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DEPARTMENT Case StudyPrimary Care

Rickets: Not Just a Disease

Caused by Vitamin D
Lauren Head Zauche, BSN, RN

KEY WORDS ing progress, she had not begun to crawl or pull to a
Case study, hypophosphatemia, rickets stand by 12 months, and both weight and length drop-
ped to the 5th percentile.
The patient was referred to a neurology specialist at
her 12-month visit to rule out a neurologic cause for
CASE PRESENTATION her symptoms. A complete neurologic examination,
A 2-year, 10-month-old White girl presented to a pedi- including magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
atric clinic with an abnormal wide gait and genu varum. and spine failed to support a neurologic cause. There
She had been an established patient at the clinic since was a considerable gap in care between the ages of
her 4-month well-child visit. Concerns regarding her 12 months and 24 months. At the patients 24-month
motor development were noted at her 6-month well- visit, she was unable to walk, and her weight had
child visit, when she presented with generalized muscle both fallen below the 5th percentile and her length
hypotonia, was unable to roll supine to prone or prone below the 10th percentile. Although the patient was
to supine, and was unable to sit unassisted. Addition- referred to an orthopedic specialist during her 24-
ally, the patient had dropped to the 5th to 10th percen- month well-child visit, the visit did not take place
tile for weight at 6 months from the 25th percentile at because of the familys loss of medical insurance. The
her 4-month visit. At her 6-month visit, the patient patient was lost to follow-up between her 24-month
was referred to a statewide program for infants and tod- visit and her visit at 2 years 10 months.
dlers with developmental delays for nutritional support
and physical therapy. After 1 month in this program, the Medical History
patients development significantly improved, and she The patient was born via a spontaneous vaginal deliv-
was able to roll over in each direction and was able to ery at 37 gestational weeks with no prenatal or postnatal
sit unsupported at 12 months. Although she was mak- complications. Her birth weight was 3.2 kg. The stan-
dard 48-hour hospitalization after birth was uneventful,
and her newborn screening result was normal.
Lauren Head Zauche, Doctoral Student and Pediatric Nurse
Practitioner Student, Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff Family Medical History
School of Nursing, Atlanta, GA. The family history was negative for any childhood dis-
Conflicts of interest: None to report. eases, including genetic, endocrine, and metabolic ab-
Correspondence: Lauren Head Zauche, BSN, RN, Emory normalities. However, the patients mother reported
University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, 1520 Clifton that as a child, she was also delayed in meeting mile-
Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329; e-mail: stones in the gross motor developmental domain, and
J Pediatr Health Care. (2016) -, ---. she had short stature, at a height of 4 feet 10 inches.
No other pertinent family history was noted.
Copyright Q 2016 by the National Association of Pediatric Social History
Nurse Practitioners. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights The patient lived at home in a one-bedroom apartment
with her mother and two older siblings in a rural area. The patient and her siblings had recently returned -/- 2016 1

from a 2-month stay in foster care because of domestic growth chart. Her vital signs were normal. The patients
violence, for which her mother obtained a restraining gait was wide and showed waddling. Decreased
order against the father. At the time of the visit, the strength and range of motion were noted bilaterally in
mother had no support or help from any other relatives. the lower extremities, but normal strength and full
The patient attended daycare 3 days a week and stayed range of motion were observed in the upper extrem-
at home with her mother the remaining time. ities. Significant genu varum was noted. No scoliosis
or widening of the ribs was present. The remainder of
Review of Systems the physical examination findings were normal.
According to the mother, the patient was not in any pain
while standing, walking, or moving her lower extrem- Diagnostic Tests
ities, and she had not experienced muscle spasms or A pediatric nurse practitioner ordered a comprehen-
tremors. The patient was fatigued often, sleeping 8 to sive metabolic panel, along with serum phosphate
10 hours at night with a 2-hour nap during the day. and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D tests. Serum 1,25-
The patient ate a well-balanced diet, including fruits dihydroxyvitamin D level was 45 pmol/L (reference
and vegetables and sources of iron and calcium. All range = 36108 pmol/L), and serum phosphate level
other developmental domains except gross motor was 1.7 mg/dl (reference range = 2.54.6 mg/dl). All
were normal, and the remainder of the review of sys- results from the comprehensive metabolic panel
tems results were negative. were normal, including serum calcium level. Full-
length leg, hip, and tibia/fibula radiologic films were
Physical Examination also ordered. The patients bones appeared osteo-
The patient, who was 2 years and 10 months old, penic, with cupping of metaphyses at the tibia, fibula,
weighed 10.0 kg (<3rd percentile), with a height of and knees and with evidence of subperiosteal bone
81 cm (<3rd percentile) according to a standardized resorption.


