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National Strength and Conditioning Association

Volume 28, Number 4, pages 7080

Keywords: countermovement; biomechanics; mechanics; vertical


Building a Better Understanding of

Basic Mechanical Principles Through
Analysis of the Vertical Jump
Raoul F. Reiser II, PhD, CSCS
Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Erik C. Rocheford, MS, CSCS
Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Casey J. Armstrong
University of Colorado, Boulder

muscle recruitment throughout the en- consists of similar hip, knee, and ankle
summary tire body, from the head down through extension and also results in takeoff, but
the toes. Therefore, interactions between begins from a static squat position and
An understanding of the basic me- muscle excitation, joint motion (kine- does not provide quite the same jump
matics), and force production (kinetics) height (2, 3, 21). Better understanding
chanical principles governing move-
are complex and warrant thorough un- of the aforementioned mechanical prin-
ment is essential for the develop- derstanding. Complete understanding of ciples will alleviate confusion, clarify
the vertical jump also requires compre- terminology, and result in increased
ment of training programs, perfor- hension of basic mechanics, to include abilities of strength and conditioning
relationships between position, velocity, professionals to enact changes that will
mance improvement, and injury
and acceleration, Newtons laws of mo- improve training for and analysis of the
prevention. The goal of this article is tion, impulse-momentum and work-en- vertical jump and other related move-
ergy relationships, and power. ments.
to review these principles through
With this requirement in mind, the goal Before conducting any analysis, it is im-
an analysis of the vertical jump.
of this article is to review basic mechani- portant to define the specific goal of the
cal principles with concentration on two task. Without a clearly defined goal, it is
similar, but slightly different, jump extremely difficult to structure an analy-
he vertical jump is a common and styles for comparative purposes: the sis that will lead to useful results. For a

T essential motor skill in sport,

training, and performance evalua-
tion. The ability of an athlete to reach a
countermovement jump (CMJ) and the
squat jump (SJ) (Figure 1). The CMJ
consists of an initial downward move-
maximum effort vertical jump, the most
basic goal is to touch a point as high
above the ground as possible. Three key,
point high above the ground from a jump ment (often referred to as a counter- mechanically based elements are in-
can often determine the difference be- movement, because it is in a direction volved in achieving this goal (13):
tween success and failure, wins and loss- opposite of the eventual jump) that ends
es, or playoffs and end of season. The ver- in a squat/semisquat position, followed Raise the vertical velocity of your
tical jump, however, is as complicated as by immediate and forceful hip, knee, center of mass (VCOM ) as high as pos-
it is common. A successful jump requires and ankle extension that propels the ath- sible at takeoff (projectile motion
a combined and coordinated effort of lete upward, resulting in takeoff. The SJ ensues once in the air).

70 August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal

Raise the vertical position of your
center of mass (PCOM) as high as
practically possible at takeoff (again,
projectile motion dictates center of
mass [COM] travel).
Once in the air, position the body in
such a way that the reach hand is as
far above PCOM as possible when it is
at peak height.

