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vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
Can we get this recorded session later on ? Yes, a link will be sent out.
are we gonna talk bout Vware or is this all about troubleshooting methodologies? this will be about troubleshooting vsphere, intro high levels at the moment
Can you get to the meat already???
Really? 8 slides about identifying a problem??
Is this entire webinar doing to be basic troubleshooting theory? I'm faily sure we've
all been doing this for years.
how about some typical problems you have in vmware esxi for example and their
ESXi 6.0 host has hundreds of lines in its logfiles, when in CLI mode,
where would we see this message? VCenter alerts? This message would appear when you attempt to power the VM.
perhaps very difficult to read all you will receive the PPT deck post the webcast. so you will be able to read clearer.
Issue was this: 6.Select "Override automatic cookie handling" 7.Select "Always
allow session cookies"
Team, I've been using VMware for several years and have built virtual
I don't believe the VCIX VMware Press books have been published yet, though the
environments for employer. I'm looking to learn in depth command line
VCAP official books cover most of the same advanced CLI within the hosts.
troubleshooting, can you recommend some good books?
the swap file is created when a vm powers on. size is same as vm configured
Is every time swap file system is required when we poweron VM
memory by default
will a recorded session of the Webinar be available? Yes. You will get post the webcast.
The VM's .vswp file is by "default" equivalent to the size of the allocated memory
So you mean the swap size = memory by default ? for the VM. When a reservation is applied to the VM the swap size is reduced by
the amount of the VM's reservation. VM.vswp = VM Memory - VM Reservation.
yes, this is also my question, can we got the slide after the webinar. its amazing.
you will receive a link to the deck with you thank you email.
thank you.
Perhaps I missed the first agenda slide, but will there be content about the changes
this webinar focus is on troubleshooting vsphere 6
in vSphere version 6 in this webinar?
Yes, In our vSphere 6.0 Troubleshooting Workshop course we have an entire 5 days
Do you have many kind of issue? and how to troubleshoot it dedicated to many different configuration scenario's that you get to troubleshoot
and test your skills and understanding of the vSphere environment.

We thought this was going to be version 6 focused? it is - troubleshooting vsphere 6, but applies to older versions too an many cases
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
not real time examples but examples. hopefully you are now seeing this. Special
Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select
vSphere Training Courses at Use discount code
Does this webinar include some real time examples? 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188)
VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New
[V6] Fundamentals (259279)
The session has already started, please attempt to reconnect if you are not seeing
how much time it will take to start the session
the slides.
Who is speaking??? The speaker is one of our Sr Technical Instructors at VMware: Mr. Jamie Rawson
As Jamie is pointing out there are many places to get error details. vSphere Web
from where you got the error details Client and vSphere Client error message. Alarm Notices, Log Files, command line
commands to probe information.
Same question, thank You the slides are nice thanks you will get them post webcast.
are you seeing what you need now? Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast
Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere Training Courses at
The topic of this event is vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks webinar. Will Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires
be be covering anything related to this? November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6] (265396)
VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize
and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

are you looking at taking training as well to ensure a successful deployment. Special
Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select
vSphere Training Courses at Use discount code
I plan implementing vsphere in my organization...I have deployed a test
15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
environment with vsphere 5.0
Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188)
VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New
[V6] Fundamentals (259279)

not needing to go into specifics if one can vmotion 10 different VMs but not the how much memory is on the esxi host? the high priority vmotion forces the vm to
vCenter server appliance VM itself on my Lab vsphere 6 was and still is a headache.. get a 100% memory reservation on the target server. if there isn't enough
:) if I however instead of te recommeded "high priority" I choose normal priority. all unreserved memory on the target esxi host you won't be able to vmotion. with low
ok priority the reservation isn't made and you can then vmotion
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
you can look are some of our training if that will help you. Special Offer on vSphere
Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere Training
Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer
But we will be deploying vsphere 6.0 and i noticed some differences expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
are you now seeing what you need? Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast
Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires
I am not seeing anything specific to vSphere 6 in this presentation
November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6] (265396)
VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize
and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

