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HQSI-12 Components of an Effective Lesson Plan

Date: 2/29/16 Grade/Class/Subject: EDU 280: Valuing Cultural Diversity

Unit/Theme: Stereotypes
Standards: CCSS
RH.11-12.7: Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Integrate and evaluate multiple
sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as
well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
RH.11-12.9: Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Integrate information from diverse
sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting
discrepancies among sources

Objective(s): SWBAT
1 Connect his or her own experiences to discuss stereotypes
2 Collaborate, in groups, to generate stereotype statements
3 Analyze stereotypes and their impact on students and cultures

Key Vocabulary: Stereotypes, Prejudice, Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Supplementary Materials:
Projector (Ending Picture Activity, Lesson Plan)
Handout (Fill-in notes)
Light Dimming
ELMO Document Camera
Background Music
*****SIOP Features*****
Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Options
Adaptation of Content Modeling Whole class
Links to Background Guided Practice Small groups
Links to Past Learning Independent practice Partners
Strategies incorporated Comprehensible input Independent

Integration of Processes Application Assessment

Reading Hands-on Individual
Writing Meaningful Group
Speaking Linked to objectives Written
Listening Promotes engagement Oral
Lesson Sequence:
Introduction: I will first explain that the presentation is not meant to offend anyone, raher, bring
awarness to a constant problem in education. Afterwords, I will conduct an activity where groups
(about 3-4 peers per group) write stereotypes on a sheet of paper. Paper will be provided; they
have to write stereotypes onto this piece of paper, they will hand it in. They do not need to place
their names on it, two minutes tops. (3 minutes)
Daily Objectives: See list above.

Daily Review: What are common stereotypes?

Guided Practice: The guided parctice will be administered in the slide presentation, showing
some video clips and many common stereotypes in order to futher illustrate a visual. Afterwards,
a brief discussion will be done in order to tie the information together; this is not an assessment.
(14 Minutes)

Independent: The teacher will instruct the students to take notes on the presentation. The handout
with the PowerPoint slides will be the place in which the students take the notes on.

Closure: To conclude the presentation, there will be a group of four pictures projected; students
need to guess what nationality the women are from. The significance will be that everyone is
defined by their culture and should not be harmed by stereotypes. Explain the good about
stereotypes, and rip the stereotype papers to show not to judge a book by its cover and embrace
culture, diversity, and genders. (3 Minutes)

Homework: No homework will be administered.

Assessment: Closure questions.

Get the class attention with Good Morning Class
Start the class with an activity so students can think of the various stereotypes in the
classroom community (further explanation in the Introductions Activity section)
Set up PowerPoint (PowerPoint will be already set up, although the projector will need
to be turned on, the music will be on the background as well)
Tell student to write notes on a little card provided (The notes are fill-in. Also, this is a
form of formative assessment.)
Stand on the side so the students can see presentation, walk around
Additional detail that is not in the PowerPoint will be said aloud. In addition, questions
checking for comprehension will be asked. If no question during slide, ask if anyone has
any questions.
Slides 2: Activity
Slide 3: Chart/Graph
Slide 4-5: What are stereotypes?
Does anyone need further clarification?
Who wants to be a teacher?
Slide 6: White American
Slide 7: African American
Does anyone know what the labeling theory is?
Slide 8: American Indian
Slide 9-10: Arabian American
Slide 11: European American
Slide 12-13: Hispanic American
Slide 14: Gender

Homework: None

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