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2U02 l uf7

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I. Aa <nvcr any four of tho Jollowin!r.
(o) D.;l~rmin~ lh~ minimum aogl~ a W1U1 U1o h~rizontnl J\1 \Vhidt 11 lmiform plank may ho
plu~odagainst a wall without slipping. nte cocnici<1tl of friolion fb r all tho surf:tcos in
conWCI is 'p ' llte weight oflltd plant.. is w. Se<l Fig. below. ( 10)


(b) l'ind the elongmion of n bar of uniform <}f()SSSCtion of nron .\ ' ami lenglh f .under tb~
action of its own 11 eigbt, l he bur weighs ' \I ' per unit length. E. = moduht of elasticity. Soe
Fig. below. (10)

f1 T
~ 1
(c) In a pipe line of diameter 'd. thi!fc' an> number of laterals lnpping uoil'otutl~ n1 tbu avillllge
rnlc of 'Q/. when: (lJ equals the discbnrg~ al entrance of the main pipe divided by tbe number
of lateral in U1 length r of U1e mnin pipe linens shown in tho ligure. Prove thnt the loss of

l1end due to friction w ill be equal to 113"' of the loss of hend due to friction in the same pipe
without nny lmerals. CI0)

rf~a-T ~ I ~

q ; ~t~~t~L
' '

(d) 11 square plme of Stde I m IS in1mers~d u1 wa1er wtth 11s diagonal w n tca[. nte upper com~r i~
0.5 m below thc.freesmface. as shown in Fig. below. Find the hydrostatio Ioree on the plate
and thc.deplh of ceotre of pressure from free surf.~ce of water. (JO)

W41C!f levol
o5mJ.. .., 1 1
~y ~ ii

~-----~. J..

(c) A vertical shaft Kaplan turbine operating under a head or 1() m has n nmncrdiamcl~r of 9.5
ut At maximum cfl'icicnoy U1c turbine nms ttl 50 r.p.m. and develops 45\100 k\1 of power
dis~hlll'glng :540 mJts of wm. Find tho valu~~ a f unit speed. unit disohargc. unit pm,er nnd
spccitic speed or the turbine. ( 10)
~. l Ising the moment distribution method, calculiu" rhc horizontnl and verti~al cmnpon~nts of the
reactions at hoUtllte supports and also Ute moment reaclion at the support A. Draw Ue B:M. tliagtllm
nflhc members of tho fnune w1d the free body diagrams for the mcmbcl'l' AB. BC and CD. Sc" l'ig.
:!o l 7
'"'H~ _-_,o,__ ___,t.
., ...,.,. . -~-l
~:5 lf'l -- ''"

-r.r ~V"'
3. (n) A river ha' a reclaugulnr section 30 tn w ide. The. bed s lope i l an 12001) and the normal
d epth of flow is 1.8 m. A dh,ersion dam constmctcd ncross tltis river rnises the depth of.Oow

tO ) n1 just UpStri!am of Ill~ dam, f'intJ 1h ~ length ol' the badCW(Ii.>r ~~ITVe using OUO Sl"J'
m\!lho<L Take the v~tl ue of~ lanning's n = 0.025_
(h) Wntor fiou1 a r~scrvoir !lowing through a rigid 150 mm dlam~tcr pipu with 11 velocity of 2.4

me is completely stopped by closure of u vulvc shuatod II 00 m ifo m the rcsenoir.
l:ktenrune the moximum dsc of pressure m kg/em' aimw thnt corrosponding to unifonu Jlow
wben tbe. valve dosur~ takes place

( i) In one socond. nnd
(ii) In tivo seaonds
wlthOirl diU11(~ing of lh(" prctot~tl~ WlWe. Consider the velnc:hy or:;ouud in water a..o,; 1tJ2 1111!\
and th" hulk nmdulus ur
dastkity lor wnter K = 2 1 " I 04 kgfl<m 2
ra (JO)
(c) or
A pipe of diameLer 1501JI11Jll 1$ rquir~d to trauspon :m oil speciJk gruvity 0.9 uud dynamic
viscosity 3 X .I 1 poise at lhc mte o f 3200 litres per second. Test! s were conducted o n a 150
nun diruuoter pipe model us ing water ai 2o C. Find the vdocity in m. s :md the flow rate in
litcFS/scc r<quired In the model. Uivcnthc 10- C = I w~ pulse.

