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Published by Lodybird Books Ltd

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A Penguin Compony

IADYBIRD ond the device of o Lodybird ore trodemorks of Lodybird Books Ltd

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ISBN: 9281 84646 922 0

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Whclt were dinosclurs? Plqnt-eoting Stegosourus
hqd two rows of bony
Dinosqurs were reptiles thqt first plotes thot ron olong
its bock ond toil.
wolked on Eorth between 203 ond
225 million yeors ogo, during o
time colled the Mesozoic erq.
Then suddenly, 65 million yeors
ogo, they oll died out. Fossils of
dinosour bones show us how they
moy hqve looked.
There were mony different kinds
of dinosour. Some were peoceful. ; !* *-{

Others, such qs Deinonychus, ft,x

were fierce hunters. ltt

wos o giont,

If you have o computer,

you con downloqd o poster of
different dinosours from
www. I odyb ird. co m/mqdob out

Time of the dinosours Mqny leofy plonts grew In

the Jurossic period. Thot
The Mesozouc ero wos divided meqnt there wos plenty
of food for plont-eoting
into three periods: the Tricrssic, dinosours, ond they grew
Jurcrssic ond Cretqceotls. one of the eorliest bigger qnd bigger.
of birds. It hod feothered
Eoch period hod o different wings ond o feothered toil.

climcrte ond its own type

\ of plonts. Dinosours



olso chonged from one

period to onother.

t(,i *"*,

Other creotures shqred the dinosour world.

Some, cqlled pterosqurs, flew in the skies.


200-250 L45-200 65-r45
million yeors ogo million yeors crgo million yeors ogo
some creqtures, such os
Ichthyosourus, swctm in the seos

DinoSo ur bodieS
Lorge meot-
A11 dinosours hqd similqr eoters, like
skeletons. These included o skull Albertosourus,
hod huge skulls
spine, ribs, hips, shoulders, legs, to corry the
ond toil. Dinosours hcrd different weight of their
tooth-filled jaws.
body shopes, depending on how
they lived.
Meqt-eqters' teeth were different to plont-eqters'
teeth. Meot-eqters hqd shorp teeth for gripping
qnd teoring flesh. Plont-eqters hqd flotter or
rounder teeth for grinding up plonts.

Diplodocus wos
o plont-eoter

I sottor'urus

The first dinosqurs wolked

on two legs. As dinosours
become lo.rger, some of them
wqlked on four legs to hold
up their lorge stomochs.

iir I

Allosoul'tts wcls rF'

o meot-eoter

Weird ond wonderful Corythosourus had o
Dinosours come in mony shopes brightly coloured heod crest.
It moy hove used its crest
orrd sLzes. Some of them looked to ottrqct q mote.

very stronge!

Oviroptor's beok wq.s just

like o bird's.

Tricerotops hod three lorge horns on its foce.

Tricerotops herds mqy hove grouped together
to moke on outword-fqcing circle. Their
bobies would hove been sofe inside the circle.

Spinosourus hod o bony soil olong its

bock. Blood vessels inside the soil moy hqve
wqrmed up in the sltlr. Thcrt would hove
kept this dinosour worm.
Huge pldnt-edters
Some of the lqrgest dinosours were Tricerotops'heod tn
plont-eqters. They hod to eot huge #;LT#"""n
omounts of food to stlrvive. The thqt's the
height of a
plonts they qte were tough ond fully-grown mon!
difficult to digest.
Cetioscrurus wcrs
cur enormous dinosqur.
It wos 16 metres long.
When it wos first
discovered, scientists
thought Cetiosqurus wos Some lorge plont-eoting dinosqurs
q whole becouse swqllowed stones to help breok down
it wqs so big! the food inside their stomqchs.

Sperm whole
Brqchiosqurus hod o very
Diplodocus hod on extremely long bock long neck. It wos held
snd toil. It wqs os long qs two buses. Its four, up by incredibly strong
pillor-like legs helped to keep it upright. muscles. Brochiosourus
wcrs os toll trs cr

l 15
Meot-eqting dinosqurs usuolly hqd
long, strong legs. They used them eosily cotch
to run quickly, so they could cqtch its prey.

their prey. They qlso hod strong

jows, shorp teeth ond deqdly clows.
Allosourus could open its
jows for oport ond move *i {
them outwords to eqt huge ' 3#
chunks of flesh.

