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Educational kit

Carnival of the Animals

Camille Saint Saens
Narrator Frederique Bruyas Musicians of the Orchestre National d'Ile de France
Department of Educational and Cultural Actions tel. 01 41 79 02 49
• Camille Saint-Saens
His life Its time music at the time of Saint-Saens's music Timeline p.3 p. 6 p.
7 p.8 p.9
• Carnival of the Animals
Presentation movements per 11 p. 12
• Instruments
The orchestra instruments in a few words in the Carnival of Animals per 16 p. 18
• Games
Games P. 22
• Interpreters
Frederique Bruyas narrator National Orchestra d'Ile de France p. 25 p. 26
• Appendices
Text by Francis P. White 27
Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921)
His life
Child prodigy
Camille Saint-Saens was born into a family farmer. He was born Oct. 9, 1835 in P
aris. His father, a civil servant and poet, died of illness shortly after his bi
rth. It is then raised by a mother and artist's great-aunt who gave him his firs
t piano lessons. In just three years, Camille shows early talent for music, it a
lready consists of short pieces for piano and plays without difficulty sonatas b
y Mozart and Haydn.
Concertist ten years!
In May 1846, Camilla gave her first concert at the Salle Pleyel. He plays everyt
hing from memory: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel, and Hummel. This concert is a
huge success, the media sees him as "the rival of Mozart." The following year h
e was invited to perform at the Tuileries to the Duchess of Orleans. Then began
for him a real concert career.
Camille Saint-Saens in 1846
A complete musician
In 1848, Camille was thirteen and joined the Conservatory where he studied organ
, theory and composition. In 1851, he became a pupil of Jacques Fromental Halévy
composition and began to forge his own musical language. At eighteen years, Sai
nt-Saens was appointed as organist of Saint-Merry in Paris and the Madeleine, on
e of the most churches in views of Paris. He remained there for twenty years. He
re hear Liszt's brilliant improvisations and greet "the first organist of the wo
rld" ... He also continues his career as a pianist and has given numerous recita
ls and concert tours in France, Germany,
Camille Saint-Saens, 1858, cartoon of Pauline Viardot
England, Belgium, to Saint Petersburg where he played before the Imperial Court
of Russia.
French composer
Today, Camille Saint-Saens is famous for his many compositions that are the most
played Carnival of Animals, Dance Macabre or the Symphony No. 3. He approached
all genres. Despite two failures in the Prix de Rome * is recognized by his peer
s as an outstanding musical personality. Saint-Saens is also dedicated to teachi
ng and his students include composers such as Gabriel Fauré, Henri Duparc and Em
manuel Chabrier.
Camille Saint-Saens piano in 1916
He advocates a more French music in the public popularity of German music and es
pecially that of Richard Wagner. To promote this French music, Saint-Saens invol
ved in the creation in 1871 of the Societe Nationale de Musique.
An international glory
Saint-Saens was elected to the Academy of Fine Arts and promoted to officer of t
he Legion of Honor. From 1885 he began his triumphant concert tours worldwide. M
arked by the death of his young son and weakened by poor health, Saint-Saens too
k refuge more and more often in Algeria, his favorite destination. He continues
his multiple activities by publishing articles and books. He gave his last recit
al, and his last concert as conductor in 1921 and closed a great career as a vir
tuoso, composer and conductor, who lasted seventy-five. He died December 24, 192
1 in Algiers. The state funeral is celebrated in Paris.
Famous contest that rewards the French artists whose greatest composers of class
ical music.
A curious man and passionate
The musician is interested in many things: astronomy, philosophy, theater, arche
ology, painting ... He is a gifted cartoonist, published scientific literature o
r political and received honorary doctorates from the universities of Cambridge
and Oxford. At twenty three years, with the 500 francs paid by a publisher for h
is Six duets for harmonium and piano, he bought a telescope.
Its time
France at the time of Saint-Saens
Saint-Saens lived in an era marked by political unrest. At eighty seven years, t
he musician has seen a succession of several political regimes (the July Monarch
y,€the Second Republic, the Second Empire and the Third Republic), several wars
(the Franco-Prussian and the First World War) and the insurrection of the Paris
Commune in 1871.
