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be monotonically increasing functions of k with their maximum values TABLE I

less than unity. It has been shown that such a constraint yields an NUMERATOR
improved rate of convergence of themodel parameters towards the
unknown values of the plant parameters. The gain sequences in the
algorithm are more effective in reducing the undesirable overshoots in
the identification responses.However, introduction of these gain
sequences incream the complexity of implementing the algorithm. The
b22 b23 b24 ....
gain sequences utilized in the example are the simplest to generate, and
require less hardware.
b31 b32 b33 . . . .
REFERENCES b41 b42 b43 . . . , e

[I] P. Kudva and K. S. Narendra, "An identifkation procedure for discrete multivari- *
able systemg" IEEE Trans. A u t o m . Contr.. vol. AC-19, pp. 549-552. Oct. 1974.
121 -, "Discrete adaptive observer,'' Becton Center, Dep. Elec. Eng. and Appl. Sci.,
Yale Univ., Tech. Rep. CT-63. June 1974.
[3] 0.A. Sebakhy,"Adiscretemodelreferenceadaptive s y s t e m design," IN. J, CoNr,
vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 799-804, 1976.
[4] R Subbayym and R. Nagarajan. "A discrete time model referencc adaptive control bra, 1
scheme with an improved convergence," presented at the 4th Nat. Syst. Cod.,PSG
College OF Technology, June 1977, Paper D 5 . %+l, 1
[5] J. M. Mendel,"Gradient estimation algorithms For equation error formulation,"
IEEE Trans. Automat. CONr., vol. AC-19, pp. 820-824. Dec. 1974.


%l '12 %3 a14 . . . .
a21 '22 '23 '24 ' '
Model Reduction Using the Routh Stabiii Criterion
Abstnm-A new method of model reduction is introduced based on &
Routh stabiity criterion. 'Ihe reduced & transfer function is de-
termlned diredly from elements in the Routh s t a b i i arrays of &
h g
ih& denominatar and numerator. An eighth order example
response and computationalsimplicity. The m e h d is equally applicable to
unstable systems.

A number of investigations have been carried out in approximating
high-order linear systems to lower order ones [l]. Recent works use the
Routh approximations to reduce the order of the systems by computing
alpha and beta parameters and, then, reconstructing the reduced-order
transfer functions with certain algorithms after dropping out a few alpha
The first row of each table consists of odd coefficients (i.e., f i t , third,
and beta parameters [2], [3].
fifth, etc.) and the second row the even coefficients (Le., second, fourth,
In this correspondence, a simple method of reducing the order of the sixth, etc.). The tables are completed in the conventional way by comput-
system directly from the Routh stability array is proposed. No algorithm ing the coefficients of succeeding rows by the algorithms
is required to reconstruct the reduced-order transfer function. A com-
parison of the frequency response of the reduced-order system for
different orders of reduction with that of the original system shows the
degree of accuracy of each approximation. f o r i > 3 and 1 < j c [ ( n - i + 3 ) / 2 ] , (2)
where [.I stands for the integral part of the quantity and n is the order of
Suppose,thefirst two rows of each table are made available, the
Let the transfer function of the high-order system be
transfer function of the system of order n can easily be reconstructed.
Let us take this a little further down the table. Consider now the second
and third rows of each table. A transfer function may be constructed in
a similar way with these coefficients with the system order reduced to
where m < n. (n- 1). It should be noted that the effects of all coefficients of the
The Routh stability array for the numerator and denominator poly- previous two rows have been taken into consideration while computing
nomials of (1) are shown below in Tables I and 11, respectively. the coefficients of the third rows. This applies equally well to all other
It is wellknown that the first two rows of Tables I and I1 are rows computed from the previous two rows.
constructed from the coefficients of the two polynomials, respectively. The transfer function thus constructed with the second and third rows
of each table is given by
Manuscript received September 3, 1977.
The authors are withtheDepartment OF Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras, India.

