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Federal Inspection System is a set of rules, limitations, obligations and watche

s of the highest level of health, which exercises the Federal Government through
the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (
SAGARPA), according certain internationally accepted standards on the premises,
construction, maintenance and hygiene inspection procedures for cattle for slaug
hter and meat obtained from them on machinery, equipment, clothing and household
goods used in process and production of meat, meat products and products of com
panies operating under it. Adhere to the Federal Inspection System: â ¢ Slaughter
plants or cattle or swine or birds or horses or Processing Plants Obrador or Fil
ling or stoned or classifications intestines or dehydrated or prepared or proces
sing meat or pasteurized egg burgers or storage plants Other Refrigeration
â ¢
â ¢ â ¢
This system originates in the years 1946-1947 in response to the closure of the
northern border at the first outbreak of FMD in our country. Was created Health
Inspection Service Federal Type, restricting the movement of live cattle to Mexi
co, the Service instituted more demanding than it paid the then Secretary of Hea
lth and Welfare. The purpose of creation is to obtain meat and meat products fro
m animals for slaughter for human consumption, achieved by implementing standard
s and more stringent hygiene conditions, both for the domestic market and for ex
port. The legal framework governing it originated in the Act and Regulations of
the Sanitary Meat Industrialization, published in the Official Journal of the Fe
deration on February 13, 1950. Currently, the law governing the Federal Animal H
ealth Law.
In recent years, ISO has become synonymous with quality. For the bulk of people
these lyrics are an expression that is associated with products or services whos
e quality is guaranteed, although not really know how and why.
Contrary to what one might think ISO is not for the acronym for an organization
but is a prefix, in fact its origin is the root Greek isos, meaning equal, and y
ou've probably used in applying terms such as isobaric, isothermal, and so on.
Therefore its use in the field of standardization or normalization corresponds t
o the equivalence of features that provide rules or standards.
The name of the global federation that brings together the efforts in this area
is the International Organization for Standardization, brings together organizat
ions from more than 140 countries in the world.
Standards or standards are documented agreements containing technical specificat
ions or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or d
efinitions of characteristics to ensure that materials, products, processes or s
ervices consistent with its purposes.
International standards help to make life simpler, increase confidence and effec
tiveness of goods and services we consume.
If you are interested in the subject matter of principle we suggest you visit th
e home page of the International Organization for Standardization, because it is
the principal entity in the matter, at which site you can to put you to the mem
ber organizations worldwide. If you find links that interest you, incorporate th
em to your list of favorites.
The cornerstone of the certification process of the mobilization of products and
byproducts of the establishments that aspire to be recognized as Type Federal I
nspection of Standards with Mexican, Mexican Official Standards and campaign ope
ratives implemented by the Agriculture Secretariat , Livestock, Rural Developmen
t, Fisheries and Food. Here are the rules you use most often:
NOM-019-ZOO-1994, National Campaign Tick Boophilus spp. Published on May 19, 199
5. Modification, published on April 15, 1996. NOM-031-ZOO-1995, National Campaig
n against Bovine Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis). Published on March 8, 1996.
Modification, published on August 27, 1998. NOM-041-ZOO-1995, National Campaign
Against Animal Brucellosis. Published on August 20, 1996. Clarification of the
Standard, published on January 20, 1997. NOM-007-ZOO-1994. National Campaign aga
inst Aujeszky's disease. Published on September 19, 1994. Modification, publishe
d on June 12, 1995. Modification, published on August 15, 1996. Modification, pu
blished on June 3, 1998. NOM-037-ZOO-1995€National Campaign Against Classical S
wine Fever. Published on October 29, 1996. NOM-005-ZOO-1993, National Campaign a
gainst Avian Salmonellosis. Published 1 September 1994. Clarification of the Sta
ndard NOM-005-ZOO-1993. Published on February 10, 1995. NOM-013-ZOO-1994, Nation
al Campaign Against Newcastle Disease velogenic. Published on February 28, 1995.
Clarification of the Standard, published on March 30, 1995. NOM-044-ZOO-1995, N
ational Campaign against Avian Influenza. Published on August 14, 1996. Modifica
tion, published on November 17, 1998.
This Standard compliance obligat national territory and is designed procedures,
activities, technical criteria for the control and eradication of Boophilus spp.
This Standard compliance obli national territory and is intended, reg procedures
, activities, technical criteria and characteristics for the control of bovine t
uberculosis. His field of all livestock farms that even for people who po an ani
mal. This Standard compliance obli national territory and is designed procedures
, activities, technical criteria for the control and eventual er susceptable spe
cies brucellosis in the country.
