,1,5 M. Cavazzana-Calvo1,2 tion of replication-defective retrovirus vectors
could contribute to malignancy in a single exper-
We have previously shown correction of X-linked severe combined immunode- imental setting (7). This risk assessment is now
ciency [SCID-X1, also known as chain (c) deciency] in 9 out of 10 patients by seriously challenged by our report of the occur-
retrovirus-mediated c gene transfer into autologous CD34 bone marrow cells. rence of two severe adverse events in our SCID-
However, almost 3 years after gene therapy, uncontrolled exponential clonal X1 gene therapy trial.
proliferation of mature T cells (with or T cell receptors) has occurred in Clinical ndings. Two children ( patients
the two youngest patients. Both patients clones showed retrovirus vector inte- P4 and P5) have developed an uncontrolled
gration in proximity to the LMO2 proto-oncogene promoter, leading to aberrant clonal proliferation of mature T lymphocytes
transcription and expression of LMO2. Thus, retrovirus vector insertion can trigger 30 and 34 months after gene therapy, respec-
deregulated premalignant cell proliferation with unexpected frequency, most likely tively (8). These two children, 1 and 3
driven by retrovirus enhancer activity on the LMO2 gene promoter. months old at the time of treatment, re-
ceived 18 106 and 20 106 CD34()
Ex vivo retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into transduced cells (13). Indeed, in 9 out of 10 c() cells per kg of body weight, respec-
hematopoietic progenitor cells has been shown to patients with typical X-linked severe combined tively. These values are in the high range
be an efficient strategy to correct inherited diseas- immunodeficiency [SCID-X1, or chain (c) compared with those of other treated pa-
es of the lymphohematopoietic system, provided deficiency], ex vivo c gene transfer into autolo- tients (range, 1.1 106 to 22 106;
that a strong selective advantage is conferred to gous bone marrowderived CD34 cells with a median, 4.3 106) (1, 2).

Fig. 1. Kinetics and

characteristics of P4
and P5 abnormal T
cells. (A) Longitudinal
kinetics of blood T
lymphocyte (CD3)
counts in treated pa-
tients (P1, P2, and P4
to P10), who recov-
ered T cell immunity.
(B) T cell kinetics of pa-
tients P4 (triangles) and
P5 (squares), who de-
veloped an uncontrolled
T lymphocyte prolifera-
tion. Absolute counts of CD3() T
cells are shown as a function of
time (on a semilogarithmic scale).
Day 0 corresponds to the date of
gene therapy treatment. (C) A pe-
ripheral blood smear from patient
P4 at M34, stained with May-
Grunwald Giemsa, shows lym-
phoid blasts and one mature neu-
trophil (magnication, 1000).
(D) A spectral karyotype from the
unstimulated blast cells of patient
P4, showing the abnormal chro-
mosome 13, derivative (13) t(6;
13) at M34. SCIENCE VOL 302 17 OCTOBER 2003 415