1. What is the etiology and pathophysiology of X-linked hypophosphatemic (XLH) rickets, and how does its pa-
thology differ from other forms of rickets?
2. What are differential diagnoses for XLH rickets, and what is the clinical presentation of XLH rickets?
3. How is XLH rickets diagnosed and treated?
4. What are challenges associated with caring for a patient with XLH rickets in a rural setting?


1. What is the etiology and pathophysiology of XLH not receive vitamin D supplementation are at risk
rickets, and how does its pathology differ from other (Holm, 2008). In vitamin D-deficient rickets, decreased
forms of rickets? vitamin D intake impairs calcium and phosphate ab-
Rickets refers to a disease in children in which sorption from the intestines (Penido & Alon, 2012). As
growing bones fail to mineralize or ossify as a result hypocalcemia develops, compensatory mechanisms
of a deficiency in calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D occur, including elevation in PTH and mobilization of
(Greenbaum, 2011). In normal bone metabolism, calcium from the bone, resulting in decreased bone
bone is formed through the mineralization of calcium density (Holm, 2008; Penido & Alon, 2012).
and phosphate as hydroxyapatite crystals and is influ- Furthermore, kidney disorders that can result in
enced by vitamin D and the parathyroid hormone hypophosphatemia and rickets include Fanconi
(PTH; Penido & Alon, 2012). Rickets can be caused by syndrome, which involves defects in the proximal
a variety of different factors that affect the levels of cal- renal tubule, and renal tubular acidosis, both of which
cium, phosphate, and vitamin D, including nutritional lead to increased phosphate excretion (Holm, 2008).
causes, kidney disorders, and genetic abnormalities Rickets may also result from genetic abnormalities
(Greenbaum, 2011; Holm, 2008). that control the response of the body to 25-hydroxy
The most commonly recognized form of rickets is vitamin D (25[OH]D), 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25
referred to as nutritional rickets, or vitamin D-deficient [OH]2D), and phosphate. Vitamin D 1a-hydroxylase
rickets. Although prevalent in the United States in the deficiency is a genetic form of rickets in which a loss-
early 20th century, public health measures to ensure of-function mutation occurs in the gene that encodes
that children receive an adequate vitamin D intake 1a-hydroxylase enzyme, preventing 25(OH)D from
have drastically reduced the prevalence of vitamin-D being converted into the active form, 1,25(OH)2D
deficient rickets, although breastfed infants who do (Holm, 2008). Another genetic form of rickets is

