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The island

The small waiting room was a mixture of people so diverse, to create a strange a
tmosphere of profound embarrassment. A man in his fifties, an Italian businessma
n named Julius, spent his time talking constantly with his satellite phone, paus
ing only to dictate a few notes to his secretary Viviana, a typical Mediterranea
n beauty from gushing sensuality. Beside him his wife Michele, a beautiful blond
e shapes made from abundant rather few extra pounds, spent his time reading fash
ion magazines. More detached, silent and reserved in their gray uniform, there w
ere two other women, one young and one much older. Alessia was a novice on his f
irst mission, and was accompanied by her mother Hope, a brunette with round face
shapes and much more cumbersome but still bore visible traces of a beauty that
many years ago was to be uncommon and that was at least unusual in a missionary
nun. Behind the counter, panting in a desperate attempt to contact who knows wha
t with the rickety telephone, there was Mary, a tall and slender brunette wearin
g a shabby uniform that would give the appearance of a Hostess but in reality on
ly served to make it look like a clumsy caricature despite the undoubted beauty.
"Beauty, damned if you can contact the pilot, tell him that if does not arrive
within 10 minutes the deal can dream fades and the ten bucks that I have promise
d ....." Julius yelled between a call and another "I do not know what happened .
... Phill Mr. Montini is always punctual, but will be here soon ...." Wailed the
young ... but the man was not listening as having already started talking on th
e phone "trying to keep Manuel ... I'm stuck here and a prick of a pilot who had
promised a flight ... disappeared without a trace ..." "I know that Christ is i
mportant ... but in this place of shit ... but nothing works typhoons are punctu
al ...." Shouted Mother Hope generating a wave of anger evident for that foul-mo
uthed language .. "Thank God you came Phill ....." Mary cried at that moment, ru
nning toward a man who had just appeared at the door of the small room. Phill Ed
ghins was a man of about forty, rather tall and very strong, the blond hair, fea
tures that certainly identified as American, probably in California even though
no one knew much about him except that three years he earned a living with that
small and somewhat antiquated executive who had arrived on the island. Montini a
nd vents cut short the phone call with him, "Where the fuck was expelled ... I h
ave no time to lose, otherwise I should not have come to look and I would have p
romised $ 10,000 for a simple voletto ...." Invested him with a threatening tone
"The simple voletto have 2500 miles on one of the stormy seas of the world ...
do not think it was easy to prepare the plane to a similar trip in just under th
ree hours ... but now I'm ready and then every minute lost is a minute of chatti
ng late arrival in Los Angeles ...." Answered with a confident smile that silenc
ed the little Italian. Soon after, Phil Hope went to Mother and said, "Reverend
Mother ... time is expected to renew my bad ... the council not to accept the mo
ve and wait for the resumption of regular flights ...." But the sister replied w
ith a smile "We must start as soon as possible ... the Lord will protect us ..."
. Less than ten minutes later, the overloaded small plane from reserve tanks, de
tached the wheels off the ground after a taxi passengers and not only that they
seemed interminable, and slowly began to take part in the next turn and loosen t
he tension passengers enjoying the show the small island of Santa Maria, who wal
ked away with behind the long sequence of small islands that form the islands ar
cipelogo Colon. "These fools of meteorologists ... have blocked all flights on t
he horizon and not even see a cloud ...." Giulio Montini muttered "I should sue
him and make me pay ten thousand dollars that it cost this voletto ....", to try
to improve his mood, he gave a long look all'invitante vision that opened in hi
s secretary's blouse Viviana. After about an hour's flight from Phill shock Mont
ini short sleep he allowed himself "Mr. Montini, the radar indicates a large sto
rage clouds right on our route, I fear that the typhoon is forecast in advance,
I recommend a diversion, we seek to spend more to shore and if things get worse
to repair in some airport ... " said "Shittipants ..." muttered Montini "How lon
g will this lose its deviation.?? "Asked" Three or four hours in view of the air
port that we will have to stock as lengthen the flight ... "the pilot replied" N
o way either ... I tell her what to do ... push the engines to maximum and try t
o pass before the typhoon .... Do not try to save on fuel ...." He said and went
back to doze off. After half an hour Phill woke him up again "Montini ... I war
n that the typhoon is right in front ... "Montini looked distractedly the immens
e white clouds apparently harmless signs of Typhoon" Who cares ... "replied anno
yed 'It is too dangerous ... Viro and I point to the nearest coast ... "continue
d the pilot," Do not do anything like that ... otherwise you forget the $ 10,000
... I must get at all costs in Los Angeles as soon as possible ", the pilot sho
ok his head" I repeat, is too great a risk, I damage or lose the plane, I Viro .
.. "" I knew Christ. .. an excuse to squeeze money ... you take advantage of it,
but I can not do anything ... $ 5000 and all other damages they will suffer the
plane ... I will pay you just think about staying the course ...." replied the
Montini almost shouting Phill shook his head "Okay ... But do not complain later
if you suffer from air sickness ... "said" Be your fucking business and thinks
to fly ... "concluded the Montini .. Less than half an hour later, the world see
med gone, the plane flew in thick clouds, such torrents of rain and shaken by
stormy updrafts. Fearful flashes lit up the night unnatural that was created aro
und them. Initially sparse, then more frequent. Montini began to worry and feel
bad about the tremendous jolts, all except Phill were wrong even if nobody compl
ained too terrified even to speak. Phill suddenly gave a violent turn "Shit I've
had enough ... to hell with you and your money ... I want to save your skin ...