-l. (ll) llte ltars AB. AC lind AD shown I ll tho indetemlinate system. (soe fig. lte]()\1 ), .,, made or
steel !.lnd have the: snme crO!->'$scct.iuJml urea of 350 11\lll'l and th"Y together cnrry t1 fond ol" 7.5
kN, am>lh'd at \ a5 shown. 1bere i~ no initial S'lr<l-' 5 io the ha" before llto application of tho
load.. a 30" nnd I JOOO mm. Find tl1e foroe in oaoh bar w1d th~ >'erticnl displuccm cnt or

the pQint A nfkrlhc loud is applied Take t; = 205 kNimm'. ( I 5)


(b) 1l1e llgur< b.!low slmw~ a pin j oillkd '"'"-' M ~'J'OII 18 111 Dr:ll> th~ inllu<IICc line tliagr.ltl1 l<>r

th~ lhrce m meml)<r 6C due to 11 uniLI.,ad tmvoling <)It the lMIII1>11 clt.wd. Fiud the l"'~it iQil <>f
t)1c 1111it h>u(i "h"" tbc suess in BC is zorn. (25)
3 of 7
5. Attempt any four e>fthe followiug:
(a) A saturated sand layer over a clay stratum is 5 ro in d,epth. 1'11!1 water is L5 m below ground
leveL If Hte lmlk densiiy of llal1mtl:ed s;mcl is L8 gfcm1 calculate the eA'edjve and neutral
pr""'sures at the top of the clay layer. Assume sand above the water table as dry and tl1e
specdic g:ravio/ <;>f sand as 2.6~ llte conditions given are shown in fig. below, (LO)


(b) A -saturnted soil has a ccomprossiveindex of0.25. Its void ratio at a stress of 10 .kN/m~ is 202
and il:~< permeability is 3.4 ' 10? mm/~. Compute- the ch1u1ge in void mtiu when the ~tress is

increased to 19 kN/m2 ancllhe seltlell]enj, if the soil straluro is 5 nt ~lick Determine <i).!'o the
iime~equi:red for 40% oonsolidati.on iflbe drainage is one way (10)
Comptlt<! Ute safe berui ng CUJ}Mily of a oonl:fnuous footing I.8 m \vide and located Ill a depth

of 1.2 m below gronnd level in a soil wiU1unit weighty = 20 1>N/m3, c = 20 kN/m2 = 205
Assume fi10tor of safety as 2.5, Terzaghi's bearing capacity factory for > ~'20" arc N, = 11 7,
Nq= 7A and N 1 = 5.0. Vihat s the permissible load per metrewn ofthe looting? (10)
d =500 mm. The area oftension ~;teel.
A singly reinforced rectangular concrero beam Jw broad lit b = 250 mm and cftective depth

A,. - 950 mm' _Calculate d1e ulfuuate moment cap~ city of t:b.e beam. Given tlte cube s:beJlgtit
or concrete is20 MPa and u.~ )~eld Strengllt ofstee1 is '250 TvlP'a. Use u,e limitslare T!letltod.
(e) Find Hte ma-cimmn sl!earing stress caused by an inclined fo,rcl) F =50 kN in n .rivet of flte.

cotmection shown in Fig, 'l11e dimensions given are in nun, TI1et-e arc four rivers of diameter
25 mm t?aclt.

6. A Cllillileverretaining Wall i9 shown in fig. below. lf lhe water laWe rises behittd Ute W\1ll lo a level
of4 .0 n: from the lop ofthe waU, t-alculatethe maximum and minimum preSlfm"" nnder the base of

the wall. For titc. soil, th& sltear sb'engtlt parameters are o' = 0 lllld .p = 37, Th"' saturated unit weight
of the soilll' 19 kNim1 >md above fue water table the unit weight is l7 lcllllm 3 concrete unit weight is
'23 .kN/m3. lf d1e alll!le of wnll frio'lion = 24o on Ute base of tlle wall, fin({ the factor of sa let)

agalnstsliding, (10)
'HN~: ___-
I uf 7
7. (a) A column resting on an mdcpemieu1 fooling upporl' a flat ~l:ob. Tire lot ! load on lire
column is 600 kl'f, ond the height <.>f lhe slah uhllv~ 1h~ foolil!! i.~ +.5 m. '!'he column c;m he
treated ~ f~Sod t <nc end and hinged altlte other end lo t wlticlt Ute effective lengUt is giv.:n
as 0.8 L. Design the column wiOt Mw concrcrte: .m<l UYSD b~~. TI allowable streooes In tlre
CQncrcte nnd steel in the column arc a iX - 5 MPa and a .. 190 MPo. Asswnc squoro
se.::Lion 1br the cohunn.

