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[21:20:31] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.

7 {FFFFFF}Started
[21:20:34] Connecting to
[21:20:36] Connected. Joining the game...
[21:20:41] Connected to {B9C9BF}Bugged RPG | Orange Server
[21:20:41] SERVER: {FFFFFF}Welcome to BuGGed RPG.
[21:20:41] SERVER: {FFFFFF}You already have a registered account, please enter y
our password into the dialog box.
[21:20:44] Turful 22 detinut de mafia Grove Street este atacat de mafia din care
faci parte.
[21:20:44] (Group) {FFFFFF}CarricK from your group has just logged in.
[21:20:44] (Group) MOTD: {FFFFFF}Toti pe turf 31!
[21:20:44] Clan MOTD: Dati anunturi ca recrutam!
[21:20:44] Misiune: Livreaza 12 pizza. Progres: 0/12.
[21:20:44] Misiune: Jefuieste o afacere. Progres: 0/1.
[21:20:46] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: hai we
[21:20:46] NR AdmBot: Gruparea mafiota The Italian Mafia a cucerit teritoriul #5
1 ce era detinut de mafia SF Bikers.
[21:20:48] AdmCmd: [LD]HiddenGod18 has been jailed by DELiR, reason: DM #2 (30 m
[21:20:51] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: acuma sa le dau
[21:20:52] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:20:52] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: se poate ma, hai pe ei da-i in pana mea
[21:20:57] Bus driver CutiePie is now on duty. Fare: $3000.
[21:20:58] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: doua zdupace la router si-a revenit
[21:20:59] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:21:00] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:21:01] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:21:01] Ad by Mihaitaa (phone: {FFFFFF}5097{00FF00}): Casa 505 cauta renteri,
evente in fiecare Duminica cu premii cuprinse intre 500k-5
[21:21:01] ... kk..
[21:21:01] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:21:01] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:21:02] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:21:04] * CarricK_Hokage puts on his hat.
[21:21:59] MATS REPORT: 63360 mats were used in the last 10 minutes. Most mats t
aken by TL.Lewis (8960 mats).
[21:21:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ce le da just
[21:21:59] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:21:59] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: =) carrick
[21:21:59] Ad by TheKing.FanT0m@ (phone: {FFFFFF}82414{00FF00}): Vand NRG-500 x2
51days 500km.
[21:21:59] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: te lauzi singur?
[21:21:59] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: de cand il ai
[21:21:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))
[21:21:59] thebanned.ATENTAT arrested suspect .WaltherSz., issuing a fine of $60
0 with a sentence of 150 seconds.
[21:21:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: gg just
[21:21:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ce bun esti
[21:21:59] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: e al nostru
[21:21:59] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: e al nostru
[21:21:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: just paleta
[21:21:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: csf
[21:21:59] Ad by LuKs_Cross. (phone: {FFFFFF}1269{00FF00}): Vand Infernus VIP x2
hid 205/155 57days 2.4k km | NRG-500 x2 hid 205/175 58days
[21:21:59] ... 90km.
[21:21:59] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: =]]]
[21:21:59] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: aprob
[21:21:59] Cobra003 was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[21:22:04] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: se admite
[21:22:10] Kley from your group has disconnected (quit). His score was -1.
[21:22:13] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ms
[21:22:19] Turf-uri afisate.
[21:22:19] Ad by Bq.Iulyan (phone: {FFFFFF}1655{00FF00}): Vand infernus 2x, 56 d
ays si 2,7k km. 205/226..
[21:22:21] * CarricK_Hokage starts the engine of his Huntley.
[21:22:30] NR TL.iAndi: Nu purtati droguri asupra voastra. Politia nu iarta nimi
[21:22:37] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: baaa ce tzgani fura
[21:22:44] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: cum luat pe ala
[21:22:44] Ad by iLusioN[R] (phone: {FFFFFF}9918{00FF00}): Vand Infernus ViP 249
/226, 199 days, 10.6k km.
[21:22:52] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:22:54] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: nush zake trebuia sa fie al meu
[21:22:58] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: gg manilor
[21:23:03] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: sunteti buni :)
[21:23:04] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: ms keikov
[21:23:07] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: dap
[21:23:09] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: cp
[21:23:10] * Taxi driver Mitza[S] is now on duty ($500). [/service taxi]
[21:23:10] Ad by [BL]GabrielFSS (phone: {FFFFFF}56312{00FF00}): Cumpar infernus
[21:23:16] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:23:17] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: npc
[21:23:24] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ce praf e just
[21:23:26] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: respins
[21:23:34] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[21:23:34] Ai fost ucis de catre Chis.ATENTAT (398)
[21:23:36] Ad by Sz.Steinfield (phone: {FFFFFF}2966{00FF00}): Dau Hotring Racer
B x0 hidden pe un Hotring Racer A + diferenta de la mine.
[21:23:39] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:23:39] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:23:39] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: SCOR PE FINAL
[21:23:40] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:23:40] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:23:40] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:23:49] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: fvr
[21:23:50] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden:
[21:23:50] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: deja e plicti si cu gruv
[21:24:02] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: a scos mrfreesh hatere <3
[21:24:02] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: fvr
[21:24:02] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:24:02] Voltraks was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[21:24:02] Ad by DoctorSpagar (phone: {FFFFFF}50959{00FF00}): vand casa id 23kk
langa pizza ls la 25kk nu mai las.
[21:24:12] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:24:17] * CarricK_Hokage starts the engine of his Stretch.
[21:24:17] * St.Raiden starts the engine of his Huntley.
[21:24:19] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:24:24] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:24:25] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:24:26] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:24:26] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:24:27] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:24:27] Ad by [AIM]ProjectWARMACHiNE (phone: {FFFFFF}6020{00FF00}): Vand infe
rnus 205/154 276 zile 42.4 k km VIP / Nrg 205/226 303 zile
[21:24:27] ... 19.7 k km !.
[21:24:33] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: acu se activeaza si keikov asta e un n00b
[21:24:41] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: stiu
[21:24:46] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[21:24:48] Ban: kRiZZED has been banned by AndrewRyan for 7 days, reason: Necoop
erare admin (TW).
[21:24:52] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: bogdane, ai fw
[21:24:52] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:24:52] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: bogdane, ai fw
[21:24:53] Ad by Antonio31 (phone: {FFFFFF}50758{00FF00}): Dau la Schimb Blista
Compact pe Flash/Club/Pheonix am 900k diff de la mine!.
[21:24:55] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: ptr ?
[21:25:00] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: ala era garon
[21:25:02] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: dantes
[21:25:03] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: ms farain
[21:25:07] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: cp
[21:25:07] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: roha
[21:25:10] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: lasa te rog pm-uri, nu imi place cv
[21:25:10] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: ai mafie de noobi l0k3d
[21:25:13] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: aluat garon :))
[21:25:14] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: asa cv* in mafie
[21:25:16] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: is prafi dar ma lasa pe jos
[21:25:19] Ad by Sk.Comanes (phone: {FFFFFF}65392{00FF00}): Vand 135 k mats fast
[21:25:22] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: sa dea /qg
[21:25:37] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: nu am ce sa fac, e vorba de bunul sim
[21:25:38] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ..
[21:25:41] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:25:45] Ad by King.Drakee. (phone: {FFFFFF}1580{00FF00}): Vand Cheetah 222 da
ys 3k km 2x[155-205].
[21:25:49] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:25:51] Ban: Catalin2363 has been permanent banned by ZERS, reason: Limbaj of
ensiv pe /report.
[21:25:57] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr baaaa
[21:26:06] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[21:26:06] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[21:26:06] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:26:06] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:26:06] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:26:06] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:26:06] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: Fvr azi
[21:26:06] Sz.k[3]N[z]ZoR was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 mi
[21:26:06] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: =]]]
[21:26:06] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: ups
[21:26:13] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: bindu
[21:26:13] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:26:13] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:26:13] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:26:14] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: bag cv
[21:26:14] Ad by [G]McMasu (phone: {FFFFFF}96450{00FF00}): Vand sau schimb Flash
[21:26:14] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:26:15] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: LUATI SI MASINI
[21:26:15] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: uninvite
[21:26:15] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: uninvite
[21:26:23] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: NU NUMAI MOTOARE
[21:26:23] NR TL.iAndi: Se lasa seara. Circulati cu prudenta si aprindeti-va far
[21:26:23] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: BAAA, NU MAI DATI SCOR
[21:26:23] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: BAAA, NU MAI DATI SCOR
[21:26:25] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: taci fa ca am order si fvr pe bind
[21:26:28] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: gresi butonu
[21:26:31] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: fvr
[21:26:33] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:26:36] MOMBU[47]: bv ba
[21:26:36] Ad by YPC (phone: {FFFFFF}65329{00FF00}): vand casa 644 in sf, 3kk ur
gent !.
[21:26:38] MOMBU[47]: dati in mine
[21:26:40] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: uninvite
[21:26:43] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:26:43] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: P@
[21:26:45] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: /qg
[21:26:46] You have killed Bq.Vipe (349).
[21:26:48] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dai
[21:26:55] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: scap de un worster
[21:26:55] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: nu merge
[21:26:57] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: paleta
[21:26:57] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:27:02] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: glm =)
[21:27:02] Ad by [J]EXTrafun69 (phone: {FFFFFF}1252{00FF00}): vand nrg x2 , nrg
x2, streck x2, sultan x2 , infernus vip x2. casa lv id 115.
[21:27:10] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: faraine
[21:27:11] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: codat rau tomita asta
[21:27:15] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: futu-l in gura
[21:27:19] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ce nob
[21:27:20] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =)))))))))))))))
[21:27:22] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: cine ?
[21:27:25] Ahlle has timed out from the server (crash).
[21:27:25] You have killed Rawke..Zackone (593).
[21:27:27] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: vino ma
[21:27:28] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: raiden
[21:27:28] Ad by Cristi$[G] (phone: {FFFFFF}73301{00FF00}): Vand Bullet 2x (145-
249) 50z 2,1k km /Vand Turismo 2x 31z 1,1k km.
[21:27:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: nu fi nob
[21:27:32] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =)))
[21:27:32] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: dai /q
[21:27:35] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: mi-a dat tie
[21:27:37] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ok pa
[21:27:37] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: pm
[21:27:38] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: sal
[21:27:39] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: pa
[21:27:39] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: k
[21:27:41] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: ms
[21:27:41] You have killed [bVb]Five0 (250).
[21:27:41] {EF00FF}3Ds._Hokage:{FFFFFF} gg
[21:27:45] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: vezi sa nu treaca 24 h
[21:27:47] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[21:27:47] Ai fost ucis de catre Timotei.exe (611)
[21:27:48] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: lasati /f
[21:27:48] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: lasati /f
[21:27:48] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))
[21:27:49] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: lasati /f
[21:27:49] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: lasati /f
[21:27:52] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:27:53] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:27:54] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:27:54] Ad by Mihaitza2004 (phone: {FFFFFF}29913{00FF00}): vand casa 22 cu 10
player online fac trade pe alta casa sau pe masini.
