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2.0 Introduction

In this chapter, we will cover the basic equations of motion and ideal flow. We will apply the
governing flow equations to an infinitesimal control volume. We will then discover that the
governing equations are differential equations. Then, we will address the flow which is not
affected by viscosity. This is called Ideal Flow.

The supporting material: My lectures notes in Word document, power point handout slides
show, illustrations, tutorial questions and tutorial answers are given in the class (lecture and

The suggestion reading: Most of the material covered in this notes is mainly based on Anderson
(1995) for governing flow equations, and Munson, Young and Okiishi (2006) for ideal flow, but
any good text book on Fluid Mechanics should do the job. It depends very much on you
personally which is your favourite book. Spend some time in the library, and browse through the
shelves, and read at least of one these books.

J.D. Anderson. Computational Fluid Dynamics. The Basics with Applications. McGraw-
Hill, 1995, International Edition.
H.K. Versteeg and W. Malalasekera. An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics.
The Finite Volume Method. Pearson Prentice Hall, 1995, First Edition.
F.M. White. Fluid Mechanics. McGraw-Hill, 2010, Seven Edition.
B.R. Munson, D.F. Young and T.H. Okiishi. Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. Wiley,
2006, Fifth Edition.
Y.A. engel and J.M. Cimbala. Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications.
McGraw-Hill, 2010, Second Edition.

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 1

J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek and J.A. Swaffield. Fluid Mechanics. Longman, 1995, Third
Robert W. Fox, Alan T. McDonald, Philip J. Pritchard. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics,
John Wiley & Sons, 2010, Seven Edition


2.1 Velocity Field and Acceleration Field

The velocity field can be described by specifying the velocity V at all points, and at all times,
within the flow field of interest. Thus, in terms of rectangular coordinates, the notation
V( x, y, z, t ) means that the velocity of a fluid particle depends on where it is located within the
flow field as determined by its coordinates, x, y, and when it occupies the particular point as
determined by the time, t. This method of describing the fluid motion is called the Eulerian

Fig. 2.1 shows an infinitesimal small fluid element moving with the flow. The fluid element is
moving through the Cartesian space. The unit vectors along x, y, and z axes are i, j and k,
respectively. The vector velocity field in this cartesian space is given by

V ui vj wk (2.1)

where the x, y, and z components of velocity are given, respectively by

u u ( x, y , z , t )
v v ( x, y , z , t ) (2.2)
w w( x, y, z , t )

The acceleration of a fluid particle can be expressed as

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 2

a u v w (2.3)
t x y y

And in component form,

u u u u
ax u v w (2.4)
t x y z

v v v v
ay u v w (2.5)
t x y z

w w w w
az u v w (2.6)
t x y z

The acceleration is also expressed as

a (2.7)

Figure 2.1: Fluid element moving in the fluid flow

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 3

2.2 The Substantial Derivative

The substantial derivative, is time rate of change following a moving fluid element. Using
the Fig. 2.1, the scalar density is given by ( x, y, z, t ) , from point 1 to 2 is;

u v w (2.8)
Dt x y z t

The expression for the substantial derivative in cartesian coordinate;

u v w (2.9)
Dt t x y z

is a symbol for the instantaneous time rate of change of density of the fluid element as it
moves through point 1. By definition, this symbol is called the substantial derivative, . Note
that is the time rate of change of density of the given fluid element as it is moving.

Whereas, , is physically time rate of change of density at the fixed point 1. We fixed our eyes
at point 1, where the density change due to transient fluctuations in the flow field. Therefore,
and are physically and numerically different quantities.
Dt t

In Cartesian coordinates, the vector operator is defined as

i j k (2.10)
x y z

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 4

So, the Eq. (2.9) can be written as

( V . ) (2.11)
Dt t

Eq. (2.11) represents a definition of the substantial derivative operator in vector notation, thus, it
is valid for any coordinate system.

