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Networking fundamentals

What is networking?
Networking is the practice of linking two or more computing devices together for the purpose of
sharing data. Networks are built with a mix of computer hardware and software.
Types of networking:
1. Local area network
2. Wide area network
3. Metropolitan area network
4. Campus area network
5. Personal area network
6. Storage area network
7. Home area network

What is MAC Address?

Media access control address is a unique value associated with a network adapter. MAC
addresses are also known as hardware address or physical address. They uniquely identify an
adapter on a local area network. MAC addresses are 12 digit hexadecimal numbers (48 bits in
length) .
They are represented in following formats:
1. 01:2a:3b:4c:55:66 (Linux Format)
2. 01-2a-3b-4c-55-66 (Windows Format)

What is an IP address?
A unique string of numbers separated by '.' that identifies each computer using the internet
protocol to communicate over a network. An internet protocol address is a numerical label
assigned to each device (computers, printer etc.) Participating in a computer network that uses
the internet protocol for communication.
32bit address -
Class of IPs

Class IP Range Private IP Range

A 1 to 126 to

B 128 to 191 to

C 192 to 223 to

D 224 to 239 Multicasting

E 240 to 254 Research and Development

Note: Class A IP address range to is assigned for diagnostic or trouble
shooting network problems.

What is Public IP Address?

An IP address is considered public if the IP number is valid and falls outside any of the IP address
ranges reserved for private users by IANA. Each public IP is assigned to a range or block of
addresses. IANA controls ownership of these IP ranges and assigns each block to organizations
such as Internet Service Providers who in turn allocate individual IP addresses to customers.
What private IP Addresses?
An IP address is considered private if the IP number is falls within one of the IP Address ranges
reserved for private users by IANA. The range of private IP addresses is as given in table above.
Devices with Private IP addresses can't connect directly to the internet. Similarly computers
outside Local Network can't connect directly to a device with a Private IP. Instead access to such
devices must be brokered by a Router or Similar device that supports network address
translation (NAT).
NAT: hides the private IP numbers but can selectively transfer messages to these devices.
Affording a layer of security to the local network.
Note: IANA created Private IP Addressing to prevent a shortage of public IP Addresses available
to ISPs and subscribers.
Computer Ports:
Ports are communication path channel between 2 devices. In computer these are around
65,536 virtual ports available. These ports are divided in 3 sections

1 0 to 1023 Well known or reserved ports

2 1024 to 49135 Random or Dynamic ports
3 49136 to 65535 Research and development ports

Important port numbers and services

Port Number Service

1 NX/MUX (Network Exchange/Multiplexing)
7 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
20 FTP Data
21 FTP
22 SSH (Secure Shell)
23 Telnet
25 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
53 DNS
88 Kerberos
110 POP3
123 NTP
137 NetBIOS Name Service
139 NetBIOS SSN (Secure Session)
143 IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
161 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
389 LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol)
445 SMB
1433 MS SQL (Microsoft SQL)
3306 MYSQL
3389 RDP (Remote Desktop)
Types of protocols:

TCP (Transmission control Protocol)

TCP is a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation via which
application programs can exchange data. TCP works with the IP, which defines how computers
sent packets of data to each other. TCP is a connection oriented protocol, which means a
connection is established and maintained until the application programs at each end have
finished exchanging messages. It determines how to break application data into packets that
networks can deliver, sends packets to and accept packets from the network layer, manages and
flow control.
TCP Communication flags:

FIN = 1 Finish
SYN = 2 Synchronize
RST = 4 Reset
PSH = 8 Push
ACK = 16 Acknowledge
URG = 32 Urgent
ECN = 64 Explicit Congestion Notification
CWR = 128 Congestion Window Reduced

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

UDP is a connection less oriented protocol that offers a limited amount of service when
messages are exchanged between computers in a network that uses the Internet Protocol. UDP
doesnt provide sequencing of the packets that the data arrives in. this means that the
application program that uses UDP must be able to make sure that the entire message has
arrived and is in the right order.
What is Domain Name?
A domain name is a unique name that identifies an internet resource such as a website.
What is a web hosting?
Web hosting services work by storing your website files in high powered computers ( web
servers ) connected to a very fast network When someone types in your web address, such, the internet connects to the web-server holding your website files and then
transfers your website information back to their computer. From there they can surf and view
the pages of your website.

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