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S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is

` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Rebound Hammer Computer
Generated Summary Report
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor
6918 01/ 12/2017 10:40 AM13.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

32.5 Measurements N = 10
100 41.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 29.0 Mean value f = 13.5 MPa (37.5 Q)
38.0 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (3.3 Q)
80 44.5
70 38.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 33.0
41.5 44.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 38.0 38.0 37.5 41.0 38.5 38.5
Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 33.0
29.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

6908 01/ 12/2017 10:36 AM13.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

39.5 Measurements N = 10
100 32.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 33.0 Mean value f = 13.5 MPa (37.6 Q)
46.0 Standard deviation s = 2.5 MPa (3.9 Q)
80 43.0
70 39.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 46.0 39.0
43.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.5 39.0 40.5 39.0 32.0
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 33.0 34.0 32.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

6988 01/ 12/2017 10:51 AM11.0 MPa Mean 1 1 9/11 2.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

34.5 Measurements N = 11
100 34.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (18%)
90 37.0 Mean value f = 11.0 MPa (33.7 Q)
20.5 Standard deviation s = 2.3 MPa (4.0 Q)
80 35.0
70 39.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 30.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.5 37.0 39.0 27.0
40 34.5 34.0 37.0 35.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
30.5 Unit MPa
30 27.029.0
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor
7280 01/ 12/2017 1:41 PM 14.5 MPa Mean 1 1 5/7 3.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

41.0 Measurements N =7
100 40.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (28%)
90 44.5 Mean value f = 14.5 MPa (39.4 Q)
44.5 Standard deviation s = 3.5 MPa (4.8 Q)
80 39.5
70 31.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 44.544.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
41.040.5 39.5
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.031.5 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
Impact counter 0
Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [Add]
7598 01/ 12/2017 2:27 PM 20.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 4.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

7568 01/ 12/2017 2:20 PM 19.0 MPa Mean 150.0 1
Measurements 7/9 N = 10 3.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00
100 52.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values
40.5 Statistics
Mean value f = 20.0 MPa (45.9 Q)
50.0 44.5 Measurements N = 9 s = 4.3 MPa (4.0 Q)
Standard deviation
100 80 50.5 42.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (22%)
90 70 41.5 52.0 Mean value f = 19.0 MPa (44.9 Q)
43.5 39.5 Standard deviation s = 3.5 MPa (4.0 Q)
80 60 45.5 45.5 Averaging mode Mean
50.0 52.0 52.0
48.5 39.5 Conversion curve LATEST
70 50 45.5 48.5 Settings
44.5 42.5 43.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 39.5 41.0 43.5
60 40 Averaging mode factorMean 1.00
50.050.5 50.5 Conversion
Unitcurve LATESTMPa
50 30 45.5 50.5
41.543.5 42.0 Form factor
Serial number Cylinder (80%)
SH01- 007-0552
39.5 41.0
40 20 Carbonation
type 1.00 SilverSchmidt N
Unit MPa
30 10
Serial number
Comment SH01- 007-0552
20 0 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Add]
7588 01/ 12/2017 2:24 PM 10.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 0.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

7618 01/ 12/2017 2:29 PM 11.5 MPa Mean 130.5 1
Measurements 8/10 N = 10 1.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00
100 34.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 diagram[measurement order] Q-Values
34.5 Statistics
Mean value f = 10.5 MPa (32.8 Q)
30.0 Standard deviation N s= 10
Measurements = 0.8 MPa (1.4 Q)
100 80 23.0
30.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 70 34.0
35.5 Mean value
Settings f = 11.5 MPa (34.2 Q)
36.5 Standard deviation s = 1.5 MPa (3.1 Q)
80 60 Averaging mode Mean
32.5 Conversion curve LATEST
70 50 47.0 32.5
36.0 Settings
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
60 40 Carbonation
Averaging mode factor 1.00
34.0 34.5 34.0 33.0 33.0 32.5
30.5 31.0 39.0 Unit
Conversion curve MPa
50 30 33.0
23.0 Serial
Form number
factor SH01- (80%)
Cylinder 007-0552
42.0 42.0
40 20 39.0 Spring typefactor
Carbonation SilverSchmidt N
35.536.5 36.0 33.0
30.030.0 32.5 31.0 Unit MPa
30 10
Serial number
Comment SH01- 007-0552
20 0 Spring
[Add]type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7648 1 01/
2 12/2017
3 42:335 PM612.07 MPa 8 Mean
9 10 1 [Add] 1 8/10 1.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

