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Bijlage F Customizing LATEX lists 177

Customizing LATEX lists

Michel Goossens , Frank Mittelbachy and Alexander Samarinz

In this article, which is part of the third chapter of our forthcoming book A LATEX Companion, we
take a look at LATEXs list environments. First the various parameters and commands controlling the
standard LATEX lists, enumerate, itemize, and description, are discussed. Then the general
list environment is introduced and we tell you how to build custom layouts by varying the values
of the parameters controlling this environment.

Introductory Remarks  Chapter 8: Higher Mathematics

As mentioned above, this article is part of our book A review of the amstex package, which adds many
A LATEX Companion, which will be published by powerful typesetting commands in the field of math-
Addison-Wesley in November. The aim of this book ematics.
is to be a real complement to Lamports LATEX users  Chapter 9: LATEX in a Multilingual Environment
guide and reference manual and to help you use this A discussion of the problem of using LATEX in a
software even more productively. At the Aston TEX multi-language or non-English environment. The
Conference last July, an upgrade of LATEX was an- babel system and other language-specific packages
nounced. All supplementary commands and function- are described.
ality of this new version, LATEX2" , are discussed in this  Chapter 10: Portable Graphics in LATEX
book. Below we give an overview of the contents of the An overview of the field of device-independent
various chapters, whose titles should convey relatively graphics showing how the epic, eepic and other
clearly the subject area addressed in each case. packages extend the possibilities of LATEXs basic
 Chapter 1: Introduction picture environment.
A short introduction to the LATEX system.  Chapter 11: Using PostScript
 Chapter 2: The Structure of a L ATEX Document A description of how the PostScript page descrip-
A discussion of generic and document-oriented tion language can turn LATEX into a full blown
markup. graphics utility and how, via the NFSS, a user can
 Chapter 3: Basic Formatting Tools
choose a font from amongst hundreds of font famil-
LATEXs basic typesetting commands. ies, available as PostScript Type 1 outlines (parts of
 Chapter 4: The Layout of the Page this chapter were published in the previous MAPS).
An explanation of which tools are available to glob-  Chapter 12: Index Generation
ally define the visual layout of the pages of a docu- A discussion of the problems associated with pre-
ment by using pagestyles. paring an index. The program MakeIndex is de-
 Chapter 5: Tabular Material scribed in detail.
A tutorial on how to assemble material into columns  Chapter 13: Bibliography Generation
and rows with the extended tabular and array An overview of how LATEXs companion program
environments, and their multipage equivalents BibTEX tries to solve problems related to maintain-
supertabular and longtable. ing bibliographic data bases. Bibliographic styles
 Chapter 6: Mastering Floats are discussed and the format of the BibTEX language
A general treatment of floating material. is presented in detail to enable you to customize an
 Chapter 7: Font Selection
existing style.
A detailed discussion of LATEXs New Font Selec-  Chapter 14: LATEX Style File Documentation Tools
tion Scheme (NFSS2) presenting its various user A description of how to document the code of LATEX
commands. It is shown how to add new fonts, both packages using the doc package and its companion
in math and text mode. program docstrip.

c Addison-Wesley

CN Division, CERN, CH1211 Gen`eve 23, Switzerland, <>
y LAT X3 Project Coordinator, Zedernweg 62, D55128 Mainz, Germany,
z ISO, 1, rue de Varembe, CH1211 Gen`eve 20, Switzerland, <>

Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands Reprint MAPS#11 (93.2); Nov 1993
178 Customizing LATEX lists Bijlage F