The century of progress
In the era of the Industrial Revolution and (development machinery
appearance of the railway), France became a great power. She gradually dominates
a vast colonial empire stretching from Africa to Asia. Universal exhibitions in
Paris and multiply aim to promote the industry. The Celestial Fire of Saint-Sae
ns, celebration of electricity opened the Exhibition of 1900.
The Palace of Electricity and Water Tower Paris Exposition in 1900
La Belle Epoque
In the early twentieth century, these scientific and technical offer comfort hit
herto unknown. A succession of inventions are changing profoundly the way of lif
e: photography, the velocipede, which turns into a bicycle, carrying out smaller
engines and lighter allows the development of motorcycles, automobiles and airp
lanes. The development of medicine and health leads to lower infant mortality an
d increase life expectancy. The France buys more and more electricity. In 1895,
the projection of the first film in history to Paris marks the success expected
by the cinematography.
Music at the time of Saint-Saens
Saint-Saens had a long life, he has seen many musical styles and has seen the co
existence of very different aesthetics.
Saint-Saens was born in the heart of the romantic movement. The famous romantic
expression, sensitivity, reverie. The romantic composers sought to find more fle
xibility in writing in response to rigid structures of the classical period. Rom
anticism also marks the exaltation of self. The artist knows a new notoriety.
The turn of the century
In the late nineteenth century, a new generation of composers appears. In France
, the Belle Epoque sees the advent of Debussy and Ravel that revolutionized the
musical language away deliberately romantic.
The composers as Saint-Saens admires:
Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann,
Hector Berlioz, Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner
The composers he dislikes:
Johannes Brahms, Cesar Franck, Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss
His music
A musician "touches everything" ...
Camille Saint-Saens was a prolific composer. He has covered all genres: opera, s
ymphonic music (symphonic poem, concerto ...), chamber music, music for piano, o
rgan, church music (oratorios, motets and hymns, a requiem) ...) or numerous son
Attached to tradition ...
Camille Saint-Saens love to come back to the source rather than try and opt more
readily for the sobriety that the outpouring of feelings.
The perfection of the form
The intellectual rigor and moral Saint-Saëns in his music. It attaches particula
r importance to the perfection of form and compositions show a mastery of writin
g techniques. That's what earned him some criticism against the innovations of m
odern and innovative composers like Debussy and Ravel.
Humor and Pop
This formalism does not Saint-Saens to focus on musical forms inspired more popu
lar and have a sense of humor. It is the first notable composer to compose for t
he film and is the author of an early film music history in 1908 for the assassi
nation of the Duke of Guise. Carnival of the Animals, implemented immediately at
tached to the name of Saint-Saens today demonstrates the humor that is capable c
Date 1835 1836 1837 1842 1843 1844 1846 1848 1849 1851 1852 1853 1855 1857 1858
1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1873 1874 1875 1877 1878 1880
1881 1882 Second First Republic Stamp French history France and elsewhere in the
Inauguration Arc de Triomphe in Paris
Historic Event in the World Event historic French literary and musical
Highlights of the composer's life births Event artistic, scientific, social
Art Events Appearance of Tuba in the band
Life and works of C. Saint-Saens born in Paris on October 9 first event his gift
for music
Date 1835 1836 1837 1842 1843 1844 1846 1848 1849 1851 1852 1853 1855 1857 1858
1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1867 1868 1869
The Human Comedy - H. Balzac H. Treatise on Instrumentation The three musketeers
of Berlioz A. Dumas invented the saxophone
1st concert in Paris, Salle Pleyel Between the Paris Conservatory and studied or
gan, composition theory and the pupil composition J. Fromental
2nd Empire under Napoleon Bonaparte 1852-1874
Death of M. Glinka
Organist at Saint-Merry, and the Madeleine in Paris Mass, op.4 Six duets for har
monium and piano
William 1, King of Prussia, Czar Alexander II abolished slavery in Russian Civil
War in the United States from 1861 to 1865
Les Miserables V. Hugo Journey to the Center of the Earth by J. Verne's The Marr
iage of Prometheus, Op.19 Piano Concerto No. 2 in G maj., Op.22 Death of H. Berl
Inauguration of the Vienna Opera III
Death of French Republic M. Moussorgsky Fledermaus, Operetta J. Birth of Ravel S
trauss Swan Lake by P. I. Tchaïchovski A..
