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Bull. Org. mond.

Sante 1969, 41, 21-43

Bull. Wld Hlth Org.

Advances in Techniques of Testing Mycobacterial

Drug Sensitivity, and the Use of Sensitivity Tests
in Tuberculosis Control Programmes

In a paper arising out of an informal international consultation of specialists in the

bacteriology of tuberculosis held in 1961, an attempt was made to formulate criteria, and
specify technical procedures, for reliable tests of sensitivity (the absolute-concentration
method, the resistance-ratio method and the proportion method) to the 3 main antitubercu-
losis drugs (isoniazid, streptomycin and p-aminosalicylic acid). Seven years later, a further
consultation was held to review the latest developments in the field and to suggest how
sensitivity tests might be put to practical use in tuberculosis control programmes. The
participants reached agreement on how to define drug sensitivity and resistance, and stressed
the importance of using a discrimination approach to the calibration of sensitivity tests.
Their views are contained in the present paper, which also includes descriptions of the
sensitivity tests used by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain for first- and second-
line drugs (minimal inhibitory concentration and resistance-ratio methods), the two main
variants of the proportion method developed by the Institut Pasteur, Paris, and a methodfor
calibrating sensitivity tests.

As the outcome of an international consultation of (1963) had said little about how sensitivity tests
specialists in the bacteriology of tuberculosis, ar- might be put to practical use in the control of
ranged by WHO in 1961, Canetti et al. (1963) de- tuberculosis. The present article reviews the pro-
scribed criteria and techniques for reliable tests of gress that has been made in methods of sensitivity
mycobacterial resistance to tuberculostatic drugs. testing and their calibration. Further, the ways in
Since then, considerable experience has been which the results of sensitivity tests may influence
gained in the use of the tests described and new the choice of regimens of chemotherapy for individ-
drugs have been introduced. The technical problems ual patients, and their use to estimate the prevalence
involved in standardizing such methods are now of drug-resistant strains in the community, are eva-
much better understood. The paper by Canetti et al. luated. An attempt is made also to formulate the
1 Chef de Service, Institut Pasteur, 25 rue du Docteur b Director, Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras,
Roux, Paris 15e, France. India.
' Director, Medical Research Council's Tuberculosis and ' Honorary Director, Medical Research Council's Unit
Chest Diseases Research Unit, Brompton Hospital, Fulham for Research on Drug Sensitivity in Tuberculosis, Royal
Road, London, S.W.3, England. Post-graduate Medical School, Ducane Road, London, W.12,
3Formerly Medical Officer, Tuberculosis, Division of 7Director, Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis,
Communicable Diseases, World Health Organization, Moscow-128, USSR.
Geneva, Switzerland; present address: Professor and Head of
Tuberculosis Department, Postgraduate Medical Institute, 8 Prepared by the participants in an informal consultation
Kharkov, USSR. on the drug-resistance problem in tuberculosis, held in
Geneva, Switzerland, from 23 to 26 April 1968: Dr G.
' Chief Medical Officer, Tuberculosis, Division of Com- Canetti, Dr Wallace Fox, Dr A. Khomenko, Dr H. T. Mahler,
municable Diseases, World Health Organization, Geneva, Dr N. K. Menon, Professor D. A. Mitchison, Dr N. Rist
Switzerland. and Professor N. A. Smelev.

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role of sensitivity tests in tuberculosis control pro- made in two directions. First, simplified direct tests,
grammes at widely varying stages of development. which are already available with certain methods
(see Part III), are being further developed, especially
DEFINITION OF DRUG RESISTANCE for isoniazid and streptomycin. Secondly, the slide-
culture method, which yields results in 7 days, is
Drug resistance may be defined in bacteriological being standardized in terms of established indirect
terms or in the light of the probable response of the tests.
patient to chemotherapy with the drug concerned.
As it is difficult to establish a precise clinical defini- THE CALIBRATION OF TESTS
tion of resistance, a definition in purely bacteriologi- The necessity to standardize any sensitivity test
cal terms has been adopted for the purposes of this method was emphasized by Canetti et al. (1963), but
paper. The following statement (Mitchison, 1962) is they gave no details of the ways in which this might
considered to be adequate: be done. Objective methods of calibration are im-
"Resistance is defined as a decrease in sensitivity of portant for several reasons. First, to clarify how the
sufficient degree to be reasonably certain that the strain present criteria of resistance in the methods de-
concerned is different from a sample of wild strains of scribed in Parts II and III have been obtained.
human type that have never come into contact with the Secondly, for technical reasons the most efficient
drug." criterion of resistance may be slightly different from
Such a definition assumes that the variation in one laboratory to another. In particular, drug activ-
sensitivity of sensitive strains to any one of the ity may vary because of heat instability of some
antibacterial drugs is small. (It does not apply to drugs during inspissation or storage (notably ethion-
thioacetazone, since natural resistance to this drug amide and cycloserine). The type of container and
occurs in a high proportion of strains obtained from the type of closure for slopes containing streptomy-
certain regions of the world (Thomas et al., 1961; cin also affect the result (Krebs et al., 1962; Interna-
Rist, 1968; Mitchison & Allen, to be published).) tional Union against Tuberculosis, 1964). Thirdly,
For most of the antituberculosis drugs, there is objective methods of calibration allow of compari-
evidence that a diminished clinical response may sons between methods of sensitivity testing in which
occur when resistance in the above-mentioned bac- the measures of sensitivity are expressed on different
teriological sense is demonstrated in the laboratory. scales.
In the past, a common approach was to test a
AVAILABLE METHODS OF TESTING sample of presumedly sensitive strains. Strains were
FOR DRUG SENSITIVITY considered to be resistant if they were slightly more
resistant than the great majority of the sensitive
Three widely used methods for testing sensitivity strains. Such a procedure has the defect that strains
to isoniazid, streptomycin and para-aminosalicylic considered to have natural or primary resistance
acid (PAS) on Lowenstein-Jensen medium-namely, must be removed from the population of sensitive
the absolute-concentration method, the resistance- strains, using necessarily arbitrary criteria.
ratio method and the proportion method-were de- An alternative approach is to consider the results
scribed by Canetti et al. (1963). Part II of the of the treatment of patients who have organisms of
present paper describes the minimal inhibitory varying degrees of sensitivity at the start of treat-
concentration method and the resistance-ratio ment, and to try to determine at what level of
method; Part III, a simplified variant and a standard sensitivity there is a change in the therapeutic re-
variant of the proportion method; and Part IV, a sponse. In practice, the number of patients with
method of calibrating sensitivity tests. initially resistant strains who are treated with the
There are, of course, other methods, including drug concerned, alone or in combination with only
tests with agar-based semi-synthetic media and one other drug, is too small to allow precise criteria
liquid media, as well as vertical diffusion methods. of resistance to be obtained.
There remains a need for more rapid and simple However, the best available approach is to com-
but accurate techniques of sensitivity testing. Direct pare the sensitivity of a sample of strains from
tests provide results more rapidly than indirect tests, untreated patients (a predominantly sensitive sam-
which are used in most laboratories. It is therefore ple) with a sample of strains from patients who have
encouraging that progress with direct tests is being been treated with the drug for at least a few months,

mostly without success (a predominantly resistant remains of the greatest importance. Further evi-
sample). The criterion of resistance that discrimi- dence is accumulating that there is a large difference
nates between the two samples with the greatest from culture to culture in the number of colonies
efficiency can then be chosen. This discrimination that grow from a similar inoculum specified by
approach is described fully in Part IV (" The calibra- weight or opacity (Canetti et al., 1963; International
tion of sensitivity tests "). For such a comparison, it Union against Tuberculosis, 1964; Lefford & Mit-
is unnecessary to have either a pure population of chison, 1966; Bartmann & Galvez-Brandon, 1968).
wild strains or a pure population of resistant strains: Variation in the number of culturable particles (for-
it is essential only that there should be a substantial merly known as the " viable count ") can be attri-
difference in the proportion of resistant strains with- buted either to differences in the actual number of
in each sample. Unfortunately, even with this dis- organisms in the inoculum or to the degree of
crimination approach, owing to the errors inherent clumping of the bacilli. If the former interpretation
in any method of testing, some misclassification of is correct, the proportion method should compen-
sensitive strains as resistant, and vice versa, tends to sate for variation in the total bacillary content of the
occur. Since it is desirable to avoid misclassification inoculum. If the latter, this advantage of the pro-
of sensitive strains as resistant, because this may lead portion method is not gained. On the available
the physician to deprive the patient of a valuable evidence, both these factors cause variation in the
drug, it is preferable to choose a final criterion of number of culturable particles, but further work is
resistance that very rarely misclassifies a sensitive recommended to establish which is the more impor-
strain, although it may more often fail to detect tant, and to what extent each modifies the results of
strains with borderline degrees of resistance. tests.
As soon as possible after starting to carry out Of greater practical importance than these theo-
sensitivity tests, irrespective of the method of testing retical considerations is the empirical comparison of
employed, a laboratory should make provision for the relative efficiency of the different methods in
the calibration of these tests. This will make it distinguishing a sample of predominantly sensitive
possible to establish whether the criteria of resistance strains from a sample of predominantly resistant
proposed by the initiators of the method are entirely strains. Largely from unpublished data, using the
valid in the laboratory in question or whether some discrimination approach or a variant of it, the fol-
of the criteria require modification. Furthermore, it lowing provisional conclusions have been drawn.
would be desirable for large laboratories to repeat
this calibration procedure at intervals, especially for First-line drugs
tests that are difficult to perform. Even though For streptomycin, there appears to be little to
considerable work would be necessary, it would be choose between the minimal inhibitory concentra-
certain that the efficiency of the tests performed in tion, resistance-ratio and proportion methods, using
that laboratory remained high. It is desirable that the discrimination approach. For isoniazid, a simi-
samples of predominantly resistant cultures should lar conclusion can be drawn about the minimal
be maintained in reference laboratories for issue to inhibitory concentration and proportion methods,
any laboratory in which it is desired to calibrate but the resistance-ratio method has not been stud-
sensitivity tests. ied. The relative efficiency of the three methods for
The discrimination approach should be used also testing PAS sensitivity does not appear to have been
in comparing methods of sensitivity testing. For this investigated. The discrimination approach has been
purpose, the best criterion for each method is chosen found to be unsatisfactory for analysing sensitivity
and its ability to discriminate between predominant- tests to thioacetazone in strains from regions where
ly sensitive and predominantly resistant groups of natural resistance to thioacetazone is prevalent.
cultures is expressed as a percentage, which estimates
the efficiency of each method in the detection of Second-line drugs
resistance. The resistance-ratio method of measuring sensitiv-
ity on Lowenstein-Jensen medium using serial 2-fold
COMPARISON OF METHODS OF SENSITIVITY TESTING drug dilutions appears to be unsatisfactory, mainly
because the critical ratio that distinguishes sensitive
Among the technical issues concerning sensitivity and resistant strains best lies between 2 and 4.
tests, the standardization of the size of the inoculum Evidence on comparisons of the minimal inhibitory