 Appendix A: LATEX Overview for Style Writers \p@enumii, etc., respectively. The last three rows
A review of how to handle and manipulate the basic in the table show the command, its default definition,
LATEX programming structures, followed by a dis- and an example for the representation of references. It
cussion of the extensions introduced by the calc is important that you are careful to take into account
style in the field of arithmetic operations, and the the definitions of both the representation and reference
ifthen style for control constructs. building commands to get the references correct.
 Appendix B: TEX Archive Sites
We can now create several kinds of numbered descrip-
An explanation of how to get the files described in
tion lists simply by applying what we have just learned.
our book (and other LATEX related software) from
the various TEX archives. Our first example redefines the first, and second level
 An annotated bibliography of twelve pages. counters to use capital Roman digits and Latin char-
 An index of over thirty pages. acters. The visual representation should be the value
of the counter followed by a dot. The default value
LATEX is presently being rewritten under the coordin- of table 1 is used for the reference prefix command
ation of one of the authors (Frank Mittelbach), Chris \p@enumi.
Rowley and Rainer Schopf. This endeavor is called the
LATEX3 Project (see e.g., the previous MAPS, pages 95 \renewcommand{\theenumi}{\Roman{enumi}}
99). A lot of the functionality described in the Com- \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\theenumi.}
panion as extensions to basic LATEX will be available \renewcommand{\theenumii}{\Alph{enumii}}
in that system: as part of the kernel, or in one of the \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\theenumii.}
extension styles. To help funding, half of the royalties \makeatother
from our book will go directly to the LATEX3 Project. \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{Introduction }
Therefore, when buying it, you not only obtain a handy, \begin{enumerate}
complete, and up-to-date reference to many important \item \textbf{Applications} \newline
Motivation for research and applications
and useful packages available with LATEX today, but you related to the subject. \label{q1}
also actively contribute to making LATEX more powerful \item \textbf{Organization} \newline
and user-friendly in the future. Explain organization of the report, what
is included, and what is not. \label{q2}
1 Modifying LATEX Lists \item \textbf{Literature Survey} \label{q3}
\item \textbf{Proposed Research} \label{q4}
Lists are a very general LATEX construct and are used \end{enumerate}
to build many of LATEXs display-like environments. q1=\ref{q1} q2=\ref{q2} q3=\ref{q3} q4=\ref{q4}
LATEXs standard list environments: enumerate,
itemize, and description are discussed in the
I. Introduction
next section, where we also show how they can be cus-
tomized. The general list environment is discussed in A. Applications
section 2. Motivation for research and applications
It is relatively easy to customize the three standard related to the subject.
LATEX list environments, and the three sections below B. Organization
will look at each of these environments in turn. Changes Explain organization of the report, what is
to the default definitions of these environments can be included, and what is not.
made globally by redefining certain list defining para-
meters in the document preamble, or they can be kept II. Literature Survey
local. III. Proposed Research

1.1 Customizing an enumerate List

q1=I.A q2=I.B q3=II q4=III
LATEXs numbered list environment enumerate is
characterized by the commands and representation You can also decorate an enumerate field by adding
forms shown in table 1. The first row shows the names something to the label field. In the example below, we
of the counter used for numbering the four possible have chosen the paragraph sign as a prefix for each
levels of the list. The second, and third rows are the label of the first level list elements.
commands giving the representation of the counters and \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\S\theenumi.}
their default definition in the standard LATEX styles. \begin{enumerate}
Rows four, five, and six contain the commands, the \item text inside list, more text inside list,
default definition, and an example for the actual enu- text inside list, \label{w1}
\item text inside list, more text inside list,
meration string printed by the list. text inside list, \label{w2}
\item text inside list, more text inside list,
A reference to a numbered list element is constructed
text inside list, more text inside list.
using the \theenumi, \theenumii, and other sim- \end{enumerate}
ilar commands, prefixed by the command \p@enumi, w1=\ref{w1} w2=\ref{w2}

Reprint MAPS#11 (93.2); Nov 1993 Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands
Bijlage F Customizing LATEX lists 179

First level Second level Third level Fourth level

counter enumi enumii enumiii enumiv
representation \theenumi \theenumii \theenumiii \theenumiv
default definition \arabic{enumi} \alph{enumii} \roman{enumiii} \Alph{enumiv}
label field \labelenumi \labelenumii \labelenumiii \labelenumiv
default form \theenumi. (\theenumii) \theenumiii. \theenumiv.
numbering example 1., 2. (a), (b) i., ii. A., B.
prefix \p@enumi \p@enumii \p@enumiii \p@enumiv
default definition {} \theenumi \theenumi(\theenumii) \p@enumiii\theenumiii
reference example 1, 2 1a, 2b 1(a)i, 2(b)ii 1(a)iA, 2(b)iiB

