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El rea tiene como propsito desarrollar las capacidades comunicativas en un proceso de comunicacin
intercultural, aspecto fundamental en un mundo globalizado.
El aprendizaje de un idoma extranjero permite ser receptivo a los aportes culturales innovadores, los
cuales se podrn recibir de manera ms adecuada cuanto ms se hayan desarrollado las capacidades
comunicativas. Su aprendizaje es importante al momento de plantear la convivencia e interaccin de
culturas distintas considerando adems una serie de elementos como tica y cultura de paz o la
promocin de la interculturalidad, la conciencia ambiental y la calidad de vida. Todos estos elementos
corresponden a una visin ms amplia de las necesidades humanas que debe rebasar diferencias
para encontrarse en una posicin de igualdad con el fin de lograr metas comunes.
El aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera se centra en un enfoque comunicativo orientado al
desarrollo de las capacidades comunicativas, sustentadas en la atencin a las necesidades, intereses
y motivaciones de los estudiantes respecto a aquello que quieren comunicar, considerando al texto
como la unidad bsica de la comunicacin. Ello genera el reto de realizar la reflexin gramatical a
partir del uso de textos autnticos y en un contexto determinado.
Es as que el rea plantea el desarrollo de dos grandes procesos que tienen correspondencia
con las capacidades de rea: la Comprensin de textos y la Produccin de textos.
Se desarrolla dos capacidades de rea.
Comprensin de textos
Capacidad que implica la reconstruccin del sentido del texto oral y/o escrito, en donde se
distingue las ideas principales y secundarias teniendo en cuenta las estructuras lingsticas apropiadas
a los textos. Permite una recepcin crtica de la informacin para una adecuada interaccin comunicativa
y para obtener nuevos aprendizajes .
Produccin de textos
Capacidad que conlleva a la expresin de ideas, emociones y sentimientos en el proceso de
estructuracin de los procesos orales y/o escritos previamente planificados. Promueve el espritu
activo y creador, y que coadyuva al manejo adecuado de los cdigos lingsticos.
El rea de idioma Extranjero, como parte de su organizacin considera dos componentes:
Comunicacin oral y Comunicacin escrita, en las que se encuentran organizados los contenidos
bsicos, que sirven de apoyo para el desarrollo de las capacidades comunicativas. Forman parte de
estos contenidos las funciones comunicativas que estn ligadas a temas pertinentes a las necesidades,
motivaciones e intereses de los estudiantes preuniversitarios y al desarrollo evolutivo de los
Comunicacin oral
En la que se desarrolla de manera interactiva la compresin y la produccin de textos orales
y el proceso mismo de interaccin entre los interlocutores participantes. Este proceso se da en
diversas situaciones comunicativas y con diversos propsitos vinculados a la cotidianeidad de su
vida personal, familiar y social.
Comunicacin escrita
Al igual que la comunicacin oral involucra la comprensin y la produccin de textos escritos
dentro de situaciones comunicativas relacionadas con la vida diaria y temas generales de la sociedad.
La reflexin lingstica se hace a partir de las funciones comunicativas. Las estrategias comunicativas,
sociales y de aprendizaje son las que sirven de soporte para el desarrollo de las capacidades
planteadas en el rea. Los contenidos bsicos son los medios para el desarrollo de dichas capacidades
y no son el fin en si mismos.
Adems de las capacidades y contenidos, el rea desarrolla un conjunto de actitudes relacionadas
con el respeto por las ideas de los dems, el esfuerzo por comunicarse y solucionar problemas de
comunicacin, el respeto a la diversidad lingstica y cultural.






Predice / Identifica Predice / Identifica
- El sentido global del t exto. - Las c aractersticas del interlocutor y del contexto.
- El tipo de texto. - La estructura del contex to.
PENSAMIENTO - La situacin comunicativa. - El propsito c omunic ativo.
CREATIVO - Las ideas principales. - Las c aractersticas del interlocutor.
- Las ideas s ecundarias - Procesos cognitivos de l a produccin de textos.
- Los personajes.
- Procesos cognitivos de l a comprensin de
textos. Selecciona / Imagina
- Informacin pertinente.
Discrimina / Selecciona - Recursos no verbales.
- Ideas principales y s ecundarias. - La estructura del tex to pertinente a la comunic acin.
- Informacin relev ante.
PENSAMIENTO - Informacin espec fica. Organiza / Utiliza
CRTICO - Opiniones de informaciones. - Secuencia coherentes del texto.
- Ideas previ as.
Utiliza - Formas de presentacin.
- Estrategias c omunicativas. - Criterios de c oher encia y correccin.
- Estrategias metacognitivas. - Estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas.

Interpreta / Infier e / Imagina Disea / El abora

- Significado a partir del c ontext o. - Versiones previ as.
- El significado de elementos no ver bales. - Diversos tipos de textos.
SOLUCIN DE - La informacin implcita. - La estructura del tex to.
PROBLEMAS - Esquema del texto.
Organiza / El abora
- Resmenes. Eval a / Enjuicia
- Organizadores Visuales. - La c oher encia i nterna del t exto.
- El proceso cognitivo de produccin.
Evala - La c orreccin lings tica.
- La c oher encia i nterna del t exto. - La c ohesin textual.
- El empleo de conectores. - La adecuacin del c digo.
- El proceso realizado para comprender. - Las opiniones .
TOMA DE - Estrategias metacognitivas en las c omprensin - Estrategias metacognitivas en la produccin de
DECISIONES de textos . textos.



El verbo Be es especial porque tiene dos We are not - Were not / we arent
significados en espaol, significa a su vez ser
o estar. Ejemplo: They are not - they arent/ theyre not

*I AM a student. Forma Interrogativa: Para hacer preguntas

Yo soy un estudiante. con el verbo Be se coloca este antes del sujeto
*I AM in a university. de la oracin y para contestar las preguntas
Yo estoy en una Universidad. se pueden usar las respuestas cortas (short
answers) como se muestra en los ejemplos:
Conjugacin: el verbo Be se conjuga de la
siguiente manera: Are you a school student?
Yes, I am / No, Im not.
Forma Afirmativa:
*Am I your teacher?
Subj. verb contraction signif. Yes, you are / No, you arent.
I AM Im Yo estoy / soy
You Are Youre Tu eres / estas *Is Paul your brother?
He Is Hes l es / esta Yes, he is / No, he isnt.
She Is Shes Ella es / esta
It Is Its Es / esta *Is Mary your friend?
We Are Were somos/ estamos Yes, she is / No, she isnt.
You Are Youre Uds. son/estan
They Are Theyre Ellos son/estan *Is the book new?
Yes, it is / No, it isnt.
It: es un pronombre neutro que
muchas veces no se traduce al
*Are we in an English class?
Yes, we are / No, we arent.