Tyronnosourus rex used

its forword-focing
eyes to see exoctly
how fff owoy its
prey wos before
it ottocked.

rex's shorp teeth were qbout Deinonychus used its rozor-shorp,
18 centimetres long. swivelling toe clqws to slosh into the flesh of
dinosqurs. By hunting in pocks, Deinonychus could
bring down dinosours much bigger thon itself.
Defence T
Mony plqttt-eqting dinosours hod
horns or spikes, which they used to
defend themselves. Others simPlY
used their enormous Srze to Score
owoy enemies.
Edmontonio hod shorP
spikes olong eoch side of
shorp spikes
its body. Tough, bony
ridges on its bock
gove it more

hqd o lorge
club qt the end of
Tyronnosourus rex itS tOiI. It coUld
bring down qn
qttqcker just by Sgme dinosqurs could reor up
l.r,rr ffi giving it oshorp ontd'their two bqck legs to moke
top on the shin. themselves bigger.

Living together
Some dinosours lived together.
Plont-eoters often lived in lorge ffi
Porqsqurolophus could
groups, or herds. Some meot-eoters moke o trumpeting
sound with its qir-filled
lived in smoll groups, or pocks. crest. The sound moy
A few dinosours moy hqve even hove worned other
dinosqurs thqt on
communicctted with o-rms of dinosour
enemy wos neqr.

eoch other. I
. protecting eggs
Fossili zed nests show
us thqt boby dinosours {?r
stoyed in their nests \< t
for o long time. This moy
Iived in herds.
meon thot mother dinosours
nurtured their young.

20 \,,

DinoSo ur hunting Dinosour fossils

ore often found
Dinosour fossils hove been found by occident. Roin
ond wind con weor
o11 over the world. However, it is owoy rock to show
very unusuol to find o complete fossils beneqth its
surfo"ce. Fossils ore
dinosour skeleton. Scientists who olso found when the
hunt for ond study dinosctur fossils eqrth crocks open,
such qs during on
ore colled pqlqeontologists eorthquoke.
(p ay -lee- on- r oLLo-ils fs ) .

Polqeontologists cleon up fossils

ond piece them together to
moke o dinosour's skeleton.

The most commonly

found fossils ore bones, Tyronnosourus rex
clows qnd teeth. Footprints,
nests ond even dung fossils
ctre qlso sometimes found.
Dinosclur ndmeS lllome soy ilteoning

Dinosour nomes ore usuqlly mqde Albertosourus ol-esnt-oh-soRp-us Alberta lizord

up from Lcrtin or Greek words. Allosourus

other lizord
deceptive lizord
Dinosours ore often given their Archoeopter;m ork-ee-oP'l-er-ix qncient wing
Brochiosourus BR.AK-ee-oh-soRn-us orm lizord
nomes becquse of the woy they look. Cetiosourus ssn-tee-oh-soRp-us whole lizord
Compsognothus KoMP-soh-xav-thus elegont jow
For exomple, Tyronnosourus meons Corythosourus ron-rith-oh-sonp-us helmet lizord

'tyront ltzord'. Opposite is o list of Deinonychus

terrible clow
double beom

otl the dinosours in this book. Edmontonio

you- op-loh-snr'-oh-lus
of Edmonton
well ormoured heod
It tells you how to soy Gigonotosourus gig -erv-oh -toe- soRE -u s

giqrrt southern lizord
Herrero's lizord
their nomes ond Hypsilophodon hip-sih-los-foh-don high ridge tooth
Ichthyosourus m-thi-oh-soRE-us fish lizord
whcft they meolt. Iguonodon ig-wue-noh-don iguona tooth
Mamenchissurus MAH-men-chi-soRn-us lizord from Momen
Mussaurus InUS-SORE-US mouse lizord
Oviroptor oHv-ih-nep-tor egg thief
Poehycepholoscurus PAK- ee- snr- q- loh - soRE -u s thick-heoded lizord
Corythosourus, the Porqsourolophus pqr- o-sonn-oh-loAF-us beside Sourolophus
helmet lizqrd Pterosour tnnn-oh-soRE finger reptile
Soltoscurus selt-oh-soRE-us of Solto
Spinosourus spwn-oh-soRE-us thorn lizqrd
Stegosaurus srnc-oh-sonE-us roof lizord
Tricerotops try-snnna-tops three-horned foce
Troodon rnon-oh-don wounding tooth
Tyronnosourus rex tie-naN-oh-sone-us rex tyrant lizord
Ultrqsourus ULT.TO-SORE-US ultrq lizord
Tricerotops mectns Velociroptor vrl-o-si-nep-tor quick plunderer
three-horned foce

24 25

Fontostic facts o 'Dinosqur' meons 'terrible lizord' in Lcftin.

O Dinosour hunters Smqll, boneless creotures

look of fossilized colled qmmonites died
dinosour dung, colled out with the dinosqurs.
coprolites, to find out Lots of ommonite fossils
whot dinosours qte. con be found todoy.

