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You will be creating your own valentine box. I will supply the paper, but there is a catch!
You have to give me the surface area of your box in order to receive your paper. There are
several steps involved in finding the surface area. This form will guide you through the
expectations, but you may need to use your math book or other resource to find the rest.

; What materials do you need to complete this task? M.UN.04.01

; What do you know or what do you need to know in order to complete the
mathematical challenge? M.UN.04.01

; You need to create a visual representation of your plan. The following items will
be necessary to complete the challenge.
/ draw your mailbox and include how you will decorate it
/ label the dimensions (inches) M.UN.04.01
/ show the area of each side (including the math work) M.TE.05.07
/ show the surface area (including the math work) M.PS.04.11

; If I created origami cube valentines that were 1in x 1in each how many origami
valentines could I fit in your mailbox? (use cubes and math) M.PS.05.10

; Convert the dimensions into feet. What would the surface area be in feet?

Lipovsky 2017

Teacher Notes:
This is a guide for teachers, but I wouldnt give the information to students (at least
not right away). I think there is a lot of value in using their math book, friends, or
even the internet as a resource to help solve the problem.
I anticipate there may be a student that thinks outside the box and cuts open the
box to make it flat. I dont think there is anything wrong with this, but you will want
to make sure you have tape for them to put it back together for their valentines.

Width: 3 inches

Or 0.25 feet

Length: 8 inches

Or 0.67 feet

Height: 12 inches

Or 1 foot

Surface Area:

96 x 2 = 192 sq. inches

Sides A and B: 12 x 8 = 96 sq. inches each Volume:
36 x 2 = 72 sq. inches
Sides C and D: 12 x 3 = 36 sq. inches each H= 12 in. L= 8 in. W=3 in.
24 x 2 = 48 sq. inches
Sides E and F: 8 x 3 = 24 sq. inches each 288 cubic inches
192 + 72 + 48 = 312 sq. inches

312/144 = 2.17 sq. feet

Lipovsky 2017

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