Forma Negativa: *Are you new students?

Yes, we are / No. we arent.
Verb Contraction
I am not - Im not
* Are Carlos and Sergio good students?
Yes, they are / no, they arent.
You are not - you arent / youre not
Possessive Adjectives: los adj etivos
He is not - he isnt / hes not posesivos se usan para establecer una relacin
de posesin y pertenencia. En ingls cada
She is not - she isnt / shes not persona posee un adjetivo posesivo diferente.

It is not - it isnt/ its not Subject Possessive Adjective

I my (mi o mis)
You are not - Youre not / you arent My book is new.
My friends are in the university.

You your (tu o tus) Lee el texto:
Whats your name? 2. Ana is a dentist and her mother is a nurse,
He his (su o sus de l) her name is Patty. Ana and Patty are friends.
His name is Miguel. Anas father is Rafo, he is an engineer. Anas
sister is Julia; she is a teacher in a school.
She her (su o sus de ella)
Her name is Claudia.
Relaciona las oraciones con la informacion
It its (su o sus de un objeto o animal)
correcta respectivamente:
I have a bicycle its color is blue.
We our (nuesto o nuestros)
I. Anas mother is _____________.
This is our classroom.
II. Julias sister is____________.
They their (su o sus de ellos) III. Julias father is _____________.
Their names are Miguel and Claudia. IV. Anas sister is _____________.
The Possessive S
I) a dentist II) a teacher
III) an obstetrician IV) an engineer
El posesivo genitivo S se usa para determinar
el poseedor de algo. A) III, I , IV y II
Ejemplo: B) I , IV , III y II
Marias book. (El libro de Maria) D) II, III, I y IV
Maria + S (es la poseedora del libro) E) I , II III y IV

Henrys cat. (El gato de Henry) Capacidad 02: Produccion de Textos

Nota: cuando el sujeto poseedor esta en plural Completa las oraciones con la respuesta
no es necesario ponerle la S solo el correcta:
apostrofe. 3. - Panama _______ a South American country.
A) isnt
The students book (los libros de los B) is
estudiantes.) En este caso los suj etos C) are
poseedores son los estudiantes: The D)am
st udents E) arent
Practice N 01
4. -Cats________ beautiful animals.
Capacidad 01: Comprension de Lectura
Lee el texto: A) its B) is C) isnt
1. - Victor and Denys are brothers. Their father D) are E) am
is Paul; he is a teacher in a school and their
5. - Our magazines _______ new.
mother is Betty, she is a nurse. Victor is a
student and Denys is an economist. A) isnt B) is C) are
Identifica las oraciones verdaderas de acuerdo D) its E) they
con la lectura:
I. Victor is Bettys brother. 6. - Anita _____ from Spain. She _______
II. Denys is Pauls son. Spanish.
III. Victors brother is a student.
IV. Denyss mother is a teacher. A) is / is
B) is / isnt
A) Solo la IV B) I, II y IV C) are / arent
C) III y IV D) I, II y IIII D) am / isnt
E) Solo la II E) isnt / is

9. Johana and ______ father ______doctors.
7. - My brothers are in Pucallpa _______ house
A) her / are
is big and beautiful.
B) his / is
A) their B) her C) his
C) its / are
D) your E) its
D) her / his
E) his / are
8.-Freddy is a lawyer ________ office is in a
10. - Koki s dog is black ______ name is Fido.
A) its B) her C) my
A) its B) my C) her
D) our E) his
D) our E) your


El tiempo presente simple se usa para hablar Negative Form: para hacer las oraciones
de acciones que ocurren con cierta negativas en el tiempo presente simple se
frecuencia: usan los auxiliares Do Not y Does Not, de la
Ejemplo: siguiente manera:
* I work everyday. You Do Not (Dont)
* My mother goes to the market at weekends. We
Affirmative Form: los verbos en presente
simple se conjugan de la siguiente manera. He
She Does Not (Doesnt)
I It
You work(el verbo no cambia para Nota: cuando se pone el auxiliar Doesnt, al
We conjugarse con estas personas) verbo ya no se le agrega la S.
They Mario works in a bank.
Mario doesnt work in a bank.
He works (con la tercera persona
She en singular se le agrega S a los verb) Interrogative Form: para hacer las
It preguntas en el tiempo presente simple se
usan los auxiliares Do y Does antes del
*nota : Si los verbos terminan en O X SH SH sujeto y las preguntas se pueden contestar
SS se le aade ES. con las respuestas cortas (short answers)
de la siguiente manera:
Watch watches
I affimative answers.
Si los verbos terminan en Y precedida Do you study? Yes, I / we / they/ you do
de una consonante cambiamos la Y por we negative answers
la I y le agregamos la ES. they no, I/ we / they / you dont

Study studies he affirmative answers

El verbo Have es una verbo especial y Does she study? yes, he/she/ it does
para conjugarse en tercera persona it Negative Answers:
cambia su forma a Has. no, he/ she/ it doesnt

nota: cuando esta en una pregunta al verbo
en tercera persona tampoco se le agrega la Capacidad 01: Comprension de Textos
letra S.
Lee el texto:
Does Carlos play tennis? Lenin is an electrician, he works in a big
company in Lima. He has a new car and a new
Articles: l os articulos en ingls se dividen apartment. Lenins parents live in Huanuco. His
en; artculo definido (definite article) y artculo father is a teacher in a school and his mother
indefinido (indefinite article). is a nurse but she doesnt work in a hospital.