Overall, is the substantial derivative, which is physically that time rate of change following

a moving fluid element; is called local derivative, which is physically the time rate of
change at a fixed point; V . is called the convective derivative, which is physically at the
time rate of change due to the movement of the fluid element from one location to another in the
flow field where the flow properties are spatially different. The substantial derivative applies to
any flow-field variable, for example Dp/Dt, DT/Dt, Du/Dt, etc. For example

( V . ) u v w
Dt t t x y z
local (2.12)
derivative convective derivative

2.3 The Divergence of the Velocity

In section 2.2, we examined the definition and physical meaning of the substantial derivative,
this is because the governing flow equations are frequently expressed in terms of the substantial
derivative, so it is important to understand this term. . V is expressed as (Anderson 1995);

1 D(V )
.V (2.13)
V Dt

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 5

where the left side is divergence of the velocity, and on the right side is physical meaning of
. V which is the time rate of change of the volume of a moving fluid element, per unit volume.
Munson and Young (2006) named this term, . V , the volumetric dilatation rate which is the
rate of change of the volume per unit volume. Thus, the volume of a fluid may change as the
element moves from one location to another in the flow field. However, for an incompressible
fluid the volumetric dilatation rate is zero, since the element volume cannot change without a
change in fluid density (the element mass must be conserved). In mathematical form, . V is
u v w
expressed as; . V .
x y z

2.4 The Governing Flow Equations

The fundamental governing equations of fluid flow are continuity, momentum, and energy
equations. These equations speaks physics. They are mathematical statements of three
fundamental physical principals upon which all of fluid dynamics is based:

Mass is conserved
Newtons second law, F = ma
Energy is conserved

2.4.1 The Control Volume and Models of the Flow

If we want to be able to describe the forces and mass balances, we need to define a volume over
which we do this. This volume of our choice is called the control volume, CV, and the surface
which encloses this volume is called the control surface, CS.

2.4.2 Finite Control Volume

Consider a general flow field as represented by the streamlines in Fig. 2.2a. Let us imagine a
closed volume drawn within a finite region of the flow. The control volume may be fixed in

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 6

space with the fluid moving through it, as shown at the left of Fig. 2.2a. Alternatively, the control
volume may be moving with the fluid such that the same fluid particles are always inside it, as
shown at the right of Fig. 2.2a. In either case, the control volume is a reasonably large, finite
region of the flow. The fundamental physical principals are applied to the fluid inside the control
volume and to the fluid crossing the control surface (if the control volume is fixed in space).
Therefore, instead of looking at the whole field at once, with the control volume model, we limit
our attention to just the fluid in the finite region of the volume itself. The equations so obtained
from the finite control volume fixed in space (left side of Fig. 2.2a), in either integral or partial
differential form, are called conservation form of the governing equations. These equations
obtained from the finite control volume moving with the fluid (right side of Figure 2.2a), in
either integral or partial differential form, are called the nonconservation form of the governing

Figure 2.2: Models of the flow. (a) Finite control volume approach; (b) infinitesimal fluid element approach

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 7

2.4.3 Infinitesimal Fluid Element

Consider a general flow field as represented by the streamline in Fig. 2.2b. Let us imagine an
infinitesimally small fluid element in the flow with a differential volume dV. The fluid element is
may be fixed in space with the fluid moving through it, as shown at the left of Fig.2.2b.
Alternatively, it may be moving along a streamline with a velocity vector equal to the flow
velocity at each point. So, instead of looking the whole flow field at once, the fundamental
physical principles are applied to just the infinitesimally small fluid element itself. This
application leads directly to the fundamental equations in partial differential equation form. The
partial differential equations obtained directly from the fluid element fixed in space (left side of
Fig. 2.2b) are again the conservation form of the equations. The partial differential equations
obtained directly from the moving fluid element (right side of Fig. 2.2b) are called the
nonconseravtion form of the equations.

2.4.4 A comment

We have used the finite control volumes for the solution of a variety of fluid mechanics
problems. This approach is very practical and useful, because it only requires a detailed
knowledge of the pressure and velocity variations within the control volume. Typically, we
found that only conditions on the surface of the control volume entered the problem, and thus
problems could be solved without a detailed knowledge of the flow field. Unfortunately, there
are many situations that arise in which the details of the flow are important and the finite control
volume approach will not yield the desired information. For example, we may need to know how
the velocity varies over the cross section of a pipe, or how the pressure and shear stress vary
along the surface of an airplane wing. In these circumstances we need to develop relationships
that apply at a point, or at least in a very small region, the infinitesimal fluid element within a
given flow field. This approach, which involves the infinitesimal fluid element or we can call it
an infinitesimal control volume as distinguished from a finite control volume, is commonly

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referred to as differential analysis. We will then discover that the governing equations are
differential equations. Therefore, for the rest of this course, we will use infinitesimal fluid
element to obtain the differential form of the continuity equation.