0018-9286/78/08000729%00.75 01978 IEEE




Order of Poles Zeroe


k = 7 -0.71,-0.71 2 j0.89.-1.25 2
j2.2.-2.9 2 36.5
k = 6 -0.64 ,+ jOe41p-0.69 t j1.4
-1.5 -+ 34.1
k = 5 -0.589-0.53 ,+ 30.92
-0.91 ,t j2.6
k = 4 -0.53 -+ j0.43.-0.56* jL64
k = 3 -0.51,-0.41 2 jl
k = 2 50.28 -0.63
k = l -0.53

Generalizing this, the transfer function of a system with reduced order k 334828.5+ 194480
( < n) can easily be constructed with ( m 2- k)th and ( m 3 - k)th rows + H 2(s)= 20123.7s2+18116.2s+96M)
of Table I and (n+ 1 - k)th and (n +2- k)th rows of Table I1 as in (4):
55645.5s4+ 173419.1s3+463107.8s2+439546.9s+ 194480
H.5(s)z 1963s5+6817.2s4+23973.4~+31694s2+27%3.3s+96#
, lk - 2 + b ( r n + 2 - k ) , 2 S k - 3 + .
Hk(S 1=
~ ( n + l - k ) , l s k + ~ ( n + 2 - k ) . l s k - + ~ ( n + I - k ) , 2 Sk - 2 + . ..
The locations of the poles and zeros of each approximant are tabu-
For k > ( m + ,)I the first two rows of Table I should be used for the lated in Table 111.
numerator polynomial, while for k = 1, only the last row should be used
The method is illustrated with
below a numerical
example. V. FREQUENCY

EXAMPLE As may be seen from Fig. 1, the frequency response pattern of the
original system is generally preserved in the reduced system. For small
Let the transfer function of an eighth order system be orders of reducton, the frequency responses of the original and the

35s7+ 13285s5+82402s4+278376~+511812s2+482964s+ 194480

ss+33s7+437s6+3O17ss+1187Os4+2747Os3+37492s2+2888Os+96oo .
The completed numerator and denominator tables are as shc,m model are very close, while the overall pattern is generally retained even
below: for higher orders of reduction. Hence, depending upon the closeness of
approximation desired,the order of reduction in modeling can be
Numerator Tuble
35.0 13285.0 278376.0 482964.0
1086.0 82402.0 511812.0 194480.0 VI. REDUCTION OF UNS~ABLE SYSTEMS

10629.3 261881.1
476696.1 The method described above is based on the fact that the high-order
55645.5 463107.8
194480.0 system is asymptoticallystable. For the case of unstable systems the
173419.1 439546.9 method may fail since some of the first column elements of the Routh
322069.0 194480.0 stability table will be negative. Instability is due to the presence of poles
334828.5 withzero or positive real parts. It is obviously important that the
194480.0 reduced model be unstable if the high-order system is unstable. Hence,
Denommtor Table
the unstable poles are segregated i d retained in the reduced modeL
Thus, let H(s) be of the form:
1.0 11870.0
33.0 28880.0
1963.0 23973.4 27963.3 where p(s), q(s), and u(s) are polynomials in s.
6817.2 31694.0 9600.0 Let G ( S ) be the product of all the poles with zero or positive real part.
14847.1 The polynomial u(s) may be determined from H(s) by applying
9600.0 20123.7 Koenings theorem [4].
18116.2 HJs) being the asymptotically stable transfer function, the method of
9600.0 Section I1 is then applied to determine the reduced-order transfer func-
tion HR(s) and hence, HR(s) is
The reduced-order transfer functions can immediately be derived from
(4) for any value of k( <n). For k = 2 and 5,


Consider the single-input-single-output system described by the con-
volution integral

where u ( . ) denotes the input, y( -) denotes the output, and h( .) denotes

the impulseresponse of the system. It is desired to approximate the
system (2.1) by another system of the form

If the same input u ( . ) is applied to both systems (2.1) and ( 2 4 , the error
in approximation, namely y ( . )-yo(.) e ( . ) is given by
e(t)=Jorhe(t-7)u(7)d7 (2.3)
Fig. 1.

