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Low-dose aspirin therapy to prevent preeclampsia

John C. Hauth, MD, Robert L. Goldenberg, MD, C. Richard Parker, Jr., PhD,
Joseph B. Philips III, MD, Rachel L. Copper, MSN, CRNP, Mary B. DuBard, MA, and
Gary R. Cutter, PhD
Birmingham, Alabama

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to test the hypothesis that acetylsalicylate (aspirin) treatment reduces the
incidence or severity of pregnancy-associated hypertension.
STUDY DESIGN: Patients were nulliparous, healthy, and with a singleton gestation at between 20 and 22
weeks' gestation. A sample size of 600 patients was calculated on the basis of p ~ 0.05 and 90% power
of observation. A 2-week placebo-controlled "run-in" was used to select compliant patients.
Randomization occurred at 24 weeks, with 60 mg of aspirin or placebo treatment from randomization to
RESULTS: Follow-up was maintained on 99% of the patients. The randomized patients had a 94% pill
compliance index. At randomization, serum thromboxane medians were similar in both groups.
Thromboxane 8 2 levels in the aspirin group decreased significantly from baseline at 29 to 31 weeks, 34
to 36 weeks, and at delivery as compared with an overall increase in the placebo group. Preeclampsia
developed in five of 302 women (1.7%) who received aspirin versus 17 of 302 (5.6%) who received the
placebo (p = 0.009). Preeclamspia was severe in one aspirin and in six placebo recipients (p = 0.06).
CONCLUSION: Daily ingestion of 60 mg of aspirin beginning at 24 weeks' gestation significantly reduced
the occurrence of preeclampsia. (AM J OBSTET GYNECOL 1993;168:1083-93.)

Key words: Preeclampsia prevention, aspirin, serum thromboxane

Pregnancy-associated hypertensive disorders, partic- of the maternal medical and obstetric complications
ularly preeclampsia or eclampsia, are common compli- detailed above, a positive angiotensin II test (marked
cations that are responsible for many fetal, neonatal, sensitivity) is the only reliable method to predict which
and maternal deaths in the United States." 2 High-risk nulliparous women are destined to develop preeclamp-
populations for preeclampsia or eclampsia encompass sia later in pregnancy.
nulliparous women or those with chronic hypertension, Maternal sensitivity to angiotensin II infusion can be
diabetes mellitus, multifetal gestations, or chronic vas- increased by cyclooxygenase inhibitors (such as 500 mg
cular disease. of acetylsalicylate [aspirin] or 25 mg of indomethacin
Preeclampsia is manifested by increased peripheral given twice 2 hours apart4 ). Conversely, a low dose of
vascular resistance with arteriolar vasospasm and endo- aspirin (80 mg) causes refractoriness to the pressor
thelial damage. The characteristic resistance to the effects of infused angiotensin 11.5.7 A proposed mecha-
pressor effects of the infusion of the potent vasopressor nism of low-dose aspirin-induced maternal refractori-
angiotensin II, which occurs in normal pregnancy, is not ness to angiotensin II is an alteration in the maternal
present in women with preeclampsia. As early as 24 to thromboxane A2 (TxA2)/prostacyclin (vasoconstric-
28 weeks' gestation, 90% of women who subsequently tor/vasodilator) ratio in favor of the vasodilator prosta-
become hypertensive are significantly more sensitive to cyclin (as determined by measurement of their metab-
an infusion of angiotensin II than are women who never olites thromboxane B2 (TxB 2) and 6-keto-prostaglan-
become hypertensive.' Except for a history or presence din F 1.. (PGF 1..6 . 9 ). Moreover, Walsh et al.1O showed that
placental tissue of women with preeclampsia produced
more TxB2 and less 6-keto-PGF 1.. than did placentas
From the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Ob- from women with normal pregnanl=ies. Thus the con-
stetrics and Gynecology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Supported by National Institute of Child Health and Human Devel- cept has evolved that eicosanoids mediate vascular
opment grant No.1 ROI HD24496-01. reactivity during pregnancy and that altered production
Presented by invitation at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the of these substances may lead to the development of
American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society, Hot Springs, Vir-
ginia, September 10-12, 1992. preeclampsia. To test this relationship, Wallenburg et
Reprint requests: John C. Hauth, MD, University of Alabama at al." administered 60 mg of aspirin a day to prevent
Birmingham, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UAB Station, preeclampsia in primigravid women who were identi-
Birmingham, AL 35233-7333.
Copyright 1993 by Mosby-Year Book, Inc. fied to be at high risk because of increased sensitivity to
0002-9378/93 $1.00 + .20 6/6/44821 angiotensin II at 28 weeks' gestation. He reported a