" Montini dared not refute ... suddenly he thought that even arrive on time in L
os Angeles was really so important. Despite the turn things have not improved in
fact, the electric shock had been an almost continuous glow that hurt the eyes,
the plane was bouncing crazy and engines screaming at full power trying to main
tain altitude, but seemed powerless against the overwhelming power of nature. Ra
in invested windows obscuring the vision and tools revolved crazy. Phill silent
struggle with the controls while the cold sweat of fear to his forehead. Nobody
realized he was gradually losing altitude desperate for any way to salvation. Ha
d long since lost the route and even he knew where they were, he hoped, flying l
ow over the ocean to spot something, an island, any engagement with reality. The
hours passed and no one spoke, staring with terror Phill indicator of fuel comi
ng down relentlessly. He had thought of launching a May Day, but the radio was u
seless, probably the turbulence had disconnected the antenna or the lightning ha
d damaged circuits. While flying low, the visibility was made almost nothing fro
m the terrible downpour of rain, for just the small island did not escape, it wa
s just instinct or something mysterious they are. Made a long turn and saw her,
studied the conformation and realized that there was no possibility of landing.
The only solution was a amMichelaggio "We amMichelare, prepared by putting his h
ead between his legs ... and once we stopped follow my instructions carefully ..
. we'll have little time before the plane to go back ..... " said a deep voice .
.. Montini and nobody even had any objections. The plane first touched the water
surface with the belly and bounced like a stone, but Phil was able to control t
heir trajectory, struck a second time then a third, Phill had now lost all contr
ol and stood waiting for the inevitable . for an instant feared that s'inalberas
se .. would be the end for everyone, but miraculously a wave touched the tail ri
dandogli the right setting. Velocity diminished, the plane made a few more so bo
unce before diving into dark waters with hard braking it stopped almost instantl
y. Phill undid the belts quickly. What happened in the moments after ... nobody
would ever remember perfectly as it was a frantic series of screams and a strugg
le against time as the plane slowly sank into the sea in a storm. Phill was able
to inflate the dinghy rescue, forced everyone to wear jackets and drove them of
f the plane. Together they fought with the fury of the waves until they found th
emselves almost without realizing it to shore. They found refuge among the rocks
that stood behind the thin strip of sand on the beach.€The wind whistled, the
waves roared. The day was like at night. No one could understand how much time h
ad passed and one by one, overcome by weariness sank into a heavy sleep like dea
th. When they returned to life everything seemed just a bad nightmare. How come
the typhoon had left and to witness the shift there were only pushed the wreckag
e from the fury of the sea on the beach and few plants rooted in the dense tropi
cal forest that apparently held the island. Giulio Montini Phill fixed or standi
ng with your feet in the sea is now calm and crystal clear blue again, staring a
t the interior of the island that stood behind them. "What we do now ...." He sa
id "If you had stayed calm and kept tight you had that phone which seemed like s
o much ... maybe we could ask for help ...." Said the pilot "Christ ... do not m
ake me feel worse than it is ..." Julius replied sadly. Phil shook his head affi
rmatively, "You're right, better not complain about the past and get right away
.... Perhaps we should spend much time on this island ..." Montini, although he
was a man accustomed to command usually not replied meekly and began to follow t
he instructions of the pilot inside acknowledged that if Phil was the best man t
o take them a hindrance in that situation ... He was at ease only in a comfortab
le office. In the next two days were organized to survive, building huts of leav
es and twigs of the night to protect from moisture and frequent thunderstorms. T
he island provided food and water to be comfortable and therefore the mood all i
mproved rapidly. The one that did not seem affected by the improvement was Mothe
r Hope, staring with all her severely, and spoke little, but often threw glances
of disapproval especially Viviana, the exuberant secretary Julius who was soon
adapted to the mild climate of 'island take the opportunity to revive his nearly
complete showing tan without the embarrassment of his beautiful topless and tho
ng that leaves nothing to imagination. As the third day, Phil woke Julius "I'm e
xploring ... I want to climb the peak behind us is to see if I can understand ab
out what the hell island we landed ... I have not seen any movement at sea and I
doubt that is inhabited ... but you never know. " Julius stretched loudly said,
"We could throw some message in a bottle and wait ....." and chuckle of his own
joke "Do not look a joke ... a minute to prepare and I'll come ...". The two me
n were about to leave the field when the rock that hid the end of the bay, Vivia
na appeared shortly afterwards joined them. Phill a little embarrassed gaze turn
ed slightly ... the girl was naked, only the rag used to wipe a few inches of sk
in covered "Where are you two going??" asked "Let's go explore the island ...."
Julius replied. Viviana smiled, "That's great ... I come here ... I'm bored to d
eath with the evil sister who looks at me as if to burn ..." not expected that t
he two men respond and went to dress occurring shortly after
ready to follow them. Not that he was dressed very ... was limited to insert a l
ong shirt and a tie waist belt. The three walked "We should warn the others ..."
Julius said, "Mary knows everything last night ... we think you ..." Phill said
"did you tell him last night? or maybe tonight ... you do not tell it right ...
