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Analysis of Faulted Power Systems in Three Phase

CoordinatesA Generic Approach
Rajeev Kumar Gajbhiye, Student Member, IEEE, Pushpa Kulkarni, Student Member, IEEE, S. A. Soman

3 Thevenins Voltage 3 Coupled Thevenins Impedence 3 Fault Model

Abstract Analysis of faulted power systems in 3-phase co- l
Vtha Zf
ordinates is desirable when dealing with unbalanced networks a

and complex faults. Thevenins model in 3-phase domain is well- Z

ab Z
known for shunt faults. However, lack of generic circuit model for Vthb th th Zf
b l
series and simultaneous faults is an impediment, as it sacrifices bc bb ca
both simplicity and computational efficiency. In this paper, we Vthc th th th

extend this approach to arbitrarily complex faults. Case studies cc l

Z Zf
with complex faults on two example systems demonstrate the th c

claims made in the paper.

Fig. 1. Thevenins equivalent circuit for shunt fault
Index Terms Fault Circuit Analysis, Phase Coordinates,
Thevenins approach

Zbus = Ybus
aa ab ac

zii zii zii
NALYSIS of standard shunt faults in sequence domain sh
= Zbus (i, i) = zii zii
old ba bb bc
A is based upon construction of Thevenins equivalent
circuit in sequence domain. However, analysis of shunt, series a b
ca cb
zii zii
If = if if icf
and simultaneous faults in sequence domain is cumbersome
[1]. Further, sequence domain analysis requires a balanced Viold = [ viaold vibold vicold ]T
network assumption. More precisely, network elements should Vfsh = Vinew = [ vianew vibnew vicnew ]T
have circulant symmetry. Unfortunately, distribution systems
as well as transmission systems with untransposed lines are Superscript old and new refer to pre and post fault network
unbalanced. This motivates analysis in 3-phase co-ordinates quantities respectively. This result can be proved by applica-
which does not require balanced network assumption [2], [3]. tion of compensation theorem [5]. An alternative proof using
Even in the 3-phase domain, Thevenins equivalent circuit Woodburys generalization of Sherman- Morrison formula has
representation is available for standard shunt faults [4][6]. been presented in [6]. Fig 1 provides the visualization of this
We now briefly describe 3-phase Thevenins model for the model. The representation is simple and straightforward. This
analysis of shunt faults simplifies the analysis of standard shunt faults.
Let Yfsh represent a 3 3 shunt fault admittance matrix However, series faults do not have such simpler version
for a fault at the ith bus of a network and 3-phase pre-fault of analysis. Typically, analysis of complex faults involves
admittance matrix model be given by the following equation specifying additional constraint equations like Ia = 0 for
phase a open circuit, Va = 0 for bolted short circuit on phase a
etc. Elimination of such constraints leads to a reduced system
Iinj = Ybus
old old
V (1)
of equations [7]. An alternative approach is to approximate
bolted shunt and series faults by approximate small and large
Then, under the assumption that inverse of the matrix (I3 +
impedances and modify the admittance matrix [8]. Either way,
Zbus (i, i)Yfsh ) exists, where I3 is an identity matrix of size
we obtain a modified network admittance matrix formulation.
3 3, Thevenins equivalent circuit in 3-phase coordinates is
Solution of the resulting system of equations provides the post
given by the following equation:
fault system voltages. Such an approach is computationally
inefficient, as a new matrix refactorization is required for a
Viold = Zth If + Vfsh
sh sh
fault. Yet another strategy is to use hybrid approach [9], [10]
Ifsh = Yfsh Vfsh (3) where in mixed phase and sequence coordinate representation
is used. This leads to computational efficiency. However, in
This research work has been funded by CPRI project titled Coordination our opinion, such an approach is also complex. In [11], Tinney
of Overcurrent and Distance Relays Considering Power Swings in Object has presented a compensation approach, wherein opening of
Oriented Paradigm. a branch is modeled by the addition of a parallel current
R. K. Gajbhiye, P. Kulkarni and S. A. Soman are with the Indian Insti-
tute of Technology, Bombay 400076, India (e-mail:; source of appropriate value. For the case of mutually coupled; branches, with one branch being opened, compensating current

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 02:01 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Thevenins equivalent circuit in sections III and III-B. A fault