The total number of injected transduced cells ment of patient P5 was initiated under the Chil- V23) were identified in the peripheral blood of
was 30 106 and 25 106 per kg of body drens Cancer Study Group T-ALL protocol. patient P5. These cells had a mature phenotype
weight for patients P4 and P5, respectively (2). T Complete clinical remission was achieved within and expressed c at the cell surface. Two chro-
cell development early after gene therapy was 2 months and has been sustained, although a small mosomal aberrations were detected in P5 clones, a
especially rapid and/or intense in these two pa- number of abnormal cells persist in patient P4 at unique SIL-TAL1 fusion transcript and a trisomy
tients as compared to the other treated patients (2) M45. Both patients are currently alive and well. 10. Thus, in both cases, clinical disease was relat-
(Fig. 1A). Until months 30 and 34 after gene Clonality of T cell proliferations. One ed to the uncontrolled proliferation of mature T
therapy (M30 and M34), respectively, pa- monoclonal T cell receptor (TCR) T cell clone cells with leukemia-like characteristics.
tients T cell characteristics were indistinguishable (V9V1) was identified in the peripheral blood Absence of replication-competent ret-
from those of age-matched controls (2). In patient of patient P4 by quantitative immunoscope anal- roviruses. The presence of replication-compe-
P4, at M30, an increase in T cell counts was ysis (1114) and confirmed by TCR sequencing. tent retroviruses could have favored the occur-
noticed and interpreted as the consequence of an These T cells were phenotypically mature and did rence of multiple integrations leading to oncogen-
ongoing chickenpox infection, because increases not express antigens that belong to other hemato- ic events (16, 17). This hypothesis was excluded
in T cells have also been reported with cyto- poietic lineages (15). c expression was detectable in both cases by functional as well as direct de-
megalovirus infection (9). T cell counts continued on the cell surface within the normal intensity tection assays. Thus, the galactosidase mobili-
to increase and fluctuated between 50,000 and range for mature T cells. At the time of clinical zation test performed on a Mus Dunni (18) cell
80,000 per mm3 without any clinical signs of manifestations, a partial trisomy 6 with a t(6; 13) line was found repeatedly negative with P4 and
lymphoproliferation for 3 months (Fig. 1B). chromosome translocation was detected in the P4 P5 serum samples from M3 up to M34. Am-
Abruptly, at M34, T cell counts increased up to clone (Fig. 1D). At the time of the diagnosis, three photropic envelope and reverse transcriptase and
300,000 per mm3, with blasts noted in the blood different TCR T cell clones (V1, V2, and integrase genes were not found by Southern hy-
(Fig. 1C). Concomitantly with bone marrow infil-
tration and detection of an enlarged spleen, these
results prompted further investigation and initia-
tion of conventional treatment for T-acute lym-
phoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) (10). A second re-
induction treatment, followed by a matched unre-
lated bone marrow transplantation at M40, was
performed for patient P4 in the presence of a
minimal residual disease. A similar T cell prolif-
erative syndrome was detected at M34 in pa-
tient P5 (Fig. 1B), associated with anemia, an
enlarged mediastinum, and splenomegaly, al-
though 3 months earlier, patient P5s T cell counts
and immunophenotype had been normal. Treat-

INSERM Unit 429, 2Department de Biotherapie Assis-
tance PubliqueHopitaux de Paris, 3Laboratoire de Cy-
togenetique, 4Laboratoire Central dHe matologie and
CNRS Unite de Recherche Associe e 1461, Universite
Paris V, 5Unite dImmunologie et dHe matologie Pe di-
atriques, Hopital Necker, 75743 Paris, Cedex 15, France.