34.5 Measurements N = 10
100 35.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 38.0 Mean value f = 12.0 MPa (35.3 Q)
36.0 Standard deviation s = 1.3 MPa (2.0 Q)
80 37.5
70 38.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 33.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 34.5 35.5 38.0 36.0 37.538.0 35.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.5 32.0 33.5 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7558 01/ 12/2017 2:18 PM 18.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 6.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

39.5 Measurements N = 10
100 39.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 47.5 Mean value f = 18.0 MPa (43.9 Q)
52.0 Standard deviation s = 6.5 MPa (6.7 Q)
80 37.5
70 59.0 Settings
59.0 49.0
60 Averaging mode Mean
52.0 51.0
50 47.5 49.051.0 35.5
Conversion curve LATEST
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.5 39.0 35.5
40 37.5 35.5 35.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7548 01/ 12/2017 2:17 PM 14.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

47.0 Measurements N = 10
100 35.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 42.0 Mean value f = 14.0 MPa (38.2 Q)
41.5 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (2.9 Q)
80 38.5
70 31.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 47.0 33.5
42.041.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
38.5 39.5 39.5
40 35.5 37.537.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.5 33.5
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7528 01/ 12/2017 2:15 PM 13.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

35.0 Measurements N = 10
100 42.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 24.5 Mean value f = 13.0 MPa (36.6 Q)
29.5 Standard deviation s = 2.5 MPa (4.0 Q)
80 43.0
70 38.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 37.5
42.0 43.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
41.0 41.0
40 35.0 38.035.5 37.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
29.5 Unit MPa
30 24.5 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7518 01/ 12/2017 2:14 PM 15.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

38.5 Measurements N = 10
100 43.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 43.5 Mean value f = 15.5 MPa (40.4 Q)
40.0 Standard deviation s = 1.3 MPa (1.7 Q)
80 41.0
70 39.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 40.5
43.543.5 42.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%) 39.040.5 42.0
40 38.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7498 01/ 12/2017 2:10 PM 14.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

37.0 Measurements N = 10
100 38.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 35.0 Mean value f = 14.0 MPa (38.2 Q)
43.0 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (2.9 Q)
80 35.0
70 40.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
49.5 Conversion curve LATEST
50 40.5
43.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 40.5 36.0
40 37.038.535.0 35.0 36.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
28.5 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7488 01/ 12/2017 2:09 PM 13.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

44.5 Measurements N = 10
100 38.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 40.0 Mean value f = 13.0 MPa (37.1 Q)
38.5 Standard deviation s = 1.8 MPa (2.5 Q)
80 40.0
70 36.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 44.5 33.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
38.040.0 38.540.036.5 36.0
40 34.533.0 36.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
29.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor
7468 01/ 12/2017 2:06 PM 11.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

35.5 Measurements N = 10
100 38.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 32.5 Mean value f = 11.5 MPa (34.6 Q)
12.5 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (3.7 Q)
80 34.5
70 40.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 40.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 40.0 35.0
40 35.5 38.5 34.5 35.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 32.0 Unit MPa
30 28.5
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7448 01/ 12/2017 2:04 PM 10.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

27.0 Measurements N = 10
100 32.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 33.0 Mean value f = 10.0 MPa (30.9 Q)
29.5 Standard deviation s = 1.0 MPa (2.0 Q)
80 31.0
70 26.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 34.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.533.0 34.0
29.5 31.0 31.0 33.0 30.5 Unit MPa
30 27.0 26.0 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7438 01/ 12/2017 2:03 PM 20.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 3.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

44.0 Measurements N = 10
100 41.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 47.0 Mean value f = 20.0 MPa (46.0 Q)
50.5 Standard deviation s = 3.0 MPa (3.2 Q)
80 50.5
70 46.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
52.0 44.5
50.5 50.5 Conversion curve LATEST
50 47.0 46.5 43.0
44.0 41.5 44.5 43.0 42.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7428 01/ 12/2017 2:02 PM 22.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 4.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

44.5 Measurements N = 10
100 40.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 50.0 Mean value f = 22.0 MPa (47.6 Q)
44.0 Standard deviation s = 4.0 MPa (3.4 Q)
80 43.0
70 50.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
50.0 50.5 51.0 51.0 52.0 Conversion curve LATEST
50 44.5 46.5 51.0
44.043.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.0 52.0
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7408 01/ 12/2017 2:00 PM 10.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