Definite Article: el articulo definido The (el,

1.Identifica las oraciones verdaderas de
la, los, las). acuerdo con el texto:
The sun (el sol)
The moon (la luna) I) Lenin doesnt work in Huanuco.
The stars (las estrellas) II) Lenin has an apartment.
The comets (los cometas) III) Lenins mother works in a hospital.
IV) His father doesnt work in a university.
* se usa el artculo definido The para referirse A) I, II, III B) I, II, IV C) I, IV
a suj etos conocidos o previam ente D) II, III, IV E) SOLO LA III
establecidos. 2.Completa las oraciones correctamente de
*Ejm. I have a radio and a television, the radio is acuerdo con la lectura:
black and the television is grey.
I) Lenin ________in Lima.
Los suj etos radio y television ya fueron II) Lenin ________a car.
mencionados y establecidos. III) His father is a __________.
IV) His mather doesnt work in a ______.
Indefinite Articles:los articulos indefinidos
A/An (un/una) se usan para referirse a sujetos A) lives/ has/ teacher/ hospital
en singular de acuerdo a la siguiente regla: B) works/ has/ mechanic/ hospital
C) lives/ doesnt/ teacher/ clinic
Se usa A cuando el sujeto que sigue D) lives/ has/ mechanic/ hospital
comienza con una consonante. E) works/ doesnt/ psychologist/ clinic.
A book (un libro) Capacidad 02: Produccin de Texto
A table (una mesa)
Completa las oraciones con la respuesta
Se usa AN cuando el sujeto que sigue
comienza con una vocal.

An orange (una naranja) 3. Gregory _______ English in the afternoon.

An egg ( un huevo)
A) study
Nota : se exceptan las palabras: B) studies
A university y an hours que por cuestiones C)dont study
D) studys
de fonetica no siguen la regla establecida. E) speak

4. _____your father ______ in Huanuco?

A) Does / live
B) Do / lives
C) Does /lives
D) Do / live
E) Doesnt / lives

5. Elephants _____in South American jungles. 8. I have _____history book and ______English
dictionary in my bag.
A) isnt
A) an/ a B) the/ a C) an/ a
B) lives
D) the/ the E) a/ an
C) doesnt live
D) dont lives 9. My friends sister has ___cat and
E) live ___hamster ____ cat is black and____ hamster
is brown.
6.__your friends____ to rock music? Yes, A) A /an / the / the
____. B) A / an /a / the
A) do/ listen/ they do C) A / a /the / the
B) does/ listen/ they do D) A /an / the /the
C) do/ listens/ he does E) the/ the/ a/ an
D) does/ listen/ she does 10. My sons are ___ good students at
E) do/ listen/ they dont university. Dante is _____medicine student and
Nelson is ____ economy student.
7. Babies _____newspapers.
A) / an / a
A) dont reads. B) doesnt read B) a/ an /
C) reads D) dont read. C) a / a / an
E) doesnt reads D) an/ a /a
E) / a / an

Countable Nouns: los sujetos contables son There Is / There Are: los pronombres there
aquellos que son suceptibles de ser contados. is y there are significan hay en espaol y se
one book, two books, three books, etc. usan de la siguiente manera:

Uncountable Nouns: los sujetos incontables There Is (hay): cuando el sujeto es singular.
son aquellos que no son suceptibles de ser Ejemplo:
Ejemplo There is a book on the table.

*water: (agua) There Are (hay): cuando el sujeto es plural.

* air (aire) Ejemplo

there are two books on the table.

Lista de sujetos incontables ms communes:
Some: el adverbio Some se usa en oraciones
afirmativas y significa: algo de, algunos o
* Sand (arena) * sugar (azucar) algunas.
* salt (sal) * pepper (pimienta)
* rice (arroz) * water (agua) Any: el adverbio any se puede usar en
* tea (t) * milk (leche) oraciones negativas e interrogativas; cuando
* coffee (caf) * wine (vino) va en oraciones negativas Any significa; nada
* beer (cerveza) * butter (mantequilla) de, ningn, ninguna y cuando va en oraciones
* cheese (queso) * bread (pan) interrogativas Any significa: algo de, algn,
* air (aire) * fire (fuego) algunos o algunas.

There is, there are, a / an, some y any. Ejemplo
Are there any pictures on the wall?
Forma Afirmativa:
There is a / an: se usa en singular.
Ejemplo Las principales preposiciones de tiempos
There is a banana on the table. son:

AT: se usa para indicar las horas

There is some: se usa con los suj etos
At 7.00 Am
At 3 oclock
There is some water in the jar.
At 4.00 Pm
Nota: tambien se usa At en algunas
There are some: se usa en plural. expresiones:
There are some pencils in the bag. At night
At weekend
Forma Negativa:
ON: se usa para indicar los dias y las
There isnt a /an: se usa en singular. fechas.
There isnt a radio on the table. On Monday (on 21st December)
On Tuesday (on 4th July)
On Wednesday (on September 11th)
There isnt some: se usa con los sujetos
On Thursday (on Christmas)
On Friday (on the Mothers day)
On Saturday
There isnt any sugar in the cupboard.
On Sunday
There arent any: se usa con los sujetos IN: se usa para indicar.
contables. A) Las partes del dia:
In the morning
Ejemplo In the afternoon
There arent any erasers in the bag. In the evening

Forma Interrogativa: B) Los meses:

In January
Is there a/an? Se usa en singular. In December
Is there a computer in the office? C) Las estaciones:
In summer
Is there any? Se usa con los suj etos In autumn (fall)
incontables. In spring
Ejemplo: In winter
Is there any wine in the bottle?
D) Los aos:
In 2002
Are they any? Se usa en plural. In 1992

PRACTICE N 03 3. Completa la informacion respectivamente
de acuerdo al texto.:
Capacidad 01: Comprension de textos.
I) There isnt any __________ in the
Lee el texto: refrigerator

I have a big library in my house. In the library I) There are some _________ in the
there are some books of science, some books refrigerator.
of arts and some books of literature, but there
arent any books of law or psychology. I also III) There are some _________ in the
have a Bible in my library; I think it is a very refrigerator.
important book.
IV) There arent any _________ on the
1. Identifica que oraciones son falsas de
acuerdo con la lectura:
I)There arent any books of arts.
A) Lemonade/ cookies / apples/
II)There isnt a Bible.
III)There is a book of law. B) Tea / bananas/ oranges / cookies.
IV)There are some books of psychology. C) Apples/ cookies / bananas / oranges.
D) Oranges/ lemonade / oranges /
A) I, II y IV cookies.
B) II y IV E) Lemonade/ lemonade / apples/
C) I, III y IV
D) ninguna
E) todos
4.Identifica que oraciones no son verdaderas
de acuerdo al texto:
2. Completa la informacion respectivamente
de acuerdo a la lectura: I)There isnt any lemonade in the
I)I have some books of_____________.
II)I dont have any books of__________ II) There arent any cookies on the table.
III)There isnt a __________. III) There arent any bananas on the table.
IV)There is a ____________. IV) There isnt any bread on the table.