Proclamation of the German Empire MacMahon President 1873-1879
Participates in the creation of the Société Nationale de Musique Danse Macabre,
Op.40 6 studies, op.52 Repquiem Piano, Op.54
1871 1873 1874 1875 1877 1878 1880
Edison invented the record
In the Steppes of Central Asia Graham Bell invented the telephone Borodin coloni
zation of Africa by France beginnings of social insurance and freedom of the Bir
th of B. Bartók press in France Parsifal R. Wagner education becomes compulsory
and secular
Elected to the Academy of Fine Arts
1881 1882
1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899
1900 1901 1902 1903 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1917 1918
1920 1921
Opening of the Metropolitan Opera in New York invented the vaccine against rabie
s by Pasteur
Death R. Wagner Symphony in F minor. R. Strauss invented the celesta
Promoted to Officer of the Legion of Honor to share a world tour Carnival of the
Animals and Symphony No. 3 Organ, op.78
1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1889
S. Carnot, President from 1887 to 1894 Exposition Universelle in Paris, the Eiff
el Tower Building Separation of Church and State
Requiem G. Faure Creating the Barbizon school of painting Birth S. D. Prokofiev
born Milhaud Samson et Dalida Opera Receives Honorary Doctorate from the Univers
ity of Cambridge Antigone Fredegund incidental music, opera Javotte, ballet
1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1905 1906
1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1917 1918 1920 1921
Death of J. Ferry F. President Faure 1894-1899 Trial of Captain Dreyfus Prelude
to the Afternoon of a Faun - Debussy Cl Launches the onset of Impressionism in m
usic film with the brothers Enlightenment Period Impressionist Painters represen
tative: Cezanne, Degas, Van Gogh ... Pissarro La Mer - Debussy Cl Creating Diagh
ilev Ballets Russes Cubist painter representative: R. Picasso President Poincare
1913-1920 WW1 A. Millerand President 1920-1924 Parade - E. Death of Claude Debu
ssy, Satie Period representative Fauve painters: Matisse, Modigliani
First Motor Show in Paris E. President Loubet of 1899-1906 Opening of the first
Paris metro first Tour de France A. Fallieres President 1906-1913
Caprice heroic, op.106, for piano The celestial fire, op.114, cantata
Receives honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford The assassination of t
he Duke of Guise, film music
Awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour
Last tour, six months before his death in Algiers on December 24
The Carnival of the Animals
Carnival of the Animals is a musical suite of fourteen pieces, composed in 1886.
Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals composed during his vacation in a small Aus
trian village. It is not serious music but a humorous interlude in the composer'
s work that he himself described as "zoological fantasy". Created by a group hea
ded Lebouc during Carnival in Paris, during Mardi Gras, it is retaken by the com
pany "the Trumpet" to celebrate the Mid-Lent. The composer then banned the publi
c performance of this work during his lifetime. Only the piece entitled Swan was
excluded from this censorship. The instrumental forces in the sequence is parti
cularly original for its time: two pianos, two violins, a viola, a cello, a bass
, a flute, a clarinet, a harmonica and a xylophone. The instrumentation is diffe
rent for each piece, the total being used in the final. The author and humorist
Francis Blanche wrote an accompanying text full of puns.
"We decorate, we festoons, screwing, nailing it, you plant. The beaver builds tr
estles, crane carries burdens, Python hangs tables For tonight, at the Jardin de
s Plantes€This is the grand feast dazzling: Carnival of the Animals! Francis Bla
Trilling piano imitating the drum roll like a military march or cymbals as in a
circus, and mounted with violins and cellos announced following the festivities.
"In the Jardin des Plantes, named here because of animals that are gathered, th
ere seems a strange passion ... Francis Blanche
Royal March of the Lion
The King of animals between the first stage. Walking is majestic, a rhythm and a
very tight range which makes it sound vaguely Eastern. Some mounted chromatic p
iano (range per half tones in the bass), and other stringed instruments to imita
te the roaring lion, in a way that is not frightening but rather disturbing. The
se are interspersed with roaring ringing fanfare. "We see into the Lion, very Br
itish, proud mine ... Dressed in shimmering tones of silk, silk Lyon obviously.
