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muscular layer of the GI tract has the main function of

a. secretion
b. absorption
c. propulsion
d. excretion
which is part of swallowing is voluntary?
a. oral
b. pharyngeal
c. esophageal
what GI activity is the liberation of water, acids and enzymes into the GI lumen
a. ingestion
b. digestion
c. absorption
d. secretion
the plexus that controls GI digestion and absorption is located in the
a. mucosa
b. submucosa
c. muscularis
d. serosa
which sphincter prevents the reflux of SI contents into the stomach
a. LES
b. pyloric sphincter
c. ileocecal
d. external anal sphincter
which of the following neurotransmitters plays an important role in the receptive
relaxation of the stomach
a. gastrin
b. encephalin
c. motilin
d. NO
primary esophageal peristalsis is stimulated by
a. anesthesia
b. esophageal distention
c. reflux acid
d. swallowing
the urge to defecate when pressure reaches
a. 8 mmHg
b. 13 mmHg
c. 18 mmHg
d. 23 mmHg
which of the ff GI segments will contract least frequently
a. stomach
b. duodenum
c. ileum
d. colon
normally the contents of the GI tract stay longest in this segment
a. esophagus
b. stomach
c. SI
d. colon
which of the ff isocaloric meals will be emptied first by the stomach
a. high fat solid diet
b. high fat liquid diet
c. high protein solid diet
d. high protein liquid diet
retching and vomiting involve the following physiologic responses except
a. sympathetic stimulation
b. stimulation of gastric motility
c. relaxation of UES
d. contraction of LES
vomiting: UES and LES relaxed
retching: UES constricted
which of the following is the most essential component of gastric secretion
a. acid
b. mucosal barrier
c. IF
d. pepsinogen
which of the ff secretion is stimulated by sympathetic stimulation
a. salivary
b. gastric
c. biliary
d. pancreatic
which electrolytes does saliva have more than plasma
a. Na Cl
b. Na K
c. K HCO3
d. HCO3 Na
histamine is an important stimulant of gastric acid and is produced by?
a. enterochromaffin cell serotonin
b. enterochromaffin like cell histamine
c. parietal cell HCl, IF
d. chief cell pepsinogen
which pancreatic digestive enzyme is used for the digestion of lipase
a. trypsin
b. phospholipase
c. chymotrypsin
d. amylase
vagal stimulation releases ACh in all the following cells except
a. chief cell
b. G cell GRP, gastrin releasing peptide
c. parietal cell
d. ECL cell
which of the ff is a membrane digestive enzyme
a. sucrase
b. salivary amylase
c. pancreatic lipase
d. pepsin
which of the ff is a monosaccharide
a. isomaltose
b. lactose
c. galactose
d. sucrose
which of the ff will be absorbed first
a. xylose
b. fructose
c. mannose
d. glucose
which of the ff is a H dependent co-transporter
a. PepT1
b. SGLT1
c. GLUT2
d. GLUT5
TAG digested to monoglyceride and
a. cholesterol
b. phospholipid
c. FA
d. lecithin
all of the following vitamins is absorbed by passive diffusion except
a. B
b. D
c. E
d. K
which vitamin B requires intrinsic factor for absorption
a. B1
b. B2
c. B6
d. B12
galactose is primarily absorbed by
a. primary active
b. secondary active
c. facilitated diffusion
d. passive diffusion
which normally gives the brown color of the stool
a. (?)
b. stercobilin
c. bile acid
d. conjugated bilirubin
trypsinogen is activated to trypsin by the substance in the duodenal mucosa which
a. enterokinase
b. IF
c. streptokinase
d. HCl

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