34.5 Measurements N = 10
100 31.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 31.5 Mean value f = 10.0 MPa (31.8 Q)
27.5 Standard deviation s = 1.3 MPa (2.4 Q)
80 29.5
70 27.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 33.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 34.5 36.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.531.5 32.034.533.5 Unit MPa
30 27.529.527.5
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7388 01/ 12/2017 1:59 PM 11.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 4.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

35.0 Measurements N = 10
100 37.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 41.5 Mean value f = 11.0 MPa (33.1 Q)
46.5 Standard deviation s = 4.0 MPa (7.6 Q)
80 36.0
70 34.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 46.5 15.0
41.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 35.037.5 36.034.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 31.5 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 16.0 15.0 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7378 01/ 12/2017 1:58 PM 12.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

33.5 Measurements N = 10
100 35.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 37.0 Mean value f = 12.5 MPa (36.1 Q)
33.5 Standard deviation s = 1.8 MPa (2.9 Q)
80 37.0
70 33.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 47.0 30.0
42.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 37.0 37.0 36.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
33.535.5 33.5 33.5
30.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7368 01/ 12/2017 1:57 PM 10.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

30.5 Measurements N = 10
100 27.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 32.5 Mean value f = 10.0 MPa (31.2 Q)
31.5 Standard deviation s = 1.0 MPa (2.4 Q)
80 33.5
70 33.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 28.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
30.5 32.5 31.5 33.533.5 33.0 33.0
Unit MPa
30 27.0 26.5 28.5
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7348 01/ 12/2017 1:55 PM 13.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 4.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

31.0 Measurements N = 10
100 30.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 52.5 Mean value f = 13.5 MPa (37.6 Q)
27.0 Standard deviation s = 4.8 MPa (7.3 Q)
80 50.0
70 33.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
52.5 32.0
50.0 Conversion curve LATEST
50 46.0 46.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
38.0 39.5 39.5
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
33.5 32.0
31.030.5 Unit MPa
30 27.0
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7338 01/ 12/2017 1:53 PM 12.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

39.5 Measurements N = 10
100 35.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 38.0 Mean value f = 12.0 MPa (34.9 Q)
39.5 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (3.8 Q)
80 29.5
70 29.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 38.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.5 39.5 16.0
40 35.538.0 34.535.0
38.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
29.529.5 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 16.0 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7328 01/ 12/2017 1:52 PM 10.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

30.0 Measurements N = 10
100 33.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 35.5 Mean value f = 10.0 MPa (31.8 Q)
25.5 Standard deviation s = 1.8 MPa (3.7 Q)
80 37.0
70 29.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 45.0 32.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 37.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
33.035.5 32.5 32.0
30.0 29.0 Unit MPa
30 25.5 25.0 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7318 01/ 12/2017 1:52 PM 19.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

45.5 Measurements N = 10
100 43.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 42.5 Mean value f = 19.5 MPa (45.1 Q)
49.0 Standard deviation s = 2.5 MPa (2.8 Q)
80 48.5
70 46.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
49.0 48.546.548.5 Conversion curve LATEST
50 45.5 45.5 45.5
43.5 42.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 31.0
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7308 01/ 12/2017 1:50 PM 12.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

37.5 Measurements N = 10
100 33.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 40.5 Mean value f = 12.0 MPa (34.9 Q)
35.5 Standard deviation s = 1.3 MPa (2.3 Q)
80 37.5
70 32.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 30.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 34.5
40 37.5 35.537.532.5 36.5 34.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
33.5 31.530.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7298 01/ 12/2017 1:49 PM 17.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 3.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

47.5 Measurements N = 10
100 46.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 45.0 Mean value f = 17.0 MPa (42.6 Q)
36.0 Standard deviation s = 3.5 MPa (4.3 Q)
80 36.5
70 41.5 Settings
60 57.5 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 47.546.545.0 43.0
41.5 43.0 44.5 44.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 36.036.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7658 01/ 12/2017 2:34 PM 10.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

36.0 Measurements N = 10
100 27.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 23.5 Mean value f = 10.0 MPa (31.6 Q)
39.0 Standard deviation s = 2.3 MPa (4.4 Q)
80 28.5
70 33.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 33.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.0 37.0
40 36.0 37.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
33.0 33.5 33.0
28.5 Unit MPa
30 27.0 24.5
23.5 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7250 01/ 12/2017 1:36 PM 11.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