O Some huge plont-eoters, So for, obout 700 different kinds

such os Diplodocus ond Brochiosourus, of dinosour hqve been found.
mqy hqve lived for qbout 100 yeqrs.
Dinosqurs usuolly wqlked on their toes,
just like dogs, cqts ond chickens. A pqd
Some peoplethink dinosqurs become
of tissue on the bqck of the dinosqur's
extinct when o meteor hit the Eqrth
foot octed os o shock qbsorber.
ond wiped them out.

Mqrty dinosqur fossils hove been found O Dinosqur fossils hqve been found qll over the
in Mongolio's Gobi Desert. world. Perhops there ore some where you live!

The smqllest dinosour skeleton

ever found is the skeleton of
o boby dinosour cqlled
Mussqurus, or'mouse
lizqrd'. It cqn fit
in the pqlm of o
person's hond. il-s
O Ploces where dinosqur
fossils hove been found 27
Am o,zing dinoso vr clwclrdS
fu@@vfrest Momenchisourus hqd the
longest neck of oll dinosours.
Brqchiosqurus looked like o
It hod 19 bones in its neck,
mossive giroffe. It weighed
which wos 14 metres long.
between 30 qnd 50 tonnes -
Thot's obout four times longer
the some os ten elephonts!
thon o giroffe's neck!

Ultrosourus wos o huge Compsognothus wos only
plont-eqter thot lived in one metre long ond weighed
the Jurqssic Period. It wos obout the some os o chicken.
up to 39 metres long - the Although it wos smoll, it wos
length of three buses! o fost, successful hunter.
Tyronnosourus rex
m@mt@st brcdn>\

Gigonotosourus wcrs the Troodon wos probobly the

biggest of qll meqt-eqting brightest dinosour. For its
dinosqurs. It wos L4.3 metres body size, its broin wos bigger
long. Thqt's qbout qs long thqn cmy other dinosour. It
os cr lorge lorry. Iived in the Cretqceous period
ond wos o fierce hunter.

)i_ .,'-l.r

Closscr ry InCex
climote - the woy the Mesozoicerd-qtime
weqther is over o long period between 65 ond 248 million B n,
yeors ogo when dinosours bqbies L3,20,26 necks L5,29
of time.
bones 6,22,27,29 nests 20,22
communicate - to 'tqlk' lived on Eorth.
to onotheq usuolly through meteot - o lorge rock thqt c P

noise or touch. trqvels through spoce. clows L6-L7,22,25 pock hunters L7,20

creSt - o tuft of feqthers, fur nurture - to look ofter.

communicotion 20 poloeontologists 22-23
crests L3,2I,30 plorrt-eoters 7,9, L0,
or skin olong the top of on pack - o smoll group of Cretqceous period 8, 29, 30 14-L5, 18,
qnimol's heod. meot-eoting onimqls of the 20,26,28
CretoceouS - the lqst period some type. F prey 16-17, 30
food 7 ,9, 10, 14-15,
of the Mesozoic ero, obout pdloeontologist - L6-r7,26 s
65-144 million yeors ogo. o scientist who studies the fossils 6,20,22-23, skeletons L0,22-23,26
digest - to breok food down fossils of extinct onimols. 26-27, 30 skin 6

in the stomoch. plunderer - person or onimol spikes 18-19

deceptive - to give the thot steols from others. herds L3,20-21, 30 T
wrong ideo obout something. prey - qn onimol hunted by horns 13, 18, 24-25 toils 7,9, 10, 14, 18
extinct - to hove died out. onother for food. teeth 10-11, 16, 22,25

reptile -
J Triossic period 8, 30
fossils - bones or other body o cold-blooded
jows IL, L6,25
ports found in the ground. qnimol whose body Jurossic period 8-9, 28, 30
herJ - o lorge group of temperoture is controlled by
plont-eoting onimols thot the temperoture of the sun, t/l
meot-eoters 10-1L, L6-I7,
live ond feed together. crir or wqter thqt surrounds it. 20,28
Jurossic - the middle period survive - to keep on living. Mesozoic ero 6, 8, 30
of the Mesozoic ero, obout Triossic - the first period
L44-208 million yeors ogo. of the Mesozoic ero, qbout
Lotin - on old longuoge often 208-248 million yeors o.go.
used by scientists to nome
onimqls ond plonts.

30 31
lAsd abG)utu"u

Frorn food qnd fossils to herds qnd horns, this
book is pdcked with foscinoting fqcts for qll
children who dre mod about dinosdurs.

Titles in this series:

tfi*d mFl
b','gl tg:*:l rtrt
1.71_rr I

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oirl ls.f''l

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Itf 'fFrl

loo ol FBI l-,


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I Ballet
l-- orl
I DinoscursI l-3 t ---- " CItl
l?irotes I

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