The COM is defined as a point in

space about which all the mass of the
body is balanced. There is an even dis-
tribution of all the matter that makes
up the body around this point. When
standing in the anatomical position,
the human COM is typically at
5557% of standing height, near waist
level, as well as in the midline of the
body side-to-side and front-to-back Figure 1. Sagittal plane stick-figure representation of the countermovement jump
(top) and squat jump (bottom) constructed by digitizing reflective markers
(10). This point logically changes as
placed on the right side of a jumper. Ground reaction forces acting under
movement occurs and body segments each foot also are included as vector arrows, and the center of mass is
are repositioned relative to each other, drawn as the lightly colored dot near the waist.The spread graph technique
as during the course of a vertical jump was used to separate the time varying positions during the course of each
(Figure 1 and Figure 2a). The vertical jump. No actual forward motion occurred, as is depicted by the overlay plot
jump is often broken down into phases of the squat jump in the lower left.
based on the motion of the COM. In
the CMJ, a countermovement phase sistance must be nonexistent. However, ence between the final and initial time
starts with the initial downward move- for the short period of time that a per- (tf ti) over which the average is being
ment of the COM and ends when the son is in the air and the relatively low computed:
COM is at its lowest point. A propul- velocity of movement, a reasonable as-
sion phase continues with the COM sumption is that the effects of air resis-
moving vertically from its lowest tance are negligible, allowing for treat-
point, ending at takeoff. A flight phase ment as a projectile. Furthermore,
begins at takeoff and continues as the treatment as a projectile vastly decreas- PCOM,f PCOM,i often is shortened to just
COM rises to its highest point and es the complexity of the computations PCOM, where is read as change in.
then falls until the landing. A landing incorporated into the analysis. The par- This difference in final relative to initial
phase begins when the toes first touch abolic path of a projectiles COM is de- position also is referred to as displace-
the ground and continues as the COM termined by its position and velocity at ment. Similarly, tf ti is often shortened
lowers while absorbing the landing the time it starts its flight; the COM to Dt and average velocity becomes
forces, and finally rises until the ath- cannot be altered once in the air until
lete returns to rest and the COM is sta- contact is made with the ground, an-
tionary in the standing position once other surface, object, or other player.
again. The SJ follows the same progres-
sion, but does not include the counter- Velocity is the time rate of change of po- Velocity, position, displacement, accel-
movement phase. sition, or how fast or slow an object is eration, and force (as well as several
moving in a given direction. Although it other parameters) are vector quantities.
Each of the three keys to success de- is often expressed as an instantaneous Vector quantities are defined by both a
pends on the fact that the body acts as a value, average velocity (VCOM,avg) yields magnitude and a direction. For the pur-
projectile once in the air. A projectile is an expression which reveals its defini- poses of this analysis, because the verti-
any object that has only the vertical tion. VCOM,avg equals the difference be- cal direction is the only one of interest,
force of gravity acting on it. Technical- tween the final and initial position the horizontal aspects of these vector
ly, to be classified as a projectile, air re- (PCOM,f PCOM,i) divided by the differ- quantities will be ignored.

August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal 71

After making appropriate substitutions
in the equations that predict the motion
of a projectile (See references 6 and 10 or
any basic physics or biomechanics text),
the maximum height that the COM of a
projectile will reach (PCOM,max) is equal to
its initial starting height (PCOM,i) minus
the square of its initial vertical velocity at
takeoff (VCOM,i) divided by twice its accel-
eration (ACOM):

The ACOM is the vertical acceleration due

to gravity (9.8 m/s2) that is constant
during flight. This acceleration slows
down a projectile that is moving upward
and speeds up a projectile that is moving
downward. Therefore, raising your
VCOM and PCOM as high as possible at
takeoff is fundamental to reaching a
point as high above the ground as possi-
ble during the course of a vertical jump.

Although you no longer have any con-

trol over the path of your COM while
you are in the air, there remains some
control over the height that your hand
will reach, because you can still move
your arms and legs. To create the greatest
distance between the reach hand and
your COM, the body should be
arranged so that the hand is as far from
the rest of your body mass as possible.
This is accomplished by extending the
hips and knees, plantar flexing the an-
kles (Figure 1), and lowering the non-
reach arm along the side of the body.
This is generally learned through trial
and error. However, it can sometimes be
forgotten when emphasis is placed heav-
ily upon the propulsion phase.