hopefully the presentation is now addressing any questions you may have. Special
Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select
vSphere Training Courses at Use discount code
this is very general presentation 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure,
Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188)
VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New
[V6] Fundamentals (259279)
are you going to offer the powerpoint troubleshooting? yes you will get post the event with the recording.
The vSphere 6 Documentation has excellent guided instructions on the
Currently my Infra running on 5.5 and we have license for the upgrade 6.0 but
upgrade process:
afraiding as dont have the guidence for the upgrade.... Initially planning to upgrade
Vcenter later esx servers.... Is any suggestion for this
where can we get he vCLI package VMA?, in the vsphere section
there is a 5-day vSphere troubleshooting course. Currently it's at v5.5 but v6 is
do you have some troubleshooting guide ??
coming soon
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
The VMware vSphere Management Assistant (vMA) is a prepackaged Linux virtual
machine in which administrators can deploy scripts and select third-party agents to
manage ESX and ESXi systems. Software included in vMA includes vSphere CLI and
vSphere Management Assistant? that new appliance? how can we install it? an authentication component that supports non-interactive login. It also includes
DCLI commands which allow you to manage services that are in vSphere 6.0 and
are presented by the vCloud Suite SDK interfaces. You would install it like any other
we will have another webcast on Nov. 19th. look for the details in the followup
whenwill be next sessions ?
email with the PPT and recording.
The vi-fastpass if only specific to vSphere 6.0? no, but only in the vMA
vi-fastpath is new command? it's not new, but only available in the vMA
Absolutely, come join us in our Troubleshooting Workshop Course and you will
Can i have some more issue troubleshooting scenario PPT's receive many scenarios that you will get to work through and test in a isolated lab
there are several differences: first, esxcli is one command with the ability to work
with many options to manage and esxi host, whereas esxcfg- commands are many
What is the difference between esx-cfg and esxcli command? commands that perform specific functions. Also, esxcli utilizes the full vsphere API
and informs vcenter when changes are made... but the esxcfg commands do not.
The esxcli is the recommended tool in vsphere 5 and 6
This is where you would use the VMA- the vSphere Management Assistant, and if
How we can troubleshoot ESXI if it never allow to enter in shell.
need be go out to the DCUI ( shell ) if you really had to.
who is speaker here Sr Instructor -- Jamie Rawson
Slides are not updating you will get a copy of the slides post the webcast with the recording.
Almost all of VMware's courses can be taken in the Live Online format.
is there a typical course online that vmware offer - or is this all class room based at
Please go to and see the search task
the moment?
on the right pane "Search by Delivery Type"
For information on any of the VMware courses please go to and search on the course offerings in your or
when will 5 days dedicated will be started ?
suited to your learning needs. You can also search by going to
I don't see an independent license for it, though you will need a vCenter for its
is VMA free or need license?
esxcfg commands are meant to be run on the esxi local shell, the vicfg commands
What is the difference between vicfg and esxcfg?
are meant to be run remotely via vCLI or from the vMA
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
I am very glad to have your promt response ...even i am very thank full to you guys
you are welcome
provide this training
most commands covered on available on both the vCLI/vMA remote commands
Are these commands only available via the vSphere Management Assistant
and on the esxi local shell
Post this session could you share the powerpoint file link? we will be sending a link to view after the webinar in your thank you email.
do we have any centralised GUI tool to detect netowork or Storage related isses yes, there is a web client that connects with vCenter and has access alerts on the
and not getting into the commands and into the ESXi hosts? environment
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
Please help me to here, How can i join your troubleshooting workshop course's to code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
receive more many scenarios .. Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)
can we get a record webcast of viewing later? yes, you will receive a link to the webinar in your thank you email
esxcli commands are namespaces for other vicfg/vim-cmd commands and are
what is the rule of thumb or difference between using vicfg, esxcli, vmware-cmd?
generally the go-to for CLI interaction.
what is command to find the power paths in ESXi? esxcli storage core path list
Is the presentation being recorded for latr viewing? Will the link be provided to the
yes, you will receive an email with a link to view on-demand. thank you
Howto toubleshoot the scenario of APD (All pathdown) how could we determince
either esxi ,storage , HBA was the cause of issue &cmd=displayKC&externalId=2004684 is a good start
yes it will be available. we will send you an email with the deck and recording.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
