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Cindy Buentello

254 Branding Iron Lane, Houston, TX 77060 | 832-638-9606 |

To obtain a school leadership position where I can be an advocate for all children by creating
a partnership amongst school stakeholders that will generate a supportive and safe learning
environment, fostering data-driven academic growth and inspiring personal greatness for all

Aug . 2 01 5 Gr ad uat io n Dat e : M ay 2 01 7 | Unive rs it y o f St . Tho mas
Pursing a Masters: Special Education Leadership
Will be taking the Principal TExES Exam before graduation date

Aug . 2 00 8 M ay. 20 12 | Unive rs it y o f H o us t o n- M ain C amp us

Bachelors in Science: Interdisciplinary Studies
May 2012- Bilingual Generalist EC-6
May 2012- Pedagogical and Professional Responsibilities EC-12 Exam
May 2012- Spanish Oral Proficiency Exam
Good Academic Standing (Deans List)
Graduated with Cum Laude Honors

Skills & Abilities

C arte r Aca de my of Pe rfo rmi n g Arts | Hous ton, Texas
Over 80 hours of internship experience including: assisting and shadowing the principal,
data analysis, teacher observations, and leading professional learning communities and
staff developments.
Teacher mentor to first year teacher

Aug . 2 01 3 Cu rre nt | 3 r d Gr ade Bi ling ual / GT Te a che r
Aug . 2 01 2 M ay 2 01 3 | 2 n d Gr ade Bi ling ual Te ache r
C arte r Aca de my of Pe rfo rmi n g Arts | Hous ton, Texas

Translate written and oral communication in English/Spanish.

Integrate subject areas curriculum to prepare and deliver effective lesson plans.
Assess students' reading level to achieve fluency on dual language.
Teach Spanish guided reading lessons to model questioning, clarification, and
problem solving techniques.
Use behavior modification techniques as a motivator for improving conduct and
encouraging participation.
Integrate multiple teaching styles to intensify the range of learning.
Evaluate student progress and support recommendations for further student
Accommodate my lessons, instruction, and activities for my students that are gifted
and talented.

Ja n. 20 12 Ap r. 20 12 | St ud e nt Te a che r
B e navi de z El e me ntary Sc hool | Housto n, Texas

Observe a 1st grade ESL classroom

Progressively take over each subject one by one until the month of March.
Observe a 3rd grade bilingual classroom
Progressively take over each subject one by one until the month of April.
Assist cooperating teacher at all times as well as students.

Aug . 2 01 1 N o v. 2 01 1 | St ud e nt Obs e rve r / Te ache r

Tra vi s Ele me nta ry Sch ool | Hous ton, Texas

Observed a 2nd grade and 4th grade mainstream classroom.

Taught 8-10 lessons for my methods classes.
Assisted students and teacher at all times.

Fe b . 20 11 Jun. 2 01 1 | Tut o r
Love Ele me nt ary Sch ool | Hou ston, Texas

Tutor 2nd grade students as part of an reading intervention program.

Se p t . 2 01 0 De c. 2 01 0 | St ud e nt Obs e rve r
He l ms Ele me nt ary Sc hool | Ho usto n, Texas

Observe a kindergarten and 1st grade dual language classroom.

Read aloud in Spanish and English everyday to students.
Assisted students and teacher at all times.

May 2012- Graduated with Cum Laude Honors from the University of Houston

January 2014- Teacher of the Month for Carter Academy

April 2015- Teacher of the Month for Carter Academy

February 2016- was named in my campus Carter Academy, Bilingual Teacher of the Year

June 2016- was rated Highly Effective teacher for the school year 2015-2016

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