Before discussing how maximum VCOM

and PCOM are achieved at takeoff, it is
important to understand the relation-
ships between position, velocity, and ac-
Figure 2. Vertical position (a), velocity (b), and acceleration (c) of the center of mass
during the course of the countermovement (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ) de- celeration. As previously discussed, ve-
picted in Figure 1. Plots are aligned by the point of takeoff beginning the locity is the time rate of change of
flight phase where time equals zero.Vertical position is relative to the position (PCOM/t). Similarly, acceler-
ground with positive upward. Similarly, velocity and acceleration are de- ation is the time rate of change of veloci-
fined positive in the upward vertical direction. ty (VCOM/t). Therefore, position, ve-

72 August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal

locity, and acceleration are not indepen-
dent of each other. One way to think of
velocity relative to position is to view
them plotted versus time, as in Figure 2.
Velocity is equal to the slope of the posi-
tion versus time plot. The slope of the
position versus time plot is the change in
position (PCOM) relative to the amount
of time that elapses (t), making slope
no different from our previous defini-
tion of velocity (PCOM/t). To find the
instantaneous value of velocity from a
position versus time plot, calculate the
slope from a line drawn tangent to the
point in time of interest (Figure 3). So,
when the slope of the position versus
time plot is positive, velocity will be pos- Figure 3. Center of mass position versus time of the countermovement jump from
itive. When the slope is zero, the veloci- takeoff through landing with overlay of instantaneous slope lines at points
ty will be zero, and when the slope is of positive slope (A and E), zero slope (B, D, and F), and negative slope (C).
negative, the velocity will be negative. It The value of the slope of these tangent lines is also equal to the instanta-
naturally follows that acceleration is the neous velocity of the center of mass.
slope of the velocity versus time plot
with the same relationships as those ex-
isting between position and velocity.

Achieving Maximum VCOM and

PCOM at Takeoff
To achieve maximum V COM and P COM at
takeoff, an athlete pushes down against
the ground through forceful extensions
of the hip, knee, and ankle from a
squat/semisquat position (Figure 1).
Another important component to max-
imizing V COM is arm swing (also visible
in Figure 1). A rapid downward, then
upward, arm swing contributes roughly
10% to the V COM at takeoff (11, 18), re-
sulting in a 2- to 9-cm increase in jump Figure 4. Vertical ground reaction force during the course of the countermovement
height (7, 11, 17). The arm swing also (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ) depicted in Figure 1.The point of takeoff begin-
helps to naturally increase P COM, be- ning the flight phase is where time equals zero. For reference, also included
cause at takeoff the arms will be above is a horizontal line (W) marking the magnitude of the constant force from
the head rather than alongside the gravity acting on this 90-kg jumper.The ground reaction force is defined
body. positive acting upward on the bottom of the persons feet.

Pushing downward against the ground person feels the exact opposite force act- weight, acting through the COM.
in an attempt to move your COM up- ing upward on him or her. This force Whereas the GRF varies with time dur-
ward is an example of Newtons Third often is referred to as the ground reac- ing the course of the jump (Figure 4),
Law of Motion. This law, also know as tion force (GRF). Because air resistance the force of gravity is constant and re-
the Law of ActionReaction, states that is negligible, the only other force acting mains the only force acting on the body
for every contact force, there is an equal on the person during the propulsion once airborne.
and opposite force on a contrary body. phase is the force of gravity pulling
In this case, whereas the ground is sub- down on the jumper. The net effect of One way to visualize the forces acting on
ject to a force pushing down on it, the gravity is a force equal to his or her body an object is through the construction of