Bus i Bus i
can alter the network admittance as well as current / voltage
Network Network Yf
sr injections. Therefore, we classify faults in to following types:
1) A fault which alters a 3 3 block diagonal entry in the
3-phase Ybus . Let Yfsh be the alteration in ith block
Bus j

diagonal element of Ybus . Such faults will be referred

(a) Shunt (b) Series as shunt faults. All standard faults, like bolted 3-phase
fault (Type 1) fault (Type 2) fault, line to line (LL), single line to ground (SLG),
etc. belong to this class. For standard shunt faults,
Yfsh = Yfsh , which is the fault admittance matrix
Bus i
itself. Schematically, such a fault can be represented by
Network fig 2(a).
2) A fault which alters both 3 3 block diagonal entries

and off diagonal entries in the 3-phase Ybus . Such faults

will be referred as series faults, e.g. open circuit fault
due to opening of any phase conductor of a transmission
(c) Type 3 fault
line belongs to this class. Schematically, such a fault can
be represented by fig 2(b). For phase open circuit on a
Fig. 2. Schematic for various fault models
line, Yfsr is the alteration in the line admittance.
3) A fault which also alters the injection of current / voltage
in the system. Open circuit of a generator phase belongs
source has to be attached in parallel to both the branches. The
to this class. It results in alteration in current injection
advantage of this approach is that original Ybus need not to
and shunt admittances. Schematically, such a fault can
be modified and hence no need of refactorization. In [12], the
be represented by fig 2(c).
idea of compensated Thevenins impedance is developed to
accommodate line outage in fault analysis. The key idea is to A fault which involves multiple instances of either the same
express network changes as low-order matrix product of the or different fault types (13) will be referred as simultaneous
form BRC T . Fault analysis of simultaneous shunt faults using fault. In what follows, we show that faults of type 1 and 2 can
Thevenins model is also discussed in [13]. be effectively handled through Thevenins equivalent circuit
To conclude, a considerable amount of literature exists on in 3-phase coordinates. Faults of type 3 in addition, require
fault analysis, both in sequence and 3-phase domain. However, application of superposition theorem.
its study reveals lack of an integrated yet simplified treatment.
One of the goals of this paper is to provide such an unified III. T HEVENIN S E QUIVALENT IN P HASE C OORDINATES
treatment that includes generalization of Thevenins model to
accommodate series and simultaneous fault. To the best of our A. Analysis of Series Faults
knowledge, no such consolidation of existing literature into an Series fault refers to fault between busses, like opening of
integrated yet simple approach is available. phase a conductor. Such faults are common in distribution
This paper is organized as follows: systems. Let a series fault be created in a branch connected
1) Section II presents the fault models in three phase between nodes i and j. Correspondingly, let the 33 primitive
coordinates. admittance of branch change from Ylold to Ylnew . The resulting
2) Section III generalizes Thevenins model for series and change will modify the four block entries namely (i, i), (i, j),
simultaneous faults. (j, i) and (j, j) in Ybus
. Let,
3) Section IV presents case studies for varies types of
faults. Yfsr = Ylnew Ylold (4)
4) Section V concludes the paper.
The modification of block diagonal entries will involve addi-
The nomenclature followed in this paper is as follows:
tion of Yfsr where as the modification of block non-diagonal
1) The variables in capital letters are blockmatrices or entries will involve subtraction of Yfsr . So the modified
vector of vectors. block entries in new admittance matrix will be given by,
2) The variables in capital letters which are indexed, either
in bracket like Z(i, i) or by subscripts e.g. Vi , represent new
Ybus (i, i) = Ybus
(i, i) + Yfsr
either a matrix of size 3 3 or a vector of size 3. new
Ybus (i, j) = Ybus
(i, j) Yfsr
3) Small letters are reserved for scalars. new
Ybus (j, i) = Ybus
(j, i) Yfsr
Ybus (j, j) = Ybus
(j, j) + Yfsr
A fundamental principle that we have used in fault modeling This modification can be represented as the rank-6 update,
is that the fault model should depict the change perceived by    T
the network. This notion is fundamental to development of new
Ybus = Ybus
+ Ei Ej Yfsr Ei Ej (5)

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Thevenins Voltage Thevenins Impedence I f1