Department of Internal Medicine, 7Institute of Molec-
ular Medicine and Cell Research, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany. 8Childrens Hospital Research Foun-
dation, Cincinnati, OH, USA. 9Medical Research Council,
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge
CB2 2QH, UK. 10University Medical Center Utrecht
Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Harvard Medical School and Genetics Division, Fig. 2. Clonal proliferations associated with provirus integration into the LMO2 locus. (A and B) LAM
Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, integration site analysis and quantication of the lymphoproliferative T cell clones in patients (A) P4 and
USA. 12INSERM Unit 277, Institut Pasteur, 75730 Paris, (B) P5. LAM-PCR (upper panels) was performed on 5 to 20 ng of DNA from sorted CD3 T cells (CD3),
France. 13Laboratory of Chromatin and Gene Expression, T T cells, or peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), by linear LTR primer extension, second-strand
Developmental Genetics Programme, The Babraham In-
synthesis, restriction digest, cassette ligation, and exponential amplication (14), at different time
stitute, Cambridge CB2 4AT, UK. 14Department of Pedi-
atrics, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
points after treatment. Clonal insertion-site amplication products [P4: 198 base pairs (bp), P5: 169 bp]
and Childrens Hospital, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA and an internal vector 3 LTR amplication product were sequenced at the time of lymphoproliferation
Medical Virology Section, Laboratory of Clinical Inves- (M34, in both cases). Time-course analysis indicates a conversion of clonal composition from
tigation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious polyclonal to monoclonal. For QC PCR detection, amplication of 10 ng of patient wild-type (WT) DNA
Diseases, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. 16The Childrens from sorted CD3, T, or PBL cells was performed with primers to detect the lymphoproliferation clones
Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW 2145, Australia. (14). To estimate the contribution in each patient of the lymphoproliferative clones to gene-modied
University and Childrens Hospital, Lindwurmstrae 4, lymphopoiesis, the specic 5 insertion-site fusion sequences were coamplied in competition with a
80337 Munich, Germany. 18Service de Genetique, Cen- dened copy number of a 26-bp internally deleted standard (IS) DNA template (addition of 50 copies
tre Hospitalo-Universitaire et Equipte Mixte INSERM or 500 copies). Time-course analysis revealed a progressive clonal growth of the lymphoproliferative
9906, Faculte de Me decine et de Pharmacie, 76183 clone, starting at least 13 months after the reinfusion of gene-modied cells in both patients analyzed.
Rouen, France. 19INSERM Unit 434, 20Department of Numbers along the top denote months after transplantation. Nontransduced human leukocyte DNA
Oncology Genetics, Institut Curie, Paris, Cedex 15, France. (0.2 to 1.0 g) was used as a negative control (C). Asterisks denote clonal bands with their identity
INSERM Unit 462, Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France. conrmed by sequencing. M, 100-bp ladder; c., copies. (C) LMO2 gene map of activating retrovirus
*These authors contributed equally to this work. vector insertions. Loci of retroviral insertion in P4 and P5 clones were characterized by LAM PCR
These authors contributed equally to this work. sequencing of the 5 insertion-site fusion sequence (14). Sequence mapping to the human genomic
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- database indicated a 100% match to the 5 LMO2 genomic DNA locus on chromosome 11 (clone
mail: RP1-22J9, NCBI accession no. NM_005574).The rst nucleotide of each exon is also indicated.