A) Law, literature, bible, book of physics. A) I, II y IV

B) Science, arts, psychology book, Bible. B) II, III y IV
C) Arts, law, Bible, book of classical music.
D) todos
D) Literature, science, book of arts, Bible.
E) ninguna
E) Arts, law, book of Psychology, Bible.
Capacidad 02: Produccion de Textos
Lee el texto: Completa las oraciones con la alternativa
In the kitchen there is a table and a big correcta:
refrigerator.In the refrigerator there are some
oranges and some apples but there isnt any 5. Is there ______ sugar in the cup?
lemonade. On the table there are some bananas
and there is some bread, but there arent any A) some B) any C) a
cookies. D) an E) the

6. _________any trees in the garden? D) isnt/ some
E) is / some
A) there is
B) there are 9.My English classes are _____ Mondays
C) there arent ______ 7 oclock _____ the morning.
D) there isnt
E) there is A) in / at / in
B) at / in / on
7.There is _____ cheese in the cupboard.
C) at / at / in
A) any D) on / at / in
B) a E) on / at / on
C) an
D) some mother goes to the market ______
E) the Saturday mornings _____ 6 oclock

8._____there ____ rulers on the desk? A) in / at

B) at / at
A) is/ any C) on / at
B) are/ some D) in / in
C) are/ any E) on / on


Comparative adjective: los adj etivos 2. Con Adjetivos largos: se les agrega el
comparatives en Ingls se forman deacuerdo adverbio more adelante.
a la siguiente reglas: Intelligent (more intelligent)

1. Con Adjetivos cortos (una o dos Expensive (more expensive)

Nota: los adjetivos good y bad son
slabas) se le agrega el sufijo ER
irregulares siendo sus formas
Cold (colder)
Fast (faster)
Good (better)
* Si el adjetivo termina en la letra Y, esta se Bad (worse)
cambia por la IER Superlative Adjectives: s e forman de
acuerdo a las siguientes reglas.
Happy (happier)
Noisy (noisier) 1. Con los Adjetivos cortos: se les agrega el
sufijo EST y se les antepone el articulo THE.
S i el adj etivo termina en una
consonante + vocal+ consonante entonces se Cold (the coldest)
duplica la ltima consonante Fast (the fastest)
Sad (sadder) si el adjetivo termina en la Y
Hot (hotter) esta se cambia por la I.
Happy (happiest) Noisy (noisiest)
Si el adjetivo termina en la letra E si el adjetivo termina en una
solo se le agrega la R. consonante +vocal+ consonante
entonces se duplica la ultima
Wide (wider) consonante.
Nice (nicer) Sad (the saddest)

Hot (hottest) 3. Who is the oldest person?
si el adjetivo termina en la letra E A ) Carlos
solo se le agrega la ST. B) Mr. Bridge
C) Mary
Wide (widest)
D) Robert
Nice (nicest) E) Mario

2. con los adjetivos largos: se le agrega el Lee el texto:

adverbio The Most adelante. Miguel is 1.70m; Jorge is 1.65m and Fernando
is 1.85m Miguel weigts 70 kgs; Jorge weigts
Intelligent (the most intelligent) 80 kgs and Fernando weigts 76 kgs.
Expensive (the most expensive)
4. Identifica que oraciones son falsas de
nota: los adjetivos Good y Bad son acuerdo al texto:
irregulars, siendo sus formas
I) Miguel is taller than Fernando.
superlatives. II) Jorge is shorter than Miguel
III) Fernando is the tallest of all.
Good (the best) IV) Miguel isnt taller than Jorge.
Bad (the worst)
A) I, II y IV
PRACTICE N 04 B) II y iv
C) I y II
Capacidad 01: comprension de textos D) II y III
Lee el texto: E) I y IV
I have friends from different ages: Mr. Brigdes
Responde las preguntas de acuerdo con la
is 70 years old, Mario is 12 years old, Carlos is
30 years old, mary is 24 years old and Robert 5. who is the shortest person?
is 20 years old. A) Miguel
B) Miguel and Fernando
1. Identifica que oraciones son verdaderas de C) Jorge
acuedo a la lectura: D) Fernando
E) Fernando and Jorge
I) Mario is younger than Carlos
II) Mr. Bridge isnt the oldest of all. 6. Who is the heaviest person?
III) Carlos is older than mary. A) Fernando
B) Miguel and Jorge
IV)Mario isnt older than Robert.
C) Jorge
D) Miguel
A) II y IV E) Jorge and Miguel
B) I y III
C) I, III y IV Capacidad 02 : produccion de textos
D) solo la II
E) todas Completa las oraciones:
7. America is _________ than Europe.
2. Who is the youngest person?
A) big
A) Mr. Bridge B) biggest
C) more big
B) Carlos D) bigger
C) Mary E) biger
D) Mario
E) Robert 8. Einsten was ________ scientist of the XX


A) the more brilliant A) good B) gooder

B) brilliantest C) the best D) better
E) bad
C) the most brilliant
D) brilliant 10. Mirko is ________ student in the class.
E) brillianter
A) good B) the best
9. Daniel is ________ than Sebastian in C) better D) bad
mathematics. E) worse


Past time Markers: Para comenzar el NEGATIVE FORM:

estudio del tiempo pasado se deben conocer
algunas expresiones usadas en este tiempo. I you
He wasnt they werent
AGO: se usa siempre al final de la oracin y se She we
puede traducir como hace. It