2 Volume -  Number - Journal of Pediatric Health Care

hereditary 1,25(OH)2D-resistant rickets, which is phosphate cotransporters (Goldsweig & Carpenter,
caused by a mutation in the vitamin D receptor 2015; Pavone et al., 2014). As a result, less
(Holm, 2008). As a result, tissues in the body are resis- phosphate is reabsorbed from the kidney. Normally,
tant to vitamin D. PHEX controls the breakdown of FGF-23 and thus
Rickets may also result from an autosomal trait or an regulates the renal excretion of phosphate (Penido
X-linked dominant trait that leads to hypophosphate- & Alon, 2012). However, in XLH rickets, the defect
mia (Razali, Hwu, & Thilakavathy, 2015). Autosomal in PHEX leads to a reduced breakdown of FGF-23,
hypophosphatemic rickets can be caused by a gain- which results in renal phosphate wasting
or loss-of-function mutation in a gene that regulates (Goldsweig & Carpenter, 2015; Pavone et al., 2014).
serum phosphate levels and accounts for 20% of all fa- With low serum phosphate level, there is a lack of
milial hypophosphatemic rickets (Razali et al., 2015). phosphate available for bone mineralization. The
XLH rickets accounts for the remaining 80% of familial result of this pathology is rickets, in which growing
hypophosphatemic rickets cases and affects nearly 1 bones fail to mineralize and ossify (Greenbaum,
in every 20,000 children (Pavone et al., 2014). Because 2011; Holm, 2008). As a result, the bones do not
it is an X-linked dominant disorder, this disease can obtain adequate density, which leads to bending of
affect both boys and girls. If the father has the disease, the bones when they are subjected to weight
all daughters, but no sons, will be affected. On the con- bearing or muscle pulling.
trary, if the mother has the disease, each child has a 50% 2. What are differential diagnoses for XLH rickets,
chance of being affected. In this particular case, the and what is the clinical presentation of XLH rickets?
mother was unaware that she had the disease, and Differential diagnoses of XLH rickets include failure
her two older children, one boy and one girl, were to thrive and motor developmental delays in infancy
not affected. Some individuals with XLH rickets can (Greenbaum, 2011; Holm, 2008). Other differential
have hypophosphatemia, delayed motor skills in early diagnoses include nutritional rickets, renal tubular
childhood, and short stature, without bone disease, acidosis, Fanconi syndrome, tyrosinemia, cystinosis,
which was the case for the mother of the patient pseudohypoparathryoidism, and other genetic
(Greenbaum, 2011). The Figure shows the genetic abnormalities (Greenbaum, 2011; Holm, 2008).
pedigree of the patients family for XLH rickets. Family Clinical manifestations of rickets result from the un-
history of XLH rickets from previous generations was derlying deficiency in vitamin D, calcium, or phos-
unknown. phorus. Although the presentation of all forms of
XLH rickets results from a mutation of the rickets includes decreased growth rate, hypotonia, de-
phosphate-regulating gene (PHEX) on the X chromo- layed acquisition of motor skills, and skeletal abnormal-
some (Goldsweig & Carpenter, 2015; Pavone et al., ities, the clinical symptoms differ depending on the
2014). In addition to calcitriol and PTH, phosphorus specific cause and the age of each child (Greenbaum,
is regulated by fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23; 2011; Holm, 2008). For instance, children with rickets
Goldsweig & Carpenter, 2015; Greenbaum, 2011; caused by vitamin D 1a-hydroxylase deficiency
Holm, 2008; Pavone et al., 2014). FGF-23 is released usually present with alopecia (Holm, 2008). Individuals
by osteocytes and acts on the proximal tubule of with vitamin D-deficient rickets may exhibit cranio-
the kidney to decrease the expression of sodium- tabes and chest deformities, including widening and

FIGURE. Genetic pedigree of patient for X-linked hypophosphatemic (XLH) rickets. -/- 2016 3