Fault Side Vth1
Z ii I f2
old sr
i Z If sr
Y f Vth2
& ij Z th Yf
Z ji
Z jj
old sr
V If
j Vthm
I fm
Vth =Zth If I f =Yf Vf
Fig. 3. Block diagram representation of Thevenins equivalent circuit for
series fault Fig. 4. Block representation of Thevenins model for multiple faults

where, S. Let the fault admittance Yfsh k represent a shunt admittance

  to be connected on bus k and Yfsr k,l represents series fault
Yfsr Yfsr
Yfsr = (6) admittance required between bus k and l to capture the post-
Yfsr Yfsr new old
fault changes in the network. Ybus can be obtained from Ybus
Ei is a block vector such that, by the following sequence of steps:
1) Set Y to n n zero block matrix.
Ei (j) = O3 i = j
2) Identify subset Ssh of busses in set S on which shunt
= I3 i=j fault occurs. Similarly, identify subset Ssr of busses
from set S involved in series fault. Note that S =
with O3 being zero matrix of size 3 3 and I3 is identity
Ssh Ssr and Ssh Ssr need not be empty.
matrix of the same size.
3) For all the shunt faults Yfsh is , is Ssh , add Yf is to
The key result of this work is stated by the following
Y (is , is ).
4) For all the series faults Yfsr is ,it , is , it Ssr , add the
Theorem 1 (Series Fault). For a series fault created in said admittance to the diagonal entries Y (is , is ) and
a branch between bus i and j, post-fault voltages and fault Y (it , it ). Also subtract the same admittance from
currents at the faulted buses are given by the following Y (is , it ) and Y (it , is ).
relationships, Finally,
1 V old  new
Ybus = Ybus old
+ Y (10)
Vi sr sr
= I6 + Z Y i
Vjnew th f Vjold In matrix Y , all the entries except those belonging to

Ifl = Ylnew Vinew Vjnew (8) faulted nodes, are zero (or more precisely O3 ). Eqn 10 can
also be expressed as rank-3m update of Ybus ,
where, Yfsr is given by (6) and new
Ybus = Ybus
+ [Ei1 :im ] Yfsim [Ei1 :im ]
Zbus (i, i) Zbus
(i, j) where, [Ei1 :im ] = [Ei1 Ei2 Eim ]. An entry (k, l) in Yfsim
Zth =
Zbus (j, i) Zbus
(j, j) is given by Yfsim (k, l) = Y (ik , il ) k, l {1, 2, , m}
i.e., Yfsim is a compressed representation of Y , in which all
Proof. The result is derived by the application of Woodburys
zero rows and columns of Y have been eliminated.
formula to eqn (5). It is detailed in appendix I. 
Proceeding in a similar fashion to the case of series fault,
Equation 7 describes the Thevenins equivalent circuit for the one can verify that post fault bus voltages at faulted busses
sr can be calculated using following equation
series fault with Zth given by equation (9). Fig 3 visualizes
this equation. The Thevenins equivalent circuit consists of  T
Vf = V new (i1 )T V new (i2 )T V new (im )T
two 3-phase impedances Zbus old
(i, i) and Zbus
(j, j) mutually
sim sim 1 sim
coupled with each other by Zbus (i, j) and Zbus
old old
(j, i). Current = (I3m + Zth Yf ) Vth (12)
in the faulted line (Ifl ) is given by eqn 8. The current Ifsr is where, resultant Thevenins voltage source vector and
a fictitious current associated with the sub-network depicting impedance matrix are given by the following relationships:
the change due to the fault. T
Vth = V old (i1 )T V old (i2 )T V old (im )T (13)
B. Simultaneous Faults sim
Zth = Zbus
(i1 : im , i1 : im )
We now consider the case of simultaneous fault where one old
Zbus (i1 , i1 ) Zbus old
(i1 , i2 ) old
Zbus (i1 , im )
or more busses may be involved in more than one fault. The si- Zbus

(i 2 , i1 ) Z old
bus (i2 , i2 ) old
Zbus (i2 , im )

multaneous fault is composed of shunt and series faults. Let the = .. .. ..
set of busses involved in the fault be S = {i1 , i2 , . . . , im }. . . . .
Let us assume that msh number of shunt faults and msr old
Zbus (im , i1 ) old
Zbus (im , i2 ) old
Zbus (im , im )
number of series faults occur on busses that belong to the set (14)