[21:27:54] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:27:54] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:27:55] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dai odata untie
[21:27:56] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:27:56] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:27:56] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: nob
[21:28:00] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: dai /q
[21:28:02] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: palet-o
[21:28:02] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:28:02] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: esti nob
[21:28:04] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:28:05] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:28:06] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dai untie
[21:28:08] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: nu mai vb cu tn
[21:28:09] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ok
[21:28:09] King.Jorge was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minute
[21:28:14] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: dai /q
[21:28:16] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: rpd
[21:28:17] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: ba
[21:28:20] Ad by [J]Jokerash$ (phone: {FFFFFF}74002{00FF00}): Vand Infernus 155/
205 80z 4200km / Turismo 143/175 / Sultan 175/194.
[21:28:22] NR AdmBot: Gruparea mafiota The Russian Mafia a cucerit teritoriul #2
2 ce era detinut de mafia Grove Street.
[21:28:22] Ai fost transferat in Virtual World-ul normal (0).
[21:28:22] ----------------- [ war overview #2722 ] --------------
[21:28:22] Score: The Russian Mafia 150 - 127 Grove Street.
[21:28:22] Best score: .Tudo with a score of 10 (14 kills, 4 deaths). Worst scor
e: Chrome. with a score of -8 (6 kills, 14 deaths)
[21:28:22] Your personal score: 1 (3 kills, 2 deaths).
[21:28:22] --------------------------------------------
[21:28:22] [TURF] Bidi from Los Vagos attacked turf 30 owned by you.
[21:28:23] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-023.png
[21:28:25] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: gg
[21:28:25] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: +7
[21:28:28] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: -5 :)
[21:28:31] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[21:28:32] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: 2
[21:28:32] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: l0k3d
[21:28:32] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: scor 4
[21:28:33] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: -1
[21:28:33] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:28:36] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: izceai de mn ca usnt pal
eta ?
[21:28:38] * CarricK_Hokage ate some food!
[21:28:38] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: l0k3d
[21:28:39] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr x
[21:28:40] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: iar
[21:28:42] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:28:45] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: RAIDEN
[21:28:45] Ad by RENOKO (phone: {FFFFFF}6765{00FF00}): Vand Maverick 2x nou..
[21:28:47] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: UNTIE
[21:28:48] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: ?
[21:28:48] * CarricK_Hokage starts the engine of his Sultan.
[21:28:48] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: DAU QG
[21:28:49] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: /q
[21:28:51] L0K3D_Hokage: goooooooooooooo
[21:28:51] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: avem dee?
[21:28:51] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: am niste drop framer-uri urate
[21:28:52] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: dai
[21:28:53] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: vai mama
[21:28:55] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:28:56] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: DAI UNITIE
[21:28:57] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: NABULE
[21:28:58] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: carrick fw
[21:28:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: /q
[21:29:01] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: bn
[21:29:03] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: DOAMNE CE NOB ESTI
[21:29:03] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: morr io dat tie =))))))
[21:29:05] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: dai /q
[21:29:06] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: NICI CA MAI INTRU LA WAR
[21:29:06] ScU1z3R has been kicked by AdmBot, reason: possible map teleport
[21:29:07] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: PA
[21:29:07] Just4YouOFFICIAL from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 348
0 mats.
[21:29:10] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:29:10] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:29:11] Ad by Lyvyu98 (phone: {FFFFFF}88784{00FF00}): cumpar casa ls-lv buget
[21:29:11] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:29:12] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: =))
[21:29:19] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ba raiden, ce i-ai fct :)))
[21:29:22] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: =)
[21:29:24] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: nik
[21:29:26] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: bun
[21:29:31] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: LAWR
[21:29:32] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:29:33] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: MI-AI ZIS
[21:29:33] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: MI-AI ZIS
[21:29:33] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: MI-AI ZIS
[21:29:37] # [1] Mafiot tiga[47]: ce face el de obicei
[21:29:37] * Taxi driver Nicusor45 is now on duty ($500). [/service taxi]
[21:29:37] Ad by [MC]Menahau (phone: {FFFFFF}60491{00FF00}): Vand cheetah [ x1 h
idden , 30 zile si 1.500 km ] 30 kk , fast !.
[21:29:41] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: go fail
[21:29:43] (Group) {FFFFFF}Just4YouOFFICIAL from your group has just logged in.
[21:29:43] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: FARA LIMBAJ DIN ALA, NU AM CHEF D
[21:29:43] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: dati cu rifle
[21:29:44] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: dati cu rifle x1
[21:29:47] NR TL.iAndi: Este o vreme perfecta pentru o plimbare cu prietenii pri
n Glen Park.
[21:29:48] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:29:55] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: FARA FVR
[21:29:55] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: FARA FVRt
[21:29:57] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: dati cu rifle ba
[21:29:57] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dai drumu raiden
[21:29:57] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: fa parca nu mai intrai
[21:29:58] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: dati cu rifle ba x1
[21:29:58] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: dati cu rifle ba x2
[21:30:03] Ad by .bogdann.w0w (phone: {FFFFFF}24750{00FF00}): Vand Blade 115/205
60d 594km negociabil .
[21:30:06] Ai fost transferat in Virtual World-ul normal (0).
[21:30:06] [WAR] Los Vagos failed to win turf 30 owned by The Russian Mafia beca
use they left the turf.
[21:30:06] ----------------- [ war overview #2725 ] --------------
[21:30:06] Score: Los Vagos 2 - 6 The Russian Mafia.
[21:30:06] Best score: Rohammer with a score of 2 (2 kills, 0 deaths). Worst sco
re: Lejereanu with a score of -1 (0 kills, 1 deaths)
[21:30:06] Your personal score: 1 (1 kills, 0 deaths).
[21:30:06] --------------------------------------------
[21:30:07] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:30:07] CarricK_Hokage tooks some drugs out of his pocket.
[21:30:07] Stai nemiscat 30 secunde pentru ca drogurile sa-si faca efectul.
[21:30:08] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: gg
[21:30:09] # [1] Mafiot tiga[47]: gg
[21:30:09] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-024.png
[21:30:10] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: gg
[21:30:10] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: gg
[21:30:10] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: gg
[21:30:10] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: gg
[21:30:12] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: no sa mor eu, iar -1
[21:30:14] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: cum baaaa
[21:30:16] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: cum am -1
[21:30:20] {FE9A2E}MangEkyoU[BL]:{FFFFFF} www as
[21:30:22] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: si eu niici nu am intrat
[21:30:23] deathwqz has timed out from the server (crash).
[21:30:23] deathwqz from your group has disconnected (crash). He used 2260 mats.
[21:30:23] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: ca n-ai fost war, e de la sv
[21:30:23] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: pe turf
[21:30:24] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: next 34 ?
[21:30:24] NesTo has been kicked by AdmBot, reason: cheats: possible vehicle tel
[21:30:25] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: si eu -1 :)))
[21:30:25] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: next 34 ?
[21:30:25] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ba sunt lider de 44 de zile si am do
ar un best, de 1
[21:30:27] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: e bn?
[21:30:27] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: am uitat sa fac poza la war cu grove
[21:30:28] DonutDie has timed out from the server (crash).
[21:30:28] DonutDie from your group has disconnected (crash). He used 1040 mats.
His score was 1.
[21:30:29] Ad by HeLLboY[]_Cross. (phone: {FFFFFF}2045{00FF00}): Ai avut un acci
dent? Tasteaza [/service medic] si noi te vom pune pe picio
[21:30:29] ... are!.
[21:30:30] Drogurile au inceput sa-si faca efectul.
[21:30:30] CarricK_Hokage took some drugs.
[21:30:30] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: =]]]
[21:30:33] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))
[21:30:34] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: l0k3d
[21:30:34] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: esti pe binesss
[21:30:36] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: next 34
[21:30:36] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: loke
[21:30:43] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: nu prea :))
[21:30:43] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: morti masi
[21:30:43] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: dam pe grove?
[21:30:43] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: nu mai dam pe vagos
[21:30:43] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: nu mai dam pe vagos
[21:30:43] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: da-mi bani de order
[21:30:43] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: nu conteaza cum dai la war atata timp c
at stii sa coordonezi si luam turfuri
[21:30:43] (Group) {FFFFFF}deathwqz from your group has just logged in.
[21:30:43] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: da-mi bani de order
[21:30:45] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: cu evidenta pulii mele
[21:30:46] [TURF] Bq.Vipe from Grove Street attacked turf 22 owned by you.
[21:30:46] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: hai pe 33
[21:30:47] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: da-mi bani de order l0k3d
[21:30:48] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: si cu ss-urile voastre
[21:30:50] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: oho
[21:30:50] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:30:53] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: nu faci evidenta ma
[21:30:54] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: go pe felie
[21:30:55] Ad by Avox_Cross. (phone: {FFFFFF}9870{00FF00}): Cumpar hidden urgent
[21:30:56] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: l0k3d, da-mi 100k
[21:30:57] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: l0k3d, da-mi 100k
[21:30:57] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: fvrw qe+
[21:30:58] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: pana nu e panel on
[21:31:01] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:31:01] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[21:31:02] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: baaa dati-mi 100k
[21:31:04] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: baaa dati-mi 100k
[21:31:04] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:31:05] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: next 21
[21:31:05] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[21:31:05] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: 3 war-uri
[21:31:06] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:31:07] Syntax: {FFFFFF}/order [item]
[21:31:07] Syntax: {FFFFFF}1 - deagle ($600), 2 - shotgun ($700), 3 - m4 ($1,000
), 4 - ak47 ($1,000), 5 - mp5 ($900), 6 - rifle ($1,500), 7
[21:31:07] ... - katana ($100)
[21:31:08] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:31:08] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:31:08] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: nu am facut ss
[21:31:09] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:31:09] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:31:10] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: l0k3deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[21:31:11] * Rohammer_Hokage starts the engine of his PCJ-600.
[21:31:12] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: unde esti tudo
[21:31:12] (Group) {FFFFFF}DonutDie from your group has just logged in.
[21:31:15] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: nici nu trb
[21:31:17] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: fvr
[21:31:17] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: nu postezi ca e panel si forum of
[21:31:18] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:31:19] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: ho
[21:31:19] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:31:19] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: ms mombu
[21:31:20] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:31:20] Ad by [G][]RARES. (phone: {FFFFFF}62340{00FF00}): Cumpar Bullet tanar
, pana in 15 zile, x2 hidden, astept oferte.
[21:31:22] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: unde pot sa fiu ma ?
[21:31:23] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} haaai
[21:31:24] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fara bani ?
[21:31:26] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: in HQ
[21:31:26] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: go fail rpd
[21:31:26] * MangEkyoU[BL] starts the engine of his Sultan.
[21:31:26] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: go fail rpd
[21:31:27] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:31:34] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:31:34] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} le dam manevra
[21:31:35] {CECECE}MOMBU[47]:{FFFFFF} dat o rifla
[21:31:36] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: cn a dat attack
[21:31:36] {CECECE}MOMBU[47]:{FFFFFF} mancavas
[21:31:38] MATS REPORT: 69360 mats were used in the last 10 minutes. Most mats t
aken by .LAWRENTiU._Hokage (8520 mats).