Table 1: Commands controlling an enumerate list environment

I. text inside list, more text inside list, text inside the counter using (respectively) the \Alph, \alph,
list, \Roman, \roman, or \arabic styles.
II. text inside list, more text inside list, text inside Moreover, these letters can be surrounded by any strings
list, involving any other TEX expressions; however the
tokens A, a, I, i, or 1 must be specified inside a {}
III. text inside list, more text inside list, text inside group if they are not to be taken literally.
list, more text inside list.
The cross-reference commands \label, and \ref
w1=I w2=II can be used as with the standard enumerate envir-
onment. Note, however, that with this style the \ref
You might even want to select different markers for con- command only produces the chosen representation of
secutive labels. For instance, in the following example, the counter valuenot the whole label. It prints the
characters from the PostScript font ZapfDingbats are value in the same style as \item, as determined by the
used. In this case there is no straightforward way presence of one of the tokens A, a, I, i, or 1 in the
for automatically making the \ref commands pro- optional argument.
duce the correct references. You can, however, use
the dingautolist environment defined in the minor \begin{enumerate}[EX i.]
\item text item one level one.
style file nfpi, which is part of the PSNFSS system. More text item one level one \label{LA}
Note also that we have used the calc style for doing \item text item two level one.
the addition inside the \setcounter command. \begin{enumerate}[{example} a)]
\item text item one level two.
\newcounter{local}\renewcommand{\labelenumi} More text item one level two \label{LB}
{\setcounter{local}{171+\value{enumi}}% \item text item two level two.
\ding{\value{local}}} \end{enumerate}
\begin{enumerate} \end{enumerate}
\item text inside list, more text inside list, \begin{enumerate}[{A}-1]
text inside list, more text inside list; \item text item one level one for list two.
\item text inside list, more text inside list, \label{LC}
text inside list, more text inside list; \item text item two level one for list two.
\item text inside list, more text inside list, \end{enumerate}
text inside list, more text inside list. This is how list entries are referenced:
\end{enumerate} \ref{LA}, \ref{LB} and \ref{LC} or
more fully EX\ref{LA}. and A-\ref{LC}.

text inside list, more text inside list, text inside This example generates the following output:
list, more text inside list; EX i. text item one level one. More text item one level
text inside list, more text inside list, text inside one
list, more text inside list; EX ii. text item two level one.
text inside list, more text inside list, text inside example a) text item one level two. More text
list, more text inside list. item one level two
example b) text item two level two.
Finally, for those who do not want to get involved in
customizing these commands themselves, there exists a
A-1 text item one level one for list two.
minor style enumerate (by David Carlisle), which re-
defines the enumerate environment with an optional A-2 text item two level one for list two.
argument specifying the style in which the counter has
to be printed. This argument can contain any one of This is how list entries are referenced: i, ii.a and 1
the tokens A, a, I, i, or 1 for typesetting the value of or more fully EX i. and A-1.

Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands Reprint MAPS#11 (93.2); Nov 1993
180 Customizing LATEX lists Bijlage F

1.2 Customizing an itemize List The standard LATEX styles set the starting point of
For a simple unnumbered itemize list, the labels are the label box in a description environment -
defined by the commands shown in table 2. \labelsep to the left of the left margin of the en-
closing environment, so that the \descriptionla-
To create a list with different labels, you can redefine the bel command in the example above first adds a value
label-generating command. You can make that change of \labelsep to start the label aligned with the left
local for one list, as in the example below, or you can margin.
make it global by putting the \labelitemi redefin-
ition in the document preamble. The following simple
list is a standard itemize list with a marker from the 2 Making Your Own Lists
PostScript ZapfDingbats font for the first level label: Lists are generated by the generic environment list:

\begin{list}{default label}{decls}
\begin{itemize}}{\end{itemize}} item list
\begin{MYitemize} \end{list}
\item Text of the first item in the list.
\item Text of the first sentence in the second
item of the list. And the second sentence. The parameter default label is the text to be used as a
\item This sentence in the text of the third label when an \item command is issued without an
item of the list.
optional argument. The parameter decls sets up the
different geometrical parameters of the list environ-
ment (see Fig. 1). That figure also shows the default
And this is the result: values for those parameters. The parameters can all be
redefined with the help of the \setlength or \ad-
Text of the first item in the list. dtolength commands.
Text of the first sentence in the second item of Several LATEX environments are defined with the help
the list. And the second sentence. of list (for example quote, quotation, center,
This sentence in the text of the third item of the flushleft, and flushright). Note that these
list. environments have only one item, and the \item[]
command is specified in the environment definition.