August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal 73

the muscle itself. Therefore, only the ex- Furthermore, as previously discussed,
ternal forces made through contact with acceleration also may be thought of as
the environment, plus the gravitational the change in velocity with respect to
force, are included on a free-body dia- time (VCOM/t), and because VCOM is
gram. zero at the start of the propulsion phase,
it is beneficial to have ACOM as high as
From the free-body diagram, an equa- possible for as long as possible, yielding
tion describing the linear motion of the the highest possible VCOM at takeoff.
objects COM may be generated readily. This relates back to the GRF being as
The linear equation of motion is based high as possible, because it translates to
on Newtons Second Law of Motion. high acceleration through Newtons Sec-
This law, also known as the Law of Ac- ond Law of Motion. One way to increase
celeration, states that the sum of the ex- the GRF is through the use of a counter-
ternal forces ( F, where = sum) on an movement immediately before the
object equals the product of the objects propulsion phase.
mass (m) and the ACOM:
At the start of the countermovement
phase, the jumper alters muscle activity
so that W exceeds the GRF. As a result,
In the case of the vertical jump, a verti- ACOM is negative, downward motion be-
Figure 5. Free-body diagram of the cal direction analysis during ground gins, and VCOM is negative. However,
jumper when in contact with contact yields this negative motion cannot continue
the ground (left) and during forever, so the extensor muscles must
the flight phase (right).While increase their activity to generate a GRF
in contact with the ground,
that is greater than W. Once this hap-
both the ground reaction
where W is the weight of the person. pens, A COM becomes positive, and VCOM
force (GRF) and body weight
from gravity (W) act on the From this equation of motion, we can becomes a negative value of smaller
jumper. During flight, only W see that ACOM will be positive as long as magnitude returning toward zero.
acts on the jumper. the GRF > W, which means that the When VCOM does return to zero, the
COM will gather speed when traveling propulsion phase begins immediately.
in the upward (positive) direction or will At this time, even though VCOM is zero,
a free-body diagram (Figure 5). A free- slow if traveling in the downward (nega- ACOM is extremely high, as is the GRF.
body diagram is a simplified stick-figure tive) direction during this time. If GRF As a result, even though a person starts
image of the system of interest that in- < W, ACOM will be negative and the ob- the propulsion phase in the same posi-
cludes only the external forces. External ject will slow in the upward (positive) tion and with the same VCOM in both
forces are those that have a potential to direction or gather speed if traveling in the CMJ and SJ, a distinct advantage is
alter the motion of an object. Although the downward (negative) direction. In gained compared with the SJ (2). In the
muscles are highly responsible for the the case where GRF = W, ACOM will SJ, the propulsion phase begins with
time-varying nature of the GRF, they are equal zero, so no change in motion oc- ACOM at zero and the GRF equal only to
not considered external forces for a sys- curs (i.e., velocity will remain constant). W. Therefore, the countermovement
tem representing the entire body and, This third case is an example of New- serves to help make ACOM as high as pos-
therefore, are not included in the free- tons First Law of Motion, also known as sible for as long as possible during the
body diagram. To elucidate, during the the Law of Inertia. This law states that propulsion phase.
flight phase your muscles can contract an object in motion will maintain its
and can produce force. However, at this motion and an object at rest will remain There are also several biological prop-
time they can move your limbs, but not at rest unless acted upon by a net exter- erties in place that may help enhance
change the motion of your COM pre- nal force that is nonzero. As a result, in the GRF at the end of the counter-
scribed by projectile motion. Only when the vertical jump, just as the GRF movement phase/beginning of the
you make contact with another object changes with time, so does the ACOM propulsion phase, further increasing
can your muscles be used to push or to (Figure 2c). In fact, because W and m are the potential for a greater jump height
pull against it. As a result, it is the force constant, the time-varying nature of to be attained with a countermove-
interacting with an external object that ACOM will parallel the GRF in this move- ment. It is important to preface the
may potentially alter your motion, not ment. discussion of these biological proper-