2.5 The Continuity Equation

The mass balance, or continuity equation, for a control volume is,

Any change of mass within the control volume is equal to the net gain of mass flowing
into the volume through the control surface,


Rate of Change of Mass Net loss of Mass 0 (2.14)

Or in mathematical terms:

t cv
d u .dA 0 (2.15)

where the Eq. (2.15) commonly called the continuity equation can be applied to a finite control
volume, CV which is bounded by a control surface, CS. The first integral on the left side of Eq.
(2.15) represents the rate at which the mass within the control volume is changing, and the
second integral represents the net rate at which mass is flowing out through the control surface
(total rate of mass outflow - total rate of mass inflow). We can write Eq. (2.15) as below;

t dV ( uA)
cv out
out ( uA)in 0

Eq. (2.16) can be rewritten as

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 9

. .
t dV
m (2.17)

To obtain the differential form of the continuity equation, Eq. (2.17) is applied to an infinitesimal
control volume. The element is so small that the volume integral on the left side of Eq. (2.17) can
be written as;

t dV
dx dy dz (2.18)

2.5.1 The Differential Equation of Mass Conservation

The physical principle: Mass is conserved.

The first step in the derivation of the mass conservation equation is to write down a mass balance
for the fluid element:

Rate of increase of mass = Net rate of flow of mass

in fluid element into fluid element

Note that the mass balance written above has same physical meaning with Eq. (2.14-2.17).

To keep the derivation simple, and the diagram used for the derivation easy to read, we choose
an infinitesimal fixed control volume (dx dy dz) and adopt a cartesian coordinate system.
Consider the flow model shown at the left of Fig. 2.2b, namely, an infinitesimally small element
fixed in space, with the fluid moving through it. Fig. 2.3 show more detail, where fixed in this (x,
y, z) space is an infinitesimal small element of sides dx, dy and dz. The mass flow terms occur on
all six faces, three inlets and three outlets. Consider the left and right faces of the element which
are perpendicular to the x axis. The area of these faces is dy dz. Next, we need to account for the

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 10

mass flow rate across a face of the element, which is given by the product of density, area and
velocity component normal to the face. The velocity and density are functions of (x, y, z) space
and time t. Thus, if is the density on the left face of the element in Fig. 2.3, the right face will
have a slightly different density +(/x)dx. Note that u, v, and w are positive, by convention,
increases in the positive x, y, and z directions, respectively. So, the arrows in Fig. 2.3 show the
contributions to the inflow and outflow of mass through the sides of the fixed element. For mass
conservation, if the mass flow through the left face is (u) dy dz, the mass flow across the right
face is [u+(u/x)dx] dydz. In similar vein, the mass flow through the bottom and top faces,
and front and back faces are listed as follows;

The left face, mass inflow; ( u) dy dz (2.19)

( u )
The right face, mass outflow; [ u dx] dy dz (2.20)

The bottom face, mass inflow; ( v) dx dz (2.21)

( v)
The top face, mass outflow; [ v dy ] dx dz (2.22)

The rear face, mass inflow; ( w) dx dy (2.23)

( w)
The front face, outflow; [ w dz ] dx dy (2.24)

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 11

Figure 2.3: Mass flows in and out of fluid element

From Fig. 2.3, the net rate of flow of mass into the element across its boundaries is given by;

( u )
[ u dx] dy dz ( u )dy dz
( v)
[ v dy ] dx dz ( v)dx dz (2.25)
( w)
[ w dz ] dx dy ( w)dx dy

Hence, the net mass flow out of the element is given by;

( u ) ( v) ( w)
Net mass flow dx dy dz (2.26)
x y z

Again, the total mass of fluid in the infinitesimally small element is (dx dy dz); hence the time
rate of increase of mass inside the element is given by;

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 12

Time rate of mass increase (dx dy dz ) (2.27)

Introduce the terms in Eq. (2.26) and use Eq. (2.27) into Eq. (2.16) above, we have

( u ) ( v) ( w)
dx dy dz dx dy dz dx dy dz dx dy dz 0 (2.28)
t x y z

The element volume cancels out of all terms, leaving the partial differential equation involving
the derivatives of density and velocity.

( u ) ( v) ( w)
0 (2.29)
t x y z

Or in compact vector notation

. ( V ) 0 (2.30)

Eq. (2.30) is the unsteady, three-dimensional mass conservation or continuity equation at a

point in a compressible fluid. This Eq. (2.30) is a partial differential equation form of the
continuity equation, which was derived of an infinitesimal small element fixed in space, and in
conservation form. The first term on the left hand side is the rate of change in time of the density
(mass per unit volume). The second term describes the net flow of mass out of the element across
its boundaries and is called the convective term.