1.3 Customizing a description List As an example, we can consider the quote environ-
ment whose definition gives it the same left and right
Using the description environment you can
margins. The simple variant Quote, shown below, is
change the \descriptionlabel command that
identical to quote apart from the double quote sym-
generates the label. In the following example the font
bols added around the text. Note the special precau-
for typesetting the labels is changed from bold to sans
tions, which must be taken to eliminate undesirable
white space in front (\ignorespaces) and follow-
ing (\unskip) the text.
\begin{description} \newenvironment{Quote}% Definition of Quote
\item[A.] text inside list, text inside list, {\begin{list}{}{%
text inside list, more text inside list; \setlength{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin}}
\item[B.] text inside list, text inside list, \item[]\ignorespaces}
text inside list, more text inside list; {\unskip\end{list}}
\item[C.] text inside list, text inside list, \ldots\ text before.
text inside list, more text inside list. \begin{Quote}
\end{description} Some quoted text, more quoted text.
Some quoted text, more quoted text.
The above gives: Text following \ldots

A. text inside list, text inside list, text inside list, more
text inside list; : : : text before.
B. text inside list, text inside list, text inside list, more
Some quoted text, more quoted text.
text inside list;
Some quoted text, more quoted text.
C. text inside list, text inside list, text inside list, more
text inside list. Text following : : :

Reprint MAPS#11 (93.2); Nov 1993 Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands
Bijlage F Customizing LATEX lists 181

First level Second level Third level Fourth level

Commands \labelitemi \labelitemii \labelitemiii \labelitemiv
Definition $\bullet$ \bf -- $\ast$ $\cdot$

Table 2: Commands controlling an itemize list

Text preceding list

6\topsep + \parskip [+ \partopsep]
 - ?
- Item 1

- Paragraph 1


 - ?Item 1
\listparindent \parsep

Paragraph 2
6\itemsep + \parsep
Item 2

6\topsep + \parskip [+ \partopsep]

Text following list

Figure 1: The structure of a general list

Vertical lengths \rightmargin similar to \leftmargin but for the

All the vertical spaces below are rubber lengths with a value right margin. Its value is usually 0pt.
depending on the type size and the level of the list. \listparindent extra indentation at beginning of
every paragraph of a list except the one started by \item.
\topsep Space between first item and preceding para- Can be negative! Its value is usually 0pt.
graph. \itemindent extra indentation added in front of an item
\partopsep Extra space added to \topsep when en- label (not shown). Its value is usually 0pt.
vironment starts a new paragraph. \labelwidth the nominal width of the box contain-
\itemsep Space between successive items.

ing the label. If the natural width of the label is
\parsep Space between paragraphs within an item. \labelwidth, then the label is typeset flush right
inside a box of width \labelwidth. Otherwise, a box
Horizontal lengths of the natural width is employed, which causes an indent-
\leftmargin space between left margin of enclosing en- ation of the text on that line.
vironment (or of page if top level list) and left margin of \labelsep the space between the end of the label box
this list. Must be nonnegative. Its value depends on the and the text of the first item. Its default value is 0.5em.
list level.

Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands Reprint MAPS#11 (93.2); Nov 1993
182 Customizing LATEX lists Bijlage F