74 August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal

ties with a note of caution related to the activation of extensor muscles if tial momentum (mVCOM,f mVCOM,i)
how significantly they add to the CMJ. the countermovement is part of a land- during a movement:
Several recent, well-designed, and ing that more dramatically increases
carefully conducted investigations the forces under the feet, such as in
have concluded that it is the altered step-close and drop jumps where an
active state of the muscles, necessi- athlete steps/drops into the jump loca-
tated by the previously described need tion. Even though it bears little resemblance
to produce a large GRF at the end of in this form, the impulsemomentum
the countermovement to arrest the Even though the stretch-shorten cycle relationship is an averaged form of New-
downward motion of the COM (2, 9, may not contribute significantly to the tons Second Law. If both sides of the
21), that is responsible for the in- height attained in the CMJ, the addition equation are divided by the time (t),
creased height in the CMJ. However, of the countermovement phase yields the right-hand side then contains
because these biological properties GRF and ACOM values that are at or near (VCOM,f VCOM,i)/t. This term is the
may be significant for other activities, maximal at the start of the propulsion same as average acceleration presented
their discussion is still warranted. phase (2, 3), with a 3- to 11-cm increase previously and the equation becomes
in the maximum height attainable in the
First, as the body is lowered, many of CMJ relative to the SJ (2, 3, 21). Com-
the hip, knee, and ankle extensor mus- paratively, in the SJ it takes a period of
cles are lengthening. Therefore, once time for the GRF and ACOM to become
activated, they are performing eccen- maximal after the start of the propulsion Taking the next logical step, the goal of
tric contractions. From their force-ve- phase as the muscles increase their active the propulsion phase is to maximize the
locity properties, muscles are able to state and force production from that re- upward impulse on the body, yielding
generate greater forces when contract- quired just to hold the body statically in the greatest change in momentum. Be-
ing eccentrically than when contract- the starting position. The greatest effect cause VCOM,i is zero at the start of the
ing isometrically or concentrically of incorporating the countermovement propulsion phase and body mass is con-
(14). This increases the ability to gen- appears to occur within the muscles stant, the greatest change in momentum
erate a large GRF and A COM at the end crossing the hip joint (2, 8). Interesting- also will generate the greatest VCOM,f ,
of the countermovement, which could ly enough, people often will try to in- which is that at takeoff.
be carried over to start the propulsion clude a small countermovement in an
phase. Second, a rapid stretch in the SJ, oftentimes without consciously real- Looking further at the components that
muscle, as created by the rapid rise in izing it. However, this minor counter- impart the change in momentum during
force from the eccentric contraction, movement has not been found to signifi- the propulsion phase, it becomes appar-
could invoke the stretch-reflex from cantly increase maximum height ent that having a large external impulse
the muscle spindles (14, 20). This re- compared with an SJ with no counter- is a difficult task. Basically, to increase
flex increases the neural activation movement (12). the impulse, one needs to increase the
stimulus to the extensor muscles, fur- Favg, t, or preferably, both. For the ver-
ther increasing their force potential. Another way to look at the propulsion tical jump, Favg = GRFavg W. When
Third, as long as the eccentric contrac- phase and the attempt to keep ACOM as GRFavg is increased, ACOM also is in-
tion is followed rapidly by a concentric high as possible for as long as possible is creased, with VCOM following suit. Un-
contraction, as in the immediate tran- through the impulsemomentum rela- fortunately, because the person extends
sition into the propulsion phase, elas- tionship. Impulse is defined as the prod- through the propulsion phase more
tic strain energy that is stored in the uct of a force and the time over which it rapidly with increased ACOM and VCOM,
stretching of the musculotendinous acts, whereas momentum is the product of t will naturally decrease. This compli-
unit may be recovered in the concen- the mass of an object and its velocity, cates the as long as possible compo-
tric shortening phase (1), increasing both of which are vector quantities. The nent of force production. Therefore,
forces generated during the propulsion impulsemomentum relationship states even though higher forces are more ben-
phase. Collectively, these three mecha- that the net external impulse equals the eficial to jump performance, some of the
nisms are brought together in many change in momentum of an object. The benefits of the increased forces are not
human movements and are referred to net external impulse is the product of the realized due to a reduction in the time
as a stretch-shorten cycle of muscle average sum of external forces ( Favg) over which they act. This occurs to such
contraction (1, 14, 20). Another neur- and the time over which the force acts an extent in drop jumps that even
al reflex, the extensor thrust reflex (t), whereas the change in momentum is though the GRF is elevated above those
(10), also may be invoked to increase logically the final momentum minus ini- of other types of jumps, t is reduced to