Ejemplo: INTERROGATIVE FORM: para hacer la pre-

gunta se coloca el verbo To Be antes del su-
Two years ago (hace dos aos) jeto de la oracin.
Four days ago (hace cuatro dias) Las preguntas se pueden contestar usando
respuestas cortas (short answers)
LAST: se usa antes de la expresin de tiempo Ejemplo
y se puede traducir como pasado.
Were you at home yesterday morning?
Yes, I was / No, I wasnt
Was your mother at work yesterday?
Last year (el ao pasado) Yes, she was / No, wasnt
Last week (la semana pasada)
Was the sky cloudy yesterday?
Yes, it was / No, it wasnt
YESTERDAY:( ayer).
Ejemplo Were your friends in class yesterday?
Yes, they were / No, they werent
yesterday m orning (ayer en la
maana) Practice N 05

PAST OF BE: el verbo To Be en pasado se Capacidad 01: comprension de textos

conjuga de la siguiente manera. Lee el texto:
I remember when I was at school, I was good
AFFIRMATIVE FORM: at language but I wasnt good at maths. Mirko,
my friend, was very good at maths but he
I you wasnt good al language but Jorge was good
he was they were at math and language. He was the best student
she we in my class.

1. Identifica que oraciones son falsas de
acuerdo a la lectura? A) was B) is C) were
D) wasnt E) werent
I) Mirko was a bad student in maths.
II) Jorge was an excellent student.
7. ______Vallej o and Chocano Peruvian
III) I was a bad student in language.
IV) I was the best student in my class.
No, _______.
A) solo la III B) solo la II
C) II y III D) I, III y IV A ) was / he wasnt
E) ninguna es falsa B) are/ they are
C) were/ they werent
D) were / they was
Completa las oraciones:
E) were / they were
2. Pachacutec _______ the last inca of the
8. _____ you a good student at school?
Yes, _________.
A) were B) was C) is A) was/ I was
D) wasnt E) werent B) were/ I were
C) was / I wasnt
3. Beethoven_______ a great painter. D) was/ I were
E) were/ I was
A) is B)were C) was
D) wasnt E) are 9. ______the Aztecs a south American
No, ________

4. The Mayas_______ great astronomers. A) were/ they werent

B) was/ he was
A) was B) are C) is C) was/ they was
D) were E) werent D) were/ they were
E) was/ they were
5. Peru and Mexico ______ Spanish colonies
600 years ago. 10. _______ your brother in English class
A) are B) wasnt C) were A) were
D) was E) werent B) was
6. the French Revolution ________ in the XVIII D) are
century. E) werent


The Simple Past Tense (affirmative form): Nota : se deben tener en cuenta los siguintes
en el tiempo pasado simple los verbos se dividen casos.
en dos tipos.
1. los verbos que terminan en E solo se les
Verbos Regulares: son la mayoria de verbos, agrega la D.
estos verbos forman su pasado agregandole
ED al final. Live (LIVED)
Dance (DANCED)

2. los verbos que terminan en Y precedida INT ERROGAT IVE FORM: para hacer
de una consonante cambian la Y por la I y preguntas en pasado se usa el auxiliar DID
se le agrega la ED.
delante del sujeto y al igual que en los oraciones
Study (STUDIED) negativas los verbos no cambian a su forma
Cry (CRIED) en pasado.S e pueden contestar usando
respuesras cortas (short answers).
3. VERBOS IRREGULARES: estos verbos no
siguen la regla y cambian de forma por lo Did you go to the park last night?
cual se deben aprender de memoria: Yes, I did / No, I didnt

Lista de verbos: Did Maria write a poem yesterday?

Go Went Yes, she did / No she didnt
Do Did
Eat Ate Did your father work last week?
Speak Spoke Yes, he did / No, he didnt
Write wrote
Have had Did it rain last night?
Buy bought Yes, it did / No, it didnt
Keep Kept
Know knew Did your parents go to Lima yesterday?
Leave left Yes, they did / No, they didnt
Lose lost
Make Made
Read Read
Run Ran
Say Said
See sa w
Sleep Slept
Spend Spent
Take took

Negative Form: para hacer oraciones

negativas en pasado se usa el auxiliar DID NOT

She Did not work
It (didnt)

nota: cuando se usa el auxiliar

DIDNT los verbos no cambian a su
forma en pasado.

PRACTICE N 06 D) no, he didnt
E) yes, he didnt
Capacidad 01: Comprension de Texto
Lee el texto: 4. W hat did A ngel do in the cafeteria
Yesterday Angel went to the university. He had yesterday?
maths and literature classes, when he finished
his classes, he went to the cafeteria. He met A) He had classes with his friends.
some friends, they talked about music and
B) He watched a film with his friends
literature, then Angel visited his grandparents
in the afternoon. Finally he went home and C) He talked to his grandparents.
watched a film on TV. D) He studied maths with some friends.
E) He had a conversation with some friends.
1. Ordena las oraciones secuencialmente de
acuerdo al texto: Capacidad 02: Produccion de Texto
Completa las oraciones:
I) Angel went to his grandparents house.
II) Angel talked to his friends about music. 5. _____Flaubert ____Otelo?
III)Angel watched a film.
IV)Angel went to the University. A) did/ write
A) IV, II, III y I B) was/ wrote
C) did/ wrote
B) IV, III, II y I
D) were/ write
C) II, I, III y IV
E) did/ writed
D) IV, II, I y III
E) II, IV, I y III
6. My friends _______ a party last night. But I
2. Identifica que oraciones son verdaderas? _______.
de acuerdo a la lectura: A) have/ dont go
B) had/ didnt go
I) Angel had an English class yesterday.
C) has/ didnt
II) Angel didnt see his friends yesterday. D) haved/ didnt went
III)Angel watched a film in his E) has/ didnt went
grandparents house.
7. I ______ in the concert last night but I didnt
IV) Angel studied maths at the University ______my friends.
A) were/ saw
A) sola la III B) wasnt/ saw
B) I, II y IV C) was/ see
C) II, III y IV D) was/ saw
D) Sola la II E) were/ see
E) Solo la IV
8. ______carlos go to Lima yesterday?
Contesta las pregutas de acuerdo al texto:
A) was
3. Did Angel go to the school yesterday?
B) did
A) yes, he did C) does
B) yes, he was D) do
C) no , he did E) were

9. ______ you ____ a new mobile phone last
10. ____ the Incas ______pyramids?