concentration and proportion methods for ethion- ence of primary resistance to 2 first-line drugs, a
amide and cycloserine is discrepant. Some workers bacteriological response is not infrequently obtained
find that the methods are of similar discriminative with the 3 drugs.
efficiency (Lefford & Mitchison, 1966); others, that
the proportion method is the more efficient. For Acquired drug resistance
pyrazinamide-sensitivity tests, there is agreement When drug resistance has emerged during the
that the proportion method is the more efficient, course of chemotherapy, no further response is to be
but, again, the extent of the advantage found differs expected from the drug concerned, provided that the
from one group of workers to another. Since there sputum is consistently positive. This is true even for
have been few comparisons between tests done isoniazid, and in all probability no further benefit is
with the minimal inhibitory concentration and pro- to be obtained with long-term treatment with the
portion methods, and no comparisons have been drug. Since the presence of persistent sputum posi-
made for PAS, kanamycin or viomycin, further tivity implies the growth of organisms within the
studies are needed. lesions, such strains are not only bacteriologically
Only tentative suggestions can be made on resistant but also clinically resistant. The degree of
methods to be adopted for testing sensitivity to two laboratory resistance is immaterial. Incidentally, the
new drugs, ethambutol and rifampicin. results of a recent investigation indicate that the
For ethambutol, the in vitro difference between addition of isoniazid to re-treatment regimens in
sensitive and resistant strains is very small, and the patients whose organisms had previously acquired
resistance-ratio method will probably prove to be isoniazid resistance did not improve the result.
unsatisfactory. The minimal inhibitory concentra-
tion and proportion methods might be equivalent, Transitional resistance
but there should be only narrow intervals between Occasionally resistance to one or more drugs of a
the drug concentrations to be tested. Even so, there regimen may emerge in the course of successful
is evidence that in vitro resistance to ethambutol is chemotherapy. The resistant culture, usually com-
often difficult to detect in cases of apparent clinical posed of only 1 or 2 colonies and seldom of more
resistance. On the other hand, for rifampicin, the in than 5 colonies, is most frequently obtained imme-
vitro difference between sensitive and resistant diately before sputum conversion, but may also be
strains is considerable, and it is likely that the resis- obtained during the next few months. This finding is
tance-ratio method will be as efficient as the two due to the isolation of resistant, persistent organ-
other methods. isms, i.e., resistant organisms that are not multiply-
ing in the lesions but have nevertheless survived
PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF DRUG RESISTANCE (Canetti, 1965). Transitional resistance is in sharp
contrast to acquired resistance in that significant
Prinmary drug resistance multiplication of resistant organisms does not occur
On the basis of the available evidence concerning in the former and there is no justification for a
the influence of primary isoniazid resistance on the change of treatment.
response of patients to treatment with this drug It is strongly emphasized that the performance of
given alone, it may be concluded that the response is sensitivity tests during chemotherapy in patients
often impaired by primary resistance. Nevertheless, with decreasing bacillary populations on serial smear
a substantial proportion of patients with primary and culture rarely serves any useful purpose since,
resistance show a bacteriological response, and some under these circumstances, the only resistant strains
patients achieve sputum conversion. For other likely to be encountered are transitionally resistant
drugs, inadequate evidence is available to say wheth- strains.
er, in the presence of primary resistance, a measure
of response can be expected with treatment with the THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DRUG RESISTANCE
drug concerned, when given alone. At the other
extreme, there is evidence that the presence of resis- Initial drug resistance
tance to a single drug has little or no effect on the It is important to appreciate the difference be-
outcome of treatment with the three drugs: isoniazid, tween primary and initial drug resistance. Primary
streptomycin and PAS (International Union Against resistance is resistance found in patients which has
Tuberculosis, 1964). Furthermore, even in the pres- not resulted from treatment of those patients with

the drug concerned. It includes both natural resis- In order to provide a measure of the problem that
tance, which may occur in a strain that has never all newly registered patients present for the treat-
come into contact with the drug, and acquired resis- ment services, surveys of such patients should be
tance occurring as a result of exposure to the drug in made. These surveys should include all patients
another patient. Initial resistance occurs in patients attending a clinic for the first time for treatment,
who give no history of previous chemotherapy. It whether or not they have received treatment else-
includes primary resistance, as well as acquired resis- where; they would not include patients already on
tance in patients who have either concealed a history the clinic register who return for further treatment in
of previous chemotherapy or have received chemo- the same clinic. Such surveys will be referred to as
therapy-for example, isoniazid for a cough-with- total surveys of newly registered patients.
out being aware of the nature of the medicament.
The pool of chronic drug-resistant infectious cases
Surveys of the prevalence of drug resistance A number of difficulties are involved in measuring
Since it is very difficult to obtain a reliable history the size of the pool of chronic drug-resistant infec-
of previous chemotherapy from patients in the deve- tious cases in the community, a measurement that pro-
loping countries, surveys of primary resistance in vides an important indication of the total extent of
these countries usually cannot be carried out. Most drug resistance. Although it is possible to obtain
surveys in patients disclaiming previous treatment information on the size and characteristics of the
are, in practice, surveys of initial drug resistance. pool during mass radiography surveys of the com-
On the other hand, in the technically advanced munity, the total number of patients found to have a
countries, surveys of true primary drug resistance positive culture in such surveys is, in practice, usual-
can more readily be performed because the patients ly small. Further attempts should be made to evolve
know if they have had previous chemotherapy and accurate methods of characterizing the pool.
have no reason for withholding the information.
Surveys of primary resistance measure the tenden- Drug-resistance registers
cy for resistant strains to accumulate within the In some cities, all chronic excretors of drug-resis-
community. In several of the technically advanced tant organisms are recorded in drug-resistance regis-
countries, they have been repeated at intervals of ters. These registers are a valuable way of following
years. In general terms, the results show that there
has been no increase in the prevalence of primary one important index of the success of therapy in the
resistance during the past decade, and that resistance community.
to only one drug is much more frequent than resis- Performance of surveys
tance to more than one drug. There is increasing
evidence that the level of primary resistance may be Whenever possible, a drug-resistance survey
a new way of assessing the amount of bacillary should be conducted within an entire country or
transmission in the community. Thus it may provide region rather than in individual clinics or hospitals,
a new epidemiological parameter. so that the survey may be widely representative.
Surveys of initial drug resistance measure the Preliminary data on the notification of new cases of
prevalence of resistance in patients who present tuberculosis should be obtained and used to draw a
themselves for treatment. They act as a guide to the statistical sample of the clinics and hospitals in the
formulation of chemotherapy programmes and regions, so that urban and rural communities and
reflect the quality and extent of chemotherapy prac- clinics with good and with -poor treatment services
tice in the area. The available data provide no are fairly represented. In developing countries, the
acceptable evidence of a progressive build-up of initial sample should include children under the age of
drug resistance to alarming levels in any developing 15 years, since there is evidence that the pattern of
country where the initial interrogation of patients drug sensitivity of their organisms may give the best
about the history of previous chemotherapy has been measure of the prevalence of primary resistance. If
carefully conducted. Indeed, as far as the trends can the community is multiracial or contains large
be followed, there is some evidence that the levels groups of immigrants, it is important to record the
may become stable, or even decrease, as the stan- race or the country of origin of the patient, since the
dards of the tuberculosis service and of chemo- groups may have different prevalences of drug resis-
therapeutic practice improve. tance.

The sensitivity tests for a survey should be per- those resistant to more than one drug is also of
formed in a single laboratory capable of doing tests epidemiological importance.
of a high standard of accuracy and, indeed, if a
sufficient standard cannot be obtained the survey THE ROLE OF SENSITIVITY TESTS
should not be undertaken. All mycobacteria isolat- IN TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL PROGRAMMES
ed should be identified as Myco. tuberculosis, Myco.
bovis or some other mycobacterial species. In mak- The uses of sensitivity tests
ing a choice between the several accurate sensitivity
test methods available, comparability with previous Sensitivity tests have four main uses:
surveys in the same region is the first priority, and For scientific purposes: they have contributed
comparability with surveys in other countries is also greatly to our understanding of the mechanisms of
of value. It is clearly desirable to reduce to a chemotherapy and of the reasons for success and
minimum the number of different sensitivity tests failure.
employed, in order to allow accurate comparisons For epidemiological studies, whether at one point
between different countries. in time or at two different points in time in the same
One or both of the following control methods are country, or for comparisons between countries.
advisable. First, a detailed distribution of the sensi- For planning wide-scale treatment, since, for exam-
tivity of a sample of wild strains (or, less satisfactori- ple, the proportion of patients with fully sensitive
ly, a series of tests on the standard strain, H37Rv) organisms in the community can be estimated.
should be obtained; the distribution can then be For use in the individual patient, in order to decide
compared with similar distributions obtained in any on regimens that might be effective, especially in re-
other survey using the same sensitivity test method, treatment.
thus providing a check on the comparability of Too much stress has been laid on the last of these
definitions of resistance. Secondly, a sample of pre- uses, compared with the other three.
dominantly resistant strains, which is often automat- The wide scale on which unreliable sensitivity-test
ically obtained in total surveys of newly registered results are reported, even in the technically advanced
patients (as described on page 25), may be tested. countries, gives cause for concern. The harm that
The application of the discrimination approach will could result to the individual patient from clinical
then ensure that optimum definitions of resistance action taken on the basis of inaccurate results must
are used, and will facilitate comparisons with other be emphasized. Also, for the purposes of epidemiol-
surveys using this approach. Furthermore, in ogy, the planning of wide-scale treatment or research,
reporting the results, full technical details of the inaccurate results are of very limited value.
method used, including the number of culturable Furthermore, the use of well organized, good
particles obtained on drug-free medium, should be regimens of chemotherapy in communities with little
given. initial drug resistance automatically limits the poten-
Considering the prevalence of resistance to the tial value of wide-scale sensitivity testing.
various antituberculosis drugs, measurements of Studies in some developing countries have demon-
the prevalence of resistance to isoniazid have the strated the value of a careful interrogation of
greatest epidemiological value, since isoniazid is patients about their previous history of chemothera-
widely used in treatment throughout the world, the py, including, in particular, its duration and the
tests are comparatively easy to perform, and the drugs used, to indicate whether pre-treatment drug
results obtained by different methods of testing are resistance is likely to be present. This information is
likely to be closely comparable. It is also of value to available at the time when decisions have to be taken
estimate the prevalence of resistance to streptomy- concerning the regimen of chemotherapy to be given
cin, but streptomycin is more widely used in some to the patient. For this reason, careful interrogation
countries than in others, the test is more difficult to is of importance in planning treatment, whether or
perform reliably, and it is possible that the occur- not a sensitivity test is performed.
rence of strains with natural resistance to the drug
may obscure the epidemiological value of the data. Sensitivity testing in countries at different stages of
Sensitivity tests to. PAS, thioacetazone or the second- development
line drugs are of less value. The ratio between the In the developing countries, requirements for sen-
number of strains resistant to a single drug and of sitivity testing necessarily vary according to the stage

