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© Celeste Duque - Clinical Psychologist (celeste.duque @ This text

is a reflection on the importance of Educational Psychology for the subject indi
vidual and social, based on experience of day-to-day. Authors are not cited here
, nor theoretical perspectives (will be studied in later articles). Psychopedago
gy is defined in the Dictionary Portuguese Speaking as the principles of psychol
ogy to pedagogy (2001, p. 1232), which does not serve as a great explanation. Bu
t knowing that pedagogy comes from Latin and Greek Paedagogos paidagogÍa, and r
efers to the theory that studies education, regarded by many as "the art of educ
ating and teaching," which aims to study the ideals of education in accordance w
ith conceptions specific life, adapting them to the processes in a manner deemed
most effective for achieving the ideals, then the definition makes sense (ibid.
, p. 1148). In fact psychology is devoted to the study of human behavior and all
that underlies it, ie, all processes involved in the action / reaction but also
the perception, evaluation, reasoning, thinking, acting, personality, in which
the subject is inseparable from its multiple dimensions (biological, psychologic
al, social, cultural, economic, ecological, spiritual, etc.).. Psychopedagogy is
thus an area of knowledge that deals with studying the best strategies to bring
the subject to buy / integrate knowledge ... It is best to teach but also learn
... Contrary to what one might think Psychopedagogy is not for exclusive use of
Psychologists, is an important tool for all who are dedicated to education! All
professionals who fall within the school whether primary, secondary, college or
university must master and apply in practice knowledge of this particular area
because this helps them better deal with the individual and the group class, but
better teach skills that may seem at the outset no applicability to practice on
ce considered uninteresting, useless, redundant, and many other adjectives so ne
gative that lead students to under-invest in their learning. Deals with the proc
esses underlying perception, learning, motivation, linking them together and wit
h the overall development of the subject (personality, environment which include
s socially and culturally, standing in the historical era in which he lives). St
udies, also, the representations that each individually and in groups makes the
teaching and life in general (for example, how stereotypes and prejudices influe
nce the first impressions that are made about the other people or new situations
/ events of life that if they witness or are living) and how
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all these variables will inevitably be a source of profound influence at the for
mation of personality. The individual is a human being which must be invariably
seen in its complexity and holistic way, taking into account that all aspects in
fluence and are influenced by each other and it is this incessant play of influe
nces which depends on the balance, wellbeing and quality of life of the subject.
This equilibrium is itself the result of permanent balances and imbalances, for
example, just as the situation goes beyond the initial expectations of the subj
ect to feel that some degree of frustration or discouragement, which causes an i
mbalance, to soon become a new equilibrium when the individual reflects on what
happened and decided not to appreciate this little failure, outlining new goals
for themselves. Then we can say briefly that the area of Educational Psychology
is a hinge between psychology and pedagogy and seeks to develop methods and stra
tegies of teaching and education more tailored to the individual subject, as all
the elements of a group or society are different, and learn from models and str
ategies they also very diverse, often disparate same. Psychopedagogy provides th
e tools and explanations to facilitating learning, and more importantly, that le
ad to new strategies and teaching methodologies to facilitate the work of teache
rs and adapt not only himself but also to the group of students to class which t
he teacher should direct their teaching. A pair of his shed, is constituted as a
privileged source at the level of intervention in subjects who have specific le
arning difficulties and conflict management in the classroom. Allying themselves
to the area of Health Psychology plays a major role and puts the emphasis on li
festyle and risk behaviors adopted by individuals in general, of modern societie
s,€living breakneck pace and are faced with excessive levels of stress so there
is need for educating individuals so they learn to respect your body, and teach
them to deal with and manage potentially stress-producing situations, which is
highly prevalent in professional groups that are already identified as risk grou
ps, eg teachers, professionals who work shift; professionals in the health profe
ssionals with top positions, managers, stock exchange, etc.).. As can be Psychop
edagogy has a very important role at the level of work and accomplishment of tas
ks and training, it is therefore not surprising that it can be said that the Edu
cational Psychology is directly or indirectly in the lives of all subjects from
an early age. It is known that at first learns by imitation and as a human being
will mature and grow, will be developing their ability to perceive stimuli and
select them, their ability to: Thought and communication, learning, relationship
and interrelationships with others, giving and receiving affection, allowing a
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gradually broaden their horizons, ie to adapt to different environments to which
it belongs, ranging from family, school, peer group and friends, various social
groups, relationships with ethnic groups, nationalities and languages, dealing
with cultural diversity ie as the baby grows, it becomes child, adolescent, youn
g adult, etc.. their learning is progressively more complex and refers to readin
g some of the explanatory theories of human beings, for example, Sigmund Freud,
Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson, Abraham Maslow, among many others. Too often we co
me across people who see life a little too negative in that it is as if, to them
the future does not exist, because this is merely a repetition of a past so fru
strating and painful. Others, however, for the most adverse which could be their
living conditions, always hoping that "better days" can happen. In these two ex
treme cases it can be concluded is that learning and internalization that have i
nfluenced the life and radically transformed. In the first case of someone deepl
y anchored in a reality / negative mood (maybe even depressed) unable to decente
r their reality to observe the world as it is. In the second case, someone optim
istic that despite the suffering this, realize, that "nothing is lost" and that
if the waiver is lived today, tomorrow you can be living a great success ... The
se two examples can easily realize the importance of learning, and particularly
of early learning, since, in conflict situations / adversity the subject has a t
endency, at first, high emotionality in regress to earlier stages of development
and react according ... later and after some reflection and analysis of the sit
uation, will respond and provide a more appropriate behavior to their social sta
tus, age and also, not least, to what is expected of him. Also according to the
example shown it is expected that the first subject is someone pessimistic, inse
cure / immature, which easily accommodates the majority opinion, somewhat unbala
nced by fear of failing or hurting others, while the second guy is someone who r
eadily accepts the challenges facing it and that in critical situations, can mob
ilize their capabilities / skills and solve problems, someone more balanced, mor
e secure, with better self-esteem.
(2001). Dictionary of Portuguese Language. Collection "Universal" - digital edit
ing. Lisboa: Porto Editora.
© Celeste Duque, 04/05/2008
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