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Chicken Little
retold by Elinor Chamas
illustrated by David Merrell


ISBN-13: 978-0-325-01624-5
ISBN-10: 0-325-01624-0

Book 21
Level E

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Chicken Little
Retold by Elinor Chamas
361 Hanover Street
Portsmouth, NH 038013912
Offices and agents throughout the world
Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Books
Copyright 2009 by Irene C. Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell, and Heinemann
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests
for permission should be mailed to the Permissions Department at Heinemann,
361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801.
ISBN-13: 978-0-325-01624-5 ISBN-10: 0-325-01624-0
Editorial Development, Design, and Production by Brown Publishing Network
Illustrations: David Merrell
Photographs: pp. 1724 (Narrator 1) Vanessa Tropeano; (Narrator 2) Robert Reynolds/
LightShed Photography Studio/
Printed in China
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RRD 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Chicken Little
retold by Elinor Chamas
illustrated by David Merrell

A Classic Tale

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Oh, no!
said Chicken Little.
The sky is falling!
I will go to tell the king.

So Chicken Little went

to tell the king.


Chicken Little was walking

in the woods.

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Along came Henny Penny. So Henny Penny
and Chicken Little
The sky is falling, went to tell the king.
said Chicken Little.

Oh, no!
said Henny Penny.


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Along came Ducky Lucky. So Ducky Lucky
and Henny Penny
The sky is falling, and Chicken Little
said Chicken Little. went to tell the king.

Oh, no!
said Ducky Lucky.


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Along came Goosey Loosey. So Goosey Loosey
and Ducky Lucky
The sky is falling, and Henny Penny
said Chicken Little. and Chicken Little
went to tell the king.
Oh, no!
said Goosey Loosey.


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So Goosey Loosey
and Ducky Lucky
and Henny Penny
and Chicken Little
looked up at the sky.

They looked and looked.

Along came Foxy Loxy.

The sky is falling,

said Chicken Little.

Oh! said Foxy Loxy.

Lets look up at the sky.
10 11

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Maybe the sky is not falling,
said Chicken Little.
Foxy Loxy looked at
Goosey Loosey Oh! said Henny Penny
and Ducky Lucky and Ducky Lucky
and Henny Penny and Goosey Loosey.
and Chicken Little. The sky is not falling.
12 13

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So Chicken Little Run! said Chicken Little.
and Henny Penny Run! said Henny Penny.
and Ducky Lucky Run! said Ducky Lucky.
and Goosey Loosey Run! said Goosey Loosey.
looked at Foxy Loxy.

14 15

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They ran and ran.
They ran all the way home. Chicken Little

And they never did

The Play
tell the king that
the sky was falling. Characters

Narrator 1 Ducky Lucky

Narrator 2 Loosey Goosey

Chicken Little Foxy Loxy

Henny Penny

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Narrator 1 Henny Penny
Chicken Little was walking Oh, no!
in the woods. Narrator 2
Chicken Little So Henny Penny
Oh, no! and Chicken Little
The sky is falling! I will went to tell the king.
go to tell the king. Narrator 1
Narrator 1 Along came Ducky Lucky.
So Chicken Little went Chicken Little
to tell the king. The sky is falling.
Narrator 2
Ducky Lucky
Along came Henny Penny. Oh, no!
Chicken Little
The sky is falling.

18 19

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Narrator 1 Narrator 2
So Ducky Lucky So Goosey Loosey
and Henny Penny and Ducky Lucky
and Chicken Little and Henny Penny
went to tell the king. and Chicken Little
went to tell the king.
Narrator 2
Along came Goosey Narrator 1
Loosey. Along came Foxy Loxy.
Chicken Little Chicken Little
The sky is falling. The sky is falling.
Goosey Loosey Foxy Loxy
Oh, no! Oh!
Lets look up
at the sky.

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Narrator 1 Chicken Little
So Goosey Loosey Maybe the sky
and Ducky Lucky is not falling.
and Henny Penny Henny Penny
and Chicken Little
Ducky Lucky
looked up at the sky.
They looked and looked. Goosey Loosey
Narrator 2
The sky is not falling.
Foxy Loxy looked at
Goosey Loosey Narrator 1
and Ducky Lucky So Chicken Little
and Henny Penny and Henny Penny
and Chicken Little. and Ducky Lucky
and Goosey Loosey
looked at Foxy Loxy.

22 23

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Chicken Little
Henny Penny
Ducky Lucky
Goosey Loosey
Narrator 2
They ran and ran.
They ran all the way home.
Narrator 1
And they never did
tell the king that
the sky was falling.


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