of technical progress and the availability of laborato- first-line drugs in all newly diagnosed cases, the role
ry services. For some countries with a very small of pre-treatment sensitivity tests is limited. In such
population and with limited resources there is no circumstances, there is little to be gained from pre-
justification for establishing sensitivity testing in treatment sensitivity tests in patients in whom tuber-
even a single laboratory. Such countries might need culosis has been newly diagnosed, even when sensi-
to obtain limited reference work for epidemiological tivity testing is of the highest standard. This is
purposes and do so in a laboratory abroad, possibly because failure of the standard regimen due to pre-
with the help of an international agency. In this treatment drug resistance is likely to occur only in
connexion, efforts are currently being made by the very small proportion of patients with strains
WHO to establish inter-country regional reference resistant to two or three drugs. If the standards of
laboratories. sensitivity testing are lower, then the gains may be
At the next stage of development, there are many negligible. Indeed, a position may be reached where,
countries that either already have, or else require, a paradoxically, sensitivity testing might even result
single laboratory able to undertake a sufficient num- in actual harm by leading to unnecessary changes
ber of sensitivity tests to meet all needs for the of chemotherapy from effective and acceptable
current stage of development of the tuberculosis regimens to more toxic, less acceptable, and less
programme. The sensitivity tests might be used for effective second-line regimens.
epidemiological purposes, for the planning of wide- In developing countries existing knowledge does
scale treatment programmes or, in some instances, not provide adequate guidance on the best chemo-
even for individual patients. In some countries, such therapy policy to be adopted in the light of the
a laboratory might be able to meet likely require- widely different levels of initial and acquired drug
ments for a number of years to come. Once one resistance encountered in the community. One ex-
efficient laboratory is functioning, the need to in- treme choice of policy for an area might be to treat
crease the number of laboratories should be carefully all patients with a standard regimen, the regimen to
evaluated and fully justified, not only according to be changed only when it was apparent that the
the requirements of the tuberculosis programme but patient remained consistently positive bacteriologi-
also in relation to competing health priorities. cally. The other extreme might be to apply several
At the other extreme, the situation in many techni- different basic regimens according to the pre-treat-
cally advanced countries today is unsatisfactory. ment patterns of sensitivity actually encountered in
Only too often, there are large numbers of laborato- the organisms of individual patients.
ries undertaking sensitivity tests, many using unsatis- In a study that is now in progress in an area with a
factory methods or else doing tests on too small a substantial level of initial drug resistance, three poli-
scale to maintain an adequate control over their cies of chemotherapy, either based on or ignoring the
standards. It is encouraging to note that efforts are results of pre-treatment sensitivity tests, are being
being made in some countries to centralize sensitivity compared. Such studies can yield information not
testing in a few regional laboratories: such central- only on the role of sensitivity testing, and hence the
ization, where laboratories use uniform methods, laboratory services that are required, but also on the
offers substantial advantages. most appropriate policies of chemotherapy to apply
It is clearly desirable to make one laboratory a In the past, the failure of good regimens of chemo-
national reference centre. therapy has often been explained by the finding of
It should be emphasized that, whatever the stage resistance in pre-treatment tests for drug sensitivity
of development of the laboratory services of a coun- This has overshadowed what is often a more impor-
try, no laboratory should embark on sensitivity test- tant factor: the failure of the patient to co-operate
ing until adequate staff, equipment, interest and in treatment, only too often because the supervisory
intellectual skills are available to sustain a high staff do not adapt the organization and supervision
standard of work. of chemotherapy to the needs of the patient.
Pre-treatment sensitivity tests Sensitivity testing during treatment
In technically advanced countries where it has been Patients who are consistently culture-positive at
established that the levels of primary resistance to the end of 6 months or more of treatment, especially
the first-line drugs are low and where the available when the cultures yield abundant growth and there
resources permit the use of therapy with the three has been a "fall and rise" phenomenon in the

bacterial content of the sputum, can be regarded as (a) smears;

clear-cut " failures " of the regimen in bacteriologi- (b) cultures, for diagnostic purposes in patients
cal terms. However, these patients may have drug- who are bacteriologically negative on sputum smear
sensitive organisms because they have been irregular examination;
in taking their medicament. Furthermore, patients
who have had a relapse after stopping chemotherapy (c) sensitivity tests for epidemiological purposes;
frequently yield sensitive organisms. In both these (d) sensitivity tests for individual patients.
circumstances a rapid sensitivity test, for example, a The minimum aim of a bacteriological service in a
direct test, which is available with certain methods, developing country should be to perform enough
would be of particular value. Further, the likelihood smear examinations to permit an accurate diagnosis
of finding sensitive or resistant organisms varies on smear and also to assess the progress of therapy
according to the standards of treatment in the com- at intervals, the minimum frequency being at the end
munity. It may well be possible, by the systematic of 6 and 12 months of therapy. If possible, 2 smears
collection of data in cases of treatment failure, as should be performed at each assessment, because
just defined, to formulate policies for further treat- important conclusions, for example, that a patient
ment. If drug sensitivity were common in the com- has failed to respond adequately to a regimen of
munity, treatment with the first-line drugs would chemotherapy, should not be reached on the basis of
normally be resumed. If resistance were common, a single positive result on smear examination. The
treatment with second-line drug combinations, if " fall and rise " phenomenon in the bacterial content
available, would be given. Such an epidemiological of the sputum, referred to above, is very informative.
application of sensitivity testing could be of greater Therefore, when the results of smear examinations
general value than testing in the individual patient. are read, the grade of positivity should be recorded.
Sensitivity testing and second-line regimens The aim in a developing country is to have a smear
For patients whose treatment with the first-line service on a large enough scale to grade the bacterial
drugs has failed, treatment with a second-line content of the sputum smears monthly in the first
regimen can be safely initiated without undertaking few months of treatment, and at 6 and 12 months.
sensitivity tests to the second-line drugs to be intro- Fluorescence microscopy offers the substantial ad-
duced. The indications for changing a second-line vantages of allowing more specimens to be examined
regimen might be the occurrence of toxicity, or the and the possibility of instituting adequate supervi-
finding that the patient's organisms were still sensi- sion of the reading of the smears. However, its use
tive to more effective and acceptable first-line drugs, often entails some degree of centralization of the
or evidence that the second-line regimen had itself examination of sputum specimens, and operational
failed. If a further course of second-line drugs is research is needed to see to what extent the gains
required and it is uncertain whether resistance might might be outweighed by the disadvantages of delay
have been acquired to one or more of them, sensitiv- in reporting results and the possible loss of interest
ity tests are likely to be of value. in the outlying services.
There are also problems of cross-resistance. For When, with the development of the service, it
example, high degrees of in vitro ethionamide resis- becomes possible to undertake cultures, their most
tance have been encountered in two situations in important use is for diagnostic purposes, in order to
patients who have never been treated with the drug. ensure as far as possible that all patients brought
One is unsuccessful treatment with thioacetazone under treatment are, in fact, suffering from the
alone, or with isoniazid plus thioacetazone which disease. This recommendation takes into account
has resulted in resistance to thioacetazone; the other not only the importance of concentrating the
is in the presence of very low degrees of primary resources of the therapeutic services on patients
isoniazid resistance (Canetti et al., 1967). actually suffering from the disease but also the prior-
ity of bringing all infectious cases under treatment.
Smears, cultures and sensitivity tests in control pro- Sensitivity tests for epidemiological purposes (dis-
grammes cussed earlier) have a somewhat lower priority; so
From the point of view of their value in a tubercu- have sensitivity tests for the individual patient. As
losis control programme, smears, cultures and sensi- discussed above, the priority in the individual patient
tivity tests may be ranked in the following order of is to test cultures from those who have "failed"
priority: during or after treatment with first-line drugs.