General lists are often used for documenting computer the argument of the \makelabel command, and not
commands or program functions. For instance, in the to the argument of the outer environment.
following examples entry and its variants are used.
In each case the name of the topic being described is \newenvironment{Ventry}[1]%
entered as the parameter of the \item command. \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{%
In the list below, the \makelabel command and \textsf{##1:}\hfil}%
the two geometrical parameters (\labelwidth and \setlength{\leftmargin}{%
\leftmargin) are redefined.1 . \labelwidth+\labelsep}}}%
{\begin{list}{}{% Description: Returns from a function. If issued at
\renewcommand{\makelabel}{\entrylabel}% top-level, the interpreter simply ter-
\setlength{\labelwidth}{35pt}% minates, just as if end of input had
been reached.
Errors: None.
Return values: Any arguments in effect are passed
Returns from a function. If issued at back to the caller.
top-level, the interpreter simply terminates,
just as if end of input had been reached.
\item[Errors] None.
However, several lists with varying widths for the label
\item[Return values]\mbox{}\\ field on the same page might look typographically un-
Any arguments in effect acceptable. Evaluating the width of the term is another
are passed back to the caller. possibility. If it is wider than \labelwidth, an ad-
ditional empty box is appended with the effect that the
description part starts on a new line. This matches the
Description: Returns from a function. If issued at top- conventional method for displaying options in UNIX
level, the interpreter simply terminates, just manuals.
as if end of input had been reached.
Errors: None. \newcommand{\Lentrylabel}[1]%
Return values: {\settowidth{\Mylen}{\textsf{#1:}}%
Any arguments in effect are passed back to {\labelwidth}}{\parbox[b]{\labelwidth}
the caller. % term > labelwidth
This example shows a typical problem with description- {\textsf{#1:}}
like lists when the text in the label (term) is wider than % text < labelwidth
the width of the label. Standard LATEX lets the text of \hfil\relax}
the term continue into the text of the description part. \newenvironment{Lentry}%
This is normally not desired, and to improve the visual {\Lentrylabel}\begin{entry}}
appearance of the list we have started the description {\end{entry}}
part on the next line. A new line was forced by put-
ting an empty box on the same line, followed by \\
\item[Description] Returns from a function.
command. If issued at top-level, the interpreter
simply terminates, just as if end of
In the remaining part of this section various possibilit- input had been reached.
ies for controlling the width and mutual positioning of \item[Errors] None.
the term and description parts will be investigated. One \item[Return values] Any arguments in effect
method for accomplishing this is to change the width are passed back to the caller.
of the label. The environment is declared with an ar-
gument specifying the desired width of the label field
(normally chosen to be the widest term entry). Note the As the last line in this example shows, the Lentry
redefinition of the \makelabel command where you environment is defined in terms of the entry environ-
specify how the label will be typeset. As this redefin- ment. The label generating command \entrylabel
ition is put inside the definition of the Ventry envir- is now replaced by the \Lentrylabel command.
onment, the argument placeholder character # must be The latter first sets the length variable \Mylen equal
escaped to ## to signal LATEX that you are referring to to the width of the label. It then compares that length
In this and some of the following examples, we have used the style files calc and ifthen

Reprint MAPS#11 (93.2); Nov 1993 Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands
Bijlage F Customizing LATEX lists 183

with \labelwidth. If the label is smaller than \la- are passed back to the caller.
belwidth, then it is typeset on the same line as the \end{Mentry}
description term, otherwise it is typeset in a zero width
box with the material sticking out to the right as far as De- Returns from a function. If issued at top-
needed (forcing a new line) so that the description term scrip- level, the interpreter simply terminates, just
starts one line lower. tion: as if end of input had been reached.

Description: Errors: None.

Returns from a function. If issued at top- Return Any arguments in effect are passed back to
level, the interpreter simply terminates, just values: the caller.
as if end of input had been reached.
Errors: None. An environment with an automatically incremented
Return values: counter can be created by including a \usecounter
Any arguments in effect are passed back to command in the declaration of the list environment.
the caller. This function is demonstrated with the Notes envir-
onment, which produces a sequence of notes. In this
case, the first parameter of the list environment is
Yet another possibility is to allow multiline labels. We, used to provide the automatically generated text for the
once more, use the entry environment as a basis, term part.
but this time the command \Mentrylabel replaces After declaring the notes counter, the default label of
the \entrylabel command. The idea here is that the Notes environment is declared to consist of the
large labels may be split over several lines. Cer- word Notes in small caps, followed by the value of the
tain precautions have to be taken to allow hyphena- notes counter using its representation as an arabic
tion of the first word in a paragraph, and therefore the number followed by a dot.
\hspace{0pt} command is introduced in the defin-
ition. The material gets typeset inside a paragraph box \newcounter{notes}
of the correct width \labelwidth, which is then top \newenvironment{Notes}
aligned and left adjusted into a box that is itself placed \arabic{notes}. }{\usecounter{notes}%
inside a box with a depth of 1 em and no height. In this \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}%
way, LATEX does not realize that the material extends \setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}%
below the first line. \setlength{\labelwidth}{0pt}%
{\raisebox{0pt}[1em][0pt]{% \begin{Notes}
\makebox[\labelwidth][l]% \item This is the text of the first note item.
{\parbox[t]{\labelwidth}{% Some more text for the first note item.
\item This is the text of the second note item.
\newenvironment{Mentry}% Some more text for the second note item.
Returns from a function. If issued at Note 1. This is the text of the first note item. Some
top-level, the interpreter simply terminates, more text for the first note item.
just as if end of input had been reached.
\item[Errors] None. Note 2. This is the text of the second note item. Some
\item[Return\\values] Any arguments in effect more text for the second note item.

Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands Reprint MAPS#11 (93.2); Nov 1993

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