For the incompressible fluid, like most liquids, its density does not change, neither over time nor
over space. As a result, the continuity equation in Eq. (2.30) simplifies greatly to

u v w
0 (2.31)
x y z

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 13


. V 0 (2.32)

Eq. (2.31) applies to both steady and unsteady flow of incompressible fluids.

2.6 The Momentum Equation

In this section, we apply another fundamental physical principle to a model of the flow, namely:

Physcial principle : F = ma (Newtons second law)

Newtons second law, expressed above, when applied to the moving fluid element in Fig. 2.2b,
the net force on the fluid element equals its mass times the acceleration of the element. For
simplicity only the forces in the x direction is used,

Fx = max (2.33)

2.6.1 Forces

In general, two types of forces need to be considered: body forces (e.g. gravity) which are
distributed uniformly throughout the bulk of the volume and surface forces (e.g. pressure and
shear stress), which act only on the surface of the control volume.

2.6.2 Body forces

Body forces are due to external fields (gravity, magnetism, electrical potential) which act upon
the entire mass within the element. The most common body force is gravity, which every single
molecule within the element feels the same extent. The gravity on the fluid within the element is

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 14

simply Fg = mg. The only body force we shall consider in this course is gravity. The gravity
force on the differential mass dx dy dz within the control volume is

Fg = g dx dy dz (2.34)

2.6.3 Surface Forces

Surface forces are forces which only apply to the surface of the volume of fluid. The two
examples are the pressure force, which acts on a surface in the direction perpendicular that
surface, and the shear force, which pulls the edge of the volume along.

When a fluid at a rest, the only stress acting at any surface of any fluid element is the local hydrostatic
pressure, P, which always acts inward and normal to the surface. When a fluid is moving, pressure still
acts inwardly normal, but shear stresses also exist.

To summarize, the Newtons second law in diagrammatic form as follows:

F = ma

Body forces Surface forces

Weight Electro- Electrical

Pressure Viscous
(due to gravity) magnetic potential

Normal Shear
txx, ... txy, ...

Figure 2.4: The forces on a moving fluid

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 15 Pressure Forces

Fig.2.5 shows the infinitesimal small, moving fluid element for momentum equations
derivation. The pressure force on the left face of area dy dz is Fp = pA = p dy dz. Since the
pressure force is perpendicular to the area on which the pressure is acting, the only two of the 6
faces of our volume element contributing a force in the x-direction, are the left and the right face.

Pressure left face: p dy dz (2.35)

Pressure right face: p dx dy dz (2.36)

Figure 2.5: Infinitesimal small, moving fluid element used for derivation of x component momentum equation

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 16 Viscous Forces

We will use , for normal stress and shear stress. The suffix notation ij denotes a stress in the j-
direction on a surface normal to the i-direction. Forces aligned with the direction of a co-ordinate
axis get a positive sign, and those in the opposite direction, a negative sign. These directions are
consistent with the convention that positive increases in all three components of velocity, u, v
and w, occur in the positive directions of the axes. To obtain the magnitude of a force resulting
from a surface stress is the product of stress and area.

We now can express the surface forces acting on the infinitesimal small cubical fluid element as
shown in Fig. 2.5. The forces on the 6 faces are;

The left face, the normal stress; t dy dz

xx (2.37)

The right face, the normal stress; txx dx dy dz (2.38)

The bottom face, the shear stress; t dx dz

yx (2.39)

The top face, the shear stress; tyx dy dx dz (2.40)

The rear face, the shear stress; t dx dy

zx (2.41)

The front face, the shear stress; tzx dz dx dy (2.42)

It is not these stresses but their gradients, or differences, which cause a net force on the
differential control surface. So, for the moving fluid element, the net surface force in x direction

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 17

p txx tyx
p p x dx dy dz + txx x dx txx dy dz + tyx y dy tyx dx dz

+ tzx dz tzx dx dy (2.43)

The total force in the x direction Fx, is given by the sum of Eqs (2.34) and (2.43), i.e. (body
forces and surface forces), and canceling terms, we obtain,

p txx tyx tzx

Fx g dx dy dz dx dy dz (2.44)
x x y z

Eq. (2.44) represents the left-hand side of Eq. (2.33).