MEDIUM Incubation and reading of tests

Sensitivity tests are done on Lowenstein-Jensen The slopes are incubated at 37C. A reading may
medium without potato starch (Jensen, 1955). The be made at 2 weeks to give a preliminary indication
drugs are added before inspissation, in the of the presence of resistant strains, but the definitive
concentrations noted below. The medium is reading is made at 4 weeks, and a report that a strain
dispensed in about 5-ml amounts in 1-fl oz (28-ml) is sensitive should not be given earlier. For all tests,
screw-capped bottles and is inspissated once for " growth " is d2fined as the presence of 20 or more
50 minutes at 85C. colonies. The resistance ratio (RR) is the minimal
concentration inhibiting growth (as defined above)
of the test strain divided by the minimal
TESTS FOR ISONIAZID, STREPTOMYCIN AND PAS concentration inhibiting growth (as defined above)
of the standard sensitive strain, H37Rv, in the same
Inoculum set of tests.
The sensitivity tests are set up with an inoculum, Short test
referred to below as the standard inoculum, After the test has been in use for a period, the
prepared from the growth on primary diagnostic range of drug concentrations may be shortened with
Lowenstein-Jensen medium slopes. Tests are set up little loss of information. The concentrations that
not later than 2 weeks after the slopes become could be omitted in tests at the Royal Postgraduate
positive (usually within 3 days), and older growths Medical School, London, are indicated with an
are subcultured if necessary to ensure that the asterisk below. However, it is possible that slightly
inoculum is composed of young viable organisms. different concentrations might be needed in other
With a 22 SWG 2 (wire diameter 0.7 mm) laboratories. The range required for the test strain is
Nichrome loop, a representative sweep from the determined by the variation in the minimal
growth is taken on the loop, with a volume, judged inhibitory concentration (MIC) of H37Rv, and by
by eye, of 2 mm3 (approximately 2 mg moist weight the need to determine a resistance ratio of 2 or less
of bacilli). The growth taken on the loop is then for sensitive strains and a resistance ratio of 8 or
discharged into 0.4 ml of sterile distilled water more for resistant strains. Thus, if H37Rv is
contained in 0.25-fl oz (7-mI) screw-capped bottles inhibited by either 8 pg/ml or 4 ,ug/ml of
together with 6 glass beads 3 mm in diameter. streptomycin in a series of batches of tests, then it
Standardization of the size of the inoculum is would be necessary to have 8 ,ug/ml as the lowest
important and depends on estimating the amount of streptomycin concentration in the test strain range
growth on the loop as 2 mm3: it is advisable that the (test strain MIC = 8 ,tg/ml; H37Rv MIC = 4,g/ml;
worker should initially weigh a number of such RR = 2 or less) and 32 jug/ml as the highest
loopfuls of growth to ensure that there are actually concentration (test strain grows on 32 jug/ml; H37Rv
2 mg of growth on his loop. A suspension is MIC = 8 jug/ml; RR = 8 or more).
prepared by shaking the 7-ml bottle for 1 minute on
a mechanical shaker, and then, with a 3-mm external Storage
diameter 27 SWG (wire diameter 0.4 mm) Stock solutions of isoniazid, streptomycin and
Nichrome loop, a loopful of the suspension is spread PAS are usually prepared at monthly intervals and
on the surface of each slope of the sensitivity test. stored at 4C. Drug-containing media as well are
As a control, a drug-free slope is set up for each stored at 4C and can be used for at least 2 months
strain tested. The standard sensitive strain, H37Rv, after preparation.
is tested in each set of tests and again within each set
if the batch of medium is changed. Procedure with different drugs
Prepared by Professor D. A. Mitchison. Stock solutions are prepared in distilled water and
'British Standard Wire Gauge. sterilized with a membrane, candle or sintered-glass

filter, or by very brief autoclaving (5 minutes at TESTS FOR ETHIONAMIDE, CYCLOSERINE,

10 lbf/in2 (0.7 kgf/cm2)). Seitz filtration should not KANAMYCIN AND VIOMYCIN
be practised as it removes some of the isoniazid.
Concentrations in test medium. The standard inoculum is prepared and used in
Test strain: 0.2, 1, 5* and 50* Htg/ml isoniazid the same way as in tests for isoniazid, streptomycin
H37Rv: 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 1 sg/ml iso- and PAS.
* Not necessary in the short test. However, the inclusion of Stock solutions and storage of medium
50 gug/ml is helpful in the identification of atypical mycobacteria,
since tubercle bacilli growing on this concentration are catalase-
negative, whereas atypical mycobacteria are often catalase-positive.
Cycloserine and especially ethionamide are both
heat-labile. For these two drugs, stock solutions
Definition of resistance. should be made up fresh for each batch of medium.
Sterile water and containers are used but the final
Sensitive: no growth (less than 20 colonies) on solution is not sterilized. Ethionamide is made up
0.2 fig/ml isoniazid.
and diluted in 0.1 N HCI. Drug-containing medium
Resistant: growth on 1 cg/ml isoniazid or growth should be transferred to a refrigerator as soon as
on 0.2 ,Ag/ml followed by growth on possible after inspissation and, at all stages in the
0.2 ug/ml in a further test done from the
control slope or on a culture from the test, it should be kept at room temperature for the
same patient. minimum time possible. Ethionamide-containing
medium should be used within 2 weeks of
Streptomycin. preparation, but cycloserine-containing medium is
Stock aqueous solutions are prepared with aseptic more stable. Kanamycin and viomycin are both
precautions from sterile ampoules of streptomycin heat-stable.
sulfate. Preliminary titration
Concentrations (before inspissation) in test medium. A preliminary titration of culture from 20-25
Test strain: 8, 16, 32, 64 * and 1024 * tg/ ml strepto- patients is done in several batches of medium
mycin containing drug concentrations above and below the
H37Rv: 2, 4, 8 and 16 * ,tg/ml streptomycin usual end-point for sensitive strains. Thus, for
* Not necessary in short test. ethionamide, the concentrations should be 0, 10, 20,
40 and 80 ,ug/ml ethionamide. The geometric mean
Definition of resistance. of the usual 20-colony minimal inhibitory concentra-
Sensitive: a resistance ratio of 2 or less tions obtained in these titrations is calculated. The
mean is then multiplied by 1.07, 1.5 and 2.1 (a 1.4-
Resistant: a resistance ratio of 8 or more or a fold series), to give the three drug concentrations to
resistance ratio of 4 followed by a
resistance ratio of 4 or more in a further be used in the routine test. Thus, if the geometric
test done from the control slope or on mean minimal inhibitory concentration for ethiona-
another culture from the same patient. mide is 27 ,tg/ml, the concentrations would be
28 ,tg/ml, 40 ,tg/ml and 56 jug/ml. These concen-
PAS. trations are referred to below as the lower, the
Stock solutions are prepared as for isoniazid or middle and the upper concentrations, respectively.
from sterile ampoules of sodium PAS dihydrate.
Concentration in test medium. Test strains are set up on a control, drug-free
Test strain: 1*, 2, 4, 8 and 16* ,tg/ml sodium PAS slope and on one slope containing the lower, the
dihydrate middle and the upper concentrations of the drug
H37Rv: 0.25*, 0.5, 1 and 2 ,ug/ml sodium PAS concerned. In each batch of tests, 2 pre-treatment
dihydrate control strains are also included, set up on slopes
* Not necessary in short test. containing the range of concentrations used in the
preliminary titration. The results with these control
Definition of resistance. strains are collected at intervals of 6 months to
As for streptomycin. 1 year, and the geometric means calculated as a

check that the lower, middle and upper concentra- When inoculating the slopes, care must be taken
tions are still correct. In any batch of tests, the not to dig the loop into the soft surface of the
results on these controls also serve as a check that medium and not to inoculate the margins of the
the batch of medium used has not deteriorated slope near the bottle walls, or in the water of
(particularly important for ethionamide tests). condensation. Readings should be made with a lens,
taking into account the most minute colonies.
Incubation and reading of tests
Definition of resistance.
All tests are incubated at 37C and read at
4 weeks. As for the first-line drugs, preliminary Sensitive: growth of less than 10 colonies on
readings at 2 weeks may indicate the presence of a 100 ,ug/ml pyrazinamide. (Growth is
usually inhibited by 25 jug/ml, but
resistant strain. occasional sensitive strains may grow on
Definition of resistance. slopes containing 25 ,sg/ml or even
50 ug/ml pyrazinamide).
Sensitive: no growth on the lower concentration Resistant: growth of 10 colonies or more on
(e.g., in the example, 28 ug/ml ethion- 100 jig/ml pyrazinamide.
Resistant: growth on the middle concentration or It is probable that strains with acquired resistance
the upper concentrations or growth on to pyrazinamide always have very high degrees of
the lower concentration followed by a resistance.
similar growth in a further test done on Medium at a pH more alkaline than 4.85 is a little
the control slope or on another culture less efficient in distinguishing between sensitive and
from the same patient. resistant strains. Medium at pH 4.85 has been found
to support the growth of the great majority of strains
TEST FOR PYRAZINAMIDE from British, South Indian and Chinese (Hong
Kong) patients. However, a slightly more alkaline
Inoculum, incubation and reading of tests pH medium (4.95) was necessary to get satisfactory
Pyrazinamide sensitivity tests are set up with a growth of many strains from patients from Uganda.
1:10 dilution of the standard inoculum suspension. Thus, regional variation in the characteristics of
The medium must be acid and colonies take longer Myco. tuberculosis renders it necessary to determine
to grow. Hence, readings should be made at 6 weeks the optimum pH for strains from different areas of
after inoculation. the world.
Acid medium is prepared by adding N HCl very Tests for thioacetazone sensitivity are of little
gradually and with continuous shaking to the prognostic value in areas of the world where a
medium before inspissation (approximately 50 ml proportion of wild strains are naturally resistant to
N HCl is required for 1.0 litre medium) until the the drug since it is difficult to distinguish between
medium is at pH 4.85 0.05, as measured with a strains with natural and acquired resistance. This is
glass electrode. Once acidified, the medium should because there is no strong association between
be distributed without delay in 7-ml amounts in 28- natural thioacetazone sensitivity of pre-treatment
ml screw-capped bottles and inspissated, as usual, strains and the response of patients to treatment
for 50 minutes at 85C. The medium may be stored with a regimen of isoniazid and thioacetazone
for I month. (Mitchison, 1968). In these areas, it is therefore
unprofitable to do sensitivity tests to the drug.
Fewer studies using the Medical Research Council
Test strains and strain H37Rv are inoculated on to sensitivity test methods have been done in areas
slopes containing 0, 25, 50 and 100 ,ug/ml where natural resistance is rare. However, the
pyrazinamide. The test may be simplified by using following method can be used.
only one drug concentration (100 ,tg/ml pyrazin-
amide) but a duplicate pair of drug-free and drug- Inoculum, incubation and reading of tests
containing slopes should then be set up from each Slopes are inoculated with the standard inoculum
strain. and read after 4 weeks' incubation.