[21:31:39] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: grove
[21:31:41] I-ai oferit o arma rifle lui MOMBU[47] pentru $1.
[21:31:44] {CECECE}MOMBU[47]:{FFFFFF} multam mancatas
[21:31:46] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} ii casapim
[21:31:46] Ad by [TW]ReDMan (phone: {FFFFFF}70231{00FF00}): cumpar sk x0 ,,b:12k
[21:31:47] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: dormui
[21:31:50] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: dormi ba
[21:31:51] valeiker.wk arrested suspect Chidotemoshi, issuing a fine of $600 wit
h a sentence of 150 seconds.
[21:31:51] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: sa dormi
[21:31:51] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} best vine la mn
[21:31:53] Daca ai vreo problema, poti folosi /report. Pentru intrebari legate d
e joc poti folosi /n.
[21:31:53] Poti deschide un tichet in panel ( daca ai o problema
ce nu poate fi rezolvata in joc (donatii, count blocat, pa
[21:31:53] ... rola pierduta).
[21:31:53] ----Admins Online----------------------------------------------------
[21:31:53] (40) AndrewRyan - admin level 2
[21:31:53] (87) TaysoN. - admin level 4
[21:31:53] (121) Chowder. - admin level 1
[21:31:53] (168) ZERS - admin level 2
[21:31:53] (173) Nolifee - admin level 2
[21:31:53] (262) DELiR - admin level 2
[21:31:53] (267) Down - admin level 2
[21:31:53] (460) CyberNeticK - admin level 6
[21:31:53] (758) Morphi - admin level 2
[21:31:53] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[21:31:53] Daca ai vreo problema, poti folosi /report. Pentru intrebari legate d
e joc poti folosi /n.
[21:31:53] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[21:31:54] * MOMBU[47] ti-a oferit o arma rifle pentru $1. Foloseste /accept wea
pon pentru a accepta.
[21:31:55] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: rupe midway ala ma
[21:31:56] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[21:31:56] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[21:31:57] .Tudo.ATENTAT: omg
[21:31:58] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:31:58] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:32:01] .Tudo.ATENTAT: du-ma sus
[21:32:03] Nu poti folosi arme atunci cand stai pe masina.
[21:32:03] Ban: AndroidAP has been banned by ZERS for 90 days, reason: Cheats (A
[21:32:07] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ))))))))))))))))
[21:32:13] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:32:13] Ad by King.Grasu (phone: {FFFFFF}9901{00FF00}): Vand infernus cu 2xhi
dden VIP sms me .
[21:32:13] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: fvr
[21:32:13] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: ia uitel m
[21:32:14] # [1] Mafiot LAKERS_Hokage: relog
[21:32:16] LAKERS from your group has disconnected (quit).
[21:32:22] L0K3D_Hokage: raidne
[21:32:24] Rawke..Zackone: pusat
[21:32:24] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: uite-l pe android cum a luat ban roha =))
[21:32:24] Rawke..Zackone: gg
[21:32:24] You have killed SeveNBELEAUABq. (442).
[21:32:25] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[21:32:26] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: /cheats 405 aimbot
[21:32:26] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: /cheats 405 aimbot
[21:32:29] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: am vazut
[21:32:33] Ai platit $1 pentru arma
[21:32:38] Ad by DJrobertXD[J] (phone: {FFFFFF}41596{00FF00}): vand pcj-600 pret
[21:32:40] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: fvr
[21:32:41] Poti folosi droguri doar o data la 5 minute.
[21:32:47] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: fail
[21:32:47] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: fail
[21:32:48] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: BA DAMI UNTIE L0K3D
[21:32:48] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: BA DAMI UNTIE L0K3D
[21:32:52] * Ai primit $1 pentru arma vanduta lui MOMBU[47]. Ai pierdut 300 mate
[21:32:53] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: mor
[21:32:53] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: mor
[21:32:55] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:32:56] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:32:56] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: fvr
[21:33:01] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Tomi ? <3 dai untie ?
[21:33:01] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: dai /q raiden
[21:33:01] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:33:03] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:33:04] Ad by Nicolae[R] (phone: {FFFFFF}8222{00FF00}): Va astept cu rent la
casa 35, palatul de pe Richman, rent 1$ !.
[21:33:06] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: ba =(
[21:33:14] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: hai ca vin nebunule
[21:33:16] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: st acolo
[21:33:16] DonutDie[AIM]: aha
[21:33:17] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[21:33:17] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[21:33:18] * Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL takes a knife and cuts the rope, setting St.Rai
den free.
[21:33:20] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: doamne ce lag am
[21:33:24] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: mane
[21:33:24] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: mi-o dat paleta untie
[21:33:25] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:33:26] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: ms
[21:33:26] Don.shaakE: DA MA DA
[21:33:28] You have killed Rawke..Zackone (593).
[21:33:28] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[21:33:28] Ai fost ucis de catre Ahlle (351)
[21:33:29] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: l0k3d stai
[21:33:29] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: l0k3d stai
[21:33:30] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: ms
[21:33:30] Rawke..Zackone: =))
[21:33:30] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: HAI BA MANGEKULE
[21:33:31] DonutDie[AIM]: wtf
[21:33:32] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: a
[21:33:32] .ZackoneFaraian: ce..
[21:33:32] Ahlle: ai warn
[21:33:32] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:33:33] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:33:33] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:33:34] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:33:34] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:33:34] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:33:34] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:33:37] * Tomita. starts the engine of his PCJ-600.
[21:33:39] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: VREI BA SA-I SCOT SAU NU?
[21:33:39] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: VREI BA SA-I SCOT SAU NU?
[21:33:41] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: ce maaaaaaaaaaaa
[21:33:42] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: GO SUS, FAIL
[21:33:43] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: GO SUS, FAIL
[21:33:43] Ad by Miruna_Cross. (phone: {FFFFFF}5999{00FF00}): Cumpar MTB 2x hidd
en sau 1x. Astept oferte, Casa 35 cauta renteri,parcare mar
[21:33:43] ... e si rent mic..
[21:33:43] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: ITI ZIC DEGEABA STAI?
[21:33:43] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} hai bastane cu bmw
[21:33:44] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: ITI ZIC DEGEABA STAI?
[21:33:44] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: ba ai vazut ma?
[21:33:44] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: faraiane
[21:33:48] NR TL.iAndi: Plaja orasului Los Santos este foarte linistita. Puteti
merge la o plimbare cu prietenii!
[21:33:49] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: direct ne-o luat
[21:33:49] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: si eu am lag de mor
[21:33:53] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} le dam boaba
[21:33:53] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: WE M AM TELEPORTAT PE TURF CU MASINA
[21:33:53] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: WE M AM TELEPORTAT PE TURF CU MASINA X
[21:34:03] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: LASATI CAPS
[21:34:04] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: e bugu ala?
[21:34:05] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} hai sa le facem susta
[21:34:07] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: baaaa
[21:34:09] Ad by farcas_ionut40[OP] (phone: {FFFFFF}59597{00FF00}): vand mtb x1
si caddy x0 5kk ambele .
[21:34:09] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: cea mai noaba mafie
[21:34:09] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: cum ai urcat ba
[21:34:12] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: in care am fost vreodata
[21:34:17] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: noroc ca e cont sa joc azi
[21:34:17] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: da-i /qg
[21:34:20] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: cu talent
[21:34:21] Ursi was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[21:34:22] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: gura ba
[21:34:26] Ahlle: uite-i ma
[21:34:29] (Group) {FFFFFF}LAKERS from your group has just logged in.
[21:34:30] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:34:34] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:34:34] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ce bun e just
[21:34:34] Ad by andrei_00.bL (phone: {FFFFFF}69523{00FF00}): vand infernus x2 5
8 zile 1.4k km (84kk ).
[21:34:38] .zakE from your group has disconnected (crash).
[21:34:48] You have killed Rawke..Zackone (593).
[21:34:51] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: Just activu i se mai spune
[21:34:54] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: doamne, ce am azi
[21:34:55] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: mor mereu
[21:35:00] Ad by TL.Doddy[] (phone: {FFFFFF}5545{00FF00}): Vand Maverick cu 31 d
ays, 300km si 2xhidd 205/226 || Sandking cu 295 days, 2.3k
[21:35:00] ... km si 2xhidd 205/175, /sms oferte.
[21:35:07] (Group) {FFFFFF}.zakE from your group has just logged in.
[21:35:09] You have killed Chis.ATENTAT (398).
[21:35:10] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: mai fac o lista ?
[21:35:11] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: da-i fv
[21:35:13] C0SMIN.Si arrested suspect MihailpopSk., issuing a fine of $600 with
a sentence of 150 seconds.
[21:35:13] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:35:17] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: cp :)
[21:35:23] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: 2 sec
[21:35:25] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[21:35:26] Ad by Sz.BloXinG[] (phone: {FFFFFF}1730{00FF00}): Vand Elegy 2x 205/1
94 cu 153 zile si 3,8 k km 23 kk sms me urgent!.
[21:35:27] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:35:52] Ad by Ranceanu[S] (phone: {FFFFFF}16764{00FF00}): Vand pheonix 2x hid
d , 1k km 60 days .10 kk negociabil.
[21:35:57] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[21:35:57] Ai fost ucis de catre Rawke..Zackone (593)
[21:36:02] Rawke..Zackone: =))))
[21:36:02] {069C29}[CLAN] Student CarricK_Hokage: pleac ama
[21:36:03] # [2] Gangster EXMiTAR[CR]: sa nu tragi
[21:36:05] Syntax: {FFFFFF}/order [item]
[21:36:05] Syntax: {FFFFFF}1 - deagle ($600), 2 - shotgun ($700), 3 - m4 ($1,000
), 4 - ak47 ($1,000), 5 - mp5 ($900), 6 - rifle ($1,500), 7
[21:36:05] ... - katana ($100)
[21:36:06] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:36:07] Syntax: {FFFFFF}/order [item]
[21:36:07] Syntax: {FFFFFF}1 - deagle ($600), 2 - shotgun ($700), 3 - m4 ($1,000
), 4 - ak47 ($1,000), 5 - mp5 ($900), 6 - rifle ($1,500), 7
[21:36:07] ... - katana ($100)
[21:36:08] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:36:08] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:36:09] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:36:09] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:36:11] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:36:11] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:36:18] Ad by Alex21122 (phone: {FFFFFF}69190{00FF00}): Vand 100k materiale!.
[21:36:25] Z3r0.Si was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[21:36:27] * CarricK_Hokage starts the engine of his Stretch.
[21:36:27] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: timote ala e low
[21:36:32] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: duceti-va la skate
[21:36:38] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: scoateti-i pe aia ca tin turf
[21:36:38] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: fvr
[21:36:40] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:36:40] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: cu ce
[21:36:40] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:36:44] Ad by CHEWBACCA (phone: {FFFFFF}2902{00FF00}): Vand casa situata in L
os Santos de tip BiG cu id [387]. Pret 150,000,000$ negocia
[21:36:44] ... bil. Schimb si pe masini..
