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Parts of Speech Table

This is a summary of the 8 parts of speech.

part of
function or "job" example words example sentences

(to) be, have, do, is a web site.
Verb action or state like, work, sing,
I like
can, must

pen, cat, work,

This is my cat. He lives in my
Noun thing or person music, town, Ipoh,
house. We live in Ipoh.
teacher, Lina

a/an, the, 69, some,

My bicyle is red. I like red
Adjective describes a noun good, big, red, well,

quickly, silently, My rabbit eats quickly. When

describes a verb,
Adverb well, badly, very, he is very hungry, he eats
adjective or adverb
really really quickly.

Pronoun replaces a noun I, you, he, she, some Tara is Indian. She is beautiful.

links a noun to another

Preposition to, at, after, on, but We went to school on Monday.

I like rabbits and I like cats.

joins clauses or I like cats and rabbits.
Conjunction and, but, when
sentences or words I like rabbits but I don't like

short exclamation, Ouch! That hurts!

Interjection sometimes inserted oh!, ouch!, hi!, well Hi! How are you?
into a sentence Well, I don't know.
Verbs may be treated as two different parts of speech:
o Lexical Verbs (work, like, run)

o Auxiliary Verbs (be, have, must)

Determiners may be treated as a separate part of speech, instead of being categorized

under Adjectives- Articles (a, an, the) Determiners (some, many, a few, a lot of)
noun names a person, place, or thing pirate, Caribbean, ship
pronoun takes the place of a noun I, you, he, she, it, ours,
them, who
verb identifies action or state of being sing, dance, believe, be
adjective modifies a noun hot, lazy, funny
adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb softly, lazily, often
preposition shows a relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and up, over, against, by, for
other words in a sentence
conjunction joins words, phrases, and clauses and, but, or, yet
interjection expresses emotion ah, whoops, ouch
article identifies and specifies a noun a,an, the

Parts of Speech Examples

Here are some sentences made with different English parts of speech:

verb noun verb noun verb verb

Stop! Amir works. Amir is working.

pronoun verb noun noun verb adjective noun

She loves animals. Animals like kind people.

noun verb noun adverb noun verb adjective noun

Tara speaks English well. Tara speaks good English.

pronoun verb preposition adjective noun adverb

She ran to the station quickly.

pron. verb adj. noun conjunction pron. verb pron.

She likes big snakes but I hate them.

Here is a sentence that contains every part of speech:
interjection pron. conj. adj. noun verb prep. noun adverb

Well, she and young Afiq walk to school slowly.

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