Stock solutions and storage of medium Procedure

A stock solution of 6400 ,tg/ml thioacetazone is Test strains are inoculated on to slopes containing
prepared by dissolving 64 mg thioacetazone in 10 ml 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 ,g/ml thioacetazone. Strain
triethylene glycol (Trigol, British Drug Houses), and H37Rv may also be inoculated on to slopes
dilutions of this solution are also made in triethylene containing 0.12 ,uglml and 0.25 ,tg/ml, but since this
glycol. The triethylene glycol should be warmed at strain is not fully sensitive to the drug, its use as a
37C to reduce its viscosity, and fresh pipettes control strain is not recommended.
should be used for each dilution step. The stock
solutions are self-sterilizing, and are added to Definition of resistance.
L6wenstein-Jensen medium to give a final concentra- Sensitive: no growth (of 20 colonies or more) on
tion of 0.5% triethylene glycol in the medium. All 2 yg/ml thioacetazone.
stock solutions and medium should be stored in the Resistant: growth on 2 /ugfml thioacetazone or
dark, but are heat-stable. more.



PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD in sensitivity testing; it has relatively little advan-

tage over the simplified variant, except for research
All strains of tuberculosis contain some bacilli purposes.
that are resistant to antibacillary drugs. However, in
resistant strains, the proportion of such bacilli is
considerably higher than in sensitive strains. The
proportion method consists in calculating the Culture medium; incorporation of drugs into the
proportion of resistant bacilli present in a strain. medium; concentrations of drugs employed
Two appropriate bacillary dilutions, a high and a
low one, are inoculated on drug-containing and L6wenstein-Jensen medium with or without
drug-free medium, in order to provide numerable potato starch is used for all the resistance tests. The
colonies on both media. The ratio of the number of slopes used are 17 mm x 170 mm and contain 7 ml
colonies obtained on the drug-containing medium to of medium. The drugs, dissolved in distilled water,4
the number of colonies obtained on the drug-free are incorporated in the medium before coagulation.
medium indicates the proportion of resistant bacilli The control medium without drugs is prepared at the
present in the strain. Below a certain proportion, same time as the drug-containing media. After the
the strain is classified as sensitive; above, as drug has been added to the medium and after
resistant. the medium has been distributed in the slopes, the
There exist two variants of the proportion medium is coagulated at 85C for 50 minutes. The
method: the simplified variant and the standard slopes are left at room temperature for 24 hours with
variant.2 The simplified variant is suitable for cotton-wool plugs and are then covered with rubber
current practice: with the criteria adopted, its use caps and stored at 4C. The period of validity of the
under adequate technical conditions causes an media stored at 4C is 2 months; for media with
almost negligible proportion of sensitive strains to be ethionamide, 1 month.
misclassified as resistant and a very small proportion Concentrations of drugs employed
of resistant strains to be misclassified as sensitive. Only one concentration is employed per drug.
The standard variant, which requires a wider range The concentrations are:
of drug-containing media and more work, should be
used only in laboratories that are highly specialized ' Canetti et al. (1964).
'For ethionamide, thioacetazone and rifampicin, whose
Prepared by Dr G. Canetti and Dr N. Rist.
solubility in water is very low, 1 % solutions in pure ethylene
2 Both variants of the proportion method were worked glycol are first prepared. The subsequent dilutions are made
out in collaboration with Dr J. Grosset. in distilled water.

Isoniazid 0.2 ,g/ml steps (0.5 ml of the bacterial suspension 1 mg/ml,

Streptomycin1 4 ,g/ml discharged into 4.5 ml of distilled water, produces
PAS 2 0.5 ug/ml the dilution 10-1 mg/ml; 0.5 ml of the bacterial sus-
Thioacetazone 2 pg/ml pension 10-1 mg/ml, discharged into 4.5 ml of distilled
Ethionamide 20 ug/ml
Kanamycin 20 ,ug/ml water, produces the dilution 10-2 mg/ml, etc., down
Cycloserine 30 ug/ml to 10-5 mg/ml). The pipette is changed for each dilu-
Viomycin 30 jug/ml tion. Two slopes of medium without drug and
Capreomycin 20 tg/ml 2 slopes of medium with drug are inoculated with
Pyrazinamide 3 1oo jLg/ml 0.1 ml of the 2 chosen dilutions.
Ethambutol 2 pg/ml The inoculated slopes are plugged with cotton-
Rifampicin 40 pg/ml wool; no rubber caps are placed on them. The
slopes are put in a stand at a very slight angle from
Inoculum the horizontal and placed in the incubator at 37C.
With a spatula, a representative sample of The liquid should cover as much surface of the
5 mg-10 mg is taken from the primary culture and medium as possible, without touching the cotton-
placed in a spherical, flat-bottomed flask containing wool plug. When the liquid part of the inoculum
30 glass beads 3 mm in diameter. The flask is shaken has evaporated (24-48 hours) the slopes are cov-
for 20-30 seconds; 5 ml of distilled water are added ered with rubber caps and left in the incubator at
slowly under continuous shaking. The opacity of the 370C.
bacterial suspension is then adjusted by the addition
of distilled water to that of a standard suspension Reading of tests
containing 1 mg/ml of tubercle bacilli (or BCG). The results are read for the first time on the
For further processing and for inoculation, either 28th day. The colonies are counted only on the
a calibrated loop or pipettes may be used. slopes seeded with the lowest inoculum that has
produced growth. This inoculum either may be the
Loop. The loop should be of platinum (wire diam- same for the control slopes and the drug-containing
eter 0.7 mm) and have an internal diameter of 3 mm; slopes; or it may be the low inoculum (10-6 mg of
such a loop delivers 0.01 ml. The 2 bacterial bacilli) for the control slopes and the high inoculum
dilutions required for inoculation with the loop are 10-2 (10-4 mg of bacilli) for the drug-containing slopes.
mg/ml and 10-4 mg/ml; the 2 inocula are respectively The average number of colonies obtained for the
10-4 mg and 10-6 mg of bacilli for each slope. The 2 control slopes indicates the number of culturable
dilution 10-2 mg/ml is produced by discharging particles contained in the inoculum. The average
2 loopfuls of the bacterial suspension standardized at number of colonies obtained for the drug-containing
1 mg/ml into a small tube containing 2 ml of distilled
water and shaking. Similarly, the dilution 10-4 slopes indicates the number of resistant bacilli
mg/ml is produced by discharging 2 loopfuls of the contained in the inoculum. The ratio between the
dilution 10-2 mg/ml into a small tube containing 2 ml second figure and the first indicates the proportion of
resistant bacilli existing in the strain. Below a
of distilled water and shaking. Two slopes of certain proportion (the critical proportion) the strain
medium without drug and 2 slopes of medium with is classified as sensitive; above, as resistant. The
drug are inoculated with a loopful of each dilution. proportions are reported in terms of percentages.
Pipettes. If pipettes are used, the inoculum for If, according to the criteria indicated below, the
each slope is 0.1 ml. Accordingly, the 2 bacterial result of the reading made on the 28th day is
dilutions required for inoculation with the pipette are " resistant ", no further reading of the test for that
10-3 mg/ml and 10-5 mg/ml; again, the 2 inocula are drug is required: the strain is classified as resistant.
10-4 mg and 10-6 mg of bacilli, respectively, for each If the result at the 28th day is " sensitive ", a second
slope. The dilutions are prepared by 10-fold dilution reading is made on the 42nd day: this provides the
definitive result.
1 Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate, at a concentration corre-
sponding to 4 zg/ml base. Criteria of resistance
'If sodium PAS is used to prepare the solution, 1.38 g of Any strain showing a proportion of resistant
the salt is employed for 1 g of p-aminosalicylic acid.
' Lowenstein-Jensen medium at pH 4.9 is used (see under bacilli equal or superior to that indicated below is
" Test of sensitivity to pyrazinamide ", p. 36). classified as resistant to the corresponding drug:

Drug concentration Critical proportion TABLE 1

(jig/ml) for resistance (%)
Streptomycin 4 10 METHOD a
PAS 0.5 1
Thioacetazone 2 10 Concentration Critical proportion
Ethionamide 20 10
Drug (ig/ml) I_
for resistance
Kanamycin 20 10
Cycloserine 30 10 Isoniazid 0.1 1
Viomycin 30 10 0.2 1
Capreomycin 20 10 1 0.21 b

Pyrazinamide 100 10
Ethambutol 1 2 10 Streptomycin 4 10
Rifampicin 40 1 8 0.1b
For the calculation of the proportion of resistant PAS 0.25 10
bacilli, the highest count obtained on the drug-free 0.51 1
and on the drug-containing medium should be 1 0.1 b
taken, regardless of whether this count is obtained Thioacetazone 1 50
on the 28th day, on the 42nd day, or on the 28th day 2 10
with one medium and on the 42nd with the other. 4 1
Ethionamide 10 50
The preparation of the culture medium, the 40 1
preparation of the inoculum, the bacillary dilutions Kanamycin 10 50
employed for inoculation and the numbers of 20 10
control slopes inoculated with each dilution are 30 1
exactly the same as for the simplified variant (see Cycloserine 20 50
pp. 32-33). The only difference consists in the
greater number of drug concentrations tested. 30 10
40 1
Concentrations of drugs employed Viomycin 20 50
The 3 (or sometimes 2) concentrations of drugs 30 10
employed are shown in the middle column of 40 1
Table 1. The concentrations within boxes, which are Capreomycin 20 10
those used in the simplified variant, are the main
concentrations; the others are subsidiary. With each 40 1
of the 2 bacillary dilutions used as inoculum (see Pyrazinamide 50 50
under 'Inoculum ", p. 33) 1 slope of the main drug 1100 10
concentration and 1 of each subsidiary drug 400 1
concentration are inoculated.
Ethambutol c 1 50
Criteria of resistance 2 10
The critical proportions indicating resistance are 3 1
shown in Table 1.2 Rifampicin 20 10
40 1
Reading of the results
The results are read for the first time on the
a The main drug concentrations and the criteria for them are
28th day. The procedure of counting the number of boxed.
b This criterion cannot be employed for the diagnosis of
The criterion indicated is tentative, owing to limited sensitivity (<0.1 % bacilli resistant to the corresponding drug
experience. concentration) if the average number of colonies on the control-
slopes seeded with the low inoculum is less than 20.
2The rationale for these criteria is discussed by Canetti c The criterion indicated is tentative, owing to limited ex-
et al. (1963). perience.