416 17 OCTOBER 2003 VOL 302 SCIENCE

bridization in or clonal cell populations rich Lin-11 Isl-1 Mec-3 (LIM) finger protein performed on genomic DNA from P4 blasts, with
from either patient (fig. S1, A and B). The poten- required for normal hematopoiesis (2022). a forward primer located upstream of the LMO2
tial presence of VL30 murine retrotransposons, Because complete LMO2 deficiency fails to exon 1 SNP and a reverse primer at the beginning
known to be present in murine leukemia virus contribute to any stage of embryonic or adult of the provirus sequence, and produced the ex-
particles produced by a number of murine pack- hematopoiesis in chimeric Lmo2/ mice pected 2.1-kbp band. Cloning and sequencing of
aging cell lines including CRIP and recently (22), this transcription factor is considered a the amplified 2.1-kbp fragment confirmed that the
found to be associated with metastatic melanoma central regulator of hematopoiesis (2326). exon 1 SNP matched the one detected in the
(19), was also excluded by Southern hybridization To investigate the effect of the retroviral inte- LMO2 mRNA. These data are consistent with
analysis (fig. S1C). gration sites on transcription of LMO2, we ana- retroviral cis-activation that results in monoallelic
Insertional mutagenesis of the LMO2 lyzed the expression of the gene and the integrity LMO2 expression in both cases. The aberrant
locus. Insertional mutagenesis directly induced of the proviral transcripts in the T cell clones. expression of LMO2 is thus a hallmark of prolif-
by retrovirus insertion was an obvious alternative LMO2 transcripts of the expected 3.3-kb size were erating clones found in both patients, and it ap-
potential mechanism. Multiple integration sites detected by Northern blot analysis in clones from pears to be directly involved as a primary cause of
(50) with one integration site per cell were both patients, contrasting with the absence of de- the cellular transformation. Given the integration
detected in the patients peripheral T cells before tection in control TCR or T cells. site and integrity of the LMO2 transcripts, these
the onset of cell proliferation, through linear am- Quantitative reverse transcription (RT)PCR, as data strongly suggest that the viral LTR exerts an
plificationmediated polymerase chain reaction well as Northern blot analysis, revealed levels of enhancer activity on the distal (hematopoietic)
(LAM-PCR) (Fig. 2, A and B) (14). In contrast, T transcript equivalent to those in a positive-control LMO2 promoter in these cases. However, the
cell clones at the time of lymphoproliferation ex- mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) cell line in both disruption of silencing or of putative silencer(s) by
hibited a single insertion site in both cases. These and clones. To determine whether the the retrovirus integrations has not been formally
insertions became progressively predominant over presence of the MFG c provirus influenced the excluded. This interpretation is consistent with the
time in patient P4, as shown by quantitative com- splicing of the first intron of the LMO2 transcript, observation that aberrant LMO2 expression is trig-
petitive (QC) PCR analysis (Fig. 2A) (14). In the we performed exon-specific RT-PCR. Sequence gered by the chromosomal translocation t(11; 14)
V9V1 P4 clone, the single copy of the retrovi- analysis of the amplified fragment showed the (p13; p11) (20, 27) and by the less common
rus vector was mapped to the short arm of chro- expected exon 1/2 junction as compared to normal variant translocation t(7; 11) (q35; P13) in T-ALL.
mosome 11, close to the distal (hematopoietic) control LMO2 messenger RNA (mRNA) (fig. In addition, Lmo2 transgenic mice were shown to
promoter of the LMO2 locus (Fig. 2C). It was S2). In T cell clones from both patients, normally develop T-ALL (28) within 10 months, despite
found inserted at position 46,229 (the first nucle- migrating LMO2 protein was abundantly detected the fact that the transgene expression was not
otide of exon 1 is 44,218), within the first intron in by Western blotting (Fig. 3A) at a level of expres- restricted to T cells (2932).
reverse orientation. Sorted populations of the dif- sion comparable to levels of MEL and transfected Kinetics of clonal expansion. Using
ferent T cell clones from patient P5 (i.e., V1, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (14). RNA both the immunoscope technique and a clonotypic
V2, and V23) possessed a unique integration fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis, quantitative analysis (14), we were able to trace
site also located in the LMO2 locus, at position using probes specific for LMO2 and c, showed abnormal clones back in time. The growth kinet-
41,253, 3 kbp upstream of the first LMO2 exon in colocalization of the two messages, indicating that ics of these clones were further confirmed by QC
forward orientation (Fig. 2C). [Sequences were it was indeed the retrovirus-targeted LMO2 allele PCR (14). Results from these analyses consistent-
aligned to the human genome sequence with that was transcribed in both cases (Fig. 3B) (14). ly showed that the abnormal LMO2() V9V1
BLASTN from the National Center for Biotech- Moreover, we took advantage of a single-nucle- T cell clone populations found in patient P4 be-
nology Information (NCBI) and the Blat database otide polymorphism (SNP) between the two came detectable from M13, then experienced
from the University of California, Santa Cruz.] LMO2 alleles in exon 1 of patient P4 to confirm continuous exponential growth up to M34
LMO2 (LIM domain only2) is a cysteine- which allele was expressed. Long-range PCR was (Figs. 2A and 4, A and B). Equivalent results

Fig. 3. LMO2 expres-

sion in clonal T cells.
(A) Detection of LMO2
protein in clonal T
cells. Whole cell pro-
tein extracts were
made from 5 105
clonal cells from pa-
tients P4 and P5 for
Western blot analysis
(14). As controls, pro-
teins were made from
1 105 CHO cells or
CHO cells transfected
with pEF-BOS-LMO2-
myc or from 5 105
RPMI-8402 (LMO2 nonexpressor), MEL-F4N (LMO2 expressor), and normal human
T and T cells. Separated proteins were Western blotted with the rabbit
polyclonal antibody to LMO2 (upper panel). The protein control was obtained by
reprobing the stripped blot with an antiserum to actin (lower panel). (B) RNA FISH
analysis of the activated LMO2 allele with single-stranded DNA probes (14). (a) An
antisense LMO2 probe (green arrow, map) and sense c probe (red dashed arrow,
map) were hybridized to T cells from patient P4. Both probes detected transcription
that originated at the LMO2 promoter. (b) An antisense LMO2 probe and an
antisense c probe (red solid arrow, map) were hybridized to T cells from patient P5.
The antisense c probe also detected transcription from the endogenous c gene.
4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining is shown in blue. Ex., exon. SCIENCE VOL 302 17 OCTOBER 2003 417