[21:37:10] NR TL.iAndi: Esti dornic de senzatii tari? Atunci trebuie sa sari cu
masina de pe rampa din Arco Del Oeste.
[21:37:10] Ad by Party[R] (phone: {FFFFFF}1718{00FF00}): Vand Sandking 2x hidden
sms me..
[21:37:11] You have killed RAKHim[].[MC] (344).
[21:37:28] [G]FLORIN_V999 was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 mi
[21:37:33] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:37:35] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:37:35] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:37:36] Ad by [N]COMPATiC (phone: {FFFFFF}1844{00FF00}): Vand Glendale no hid
d cu 222 days si casa 692 din SF..
[21:37:44] CarricK_Hokage tooks some drugs out of his pocket.
[21:37:44] Stai nemiscat 30 secunde pentru ca drogurile sa-si faca efectul.
[21:37:55] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:38:01] Ad by DoctorSpagar (phone: {FFFFFF}50959{00FF00}): vand casa id 23 la
nga pizza ls la 25kk nu mai las si buffalo 1x de colectie.
[21:38:05] Drogurile au inceput sa-si faca efectul.
[21:38:05] CarricK_Hokage took some drugs.
[21:38:18] You have killed Rawke..Zackone (593).
[21:38:20] AdmCmd: [G]Edward_Edy131 has been jailed by Down, reason: DM (30 minu
[21:38:21] Rawke..Zackone: =))))))))))))))
[21:38:27] Ad by Sweetness.Si (phone: {FFFFFF}7236{00FF00}): Vand Elegy2x si San
dking 2x sms me.
[21:38:38] # [1] Mafiot LAKERS_Hokage: fvr
[21:38:40] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Tomita. (rank 6).
[21:38:40] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:38:42] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:38:53] Ad by XxM1ni0NxX[FD] (phone: {FFFFFF}2876{00FF00}): Dau Sk 2x[155,205
colectie] 134d 1.7k km +diff de 8.9kk pe NRG 0x.
[21:38:54] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: pazeai pe
[21:38:57] Ai fost transferat in Virtual World-ul normal (0).
[21:38:57] [WAR] Grove Street failed to win turf 22 owned by The Russian Mafia b
ecause they left the turf.
[21:38:57] ----------------- [ war overview #2726 ] --------------
[21:38:57] Score: Grove Street 35 - 56 The Russian Mafia.
[21:38:57] Best score: .Tudo with a score of 4 (5 kills, 1 deaths). Worst score:
Chrome. with a score of -6 (0 kills, 6 deaths)
[21:38:57] Your personal score: 4 (6 kills, 2 deaths).
[21:38:57] --------------------------------------------
[21:39:00] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-025.png
[21:39:00] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: mor
[21:39:00] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: MAI E UNU GO
[21:39:02] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: gg
[21:39:02] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: gg
[21:39:03] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: aia e
[21:39:03] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: mamam
[21:39:03] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: gg
[21:39:03] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: go pe 21
[21:39:03] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: go pe 21
[21:39:03] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: GG
[21:39:03] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: ggg
[21:39:03] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: go pe 21
[21:39:04] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: gggggggg
[21:39:04] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: scor 4
[21:39:05] # [1] Mafiot tiga[47]: gg
[21:39:05] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: cu pumnu drq
[21:39:05] * Taxi driver [R]Dwayne is now on duty ($500). [/service taxi]
[21:39:06] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: va iub
[21:39:10] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: am avut scor 4 sho
[21:39:13] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: 4-0
[21:39:16] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: ultimu kill face totul
[21:39:17] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: rohamer
[21:39:17] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: deeley
[21:39:19] Ad by Sydor (phone: {FFFFFF}17818{00FF00}): Vand Bullet x2 hidden /sm
s oferte!.
[21:39:19] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: ?
[21:39:21] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))))
[21:39:22] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: mare om
[21:39:23] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: gg rohammer
[21:39:24] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: mare caracter
[21:39:28] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: am uitat sa iau arme ma
[21:39:28] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: cica
[21:39:29] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: nu mor niciodata raiden
[21:39:29] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:39:32] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: =))
[21:39:32] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: deelay ?
[21:39:36] NiTRO has timed out from the server (crash).
[21:39:37] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: 21 ?
[21:39:37] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: 8 dee
[21:39:39] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: el cauta sa dea cu pumnu csf sta si
se uita la mine cum imi da din spate
[21:39:42] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: haha, ce nub esti =))))))))))))))
[21:39:43] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: mare om
[21:39:44] Audio stream:
[21:39:44] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: e 0
[21:39:45] Ad by Sk.Daniel_yt3 (phone: {FFFFFF}51866{00FF00}): Vand / Schimb NRG
-500 x0 25days 1,2k km , detin diff 5kk !.
[21:39:47] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ce noroc pe tn
[21:39:49] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: 8 min deelay
[21:39:49] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: :))))))))
[21:39:50] ----- TOP GANGS -----
[21:39:50] Grove Street - 6 turfs
[21:39:50] Ballas - 8 turfs
[21:39:50] The Russian Mafia - 10 turfs
[21:39:50] Los Aztecas - 10 turfs
[21:39:50] The Rifa - 0 turfs
[21:39:50] Los Vagos - 2 turfs
[21:39:50] SF Bikers - 3 turfs
[21:39:50] The Italian Mafia - 15 turfs
[21:40:00] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: Hai cu 11 turfs
[21:40:00] Bus driver MrFlorin is now on duty. Fare: $3000.
[21:40:00] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: pai las mai intai papusile sa moara
[21:40:01] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: stam pe 21 pana se duce dee?
[21:40:01] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: Hai cu 11 turfs
[21:40:04] Name: {CECECE}L0K3D_Hokage{FFFFFF} | Number: {CECECE}2340
[21:40:04] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: dupa dau cu pumnu
[21:40:05] deathwqz: kill pls
[21:40:08] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: ba lawr
[21:40:10] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: ?
[21:40:11] Ad by TL.FuZZeN (phone: {FFFFFF}9200{00FF00}): Vand casa small ls, id
[21:40:12] Bus driver [S]ritti. is now on duty. Fare: $3000.
[21:40:12] SMS sent to L0K3D_Hokage (2340): cand lasi lead ma scoti cu colider,
[21:40:12] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: ce naiba ai cu toti
[21:40:16] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: sincer
[21:40:17] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: pai nu vezi ce plm
[21:40:22] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: dati pe noi sau vagos ?
[21:40:22] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: asteapta sa ii fac low
[21:40:26] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: pe 21..
[21:40:26] {069C29}[CLAN] Student CarricK_Hokage: numai dau
[21:40:28] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: loked daca dau /tie la un membru i
au fw ? =)
[21:40:28] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: si terminatu da cu pumnu
[21:40:28] {069C29}[CLAN] Student CarricK_Hokage: au 30 minute
[21:40:29] Ahlle: tomita
[21:40:30] Ahlle: kill
[21:40:30] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: pe voi
[21:40:31] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: mda, e war frt
[21:40:33] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: da
[21:40:34] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage LAKERS_Hokage: in kizdma matii gandonule
[21:40:36] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: stii si tu
[21:40:36] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: da
[21:40:36] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: =(
[21:40:37] {069C29}[CLAN] Student CarricK_Hokage: cn cu cn
[21:40:37] Ad by Belzebutth.Si (phone: {FFFFFF}8005{00FF00}): Vand Turismo x2 hi
dd (175/205) 1k km 50 day (39kk) sms nu mai scad nimic.
[21:40:38] KEiKOVBq.: psot
[21:40:38] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: pai sta si se uita la mine ?
[21:40:40] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: Dee ?
[21:40:42] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: in mortii lui sa ii fut
[21:40:43] .Tudo.ATENTAT: las-o ba
[21:40:44] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: aaa
[21:40:45] .Tudo.ATENTAT: is dantes
[21:40:46] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: hahehehehhe
[21:40:48] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Rohammer_Hokage: te fut azi si maine
[21:40:50] KEiKOVBq.: si
[21:40:51] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: toti pe turf 21
[21:40:51] .Tudo.ATENTAT: lasa-ma
[21:40:51] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Rohammer_Hokage: taci acolo
[21:40:51] KEiKOVBq.: ai call
[21:40:52] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: toti pe turf 21
[21:40:52] .Tudo.ATENTAT: sa urcu ndeva
[21:40:52] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: gura
[21:40:53] KEiKOVBq.: 3
[21:40:54] KEiKOVBq.: 2
[21:40:55] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: am gasit deja un designe
r pt semnatura cu 18 turfs
[21:40:55] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: cat deelay
[21:40:55] .Tudo.ATENTAT: ..
[21:40:56] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: in rasa ma-ti de anonim
[21:40:57] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: sa mai scult manele
[21:40:58] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ok
[21:40:58] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Rohammer_Hokage: taci plodule
[21:40:58] KEiKOVBq.: stai
[21:40:59] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: am gasit deja un designe
r pt semnatura cu 18 turfs
[21:41:01] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: plod eu?
[21:41:02] {069C29}[CLAN] Student CarricK_Hokage: we just
[21:41:03] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Just o fac io =)
[21:41:03] Ad by [AIM]ProjectWARMACHiNE (phone: {FFFFFF}6020{00FF00}): Vand infe
rnus 205/154 276 zile 42.4 k km VIP / Nrg 205/226 303 zile
[21:41:03] ... 19.7 k km !.
[21:41:04] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Rohammer_Hokage: ai 15 ani si te dai mare
[21:41:04] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: just
[21:41:06] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:41:07] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ho, nu iti fa planuri
[21:41:07] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: da
[21:41:07] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Rohammer_Hokage: "ANONIMI"
[21:41:09] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Rohammer_Hokage: FMM DE PROST
[21:41:11] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: am eu 15 ani ?
[21:41:14] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: cat dee
[21:41:14] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: raniti ma-ti
[21:41:16] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: 6
[21:41:16] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: sa iti fut
[21:41:18] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: ma treci acolo AppLy.
[21:41:19] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Rohammer_Hokage: IEI IN CONSIDERARE PREA MULT
[21:41:20] .zakE has timed out from the server (crash).
[21:41:20] .zakE from your group has disconnected (crash). He used 720 mats.
[21:41:22] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ok
[21:41:22] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: l0k3d io zic ca facem daca nu lasi
[21:41:50] Ad by Sz.Steinfield (phone: {FFFFFF}2966{00FF00}): Cumpar 2 hidden-ur
[21:41:50] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: eu o sa apar principal
[21:41:50] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: pe poza
[21:41:50] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: dati pe noi sau vagos ?
[21:41:50] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: cu rosu
[21:41:50] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: etc
[21:41:50] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: pe mine ultimu sa ma pui
[21:41:50] (Group) {FFFFFF}.zakE from your group has just logged in.