." He chuckled Julius, but Phill ignored the joke. Soon the climb became more di
fficult and the three remained little breath to speak. Phill proceeded in front,
cutting through the dense vegetation behind Viviana and he was hobbled last Giu
lio. The sun rose quickly and under the thick blanket of vegetation, temperature
and humidity rose accordingly, making more difficult the path. All three were s
weating profusely. It took more than two hours to reach the top, the the spectac
le offered to them was beautiful and chilling at the same time. Wonderful becaus
e the small island could be considered a true pearl, with its steep hills of vol
canic origin, covered with lush vegetation. chilling because it looked deserted
and all ' horizon not glimpsed any other island, should also be far from normal
shipping routes, since for those who strive to sharpen the view could not see an
ything on the quiet expanse of the ocean. Julius slumped, leaning on a tree trun
k "Walk useless ..." she murmured, "It is not true ... this is perfect ... we'll
just clean it up a little.€A fire on the first night here you will see tens of
miles away ... "Phill replied" You mean we have to redo the road every day?? "L
et out Julius. Phill But not even heard him, took his shirt soaked with sweat an
d set to work, beginning to leave the small clearing on top of vegetation that o
bstruct the view. Julius would not dream of helping the pilot ... she was young
and strong and could cope alone. .. stayed to watch it thinking what to do ... t
he best thing was to return to the camp and a swim in the cool refreshing waters
of the ocean ... then his eye fell on Viviana. The girl looked a Phill work ...
you grin on his face ... Julius knew that look, his gaze down and saw the press
ure of big nipples against the fabric of his shirt Viviana. not mistaken, Vivian
a was exciting "bitch in heat. .. "she thought to herself, getting in turn, now
knew what to do ..." Phill, here it will take a long time ... we can not all be
here to field bother ... Viviana and I go back down to warn the others ... I als
o let our food ... "she said and stood up taking the hand Viviana. The brunette
stared for a moment with a look annoyed, but then broke into a grin and stood up
. The driver merely nodded without stopping work. Julius and Vivian let him walk
along the road on the outward journey. They had traveled a few hundred yards wh
en Julius told "Do not you even a little scared 'be precipitated on a desert isl
and??" asked "And you how do you say?? "said the brunette" Holy God ... but it i
s obvious if you were really scared not enough the sight of a shirtless male to
excite you ... "he said." Vivian chuckled "It turns out that this male is a male
but whatever ... a great piece male ... " said provocatively. Julius stopped an
d turned toward her, "What EC?? Suddenly I do not go anymore?? I would be thrown
away??" asked an ironic grin. The brunette came up to him, "And do not be jealo
us ...... sure I like you ..." said approaching him and touching it with your bo
dy "I just thought it will be nice to do it with the rest Phill ... I guess we s
tay here for a long time ... and you know the same soup ...". Julius excited by
the brazenness of the brunette grabbed her and drew her to him kissing her, "Wha
t a whore you are ..." growled as soon as their lips broke away "I do not find s
ome time ... I would have taken if I were not ..." she said as her hand began to
stroke him through his pants. With trembling hands Julius them untied and lower
ed them, then pushed the brunette to kneel before him and stretched the member e
xcitedly to his mouth. "You have a nice cock ... but I bet that Phill is big and
hard ..." Vivian continued to tease. The hand of Giulio brought on his neck and
drew her to the State if it sank between the swollen lips "you will settle for
now .... shut up and suck ..." said false hardness ... then closed his eyes and
left the skillful touch of the lips and tongue of Viviana. The hands of the youn
g began to stroke his scrotum and he moaned with pleasure. After a bit 'Viviana
slipped the member from the mouth and tongue slid along the shaft until his ball
s licked and sucked it lovingly and with his hand would not stop masturbating. J
ulius with a grunt he parted from her, he lifted and pushed her to lean against
a tree, her hands lifted up his shirt revealing the sculptor brunette buttocks,
thighs instinctively defrost gap slightly, the member went between them and swol
len glans is brought to rubbing between the labia moistening with abundant humor
that pearl. "Fuck you're a lake ...." Julius said hoarsely then pushed firmly i
nto the pelvis forward and his cock disappeared into the belly of defrosting sin
king until his groin is not banged loudly against the buttocks of women. A groan
escaped the lips of the dark. The blows were repeated and decided to pace fast,
while Giulio hands opened the shirt of the mighty and dishing Viviana sodissimi
with big breasts and hard nipples. The expert fingers started playing wresting
new moans of pleasure. The moans grew more intense and higher. Julius knew that
Vivian was a very hot woman ... but that behavior seemed strange now ... until t
hey understand. "What are you trying to do ... I want him to feel? Want to know
that you're doing fuck ????" growled leaning over to kiss her neck "Just a littl
e encouragement ... I want you to know that they are not unattainable ..." she s
ighed.€Julius chuckled "To know that you are not unattainable just give you a l
ook ...". Furiously accelerated pace until it was lost, while whimpering in turn
discharged into the belly of a copious Viviana
throw all her pleasure and she had not answered her loud orgasm. A few minutes l
ater, after quietly reassembled resumed its descent. Upon returning to camp they
were welcomed by Mary who ran to meet them "Finally you come back ..." Then he
noticed the absence of the pilot where Phill ... what happened?? " he asked, voi
ce full of apprehension. Julius chuckled "Do not worry nothing happened to your
beautiful pilot ..... Just working like a good hero to save us all ...." At thes
e words the beautiful Maria blushed slightly despite the bronze color of his ski
n tanned. "It's about time that you did something ...." Mocked the voice of his
wife, Michela, Jules turned and caught her lying down beside her and embraced he
r, rubbing against her, "You know that's not a bad idea!" whispered jokingly, "H
ow did I not know that you've certainly beaten the slut of your secretary .... s
he said, but there was anger in his voice. They were interrupted by the interven
tion of Mother Hope" A minimum of decency .. .. try to keep a minimum of attitud
e ... "snapped an angry voice," But Mother had simple effusions between a husban
d and wife in love ... "mocked the Julius" should be ashamed ... You should be a
shamed of all three, his wife and that she's .... Secretary .... You have not th
e slightest respect for others ... I do not care what you do among yourselves, t
he Lord will judge .... But at least keep a good conduct .... you are God-fearin
g people on this island ... even though you seem not to notice, "said furious Mo
ther Hope, managing only to unleash a new Julius laugh." That just broke me ...
