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David Kim

British Literature
Mrs. Shephard
February 9, 2017

Career Essay

I worked in a warehouse and it was nice but it felt as if i wasnt doing anything important.

Working there made me realize i wanted to something impactful. Something that mattered rather

than just counting car radio parts for a some Radio business. My brother basically made me

realized what i wanted to do with my life rather than working at a place that wouldnt even make

the slightest impact to the world. He currently works for Columbus ohio police department and

Im planning to work alongside with him as a firefighter.

There are requirements to join the fire department. Such as being at 17 years of age to

apply. valid driver's license at time of application and valid Ohio driver's license at time of hire.

Also requiring a high school diploma or GED at time of appointment and a U.S. citizen at time

of application but that's just the beginning. Once applied i would have to do a written exam and

oral assessment and if i score high enough i move onto the next level. I would have to take a

physical fitness test course to see if my physical phique can handle the harsh conditions when

Im out on the field. After passing the physical fitness test the next step would be a background

investigation during this step i must submit my high school diploma or GED. Once the

background investigation is over the next step would be oral interview. After the oral interview

they would have to do a medical/ stress evaluation/ psychological exam to see if i could mentally

handle the position and to see if i'm free of addiction to narcotics. The very last step is
completing 30 weeks in a fire academy while also possessing a emergency medical technician

paramedic certificate.

In total it takes about 3-4 months to become a firefighter. Now the salary first starts at

$1,758.40 bi-weekly and annually its $45,718.40. After a completion of one- year continuous

service the salary increases to $1,847.20 bi- weekly and it increases in 5 consecutive years of

service. Advancing as a firefighter is totally optional, you first start off as a junior officer then

senior officer and lastly chief. Overall pursuing this career would be quite the experience and the

amount of new materials i would learn would be helpful and interesting and while making a

difference in the world.

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