Cll) A I'CCt:lngular presll>:s.sed concrete b.:Am -180 mm 750 m.n of s pan 8m is prestressed by the

linearly bent tendon wiU1 ecc<:ntrlcity of 180 01111 al nlid-span rtnd zero at tlre s upports. Tile
prestressing force in tire tendo n is 1000 kN. In addition to self-weight, th<> boom is subjected
lo n concet~trated food of 120 kN at th;, centre of th<> beam. Using the load balancing method
find tbe WllxWIIlJJI fibre st=s developed iu tle b""ru at 111id-span. 'rokc< unit w~igbt of
COIIOf<tO 3S 24 kN/mJ.


8. (o) Desisn s ui!Jiblc- >'Plice tor~ column s ubjected 1o ~ bending moment of ~0 kNm. o&iul lo3d
or::.oo kN and '' sh""r Ioree of 40 kK The column ;ectlon IS FIB 300 @ 58.8 kg/m. The ends
of the column ~pi ice are mjlled for dir-ect bearing. A<~un e p<~'ntissihle stress 111 splice plate =

150 1\IPa. Propettios of LSHB ~00 @ 58.8 kg/1n.
bt= 2SO mm. y: 10.6 mm. r,,=7.6 mm.
h = 100 1\11' mt)b= 300 MPo (IJ"nling value).
S\1% of axiaf lod ts transferred by direct bearing and tbe s plic~ will be required fnr fhe
rt:miniog axial In><~ nd ll>e bt!llding noincnL
Drnw a no:~t skoh:h showing Lhcsplice dctnil~.
(b) Explain tl1e odva.ntagcs of tho Lim it Stale 1\leth<>d of design as compared lo the \Vorlcing
St~:011s Method. for reinforced concrete tlexurnl members..

( 10)
I FS-100~ 3 ur 7


Allilw"'' nny four parts:

(.) Name different types of cement and write llreir specra l uses . ( I 0)
(b) Dosoribo lhc grillngc found.1tion \Vilh >neat slootch, ( 10)
(c) List tho variou~ operations io sd<IUt:nce (or concreting wotit, lind ~Jllnin ooly the rni~in,g
op<:rn!ion. ( I0)

(cl) Exf'lain the ditl'erence lletween u,e Bowdwitch n de and the Transit mle. t 10)
(e) \\ lJDt are tl1~ various way~ nJ cla.sifying the m1rd,? ( 10)

2. (a) Wh~t nre the pn,rperlie~ needed for damp proofing mntenals? Sto re the various methods of
damp prooling. 115)
(b) In level insbumenl bubble lube wos l'qund to have <ensitiveness of 21r' per 1 mm division
fu1d the error in the staff reading vertically held a division. distonoe of 100 in caused by tlre
bubble4 divisions out of oenter. ( 10)
(c) A linenr relationship e.'<isls between speed and density for lmgUr of road section. Free spood
w~s SO kmlhr ond jam density was 70 vehll..'lll, Wlmt is the tnll.'imum flow which could be
~xpecled on this s.;ction. and ~t what speed und density it would occut'l Sketch ll1e
flmdnrucntnl dla,gran1 C>f the road lr.lffic and label tl1c value o n it you ba\lo obtained. Whotls
theshopc of this diogrom7 ( 15)

(a) Enumbt'nlc th~ v;u'ious f.1clors whlcb aJl'eet th< pro~tie of cemtml coru:rctc. and <liscuss tl1e
t:tfoct of w/c on strength of concrotc. ( 10)
Cb) Explain lbe theory of long welded mils (L\\' R), How will you rrive a! th~ minimum
tlJeorotloal longtb ofL\VR b.o~on<l whkh lh,; "enlta l poo'tion of o~il would not~ .subjtXIi:d to

longitudinn l momcntduu to tompcroturc vorintions? mve the data base for thccolc.ulotions.
(c ) N1U11c dilfcrcnl mothods ofewnom.ic "valuation used in civil cnginccri11g projcca.

For n given projccl of equollife. th<rc: are rw., ~lkmnlivcs A nnd B. The particulars fJf' A and
B (in t<Tm> of R.I. in 1<:) "'" folio''" '