A) do/ build
A) do/ buy
B) did/ built
B) did/ bought
C) did/ build
C) did/ buy
D) did/ builded
D) did/ buyed
E) were/ built
E) were/ bought


VERBS + ING: El sufijo ING en ingls am not sleeping now.

equivale al sufijo ANDO, ENDO en espaol. You arent watching TV at the moment.
Carlos isnt listening to music right now.
Work(trabajar) Working(trabajando)
Sleep(dormir) Sleeping(durmiendo) INTERROGATIVE FORM: las preguntas se
hacen poniendo el verbo Be antes del sujeto.
si los verbos terminan en E se anula
la E y se agrega ING.
Are you writing on your book now?
Is your father working at the
PAST CONTINUOUS: el tiempo pasado
si el verbo termina en una slaba
continuo se usa para hablar de una accin que
formada por una consonante + una
vocal + una consonante, se duplica estaba ocurriendo en le pasado. Generalmente
la ultima consonante para agregarle el pasado continuo es interrumpido con una
ING. oracin en pasado simple.

Run (RUNNING) I was sleeping when my father called.

Henry was running when he had an accident.
tiempo para referirse a acciones que estan NEGATIVE FORM: la forma negativa se hace
ocurriendo en este momento, generalmente poniendo el verbo Be en negativo.
se acompaan de expresiones como: now,
right now, at the moment. My dog werent playing when I
arrived home.
I am reading my book now.
Enrique wasnt eating when I went
Ricardo is painting a picture at the
moment. out.
You are studying English right now.
NEGATIVE FORM: la forma negative se hace preguntas coloca el verbo Be delante del sujeto
poniendo el verbo Be en negative. en la oracin.

Were you studying when I called you
last night? Lee el texto:
Yesterday Sandra was walking on the street
W as Tito watching TV when his when she saw a traffic accident: A car was
parents arrived home yesterday? going very fast when it crashed with a
motorcycle. The motorcycle was going slow.
Sandra was watching the scene of the
PRACTICE N 07 accident when the police arrived.

Capacidad 01: comprensin de texto 3. Identifica que oraciones son verdaderas

Lee el texto: de acuerdo a la lectura:
Today is Saturday. Mr. Rivera is working in his I)Sandra was playing when she saw an
office now. His son, Eduardo, is studying accident.
English at an institute and her daughter, Carol, II) When Sandra saw an accident she was
is cleaning their house. Mrs. Rivera is buying
some fruit and vegetables at the market. Mr.
III)The motorcycle was running fast.
Rivera has two dogs; they are playing in the
IV)The car was going fast at the moment
garden right now. of the accident.
A) I, III y IV
1. Identifica que oraciones son verdaderas de
acuerdo a la lectura: B) II, III y IV
C) I y II
I) Mr. Riveras son is cleaning the house. D) II y IV
II) Carol is buying fruit at the market. E) III y IV
III) Carols brother is studying English.
4. Ordena las oraciones secuencialmente
IV) Mrs. Rivera isnt working now. segun el texto.
I) The police arrived.
A) I, II y IV
B) I, III y IV II) A car crashed with a motorcycle.
C) II y III III) Sandra was walking on the street.
D) Solo la IV. IV) Sandra was watching the accident.
E) III y IV A) I, III, II y IV
B) IV, III, II y I
2. Completa las oraciones de acuerdo a la
C) III, II, IV y I
D) III, IV, II y I
I) Eduardo _______ working now.
II) Eduardos mother _______ cleaning the 5. Completa las oraciones de acuerdo al
house. texto:.
III) Carol _____ studying at the moment. I) Sandra _______ walking when the police
IV) The dogs _______ playing right now. arrived.
II) When the police arrived, Sandra ______
watching the accident.
A) is/ isnt / is/ are
III) The car ______ going slow when it
B) isnt/ isnt/ is/ arent
crashed with the motorcycle.
C) isnt/ is/is/ are
IV) When the motorcycle crashed, it
D) isnt / isnt / isnt / are
_______ going slow.
E) is/ is/ isnt / are

8. Jorge ______ a letter to her parents now.
A) wasnt / was / wasnt / was
A ) are writing
B) was / was / wasnt / wasnt
B) is writing
C) was / wasnt / was/ wasnt
C) w rites
D) wasnt / wasnt / was / was
D) is writing
E) wasnt / was / was / was E) was writing

Capacidad 02: produccion de textos 9. Julia ______ studying when the teacher
6. Silence! Daniel _______ right now.
A ) are sleeping A) were / arrived
B) is sleeping B) wasnt / arrived
C) was sleeping C) is / arrived
D) sleeping D) isnt / arrived
E) is sleep E) was / arriving

7. I ____ studying last night when my brother 10. Some people _______ watching TV
______me. in the street now.
A ) am / called
B) were / called A) is
B) was
C) was / calls
C) were
D) was / called D) are
E) was / calling E) isnt


El futuro se puede hacer usando dos formas: Henry isnt going to travel next weekend.

I) GOING TO: s e usa el Going To para hablar W e arent going to have classes next
acerca de planes y proyectos. Cuando se Sunday.
hacen oraciones usando el Going To se debe
estar seguro de anteponer el verbo To Be, el
cual sirve de auxiliar. Are you going to visit your grandparents
next weekend?
AFFIRMATE FORM: Yes, I am / No, Im not
I am going to study tonight.
Is Roberto going to study in Huanuco next
Luis is going to work tomorrow. year?
Yes, he is / No, He isnt
My parents are going to arrive next week.
Are you friends going to play basketball
NEGATIVE FORM: Yes, they are / No, they arent
I am not going to cook tomorrow.