h,(r) 2 h ( t ) - h , ( t ) .
In this correspondence a new method of reduction based on the Routh
stability criterion has been i n t r o d u d The method is versatile, since it is Note that each of h(-), ha(.), and he(-) consist of a weighted impulse
computationally simple and requires no algorithm to reconstruct the distribution at the origin and a measurable absolutely integrable funo
reduced-order transfer function. tion, i.e.,
h ( t ) = h 0 6 ( t ) + h,(r). (2.5)
The following is a straightforward consequence of known results [ 121,
[I] R. Genesio and M. Milanese, A note on thederivation and use of reduced-order [ 131. If we wish the system (2.2) to provide a unifonnlv good approxim-
models, IEEE Tram. AutomaI. Conrr., vol. AC-21, pp. 118-122, Feb. 1976.
[2] M. F. Hutton and B. Friedland, Routh approximations for reducing order of linear, tion to the system (2.1) over all inputs u( .), then the logical objectiveis to
time-invariant systems, IEEE Tmns. Automut. Cantr, pp.329-331, vol. AG20, minimize the induced norm of the map u+e=h,*u. Ifwe are interested
June1975. in a uniformly good approximation over all L,- or &,-inputs, then we
[3] V. Krishnamurthi and V. Seshadri, A simple and direct method of reducing the
order of linear, time-invariant systems by Routh approximation frequency d
- should minimize
IEEE Trans. AuromaI. Contr., vol. AC-20, pp. 797-759, Oct. 1976.
[4] Y. Shamash. Model reduction using the Routh stability criterionandthePade
approximation technique, Int. J. Contr., vol. 21, no. 3, Mar.1975.


On the other hand, if we are interested in a uniformly good approxima-

tion over all L+nputs, we should minimize

Order Reduction by 1,- and I,-Nom Minimization

where & j ~ )is the Fourier transform of h,,(t).
Absm-New procedures for order redudion, based on interpreting Minimizing J , or J2 offers two important advantages over previously
the system impulse response (ortransfer function) as an inpat-ontpnt q suggested procedures [ 11-[lo]: 1) If h ( . ) contains several poles of nearly
are presented It is shown that some existing procedures for system equal magnitude, then an optimal lower-order modelof h ( . ) (in the sense
simptiflcatjonlead to unstable models of minimizing J , or J& is still meaningful,whereasthelower-order
models obtained usingother methods are meaningful only in cases where
I. INTRODUCTION somepoles of h ( . ) dominate the rest. This is illustratedthrough
examples in Section 111. 2) Suppose h ( . ) represents a stable system (by
In this correspondence, we present two new procedures for order stable we mean BIBO-, Ll-, &-,or &-stable), and suppose that J , or J ,
reduction, based on interpreting the system impulse response(or transfer is minimized to give ha(-); then ha(-)is guaranteed to represent a stable
function) as an input-output map. The optimal lower-order model is system.
then defined as the impulse response that best approximates the system The mininkation of JI or J2 is equivalent to determining a best
impulseresponse, in the sense of the induced operator norm. This 4 ( p = 1 or 00) approximation whichis a very complicated task. One
definition offers two advantages: 1) the lower-ordermodelremains way of avoiding this complication consists of solving the corresponding
meaningful even when the original system has several poles of roughly discretizedproblem instead. This procedureis quite satisfactory in
comparable magnitude; 2) more importantly, the lower-order model is practice. Two algorithms [ 141, [ 151 that have been proven to be efficient
guaranteed to be stable whenever the o r i d system is stable. We show are used to minimk the discretized version of J , and J,, respectively.
through numerical evidence that the approximations resulting from some
of the existing procedures for systems simplification [ 11-[l I] are not 111. N ~ F U C EXAMPLES
always satisfactory, and can in some cases be unstable.
In this section we present several numerical examples to illustrate the
proposed procedures for order reduction. The behavior of some existing
Manuscript raeived November 5, 1977. techniques is also exhibited.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Concordia University.
Montreal, P.Q., Canada. E x a q l e I: Consider a third-order system whose transfer function is

oO18-9286/78/0800-W31$00.75 01978 IEEE

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