Francis Blanche
Chickens and Roosters
This piece is a rare example of purely imitative music in the nineteenth century
. SaintSaëns imitate the cackling of hens on high strings, the crowing of the co
ck at the piano and the clarinet and the clucking of hens by three notes long. "
Some cry crowed, very loud, giggle and cackle other, very stupid. Francis Blanch
Mule (or Animals Swift)
This movement is only executed for two pianos. It uses a motif of four notes in
a very fast tempo to mimic the velocity of the animal. "A mule is a horse, mule
are horses [...]. It was like any animal, they like all animals belong in our ca
rnival, as in all the carnival! Francis Blanche
The theme, of course slow, is played by the cellos and violas in unison, symboli
zing the turtle. Saint-Saens sets up an opposition between the piano and rhythmi
c theme. This passage is a pastiche of the style of the famous can-can from Orph
eus in the Underworld by Offenbach. "At the carnival, once a year, Turtles And d
ance the cancan in their frame of scales, they perspire. They work. They hasten
slowly. Francis Blanche
The Elephant
This movement is very funny. The theme, slow, is held by the bass, supported by
piano chords. This song is a parody of the Dance of the Sylphs of Hector Berlioz
(from La Damnation de Faust), who spends most of air in its original version to
the tune of pachydermic Saint-Saens. "Elephants are children who are doing what
they are defending ... Francis Blanche
The piano alternates happily agreements with grace notes ascending and descendin
g passages and slower. The two pianos symbolize two kangaroos first move indepen
dently before falling towards one another. "Formidable shorts, long jump record
holder and champion in the pole vault ... Francis Blanche
Famous theme, spinning and sparkling, perfectly evoking the world of fairy tales
and imaginary countries, with notes on xylophone - often played on the glockens
piel and celesta - and descending arpeggios in the piano. Aquarium adopts a clas
sical construction of chorus-verse form: AB AB A'B '. "From the whale sardine an
d anchovy in goldfish in the bottom of each dinner one smaller than itself ... F
rancis Blanche
Characters with long ears
Very representative, violin, it uses the high harmonics and kept low. Next inter
pretations, you'd hear the braying of the donkey, played by the violins. "The do
nkey was put a cap man! Francis White
The Cuckoo in the woods
It is a movement very satirical. The clarinet repeats twenty-one times the same
reason (the cuckoo) on the same two notes, while the piano carries the melody on
ly by agreements slow. "Everyone sighed to himself: That the sound of the cuckoo
is sad, deep in the woods! Francis Blanche
Movement very gracious when the subject is held almost exclusively by the flute,
backed by tremolo strings and discrete pizzicato creating a veritable carpet of
sound. On the beating of wings, the birds are having a heart joy. "Nobody in th
e world will condemn you to blackmail or theft. Francis Blanche
A movement which gives a very humorous, too, in the cartoon animals or scenes of
competitions that are the pianists represented by their daily exercise. They on
ly scales, ascending and descending, in major keys, broken agreements by ropes.
"This mammal concertivore digitigrad ... [...] Game lovers,€do not shoot the pia
nist! Francis Blanche
Still using a movement reminiscent of the parody, also extinct animals, old time
tunes. The clarinet takes over the famous theme of The Barber of Seville by Gio
acchino Rossini to caricature the Italian opera. Saint-Saens even joked with her
own Dance Macabre! The theme is taken initially by the xylophone and piano, wit
h pizzicato strings. We hear very clearly a fragment I have good tobacco, and th
e cheerful notes of Ah can I say mom and then the Light of the Moon, the clarine
t. It also recognizes a shift from Leaving for Syria, a popular song from the Na
poleonic era. "Dinosaurs, brontosaurus, and other treasures Nebuchadnezzars ...
Francis Blanche
Perhaps the most famous movement of any part, in any event the only honor that m
ay be played alone, it is a beautiful cello solo backed by piano, very poetic. "
As a question mark All white on the bottom Of Water Swan Green, is open the door
To all the visions. Francis Blanche
This piece closes as a result of procession of animals brought by the same drum
rolls in the introduction. It reappears briefly, more or less animals in the fol
lowing order: the mule (with chords punctuated by strings), fossils (including t
hrough greater use of the xylophone), hens and roosters, kangaroos, donkeys and,
implicitly, by the tone, the lion. "They dance, they fraternize the wolf with t
he lamb, the fox the raven ... Francis Blanche
The orchestra briefly
Where does the word "orchestra"?