obtained by both methods of detection suggested responsible for the selective advantage of trans- gered clonal activation through c, we analyzed
that no other LMO2() T cell clone was present. duced over nontransduced cells, by mediating the in vivo phosphorylation status of JAK3 (14).
Although samples from patient P5 were fewer, proliferative and survival signals (33, 34). Poten- No constitutive activation of JAK3 in patients
abnormal clones could be detected at low frequen- tially, therefore, an aberrant c-mediated signal clones could be detected, although this pathway
cies 3 months before overt disease (Figs. 2B and might also be a contributing factor in this leuke- could be activated in vitro by interleukin (IL)7 or
4C). Together, overall growth kinetics showed a mia-like disease. However, no overexpression of IL-15 (Fig. 5). However, these results do not rule
rather similar pattern. Disease phenotype was sim- the common chain in patients clones was ob- out a role for the c transgene in association with
ilar in both cases to that seen in Lmo2 transgenic served. Gain-of-function mutations of the c re- overexpression of LMO2 as a potential synergistic
mice (30). This strongly suggests that addi- ceptor subunit could lead to sustained activation of factor for driving the proliferation of precursors or
tional factors leading to secondary genomic the specifically associated tyrosine kinase JAK3, mature T cells. This hypothesis will require fur-
alterations were required for the development thus contributing to the monoclonal proliferation. ther testing in a relevant animal model.
of the leukemia-like stage of lymphoprolif- To exclude this hypothesis, we entirely sequenced A role for secondary events, such as the chick-
eration in these patients. the integrated provirus and found it to be nonmu- enpox infection that occurred at M30 in patient
Potential cofactors. Signaling mediated tated, including the c complementary DNA P4, in providing a synergistic influence is also
through the c-cytokine receptor subunit is likely (cDNA). To further rule out an abnormal, trig- conceivable, as the varicella zoster virus (VZV)
genome was detected in the P4 T cell clone (35).
Fig. 4. Kinetics of abnormal VZV infection could also have triggered a tran-
clone growth. (A). Longitudinal sient immunosuppression that might have favored
immunoscope study of V1 T the emergence of the abnormal clone. Alternative-
lymphocytes from patient P4.
cDNA prepared from the periph-
ly, the V9V1 T cell clone could have been
eral blood was amplied with amplified in the context of the antiviral immune
V1/Cspecic primers (14). response toward VZV. However, no such infec-
PCR products were then subject- tion was detected in the course of patient P5s
ed to run-off reactions with a disease. In an alternative scenario, the possible
nested uorescent primer specif- influence of a genetic predisposition factor in the
ic to the C segment. The uo-
rescent products were separated
family of patient P4 might have contributed, be-
and analyzed on a 373A se- cause the patients sister and a third-degree cousin
quencer (Applied Biosystems). developed medulloblastoma in childhood. Al-
The size and intensity of each though we do not completely exclude this as a
band were analyzed with the Im- possibility, a search for mutations in the TP53,
munoscope software. On the y ATM, MLH1, and MSH2 genes was negative and
axis, the uorescent intensity is
plotted in arbitrary units; the x
no loss of heterozygosity was evident from com-
axis represents the different parative genomic hybridization-array analysis
lengths of CDR3 in amino acids. (36). No such familial predisposition was
Although a Gaussian distribution present in the family of patient P5. Finally,
of different CDR3 lengths is given the recent description of a significant
characteristic of normal V rep- incidence of leukemia-associated rearrange-
ertoire (upper left panel), prolif-
erating cells can be detected as a
ments present in normal cord blood samples
deviation from the Gaussian dis- (37), one may speculate that if such cells were
tribution visible as early as targeted by retroviral insertion, they might ob-
M13. Percentages indicate the tain a proliferative advantage.
frequency of the proliferative Scenario for clonal proliferation. Tak-
clone among T1 cells (CDR3 16 en together, our data suggest that the following
amino acid residues). This fre-
quency was obtained in quanti-
scenario might account for occurrence of the lym-
tative amplication experiments,
with a clonotypic specic primer
and a V1 TaqMan probe char-
acteristic of the unique V1/J1
sequence observed at M31
(14). aa, amino acid. (B) Semi-
quantitative estimation of P4
clone frequency as based on QC
PCR analysis of the integration
site (Fig. 2A) and immunouo-
rescence analysis with an anti-
body to V1. (C) Longitudinal
immunoscope study of V T
lymphocytes from patient P5.
cDNA prepared from the peripheral blood was amplied with each of 24 TCR variable region of the
chain (TCRBV) familyspecic primers together with a TCR constant region (TCRBC) primer and Fig. 5. The tyrosine phosphorylation status of
a Minor groove binderTaqMan probe for TCRBC (14). Real-time quantitative PCR was carried out Jak3 in P4 and P5 T cell clones. T cells were
in a ABI5700 system (Applied Biosystems). PCR products were then subjected to run-off reactions stimulated for 15 min with IL-7 (20 ng/ml) and
with a nested uorescent primer specic to the C segment. The uorescent products were IL-15 (20 ng/ml) or were not stimulated (0, rest-
separated and analyzed on a 373A sequencer. The size and intensity of each band were analyzed ing cells). Lysates were then immunoprecipitated
with the Immunoscope software. CDR3 length distributions obtained with the BV1, BV2, and BV23 (IP) with an antibody to Jak3 and immunoblotted
primers are displayed. Percentage indicates the usage of BV, as derived from quantitative with an antibody to phosphotyrosine (upper pan-
amplication. The loss of the polyclonality is less evident at M31 in the BV2 family than in the el). The blot was then stripped and reprobed with
BV1 and BV23 families, because of its higher expression level. an antibody to Jak3 (lower panel) (14).