August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal 75

that they can produce higher forces at
higher velocities of shortening. As the
velocity of shortening increases, based
on the force-velocity property of mus-
cle, muscles naturally lose their ability
to produce force (14). However, with
appropriate training focused on the
speed of movement, this capacity may
be enhanced (16, 19). If muscle force
can be maintained at higher shortening
velocities, then GRFavg can be elevated.
This will increase the vertical impulse,
even though the time component is
being compromised. The greater im-
pulse translates to an increased change
in momentum and maximum VCOM at
Figure 6. Instantaneous power output generated by the jumper during the course of takeoff.
the countermovement (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ) depicted in Figure 1.The
point of takeoff beginning the flight phase is where time equals zero. Power The discussion of force and velocity usu-
was calculated as the scalar product of the vertical ground reaction force ally includes the mention of power.
and center of mass velocity. As such, a positive value represents power pro- Power is a scalar (nondirectional) prod-
duction, whereas a negative value indicates power absorption. uct of force and velocity:

the point that jump height is no greater usually possible. However, if a single-leg
than that achieved in a CMJ (4). The jump were to be performed (e.g., during
drop jump is further compromised rela- a layup in basketball), the hip and knee
tive to the CMJ due to a greater change of the off leg should be flexed as much as Power will be positive when both the
in momentum required during the drop possible to maximize COM height at force on the object and the velocity of
preceding the propulsive phase, com- takeoff. the object are acting in the same direc-
pared with just a countermovement ini- tion and negative when they are acting
tiated from the standing position. Incorporating a deeper squat into an oppositely. Because the GRF always is
athletes jump technique may be possi- acting upward on the feet and because
Ways to provide a greater time period ble. Unfortunately, a deeper squat may velocity is negative during the counter-
for force to be applied are to ensure that not improve performance. In order for movement and positive during the
the PCOM is (a) as high as possible at the increased time to be effective, the propulsion phase, power output will not
takeoff and (b) as low as possible at the GRF produced must be greater than only vary in magnitude with time, but
start of the propulsion phase. Com- body weight. Going too deep in the also in direction during the vertical
bined, these two components will deter- squat compromises this ability, because jump (Figure 6). During the propulsion
mine the distance that the body extends muscles may be taken beyond their opti- phase, the average of the instantaneous
during the propulsion phase, which re- mal lengths for active force production power is important to consider, because
lates directly to the time spent in the with reduced mechanical advantage of it reflects the combined effect of the
phase. As previously mentioned, posi- the muscles at the hip and knee (5). Ad- GRF and VCOM over this time. Due to
tioning the COM so that it is as high as ditionally, because sport is highly reac- time and displacement constraints
possible at takeoff is also one of the keys tionary in nature, an athlete would not placed on many human movements,
to success. After extending the hip, want to spend more time in this phase. power is a common parameter to assess.
knee, and ankle through the course of However, appropriate training and Power, though important, should not be
the propulsion, the body is already close stretching has been shown to be success- compared across athletes without con-
to the optimal position for takeoff. The ful in its ability to increase the depth of sidering the effect of body weight. It
only other piece is to have the arms ex- the countermovement while at the same takes more power to move a heavier
tended directly overhead (Figure 1). time improving jump height (15). body at the same velocity as a lighter
Most people learn to be in this extended one, due to the increased force required
position through trial and error, so little A more practical approach for sport per- to accelerate a heavier object. Because it
room for improvement in this area is formance may be to train the muscles so is VCOM at takeoff that is important, dic-