Originally this word meant the part of ancient Greek theater between the stage a
nd the audience is placed where the dancers and instrumentalists. Subsequently,
this term has been retained to denote the part of the theater reserved for the m
usicians of the orchestra pit.
What is an orchestra?
Today, the word "orchestra" means a collection of musical instruments. There are
several kinds of bands that differ in their repertoire and the number of musici
ans who compose them:
Symphony Orchestra Directory: Western art music of the eighteenth century to tod
ay. Work reference: Grieg, Peer Gynt Number of musicians: from 30 to 100 and com
prises four families of instruments: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion (d
etails below). Example: The Orchestre National d'Ile de France
The chamber orchestra Directory: Western art music of the eighteenth century to
today. Work guide: Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals Number of musicians: 10-30 Co
mpared with the symphonic orchestra, chamber orchestra, is characterized by its
small size and less diversity of instruments. As the string quartet or trio, cha
mber orchestra appears at the end of the Renaissance to give concerts in aristoc
ratic salons, as opposed to sets for outdoor music, opera and music church. Exam
ple: Les Arts Florissants
The String Orchestra Repertoire: music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuri
es, more rarely of the nineteenth century to today. Work reference: Mozart A Lit
tle Night Music Number of musicians: 10-20 It belongs to the category of chamber
orchestras. It is composed solely of stringed instruments. Example: Les Arts Fl
orissants without wind instruments and percussion
The Repertory Jazz Orchestra: Jazz standards of the twentieth century. Work refe
rence: Duke Ellington, In a Mellotones Number of musicians: 10-20 Compared with
the symphony orchestra, the jazz band is characterized by the scarcity or absenc
e of strings, the presence of a large number of brass and saxophones, the batter
y that replaces the drums. The jazz band appeared in the 1920s. Example: The Was
hingtonians, Duke Ellington Orchestra
The instruments of the Carnival of the Animals
There are two in the Carnival of the Animals. The piano is a keyboard instrument
of the family of strings hit. The sound is produced by the vibration of the str
ings stretched over a rigid horizontal (piano) or vertical (upright). They are s
truck by hammers covered with felt, operated by the touch of the keyboard. The p
iano has two or three pedals.
The piano strings
The pedals are very important to speak to the piano: the left pedal is a muted,
the right pedal is the pedal used the most, it allows the pianist to extend the
vibration of strings,€to bind the harmonies between them. The name is an abbrevi
ation for pianoforte, name of his ancestor of the eighteenth century, itself app
ointed by the opportunity it offered to play both piano (softly) that strong (st
Grand piano (top view)
The bowed string instruments
The viola
They are also the number two in the Carnival of the Animals. The violin is made
up of seventy elements, glued together or assembled. It has four strings that ca
n be rubbed with a bow or pinch with the index in pizzicato. The violin is the s
mallest of the string instruments and the one with the most severe range.
The viola
The viola is slightly larger than the violin. It therefore produces a darker ton
Bigger than the viola, the cello is played seated and held between the legs.
The bass is the largest instrument of the violin family. The bassist played stan
ding or sitting on a chair and takes up his
The famous cellist Rostropovich Mtislav
instrument between his knees, bass based on his stake.
Wind instruments
The sound of the flute is created by vibration due to the breath of the performe
r. The flute is made of a pipe with holes, the flutist mouth with his fingers to
get a specific note.
The clarinet is a woodwind musical instrument of the woodwind family, cylindrica
l bore, and, unlike the flute, with a simple vibrating reed. The clarinet is usu
ally made of ebony. Like the flute, the player changes the pitch by opening up t
he holes drilled on the instrument by a set of mechanisms.
The most common clarinet (Bb)
The xylophone is an instrument of the percussion family consisting of strips of
wood of different lengths that are struck by mallets sometimes ending in a spher
e covered with rubber or felt. The arrangement of the blades is most often simil
ar to the piano keyboard.
