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convertir tu cuarto en un departamento

Algunas veces puede que necesites alejarte de todo o aprender sobre vivir
por tu cuenta. Crear un departamento ayudar.

1.- Pdele permiso a tus padres. Esto es importante porque si no lo haces
podran entrar mientras pintas tu cuarto.
2.- Despeja el cuarto. En este momento, puede que tambin quieras limpiar
y pasar la aspiradora o pintar las paredes. Adems, retira todos tus psteres
y chinches de las paredes. Deja completamente vaco el cuarto.
3.- Realiza un plan.
4.- Consigue un timbre para la puerta de tu cuarto. Coloca nmeros si lo
5.- Asimismo, coloca una planta en maceta afuera de tu puerta o una silla si
lo prefieres.
6.- Agrega un pequeo buzn para cartas, incluso si solamente es una caja
de cartn pintada.
7.- Consigue un perchero y un estante para zapatos.
8.- Consigue un felpudo para la puerta. Coloca el felpudo frente a la puerta.

8Get a mat for the door. Put the mat in front of the door.
9Get a small table and put some flowers and a phone with a cord on the
table. You can put anything else on the table but this is usually what's on a
hall table.
10Put a mirror on the wall if there is space for a mirror.
11Put a couch in the corner of the room. It does not even have to be
anything fancy, it could even just be a big mattress with one of the
horizontal sides propped up on the wall. Get a throw pillow and put it on the
12Put a small coffee table in front of the couch. You can put whatever you
want on this table, such as magazines or a bowl of fruit.
13Try and get a small TV for your living room. Add a DVD, VCR or Blu Ray
14Put a small waste can next to your couch for any garbage... you don't
want it to look messy.
15In another corner, put your bed. Make sure it's neat and has fresh sheets
that match to a colour scheme.
16Get a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. It will be more complicated if your
wardrobe's built in however.
17Add a nightstand with your alarm clock and maybe a lamp for reading in
bed. Also keep this aiming toward to color scheme.
18Add a small bookcase for some of your favorite books.
19Get a table and some chairs. You can use beanbags and a small table.
20Next get a mini fridge and a table top cupboard. Buy a toaster and if
you're aloud a microwave. This will make cooking and preparing food easier
21Get plates, bowls and cutlery for your mini kitchen!
22Get a basin, a table and your bathroom supplies. This is more for washing
than doing business.
23Put the basin on the table. Put a mirror on a wall.
24Use the other table space for towels,toothbrushes etc.
25Get a basket and clothes rack.
26Be sure to label your basket so people don't put rubbish in your basket.
27Get a desk first of all. Get at least two bookcases if you want. (This is all
28Get your laptop or computer and put it on the desk. If not, use a drawing
pad or note book instead of a computer or laptop.
29Now get pencil holders, paper, desk ornaments, etc.
30Get a pet bed or place where your pet could sleep. (This is all optional).
31Get a bowl and some pet food and water.
32Have newspapers or a litterbox in handy. You don't want your room to be
33If you have a smaller pet. just get a table and its cage or tank.

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