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e1 Z ( i1 , i1 ) i1 Iffict
1 Remark 1. Knowing the postfault voltages, postfault current
Viold can be easily computed for each component in the system from
their primitive 3-phase admittance matrix.
e2 Yf
Z ( i2 , i2 ) i2 Iffict 1
sr 1 In this section, we consider faults whose analysis in se-
e3 2 quence component is cumbersome and complex. Further, we
Iffict show how their analysis in 3-phase coordinates is simplified.
old 3
Z ( i3 , i3 )
e4 i4 3 A. Analysis of Open Conductor Falling on Ground
Viold 4 The single line diagram of the system [1] along with
sequence data for base values of 30M V A, 34.5KV is shown
Z ( i4 , i4 ) sh
4 Yf
2 in figure 6. The positive and negative sequence impedances
Thevenins Thevenins Fault of load are 1.025.84 p.u, 0.6029 p.u. respectively. Load
Voltage Network
voltage is kept at 1.0 p.u.
Fig. 5. Figure shows the Thevenins equivalent circuit for simultaneous fault
analysis. Faults are at busses i1 , i2 , i3 and i4 . The faults consists of two G H
shunt faults on bus i2 and i4 , and two series faults, one between bus i1
Z 1GH = 0.21 71 30MVA
and i3 , another between i1 and i4 . The expressions for mutual couplings in 90 %P.F
Thevenins impedance are not shown for clarity. 50MVA Z 0GH = 0.64 67
X1s = X2s= 15%
34.5: 13.8KV
Fig 4 illustrates the scheme to analyze simultaneous fault using XTG= 7% XTH = 8%
Thevenins equivalent circuit. Figure 5 illustrates Thevenins 115 : 34.5 KV
equivalent circuit for simultaneous fault at four busses in a Per Unit at 30 MVA,
34.5 KV Base
Fig. 6. Single line diagram of system
C. Calculation of Post Fault Voltages
It can be shown by the application of superposition theorem Consider the case of a simultaneous fault. Conductor in
that, post fault voltages are given by the following equations. phase a of transmission line between bus G and bus H
1) Shunt Fault: breaks and it gets grounded on the load side. Now we
V new = V old + Zbus
Ei If (15) apply the Thevenins equivalent method, for simultaneous fault
(section III-B). Block diagram of Thevenins equivalent circuit
2) Series Fault: Fictitious current in fig 3 represents the is represented in figure 7. Here, Thevenins impedance Zth sim
compensation current required to model the post fault system.
Hence, by the application of superposition theorem Thevenins Voltage Thevenins Impedence
  sr  Fault Side
V new = V old + Zbus
Ei E j (16) Z GG
Ifsr V
Z sr
where, i and j are the faulty busses, and
GH Y f
 sr   new  Z HG
If sr Vi
= Yf Z
Ifsr Vjnew old
Ifsr is as shown in fig 3. H
3) Simultaneous Fault: Let the fictitious current vector as- Yf
sociated with sub-network depicting the change be represented
Iff ict = Iffiict Iffiict Iffiict Fig. 7. Block diagram representation of Thevenins equivalent circuit for
1 2 m
simultaneous fault on system shown in figure 6.
Iff ict can be calculated as follows:
V (i1 ) and fault admittance Yfsim are block matrices of size 2 2.
V new (i2 ) Entries of Yfsim are given as follows:
Iff ict = Yfsim

V new
(im ) Yfsr Yfsr
Yf sim
Yfsr Yfsr + Yfsh
Now, post fault voltages can now be calculated by applying
superposition theorem.
where, Yfsr is the series admittance (see equation 4) repre-
V new
=V old
+ old
Zbus [Ei1 Ei2 Eim ][Iff ict ] (18) senting the change due to opening of phase a of transmission

