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Placement: Ontario Early Years (Cumberland)

Purpose: Today I assisted in administering the parent education

Reason for completing the task. session that revolved around answering childrens
This could be based on an questions about sexuality. This session was for the
observation you made, a parents to gain a better understanding of how to handle
conversation between you and situations involving their childs sexuality, and how to
your site supervisor, etc. answer their questions.
Task: Objectives:
What are you planning in response 1. To help the caregivers understand when sexuality
to your purpose? begins and how to foster a positive sexual
-Label your task (e.g. bulletin environment.
board focused on the importance 2. To help the caregivers understand how to teach
of play-based learning). their child consent from an early age.
-What are your 3 objectives for 3. To clarify the importance of caregivers building a
this experience? (i.e. Why are you relationship with their child in which the child
creating a bulletin board on the trusts and is comfortable to ask questions about
importance of plat based their sexuality. We clarified that when there is a
learning? What message are you relationship in which a family is open to talking
sending?) about sexuality, the child will be more likely to
ask questions (and get the right information from
Describe the experience: the right source) and more likely to report any
-Describe the completion of the incidents in their life that have made them
task, with a step by step uncomfortable.
description. 4. To answer any questions parents had in regards
to sexuality in the early years.
1. The room was set up so that the caregivers could
sit and listen to the workshop, while still within
their childs view. There were ECEs available to
help the children as well.
2. We spoke about sexuality in the early years and
how to address any questions children may ask.
3. We emphasized the importance of using proper
names for body parts, answering childrens
questions and teaching consent at a young age.
4. We shared some tips and tricks in regards to
fostering an environment that leads to open
conversations about sexuality.
Reflection: The session went very well. The room was quite full and
-What went well? the topic was one that was evidently of interest to the
Provide examples of how you know audience. The caregivers had lots of questions and
it went well. shared many stories in relation to the topic. During the
-What didnt go well? Provide session, the issue of sexual abuse and detecting sexual
examples of how you know it didnt mistreatment was very popular. Many participants shared
go well. their fears and some caregivers even shared personal
-What did you learn? stories in relation to the topic and how their childhood
-What might you do differently experiences have affected them. It was very clear that
next time you implement this same these mothers have a very trusting relationship with one
task and why? another and look to each other for support. It was great
-Did you make any adaptation or to see that they felt comfortable enough to share these
modifications? If so, what were personal stories. The stories really helped caregivers to
they? understand why properly and positively addressing
-What type of experience might sexuality in the early years is so important. During this
you plan to extend on this one? session I learned many tips and tricks for when children
ask questions. Mainly, I can share this information with
other mothers that I know are wondering how to answer
their childs inquiries. One piece of information that I
found to be particularly helpful was Halton Public
Healths four-point plan for answering questions relating
to sexuality. The four points are:
1. State the facts.
2. State your values.
3. State your expectations of the child and or their
4. Make sure the childs self esteem is protected.
Overall, the session was extremely successful and I
foresee this topic will reappearing at a later date.
Field Supervisors Feedback:

Signature: Date: Thursday February 16th 2017

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