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1Chapter 1, Juvenile Punishment

Mariana Pareja Castillo

December, 9 of 2016

Fundacin Educativa Colegio Rochester

Graduation Project
All rights reserved. 2
Acknowledgments 3
Principalmente quiero agradecerle a mi consultante y pap, Fernando Pareja, y a 4
Mariamonica Muoz por ayudarme y aconsejarme en cada aspecto de la construccin y
desarrollo del proyecto. Abstract

My desired picture is to create consciousness in the Rochester Community of the possible

consequences of teenagers illegal acts, as minors, drinking, taking drugs, among others. In order
to accomplish the project, a blog with first and second hand sources will be created with the
purpose of helping young adults to understand the impact of committing illegal actions both
short and long term. For my project I need to take into account the political constitution of
Colombia, the schools code of ethics and the infancy and adolescence code with the purpose of
creating awareness of well behavior and first-hand understanding of the possible punishments,
with the help of juvenile delinquents interviews and experiences.

Key Words: Illegal, penalties and teenagers.

Resumen 5

Mi imagen deseada es crear conciencia en la comunidad del Rochester de las posibles

consecuencias de los actos ilegales de los adolescentes, como menores, ingerir bebidas
alcohlicas, uso de drogas, entre otros. Con el fin de lograr el proyecto, se crear un blog con
fuentes de primera y segunda mano con el propsito de ayudar a los jvenes a comprender el
impacto de cometer acciones ilegales tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Para mi proyecto se debe
tener en cuenta la constitucin poltica de Colombia, el manual de convivencia del colegio y el
cdigo de infancia y adolescencia, con la finalidad de generar conciencia del buen
comportamiento y comprensin, con ayuda de entrevistas y experiencias de jvenes
delincuentes, de los posibles castigos o penas dependiendo de sus actos.
Palabras clave: Ilegal, penas, adolescentes.Table of Content 6

Chapter 1 Introduction, career.............................................................................................1

Chapter 1

Introduction and general information

Choice of career

Law is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior
( With these studies I want to become a judge, whom resides over court
proceedings, either alone or as a part of a panel of judges. In my opinion Im capable to
succeed in this field, due to my ability to hold independence of thinking and fearlessness
of character in every situation, my approach to justice, among other traits. Also
BADYGs, pps and basic needs results helped me decide due to the careers proposed
according to my personality.

Challenges faced in my career

Base his/her decision on the proof given in courtroom by each part: Judges are
obligated to make a decision with nothing but the proof provided in the courtroom
by both parts since evidences prove ones guiltless or blameworthy.

Oath to uphold at all times the Federal Constitution: people whom decide to study
law must stand by the Federal Constitution. Otherwise they can be penalized for
corruption or adulteration.

Time management: as judges, people are forced to learn how to administrate time
for both leisure and work, and to distribute time for each case.

Becoming a workaholic: the career implies several hours a day. If work time isnt
set up properly, judges tend to dedicate their entire life to work and only work.

Implementation of my Project
My desired picture is to create consciousness in Rochester Community of the

importance of knowledge of Colombian law regarding illegal actions of minors with the

purpose of avoiding being penalized.

The development of the project will be exposed in a blog where interviews, text, images

and articles will help the audience to understand first hand the consequences of

delinquents acts and the impact on their lives.

In sum, my project seeks to help people our age to take in the significance of behaving

according to the law by providing life examples of teenagers who had been victims of

their own will.

Consultants opinion

I strongly believe that the topic chosen by Mariana Pareja to present her graduation

project in the school is of great importance, because the criminal responsibility of

adolescents in Colombia has taken an erroneous course by which its operation has

generated additional problems, leading to failure, all places of deprivation of liberty are

overcrowded by adolescents and the causes that lead them to enter in conflict with the

criminal law are not being well addressed, the attention of unity and family harmony is

not being taken care of, and additional complications such as drug addiction, gang or

school drop-out, lack of authority figures, and delineation of behavioral patterns,

possession of narcotics, personal injury, theft and interfamily violence.

For this reason I consider my daughters interest in this subject is crucial, clearly

justified, timely and has all my support (Reinemer, 2016).

Research question:

How can teenagers from Bogot avoid going to juvenile boot camp or jail?


Analyze the possibility of teenagers committing crimes.

Conveying the importance of legal actions.
Creating awareness and knowledge of the infancy and adolescence code.
Preventing forbidden activities.