'said Viviane which until then had been on the sidelines "Venerable Mother ... Y
ou know you living like the people of these wonderful islands before people like
you were trying to ruin the existence of their civilization?? In perfect harmon
y with nature ... and this is what I intend to do ... at least until I'll have t
o stay here ... that she likes it or not ... "it said without even deigning to l
ook further the nun took off his shirt remaining sculettando naked and headed to
ward the sea when he fell with a thunderous plunge." For once I feel forced to a
gree with Viviana ... "echoed Michela and pulled back her husband got up in turn
and before the horrified eyes of Mother Hope undressed in turn before reaching
the brunette in the cool embrace of the ocean. When the nun turned to Julius to
protest, he found the man to turn completely naked smiled mockingly. He turned a
bruptly and ran from the scene to remove all purple Alessia who gaped at Giulio
"Do not look ... is the work of the devil ... You must escape from the temptatio
ns of the devil ...." He heard her say that Julius shook his head went in turn t
o jump into the sea. then spent the day quietly with his two sisters were sittin
g on the sidelines, but the return of Phil Hope mother returned to the office "T
hank God is back ... you absolutely must intervene, the situation has become unb
earable ... "invested him as soon as he saw it. A Phill it took a lot of patienc
e to be able to calm and explain the reasons of so much agitation." At the momen
t I have more important things to worry about ... anyway speak to the gentlemen
... But she tries to calm down ... "the dismissed a little annoyed, then joined
Julius" Tomorrow I need your help .... we collect as much wood as possible to fe
ed the fire that lit the night ... "he said, trying not to show embarrassment fo
r the nudity of the three. It was not easy to ignore the body supple and sensual
Viviana, nor his ironic and malicious but it was not easy to ignore Michela tha
t although weighted in the manner it was still a beautiful woman "Relax hero ...
Tomorrow we'll help you all ... how about something to eat ... I ingenious and
we caught some nice fish ...." replied Julius handed him a palm leaf with a perf
ectly roasted fish. At the sight of food Phill suddenly remembered what had made
him forget the tension that is to say that almost 24 hours not eating. He settl
ed by accepting the offer "I would like to offer you better ... but I could not
find wine as you tried to settle this ...." He joked Julius handing him a coconu
t. Phill drank eagerly resuming immediately after eating.€When he felt satisfie
d he remembered the second reason why he had approached the three. "Listen ... I
know that Mother Hope is a little annoying ... but basically we are a small com
munity and we should try not to create friction among us tried to explain ....."
I agree. .. "said Viviana back" excessive friction are certainly unpleasant ...
." added. The tone of his voice, deeply disturbed that Phill walked away shaking
his head, accompanied by soft laughter of Viviana. The sunset and the sun caugh
t them that a moment before it seemed still sky high, fell over the horizon in s
econds, leaving a soft light that quickly faded. The field was then illuminated
only by the flickering light of fires .. After dinner, Phil remained near the fi
re talk with Mary, the two sisters apartment in their hut while Michele Julius a
nd Vivian shouting gleefully "Those three Italians are very strange ..." said Ph
ill "You think Vivian is the lover Julius??" asked Mary, Phil is merely nodded "
And you think Michela know??" the girl continued, "If it is not czech ..." Phill
said "does not seem to care ..." said Mary Phill merely shrug "I hope Alonzo is
equally modern views ...." He said Mary and Phil looked at her quizzically. "Fr
om Phill, you know ... you know it's jealous of you .... Do you think you will l
eave convinced that we were together on a desert island and nothing happened?? "
Giggled the girl, he grimaced Ugly trouble ... what do you suggest we do, "she l
aughed" I do not really know .... I can not bring my virginity proof that nothin
g has happened .... It would take the time machine ..."" And then? Ends up that
I survive amMichelaggio an emergency and then getting killed by a jealous boyfri
end ...." he joked that: "It's your fault ... have not done anything but courted
by two years .....", Phill nodded then stared uncomprehending, Mary got up and
held out his hand "Come on .... You do not want to die for a crime not committed
...." I teased her with a mischievous smile. Phill got up and took the hand she
offered him, following her into the makeshift hut.
"If you had fun with our hero ..... I guess you got hurt ... the hostess has pre
ceded you ...." Julius chuckled, turning to Vivian, the brunette ignored him and
instead turned to Michela "Do not you think the air has become a little cool??"
asked the blonde nodded, "If it was not to spite the nun I'd already covered ..