will this session be avillable on demand? code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)
thank you you're welcome.
when will i get reply for my question? What is your question
No, take a look at this KB article for logging information for vCenter.
all logs stored in same location?
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
may i know the course name ?
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)
May not be appropriate question for here but since this is troubleshooting vSphere
You may want to open a support request for this one, the .VMX should identify
6 - I'm running 6.0 and have latest vmware tools installed on all guests. I've gotten
what hardware version the VM is on.
multiple instances where a machine says "hardware version 1 is not supported"
here are the docs for the cli:
Is there any KB for commands to use troubleshooting ESXi issues?
the web client when connecting to vcenter. there is an html5 host client in
Heard that Vi client going to end, What is the alternate tool? tech preview at the moment... check it out:
yes you will get a copy of the deck and recording in an email after the webcast.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
Hi! Is it possible to get a copy of the slides? code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)
VM goes offline at that point. I have to remove from inventory and add back in but
causes downtime. Anyone else reporting this?
host and vcenter logs:
Which logs files can you see from the vSphere Web client?
you will get the recording and PPT in an email after the webcast. Special Offer on
vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere
Training Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB.
I am missing 25-30% of the session due to audio dropouts. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
is the log browser new to V6 it has been enhanced in the web client in v6.
you will get a copy of the deck and recording post the webcast. Special Offer on
vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere
Training Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB.
can we get these slides downloaded Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
Thanks for the sharing info ...actually i am unable to copy the content's from this
we will send a followup email with the deck and recording and promos.
chat windows ...could you send me a email with all details ...Pls
yes you will receive an email with the deck and recording. Special Offer on vSphere
Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere Training
Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer
can we replay the webminar afterward? expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
To see who initiated the request (instead of vpxuser) d oes this require ESXi 6 or i believe both esxi and vc must be at v6 for this to work - vcenter 6 knows how to
VCenter 6 to be running, or both send this info, and vpxa on esxi 6 knows how to log it
yes you will get the deck and recording post the webcast. Special Offer on vSphere
Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere Training
Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer
can we again view this recording? expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
I receive "Token expiring on xxxx is past date" when pairing two vcenter sites..
Researchinig, are you doing SRM?? Try the following' recreate the SSL Certificate
environment : vcenter 6.0 & vmware replication appliance 6.1. Any solution for this
and and save and restart service
This is too broad of a question, the commands used will be dependent on the
what are the main commands used for ESXI roueshooting?
symptoms presented. Looking at logs is generally a good place to start.
Here are my email thanks
Will the presentation be available later on? Yes, you will receive a thank you email with a link.
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
things to check: cpu: ready times are > 10% and host is >85% utilized. RAM: any
sustained ballooning, compressing, or swapping vm memory; Networking: any
how can we determine if a host is overallocating its resourcse and under
dropped packets. Storage: check latencies for disk i/o. We spend a lot of time on
performance bottlenecks?
performance troubleshooting in a 5 day class called vSphere Optimize & Scale,
check one out near you or online
Please share the registration link to have discount offer with the discount code you will receive that in your thank you email sent after the webinar
Do you have experience with VM create double file vswp such as vmx-XXX- it is an automatic feature to save memory when under contention. the standard
942270381-2.vswp and vmx-XXX-942270381-1.vswp and how troubleshoot it?why vswap file for vm guest memory, and the vmx file for conserving vmkernel
VM create double file vswp like mention before overhead memory
When port 902 is blocked by a firewall or when the port is modified in the ESXi
what could be most causes for host gets disconnected from vcenter
Host but not in vCenter.
yes the slides and recording will be sent to you post the webcast. Special Offer on
vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere
Training Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB.
can we get the slides Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
export and import are introduced in Vpshere 6? IF you are referring to the distributed switch this was introduced in version 5.X