The right-hand side of Eq. (2.33), is the product of mass of the fluid element and acceleration.
The mass of the fluid element is fixed and is equal to

m = dx dy dz (2.45)

The acceleration of the fluid element is the time rate of change of its velocity. So, the component
of acceleration in the x-direction, denoted by ax, is time rate of change of u. Since we are
following a moving fluid element, this time rate of change is given by the substantial derivative.

ax (2.46)

Combining Eqs. (2.33) and (2.44) to (2.46), we obtain the momentum equations in
nonconservation form;

Du p txx tyx tzx

gx (2.47a)
Dt x x y z

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 18

which is the x component of the momentum equation for a viscous flow. In a similar fashion, the
y and z components can be obtained as

Dv p txy tyy tzy

gy (2.47b)
Dt y x y z


Dw p txz tyz tzz

fz (2.47c)
Dt z x y z

Equations (2.47a) to (2.47c) are the x, y, and z components, respectively, of the momentum
equation. Note they are partial differential equations obtained directly from an application of the
infinitesimal fluid element. Since the fluid element is moving with the flow, Eqs (2.47a) to
(2.47c) are in nonconservation form.

2.7 The Navier-Stokes Equation

In section, we obtained the momentum equations in nonconservation forms. They are
scalar equations and are called the Navier-Stokes equations in honor of two men the
Frenchman M. Navier and the Englishman G. Stokes who independently obtained the
equations in the first half of the nineteenth century.

The Navier-Stokes equations can be obtained in conservation form as follows. Writing the left-
hand side of Eq. (2.47a) in terms of the definition of the substantial derivative, we have

Du u
V . u (2.48)
Dt t

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 19

Also, expanding the following derivative,

( u ) u
t t t

and rearranging, we have

u ( u )
u (2.49)
t t t

Recalling the vector identity for the divergence of the product of a scalar times vector, we have

.( uV) u. ( V) ( V).u


( V).u .( uV) u. ( V) (2.50)

Substitute Eqs (2.49) and (2.50) into (2.48),

Du ( u )
u u. ( V ) .( uV )
Dt t t
( u )
u . ( V ) .( uV )
t t

The term in brackets in Eq. (2.51) is simply the left-hand side of the continuity equation as Eq.
(2.30); hence the term in brackets is zero. Thus Eq. (2.51) reduces to

Du ( u )
. ( uV) (2.52)
Dt t

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Substitute Eq. (2.52) into (2.47a);
( u ) p txx tyx tzx
. ( uV) gx (2.53a)
t x x y z

Similarly, Eqs. (2.47b) and (2.47c) can be expressed as

( v) p txy tyy tzy

. ( vV) gy (2.53b)
t y x y z


( w) p txz tyz tzz

. ( wV) gz (2.53c)
t z x y z

Equations (2.53a) to (2.53c) are the Navier-Stokes equations in conservation form.

The governing equations now contain as further unknowns, the viscous stress components tij. In
many fluid flows the viscous stresses can be expressed as functions of the local deformation
rate (or strain rate). In the late seventeenth century, Isaac Newton stated that the shear stress
in a fluid is proportional to the time rate of strain, i.e., velocity gradients. Such fluids are
called newtonian fluids. Fluids in which is not proportional to the velocity gradients are
nonnewtonian fluids; blood flow is one example). In virtually, all aerodynamic problems, the
fluid can be assumed to be newtonian. So, in a newtonian fluid, the viscous stresses are
proportional to the rates of deformation. The three-dimensional form of newtons law of
viscosity for compressible flows involves two constants of proportionality: the (first) dynamic
viscosity, to relate stresses to linear deformation, and the second viscosity, to relate stresses to
the volumetric deformation.

For such fluids, Stokes in 1845 obtained;

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 21

t ( . V) 2
xx (2.54a)

t ( . V) 2
yy (2.54b)

t ( . V) 2
zz (2.54c)

v u
t t
xy yx (2.54d)
x y

u w
t t
xz zx (2.54e)
z x

w v
t t
yz zy (2.54f)
y z

where is the molecular viscosity coefficient, and is the second viscosity coefficient. Stokes
made the hypothesis that


Substitute Eqs. 2.54 into (2.53), we obtain the complete Navier-Stokes equations in
conservation form;