." Michela said "And why ...... if you're cold I warm you can always ..." said t
he brunette and her hand began to caress her thighs vigorously Michela. Then his
other hand he went first on the belly of the blonde and then went back up to th
e big, soft breasts, this time the massage was more delicate. "If I can not get
warm enough with my body ...." Whispered bringing her face close to the blonde a
s she began to rubbing against her. Michela uttered a slight groan, the signal w
as expected, the brunette leaned over her mouth and rested on the large pink nip
ples, lips encircled them and began to suck. The hand on his thighs became more
daring and went up to meet the subtle and soft blonde hair. Instinctively the bl
onde opened the fingers of brown came to touch the clitoris which was beginning
to harden. Viviana dropped from the belly breasts, his tongue ran Michela body s
huddered and groaned at the nice touch again when the language of Brown reached
the clitoris. The blonde bowed her head and gave himself up to pleasure as the b
runette made her fully extend his legs. Julius and the two stared at the flicker
ing fire saw clearly Viviana staring at him while his tongue darted on his wife'
s clitoris. The State was erected and a little hurt by it was so hard, did not s
tay and went to the two "think a little to me while you enjoy the ....." grunted
and pushed his penis between the lips of his wife opened in a moan of pleasure.
Michela opened his eyes and stared at her husband, feeling a thrill out in the
light that shone in his eyes, began to lick the glans with his tongue while his
hands rested on her breasts starting to tickle her nipples very hard now. . Juli
us then leaned over her and reached Viviana and their tongues entwined on her cl
it making her crazy with pleasure. Recovered when Julius left her and lay on his
body in while Viviana kissed them both and then began to fondle and lick everyw
here.€Julius stood up and pushed down the head of Brown who began to lick their
sex drives while the man's hands touching her body pushing the limit dell'insop
portabile his excitement. "It seems that someone else had our own idea ....." Ma
ria said stopping for a moment to suck hard cock Phill "Listen ...." He kept the
girl as she continued to move up and down her hand, then suddenly appeared a su
dden move and the cabin door "Shit ... but they're doing it in three ...." He co
mmented that he had reached Phill, Mary clearly felt the tremor of his excited m
ember who was resting on her buttocks. Mary still gazed for a moment the tangle
of bodies stood out in the firelight ... Viviana saw clearly and Michela kissing
while Julius Young brunette fucked from behind. Could not help but wonder what
could prove a similar situation, but immediately drove the idea. "Since we have
better things to do than watch ...." Phill said diverting from the vision went a
nd crawled sensually shaking my ass hard and round, the call was immediately imp
lemented by Phill who sat behind him, moaned while rubbing the penis on the labi
a majora, damp moods, in search of ' right angle and found it sank into her. Ale
ssia breathing slowly and deeply clear symptom of a deep and peaceful sleep ....
but Mother Hope could not sleep ..... the many thoughts plagued my mind for a f
ew minutes and then those sounds ... those moans echoed in the head until almost
make him explode. Several times he had thought of getting up ... screaming for
action to end the scandalous situation, but had always stop and yet he knew it c
ould not resist ... finally gave in and jumped up to rush out, but when he stood
as if petrified in the doorway in front of what could be seen. The bodies of tw
o women were easily distinguishable as they were connected in an obscene embrace
. The only clearly visible that Julius had overlooked the two ... your hands are
resting on the buttocks of his wife Michela Junoesque apart while holding the m
ember ran fast sinking to be resurrected dall'elastico sphincter. Hope mother st
epped back turned but no longer had any importance, so Hope was no longer there
... his mind had flown away overwhelmed by an uncontrollable flood of memories.
Time does not exist anymore ... years had never passed and she found herself man
y years ago when a young student he had met Flavio poor origins ... rich industr
ial and elderly who fell in love immediately this young beautiful shapes and exu
berance. She had never loved ... at least not as he wanted ... but was not hones
t with him and had told them ... but he insisted and eventually she caved in and
agreed to marry him. He helped her to grow, to mature and become a real lady. L
ove had never blossomed in the heart of Hope, but she still had learned to love
him. But this did not prevent a few years later she felt the need for something
more. This was not love even in that case ... but passion is ... a wild passion
and overwhelming to which Hope had been unable to resist. He was a young factory
worker of her husband ... not great, but the dark charm to which she had given
but failed to object. Her husband was so sensitive and affectionate Gianpiero wa
s so vulgar and violent. Whenever they met he glanced unequivocal ... whistles o
f appreciation ... then vulgar jokes that made her shiver. Up to that time had n
ot locked ... pushed in a closet. Hope shuddered remembering everything as if ev
erything had happened immediately before and 30 years before. He remembered the
intense man ... State and its huge hard without hesitation he had put in his han
d .... He remembered the fury overwhelming orgasm who had shaken enslave man. Af
ter that there were many more .... She had never managed to say no ... whatever
the asking ... whatever he wanted. When she was alone she felt guilty .... He fe
lt sorry for her husband ... but it was enough that the hands of Gianpiero the t
ap to make them forget everything. The man looked like the devil himself .... He
had taught her that things were horrified at the mere memory ... At that moment
she seemed even feel the taste of semen that he forced her to drink and enjoy i
n her mouth. He remembered when he first forced to share his bed with another wo
man ..... remembered against nature ...€the first few times so painful consider
ing the enormous size of his member yet able to push his pleasure at climax. The
n he began to order them to give pleasure even to his friends and everything was
quickly rushed towards the end .... The tears began to flow from the eyes of Mo
ther Hope and remember the last time he had ceded to his wishes .... Gianpiero h
ad brought home three more friends ... he wanted her to lead them in his bedroom
. Had forced to undress before them, to lie on bed and jerk obscenely ... indeco
rously to invoke their cocks. She had to suck them one by one ... one by one had
fucked in the poses more unspeakable ... then they started to do all five at on
ce ... his mouth ... her belly and her anus ... were violated by members increas
ingly excited by creating a tangle of bodies. Her body began to react like that
distant afternoon ... anus twitched the memory of a member who penetrated while
another ran into her belly drenched moods .... A third sank into the throat whil
e the fourth was satisfied with the massage of her hand. A sob broke in her thro
at as she recalls the moment when she realized the presence of her husband ... m
otionless in the doorway staring at the horrible scene. The old cries of derisio
n by Giampiero still ringing in his ears as then "grandparents come too ... that
bitch your wife can not get enough are more and more it would ......". His mind
wanted to rebel but his body did not accept the order and instead continued to
enjoy and continued until the four were not completely detached from her defile
with their suit that had smeared everywhere raining on her about ..... then had
abandoned them until she recovered in and which has become tearful account of th
e enormity of what had run in search of husband and found him. The study found .