26.5 Measurements N = 10
100 37.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 27.0 Mean value f = 11.5 MPa (33.9 Q)
42.0 Standard deviation s = 2.8 MPa (4.9 Q)
80 44.0
70 38.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 31.0
42.044.0 32.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 37.0 38.5 Carbonation factor 1.00 32.0
Unit MPa
30 26.5 27.0
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7240 01/ 12/2017 1:34 PM 12.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

31.0 Measurements N = 10
100 39.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 37.5 Mean value f = 12.0 MPa (34.9 Q)
38.0 Standard deviation s = 1.8 MPa (3.0 Q)
80 35.0
70 33.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 23.0
42.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.037.5 38.0 33.5
40 35.033.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.0 31.5 33.5
Unit MPa
23.0 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7230 01/ 12/2017 1:33 PM 13.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

39.5 Measurements N = 10
100 39.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 38.5 Mean value f = 13.0 MPa (37.0 Q)
40.0 Standard deviation s = 1.8 MPa (3.0 Q)
80 39.0
70 32.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 32.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.539.038.5 40.039.0 38.0 38.0
40 37.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 31.0 32.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7210 01/ 12/2017 11:29 AM15.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

33.5 Measurements N = 10
100 42.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 43.0 Mean value f = 15.5 MPa (40.2 Q)
41.0 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (2.9 Q)
80 45.5
70 35.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 45.5 39.5
42.543.0 41.0 43.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 39.5 43.0
40 35.536.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7200 01/ 12/2017 11:27 AM11.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

36.0 Measurements N = 10
100 32.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 38.0 Mean value f = 11.5 MPa (34.2 Q)
31.5 Standard deviation s = 1.0 MPa (2.0 Q)
80 33.0
70 35.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 32.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
38.0 36.0
40 36.0 35.037.0 36.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 31.5 33.0 32.0 32.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7180 01/ 12/2017 11:25 AM14.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

42.5 Measurements N = 10
100 39.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 40.5 Mean value f = 14.5 MPa (38.9 Q)
40.0 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (3.1 Q)
80 33.0
70 42.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 35.5
42.5 42.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.040.5 40.0 41.0 40.0 40.0
40 35.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
33.0 32.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7170 01/ 12/2017 11:23 AM15.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

39.5 Measurements N = 10
100 42.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 42.0 Mean value f = 15.5 MPa (40.3 Q)
33.5 Standard deviation s = 2.3 MPa (3.1 Q)
80 41.0
70 43.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 39.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
42.5 42.0 41.043.0 41.5 43.5 39.0 27.0
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
30 27.0
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7160 01/ 12/2017 11:21 AM16.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 3.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

41.0 Measurements N = 10
100 39.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 45.5 Mean value f = 16.0 MPa (41.1 Q)
47.5 Standard deviation s = 3.3 MPa (4.3 Q)
80 47.5
70 39.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 45.5 47.5 47.5 44.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
41.0 39.5 39.5 35.0
40 36.5 35.0 35.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7150 01/ 12/2017 11:20 AM14.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

38.0 Measurements N = 10
100 40.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 43.0 Mean value f = 14.0 MPa (38.6 Q)
45.5 Standard deviation s = 2.0 MPa (3.0 Q)
80 34.0
70 38.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 45.5 40.0
43.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 38.5 40.0 40.0 35.0
40 38.0 34.0 35.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor
7140 01/ 12/2017 11:18 AM16.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

42.0 Measurements N = 10
100 35.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 43.0 Mean value f = 16.0 MPa (41.2 Q)
39.0 Standard deviation s = 1.5 MPa (2.1 Q)
80 40.5
70 44.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 37.5
42.0 43.0 44.5 42.541.5 43.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.040.5 43.5
40 35.0 37.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7130 01/ 12/2017 11:17 AM11.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

38.5 Measurements N = 10
100 32.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 34.0 Mean value f = 11.5 MPa (33.9 Q)
34.5 Standard deviation s = 1.3 MPa (2.5 Q)
80 35.5
70 29.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 29.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 38.5 35.5 38.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.0 34.034.5 29.0
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7120 01/ 12/2017 11:14 AM20.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 3.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

47.0 Measurements N = 10
100 51.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 46.5 Mean value f = 20.0 MPa (46.0 Q)
47.5 Standard deviation s = 3.0 MPa (3.0 Q)
80 44.5
70 48.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
51.5 32.5
Conversion curve LATEST
50 47.0 46.547.544.548.0 49.5 45.5 39.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
39.5 45.5
40 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor

7080 01/ 12/2017 11:08 AM13.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