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Thevenins Voltage Thevenins Impedence

line between busses G and H. Yfsh is shunt fault admittance Fault Side
representing single line to ground (SLG) fault on phase a of Ifict (1)
Z 22 f
bus H. Though Yfsh can not be represented for bolted fault, old
it is constructed by assuming very small value of ground V
2 Z sh SLG fault
impedance (106 p.u.). Thus, fault bus voltages is calculated &
24 Yf
Z 42
using eqn 12. This leads to the following results:
 new   old  Z 44
VG sim sim 1 VG
= (I6 + Z Y ) (19) old I fict(2)
VHnew th sh
VHold V f
I Y f
1.26199, 58.809
If = 1.01855, 5.175 (20)
1.68279, 91.727
Generator Fault
The result is consistent with sequence component analysis [1].
Fig. 9. Thevenins equivalent circuit for system in fig 8
B. Simultaneous fault on system with mutually coupled lines

1 2 Bus Phase A Phase B Phase C

1 157.9 201.4 200.4
4 2 0.0 248.9 255.0
3 92.1 239.9 248.9
4 156.8 209.1 199.7
E=345 kV
E=345 kV
X1=17.5 3 X1=17.5
Using eqn (12), post fault voltages at faulted busses are
calculated as follows:
Fig. 8. System with Mutually Coupled Lines  new 
V2 sim sim 1
= (I6 + Zth Yf )
In this example, taken from [8], we analyze 345 kV double  old  
circuit transmission line for simultaneous fault on it. T-type V2
+ Zth Iinj (21)
equivalent of the 100 mi double circuit 345 kV transmission V4old
line with equivalent impedances of the receiving and the The additional term Zth sim
Iinj in above equation is
sending end systems is reproduced here in fig 8. In [14], a a consequence of superposition effect of I current
procedure to calculate Ybus in sequence domain considering injection.
the mutual couplings has been presented. Similar steps are Fictitious current vector (see fig 9) is calculated by using
followed in 3-phase domain to obtain 3-phase Ybus . the following equation
The simultaneous fault considered for this system is a SLG  
Yfsh V2new
fault on phase a of bus 2 and open phase fault on phase b of Iff ict =
generator on bus 4. Open circuit fault on a generator bus is a Yfsh V4new I
shunt fault. It has a peculiar nature that it not only modifies the
Ybus but it also alters the current injection. Hence, this fault is The post fault voltages are calculated by eqn (18). These
combination of type 1 and type 3 faults. The effect of change are tabulated in table I. They are consistent with results
in current injection on post fault system is analyzed by using in [8], which validates the proposed approach.
superposition theorem. Fault analysis is done as follows:
is formed by picking proper entries from Zbus old V. C ONCLUSIONS
corresponding to buses involved in fault. Figure 9 shows Three phase analysis is suitable for fault analysis of un-
Thevenins equivalent circuit for simultaneous fault. balanced systems and complex faults. In this paper, we have
Shunt admittance Yfsh is connected at bus two and open proposed generic Thevenins circuit representation for shunt,
circuit of generator is shown by a current injection I series and simultaneous faults. Its advantage is conceptual
with shunt admittance Yfsh . simplicity and computational efficiency as repeated matrix
I is calculated as factorization is not required. Two test systems with complex
faults were analyzed to validate the approach.
I = Igen

= Ygen
Egen2 Ygen
= Yfsh Egen2 The authors acknowledge the valuable suggestions and
feedback by Prof. M. A. Pai, University of Illinois at Urbana
Define for the faulted busses, Champaign, Prof. D. Thukaram, Indian Institute of Science,
O3 Bangalore and Profs S. A. Khaparde and A. M. Kulkarni of
Iinj =
I Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

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R EFERENCES For the case of series fault, from equation (5), we set
Zbus = Ybusold
+ Ei Ej Yfsr Ei Ej

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A PPENDIX I Rajeev Kumar Gajbhiye is currently working towards Ph.D. degree in

Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology,
P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1 Bombay, India. His research interests include power system analysis and
object oriented analysis.

The Woodburys formula [15] for calculating inverse of a

rank-k updated matrix A is given by, Pushpa Kulkarni is currently pursuing M.Tech degree in Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay, India.

1 1 T 1
A + UV T = A1 A1 U Ik + V T A1 U V A
(22) S. A. Soman is Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engi-
where, A is n n matrix, U and V are n k matrices and Ik neering at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. Along with Prof. S.
A. Khaparde, he has authored a book on Computational Methods for Large
is k k identity matrix. It is assumed that necessary inverse Sparse Power System Analysis: An Object Oriented Approach, published by
in eqn (22) exists. Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2001.

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 02:01 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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