try the VMRC. the vm remote console is a standalone console app that is
Hi, when I finish working with VMware cVenter Server Appliance vm console, the
much better then the embedded console in the web client
mouse stuck in the page and I can not close the page. I hit Ctrl+ Alt but nothing
happens. What should I do? Thanks.
imean network Distrubution switch export and import
Network Rollback is new to vSphere 6.0? it promises to be very helpful Rollback was there in a prior version, and yes very helpful
How to troubelshoot when the VMDK file is corrupted and unable to restore from In the Troubleshooting Workshop we take a look at how to re-build a corrupted
snapshot? .vmdk file.
but how to recreate ssl certificate?
&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2112283 can guide you
Generally an indication of storage performance issues, I.E., timeouts initiated by
Sometiem rescan disconnecting the host from VC, Why?
the load generated by the rescan.
Will a recordking be available later yes, you will receive a thank you email with a link
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
It is supposed to automatically restore previous networking config on certain
Kindly registered my address to send me your
yes we will do. cheers
event notification in upcoming (Time) future
LogInsight gives correlation and visualization, within the host you are limited to
are there vmware have tool to read and analisys the logs such as vmkernel logs?
standard Unix file processing.
thank you much.. you're welcome
yes we will send you the deck and recording in an email post webcast. Special Offer
on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere
Training Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB.
Is this session available offline after completion of webinar ? Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
read an info from my storage provider to disable the requirement for ATS test from
esxcli because of problems (on 5.5u3 and 6.x) and use the old method instead. Interesting, but for some storage vendors that may be the case.
(IBM storage)
We don't include a verbose logging mechanism for NFS3. Given the single path
how do I get more info about APD issues with NFS (specifically using Netapp FAS)? nature of NFS3, you will likely want to investigate the network pathway and
storage presentation.
This is some really great information.
yes we will send the deck to you and recording post the webcast. Special Offer on
vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these select vSphere
Training Courses at Use discount code 15Q4TSWEB.
wil you provide the prestation later? Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V6]
(265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6] (263188) VMware vSphere:
Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere: What's New [V6]
Fundamentals (259279)
Could we get a pdf to learn commad line 60/index.jsp#com.vmware.vsphere.scripting.doc/GUID-7F7C5D15-9599-
continued....when multiple vmkernel are reduced to one..NFS mount is possible. Is
this works, but can now be placed in its own custom tcpip stack too
there any improvement in vSphere 6.0
Is it possible to get these notes for personal use? you will receive a link to the deck with your thank you email.
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
the first time I saw how a single large reservation affects the avalale capacity on the
you should use the percentage of resources to be reserved for failover policy
whol cluster... I was shocked (as a single vm resevation sets the min "slot" for the
instead, this policy creates individually sized slots per vm
whole cluster. As the trend with "realtime" apps is.. to reservethe whole mem...

we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
slide not moving code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
at slide 60 for 5 mins code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
slides are stopped at 60 code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
the slides are not advanceing, i still see #60 code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
slides stopped at page 60 code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
Have not seen slides past #60... code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
DRS slide? code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
Hello, McFly.... code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)
vSphere 6 Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Oct 29, 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Question Response
we will send the slides and recording post the webcast. we will send in an email.
Special Offer on vSphere Training for Webcast Attendees Receive 15% off these
select vSphere Training Courses at Use discount
slides stopped code 15Q4TSWEB. Offer expires November 30th. VMware vSphere: Install,
Configure, Manage [V6] (265396) VMware vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6]
(263188) VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V6] (270403) VMware vSphere:
What's New [V6] Fundamentals (259279)

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