.. lying on the desk flooded by his own blood ... close the gun still in his fin
gers and a card prominently .... A ticket that she had read trembling "My belove
d Hope I'll kill myself because I failed because I did not know me ..... love th
e person I loved most in life .... This is not your fault is mine ... I want the
impossible ...". Hope remained in the house yet the time required for completio
n of the inheritance practices, subsequent to the sale of any property and after
he had donated everything to charity and took the gown ... decided to abandon t
he world that had lost it. The fog of memories slowly faded away and Hope found
himself gasping and crying ... shivering unstoppable ..... distant moans kept en
tering it in the soul ... noticed the symptoms clear that her body and sent terr
ified ... decided to seek help from Phil and ran to his hut .... The vision of M
ary who was waving frantically on the male side china and polished member who ra
n in his belly hit her with the violence of a fist in my stomach ... fled again
looking for a refuge where his memories could not reach it. "Now I do I enjoy ..
.." Mary said languid gliding on the body of Phill's cock pressed them on the be
lly giving it one last pang of pleasure before slipping in the wake of the breas
ts ... with his hands clasped around the meat auction and began to massage him w
hile staring into his eyes "I feel my body .... sporcami all your cum ...." Said
hoarsely ... Phill began to moan and soon the warm sketches were printed on her
skin and she was again. Julius did not stay longer ..... withdrew a few inches
and escaped from the glans ass Michela leaping in the air ... shortly after the
first drops of semen erupted with violence ... printing on the buttocks of his w
ife and slipping down to fall on his face and mouth of Viviana ... the language
of the brunette took voraciously chasing the white traces until Julius not hande
d to clean the glans. Hope mother returned to the camp at dawn, and slept all wh
at happened the night before appeared to her like a bad nightmare ... went to hi
s cabin and lay unable to sleep a few hours. The day passed peacefully even thou
gh it was very tiring for everyone, Phil led them on top of the mountain and thr
oughout the day gathered and piled wood and helped him complete the work piling
up a lot in a huge bonfire lit before starting wearily down. Everyone was exhaus
ted by hard work in hot and humid atmosphere, had only the strength to eat befor
e going to bed to recuperate.€The night passed quietly, and when she woke at da
wn Mother Hope felt strong and sure of what to do. Alessia convinced nodded befo
re waking. "What Mother ...." Said the young man a little alarmed "Nothing But .
... we have a job to do and I wanted to tell you now ... when everyone is asleep
..." Mother said the deep voice "A task?? and what is this??" asked again the y
oung novice "The task that the Lord has assigned to us .... and defeat the evil
...... you'll be
certainly aware of his presence on this island .... It has already taken possess
ion of our comrades, and if we do nothing in the end will do the same with us ..
..". Alessia Mother Hope looked with terrified expression "The devil ... the lor
d save us ...." exclaimed in a trembling voice. "Do not be afraid ... Our missio
n is to fight the evil ... and nothing should frighten us ...." The force respon
ded with Mother Hope. Not too sure Alessia nodded "What do we do??" he asked wea
kly, "We will be strong and face the evil with courage and determination began t
o explain ....." Mother Hope. Phill granted to all the rest of the morning and l
ate afternoon only if taken with Julius and began the climb to the top of the is
land. The women remained in field, Michela Maria and Vivian enjoying the beautif
ul sea, Mother of Hope and Alessia to pick fruit in the lush forest. "I'm going
to make me very hot bath ....." Michela said getting up and going to throw in th
e blue waters . With a few sure strokes away from the shore. "Can I ask you some
thing??" said Mary, "Sure ..." replied Viviana without even opening your eyes wh
ile basking in the sun "It 's something a little personal .. .. But I like you a
woman who is easily offended ...." He continued the young Hispanic. "You can sa
y strong ..." Vivian chuckled. "I must apologize ... but the other night I saw w
hat you were doing three ... "said a little hesitant to Mary, then as Viviana no
t broken down and said nothing went ""... I confess that I was a little disturbe
d ... I had heard of certain things ... but I thought it was just fantasies ...
" Vivian decided to take it out of embarrassment, "do you mean three?? Do this w
ith another woman??" he asked. Mary nodded, "I wondered how it could be ..." sai
d timidly. Vivian turned to her and finally opened her eyes as she smiled mischi
evously, "Why ask himself or when you try too ..... the other night I saw you di
sappear with Phill ...." then assumed a dreamy expression. .. "I think it would
be wonderful if we did the three of us together ...." Mary blushed slightly had
not thought that the speech took a similar fold "... I do not know .... Phill is
a type so serious ...." "... And in love with you ... you can see very well ...
and you??" urged the Viviana Maria shrugged dubiously "I do not know ... sure .