I) WILL: se usa el modal verb will para indicar 1. De acuerdo al texto Identifica que
que el verbo esta en futuro. Se hacen oraciones oraciones son verdaderas de acuerdo al
con el modal Will para hablar de predicciones, o
cuando no se esta seguro que las acciones I) Enrique is optimistic about next year.
vayan a ocurrir con certeza. El modal Verb Will II) Mike isnt going to finish school next
se usa con todas las personas year.
III)Teresa is going to study in Spain next
I year.
YOU IV)Enrique will study communications in
HE Lima.
SHE will work
E) I y II
nota: la forma negative de Will es Will
Not. (Wont). 2. Determina que sucesos ocurri ran
nota: para hacer preguntas con el probablemente pero no con total certeza
acuerdo al texto:
modal Will este se pone adelante del
sujeto en la oracion. I) Enrique (travel to the USA).
II) Mike (study al CEPREVAL).
III) Teresa (study architecture).
Maybe, I will study at the university
next month. IV) Enrique (study English).
I think, my friends will come tonight.
A) sola la I B) solo la IV
Perhaps, it will rain tonight.
C) I y II D) II, III y IV
Maybe, my mother wont arrive from
E) todos
Lima today.
Probably, the bus wont leave on time Capacidad 02: Produccion de Texto
this afternoon. Completa las oraciones:
W ill you finish your homework 3. Maybe, Carolina _____ come _____.
tomorrow? A ) is going to / now.
Will Mary go to the party? B) Will / yesterday
C) Is going to / tomorrow
PRACTICE N 08 D) Will / at the moment.
E) Will / tomorrow
Capacidad 01: Comprension de Texto
4. I think, it _______ rain tonight
A) is going to
Lee el texto: B) going to
My name is Enrique and I think next year will be C) wont
a good year for everybody. Mike is going to D) is going
finish school and he is going to study at E) is
CEPREVAL, maybe he will study medicine. 5. My friends are going to have a reunion
Teresa is going to travel to Spain where she is ________.
going to study architecture and I am going to
study English and perhaps. I will travel to the A) yesterday B) no w
USA where I will study Communications. C) at the moment D) tomorrow
E) yesterday

6. I _____ be a nurse when I finish my career. 8. Eduardo _____ buy a new computer
A) am going to A) Will / now.
B) am going B) Will / tomorrow
C) will C) Is going to / next week
D) wont D) Going to / tomorrow
E) going to E) Is going / next month

9. Maybe I _______ prepare a sandwich later.

7. Perhaps. We ______study at CEPREVAL
next month because we _____ study at A) Am going to B) going to
C) going D) was E) will

A) are going to / arent going to

10. Mario _______ work in Pucallpa next year.
B) wont / will
C) going to / going to A) are going to
D) will / will B) is going
C) isnt going to
E) wont / going to
D) will
E) wont


El tiempo presente perfecto se usa para hablar Negative form:

de cosas que ocurrieron en el pasado pero I
que no se especifica cuando ocurrieron; You Have not worked
tambien se usa para hablar de una accin que we (havent) written
empez en el pasado pero cuyos efectos an they

Para crear oraciones en este tiempo se deben
She has not studied
tener en cuenta dos elementos:
It (hasnt) spoken

1. el auxiliar have / has (haber)

preguntas en este tiempo solo se debe poner
2. el verbo debe ir en pasado participio.
el auxiliar have/ has delante del sujeto de la
Affirmative Form:
Have you studied for the exam?
we Have worked
Yes, I have / No I havent
they written

Has Emilio gone out?

He Yes, he has / no, he hasnt
She has studied
It spoken Has Liliana done her homework?
Yes, she has / No, she hasnt

Has the bank opened? E) have make
Yes, it has / No, it hasnt 4. ______ you ______ your homework?

Have your parents arrived? A) has / finish D) do/ finished

Yes, they have / No, they havent B) have / finish E) did/ finished
C) have / finished
5. We _______studied for the exam.
Capacidad 01: comprension de textos
Lee el texto: A) has B) hasnt C) havent
Many things have changed in my town since I D) are E) didnt
was a child.
The Morales family has moved house; now they 6. ______ the baby _____ her milk?
dont live in my block. My friends,Mirko and
Fernando have gone to Lima. The old bookstore A ) have / drink
on the corner of my street has closed and many B) has / drank
new shops have opened. Now things arent C) have / drank
the same and I sometimes miss the old times. D) have / drunk
E) have / drunk
7. My mother _______ a new television.
1. Identif ica que oraciones son falsasde
acuerdo al texto: A) have bought
B) has buyed
I. The Morales family hasnt changed C) has bought
house. D) hasnt buy
II. Mirko has gone to another city. E) has buy
III. The bookstore hasnt changed.
IV. New shops have appeared. 8. Cars ______ contamined the cities.

A) I y III B) I, II y III A) has

B) did
C) II y IV D) I y IV C) have
E) I y II D) are
E) will
Capacidad 02: Produccin de textos.
9. Humans _______ destroyed the planet.
Completa las oraciones:
2. I ______ a science fiction book. A) have
B) has
A) have readed C) hasnt
B) has read D) are
C) hasnt read E) did
D) have read
10. ______ Claudia ______ a letter for her
E) havent readed parents?

3. Oliver Stone ______ many films. A) have / wrote

A ) have made B) have / written
B) has make C) has/ wrote
C) has made D) has / written
D) hasnt make E) has / write


Los adverbios mas usados en el presente PRACTICE N10

perfecto son:
Capacidad 01: comprension de textos
Ever : (alguna vez) s e usa en oraciones
interrogatives Lee el texto:
Paul has never visited Machu Picchu, he has
have you ever been to Macchu Picchu? already been to Cuzco, but he hasnt gone to
Machu Picchu yet. On the other hand George
Never: (nunca) has been to Machu Picchu many times, he has
just returned from an excursion for the Incas
I have never drunk Masato road.

Just : (recin) 1. Identifica que oraciones son verdaderas

de acuerdo al texto:
the exam has just started I) Paul has been to macchu Picchu
II) Paul hasnt visited Cuzco yet.
Already (ya): se usa en oraciones
III) George has visited macchu Picchu.
IV) George has been to an excursion
I have already done my composition. recently.

