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Tutorial 1

Intermolecular Forces
UiTM Pahang

1. State the type of intermolecular forces that4 operate in:

a. all molecules
b. polar molecules
c. hydrogen atom bonded with fluorine and similar molecules nearby
d. metal salt in aqueous solution

2. State the type of intermolecular forces that needs to be overcome to convert these
substances from liquid to gas:
a. SO2
c. H2S

3. a. Explain the term polarisability.

b. What kind of molecules have high polarisability?
c. What is the relationship between polarisability with intermolecular forces?

4. Explain the difference between induced dipole and permanent dipole.

5. The compounds Br2 and ICl have the same number of electrons, yet Br 2 melts at -7.2C,
whereas ICl melts at 27.2C. Explain.

6. The binary hydrogen compounds of Group 4A elements are CH 4 (-162C), SiH4 (-112C),
GeH4 (-88C), and SnH4 (-52C). The temperatures given are the corresponding boiling
points. Explain the increase of boiling points from CH4 to SnH4.

7. Ammonia is both a donor and acceptor of hydrogen in hydrogen bonding formation. Draw
a diagram to show the hydrogen bonding of an ammonia molecule with two other
ammonia molecules.

8. Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing boiling point: RbF, CO 2, CH3OH,
CH3Br. Explain your arrangement.

9. Diethyl ether has a boiling point of 34.5C, and 1-butanol has a boiling point of 117C.
Both compounds are isomers. Explain the difference in boiling points.

10. Identify the type(s) of intermolecular forces present in each substance and then select
from each pair the one that has the higher boiling point:
a. C3H8 or C4H10

Chm361 | Inorganic Chemistry

Tutorial 1
Intermolecular Forces
UiTM Pahang

b. sulfur dioxide or sulfur trioxide 4

c. Cl2CO or H2CO

11. Given:

i) Explain the different polarizabilities of CCI4 and CHCI3. Draw molecular

diagrams showing the bond dipoles, to illustrate the difference.
ii) What type of intermolecular forces would you expect to exist in liquid CCI4 and

12. Dimethyl ether, (CH3)2O and ethanol, C2H5OH have the same molecular formula. Boiling
points of dimethyl ether and ethanol are -24.5C and 78.3C respectively.
i) State the type of intermolecular forces in each molecule.
ii) Explain the strength of each type of intermolecular forces in these molecules.

13. For the three molecules whose structures and boiling points are shown below, explain the
trend in boiling points in terms of the strength and types of intermolecular forces acting
between the molecules in the pure liquids.

14. The following substances are given:


Chm361 | Inorganic Chemistry

Tutorial 1
Intermolecular Forces
UiTM Pahang

i) 4
Name all the attractive forces or bonds which will be broken when each of the
above substances is heated until it boils.
ii) Arrange the substances in the order of increasing boiling points.

15. a) List the types of intermolecular forces that exist in each of the following substances.

i) Hydrogen iodide, HI
ii) Tetrachloromethane, CCI4
iii) Isopropyl alcohol, CH3CHOCH3
b) The strength of London (dispersion) forces could be determine based on several
i) Define London forces.
ii) Discuss two factors that affect the strength of London forces.

16. Define polarizability. How does this property affect the strength of London forces?

17. Describe using an example, each of the following terms:

i) dipole-induced dipole interaction
ii) ion-induced dipole interaction

18. For the three molecules given in the following table, explain the trend in boiling points in
terms of the types and strength of intermolecular forces acting between the molecules in
the pure liquids.

19. Name the strongest type of intermolecular forces between solute and solvent in each of
the following solutions.
i) CH3OCH3(g) in H2O(/)

Chm361 | Inorganic Chemistry

Tutorial 1
Intermolecular Forces
UiTM Pahang

ii) CH3OH(/) in CCI4(0 4

iii) CsCI(s) in H2O(/)

20. Explain the following:

i) For the compounds C2H5OC2H5, C2H5OH and H2O the boiling points are 35C,
78C and 100C, respectively, despite the decrease in relative molecular mass
along the series.

Chm361 | Inorganic Chemistry

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