This Standard compliance obli country and aims, p eradicate Aujeszky's disease t
hroughout the country.
This Standard requires compliance with national territory and is intended, diagn
ostic control and eradicate swine fever c country, should be applicable in all l
pig. This Standard compliance obli national territory and is designed procedure
s, activities, technical and operational criteria for the prevention eradication
of avian salmonellosis (Pu Flu) across the country.
This Standard compliance obli national territory and is designed procedures, act
ivities, technical and operational criteria for the prevention of disease eradic
ation N velogenic all wild birds including tea and layout control mesogenic.
This Standard compliance obli national territory and national campaign aims to e
radicate Avian criteria standardizing the procedures, strategies and diagnostic
Standard Operating Procedures for Health (POES), also known as Sanitation Standa
rd Operating Procedures and in English, as Sanitation Standard Operating Procedu
res (SSOPs). This type of procedures were implemented in all federally inspected
plants in the United States in January 1997. The POES describes restructuring e
fforts that are applied before (preoperational) and during manufacturing process
es (operational). The POES clearly define the steps to follow to ensure complian
ce with the requirements for cleaning and disinfection. Spells out the how, what
, when and by whom. To fulfill its purposes, should be completely explicit, clea
r and detailed to avoid any distortion or misinterpretation. I lists a group of
links from which they may initiate new searches. As we have reiterated to you, o
ur intention is not to present sites or documents that may be considered approve
d or recommended, since the responsibility for implementation is up to you. Howe
ver, we believe that based on your experience and your professional skills you w
ill have to select the sources having the greatest potential to enrich your acqu
is. If you find links that interest you, incorporate them to your list of favori
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, HACCP better known by its acronym in En
glish, is a quality assurance system with a rise in the food industry worldwide,
such as obtaining food safe for human health, the focus towards how to avoid or
reduce any property Probab develop biological, chemical or physical health was
unacceptable to the consumer in food safety.
The most common names assigned in Spanish are: A System Analysis Critical Contro
l Point (HACCP) System Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and
Risk Identification and Critical Control Points Control (HACCP).
The HACCP system was developed during the decade of the '60s in the United State
s of America (USA) on whole company Pillsbury, U.S. Navy and the National Agency
for Aeronautics and the search for a method allowing the production of foods wi
th zero defects, 100% of pathogen contamination sec or agencies having an impact
on the failure of space missions.
It was first presented at the National Conference on Food Protection (NCFP) in d
name of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), which is the turning p
oint for ad food industry worldwide.
The OCETIF, A.C. together and offers you a series of links related to this power
ful tool knowledge is directly linked to your career. By exploring the assurance
system for food industry, have no doubt that you will be convinced of the benef
its flowing to your performance and
Federal Inspection and profits in your store of knowledge. We recommend you cons
ult the section visited sites, if you find links that interest you, incorporate
them to your list of favorites.
"Guide to Risk Analysis, Identification and Control of Critical Points."
Ministry of Health, Mexico
"Risk Analysis, Identification and Control of Critical Applied Catering Service.
Ministry of Health, Mexico
"Brief Introduction to HACCP."
Interprofessional Hall Fresh Food, Valencia 1999
"The System Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in the Food Industry. So
me limitations in its application."
United Nations Organization for Agriculture and Food. Maria de Lourdes Gonzalez
"Teaching HACCP Guide."
University of the Republic (Uruguay). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. José
Pedro Dragonetti willow
"GMP / HACCP. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis and Critica
l Control Points (HACCP)."
Virtual Library of Food Safety. INNPAZ
"Application Guide System Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points: Manufactu
ring Industries of flour." "Guide for the Implementation of a HACCP program in F
lour Derivatives Industry: Bakery, Cookies, Pastries."
HACCP. Spanish Society of Dietetics and Nutrition Sciences
HACCP. Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Science
"Implementation of System Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points: Queso fre
HACCP. Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Science
International HACCP Alliance
International HACCP Alliance
Pathogen Reduction and HACCP Programs.
Food Safety and Inspection Service. United States Department of Agriculture. USA
Pathogen Reduction / HACCP and HACCP Implementation.
Food Safety and Inspection Service. United States Department of Agriculture. USA
Guidebook for the Preparation of HACCP Plans and Generic HACCP Models.
Food Safety and Inspection Service. United States Department of Agriculture. USA

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