.... I like and read us know ... do you know me crazy the other night .... I do
not think in love, for truth is already engaged to another ... " At these words
the two women laughed, just as he returned Michela "What have you two laughing a
t??" asked "Nothing ... just that life is beautiful ..." Viviana said arousing t
he concern of Michela. Phill and Julius had almost finished the wood pile, soon
could rest awaiting the moment to light a fire for the night. Suddenly a noise b
ehind them made them turn about the same time ... appear relaxed after seeing th
e two sisters "Reverend Mother ... you thought about coming to help us ... a tho
ughtful ... but you came too late, we have almost finished," said Julius with a
slightly mocking tone. Hope mother stared sternly, while Alessia timidly kept lo
oking down. "We came to help ... but not for preparing the fire but to free us f
rom evil ..." Mother Hope said in a voice trembling with indignation he felt at
that moment. The two men could not help but share a questioning look, astonished
by the behavior of a nun. Julius nodded to speak, but Hope forestalled him. "We
came to save you from sin that eats there every day .... Brothers v'imploro not
continue to yield to the temptations of the devil chasing pleasure ... leaving
you captivated from the ephemeral beauty ......" continued louder and louder Mot
her Hope ".... The earthly possessions are fleeting .... Look at this young, you
feel beautiful?? certainly is .... Look at his young body, there certainly carv
ed only evil and his soul makes it really nice ..."Almost screamed and Hope in a
move that startled the two men left behind brought the young and dropped to the
ground leaving her robe completely naked. Hope moved, forced the girl to lift t
he face, Alessia was blushing violently and tried desperately to cover herself w
ith her arms "is strong ..." he whispered and took her arms, forcing her to rela
x and to offer himself to the astonished gaze of two men. Then he put his hand o
n children and young sodissimi breasts and stroked them gently "Look at this bre
ast .... was created to breastfeed or pure lust?? and that flat stomach, these s
oft side?? Beauty is only a moment .... time takes its relentless unstoppable by
turning everything and the beauty of a young soon fades into the body of an old
....." he continued to preach to the astonished Jules and Phill, then suddenly
took off his cassock itself also remains bare. The two men could not help but lo
ok at that body ... these enormous breasts opulent yet still firm, but the hips
supple, thighs strong and yet modeled and were surprised to see that despite the
many pounds and age Mother Hope was still a handsome woman. Alessia The nun too
k her hand and approached them .... big breasts bounced with every step almost t
o want to hypnotize . "Abandon lust .... Repent, the love of God ... Resist the
temptation to desecrate our bodies to satisfy your lust obscene ...." continuous
ly flooded Mother Hope. Everything seemed so strange and unreal that a thought b
egan to creep into the mind of Julius. "Reverend Mother ... you are right .....
but must include a sinner ... "he started to say, Julius and started moving even
closer to the two nuns" His words are wise ... but the demon that's inside of m
e is strong ... looks like I am forced to ignore his words ... as taking advanta
ge of the weakness of the flesh forces me to look at your bodies and to unleash
the worst thoughts ...." replied in a tone of caricature and accompanying his wo
rds with a gesture
eloquent .... His hands brought the pubic ... straining the fabric of the pants
worn so as to highlight the shape of the erect penis. "I know it's bad .... I kn
ow I should shy away from sin ... but the temptation to caress your body is so s
trong ...." Julius continued while Phil looked at him surprised "You did not int
end ...." He began to tell the pilot .... But Julius interrupted him with a gest
ure, "I do not know if the gentleman will give me the strength to resist the evi
l at this time .... I try .... I feel impelled to imagine not treat you with due
respect for two women church but as two whores ...." Julius grinned to note the
reaction of Hope. The nun had closed his eyes and his lips had started to move
as if she were reciting a prayer ... but his body could not lie and big dark nip
ples were suddenly hardened ... I grabbed his fingers and a gently twisted ... t
he grin that spread on the face of Hope left no doubt about what she felt. Juliu
s approached Phill "You know why I came here true ?????" asked, "Do not play Jul
ius ...." He said the pilot terrified by what was happening ... but unable to te
ar his eyes from the bodies of two in particular that of Alessia "Fuck fuck they
want ... it takes time to understand it is all scripted .... ..... I've never d
one a novice ... and I will not have missed this opportunity ...." Julius contin
ued, "You do as you wish ..." added, while returning from the two sisters. "Knee
l and pray the Lord to give me the strength to resist ...." Ordered them .... Ho
pe immediately fell to his knees ... After a brief hesitation Alessia also follo
wed suit. A few moments after the big turgid member of Julius jumped in the air
in front of their faces "I must resist .... I must not give in to temptation ...
.." he played the man as he took the hand of Hope and he took her to the State.
The nun pressed firmly State and instinctively began to move his hand. Julius tu
rned to Phil and beckoned him to approach grabs the eye. The pilot hesitated a l
ong time ... but the scene had excited and could not resist and joined them. Wit
h frantic moves undid his pants and following the example of Julius took her han
d and laid it on Alessia State. The girl looked back at the Mother "is strong ..
.." Hope told her without stopping to shake hands with increasing pace. When the
hand of Julius pushing against her neck forced her to close Hope not resist ...