[21:41:50] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: Liderul the russian Mafi
a : Just4you
[21:41:50] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: mare pacat, ca eu o fac si te pun
[21:41:51] KEiKOVBq. tooks some drugs out of his pocket.
[21:41:52] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: mare pacat, ca eu o fac si te pun ult
[21:41:53] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ))))
[21:41:54] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: sa vezi
[21:41:54] Ad by Avox_Cross. (phone: {FFFFFF}9870{00FF00}): Cumpar hiddenuri, ur
gent, dau bine..
[21:41:55] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: =)
[21:41:55] Audio stream:
[21:41:58] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: ba eu mai stau sa prindem attack si am tir
ez ca maine ma scol la 5
[21:41:58] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))
[21:41:59] MATS REPORT: 47000 mats were used in the last 10 minutes. Most mats t
aken by MaCew0wSHAF..Zackone (6670 mats).
[21:41:59] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: ..
[21:42:00] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: pe mine unde ma pui
[21:42:01] St.iSEBi arrested suspect DaniSB, issuing a fine of $600 with a sente
nce of 150 seconds.
[21:42:01] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: in coada?
[21:42:04] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: l0k3d
[21:45:28] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: daca ma pui ultimu ma su
[21:45:28] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ok
[21:45:28] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: pa
[21:45:28] KEiKOVBq. took some drugs.
[21:45:28] Ad by Bq.Iulyan (phone: {FFFFFF}1655{00FF00}): Vand infernus 2x 56 da
ys, 2.7k km 205/226. Nu fac trade..
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: bn
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: pen-ultimul
[21:45:29] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: daca facem 18 e bine
[21:45:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))
[21:45:29] Cristiro345 has left the server.
[21:45:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: primu
[21:45:29] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: am facut 18 cu toate din ls
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: asa zic si eu tomita
[21:45:29] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: l0k ?
[21:45:29] Ad by Sz.qeqk (phone: {FFFFFF}2432{00FF00}): vand nrg-500 2x hid 211/
226 46d 4.3k km si casa 427.
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: n-are rost sa faci planuri inainte
[21:45:29] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: da
[21:45:29] Mitza has timed out from the server (crash).
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: deeley
[21:45:29] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: cat deelay mai ai
[21:45:29] Bus driver oAsunaa is now on duty. Fare: $3000.
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: Dee, time ?
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: gata tudo
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: we ryder
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: ce gata ma
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: ?
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: 4 deelay
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: nu ai aruncat nimic
[21:45:29] {069C29}[CLAN] Hokage L0K3D_Hokage: 4
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: nu ai aruncat nimic
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: si a dat taximetristu ala crash cand i
am zis de fort carton
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ))))))
[21:45:29] Ad by RENOKO (phone: {FFFFFF}6765{00FF00}): Vand Maverick 2x nou..
[21:45:29] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: dati pe noi ?
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: =)))
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: )))))))))
[21:45:29] Rengo has left the server.
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: death?
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: da
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: sa stai sa iei up
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: stau stau
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: sper ca nu iesi la r3
[21:45:29] Ad by .bogdann.w0w (phone: {FFFFFF}24750{00FF00}): Vand Blade 115/205
60d 594km negociabil .
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: nup
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: daca iei rank 3 nu te las pana nu fac
i rank 5
[21:45:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: e pacat
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: asa am zis si eu cand eram la landini
[21:45:29] Ad by Sk.SeNeS (phone: {FFFFFF}4699{00FF00}): Detin Infernus cu dublu
hidden (211/194)- 45 zile| 1400KM| <Accept Vanzari,Trade,C
[21:45:29] ... ombinatii,pile, etc>.
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: just
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: dc furi
[21:45:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: nuj
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: si eu tot rank 5 vreau sa fac
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: caruta
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: l0k3d unde punem evidenta ?\
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: e caruta mea preferata.
[21:45:29] Ad by iLusioN[R] (phone: {FFFFFF}9918{00FF00}): Vand Infernus ViP 249
/226, 199 days, 10.6k km.
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: n-o pui shake
[21:45:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: :)
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: ba, mai dam war?
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: l0k3d
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: da
[21:45:29] .Urs was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: dee ?
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: da hai pe 21
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: war-urile astea nu le postam
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: faraiane
[21:45:29] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: asta e ultimu din seara asta?
[21:45:29] Ad by Sir.Mafia[] (phone: {FFFFFF}2229{00FF00}): Cumpar infernus 2x h
idden! Buget 77kk!.
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: zi dani
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: chis ala din grove
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: e grasu de la noi
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: ?
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: nu
[21:45:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Tomi da g sa iti arat o schema
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: nu e el
[21:45:29] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: sunteti invoiti ma
[21:45:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Tomi da g sa iti arat o schema z
[21:45:29] # [1] Mafiot tiga[47]: /tie
[21:45:29] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: shh
[21:45:29] Ad by Bullock[J] (phone: {FFFFFF}1052{00FF00}): Vand Bullet Vip x2 61
zile 800km[97kk]/Huntley x2 279 zile 6600km[25kk]/Feltzer
[21:45:29] ... x2 146 zile 600km[7kk]/oferte .
[21:45:29] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: daca dai tie ai fw
[21:45:31] Raiden has left the server.
[21:45:31] Raiden from your group has disconnected (quit). His score was 2.
[21:45:31] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: care mai e legat?=))
[21:45:34] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: nu sunt obligatorii war-urile, dar da
ca ramaneti va respect
[21:45:34] St.iSEBi arrested suspect R07.Si, issuing a fine of $600 with a sente
nce of 150 seconds.
[21:45:36] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: :*
[21:45:37] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: asa am ss
[21:45:37] # [1] Mafiot tiga[47]: am ss oricum :))w
[21:45:45] [bVb]Cruis was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minute
[21:45:47] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: eu am facut ss din obisnuinta
[21:45:48] Ad by Cristi7.[R] (phone: {FFFFFF}1915{00FF00}): Vand Hotring Racer A
de colectie Si Infernus VIP x2 hidden astept oferte..
[21:45:51] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: sa vezi fw
[21:45:52] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: si io
[21:45:53] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: poate ne face maine o surpriza
[21:45:54] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: pai luam turfuri, de ce sa nu venim? :)
[21:45:55] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: ce-i dau
[21:45:55] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: si eu am ss
[21:46:05] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: cui ii dai tomit
[21:46:06] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: Dee, time ?
[21:46:08] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: ce dee jmecherilor
[21:46:09] (Group) {FFFFFF}Raiden from your group has just logged in.
[21:46:11] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ibogdan
[21:46:12] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: =(
[21:46:13] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))))))))))))))))))
[21:46:13] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: delay?
[21:46:13] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: da
[21:46:13] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: =))))))))))))))))))
[21:46:14] Ad by TL.Hortez (phone: {FFFFFF}1006{00FF00}): Vand Casa ID 38, a dou
a de pe Vinewood.
[21:46:15] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: 1
[21:46:16] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: mi0a dat tiew
[21:46:17] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: delay?
[21:46:18] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: sa vezi fw
[21:46:18] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: doame
[21:46:20] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: mor ibogdane =))))))))))
[21:46:20] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: morr =))
[21:46:21] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: ce nob e ala
[21:46:23] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: sa mor eu
[21:46:26] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: l0k3d
[21:46:26] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: cine ?
[21:46:27] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: st asa ca am facut ss
[21:46:29] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: l0k3d
[21:46:31] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: plangi bai tomita ca ti-a dat tie
[21:46:31] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ti-a dat tie? :)
[21:46:31] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: ba =(
[21:46:33] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: ))))
[21:46:34] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: ai fw
[21:46:37] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: =))))))))))))))
[21:46:37] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: a venit unu cu avionul si a itnrat in
mien de pe cladire
[21:46:38] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: si tu nu ai /untie ?
[21:46:40] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: si m-a dat jos
[21:46:40] Ad by Mihaitza2004 (phone: {FFFFFF}29913{00FF00}): vand casa 22 faci
trade cu masini sau alte case.
[21:46:45] # [1] Mafiot LAKERS_Hokage: A dat /q
[21:46:45] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: iti trebuie manual ?
[21:46:47] Bus driver C0SMIN.Si is now on duty. Fare: $3000.
[21:46:47] Sage.Kgula was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minute
[21:46:47] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: turf
[21:46:50] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: 21
[21:46:51] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: dee?
[21:46:52] # Lord of Russian Tomita.: am pozele /attack
[21:46:53] NR ViperX.wk: Orasul San Fierro este minunat, nu ezita, viziteaza-l a
laturi de prietenii tai!
[21:47:01] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: hai dai /q
[21:47:06] Ad by MiDuBOMBARDIERU (phone: {FFFFFF}80176{00FF00}): Vand nrg 59 zil
e 2,4k km 205 154 43kk negociabil last 42kk , nu dai nu su
[21:47:06] ... na.
[21:47:07] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: tomi dai /q
[21:47:08] (turf) You can now attack a turf.
[21:47:08] [TURF] Tomita. from your group attacked turf 21 (owned by Grove Stree
[21:47:08] Ai fost teleportat intr-un Virtual World unde sunt prezenti doar play
erii ce participa la war.
[21:47:08] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[21:47:09] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: =)))
[21:47:10] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: gg
[21:47:11] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: gg
[21:47:11] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:47:14] # [1] Mafiot tiga[47]: 21 pe gruv
[21:47:15] # [1] Mafiot tiga[47]: wrong
[21:47:18] Ban: L.G.S[] has been permanent banned by Chowder., reason: Cheats(Tr
[21:47:19] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: cate waruri au fost ? :))
[21:47:22] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: baaa... eram burger
[21:47:23] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: vreo 5 6
[21:47:23] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: sa mor eu
[21:47:26] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: cred ca 7
[21:47:31] Ad by Sk.Comanes (phone: {FFFFFF}65392{00FF00}): Vand 135 k mats fast
[21:47:34] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: am dat vreo 3 fail uri azi
[21:47:35] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ))
[21:47:43] {CECECE}KEiKOVBq.:{FFFFFF} carrick
[21:47:45] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: BUN, DECI JUCAM LA SCOR, FARA ATTACK-
[21:47:45] {CECECE}KEiKOVBq.:{FFFFFF} kill me
[21:47:51] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: PUNCTE
[21:47:52] Don.shaakE: rifle
[21:47:53] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ASTEPTATI sa va atace
[21:47:53] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:47:54] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:47:55] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:47:55] {CECECE}KEiKOVBq.:{FFFFFF} shakee
[21:47:56] {CECECE}KEiKOVBq.:{FFFFFF} shakeex
[21:47:56] * Taxi driver iKrindeL is now on duty ($500). [/service taxi]
[21:47:57] {CECECE}KEiKOVBq.:{FFFFFF} shakee
[21:47:57] Ad by CHEWBACCA (phone: {FFFFFF}2902{00FF00}): Vand casa situata in L
os Santos de tip BiG cu id [387]. Pret 150,000,000$ negocia
[21:47:57] ... bil..