76 August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal

tating jump height regardless of a per- the average power during the propulsion off due to a compromised ability of the
sons weight, to jump the same height, a phase, you also want to maximize the active muscles to produce force right at
heavier athlete would produce more work performed to achieve the greatest takeoff. This reduced force production
power than a lighter athlete. Therefore, VCOM at takeoff possible. comes by way of the joint angles (hip,
if vertical jump height is being used to knee, and ankle) being close to or at full
estimate power output, care should be Work also is defined as the means by extension. At this point, the muscles
taken in the interpretation of results. which energy is transferred from one ob- producing these joint actions are in a
ject to another. Mathematically, this shortened position, which is not opti-
Power also may be thought of as the rate may be expressed as the change in total mal for force production based on the
of doing mechanical work, or how slow- mechanical energy of the object. This is force-length property of muscle (14).
ly or quickly work is being performed. commonly referred to as the workener- The muscles also must reduce their force
Conceptually, in this form it must be av- gy relationship. Energy can take many production to prevent overextension of
erage power, because a period of time forms, and often is defined circularly as the joints. Overextension would com-
has elapsed: the capacity to perform work. Mechani- promise the height of the COM at take-
cal energy takes two basic forms, poten- off, by placing the person in a less than
tial energy (PE) and kinetic energy optimal position, as well as potentially
(KE). PE may be thought of as stored place joints (most notably the knee) in a
energy, whereas KE is energy of motion. vulnerable position for injury. As a re-
Work, like power, is a scalar quantity Although there are several forms of PE, sult, the GRF drops below W, making
that often is defined in relation to a the one of interest here is the form relat- ACOM negative, and the body begins to
force. Work is the product of the average ed to gravity (PEG). Due to the force of slow down. In fact, the GRF quickly
force applied to an object and the dis- gravity on an object, an object that is of drops, reaching zero at takeoff. At this
placement (PCOM) that occurs in the a higher height has more PEG than one time the ACOM has dropped to 9.8 m/s2,
direction of the force: of the same weight at a lower height. the value it will maintain during the
Therefore, PEG is comparative in nature, flight phase.
being equal to the product of the weight
of the object and the height relative to a Flight Phase
reference line. KE also takes multiple As previously discussed, the body goes
Unlike power, work cannot be thought forms, with an interest here in the form through projectile motion once in the
of as both an instantaneous or average due to its linear motion (KEL). The KEL air. Because ACOM is constant at 9.8
quantity. Because an object cannot be in is equal to the product of one-half its m/s2 during this time (Figure 2c), VCOM
two places at once, there conceptually is mass and VCOM squared. Work per- will be a straight diagonal line with a
no such thing as instantaneous work. formed during any two points of a verti- slope of 9.8 m/s2 (Figure 2b). The up-
cal jump is then equal to the change in ward rise of the COM is followed by a
Work may be increased during the PEG and KEL over this time: mirror image, downward fall. This mir-
propulsion phase by increasing the aver- ror image is such that if you compared
age vertical force (in this case, GRFavg), the same heights of the COM during the
by increasing the displacement (PCOM,f upward flight with those of the down-
PCOM,i) that occurs while the force acts, ward fall, the velocities would be equal
or preferably, both (as with impulse). In- in magnitude, but opposite in direction.
creasing work through displacement Therefore, if the jumpers COM is at the
brings up the same issue that emerged same height upon landing as it was at
when discussing the impulse-momen- Within this definition of work, it also takeoff, VCOM will be equal to that at
tum relationship. A lower than natural can be seen that if work is to be maxi- takeoff in magnitude, but now negative
position at the bottom of the counter- mized during the propulsion phase, instead of positive.
movement actually may reduce perfor- both the height of the COM (PCOM,f)
mance without appropriate training and and velocity (VCOM,f) at takeoff should Because there is no longer a GRF, power
conditioning, and the COM is most be as great as possible. generated by the jumper drops to zero
likely already at maximum height at (Figure 6) and no work is performed by
takeoff. However, for the given displace- Although the goal is to have VCOM at its him or her during the flight phase. As a
ment that is available during propulsion, maximum right at takeoff, the peak ac- result, there is no change in the total me-
it is important to maximize GRFavg. tually occurs slightly before this (Figure chanical energy of the body during flight
Therefore, just as you want to maximize 2b). Velocity begins to slow before take- (Figure 7a). It remains at the level of me-

August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal 77

chanical energy attained at takeoff until
contact is made with the ground upon
landing. However, the PEG and KEL do
not stay constant during flight. The me-
chanical work by gravity converts KEL
into PEG during the upward phase of
flight, and is the opposite on the way
down. PEG increases until peak height
and then decreases, returning to the
same value as takeoff at the end of the
phase (Figure 7b). KEL decreases from
takeoff until peak height, becomes in-
stantaneously zero at peak height along
with VCOM, and then increases to takeoff
level at the end of the phase (Figure 7c).
The increase in PEG is equal to the de-
crease in KEL as the athlete reaches peak
height, and the opposite holds true when
the athlete falls back to the ground. As a
result, there is no change in the total me-
chanical energy of the system over the
course of the flight phase. The fact that
the energy of a projectile is conserved
makes flight readily analyzed, especially
in conjunction with the projectile mo-
tion equations previously mentioned.