colonies and calculating the proportion of bacilli bacilli may be submitted to a direct test by the
resistant to a given drug is the same as with the proportion method. The saving of time, in
simplified variant. However, for the slopes with comparison to the indirect test, is 3-4 weeks.
drugs, the counting on the 28th day may be A smear is prepared from the purulent part of the
restricted to those containing the main drug sputum. If the smear shows at least 1 bacillus per
concentration. If the result is " resistant ", the strain oil-immersion-objective field, a direct test may be
is classified as such: no further reading of the test is made.
required for that drug. If the result is " sensitive ", Two millilitres of sputum are placed in a sterile
the test is read again on the 42nd day. mortar. An equal quantity of 4 % NaOH and
On the 42nd day, the colonies are counted first on 3 drops of tincture of litmus are added. The mixture
the slopes without drug and on the slopes containing is triturated with the pestle for 1-2 minutes, wrapped
the main drug concentration. As stated above, in sterile paper, incubated at 37C forN 50 minutes
for the calculation of the proportion of resistant and neutralized with a few drops of 15% sulfuric
bacilli the highest count obtained on the drug-free acid. The product thus obtained constitutes
and on the drug-containing medium should be dilution 1.1 Further dilutions are prepared by 10-fold
taken, regardless of the date at which this count steps," using pipettes.
is obtained. If the result is " resistant ", no count- If the smear has shown 1-10 bacilli per field, the
ing of the colonies on the other drug concentra- 2 dilutions chosen for inoculation are 1 and 10-2 (10-3
tions is needed: the strain is classified as resistant. may also be inoculated on 2 tubes without drugs).
If the result for the main drug concentration is If the smear has shown more than 10 bacilli per
" sensitive ", the colonies are also counted on the field, the 2 dilutions chosen for inoculation are 10-1
subsidiary drug concentrations, and the correspond- and 10-3.
ing criteria for resistance are applied for definitive
classification of the strain, as indicated below. The number of tubes inoculated with each
dilution, the reading of the results and the
Application of criteria of resistance for subsidiary application of the criteria for resistance 2 are exactly
drug concentrations the same as in the previously described tests.
The direct test may be used as the simplified
For mathematical and biological reasons, criteria variant (inoculation of one concentration per drug)
of resistance for the subsidiary drug concentrations or as the standard variant (inoculation of more than
may be slightly less reliable than those for the main one concentration per drug) in exactly the same way
drug concentrations. Consequently, if the criteria as the indirect tests described previously. However,
applied under the conditions specified above indicate since the frequency of failures of the direct test
"resistance" for both subsidiary drug concentra- owing to a dearth of culturable particles in the
tions, the strain is definitively classified as resistant. inoculum is not negligible, the simplified variant
If they indicate " resistance " for one subsidiary should be generally preferred, for the sake of
drug concentration, the strain is retested. If, at the economy.
second test, the criteria again indicate " resistance "
for one subsidiary drug concentration (or for both,
or for the main drug concentration), the strain is ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS
definitively classified as resistant. If they indicate Inoculum
" resistance " for no subsidiary drug concentration
(nor for the main drug concentration) the strain is The inocula indicated above (p. 33) usually
definitively classified as sensitive. provide satisfactory numbers of culturable particles
However, for isoniazid and streptomycin, strains for the test: more than 10 and less than 100 colonies
showing resistance at one subsidiary drug concentra- per control slope seeded with the smaller inoculum.
tion are classified as resistant without further However, in some laboratories, the yield may prove
retesting. smaller, owing to different growth conditions. In


If a method involving centrifugation of the treated
sputum specimen is used, dilution 1 will be provided by the
centrifugation-sediment resuspended in 4 ml of distilled
Any sputum specimen in which microscopic water.
examination demonstrates a sufficient number of 2The criteria for ethambutol are not valid in direct tests.

such cases, a different set of inocula may be adopted Test ofsensitivity to pyrazinamide
for current use, for instance:
For tests of sensitivity to pyrazinamide, acid
5x10-4 mg and 5x10-6 mg L6wenstein-Jensen medium at pH 4.9 is used. With
or 10-3 mg and 10-5 mg many strains, growth on such a medium is less
For tests on single colonies, the set of inocula abundant than on standard L6wenstein-Jensen
employed should always be medium (pH 6.8). For tests of sensitivity to
10-3 mg and 10-5 mg pyrazinamide, control slopes with acid medium
owing to the smaller yield of culturable particles should be inoculated, in addition to the normal
from single colonies. controls. If the number of bacilli growing on the
acid controls amounts to less than 10 % of the
Any indirect or direct test showing an average of number of bacilli growing on the standard controls,
less than S colonies in the control slopes seeded with the test should be repeated.
the smaller inoculum should be repeated (from the The 2 inocula used for the test are 10 times
controls). stronger than the usual ones: 10-3 mg of bacilli and
Dysgonic growth 10- mg of bacilli. The number of culturable
particles on which the calculation of the proportion
A certain amount of dysgony on the drug- of resistant bacilli is based is the number counted on
containing media, with normal growth on the the acid controls.
controls, is a frequent occurrence in resistance tests The results of tests of resistance to pyrazinamide
and does not impair the reading. However, some are less reliable than those of tests of sensitivity to
strains grow very dysgonically in the drug- other drugs. The use of direct tests often leads to the
containing and in the drug-free slopes. Since the misclassification of resistant strains as sensitive.
negative influence of dysgony on the number of
colonies that develop is usually more pronounced in
the slopes seeded with the smaller inoculum than in CONTROL TESTS
those seeded with the larger inoculum (and may vary
considerably between slopes seeded with the same Routine check of drug-containing media
inoculum) the proportions calculated from one Each new batch of drug-containing medium
inoculum are sometimes highly inconsistent with should be checked for drug activity, in order to
those calculated from the other, and no reliable disclose errors in the amount of drug dispensed or in
figures can be given. In such cases, the definitive heating. For the control test, the same wild strain
reading of the test should be postponed for 2 weeks. -for instance, H37Rv-should be used throughout.
If the situation has not changed, the test should be The amount of growth produced by a known
repeated (from the control slope). inoculum on the new drug-containing medium
should fall within a range of values established
Test of sensitivity to streptomycin previously. The control test is done only once for
Growth on dihydrostreptomycin-containing each batch (a repetition each time the same medium
Lowenstein-Jensen medium is highly dependent on is employed is useless).
the oxygen supply available in the container: the less The type of control test used at the Institut
oxygen, the more growth.' The amount of oxygen Pasteur, Paris, and its results are illustrated in
available in different medium containers (slopes, Table 2. A 6-8-day-old culture of H37Rv in Dubos
bottles, etc.) depends on several factors (amount of liquid medium is standardized opacimetrically to
medium, surface area of the medium, size of the 1 mg/ml (= dilution 1): under the growth conditions
containers, and principally tightness of the cap). prevailing, dilution 1 contains 5 to 100 x 10-6
The criteria for streptomycin resistance indicated culturable particles per ml (approximately 90% of
above apply to a type of container, an amount of the tests). Growth from a Lowenstein-Jensen
medium and a type of slope closure that have been culture standardized to 1 mg/ml may be used instead
specified (p. 33). The use of the same criteria under of a Dubos culture, but the results may be slightly
different culture conditions without previous assess- different. Appropriate dilutions are inoculated on
ment may be highly misleading. 2 slopes (per dilution) of the new batch of drug-
1 With streptomycin, the oxygen effect is even more containing medium and on 2 control slopes: the
pronounced. dilutions most suitable for each drug and for the


Dilution Controls soniazid Strepto-i PAS Ethionamide 1 Cyclo- Viomycin Kanamycin

inoculatedbb no (0.2 .tLgl/mI) I (4mAg/mI)
cn (0.5 Ag/mI) (20 pg/mI)
(30 Ag/mI) i(30 ug/ml) (20 Ag/ml)
I I~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2-50 1-20 ++ ++ oc <100 <50

10-1 0-5 0-2 0-10 <100 ++ <100 >100 ++ 0 0-10 0-5
10-2 0 0-10 <100 0-10 <100 >100
10-3 0 0-10 <100

10-5 5->100
106 < 1-20

a Results expressed as growth (number of colonies) on the 28th day; + ++ + = confluent eugonic growth; ++ = innumer-
able distinct colonies, sometimes minute.
b Dilution I = 6-8-day-old Dubos culture standardized at I mg/mi. Inoculum per slope: 0.2 ml.
c Reading at 42 days: 0-50 colonies.

