Sunteți pe pagina 1din 3

1 Algebra Linear e Aplicacoes 6ed - Callioli, Domingues, Costa

2 An introduction To Quantum Field Theory - Peskin, Schroesder

3 Apostila Lab Fsica I
4 Bindner - A StudentS Guide To The Study, Practice, And Tools Of Modern Mathemat
5 Boyce e Diprima - Equacoes diferencias elementares - 9 ed
6 Clculo - Volume 1 - James Stewart - 5 Edio
7 Classical Mechanics 5th ed. - T. Kibble, F. Berkshire
8 Curso de Fsica Bsica I Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 4
9 Curso de Fsica Bsica II Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 4
10 Curso de Fsica Bsica III Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 1
11 Curso de Fsica Bsica IV Moyss Nussenzveig Edio 1
12 Differential equations, dynamical systems and an introduction to chaos 2ed -
Devaney, smale and hisch
13 Differential Geometry - Manfredo
14 EDO - Notas de aula - Herminio Ladeira
15 Eletrodinamica 3Ed. David J. Griffitts
16 Erwin Schrodinger - What is Life (1944)
17 Mathematical Physics - Butkov
18 Fundamentos da Fsica I - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
19 Fundamentos da Fsica II - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
20 Fundamentos da Fsica IIII - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
21 Fundamentos da Fsica IV - Halliday & Resnick - 8 Ed
22 Geometria Analitica um Tratamento Vetorial - 3 edicao -Ivan de Camargo - Paul
o Boulos
23 Intodruo a Fsica Estatstica - Salinas
24 Introduo a Cosmologia - Ronaldo E. de Souza
25 Introductio To Cosmology Barbara Ryden
26 Introductio To Cosmology Matt Roots
27 LaTex ICMC
28 Matrizes, Vetores e Geometria Analitica
29 Mecnica Clssica - Keith R. Symon
30 Mecnica Quntica - Griffiths
31 Metodos Matemticos Arfken 6ed
32 Modelo relatrio completo
33 Particle Data Group
34 Quantum field theory in curved spacetime quantized fields and gravity - Leona
rd E. Parker, David J. Toms
35 Quantum Mechanics - Cohen
36 Relatividade Notas Daniel Vanzella 2
37 Relatividade Notas Daniel Vanzella
38 Relatividade Notas Mario Goto
39 Riemannian Geometry - Manfredo
40 Rindler Relativity Special, General and Cosmological 2ed
41 Termodinamica M.J. Oliveira V1
42 The Physical Universe, An Introduction to Astronomy - Frank Shu
43 Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics 2Ed. Callen, Herbert B
44 Tipler Vol 1 Ed 4
45 Tipler Vol 1 Ed 6
46 Tipler Vol 2 Ed 6
47 Um Curso de Calculo I Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
48 Um Curso de Calculo II Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
49 Um Curso de Calculo III Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
50 Um Curso de Calculo IV Guidorizzi - 5 Edio
51 Astronomia e Astrofsica
52 Modulo 1
53 Modulo 2
54 Modulo 3
55 Modulo 4
56 Modulo 5
57 Modulo 6
58 Modulo 7
59 Webb Space Telescope Science Guide V1;2
60 Introduction to Eletrodynamics 4ed - Griffiths
61 Gravitation - Misner, Thorne, Wheeler
62 Introductio to Linear Algebra - Gilbert Strang
63 Algebra Linear e Aplicaes 4ed - Gilbert Strang
64 Elementary Differential Geometry 4th - Barret
65 Solutions Introductio to Linear Algebra 4th - Gilbert Strang
66 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - Griffiths
67 Introduction to Statistical Physics - Huang
68 Classical Mechanics - Goldstein
69 Statistical Mechanics 2ed - Huang
70 A First Course in String Theory - Zwiebach
71 String Theory and M-Theory A Modern Introduction - Schwarz
72 Galaxies in the Universe An Introduction - Sparke
73 Black Holes and Time Warps Einstein s Outrageous Legacy - Thorne
74 Gravity An Introduction to Einstein s - Hartle
75 Exploring Black Holes Introduction to General Relativity - Taylor
76 Special Relativity - French
77 Introduction to Special Relativity - Resnick
78 Cosmological Physics - Peacock
79 Complex Analysis 3rd - Ahlfors
80 Differential Geometry Curves Surfaces Manifolds 2nd - Wolfgang, Kuhnel
81 Quantum Fields and Strings A Course for Mathematicians V1 - Pierre, Deligne
82 Complex Analysis 2nd - Ahlfors
83 Quantum Fields and Strings A Course for Mathematicians V2 - Pierre, Deligne
84 Elementary Differential Equations - Penney
85 NPCR 1 T
86 NPCR 1 W
87 NPCR 2 T
88 NPCR 2 W
89 NPCR 3 T
90 NPCR 3 W
91 NPCR 4 T
92 NPCR 4 W
93 NPCR 6 T
94 NPCR T Spreadsheet
95 Modern Chinese Textbook Sample
96 Reading and Writing Chinese Simplified Character Edition - William McNaughton
97 A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners
98 Analysis of Chinese Characters
99 Rapid Literacy in Chinese (S)

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