Landing Phase
The landing phase begins when the
jumpers toes first touch back on the
ground and ends when the person re-
turns to the standing position. At the
moment of contact, the GRF builds
from zero, quickly rising generally to
levels above those developed in the
countermovement and propulsion
phases before returning to body weight
at the end (Figure 4). Paralleling this
action, A COM builds up from 9.8 m/s 2,
passes through zero when the GRF first
equals body weight and then becomes
highly positive before returning to zero
at the end (Figure 2c). As a result, the
downward motion of the COM is ar-
rested and the COM returns to stand-
ing height (Figure 2a). The process of

Figure 7. Total mechanical energy of the jumper (a) calculated as the sum of their gravitational potential energy (b) and linear ki-
netic energy (c) during the course of the countermovement (CMJ) and squat jumps (SJ) depicted in Figure 1. Plots are
aligned by the point of takeoff beginning the flight phase where time equals zero. Potential energy was calculated rela-
tive to the height of the center of mass at the start of the SJ and will be positive in value as long as the center of mass is
above this reference line. Kinetic energy is always positive or zero due to its dependence on the square of the center of
mass velocity.Therefore, as with all scalars, kinetic energy is direction independent.

78 August 2006 Strength and Conditioning Journal

absorbing the landing forces by flexing movement phase, the contribution of will remain constant with work and
at the hip, knee, and ankles, rather than the stretch-reflex and extensor thrust re- power equal to zero.
halting motion abruptly, often is flex are probably significant in the land-
termed giving. ing. This is one of the reasons why plyo- Conclusion
metric training is included in many The vertical jump is a very common
Giving decreases the peak GRF on the strength and conditioning programs: it movement and simple in its goal to
body by increasing the time over which can train neural mechanisms that are reach a point as high above the ground
the force is imparted (when viewed in not incorporated in slower, more con- as possible. The key mechanical ele-
the impulse-momentum relationship trolled movements (20). ments to success also are relatively
where the change in momentum is the straightforward: achieve the highest
same, based on the initial and final con- During the giving portion of the land- possible VCOM and PCOM at takeoff and
ditions, regardless of how slowly or ing, power generally will be both high in then rearrange the body once in the air
quickly the landing is completed be- magnitude and negative in direction to position the reach hand as high above
tween these points in time). Giving also (Figure 6). It is high in magnitude be- the COM as possible. However, to ana-
decreases the GRF by increasing the dis- cause both VCOM and GRF are usually lyze a jump in further detail, a thorough
placement while bringing the VCOM to quite large, and negative because VCOM understanding of the basic mechanical
zero at the bottom of the landing (when is downward while the GRF is acting principles is necessary, not only to train
viewed in the work-energy relationship upward. Because displacement is also a person to jump as high as possible, but
where the change in energy is the same, downward at this time, work is negative also to prevent injury. Better under-
regardless of the technique used). Giv- as well. A negative value in these terms is standing of the aforementioned me-
ing is common in sport, serving to re- indicative of a reduction of energy in the chanical principles will not only help
duce the risk of injury to which higher body of interest. This giving portion re- strength and conditioning professionals
forces might expose an athlete. It is the duces the PEG of the system, because the in the training for and the analysis of the
same concept that encourages a slight COM moves downward. It also reduces vertical jump, but other related move-
give when catching and follow-through the KEL, because the magnitude of VCOM ments as well.
when kicking and throwing. is being reduced. Therefore, the energy
that was added to the body during the References
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