swelling of the ribs at the costochondral junction (Greenbaum, 2011). Furthermore, a family history of
(rachitic rosary) and a horizontal depression along the rickets or short stature would support this diagnosis.
lower anterior chest due to the diaphragm pulling on Laboratory tests useful for the diagnosis of XLH rickets
the ribs during inspira- include urinary phosphate and serum calcium, PTH,
tion (Harrison groove) Clinical phosphate, and calcitriol levels (LaRosa, 2016;
(Holm, 2008). Howev- manifestations of Sharkey, Grunseich, & Carpenter, 2015). As shown in
er, skeletal abnormal- the Table, XLH rickets differs from other forms of rickets
rickets result from
ities in XLH rickets are in that serum 25(OH)D level is generally normal despite
usually limited to the the underlying low serum phosphate level (Holm, 2008). All other
lower extremities, deficiency in pertinent laboratory test results are normal except for
which may include urine phosphate level (Holm, 2008).
vitamin D, calcium,
genu varum (bow- Patients who are diagnosed with XLH rickets should
legs), tibial or femoral or phosphorus. be referred to a pediatric orthopedist for management
torsion, and coxa vara and also for possible surgical evaluation, depending
of the femoral neck, resulting in a waddling gait on the severity of skeletal abnormalities (LaRosa,
(Chan, 2016; Cremonesi et al., 2014; LaRosa, 2016; 2016). Referrals may also be made to an endocrinology
Pavone et al., 2014). specialist (Holm, 2008).
In this case, the child presented with a history of de- Guidelines for treating hypophosphatemic rickets
layed motor milestones, short stature, and genu varum. include a prescription for oral phosphate and calcitriol
Only the lower extremities appeared affected, because at least throughout puberty (Greenbaum, 2011). Rec-
strength and tone in the upper extremities were within ommendations for dosages vary widely, from 20 to
normal limits. Additionally, there was no widening or 80 ng/kg/day of calcitriol to 20 to 180 mg/kg/day of
swelling of the ribs. These pertinent positive and nega- elemental phosphorus, which reflects uncertainty
tive signs are suggestive of XLH rickets. about the optimal dosage to effectively treat yet prevent
Unfortunately, the effects of XHL rickets can adverse reactions (Carpenter, Imel, Holm, Jan de Beur,
become severe before any signs and symptoms & Insogna, 2011). Some guidelines suggest that it is best
(Pavone et al., 2014). Most children are not diagnosed to start the elemental phosphorous dosage at 20 to
until after the child begins to stand and walk, because 40 mg/kg/day divided into three to five doses per day
the bowing of legs does not occur until a child bears to help prevent diarrhea, a common adverse reaction
weight (Pavone et al., 2014). This was the case for this (Greenbaum, 2011; Pavone et al., 2014; Sharkey et al.,
patient. 2015). However, frequent dosing of phosphate may
3. How is XLH rickets diagnosed and treated? affect adherence, so less frequent dosing is acceptable
XLH rickets is diagnosed primarily on the basis of if tolerated (Greenbaum, 2011). In addition to phos-
radiographic abnormalities (Greenbaum, 2011; Holm, phate supplementation, calcitriol should initially be
2008). On x-ray images, the bones may appear prescribed at 20 to 30 ng/kg/day divided into two doses
osteopenic, and the edges of the metaphyses may and can be titrated up to minimize gastrointestinal ef-
lose the appearance of a sharp border as a result of fects (Carpenter et al., 2011; Greenbaum, 2011).
thickening of the growth plate due to decreased Although calcitriol levels are generally normal in
calcification (Greenbaum, 2011). Additionally, the patients with XLH rickets, phosphate needs calcitriol
edge of the metaphyses, which are normally convex for bone mineralization.
or flat, appear concave, a phenomenon known as The patient in this case study was initially started on
cupping (Greenbaum, 2011). The diagnosis is sup- the lowest recommended dose of both calcitriol and
ported by clinical examination and laboratory test re- elemental phosphorus by the pediatric nurse practi-
sults, which can help distinguish the cause of rickets tioner, who consulted with a pediatric endocrinologist

TABLE. Laboratory test results for rickets

Serum Serum parathyroid Serum Urine
calcium phosphate hormone 25(OH)D phosphate
Test level level level level level
Vitamin D deficient Normal Normal High Low Normal
Vitamin D 1a-hydroxylase deficiency Low Low High Low Normal
Vitamin D resistant Low Low Normal Normal/slightly low High
Familial hypophosphatemic rickets Normal Low Normal Normal/slightly low High
Renal disease Low High High Low Low
Note. Sources: Greenbaum (2011) and Holm (2008).