( u ) ( u 2 ) ( uv) ( uw) p

t x y z x
u v u u w
( . V ) 2 gx
x x y x y z z x

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 22

( v) ( uv) ( v 2 ) ( vw) p

t x y z y
v u v w v
( . V ) 2 gy
x x y y y z y z

( w) ( uw) ( vw) ( w2 ) p

t x y z z
u w w v w
( . V ) 2 gz
x z x y y z z z

The Eqs. (2.56a) to (2.56c) can be also written as

Du p u v u
( . V ) 2
Dt x x x y x y
u w
z z x

Dv p v u v
( . V ) 2
Dt y x x y y y
w v
z y z

Dw p u w w v

Dt z x z x y y z
( . V ) 2 gz
z z

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 23

2.8 Equations for Viscous Flow
(the Navier-Stokes Equations)

A viscous flow is one where the transport phenomena of friction, thermal conduction, and or
mass diffusion are included. These transport phenomena are dissipative they always increase
the entropy of the flow. The equations that have been derived and discussed up to this point, is
apply to such viscous flow, with the exception that mass diffusion is not included. So, the
governing equations for an unsteady, three-dimensional, compressible, viscous flow are
summarized as follows;

Continuity Equations

Nonconservation form

. V 0 (2.58)

Conservation form

. ( V ) 0 (2.30)

Momentum Equations

Nonconservation form

Du p txx tyx tzx

x component gx (2.47a)
Dt x x y z

Dv p txy tyy tzy

y component gy (2.47b)
Dt y x y z

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 24

Dw p txz tyz tzz
z component fz (2.47c)
Dt z x y z

Conservation form

( u ) p txx tyx tzx

x component . ( uV) gx (2.53a)
t x x y z

( v) p txy tyy tzy

y component . ( vV) gy (2.53b)
t y x y z

( w) p txz tyz tzz

z component . ( wV) gz (2.53c)
t z x y z

2.9 The Eulers Equation

For ideal flow, we simply assume that we ignore viscosity, and the resulting equation is Eulers
equation, which is about 100 years older than the Navier-Stokes equations. Inviscid flow is, by
definition, a flow where the dissipative, transport phenomena of viscosity, mass diffusion, and
thermal conductivity are neglected. We can also say the inviscid flow is a region of a fluid flow
where viscous forces are sufficiently small relative to other force. If we take the equations listed
in Section 2.8, and simply drop all terms involving friction, we then have the equations for an
inviscid flow. The resulting equations for an unsteady, three-dimensional, compressible inviscid
flow are;

Continuity Equations

Nonconservation form

. V 0 (2.59)
POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 25
Conservation form

. ( V ) 0 (2.60)

Momentum Equations

Nonconservation form

Du p
x component fx (2.61)
Dt x

Dv p
y component gy (2.62)
Dt y

Dw p
z component fz (2.63)
Dt z

Conservation form

( u ) p
x component . ( uV) gx (2.64)
t x

( v) p
y component . ( vV) gy (2.65)
t y

( w) p
z component . ( wV) gz (2.66)
t z

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 26

2.10 Some Comments on the Governing Equations

We have seen a large number of equations so far, and they may seem to you to all look alike.
Equations by themselves can be tiring, and this chapter would seem to be wall-to-wall
equations. However, all of theoretical fluid mechanics is based on these equations, so it is
absolute essential that you are familiar with them and that you understand their physical meaning
and significance. That is why we have spent so much time and effort in deriving the governing

Looking at the equations summarized in Sec. 2.8 and 2.9, several comments and observations
can be mad, as follows:

For the momentum and energy equations, the difference between the non-conservation and
conservation forms of the equations is just the left-hand side. The right-hand side of the
equations in the two different forms is the same.

Note that the conservation forms of the equations contains terms on the left-hand side which
include the divergence of some quantity, such as . ( V) or . ( uV) . For this reason, the
conservation form of the governing equations, is sometimes called the divergence form.

The normal and shear stress terms in these equations are functions of the velocity gradients, as
given by Eqs. (2.54a-f)

In Sec., the momentum equations for a viscous flow were identified as the Navier-Stokes
Equations, which is historically accurate. However, this terminology has been expanded to
include the entire system of flow equations for the solution of a viscous flow, continuity,
momentum and energy. So, when we refer to the Navier-Stokes equations, we will mean the
whole system of equations, summarized in Sec. 2.8.

The equations for inviscid flow in Sec. 2.9 are labeled as the Eulers Equation.

POTENTIAL FLOW by Azmahani Sadikin 27

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