Yet (aun): se usa en oraciones negativas y A) I y II

siempre va al final de la oracion. B) II y IV
I havent bought a new cell phone yet. D) II y III
E) I y IV
Yet (ya): se usan en oraciones interrogativas.
2. Completa la informacion de acuerdo a la
has the concert finished yet?
I) Paul hasnt visited Macchu Picchu
Since (desde): indica el punto de inicio de II) Paul has _______ been to Cuzco.
una accin. III) George has _______ arrived from
I have worked in this company since 2002. IV) George has ________ visited Macchu
For (por): indica un periodo de tiempo.
A) Yet / already / just / already.
I have worked in this company for 6
B) Yet / never / never / already
C) Yet / ever / just / just
D) Ever / already / never / already
E) Ever / never / just / already

D) has / never
Capacidad 02: Produccion de textos
E) have/ ever

Completa las oraciones: 7. Mr.Jones have worked in this company

3. Humans ______ got to Mars. ______8 years.

A) hasnt / yet A) since

B) havent / yet B) just
C) already
C) have / yet D) for
D) havent / already E) yet
E) havent / just
8. I ______ a new computer.
4. I havent ______ my grandparents
______2002 A) has just bought
B) have bought just
A) seen / for
C) just have bought
B) visited / for
D) have just bought
C) visited / since E) just has bought
D) visited / already
E) visit / since 9. The bus ___________.

5. I ______ a cup of coffee. A) has left yet

B) hasnt left yet
A) have drink just C) hasnt leave yet
B) just have drunk D) hasnt left just
C) have just drunk E) hasnt left never
D) has just drink
E) have just drank 10. we _____ eaten suri

6. ______ your mother ______ cooked Italian A) never has

B) has never
C) have never
A) have / never
D) never have
B) has / ever
E) havent never
C) has/ already


Los principales relative Pronouns son I bought a computer which stores a lot of
Who (quien, quienes) se usa para referirse
a personas: Where : ( donde) se usa para referirse a
I have a friend who speaks French and
Germany very well. I know a restaurant where the salad is
Which ( el cual, la cual , los cuales, las
cuales): se usa para referirse a objetos y

PRACTICE N 11 C) what
D) which
Capacidad 01: comprensin de textos E) whose
Lee el texto:
5. The office _____ my mother works is very
I have a friend who travels all over the world, nice.
my friends name is Russell. Russell works in
a ship, where he is a chef he cooks delicious A) where
dishes. His speciality is Peruvian food. Russell B) whose
carries a recipe notebook everywhere. That C) who
recipe notebook was his mothers gift. D) which
E) that
1. Identifica que oraciones son falsas de
acuerdo con el texto: 6. Mr. Denegri is the person ___________ I
admire most on television.
I) Russell is my friend.
A) which
II) Russell works in a restaurant.
B) whose
III) Russell travels a lot. C) what
D) where
A) I y III B) II y IV E) who
C) I y III D) III y IV
E) solo la IV 7. Last night I went to a caf ________
sandwiches are delicious.
2. Completa la informacion de acuerdo al
texto: A) who
B) which
I) Russell is a chef in _____________. C) what
II) Russell carries _________. D) that
E) where
A) A restaurant / a recipe book.
8. The dog ______ is playing in the park is
B) A ship / a recipe book. Henrys dog.
C) A recipe notebook / a ship.
D) A ship/ a recipe notebook. A) who
E) A restaurant / a ship. B) where
C) his
Capacidad 02: Produccion de Texto D) which
Completa las oraciones: E) whose
3. I know a person ________ speaks four
languages. 9. The music shop _________ I bought these
Cds is very modern.
A) where A) which
B) who B) where
C) which C) who
D) dont D) that
E) what E) whose

4. There is a new personal computer 10. The children _______ are playing in the park
_________ I like very much. are my neighbourgs.

A) who A) which B) where C) who

B) where D) whose E) what


Can/ Cant: se usan para hablar de habilidades III) You _____ talk to your friends in the
o de falta de ellas. library.
IV) You ______stay until 5 Pm in the library.
I can play the guitar. A) can / cant /cant / can/t
I cant speak French. B) can / can / can/ cant
C) can / cant / cant / can
Can: se usa para dar o pedir permisos. D) cant / can / cant / can
E) cant / cant / can / can
You can use calculators in the exam.
Can I go out? Capacidad 02: produccin de textos

Cant: se usa para hacer prohibiciones 2. Relaciona las oraciones ( I IV) con
funciones (A E)
You cant talk in the exam.
You cant smoke in public places. I) You should take an aspirene. ( )
II) You cant use a dictionary in the
Should: se usa para dar consejos. exam. ( )
III) I can paint very well. ( )
You should eat more vegetables. IV) I must study tonight. ( )
You shouldnt spend your money in
the clothes. A) Consejo / habilidad / prohibicin / deber.
B) Deber / habilidad / consejo / deber.
Must: se usa para expresar obligaciones. C) Consejo / prohibicin / habilidad/ deber
D) Deber / prohibicin / permiso / deber
I must do my homework now. E) Consejo / prohibicin / permiso/ consejo.
You mustnt answer your mobile phone
in class Completa las oraciones:

PRACTICE N 12 3. if you feel sick, you _______ go to the

Capacidad 01: comprensin de textos
A) should
Interpreta el texto:
B) can
C) cant
Library 9 Am 5 pm D) shouldnt
No eating or drinking E) mustnt
No talking
Photocopy machine (free) 4. you _______ sleep very late on school
1. Completa las oraciones de acuerdo al
texto A) cant
I) You _______ eat sandwiches in the B) can
library. C) should
II) You _______make photocopies in the D) must
library. E) mustnt


5. Im good at languages. I ________ speak

four languages.

A) must
B) cant C) can
D) should E) mustnt

6. Im bad at maths. I _______ resolve any


A) should
B) mustnt
C) shouldnt
D) cant
E) can

7. I think you _______ do more exercise.

A) can
B) cant
C) must
D) mustnt
E) should

8. ______ I go to the bathroom, please?

A) can
B) should
C) must
D) mustnt
E) cant

9. You _______ listen to music in the class.

A) should
B) cant
C) shouldnt
D) must
E) can

10. I ______ f inish m y homework today

because tomorrow is the final exam.

A) cant
B) shouldnt
C) can
D) must
E) mustnt


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