4 Volume -  Number - Journal of Pediatric Health Care

over the telephone. The patient was prescribed 1 mg of Effects of hypophosphatemia begin in infancy before
calcitriol twice a day (20 ng/kg/day) and 150 mg of any leg deformities; significant loss of height will occur
elemental phosphorus twice a day (30 mg/kg/day) until if treatment is not started before the age of 2 years
she could be seen by the pediatric endocrinologist, who (Carpenter et al., 2011). Therefore, monitoring growth,
then assumed the responsibility of managing the pa- specifically height, is essential for early diagnosis,
tients medication. which strongly influences outcomes.
The goal of treatment is to increase bone mineraliza- 4. What are challenges associated with caring for a
tion and prevent leg deformities. Although modest ele- patient with XLH rickets in a rural setting?
vations in serum phosphate levels as result of Caring for pediatric patients in a rural setting presents
supplementation are desired, the goal is not to multiple challenges surrounding access to care. When
normalize phosphate levels, because this may cause presented with a rare or complicated case in which
adverse effects, including diarrhea, hyperparathyroid- referral is necessary, pediatric providers may have diffi-
ism, and nephrocalcinosis (Sharkey et al., 2015). To culty ensuring that their patients are seen by a specialist
avoid these complications, laboratory monitoring every (Basco & Rimsza, 2013). In general, there is a shortage
3 months is recommended (Carpenter et al., 2011). Lab- of pediatric subspecialists in the United States, with
oratory tests should include serum phosphate, calcium, the provider-to-children ratio for most specialties at
and urinary calcium levels to assess the adequacy of the 1:100,000 to 1:200,000 (Basco & Rimsza, 2013; Mayer,
dosage; serum and urinary creatinine levels to monitor 2006). In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics
renal function; alkaline phosphatase level to assess (AAP, 2013) Committee on Pediatric Workforce issued
skeletal response; PTH level to monitor for secondary a policy statement indicating that the current workforce
hyperparathyroidism; and a random spot urine collec- of pediatric subspecialists is inadequate to meet the
tion (Carpenter et al., 2011). Alkaline phosphatase needs of children, in particular for children living in ru-
should decrease over time, which indicates bone heal- ral and other underserved areas.
ing, and a urine spot calcium/creatinine ratio should A huge disparity exists in the geographic distribution
remain less than 0.3 mg/mg (Carpenter et al., 2011). If of specialty providers, because most specialists are
PTH is elevated, the phosphate dosage can be reduced found within academic centers in urban settings
or calcitriol may be (Mayer & Skinner, 2009). Children from rural areas,
increased (Carpenter The goal of therefore, have a long distance to travel to receive
et al., 2011). If the pa- treatment is to care. One third of children in the United States have
tient has hypercalce- to travel over 40 miles to see a specialist, and a quarter
mia or hypercalciuria, increase bone of children live over 2 hours away from a pediatric
the calcitriol dosage mineralization and specialist (Mayer, 2006). The distance and time required
should be decreased prevent leg to travel to see a specialist places a large burden on fam-
(Carpenter et al., ilies, especially if families are working or do not have
2011). Renal ultraso- deformities. access to transportation. Because of the short supply
nography should be of pediatric specialists, pediatric patients often are
performed every 2 to 5 years to check for neprhocalci- forced to wait weeks or months to see a specialist
nosis (Carpenter et al., 2011). (Childrens Hospital Association, 2012). Sixty-eight
Patients and their families should be educated percent of rural pediatricians reported dissatisfaction
about the importance of adhering to the treatment with waiting times for their patients, and 65% rated
regimen to prevent further bone abnormalities and the number of pediatric specialists available as poor
risk of surgical correction and about the need for reg- (Pletcher, Rimsza, & Cull, 2010).
ular follow-up to prevent complications associated Furthermore, the number of pediatric specialists who
with pharmacologic treatment. Families should be accept pediatric Medicaid patients has dropped signifi-
told to return for follow-up sooner if the patient expe- cantly (AAP, 2012). From 2006 to 2012, the number of
riences gastrointestinal adverse effects, because this pediatric orthopedic surgeons who accepted Medicaid
may be a sign that the dosage may need to be declined 39% (AAP, 2012). Given that Medicaid is the
adjusted. Families should be instructed that dental hy- primary health insurance for a large proportion of rural
giene is extremely important, because children with populations, failure to accept Medicaid poses another
XLH rickets are at high risk for dental abscesses; chil- significant barrier to health care access.
dren should brush their teeth two to three times daily In the case presented here, the closest pediatric or-
and have routine dental visits (Carpenter et al., 2011). thopedic specialist was 55 miles away, but the closest
Additionally, genetic counseling for family members pediatric orthopedic specialist who accepted Medicaid
who may consider having a biological child or an was 93 miles away, and the wait time was 11 weeks.
additional biological child may be warranted to Transportation challenges, loss of health insurance,
discuss their future childs or childrens genetic risk and lack of family support resulted in a delay in care
for inheriting XLH. -/- 2016 5