[21:47:59] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: scz caps
[21:48:01] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: russian terifiaza
[21:48:11] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: noroc de just
[21:48:13] KEiKOVBq.: boss
[21:48:14] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: daca nu eram
[21:48:15] KEiKOVBq.: kill me
[21:48:15] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: erati 0
[21:48:16] KEiKOVBq.: kill me x
[21:48:16] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Ba tomi cum ai scapat ?
[21:48:17] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: wrong
[21:48:19] KEiKOVBq.: bogdan
[21:48:20] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: nici n-ai luat best, wrong
[21:48:20] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: noroc de mine
[21:48:20] KEiKOVBq.: kill me x
[21:48:21] KEiKOVBq.: kill me
[21:48:23] Ad by Alex_Dumy (phone: {FFFFFF}75719{00FF00}): Vand Infernus 2x! P:8
2kk si Vand Bullet 2x VIP 115kk nrgociabil. [/sms] me!.
[21:48:24] KEiKOVBq.: pls
[21:48:24] KEiKOVBq.: kill me
[21:48:25] KEiKOVBq.: kill me x
[21:48:26] KEiKOVBq.: kill me
[21:48:27] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Ba tomi cum ai scapat ?
[21:48:28] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: wrong
[21:48:37] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage LAKERS_Hokage: Vezi ca iti da fw
[21:48:39] NR AdmBot: Gruparea mafiota SF Bikers a cucerit teritoriul #51 ce era
detinut de mafia The Italian Mafia.
[21:48:48] # [1] Mafiot LAKERS_Hokage: Vezi ca iti da fw
[21:48:49] Ad by Lyvyu98 (phone: {FFFFFF}88784{00FF00}): Cumpar casa la vreo 7kk
si vand sk x2 hidd!.
[21:48:52] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Csf
[21:48:57] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: bag demisia
[21:49:06] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:49:06] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:49:07] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:49:11] Ban: DarkMan14 has been permanent banned by ZERSTL., reason: Limbaj i
nadecvat pe /report.
[21:49:11] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:49:15] Ad by Fyf (phone: {FFFFFF}7712{00FF00}): Vand Sultan 2x 46 days 700 k
[21:49:27] You have killed Ahlle (351).
[21:49:35] SeveNBELEAUABq. took some drugs.
[21:49:41] Ad by [J]Jokerash$ (phone: {FFFFFF}74002{00FF00}): Vand Infernus 2x 1
55/205 80z 4200km / Nrg 55z 4800km 154/251 .
[21:49:51] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: raiden, sms me
[21:49:53] Sesen has been kicked by AdmBot, reason: desync / lag
[21:49:58] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: da-le donutule
[21:50:01] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:50:02] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:50:03] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:50:03] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:50:03] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: jos
[21:50:07] Ad by Cristi$[G] (phone: {FFFFFF}73301{00FF00}): Vand Turismo 2x 31z
1,1k km /Vand Uranus 0x 1z 20km.
[21:50:09] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: le dau
[21:50:18] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: da pana cand o viata amara
[21:50:22] Tomita. has left the server.
[21:50:22] Tomita. from your group has disconnected (quit).
[21:50:33] Ad by Sz.Murko (phone: {FFFFFF}8322{00FF00}): Vand Stretch x2 -155/20
5- , 54 days - 100 km.Astept Oferte!.
[21:50:37] You have killed Rawke..Zackone (593).
[21:50:50] # [1] Mafiot LAKERS_Hokage: relog
[21:50:53] LAKERS from your group has disconnected (quit).
[21:50:57] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: fvr
[21:50:58] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:50:59] Ad by [OP]Greed (phone: {FFFFFF}2038{00FF00}): Clanul OutPlayed recru
teaza, cerinte : level 15, factiune sau FH..
[21:51:02] CarricK_Hokage tooks some drugs out of his pocket.
[21:51:02] Stai nemiscat 30 secunde pentru ca drogurile sa-si faca efectul.
[21:51:06] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: dai fvr cand iti cer , dar kill nu ai
[21:51:19] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: na elice ce ti-o dat
[21:51:20] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: =)))
[21:51:20] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:51:21] Bus driver Catalin_YT is now on duty. Fare: $3000.
[21:51:24] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: zake
[21:51:24] Drogurile au inceput sa-si faca efectul.
[21:51:24] CarricK_Hokage took some drugs.
[21:51:25] Ad by [TW]Eduward_2003 (phone: {FFFFFF}69606{00FF00}): vand 50k mats
aduse recent din afghanistan pretul este intre 300- -400k.
[21:51:26] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: da
[21:51:32] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: fvr
[21:51:33] Ioana24 has been kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK at paintball for more
than 60 seconds
[21:51:38] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: nu poti venii cu heli la war
[21:51:39] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:51:39] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:51:42] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:51:48] (Group) {FFFFFF}LAKERS from your group has just logged in.
[21:51:51] Ad by Sage.Legionarul (phone: {FFFFFF}8898{00FF00}): Vand hotring A 2
65zile 6364 km 2xhidd ( 154 / 205 ).
[21:52:05] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: keikov, inca odata da-mi poza
[21:52:05] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:52:15] You have killed Chris.AK47.exe (440).
[21:52:17] Ad by Sz.BloXinG[] (phone: {FFFFFF}1730{00FF00}): Vand Turismo 135 zi
le si 1600 km 2x 205/154 sms me cu oferte!.
[21:52:20] MATS REPORT: 24280 mats were used in the last 10 minutes. Most mats t
aken by .ZackoneCipu (6600 mats).
[21:52:22] Kick: Cezar. has been kicked by AndrewRyan, reason: AFK cu wanted in
[21:52:34] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: fvr
[21:52:35] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: fvr
[21:52:36] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:52:43] Ad by [AoD]Bogdanel00700 (phone: {FFFFFF}82102{00FF00}): Schimb nrg,
limuzina pe un inf x2/x1/x0 si diff 1kk ,sms me.
[21:53:01] Reflexx was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[21:53:09] Ad by SinxKz[47] (phone: {FFFFFF}24800{00FF00}): Ofer licente autoriz
ate de tip Gun(100k) ; Fly(70k) ; Boat(50k). Minim level 3.
[21:53:09] ... .
[21:53:12] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:53:26] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: keikov
[21:53:28] Rohammer_Hokage tooks some drugs out of his pocket.
[21:53:29] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: pe 24 iei..
[21:53:30] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: da?
[21:53:35] Ad by farcas_ionut40[OP] (phone: {FFFFFF}59597{00FF00}): vand caddy i
eftin la 2kk primu care vrea il ia la 1,5kk.
[21:53:36] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: ce 24?
[21:53:38] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: 14 zile
[21:53:46] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: am facut de mult zilele
[21:53:53] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ai 21 de zile
[21:53:53] Rohammer_Hokage took some drugs.
[21:53:54] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: dar
[21:53:56] MangEkyoU[BL]: out
[21:53:57] MangEkyoU[BL]: aici
[21:54:00] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: nu au trecut 14 zile de cand ai luat
rank 2
[21:54:01] Ad by Sydor (phone: {FFFFFF}17818{00FF00}): Vand Bullet x2 hidden /sm
s oferte!.
[21:54:27] Ad by [S]miauuuuuu (phone: {FFFFFF}65604{00FF00}): Vand Turismo x1 /s
ms oferte.
[21:54:32] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: pai daca atunci mi-ai dat tu rank-up ti-am
spus sa imi dai de atunci.....
[21:54:41] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: in fine
[21:54:44] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: fvr
[21:54:46] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: 2 zile
[21:54:46] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:54:48] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: nu mori
[21:54:52] Ad by Valerica (phone: {FFFFFF}96908{00FF00}): Cumpar Turismo x0.
[21:54:53] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: oricum faci r5 si aici
[21:54:53] Bq.akirra arrested suspect Lejereanu.Zackone, issuing a fine of $600
with a sentence of 150 seconds.
[21:54:55] You have killed RAKHim[].[MC] (344).
[21:55:03] You have killed SeveNBELEAUABq. (442).
[21:55:03] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: stiu <3
[21:55:11] You have killed Chris.AK47.exe (440).
[21:55:14] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: scz
[21:55:14] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:55:15] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ce e clanu ala .exe?
[21:55:15] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: nu ai timp
[21:55:17] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: sa faci r5
[21:55:18] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ca juma de grove e in el
[21:55:18] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ok
[21:55:18] Ad by Avox_Cross. (phone: {FFFFFF}9870{00FF00}): Cumpar hiddenuri urg
ent, dau bine..
[21:55:26] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: sau ai timp
[21:55:30] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: da ai timp
[21:55:36] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: nu lasi l0k3d da?
[21:55:40] Bq.iB0gdaN: carick
[21:55:41] Bq.iB0gdaN: kkol
[21:55:43] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: la 70
[21:55:43] {00BFFF}Bq.iB0gdaN:{FFFFFF} kill
[21:55:44] Ad by Bq.Iulyan (phone: {FFFFFF}1655{00FF00}): Vand Infernus 2x 56 da
ys 2,7k km 205/226..
[21:55:47] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: asa ba mang
[21:55:48] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: fura
[21:55:48] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: pana nu facem 18 nu vreau sa aud
[21:55:50] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[21:55:50] Ai fost ucis de catre SeveNBELEAUABq. (442)
[21:55:51] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: eu mor si tu iei killu bv
[21:55:54] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:55:55] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:55:55] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:55:56] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:55:56] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:55:56] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:56:00] # [2] Gangster deathwqz: asa zicea si fratele tomi
[21:56:01] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: fvr
[21:56:01] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: fvr
[21:56:01] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: fv
[21:56:02] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:56:02] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: fvr
[21:56:07] * MangEkyoU[BL] starts the engine of his PCJ-600.
[21:56:07] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:56:08] ApoLLo was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[21:56:10] Ad by Kundan (phone: {FFFFFF}36807{00FF00}): Valerica cumpara turismo
[21:56:12] * Bq.iB0gdaN starts the engine of his Sultan.
[21:56:15] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: VAD SI DACA SCRIETI DOAR ODATA FVR
[21:56:15] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: BA MOR, 0 KILLS AZI
[21:56:20] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: scz caps
[21:56:21] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: gg
[21:56:32] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: nu iei amenda pt caps lol
[21:56:41] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:56:42] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: ba da
[21:56:46] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ba nu
[21:56:46] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: nu iei ma
[21:56:47] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: od
[21:56:48] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ba nu
[21:56:49] Ad by BoboPieptDeGorila[MC] (phone: {FFFFFF}10211{00FF00}): Vand sult
an x2 hidden 42 days 561 km 42kk.
[21:56:51] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Mombu stiu, da rnu e frumos sa scr
ii cu caps
[21:56:53] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:56:54] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: uite
[21:56:54] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: fvr
[21:56:54] Nu poti folosi arme atunci cand stai pe masina.
[21:56:57] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:56:57] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ABAFDAWDAWEATRTGBETRGRTH
[21:57:03] You have killed Ahlle (351).
[21:57:04] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: frumos mesaj
[21:57:05] Ahlle: nu rata
[21:57:05] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: i-am aratat exemplu
[21:57:14] rener from your group has disconnected (crash). He used 720 mats. His
score was -3.