The xylophone and mallets
RIK Alto Flute Tuba Mass Romantic Cubist Opening Madeleine Camille Saint-Saens S
ymphony Horn Theater Ballet Orchestra Clarinet Piano Organ Paris Alger
Rules of the Game: Beware the words may be hidden horizontally, vertically, diag
onally, from top to bottom or bottom to top
4 2 1 5 3 1. What is the name of Saint-Saëns? 2. In the Carnival of the Animals,
the cello is an animal, which one? 3. The king of beasts. 4. Saint-Saens played
his first concert in this hall. 5. At the age of thirteen, Saint-Saens between
the conservatory to study an instrument, which one?
Questionnaire and Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals Please tick the correct answer
s. Your Turn! 1. How many years Camille Saint-Saens did he live? 75 years □ 86 y
ears □ 95 years □ 66 years □
2.Towards how old Camille Saint-Saens he gives his first concert in Salle Pleyel
in Paris? 8 years □ 11 years □ 14 years □ 17 years □
3. Saint-Saens is one of the best organ players of his time. In what church he h
as played for nearly 20 years? Saint-Michel Saint-Eustache □ □ □ La Madeleine
4. Who wrote the Carnival of the Animals, composed by Saint-Saëns? □ White □ The
Brothers Grimm Perrault □
5. What animals are described in the Carnival of the Animals? The lion □ □ The E
lephant Swan The peacock □ □ □ The giraffe Swallows □
6. In what year the Carnival of Animals has it been made? 1886 □ 1900 □ 1906 □ 1
880 □
7. The Carnival of the Animals is a musical suite. How many parts is it composed
? 10 □ 12 □ 14 □ 16 □
Solution 1. 86 / 2. 11 / 3.La Madeleine / 4. White / 5. The lion, swan, elephant
/ 6. 1886 / 7. 14
Frederique Bruyas, narrator
Public Lecturer, Frederique Bruyas designs reading aloud as an inexhaustible fie
ld of human experience,€whose subject is literature in its variety and vitality.
His taste for profound speech addressed a speech to writing unique and deprivat
ion of that word sent the book in hand is the source of her artistic commitment
plays. His initial training of the actress and her musician has developed a sens
itive literary matters. The contemporary writings of an author like Jacques Rebo
tier early on influenced the direction of his work. For her, the voice-instrumen
t must be employed by writing to reveal what makes the flesh of a thought. There
fore, it apprehends each text as a "partition of words, whatever the repertoire:
classical or contemporary. Today, she is particularly interested in either "rea
d-together", the result of his meetings with authors and musicians, and continue
s his artistic pursuits to other concepts: polyphonic playback (with the group V
ox Libris) bilingual reading, reading and digital arts ...
The Orchestre National d'Ile de France
Sheet Number of full-time musicians: 95 Age of youngest performer: 23 years Numb
er of people working in administration and technology: 24 Number of concerts in
2007: • 86 in Ile-de-France, including 22 educational • 4 in the provinces and 4
abroad! Number of visitors in 2007: 53,341 Number of hours of music broadcast:
120 hours (approximately: 726 515 795 324 578 512 214 588 125 sixteenths played!
) Distinctive The orchestra has many strings to his bow: all instruments, the or
chestra strings from C $ 27, 54 Floor, 54 D, 54 of, and 34 mi, not including har
ps, which they have to spend all ... Reeds: oboe, clarinet and bassoons make use
more than one hundred single or double reeds per year. The band wrote a lot: th
e chrono mail the orchestra recorded in 2122 and 2841 departures arrivals. It Te
lephone: 19 874 units per year. The government consumes 145 kg of coffee per yea
r. The orchestra goes much: 10 943 km in 2005/2006. He moves with desks, chairs,
stools basses, cellos boards, instruments (the lighter, the triangle - 500 g -
until celesta-150 kg), excluding pianos, harmonium, harp , percussion, bleachers
, a first aid kit, or 4 tonnes on average for each trip. Most importantly: The O
rchestre National d'Ile de France is the messenger of symphonic music in the Ile
Appendix: The Carnival of the Animals Francis Blanche
At the botanical garden, so named also Because animals are gathered Let In garde
n plants, there seems a strange passion. We decorate. They festoon. Are screwed.
