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3.1 Sertifikat Bakteri MRSA


3.2 Persetujuan Etik


3.2 Gambar Penelitian


Proses maserasi pembuatan ekstrak

Bawang Putih (Allium sativum)
metanol bawang putih

Proses sterilisasi alat sebelum

Proses filtrasi ekstrak bawang putih

Bakteri MRSA dengan pewarnaan

Identifikasi bakteri
Gram (perbesaran 1000x)

Pembuatan konsentrasi ekstrak

Sediaan suspensi bakteri MRSA
metanol bawang putih

Bakteri dan ekstrak pada microplate Inkubasi bakteri pada inkubator

Pembacaan optical density pada

Bahan-bahan pemeriksaan biofilm
microplate reader

4.1 Hasil Uji Normalitas Shapiro-Wilk

Tests of Normality
Konsentras Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
i Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
OD K(-) ,321 4 . ,904 4 ,451
K(+) ,250 4 . ,927 4 ,577
P1 ,265 4 . ,886 4 ,367
P2 ,249 4 . ,866 4 ,281
P3 ,281 4 . ,882 4 ,346
P4 ,154 4 . ,999 4 ,997
P5 ,261 4 . ,875 4 ,319
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

4.2 Hasil Uji Homogenitas

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
,262 6 21 ,948

4.3 Hasil Uji One Way Anova

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
,027 6 ,005 59,167 ,000
Within Groups ,002 21 ,000
Total ,029 27

4.4 Hasil Uji LSD

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: OD
(I) (J) Mean 95% Confidence Interval
Konsen Konsen Difference Std. Lower Upper
trasi trasi (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
K(-) K(+) ,102500* ,006173 ,000 ,08966 ,11534
P1 ,005500 ,006173 ,383 -,00734 ,01834
P2 ,033000 ,006173 ,000 ,02016 ,04584
P3 ,038000 ,006173 ,000 ,02516 ,05084
P4 ,041250 ,006173 ,000 ,02841 ,05409
P5 ,046250 ,006173 ,000 ,03341 ,05909
K(+) K(-) -,102500 ,006173 ,000 -,11534 -,08966
P1 -,097000* ,006173 ,000 -,10984 -,08416
P2 -,069500 ,006173 ,000 -,08234 -,05666
P3 -,064500 ,006173 ,000 -,07734 -,05166
P4 -,061250* ,006173 ,000 -,07409 -,04841
P5 -,056250 ,006173 ,000 -,06909 -,04341
P1 K(-) -,005500 ,006173 ,383 -,01834 ,00734
K(+) ,097000 ,006173 ,000 ,08416 ,10984
P2 ,027500* ,006173 ,000 ,01466 ,04034
P3 ,032500 ,006173 ,000 ,01966 ,04534
P4 ,035750 ,006173 ,000 ,02291 ,04859
P5 ,040750* ,006173 ,000 ,02791 ,05359
P2 K(-) -,033000 ,006173 ,000 -,04584 -,02016
K(+) ,069500 ,006173 ,000 ,05666 ,08234
P1 -,027500* ,006173 ,000 -,04034 -,01466
P3 ,005000 ,006173 ,427 -,00784 ,01784
P4 ,008250 ,006173 ,196 -,00459 ,02109
P5 ,013250 ,006173 ,044 ,00041 ,02609
P3 K(-) -,038000* ,006173 ,000 -,05084 -,02516
K(+) ,064500* ,006173 ,000 ,05166 ,07734
P1 -,032500 ,006173 ,000 -,04534 -,01966
P2 -,005000 ,006173 ,427 -,01784 ,00784
P4 ,003250 ,006173 ,604 -,00959 ,01609
P5 ,008250 ,006173 ,196 -,00459 ,02109
P4 K(-) -,041250* ,006173 ,000 -,05409 -,02841
K(+) ,061250* ,006173 ,000 ,04841 ,07409
P1 -,035750 ,006173 ,000 -,04859 -,02291
P2 -,008250 ,006173 ,196 -,02109 ,00459

P3 -,003250 ,006173 ,604 -,01609 ,00959

P5 ,005000 ,006173 ,427 -,00784 ,01784
P5 K(-) -,046250 ,006173 ,000 -,05909 -,03341
K(+) ,056250 ,006173 ,000 ,04341 ,06909
P1 -,040750 ,006173 ,000 -,05359 -,02791
P2 -,013250 ,006173 ,044 -,02609 -,00041
P3 -,008250 ,006173 ,196 -,02109 ,00459
P4 -,005000 ,006173 ,427 -,01784 ,00784
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

4.5 Hasil Uji Regresi Logaritmik

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
R R Square Square the Estimate
,891 ,795 ,783 3,237
The independent variable is Konsentrasi.

Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
ln(Konsentrasi) 20,180 2,418 ,891 8,345 ,000
(Constant) 15,686 ,731 21,451 ,000

Y = a + blnX
Y = 15,686 + 20,180lnX
Nilai X didapatkan dari perhitungan sebagai berikut :p
0 = 15,686 + 20,180lnX
-15,686 = 20,180lnX
lnX = -0,777
X = anti ln -0,777
X = 0,460

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