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Victoria CGA 2013059087

How Communist Party

Operates in Chinese Society
The Chinese nation is known throughout the world not only for its
industriousness and stamina, but also for its ardent love of freedom and its rich
revolutionary traditions. The history of the Han people, for instance, demonstrates that
the Chinese never submit to tyrannical rule but invariably use revolutionary means to
overthrow or change it. In the thousands of years of Han history, there have been
hundreds of peasant uprisings, great and small, against the dark rule of the landlords
and the nobility. And most dynastic changes came about as a result of such peasant
uprisings. All the nationalities of China have resisted foreign oppression and have
invariably resorted to rebellion to shake it off. They favor a union on the basis of
equality but are against the oppression of one nationality by another. During the
thousands of years of recorded history, the Chinese nation has given birth to many
national heroes and revolutionary leaders. Thus the Chinese nation has a glorious
revolutionary tradition and a splendid historical heritage.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the founding and ruling political party in
modern China and was created in 1821 with more than 85 million members in 2014.
This current constitution is one of the longest ruling political parties and the second
largest political party in the world. It is a monolithic in which monopolistic party
dominates the political life of China. It is the major policy-making role in China and
all of the central, provincial, and local organs of government carry out those policies.
While the party has maintained a political monopoly, the effects of China's rapid
economic growth have triggered increasing social unrest and political destabilization
that challenge the country's rise as a global power. This party continues its policy of
micro-domination wherever it can extend its hands including many civil rights: free
speech, press, worship, the right to trial, and the right to own private property.
Nevertheless, in practice this constitution has widely not been followed. There has
been very little done to ensure that new laws instituted follow the constitution. The
judicial system does not provide any particular method for review for new laws.
In the past, Chinese leaders almost never allowed public opinion to restrain his
policies; the popular will was something he himself defined. Today, almost all
Chinese leaders openly speak about the importance of public opinion, with the goal
being to preempt problems. Also, much is expected in Chinas growing middle class
society. Since 2002, CPC has embraced the idea of expanding the middle class so that
it becomes more than half the total population in the future in order to encourage
consumption and to ensure social stability.

Ordinary Chinese are gaining unprecedented access to information from internet.

Computer usage in China has exploded. Currently, there are over 210 million internet
users and over 400 million mobile phone users. There is also a huge increase of the
computer users in China, and ethics of technology has become increasingly prominent
over the years. In particular, privacy, censorship, public ownership, and work ethic
have become series ethical issues. Furthermore to stanching the flow of information
with the so-called Great Firewall, the government now has to fight information with
information. The central government has undertaken gargantuan efforts to both
Victoria CGA 2013059087

harness the benefits of the Internet and insulate itself from its most destabilizing
effects. At the same time, more and more Chinese citizens are flocking into cities.
Urbanization tends to be associated with higher educational and income levels and
elevated popular expectations.

These combination packed urban populations, rapidly rising aspirations, the

spread of knowledge, and the greater ease of coordinating social action means that
Chinas leaders will find it progressively more challenging to govern the country.
Besides, many Chinese students now go abroad for education in the 2012/2013
academic year, more than 230,000 studied in the United States alone and many have
returning home after graduation. The result is that China now possesses a massive
pool of talented people who can empower organizations and businesses outside of the
states control. Every day, these entities grow in number and power, and in some
instances, they have begun performing duties that were traditionally handled by the
state or not handled at all. This lack of accountability has compounded grievances
over income inequality, lack of consumer protection, land grabs, and human rights
issues. Many of these have been brought to light across the country by the Internet,
which has heavily eroded the CPC's control over political communication. Health
insurance care also has been a major initiative for the party as a vast aging population
drives government efforts to broaden insurance coverage. Spending on health care
insurance now covers more than 90 percent of the population, although coverage is
often limited.

From the beginning, CPC has taken these tasks on its own shoulders and for
eighteen years has fought strenuously for its accomplishment. The leadership in these
revolutionary tasks devolves on the Chinese Communist Party, the party of the
proletariat; without leadership revolution cannot succeed. That is to say, it embraces
both the present and future stages of the revolution. It is a task at once glorious,
arduous and it cannot be accomplished without this party in which national in scale
and has a broad mass character, a party fully consolidated ideologically, politically
and organizationally. As it celebrates more than a century of dominating the political
landscape and as China continues to rise in economic and political influence.
However, this party has not completed all the tasks and therefore every communist
has the duty of playing an active part in building up the communist party.

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