controls are those against which data have been containing slopes. In addition, the colonies are usually
given in Table 2. The inoculum per slope is 0.2 ml of greater size.
(instead of the routine 0.1 ml), in order to obtain Excessive drug concentrations are more difficult to
more culturable particles: it produces < 1-20 colonies detect, since for most drugs the lower limit of growth
on a control slope inoculated with a 10-6 dilution. of the strain H37Rv compatible with the expected
At the 18th to 21st day, a preliminary reading of drug concentration is close to 0 with the chosen
the test is made. If growth on the drug-containing inoculum (see Table 2). In laboratories using more
slopes is equal to growth on the controls, an error is than one concentration per drug (standard variant of
sure to have occurred, and the batch is discarded. the proportion method) an excessive amount of drug
The definitive reading of the test is made on the 28th added to all the corresponding media may be
day. Table 2 indicates for each drug the normal revealed by insufficient growth on the medium with
range of results obtained at the Institut Pasteur: they the lowest concentration used, since the lower limit
are based on 100-120 batches of medium for isoniazid, of growth of strain H37Rv compatible with the
streptomycin and PAS, and 40-60 batches of medium expected drug concentration is higher on that
for the other drugs (main drug concentrations). concentration. In laboratories using only one drug
On the 28th day, the colonies on the drug- concentration per drug (simplified variant of the
containing media are often considerably smaller proportion method), an excessive drug concentration
than those on the controls: they may be of in the new batch may be disclosed either by
borderline visibility. The range of findings for increasing several times the inoculum of dilution 1 in
isoniazid, streptomycin, cycloserine, viomycin and the control test described above, or by running a
kanamycin is narrow. For PAS and ethionamide, parallel series of control tests with a second wild
the range is wider: for each, 3 subcolumns in Table 2 strain, slightly less sensitive than H37Rvto most drugs.
summarize the different types of findings, none of The new batch of medium is obviously used before
which is incompatible with the expected drug the results of the control test are available. If the
concentration in the medium; these differences are test shows that an error has occurred, the strains for
due mainly to fluctuations of the test strain. which the batch has already been employed should
Insufficient drug concentrations (through errors in the be retested on a new batch.
quantity of drug added, or excessive heating) are The findings indicated in Table 2 apply to the
disclosed by considerably more growth on the drug- culture conditions (duration of inspissation of the

medium, size of slopes, amount of medium, slope However, this approach, which should be applied
closure, etc.) indicated above (pp. 32-33): the eventually in all laboratories, requires familiarity
findings may be different under different culture with the method of testing; i.e., it cannot be used at
conditions. Even if the culture conditions are the very beginning of testing practice. A preliminary
apparently the same, the findings may vary to some estimation of the validity of the proposed criteria
extent from one laboratory to another. Consequent- under the existing culture conditions may be made in
ly, each laboratory producing drug-containing media two ways.
has to build up its own experience with regard to
results of control tests for drug-containing media. Growth of the H37Rv strain
Table 2 is given merely for preliminary orientation.
The results obtained with H37Rv are not average A control test (as described on p. 36) should be
results for wild strains, at least with regard to certain performed with H37Rv on 3 different, carefully
drugs. H37Rv (Pasteur variant) is more sensitive to prepared, batches of drug-containing Lowenstein-
streptomycin and less sensitive to PAS, ethionamide Jensen medium. If the results are within the limits
and thioacetazone than most other wild strains. indicated in Table 2, the criteria of resistance, as
H37Rv is nevertheless used for checking the drug- given in Table 2, are probably valid for the
containing med,ia because of its relative stability. laboratory concerned.

Modification of the criteria of resistance Testing of sensitive and resistant strains received from
a highly qualified reference laboratory using the
The resistance criteria indicated above have been resistance criteria indicated in Table I
arrived at by comparing large numbers of wild
strains and of strains from patients treated with the If the proportions of strains classified as sensitive
corresponding drug during increasing lengths of and as resistant are significantly different from those
time. They apply to specific culture conditions indicated by the reference laboratory, and if
which have been described previously (pp. 32-33): technical shortcomings can be excluded, the
their validity under these conditions has been corresponding criterion of resistance most likely
confirmed in many laboratories. Under different requires a modification in the laboratory concerned.
culture conditions they may require modification. The new criterion should be elaborated with the
Attention has already been drawn to the importance calibration method described in Part IV, and
of this factor in the case of streptomycin (see under expressed in terms of proportions. (For instance, the
" Test of sensitivity to streptomycin ", p. 36). In the new criterion of resistance to ethionamide might be
case of ethionamide and thioacetazone also, culture 5% on 20 ug/ml, instead of 10%.) The fact that,
conditions tend to change, although to a lesser under certain culture conditions, the criterion of
degree. The risk is minimal with isoniazid. resistance needs to be changed does not interfere
The best way of assessing the validity of resistance with the principles of the proportion method, but
criteria to be used in a given laboratory is to apply merely with the validity of certain figures given in
the calibration method described in Part IV below. Table 1.


The method for obtaining definitions of drug that best distinguish between two populations. The
resistance to be described compares a population of method has the following advantages:
strains that are predominantly sensitive with a (1) Pure populations of sensitive and resistant
population of strains that are predominantly strains are not required, so that no preconceptions
resistant, and obtains the definitions of resistance about definitions of resistance are necessary.
1 Prepared by Professor D. A. Mitchison. Some of the (2) No correlation with the clinical progress of the
statistical procedures were suggested by Dr S. Radhakrishna patient under treatment with the drug concerned is
of the Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras, and necessary, though such information may provide
Miss Ruth Tall of the Medical Research Council's Tuber-
culosis and Chest Diseases Research Unit, London. confirmation of the definition obtained.

(3) The efficiency of radically different methods of and drug concentrations, can be read by the
sensitivity testing may be compared. absolute-concentration and proportion methods,
It has the following disadvantages: allowing a comparison of these two methods. In
(1) Large numbers of sensitivity tests must be making comparisons between laboratories (for
done. instance, between a central reference laboratory and
an outlying laboratory) it is unnecessary to take
(2) A large sample of strains that may have special precautions to guard against instability of
acquired resistance must be available. resistance in the probably resistant strains.
The following groups of strains are required.
The results of the sensitivity tests are set out as
Probably sensitive strains cumulative distributions of the results with the
These strains are conveniently obtained from any probably sensitive and the probably resistant
patient who has not been treated with the drug populations. An example for streptomycin sensitivity
concerned previously. At least 100 (and preferably tests, read by the absolute-concentration and the
more) strains are required. It is advisable, though proportion methods, is set out in Table 3 (R. W.
not essential, for each strain to be obtained from a Riddell, personal communication). For each level of
different patient. The presence of a few strains with sensitivity in these distributions, the cumulative
primary or acquired resistance to the drug concerned percentage for the probably sensitive strains is
is immaterial. subtracted from the corresponding cumulative
percentage for the probably resistant strains, to give
Probably resistant strains the " difference between percentages ". The latter
At least 50 strains, and preferably as many as the percentage is a measure of the efficiency of each level
probably sensitive strains, should be obtained from of sensitivity in distinguishing between sensitive and
patients who have remained sputum-positive during resistant strains. As the level of sensitivity in the
treatment with the drug concerned. In selecting distribution increases, the difference between
these strains it is possible to use more than 1 strain percentages usually increases, to reach a peak, and
from the same patient provided that they are then decreases again. The peak value indicates the
obtained at different intervals of time following the most efficient definition of resistance. However, it is
start of chemotherapy. The aim should be to include often advisable to choose a definition at a level of
not only strains that are very likely to be resistant, sensitivity very slightly higher than this optimum
but also some in which resistance is emerging, and a value so as to diminish the chance of misclassifying
few that may well still be sensitive. The efficiency sensitive strains as resistant. Alternatively, if tests
of the procedure is improved by the inclusion of are available on at least 2 strains from a patient, the
numerous strains of doubtful resistance in the definition of resistance giving the peak difference
probably resistant population. between percentages may be used as an indication of
resistance provided that it shows all the strains from
SENSITIVITY TESTS the same patient to be resistant.
Considering first the minimal inhibitory concen-
If the method is to be used for the calibration of tration obtained in the streptomycin sensitivity tests
one sensitivity test, several sets of tests are set up, of the example (Table 3), the peak difference
each on a separate batch of medium. Each batch between percentages (52.4%) was obtained by using
should contain a similar ratio of probably sensitive a definition of resistance of a minimal inhibitory
to probably resistant strains. concentration of 16 ,tg/ml dihydrostreptomycin or
When several methods of testing sensitivity (to the more. Correspondingly, with proportion tests, the
same drug) are being compared, the tests should be peak difference between percentages (55.4 %) was
set up simultaneously on the same populations of obtained with proportions on 4 ,ug/ml dihydrostrep-
probably sensitive and probably resistant strains, or, tomycin of 0.5 % or more and of 1 % or more.
when feasible, the different methods can be made In the application of this procedure to different
part of one larger test. Thus, a single " population sensitivity-test methods, the effect of grouping of the
study " test, including a range of inoculum dilutions data should be recognized. In some methods of


Number and cumulative percentage of strains

Probably Probably Difference
Measure of sensitivity sensitive Wild resistant between
(PS) (PR) percentages
No. % No. % No. %

Minimal inhibitory concen-

tration (Mg/ml dihydro-
8 or more 39 20.3 32 18.8 118 66.7 46.4
16 or more 9 4.7 4 2.4 101 57.1 52.4
32 or more 5 2.6 0.6 84 47.5 44.9

Proportion on 4 AgIml
0.01 % or more 81 42.2 73 42.9 149 84.2 42.0
0.1 % or more 29 15.1 23 13.5 117 66.1 51.0
0.5 % or more 14 7.3 9 5.3 111 62.7 55.4
1 % or more 12 6.2 7 4.1 109 61.6 55.4
5 % or more 9 4.7 4 2.4 98 55.4 50.7
50 % or more 4 2.1 0 0.0 48 27.1 25.0