[21:57:14] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ca sunt destept
[21:57:15] Ad by Sz.qeqk (phone: {FFFFFF}2432{00FF00}): vand nrg-500 2x hid 211/
226 46d 4.3k km si casa 427.
[21:57:17] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[21:57:18] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:57:19] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:57:30] You have killed [bVb]D3adliy (467).
[21:57:31] You have killed Morfeu.DaudinOZN.exe (575).
[21:57:33] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: fvr
[21:57:34] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: pls
[21:57:35] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:57:36] (Group) {FFFFFF}rener from your group has just logged in.
[21:57:36] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[21:57:36] Ai fost ucis de catre RAKHim[].[MC] (344)
[21:57:41] Ad by LuKs_Cross. (phone: {FFFFFF}1269{00FF00}): Vand NRG-500 x2 hid
205/175 56days 90km / fac trade cu inf 2x hid + diff de la
[21:57:41] ... mine.
[21:57:41] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:57:42] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[21:57:42] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:57:43] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:57:43] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[21:57:55] * CarricK_Hokage starts the engine of his Savanna.
[21:58:01] [AIM].zakE: lasa
[21:58:07] Ad by Alex21122 (phone: {FFFFFF}69190{00FF00}): Cumpar masina pana in
[21:58:07] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: fvr
[21:58:09] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:58:12] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:58:12] [LD]MotanelulXD and N2kd[J] were kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for m
ore than 30 minutes.
[21:58:27] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: scoateti pod
[21:58:31] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: NU MAI MURITI
[21:58:31] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: NU MAI MURITI
[21:58:33] Ad by Bullock[J] (phone: {FFFFFF}1052{00FF00}): Vand Bullet Vip x2 61
zile 800km[97kk]/Huntley x2 279 zile 6600km[25kk]/Feltzer
[21:58:33] ... x2 146 zile 600km[7kk] .
[21:58:33] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: scoateti pod
[21:58:34] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: scoateti pod
[21:58:34] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: NU MAI MURITI
[21:58:40] {6E6E6E}EXMiTAR[CR]:{FFFFFF} DC TRAGI Ba
[21:58:41] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:58:41] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[21:58:44] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} am dat pe langa
[21:58:46] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} sa opresti
[21:58:47] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: azi fvr
[21:58:47] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:58:48] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: azi fvr
[21:58:49] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[21:58:51] {6E6E6E}EXMiTAR[CR]:{FFFFFF} pai da..
[21:58:52] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} a pai o mai trecut 10
[21:58:53] {6E6E6E}EXMiTAR[CR]:{FFFFFF} astia nu opresc
[21:58:55] {6E6E6E}EXMiTAR[CR]:{FFFFFF} te cred
[21:58:59] Ad by Sk.SeNeS (phone: {FFFFFF}4699{00FF00}): Cumpar Vehicule VIP 0x/
1x SMS me.
[21:59:01] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: Faraian.Polie
[21:59:05] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: polei
[21:59:07] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: =)))
[21:59:12] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:59:25] Nu poti folosi arme atunci cand stai pe masina.
[21:59:27] Ad by Allexandru (phone: {FFFFFF}6622{00FF00}): Vand Infernus VIP | 9
3 days | 4,6k km | 2x hidden [205/226].
[21:59:29] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: fvr
[21:59:30] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[21:59:30] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: pls
[21:59:32] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:59:42] You have killed [AIM]Midway (405).
[21:59:42] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:59:47] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: bug
[21:59:47] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: clar
[21:59:49] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: cu sunete mor
[21:59:50] Ad by [J]T.N.T. (phone: {FFFFFF}69988{00FF00}): Vand Sultan x2 (205/2
22) 46days 970km & Sultan x2 (211/175) 62days 300km & Blist
[21:59:50] ... a Compact x0 1day 15km .
[21:59:56] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[21:59:58] You have killed Morfeu.DaudinOZN.exe (575).
[22:00:07] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[22:00:07] Ai fost ucis de catre Rawke..Zackone (577)
[22:00:11] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:00:11] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:00:12] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:00:12] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:00:12] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:00:16] Ad by .bogdann.w0w (phone: {FFFFFF}24750{00FF00}): Vand Blade 155/205
60d 594km negociabil .
[22:00:16] TakeMe. was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[22:00:18] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: fvr
[22:00:19] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:00:22] * 3Ds._Hokage starts the engine of his PCJ-600.
[22:00:24] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[22:00:28] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[22:00:39] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: ce le da chisuuu
[22:00:42] Ad by Sk.Daniel_yt3 (phone: {FFFFFF}51866{00FF00}): Dau NRG-500 x0 25
days 1,2k km pe NRG-500 x1 + diff 5kk de la mine !.
[22:00:44] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[22:00:44] Your paycheck has arrived; please visit the bank to withdraw your mon
[22:00:44] Ai primit 0.62 ore jucate (38 minute).
[22:00:44] Nu ai primit niciun rob/free point pentru ca ai deja 20 rob/free poin
[22:00:44] Paycheck: $18826 | Bank balance: $307,205 | Bank interest: $29 | Tax:
$1880 (10 percent)
[22:00:44] Rent: $2,000 | Total earnings: $14,975
[22:00:44] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[22:00:50] MOMBU[47]: importnatule
[22:00:52] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: faraian furtuna
[22:00:55] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: =))
[22:01:05] Bq.akirra arrested suspect Party[R], issuing a fine of $600 with a se
ntence of 150 seconds.
[22:01:08] Ad by [SWAT]Laikaaa (phone: {FFFFFF}55466{00FF00}): Vand Sanchez x2 .
Tanar! [12kk] Neg..
[22:01:10] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: fura
[22:01:19] Maria05 was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[22:01:19] St.Raiden: ms
[22:01:20] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: fvr
[22:01:23] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: hai pa
[22:01:25] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:01:28] Timotei.exe: ia uite
[22:01:29] Timotei.exe: cum da
[22:01:33] * Taxi driver King.Botici is now on duty ($500). [/service taxi]
[22:01:34] Ad by [SWAT]Pateut123 (phone: {FFFFFF}48957{00FF00}): Vand biz id 27,
productie 100k/ zi cu dovezi.
[22:01:44] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[22:01:50] # [3] Best Gangsta Bq.iB0gdaN: fvr
[22:01:51] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:02:00] Ad by Sz.[MD]King (phone: {FFFFFF}21871{00FF00}): Safe zone (Sz.) rec
ruteaza membrii care au Factiune sau Faction History..
[22:02:16] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: afk
[22:02:21] Sz.ERiX was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.
[22:02:26] Ad by [BL]GabrielFSS (phone: {FFFFFF}56312{00FF00}): Vand bullet 2xhi
dd (vip)#.
[22:02:26] CarricK_Hokage tooks some drugs out of his pocket.
[22:02:26] Stai nemiscat 30 secunde pentru ca drogurile sa-si faca efectul.
[22:02:26] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: ala vine cu tp-u in spatele
meu smr
[22:02:32] NR ViperX.wk: Vrei sa admiri niste constructii interesante? Du-te si
admira podurile Kincaid si Garver din orasul San Fierro.
[22:02:32] {069C29}[CLAN] Student Just4Fun._Hokage: ma fut in ei de codati
[22:02:42] MATS REPORT: 56800 mats were used in the last 10 minutes. Most mats t
aken by Bq.Vipe (8960 mats).
[22:02:43] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: csf
[22:02:49] Drogurile au inceput sa-si faca efectul.
[22:02:49] CarricK_Hokage took some drugs.
[22:02:49] CarricK_Hokage OD'd on drugs.
[22:02:50] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[22:02:52] Ad by YPC (phone: {FFFFFF}65329{00FF00}): vand 13k mats-120k, si casa
small in sf, id 644- 3kk .
[22:02:53] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[22:02:54] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: am luat od mr
[22:02:54] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[22:02:55] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:02:55] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:02:56] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:02:56] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:02:57] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:02:57] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:03:02] * CarricK_Hokage starts the engine of his PCJ-600.
[22:03:05] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: tot asa spartani
[22:03:16] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: Spartan Mafia
[22:03:18] Ad by Don.RandyOrton (phone: {FFFFFF}74775{00FF00}): Ofer licente aut
orizate, gun-100k, fly-70k, boat-50k. Minim level 3!.
[22:03:22] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[22:03:22] {FE9A2E}MangEkyoU[BL]:{FFFFFF} Hihi
[22:03:22] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[22:03:23] {FE9A2E}MangEkyoU[BL]:{FFFFFF} ms
[22:03:23] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:03:24] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[22:03:34] # [2] Gangster EXMiTAR[CR]: cu placere law
[22:03:36] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: ai p,
[22:03:37] # [2] Gangster EXMiTAR[CR]: iti dadea m4
[22:03:44] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: am zis ca m-a luat aal
[22:03:44] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: ai pm shake
[22:03:44] # [2] Gangster EXMiTAR[CR]: ti-am dat eu kill
[22:03:44] # [2] Gangster Don.shaakE: aia e
[22:03:44] Ad by [J]Gabi_Neacsu01 (phone: {FFFFFF}37945{00FF00}): Clanul [J]usti
ce recruteaza tinere talente cu lv 15 sau factiune pt cinvi
[22:03:44] ... te da-ti /sms 37945.
[22:03:44] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: ce da midu
[22:03:52] {FE9A2E}MangEkyoU[BL]:{FFFFFF} Tp
[22:03:53] {FE9A2E}MangEkyoU[BL]:{FFFFFF} he
[22:03:56] {CECECE}CarricK_Hokage:{FFFFFF} ?
[22:03:56] # [1] Mafiot RydeR[]._Hokage: fvr
[22:03:57] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:03:59] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[22:04:10] Ad by TL.FuZZeN (phone: {FFFFFF}9200{00FF00}): Vand casa small ls, id
[22:04:22] You have killed Timotei.exe (611).
[22:04:25] Bq.iB0gdaN took some drugs.
[22:04:25] Xaitin and GeorgeDaniel01 were kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for mor
e than 30 minutes.
[22:04:34] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: fvr
[22:04:35] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:04:35] Ad by TL.Doddy[] (phone: {FFFFFF}5545{00FF00}): Vand Infernus cu 57 d
ays, 2.4k km, 2xhidd 205/155 VIP, /sms oferte.
[22:04:36] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by L0K3D_Hokage (rank 7).
[22:04:39] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: cum o dat ala ma daca era mort
[22:04:41] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: sa-mi bag
[22:04:45] * Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL stops the engine of his FCR-900.
[22:04:48] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: daca sufar iau fw sau?
[22:04:48] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[22:04:48] # [1] Mafiot Rohammer_Hokage: fvr
[22:04:49] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: fvr
[22:04:51] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:04:53] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: da donu
[22:04:55] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: pai ies pe 3/3 cand se deschide panel
[22:05:03] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: )))))))))))))))
[22:05:03] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: =))
[22:05:03] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: clar
[22:05:03] Ad by [LD]DeniesXD (phone: {FFFFFF}76187{00FF00}): cumpar uranu / fla
sh cu 7.1kk !.