of over a year from the time when the first referral was about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/Fewer-Orthopedic-Sur
made. geons-Accepting-Pediatric-Medicaid-Patients.aspx
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sponsibility of pediatric health care providers. Pediatric Carpenter, T. O., Imel, E. A., Holm, I. A., Jan de Beur, S. M., &
providers can help children access care by assessing the Insogna, K. L. (2011). A clinicians guide to X-linked hypo-
feasibility of the family seeing a specialist, helping to phosphatemia. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,
arrange transportation with Medicaid if necessary, and 26(7), 1381-1388.
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surance. Providers should follow up with patients article/922305-overview
who are referred to a specialist to monitor any disease Childrens Hospital Association. (2012). Pediatric subspecialty short-
progression during the wait time and to ensure that ages affect access to care. Retrieved from https://www.
the patient is still able to keep the scheduled appoint-
ment with the specialist. tages-affect-access-to-care
Cremonesi, I., Nucci, C., DAlessandro, G., Alkhamis, N., March-
CONCLUSION ionni, S., & Piana, G. (2014). X-linked hypophosphatemic
The child in this case was diagnosed with XLH rickets rickets: enamel abnormalities and oral clinical findings. Scan-
and was followed up by an orthopedic surgeon. She ning, 36(4), 456-461.
Goldsweig, B. K., & Carpenter, T. O. (2015). Hypophosphatemic
was prescribed both oral phosphate and calcitriol and rickets: Lessons from disrupted FGF23 control of phos-
continued to receive physical therapy. Given the signif- phorus homeostasis. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 13(2),
icant skeletal abnormalities by the time she received 88-97.
pharmacologic treatment, surgical correction will be Greenbaum, L. A. (2011). Rickets and hypervitaminosis D. In
needed. As illustrated by this case, it is important to R. M. Kliegman, B. M. D. Stanton, J. St. Geme & N. F. Shor
(Eds.), Nelsons textbook of pediatrics (20th ed, pp. 331-341).
identify causes of developmental delays and intervene Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Health Sciences.
as early as possible; early diagnosis is essential to Holm, I. A. (2008). Disorders of bone metabolism. In C. Brook,
reduce morbidity. Given the challenges of seeing a P. Clayton & R. Brown (Eds.), Brooks Clinical Pediatric
specialist, particularly for patients who live in rural Endocrinology (5th ed, pp. 280-292). Hoboken, NJ: John
areas, it is important to follow up with patients to pro- Wiley & Sons.
LaRosa, C. J. (2016). Hypophosphatemic rickets. In R. S. Porter
mote continuity of care. (Ed.), Merck Manual. Kenilworth, NJ: Merck & Co., Inc.
Rickets should be included in the differential diag- Mayer, M. L. (2006). Are we there yet? Distance to care and relative
nosis of children presenting with failure to thrive, de- supply among pediatric medical subspecialties. Pediatrics,
lays in motor development, and orthopedic or motor 118(6), 2313-2321.
abnormalities. Laboratory tests, especially for serum Mayer, M. L., & Skinner, A. C. (2009). Influence of changes in supply
on the distribution of pediatric subspecialty care. Archives of
phosphate and vitamin D levels, can be ordered to Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 163(12), 1087-1091.
screen for rickets when included as a differential before Pavone, V., Testa, G., Gioitta Iachino, S., Evola, F. R., Avondo, S., &
obtaining radiologic films. A thorough family history Sessa, G. (2014). Hypophosphatemic rickets: Etiology, clinical
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Penido, M. G., & Alon, U. S. (2012). Phosphate homeostasis and
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The author would like to acknowledge Dr. Sharron Pletcher, B. A., Rimsza, M. E., & Cull, W. L. (2010). Primary care
Close, PhD, MS, CPNP-BC for her edits and guidance pediatricians satisfaction with subspecialty care, perceived
on this manuscript and Juanita Norris Howard, supply, and barriers to care. Journal of Pediatrics, 156(6),
CPNP-BC for her help with this case. Razali, N. N., Hwu, T. T., & Thilakavathy, K. (2015). Phosphate ho-
meostasis and genetic mutations of familial hypophosphatemic
REFERENCES rickets. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism,
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013). Pediatrician workforce pol- 28(9), 1009-1017.
icy statement. Pediatrics, 132(2), 390-397. Sharkey, M. S., Grunseich, K., & Carpenter, T. O. (2015). Contempo-
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2012). Fewer orthopedic surgeons rary medical and surgical management of X-linked hypophos-
accepting pediatric medicaid patients [Press release]. Elk Grove phatemic rickets. Journal of American Academy of
Village: Author. Retrieved from Orthopedic Surgery, 23(7), 433-442.

6 Volume -  Number - Journal of Pediatric Health Care

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