Total no. of strains tested 192 170 177

reading tests, the measure of sensitivity can be taken Cleaily, intermediate concentrations between
anywhere on a continuous scale of sensitivity. For 4 ,ug/ml and 8 tg/ml and, possibly, between 8 ,ug/ml
instance, in the proportion method, it is possible for and 16 ,ug/ml should have been included if the
routine use to choose any value of the proportion absolute-concentration method for streptomycin
(such as, say, 1.23 %) to examine as a potential were to have been calibrated with greater efficiency.
definition of resistance, though it is desirable in A further feature of the grouping effect is that it
practice to choose a round number that can be tends to make accurate comparisons difficult
remembered easily. On the other hand, many between methods with continuous distributions of
methods of reading sensitivity are discontinuous. sensitivity and those with discontinuous distribu-
For instance, in the absolute-concentration method, tions. One way of allowing for this difficulty is as
readings of the minimal inhibitory concentration follows. The distributions of the probably sensitive
cannot be obtained between the drug concentrations strains for the two types of test are examined in the
used in the test. Bearing this in mind, it is evident range of optimum discrimination, to find some
from Table 3 that a definition of resistance of a measure of sensitivity which yields the same number
minimal inhibitory concentration between 8 ttg/ml of probably sensitive strains consid'ered as " resis-
dihydrostreptomycin or more and 16 ,ug/ml dihy- tant" by both methods. Thus, in Table 3, 9
drostreptomycin or more might have been more probably sensitive strains would be considered as
efficient in detecting resistance than a minimal " resistant " if they had a minimal inhibitory
inhibitory concentration of 16 jug/ml or more. concentration of 16 ,ug/ml dihydrostreptomycin or
However, no such readings are available since slopes more or if they had a proportion on 4 ,ug/ml
with concentrations between 4 ,ug/ml and 8 jug/ml dihydrostreptomycin of 5% or more. If the two
dihydrostreptomycin were not used in the tests. methods are of fairly similar efficiency, the difference

between percentages at these cuts (52.4% for the adopted for these preliminary tests was of maximum
minimal inhibitory concentration definition and efficiency. If not, the definition of resistance, and
50.7 % for the proportion definition) may be possibly the detailed design of the sensitivity tests
considered to be approximately equivalent. An (for instance, the drug concentrations used), would
alternative statistical procedure is to attempt to fit be changed. Once the tests are established, succes-
curves to the cumulative difference between percent- sive checks on the efficiency of the definitions in use
ages for each method of sensitivity testing, but it has should be done at intervals of, say, a few years.
been found difficult so far to get a sufficiently good
Finally, many bacteriologists will wish to know
what proportion of wild strains will be classified as The most efficient method of comparing the work
resistant by any of the calculated definitions of of different laboratories, e.g., a peripheral laboratory
resistance, since they will wish to know how the and a central laboratory, is to carry out the
definition obtained by this discrimination procedure calibration procedure described above in both
compares with previous experience. For this purpose laboratories. In practice, the central laboratory
it is useful to " purify " the probably sensitive would maintain batches of probably resistant strains
population by removal of any strain found resistant for each drug and would have established what was
by all of the definitions of resistance chosen for each the degree of discrimination (i.e., the value of the
method of measuring sensitivity. This procedure " difference between percentages ") obtainable when
removes strains which are clearly resistant from comparing these strains with a probably sensitive
the probably sensitive population, leaving a group population in its own tests. The second laboratory
of strains assumed to be wild. In the example would then test the same probably resistant
with streptomycin (Table 3) it is evident that population, and the efficiency of its tests would be
definitions of resistance of either a minimal measured by the value of the " difference between
inhibitory concentration of 16 ,g/ml dihydrostrepto- percentages" obtained.
mycin or more, or a proportion on 4 jug/ml An alternative method is for the central laboratory
dihydrostreptomycin of 5% or more, would each to send out a number of strains with varying degrees
classify 4 (2.4y%) of the wild strains as resistant. In of sensitivity which it has tested, for testing at the
interpreting this result, one should recall that the peripheral laboratory. Such a procedure has the
strains from the 4 patients concerned may have advantage that it requires less work to be done by
been resistant by one measure but not by the other. the peripheral laboratory. However, it has the
In any case, the number of wild strains found following disadvantages:
resistant is satisfactorily low. (1) Great care must be taken to see that no
reversion towards sensitivity occurs in the strains
APPLICATIONS during storage in the central laboratory, during
When a laboratory is initiating sensitivity tests to transport to the peripheral laboratory, or during the
a drug, it is envisaged that it will first carry out tests period before the sensitivity test is set up in the
for a trial period by whichever method it favours, peripheral laboratory. For an accurate comparison,
keeping records of whether the strains have been the sensitivity tests, and all previous subculturing of
obtained before treatment, and therefore belong to the exchange strains, should be done under identical
the probably sensitive population, or have been conditions in both laboratories-conditions which
obtained after treatment for several months with are difficult to fulfil.
the drug concerned, and therefore belong to the (2) The tests, especially those in the peripheral
probably resistant population. Having accumulated laboratory, are likely to be done with greater care
a sufficient number of results, an analysis would than in the performance of routine tests. In
be done by the procedure indicated above to see consequence, the results of the comparison may not
whether the provisional definition of resistance be representative of those obtained in routine tests.



Un groupe de consultants de l'OMS s'est reuni a nulle s'il s'agit de resistance a un seul des trois medica-
Geneve du 23 au 26 avril 1968. Ces specialistes se pro- ments de premiere ligne, ai condition que le malade soit
posaient de faire le point des progres recents intervenus trait6 par ces trois medicaments ai la fois. En cas de
en matiere de mesure de la pharmacoresistance des resistance acquise - c'est-a-dire apparue en cours de
mycobacteries tuberculeuses et de suggerer des moda- traitement - il est vain d'attendre du medicament
lites pratiques de recours aux epreuves de sensibilit6 homologue la moindre action th6rapeutique.
aux differents stades des operations de lutte antituber- L'epidemiologie de la resistance se pr6sente differem-
culeuse. Le present document expose leurs conclusions. ment dans les pays d6veloppes et dans les pays en voie
II est preferable de definir la resistance en se fondant de developpement. Dans les pays d6veloppes, les enquetes
sur des criteres purement bacteriologiques. I1 est en effet sur la resistance chez les malades non encore traites
demontr6 que pour la plupart des medicaments anti- renseignent reellement sur la r6sistance primaire. Celle-ci
tuberculeux la resistance au sens bacteriologique a n'atteint nulle part des taux alarmants, et comme il s'agit
souvent comme corollaire clinique une diminution de dans la grande majorite des cas de resistance a une seule
l'efficacite therapeutique. L'etude comparative des pro- drogue et que tous les malades peuvent etre traites par
cedes de recherche de la sensibilite fait apparaitre que les trois drogues de premiere ligne a la fois, ces enquetes
la methode de la concentration inhibitrice minimale, n'ont guere d'utilite therapeutique. Elles fournissent
la methode des proportions et la methode des rapports cependant une indication sur l'intensite des transmis-
de r6sistance (resistance ratio) permettent avec un egal sions bacillaires qui se produisent dans la collectivite
succes d'evaluer la resistance d'une souche a la strepto- etudiee. Dans les pays en voie de d6veloppement, les
mycine. On peut egalement appliquer les deux premi&res enquetes correspondantes apportent une donnee plus
de ces methodes a la mesure de la resistance a l'isoniazide; complexe, la resistance initiale, ofu se melent deux 616-
la methode des rapports de resistance n'a jamais et ments: d'une part, la r6sistance primaire, d'autre part,
utilis6e a cet effet. Quant a la valeur comparative des la resistance acquise lors de traitements non avoues
trois procedds pour l'evaluation de la sensibilite au PAS, ou ignor6s du malade. La resistance initiale reflate jus-
elle n'a apparemment fait l'objet d'aucune recherche. qu'"a un certain point la diffusion et la qualitd de la
La m6thode des rapports de r6sistance ne semble pas chimiotherapie pratiqu6e dans le territoire correspondant.
avantageuse pour l'etude des medicaments de (' deuxieme Sa connaissance est tres utile pour la formulation de
ligne *. On peut en revanche recourir aux deux autres programmes de chimiotherapie efficace dans ce territoire.
methodes, bien que les avis different au sujet de leur La connaissance du nombre total de malades infec-
valeur comparative et que de nouvelles recherches soient tieux 'a bacilles resistants qui existent dans une commu-
ndcessaires 'a cet egard. naute serait fort utile: mais on ne la possede que pour
II est particulierement important, dans la pratique des quelques rares villes, oiu ces malades figurent sur un
tests de resistance, d'opdrer avec des semences dont la registre des cas r6sistants.
teneur en unit6s viables varie dans des limites relative- La mise en ceuvre de tests de resistance chez des malades
ment etroites et soit au moins approximativement connue. en cours de traitement est surtout utile dans deux circons-
Des semences de poids et d'opacite identiques peuvent tances: chez les malades qui gardent une expectoration
donner des nombres de colonies tres differents, ce qui positive apres 6 mois de traitement, et chez les malades
tient non seulement aL des differences dans le nombre dont l'expectoration, apres s'etre negativee, redevient
d'unites viables pr6sent, mais egalement a des differences positive. L'institution d'un traitement par des drogues
dans la proportion des bacilles isoles et celle des bacilles de seconde ligne peut etre faite sans test de resistance a
groupes en amas. Lorsqu'un laboratoire adopte telle ou ces drogues, si le malade ne les a encore jamais reques.
telle methode de mesure de la sensibilite, il importe qu'il I1 est tout a fait inutile de faire des tests de resistance
verifie au bout d'un certain temps que les criteres de en cours de traitement lorsque les examens directs et les
resistance proposes par les auteurs de la methode sont cultures montrent une diminution de la population bacil-
valables dans les conditions locales: une methode d'eta- laire. On risque meme alors, sur la foi de resultats
lonnage des tests permettant d'y parvenir est decrite errones ou mal interpr6tes, de nuire au malade, en rem-
dans le rapport. placant un regime efficace par un regime plus toxique
Le pronostic qui s'attache a la resistance est different ou moins facilement accepte.
selon qu'il s'agit de resistance primaire ou de resistance Les tests de resistance ne devraient etre pratiques que
acquise. II a ete demontre que l'incidence de la resistance dans des laboratoires bien equipes, assures d'une activite
primaire sur les resultats therapeutiques est pratiquement suffisante pour pouvoir maintenir un niveau technique

eleve, et soucieux de controler constamment ce niveau. tique chez les malades dont 1'expectoration est negative
La centralisation de la pratique des tests de resistance a 1'examen direct; 3) les dpreuves de sensibilite pratiqu6es
devrait etre fortement encouragee. Dans la perspective dans un but 6pid6riiologique; 4) les epreuves de sensi-
de leur utilit6 globale dans un programme de lutte bilite pratiqu6es pour des cas individuels. Dans un pays
contre la tuberculose, les divers examens de laboratoire en voie de developpement, il est particulierement impor-
peuvent etre classes dans l'ordre suivant: 1) les examens tant de respecter cet ordre de priorit6s lorsqu'on procede
directs; 2) les cultures pratiquees dans un but diagnos- a l'implantation des organes d'ex6cution n6cessaires.


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