418 17 OCTOBER 2003 VOL 302 SCIENCE

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tiation block, there are more T lymphocyte pre- material on Science Online. help. Supported by grants from INSERM; the
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blast cells were positive for CD3, CD7, CD5, CD28, schung und Technologie; Deutsche Forschung Gemein-
than in marrow of normal controls, thus augment- CD45RO, c, and CD8 (for P5) and negative for CD4, schaft; the Association Francaise contre les Myopathies;
ing the number of cells at risk for vector integra- CD1, CD10, CD34, CD19, CD56, and CD14. the Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique of
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A Hybridization Model for the

for noble metals, the charge oscillations
can propagate along the surface (rather than

Plasmon Response of vanish evanescently) at optical frequencies.

These surface plasmons can be excited by
incident light in a process that depends on
Complex Nanostructures the dielectric constant of the material at the
metals surface, an effect that is exploited
E. Prodan,1 C. Radloff,2 N. J. Halas,2,3* P. Nordlander1,3 in surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy.
In particles of dimensions on the order
We present a simple and intuitive picture, an electromagnetic analog of mo- ofthe plasmon resonance wavelength, this
lecular orbital theory, that describes the plasmon response of complex nano- surface plasmon dominates the electromag-
structures of arbitrary shape. Our model can be understood as the interaction netic response of the structure.
or hybridization of elementary plasmons supported by nanostructures of Recent advancements in the chemical
elementary geometries. As an example, the approach is applied to the important synthesis of metal nanostructures have led
case of a four-layer concentric nanoshell, where the hybridization of the plas- to a proliferation of various shapes such as
mons of the inner and outer nanoshells determines the resonant frequencies
of the multilayer nanostructure. 1
Department of Physics, 2Department of Chemistry,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
The fabrication of materials on a nanoscale tems, the conduction electron charge den- and the Rice Quantum Institute, Rice University,
can be used to enhance and exploit proper- sity and its corresponding electromagnetic Houston, TX 77251, USA.
ties that become stronger under conditions field can undergo plasmon oscillations. Be- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
of reduced dimensionality. In metallic sys- cause of the nature of the optical constants mail: SCIENCE VOL 302 17 OCTOBER 2003 419


ERRATUM post date 24 October 2003

RESEARCH ARTICLES: LMO2-associated clonal T cell proliferation in two

patients after gene therapy for SCID-X1 by S. Hacein-Bey-Abina et al.
(17 Oct. 2003, p. 415). The second and third authors, C. Von Kalle and
M. Schmidt, should have had asterisks after their names, to indicate
shared first authorship with S. Hacein-Bey-Abina. The asterisks were
inadvertently omitted because of an editorial error. SCIENCE Erratum post date 24 OCTOBER 2003 1

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