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A. Hypothesis

Pneumonia is a common illness in all parts of the world. It is a major cause of death
among all age groups. WHO estimates that up to 1 million of deaths are caused by the
bacteria Streptococcus Pneumonia, and over 90% of these deaths takes place in
developing countries. Elderly individuals, however, are at particular risk for pneumonia
and associated mortality.

It is an abnormal inflammatory condition of the lungs. It is often characterized as

including inflammation of the parenchyma of the lungs and abnormal alveolar filling
with fluid.

In the case of our client he was diagnose of having Pneumonia and it could be caused
by a bacteria which typically enter the lung when airborne droplets are inhaled, but can
also reach the lung through the blood stream when there is an infection in another part of
the body. It may also result from aspiration of food, or vomitus or from inhalation or
toxic or caustic chemicals, smoke, dust or gases.

B. Predisposing Factors

Age: 1 yr and 3 mos
Sex: Male

Mechanical: inhalation of droplet (bacteria)- (optional)


Loss of appetite

Infectious: Bacteria
C. Ecologic Model

-1yr and 3 mos
-smoking history
-family history of asthma


community acquired
-living condition -person with existing disease from
-economic levels


The agent-host-environment model is primarily use in predicting illness rather

than promoting wellness, although identification of risk factors that result from the
interactions of agents, host and environment are helpful in promoting and maintaining
health. Because each of the agent-host-environment factors constantly interacts with
others, health is an ever changing state. Health is seen when all three elements are in
balance while illness is seen when one, two or all three elements are not in balance
(FON 7th edition, Kozier volume 1)

Pneumonia (pneumonitis) is an inflammatory process in lung parenchyma usually

associated with a marked increase in interstitial and alveolar fluid. Advances in antibiotic
therapy have led to the perception that pneumonia is no longer a major health problem in
the United states. Among all nosocomial infections, Pneumonia is the second most
common but has the highest mortality.

(Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Edition)

D. Conclusion

We therefore conclude that our client is suffering from multiple respiratory

complications due to infection and immune suppression.

The agent-host-environment model was used to the unknown cause of how the
said complications branched out.

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