31.5 Measurements N = 10
100 41.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 37.5 Mean value f = 13.0 MPa (37.1 Q)
36.0 Standard deviation s = 2.8 MPa (4.3 Q)
80 31.5
70 36.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 47.5 47.5
45.0 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
41.5 35.0
40 37.5 36.0 36.0 35.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.5 31.5 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7049 01/ 12/2017 11:02 AM18.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 3.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

36.0 Measurements N = 10
100 44.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 44.5 Mean value f = 18.0 MPa (43.4 Q)
47.5 Standard deviation s = 3.3 MPa (3.7 Q)
80 37.5
70 48.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
48.5 Conversion curve LATEST
50 47.5 44.5
44.544.5 44.544.5 46.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
38.0 46.5
40 36.0 37.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7039 01/ 12/2017 11:00 AM10.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

31.5 Measurements N = 10
100 21.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 32.5 Mean value f = 10.0 MPa (30.9 Q)
29.5 Standard deviation s = 1.8 MPa (3.7 Q)
80 34.0
70 29.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 31.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 36.5 36.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
31.5 32.5 34.0
29.5 29.5 31.0 Unit MPa
21.5 23.5 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor
7029 01/ 12/2017 10:57 AM11.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 3.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

40.0 Measurements N = 10
100 28.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 34.5 Mean value f = 11.5 MPa (34.2 Q)
23.5 Standard deviation s = 3.3 MPa (5.7 Q)
80 35.5
70 35.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 20.5
41.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.0 40.037.0 41.5
40 34.5 35.535.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
28.0 Unit MPa
23.5 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7019 01/ 12/2017 10:56 AM12.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.5 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

35.0 Measurements N = 10
100 33.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 41.5 Mean value f = 12.5 MPa (35.8 Q)
33.5 Standard deviation s = 1.5 MPa (2.4 Q)
80 33.5
70 38.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 31.0
41.5 Form factor Cylinder (80%)
38.0 38.039.5 35.5
40 35.0 35.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
33.5 33.533.5 31.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

7009 01/ 12/2017 10:54 AM18.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 4.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

46.0 Measurements N = 10
100 37.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 48.0 Mean value f = 18.0 MPa (43.4 Q)
49.5 Standard deviation s = 4.3 MPa (5.0 Q)
80 50.0
70 40.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
48.049.550.0 48.0 Conversion curve LATEST
50 46.0 48.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.0 39.5 38.5 38.5
40 37.5 37.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

Impact counter Name Date & Time Mean value Averaging mode Upper outliers Lower outliers Valid/ Total Std dev. Conv. curve Form factor Carbonation factor
6999 01/ 12/2017 10:52 AM11.5 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.8 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

30.5 Measurements N = 10
100 32.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 32.5 Mean value f = 11.5 MPa (34.3 Q)
28.0 Standard deviation s = 1.8 MPa (3.0 Q)
80 34.0
70 33.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 34.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40.5 39.5 38.0 38.0
40 34.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
30.5 32.0 32.5 28.0 Unit MPa
Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

6958 01/ 12/2017 10:47 AM11.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 2.3 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

38.5 Measurements N = 10
100 41.0 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 24.0 Mean value f = 11.0 MPa (33.2 Q)
37.5 Standard deviation s = 2.3 MPa (4.2 Q)
80 27.5
70 30.0 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 37.0
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
41.0 31.5
40 38.5 37.5
34.5 37.0 Carbonation factor 1.00
30.0 29.0 31.5 Unit MPa
30 27.5
24.0 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]

6938 01/ 12/2017 10:44 AM10.0 MPa Mean 1 1 8/10 1.0 MPa LATEST Cylinder (80%) 1.00

Q-Values diagram[measurement order] Q-Values Statistics

36.5 Measurements N = 10
100 32.5 Invalid measurements Ni = 2 (20%)
90 30.5 Mean value f = 10.0 MPa (31.3 Q)
29.0 Standard deviation s = 1.0 MPa (2.5 Q)
80 29.5
70 29.5 Settings
60 Averaging mode Mean
Conversion curve LATEST
50 30.5
Form factor Cylinder (80%)
40 36.5 36.5 Carbonation factor 1.00
32.5 30.5 30.5 32.5 Unit MPa
30 29.0 29.529.5
21.0 Serial number SH01- 007-0552
20 Spring type SilverSchmidt N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Add]
S truc tura l De si gn/ Ana l ys is
` Re ha b ilit a t ion an d Re con st ru ct ion of Ma cro I nd u st ria l P a cka g ing Co rpo ra t ion
a nd Me ga P ackag in g Corporation

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