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BLAST-OFF = launch
2. BLOW-OFF = come off due to an explosion or other strong force; detach, separate
3. BOIL-OFF = to remove by boiling
4. BRUSH-OFF = dismiss, ignore
5. BUY-OFF = bribe, corrupt, pay-off
6. CAST-OFF = get rid of, throw away
7. CHECK-OFF = mark, tick, check
8. CUT-OFF = cease, stop, interrupt, amputate
9. DUST-OFF = to remove dust from something
10. DASH-OFF = write quickly, scratch-off, fling-off, toss-off
11. FACE-OFF = compete, bully-off
12. FALL-OFF = fall heavily or suddenly, diminish in size or intensity
13. FLY-OFF = to flee rapidly; to run away.
14. GET-OFF = send-off, transport, dispatch
15. HAND-OFF = (business) the passing of a completed project to another person or group.
16. JUMP-OFF = begin, start; jump, leap
17. KICK-OFF = inaugurate, begin
18. KNOCK-OFF = kill; reduce; steal; write; stop
19. LAY-OFF = put an end
20. LEAD-OFF = corrupt, pervert; begin, start

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