Issues to be solved by the project:

1. Juvenile prisoners in Bogota (current situation): in Colombia there are about

117.018 convicts, equivalent to Leticias population, as for Bogot there are

several cases of teenagers that forget or decide to leave aside the laws established

in the political constitution.

2. Juvenile prisoners in Bogota (desired picture): with the development of my

project I look forward to reduce the average of teenagers convicts due to bad

decision making or lack of knowledge of the numerous consequences their acts

can have.
3. Aljures Article Questions:
1. How would your project be if there are no limitations or restrictions?
My project would be successful, if there are no limitations. In other words, my

blog would be developed properly with the purpose of conveying the desired

message and helping to reduce the number of teenager convicts per year.

2. How would you like your project to work?

I would like my project to work in the follow up order:
First of all I want to create conciousness by spreding the desired picture and

its outcome (the blog), in order to recrute readers. Second, I would like to

collect crutial information and evidence (texts, images, interviews) so a

physical draft can be made. Third, I want to receive feedback on the content

and the effectiveness of the messages spreding. Lastly, I seek to help young

adults from the Rochester School, Bogot and Colombia, if possible, to truly

recognize the importance and wellness of acting under the laws established in

the political constitution of Colombia.

3. What are the values of your project?

The values of my project are resposability, integrity, acknowledgement

because in order to implement my project the audience must take into

consideration the importance of living under the laws estabilished for

teenagers in both the political constitution of Colombia and the infancy and

adolescence code. As well my graduation project searches to provide the

needed apprenhension in favor of decreasing the average of convicts between

the age of 13 and 20.


Use of technology: I am going to develop a proper use of technology where

people use it to access to the blog and search for more information.
Healthy body and mind: with my project people are meant to follow the laws,

which are in demand of living a vigorous life and therefore endure a healthy body

and mind.
Cooperation and collaboration: I will receive the collaboration of several

specialists in the topic and felons to make people distinguish the importance of

the law. On the other hand I expect people of the Rochester community to

cooperate by spreading the word about the blog and taking it into account for their

daily lives.
Leading: I will be leading my graduation project with the purpose of guiding

teenagers to law-abiding.
Solving real problems: the actual problem is that people behave illegally. In this

way I look to promote acting in accordance of the Colombian Law.

Systems thinking and acting: I believe this is the most important aspects because

it involves all, I need to make a planation assignment in order to make it happen

and make it possible, because there are many variables I need to take into account

to be certain that the reservoir is an adaptable environment for fish.

Analysis of Survey:

Desire picture

What role do you play in the school?

75 out of 80 people are students, 4 out of 80 are teachers, 0 out of 80 are parents and 1
out of 80 is a directive. Those answers are the specific summary of the audience from the
school I tend to transmit knowledge to.

In what range of age are you?

2 out of 80 are between the age of 12-14, 11 out of 80 between 14-15, 50 out of 80 are
between 15-16 and 17 out of 80 are 18 years old or older. With this question I acquire
knowledge of the average ages of the people who responded the most the survey.

On a scale from 1-5, how interested are you in the blog?

4 out of 80 marked 1 heart, 4 out of 80 marked 2 hearts, 12 out of 80 marked 3 hearts, 31

out of 80 marked 4 hearts and 29 out of 80 marked 5 hearts. According to the average,
3.96 most of them are interested in the outcome of it.
On a scale from 1-10, how useful is the desired picture for teenagers?

Most of the answers are above 60%, meaning more than 40 of the people surveyed
consider the blog beneficial.

What would you add to my desired picture?

Most people responded by saying nothing

should be added and a space where students
can ask questions and present their opinions.
This specific question helps me to complete
the final touches and make improvements
according to peoples opinions.

How viable do you think this graduation

project is?
The results were: 2 out of 80 marked one smiley face, 0 out of 80 marked 2 smiley

faces, 7 out of 80 marked 3 smiley faces, 21 out of marked 4 smiley faces and lastly

50 out of 80 marked 5 smiley faces. With the average 4.46 it possible to be aware of

peoples opinion about the successful development of this graduation project. List of


Colegio Rochester, F. E. (2015-2016). Resources - Colegio Rochester. Retrieved from

Aljure, J.P. (2009, Agosto 12) Sistema de Realizacin de un Proyecto. El Len, pp. 4-9. (n.d.). law. Retrieved 2016 de December de 2016 from

SuveyMonkey. GP Juvenile Punisment (Blog). GP Juvenile Punisment (Blog). Bogot.

Reinemer, F. A. (15 de Diciembre de 2016). Opinion towards graduation project.

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