[22:05:03] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Donut doar tu ? =)
[22:05:05] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: o sa uite
[22:05:06] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: =]]]
[22:05:07] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: pana se deschide
[22:05:14] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: mi am facut de cap
[22:05:21] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: poate aveti norocu si se deschide peste 3-4 z
[22:05:27] Ad by St.coco_ (phone: {FFFFFF}22369{00FF00}): TL.Doddy vinde Infernu
s cu 57 zile, 2400 km, hidden 205 / 155 VIP, [/sms 5545].
[22:05:49] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: va protejeaza domnu lider
[22:06:02] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: keep calm nebunelor
[22:06:02] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: jos
[22:06:02] Ad by CHEWBACCA (phone: {FFFFFF}2902{00FF00}): /ad Vand casa situata
in Los Santos de tip BiG cu id [387]. Pret 150,000,000$ neg
[22:06:02] ... ociabil..
[22:06:02] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ms ghertoi
[22:06:07] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: I-am dat 3/3 lu ahlee si se oftica
[22:06:07] Just4Fun. has timed out from the server (crash).
[22:06:09] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: just ai fw
[22:06:10] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: just ai fw
[22:06:11] {0E7F03}Rawke..Zackone:{FFFFFF} bv
[22:06:12] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: io lu midway
[22:06:17] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: tudo
[22:06:17] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dai drumu
[22:06:17] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: fvr
[22:06:19] Ad by Cristi$[G] (phone: {FFFFFF}73301{00FF00}): Vand Turismo 2x 31z
1,1k km /Vand uranus 0x.
[22:06:20] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:06:20] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[22:06:22] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: just, calmeaza-te
[22:06:29] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: nu-s copii tai de 14 ani
[22:06:30] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL (rank 5
[22:06:30] MVP.Adrianovo was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 min
[22:06:36] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ok
[22:06:36] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: sa ne permitem glume
[22:06:41] .zakE from your group has disconnected (crash). He used 720 mats. His
score was 1.
[22:06:45] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ba dantes, dk te enervezi asa? :))
[22:06:45] You have killed Timotei.exe (611).
[22:06:45] Ad by Fyf (phone: {FFFFFF}7712{00FF00}): Vand Sultan x2=39kk Fast!.
[22:06:47] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: relog
[22:06:48] KEiKOV from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 2240 mats. Hi
s score was -2.
[22:06:50] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: ca imi da kill pe turf ?
[22:06:52] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: ca-l arunc in aer
[22:06:54] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: ca e un nob
[22:06:55] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: era low
[22:06:56] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: palet-o che i-ai facut ?
[22:06:57] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: nu lua in seama toate astea
[22:06:58] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: si ?
[22:06:59] (Group) {FFFFFF}.zakE from your group has just logged in.
[22:06:59] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: se aud copii lu shadow la mn pe fundal ..
[22:07:00] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: se aud copii lu shadow la mn pe fundal ..
[22:07:00] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: idk, e aiurea
[22:07:01] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: l0k3d
[22:07:04] You have killed SeveNBELEAUABq. (442).
[22:07:04] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: era low
[22:07:10] {0E7F03}Ahlle:{FFFFFF} uite-i
[22:07:11] {0087FE}St.Raiden:{FFFFFF} 3/3
[22:07:11] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dar csf
[22:07:11] Ad by [J]Jokerash$ (phone: {FFFFFF}74002{00FF00}): Vand Inf 205/226 1
40z 5500 km / Inf 155/205 80z 4200km.
[22:07:11] {0E7F03}Ahlle:{FFFFFF} si pasta
[22:07:13] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: anonim
[22:07:17] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: pt mine
[22:07:19] (Group) {FFFFFF}KEiKOV from your group has just logged in.
[22:07:19] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: anonim nu e
[22:07:22] Bus driver [FD]TefliX is now on duty. Fare: $3000.
[22:07:23] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: pt mine da
[22:07:34] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: Ba mor ce se oftica Ahlle iar i-am
dat 3/3 =)))
[22:07:34] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: fvr
[22:07:35] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: nu e vehicule
[22:07:35] Your faction's vehicles were respawned by St.Raiden (rank 5).
[22:07:37] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: fa poza aiden
[22:07:37] Ad by Cristi7.[R] (phone: {FFFFFF}1915{00FF00}): Vand Infernus VIP 13
0 zile 2k km x2 hidden 205-155 astept oferte..
[22:07:39] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: si taci
[22:07:39] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: just, cand faci si tu best macar 20+ fr cod
, dai PM
[22:07:40] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: asa ba furati smr ii dau 2/3 si il ia roha..
[22:07:41] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: just, cand faci si tu best macar 20+ fr cod
, dai PM
[22:07:45] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: pana atunci stai in anonimat
[22:07:46] shaakE from your group has disconnected (crash). He used 720 mats. Hi
s score was 5.
[22:07:46] Vei fi spawnat la HQ
[22:07:46] Ai fost ucis de catre Chris.AK47.exe (440)
[22:07:50] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:07:50] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:07:51] Ai cumparat un desert eagle pentru $600. 120 materiale luate din seif
ul factiunii.
[22:07:52] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:07:53] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:07:53] Ai cumparat un M4 pentru $1,000. 200 materiale luate din seiful facti
[22:07:58] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: 11 turfs
[22:07:59] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: fvr
[22:08:01] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: gg
[22:08:01] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: gg
[22:08:02] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: gg rusii mei
[22:08:02] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: Mane , mai ma omori mult
[22:08:03] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: 11 turf
[22:08:04] Ad by Sz.BloXinG[] (phone: {FFFFFF}1730{00FF00}): Vand Elegy 2xhidd 2
05/194 cu 153 zile si 3,8 k km 23 kk sms me urgent!.
[22:08:04] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: gg
[22:08:04] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: toata viata am jucat far
a cod
[22:08:06] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: gg
[22:08:07] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: si dai drumu
[22:08:09] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: rener fura mancati-as bine ca eu i
i dau 2
[22:08:10] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: 11 turfs
[22:08:12] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: 11 turfs x
[22:08:12] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: 11 turfs
[22:08:13] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: 11 turfs x
[22:08:14] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: 11 turfs
[22:08:15] {069C29}[CLAN] Student 3Ds._Hokage: 11 turfs x
[22:08:19] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: ho
[22:08:19] NR AdmBot: Gruparea mafiota The Russian Mafia a cucerit teritoriul #2
1 ce era detinut de mafia Grove Street.
[22:08:19] Ai fost transferat in Virtual World-ul normal (0).
[22:08:19] ----------------- [ war overview #2728 ] --------------
[22:08:19] Score: The Russian Mafia 157 - 96 Grove Street.
[22:08:19] Best score: .Tudo with a score of 11 (15 kills, 4 deaths). Worst scor
e: Morfeu.DaudinOZN with a score of -12 (3 kills, 15 deaths
[22:08:19] ... )
[22:08:19] Your personal score: 10 (14 kills, 4 deaths).
[22:08:19] --------------------------------------------
[22:08:21] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-026.png
[22:08:22] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: gg
[22:08:23] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: scor 10
[22:08:23] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: scor 9
[22:08:24] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: gg
[22:08:24] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: gg tudo
[22:08:24] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: gg
[22:08:25] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: gg tudox
[22:08:25] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: ce omm
[22:08:25] King.SEBY.BVULGARU arrested suspect [J]Ibrahim, issuing a fine of $60
0 with a sentence of 150 seconds.
[22:08:26] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: daca nu stiai
[22:08:27] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: gg
[22:08:27] # [1] Mafiot .Tudo.ATENTAT: 4 besturi, hai bafta
[22:08:28] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dantes
[22:08:30] Ad by [MC]Andreea04 (phone: {FFFFFF}35904{00FF00}): Vand sandking 0x
astept sms cu oferte .
[22:08:30] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: bai dantes
[22:08:31] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: la noi daca esti low
[22:08:31] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: Gg.
[22:08:32] # [1] Mafiot [AIM].zakE: gg
[22:08:33] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: iti da kill
[22:08:34] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: gg
[22:08:34] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: Rusii terifiazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[22:08:35] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: tu imi golosesti seifu
[22:08:35] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: Rusii terifiazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[22:09:07] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: cf
[22:09:07] # [5] Legendary Gangsta Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dar nu are rost sa ma ce
[22:09:07] .Tudo from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 1840 mats. His
score was 11.
[22:09:07] # [2] Gangster KEiKOVBq.: =]]
[22:09:07] {069C29}[CLAN] Kage LAKERS_Hokage: L0K3D
[22:09:07] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: vezi l0k3d
[22:09:07] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: ca ai de dat 3.9 la mn
[22:09:07] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: ce
[22:09:07] # [1] Mafiot .ZackoneFaraian: sal nb
[22:09:07] Faraian from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 720 mats.
[22:09:07] Ad by [MC]ionF (phone: {FFFFFF}54824{00FF00}): vand phoenix cu hidd /
226/155 7.5kk care vrea sa ma sune .
[22:09:07] tiga from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 1240 mats. His
score was 3.
[22:09:07] .zakE from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 720 mats.
[22:09:07] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: cum vine forumu iti dai
[22:09:07] # [2] Gangster MangEkyoU[BL]: Somn usor
[22:09:07] # [2] Gangster DonutDie[AIM]: hai va pup
[22:09:07] DonutDie from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 1040 mats.
His score was 6.
[22:09:07] # King of Russian L0K3D_Hokage: dau
[22:09:07] RydeR[]. from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 720 mats. H
is score was 1.
[22:09:07] # [1] Mafiot MOMBU[47]: 14-6 doar ..
[22:09:08] KEiKOV from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 720 mats.
[22:09:14] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: loked
[22:09:17] # [2] Gangster CarricK_Hokage: ai de dat 7kk la mn
[22:09:18] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: am jucat cu default csf
[22:09:20] Bq.Just4YouOFFICIAL: dai drumu
[22:09:22] Ad by RENOKO (phone: {FFFFFF}6765{00FF00}): Vand Maverick 2x nou..
[22:09:35] # [1] Mafiot 3Ds._Hokage: da
[22:09:37] # [1] Mafiot .LAWRENTiU._Hokage: e smek si cu default
[22:09:43] LAKERS has left the server.
[22:09:43] LAKERS from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 1240 mats. Hi
s score was -2.
[22:09:46] 3Ds._Hokage: gg
[22:09:47] 3Ds. has left the server.
[22:09:47] 3Ds. from your group has disconnected (quit). He used 1760 mats. His
score was 9.
[22:09:48] Ad by Sage.Legionarul (phone: {FFFFFF}8898{00FF00}): Vand hotring A 2
96 zile 6.374km 2xhidd ( 154 / 205 ) .
[22:09:50] # [5] Legendary Gangsta St.Raiden: eu o am pe a lu dantes
[22:09:51] NR AdmBot: Gruparea mafiota Ballas a cucerit teritoriul #12 ce era de
tinut de mafia Los Aztecas.

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