Ccm.<truction cost <10() !50
Running cost per year 15 3(1

Beneli1 per yen( 50 so

Set1cs present worth factor for given Life ~nd inlercsl rotc 11.16 14.09
F'ind which one of the alternative is more economic I.
Write lb<> cotlct:pts of present wort11 factor. (15)
4, (>) A comer of existing building is 10 m from center line on a curved portion vf two-lone
bi.ghwy. con5iderit1g stopping sight distance wloilt is 01c safe npcrating speed ifUo~ radius nf
Ulc curve i!l 150m ? l.aJie width is 3.5 m. Assum~ 2.5 sec and 11 OA.
ci ur 7
( 10)
(b) A Vi!ltical H,-il\1 phot~graph W:ll: taken trom :t !lying heiglll of 1500 m ahtwe the datunt. l11e
measun:d ph~to ....oordinat<s 11f images a 101d l> >f Ihe two g,round JXlinL< <\ und B wert foolold
as foll<w:
x. ;;: 13.48 mm.y,.-=- -6L5 mnt
r = 105.32 mm,y, = -20.42 mm.
DetomJinc the horizontal length of' the line AB if I he c lo\llltion qf lhc poinls 1\ and B were
Rspectively ,j8(lm aorl490 m above I he dntnm. Taker - J 50 uuu.

( 15 )
(<) With help <Yf 1Ite skelch.:s show the graphs which are plotted in Marshall method or
bituminous mix design. How will you ~trriv._, al th~ optinnun value of bitunt~n oonlc.nt'J
,\ specimen of biiUminou~ concret> hns heigh! of 6.35 em and n of I0.16 CJJL 111<
\Wight of tho comp:tcktl specimen in air i~ 1205 gm. Tho :ml\lysis of the spedmen yk ltled

Ihe fHIIuwing ~
Matori<IJ 'JiJ by ""'l!t of . p. gr,

llitwuon nn t ()
c'"ouflie t\l!!lll"'r~ultts 54 2.6 1
Piuu UIUJT~g~l.l!.~ 34 z.~r.
Mi nurol GUur (t5 2.7
(i) P<'r cent voi.ds in total mix
(ii) Per cent volume of voids in mtncral n~gat~.-s
(iii) P~t ~enlnggn:.gatt volds till"d with bilunlCII.

5. Answer auy fou r parts !Tom I be following:

(n) Stale vnriqus mel hod.~ qf Oood cstimalion and tlesc:rib~ only tbo nuiooal method. ( I0)
(b) Discuss bnclly tbc nntlonal objectives ofwat~rresourcc development in the lndiau cont.ll-1.

(c) Write sborttcn11 :md long h:nn rmplica1ions on hurnau health if Ur~ concentration of th~
foUowi11~pnr.wmcrs is sig111lic:ullly increased thau the pcnnissiblo leve ls:

( i) Coliforms
(ii) Chlondes

(iii) Cadmium.
(d) Espluin tho ncod <>fa sorv1oo l't:!lcrvoir. ond dcurih~ IJrlelly th~ gmphtcul method of volun1 iug
Ihe bal:mdng c;IJJacuy of <uch u reservoir. ( 10)
(l E~'Jl luiu briefly the activated sludge prowss (AS!') or s.:wagctrcnu11cn1. ( 10)
(n) 'll1c inilisl lnfillmlitmmtc ify> i 10 mm per hour. linn! inllltemli on rnlt (fc) i~;5 mm per hour
and lh< coustw11 K 0.9S b' '. Calculate tl!i> total uillhoratiou d~ptlJ (F) lo r a >1omtlusting 6
Write tbc meru1iog of' !he tenu coostnot K
7"" 7
( 10)
(~) Enumerate Ute various metl10d. used ror tlt" mensUJtln<-1\l of discharge ut river. Explain tbe
\ clo<>ilylll'Cll mctltod. and oho write lbe facto~ wh idt influence Ibis meUtod.
(c) How much w ill be the saving in the toragc ofl20 m; sludge if th~ moi.sturt.> conicnl of lbc
s ludge is reduced ITom 95% lo 90"'o'l Draw a neal sketch of a sludge digestion tonk of
Ooating cover lype.

1, Ia) l:i..~plain the b~sic ca~es offailures of earth-dams.
(h) \Vhol ore the vnrious benelits of lining of <:~no ls. and cl i.ellsS its effects on opcntlitm and

( 10)
(c) Design priutdl') circular $cdimtntatlontank for town with t>opulalion of50.000 mAking
all Ute necos:1o1'Y but rcil>onable assumptions.


8. () Who! nre th" common types of l'ilhvnys'l E..~plllin with neat skoicb Oto iphon type.
ra (lSI
(b) What do you undcn~md by ETJ\1 Explain tho mcUtodology adopted for UU.
( 15)
The avajlnble chlotittc of Ute hlcuohing [lOWder oo be used for chlorinotion ofwall!r i> found
to be 206. Ca lculate the am01m1 of this blellching powder for disinfecting 10" hters of water
per day whOl'e chlotinc demand is 2 mg per lit.

( 10)

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