€opened her lips and welcomed the member starts sucking mouth with abilities th
at Julius surprises. Phill hesitated continuing to move the eye by Angelico face
of the Mother Alessia intent on giving head Julius ... and then did not stay at
tracted to if Alessia ... the young man awkwardly opened his mouth and let the c
ock penetrates. At the sight of young novice who welcomed the cock in the mouth
of Phill, Julius is excited to the point that broke away from Hope and went to m
ove the pilot "You go from this Mother ...... youngsters need the advice of a ex
pert ...." Sneered "Courage Alessia ... we must show these sinners that good is
stronger than evil ..." could say Mother Hope before the sight of a member of th
e Phill distracted. Grabbed him and began to lick it with skill. Alessia Julius
did turn to her and said "Watch and learn as well .... Use your sweet tongue to
ward off the evil from my body ...." And burst into a peal of laughter. Submitte
d Alessia strove to imitate Hope. But when Julius stesala ground tried to penetr
ate ... the young rebelled trying to escape "No ... I do not want to stop ...."
Yelled pushing with his hands on his chest for the male away. Rapid Hope interve
ned and broke away from Phill "Remember our mission is strong .... and let me do
it ...." Said the young man and calmed. Julius saw the young woman bent over.,
.. saw his head dive between the legs and Alessia's face blush novice and a groa
n escaped her throat. The Hope junoesque ass was right there in front of him ...
. penetrated with a single blow to Hope tearing a groan ..... State slipped easi
ly into the warm moist vagina moods. Phill reached three handed and the member's
mouth Alessia this time did not hesitate to accept your lips to start working w
ith the beetle language while the moans of pleasure that the language of hope pr
ovoked were becoming more frequent. When Julius Hope pushing penetrated ... the
young no longer opposed but threw a pain "Fuck was a virgin ... I did not at lea
st twenty one man exclaimed. Hope he lay down and Scosche obscenely indulging in
pleasure and stroking furiously. Phill caught her and penetrated her face bendi
ng to sink the huge breasts. With unexpected strength overwhelmed him ... Hope t
o invert if ... was flooded and almost suffocated by large breasts as she took t
o shake the hips furiously fleshy . Julius looked back at the scene ... ... Hope
had leaned forward on his hands placed to retract Junoesque buttocks obscenely
exposing the rosy and elastic sphincter "In the face of the nun said to herself
....." . He looked at the girl beneath him trembled under the unbearable pangs o
f her first orgasm .... When he saw the overwhelming joy of youth fade slowly pu
lled away and went and Phill Hope when rubbed his penis between the buttocks of
the woman that turned to look at the broad face contorted with pleasure. He did
not say anything ... they just fix it while he continued pushing forward the mem
ber ..... anally penetrating a guttural moan escaped her mouth. Sandwiched betwe
en the two men lost Hope each control while pleasure rose to the brain from all
over the body ... feel the two men run into her ... heard them panting furiously
in search of pleasure and the sensation he felt was excitement. He felt the mot
ions of their ill- that both sides were about to enjoy and with a superhuman eff
ort he managed to free herself and went to lie down edge of Alessia kissing and
caressing her gently, "You were great ... the evil will not win ...." stammered
and could hear them approaching ... saw their shadows on her ... heard them groa
ning while
first drops of semen fell on their faces ... began to greedily lick every drop c
ollecting it in his mouth and then kissing the young novice male mixing the mood
s of their saliva ..... The two nuns dressed and went down almost immediately do
wnstream ... the two men still distraught and confused from happening lit the fi
re and check that had taken hard before going down themselves. "Mother ...." Ale
ssia said they came down ... "Tell me my dear ..." Hope replied calmly, "is conf
ident that today we have no sin too?" Alessia continued in a trembling voice, "T
he Lord has put to the test ... and will again as long as we remain on the islan
d will remain cursed ... but we do not worry ...." Hope answered. Not too convin
ced Alessia walked in silence while his thoughts ran to what happened and those
mysterious unknown awakening feelings that had overwhelmed.€After dinner, Miche
la and Julius retired to their cabin ... Viviana had been talking around the fir
e "What are you meditating .... You're too quiet tonight ...." Michela asked who
knew her husband "Nothing .... Even if I told you not believe ...." He said put
ting to sleep "With you I'm not surprised about anything ...." Michela said and
began to force her husband to tell her what they hid. "The world has gone mad ..
.." Phill said, without even knowing what he would prove true then that thought.
Gave himself up to pleasure unable to resist the fury of Mary and Vivian who ha
d swept the ground and tipping starting to undress submissive in giggles. He did
not know really understand what was happening .... But certainly did not mind .
.. let out a moan of pleasure, feeling his mouth with Viviana swallow everything
up to match her lips with his crotch ..... and without hesitation began to lick
the vagina that Mary offered. In the days and weeks following the situation too
k an unexpected turn and all of the work of Mother Hope. That his body shapes ex
uberant ready to meet, if not to prevent any desire to Julius and Phill bewitche
d them so that other women only became supporting actors. At first there was the
fight ... but Hope proved superior to the others and did not take long to becom
e the lady of the island unopposed. The faithful novice Alessia was always at hi
s side .... Obedient to every command and the two boys just puppets in his hands
. Soon the fire on top of the island was not even on the most ....... no one wou
ld ever found ... no one would save them ... but it was what he wanted .... Hope
all just so they would atone for their sins.

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