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Analysis of the film: "Amarcord" of Italian director Federico

Fellini. Article written by: Eduardo Ramos Olivera

When a society boasts of its health plan, its great education, its
strong economy and political power, falling into the sickly
fascism and radical nationalism that sees others as invaders,
deformed, monstrous and dangerous, there to repel and if necessary
exterminate through wars and absolutist laws, its under these
conditions that the Italian director Federico Fellini answered,
artistically to scholars of global society of the early 70's, with
a satirical film titled "Amarcord" (In english language: "I
remember", Italy 1973). Everything a proud and tyrannical society
strives to appear, for example: pretend to have everything under
control and in excellent conditions, hiding the lower passions,
dysfunctional behaviors, the mentally ill, the outcasts of their
community, the elderly abandoned, teenagers getting subordinated
from childhood and imposed compulsory education, that dont
orients the student to discern and build a culture of peace, these
are the topics and subtopics, which in the film "Amarcord", we can
see from the point of view of filmmaker Fellini, who manages to
portray an underground society of the media of his days, which
prevails and continues today forgotten and undervalued, with
chronic anemia obtained by lack of love and respect for the
"underdog" citizens . While other current films in 3D, with their
green screen techniques, take us to unreal worlds, fantastic,
colorful, musical, escapist and with no return, just if you come
to see the movie again in order to enter that synthetic unreal
world, in contrast, the director Fellini leads us to where we do
not want to see, what often we avoid, to what our senses perceive
as "unpleasant", the characters that are not part of our social
circle, people and societies that print advertisement, radio and
even television campaigns dont choose as protagonists. It is an
effort to know our reality and the realities of our neighbors, to
demystify the idea that some people do not suffer, or "live a
better life", because nobody escapes the suffering in this life.
Art is still a window into reflection and introspection that can
be helpful to disabuse us of false idols, from the extensive and
prolonged communication strategies that seek to disguise the
diseases and problems of all kinds. We all can directly or
indirectly contribute to improve society quality of life, from our
reality and possibilities. If we dont see and recognize the
wound, then we still cant begin the healing and reconciliation
treatment. Do not be indifferent, believing that everything good
we have it ourselves and others are the damned, the insane, the
indigent and vice versa. Amarcord is still alive in society.

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