We nailed. Planting. The beaver built trestles. The crane carries burdens. The
python hangs paintings. Because tonight, the Jardin des Plantes, is the dazzling
Grand Day: The Carnival of the Animals. Everything is ready. The crowd was mass
ed. The orchestra, on tiptoe, discreetly located. The elephant took his trunk, t
he deer's horn. Monte and suddenly in the silence To the pleasure of our five se
nses The Music Master Saint-Saens. Suddenly, long live the King! And we see, The
mane back, enter the lion, very British ... The mine proud, dressed in silks sh
immering tones: Silks of Lyons, of course. It is very elegant, but also very shy
. At every trifle, he blushed like a girl! People listen to the animals, shut up
. Lets make Saint-Saens Music is your king. Courtiers and people of feathers Her
e hens and roosters! Poultry feathers are short and much of our time. Some cry c
rowing high. Other giggle caquètent And, very stupid. A mule is a horse. The mul
e, they are horses. The mule is a beautiful animal. The mule proud animals. He t
rots like a real horse. They gallop like real horses. He fell without being grea
t evil, It is to say bad words. And if the mule is a horse, mule Where are the h
orses, he, like all animals, they, like all animals, their place in our carnival
, as in all the carnivals! At the carnival, once a year, Turtles And dance the c
ancan in their frame of scales, they perspire. They work. They hasten slowly. Bu
t ... when you see, Viewers, Dancing In the galloping pace of Offenbach Sebastia
n Bach You understand that we must point play with her overweight and it is bett
er to run from May to point! Elephants are children who do everything they are d
efending. For the elephant tusks, since the depths of childhood, Ca merges with
the teeth.€All light, despite their ten tons. As college students from Cambridge
or Eaton Elephants are children and who are wrong a lot. Athletes As universal
we seek in vain, is the Kangaroo! Formidable boxer, long jump record holder and
champion in the pole vault. Yes, when you will leave the Australian bush, Our sp
orts, near you, become puppets! Kangaroo, thou shalt put all in your pocket! Fro
m sardines to whales and goldfish anchovy, In the depths of the water, everyone
dined on a smaller than itself. Yes, This custom singular death struggle in the
small algae Done shudder surface
Our soul hospital. But really, that's life when one wants to look and he who is
without sin cast the first stone fish! Tired of being a beast of burden which th
ey laugh in hints at Carnival of Animals has put a cap ass man! Playing hide and
seek With no one knows who, the cuckoo, old apache, Just steal a nest. Usurping
a place Destroying happiness, which is the cuckoo greedy husbands are afraid. A
nd everyone sighed to himself is the sound of the cuckoo is sad in the woods. St
arlings, swallows, blackbirds and nightingales, canaries and canaries, Alouettes
and swallows, Fly! Nice birds! Sing! Nobody in the world will condemn you to bl
ackmail or theft! What a funny animal! Looks like an artist. But in the recital
is called a pianist. This mammal concertivore digitigrad Lives mostly on top of
a platform. He has sharp eyes and a tail coat. It feeds ranges And what is worse
In the old shows and breeds better than the mouse! Beside his keyboard, he saw
a soloist. However, its flesh is very much appreciated. Lovers game hunters know
how to hunt! Do not shoot the pianist! Out of their special museum fossils Gent
lemen: The Iguanodon, the megatheria, the pterodactyls, ichthyosaurs, Nebuchadne
zzar! And other treasures Times of age, are just coming. To take the air, The Qu
aternary of course! And under the candelabra These bodies are decaying
Scatter their spine in all directions fossils have turned on the danse macabre o
f Saint-Saens! As a question mark All white on the bottom Of Water Swan Green is
the door open at all visions. And now here it is! The festival was unleashed an
imals forget Lattices and strings. They dance, they fraternize. The wolf and the
lamb with the Raven Fox The tiger with the kid and the power with the spider An
d the sleeve with the ax! As Happy How beautiful! Carnival of the Animals!
Orchestre National d'Ile de France
19 rue des Ecoles 94140 Alfortville Activities Department educational and cultural Julie David
, head of educational and cultural activities 01 41 79 03 43, julie.david @ orch Violaine de Souqual Daly, in charge of educational and cultural ac
tivities 01 41 79 02 49 violaine.desouqual @
The teaching file has been directed by Julie David, Violaine de Souqual Daly and
Audrey Bajolet. For questions, thank you for contacting us.

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