1084 Hauth et al. April 1993
Am J Obstet Gynecol

significant reduction in the incidence of preeclampsia measurements. The study was explained to each patient
and eclampsia that did not occur in 21 women treated and informed consent obtained. The 962 eligible pa-
with aspirin as compared with eight of 23 (35%) women tients who consented to the study then underwent a
who received a placebo. Schiff et at." used a rollover test compliance assessment during a 2 to 3 week "run in"
to screen 791 pregnant women who were at risk for placebo trial, during which they were instructed to not
preeclampsia. Women with an abnormal rollover test take any aspirin-containing medications. The 606 pa-
were randomized to either 100 mg of aspirin a day tients who returned with their pills for all scheduled
(N = 34) or a placebo (N = 31). The women who visits, took ;e: 75% of their pills during the "run in," and
received aspirin had a significantly lower incidence of had a serum TxB2 level > 1000 pglml on their second
preeclampsia. The mean ratio of serum TxB2 to serum visit were considered to have passed the "run in" and
6-keto-PGF 1a decreased significantly in the aspirin- were randomized to the double-masked medication. Of
treated group and increased significantly in the placebo the other 356 women who began the "run in" trial, 28
group (suggesting that 6-keto-PGF la remains stable were not eligible because of subsequent refusal and 13
during pregnancy). were delivered before 24 weeks' gestation. Thus 315
However, because of their complexity and or lack of women participated in but failed the "run in." The
specificity, angiotensin II sensitivity or rollover tests majority were subsequently delivered at our institution.
have not been generally used for screening a popula- These 315 women had study inclusion criteria similar to
tion of nulliparous women. Thus our purpose was to those randomized to aspirin or placebo. They returned
substantiate the above reports in a prospective, double- to public health department prenatal clinics for the
blinded, randomized clinial trial in a general popula- remainder of their pregnancies. Outcome data on this
tion of ostensibly normal nulliparous women. Our hy- group, including the determination for preeclampsia or
pothesis was that daily maternal prophylaxis with 60 mg pregnancy-induced hypertension, were collected in a
of aspirin would significantly reduce the incidence of or manner identical to that for women randomized to
ameliorate the severity of pregnancy-associated hyper- aspirin or placebo.
tensive disorders (encompassing pregnancy-induced Treatment protocol. The patients were randomized
hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia). Finally, it to receive a daily 60-mg capsule of aspirin or an
was apparent that the fetal and newborn risks related to identical-appearing placebo containing a lactose filler.
daily maternal aspirin therapy from 24 weeks' gestation At randomization all participants had baseline tests
until delivery, although seemingly very low, needed to performed as shown in the study design (Fig. 1). They
be assessed in a larger population than was studied by were then given a random but known amount of either
Wallenburg et al. II or Schiff et at." aspirin or placebo capsules and a list of common over-
the-counter products that contain aspirin. The patients
Methods were asked to avoid these products and were given a
Study subjects. The study population consisted of supply of acetaminophen to take for minor discomforts.
nulliparous women. Patients with illnesses or conditions The random number (known by the pharmacy and the
known to increase the incidence of preeclampsia or safety officers) of excessive aspirin or placebo capsules
pregnancy-induced hypertension, such as renal disease, was used to discourage the patients from attempting to
collagen vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, multifetal appear compliant with our directions by emptying their
gestation, and chronic hypertension, were excluded. bottles before each visit. Moreover, each patient was
Age below 28 years was chosen as an inclusion criterion informed that her capsule bottle contained a random
because women below this age account for 58% of all number of excess capSUles. At each clinic visit the
deliveries in our population and have an incidence of importance of clinic attendance and treatment adher-
pregnancy-induced hypertension or preeclampsia of ence were emphasized. All study patients were seen at
9%, with < 1% having chronic hypertensive disease. 2-week intervals by the same antepartum team. To
Older women have more chronic hypertension and less enhance patient compliance, all follow-up visits were
preeclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension. scheduled on the same day of the week; however, the
Potential candidates for our study were selected (by clinic functioned every day with the same obstetric
means of our obstetric automated records system, research nurses in attendance. Therefore patients who
OBARI2) from among the 4500 women who yearly came at an unscheduled time still received care by the
attend antepartum public health clinics in Birmingham. same nursing team. Patients who did not come for their
Potential subjects were contacted at no later than 22 biweekly clinic visits were called by a research nurse and
weeks of gestation. At the patient's initial visit to the seen at the next earliest convenient time.
research clinic, the gestational age was derived from the Sample size calculations. To test our primary hy-
maternal last menstrual period and physical examina- pothesis, it was determined that 297 patients would be
tion and was confirmed with fetal ultrasonographic required in both the aspirin and placebo groups to
Volume 168, Number 4 Hauth et al. 1085
Am J Obstet Gynecol

achieve significance of p s; 0.05 for a one-tailed test

and a 90% power of observation. This calculation was
based on the following assumption: the incidence of
Identification ...... 1
Nulliparous Women (Gestation 16-20 weeks)

..... Informed Consent

pregnancy associated hypertensive disorders (pregnan- ~ Two week "run in" trial

cy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia) in Randomization

our target population is 9%; as reported by Wallen burg
Baseline Tests (23 1: 1 weeks gestation) to include:
et al.,1\ we anticipated that the placebo group would 1) Serum thromboxane B,
2) Plasma thromboxane B,
have a sixfold greater incidence of pregnancy-induced 3) Plasma 6-Keto prostaglandin F,.
4) Umbilical doppler flow assessment
hypertension, preeclampsia, or eclampsia if aspirin 5) Ultrasound

therapy was successful. Therefore the treatment group
incidence would be 1.5%. Finally, we assumed that only
Begin Double Blinded Capsules (week 24)
80% of the aspirin group would complete the protocol
and be compliant to the aspirin regimen. Thus 80% of
the patients in the aspirin group would experience an
Repeat above Baseline Tests at 28-30 and 34-36 weeks' gestation
incidence of hypertensive disorders of 1.5%, but 20%
(dropouts and those who did not comply) would remain
at a 9% incidence. Thus the effective treatment group Newborn ..... At Delivery ...... Mother

incidence rate of hypertensive disorders was estimated - Clinical Evaluation for:

+ Abnormal coagulation - Central placental bed biopsy
to reach 3%. Similarly, we estimated that 5% of the + Persistent fetal circulation (if cesarean delivery)
placebo group might take aspirin (crossover), thus + Fetal growth retardation - Blood samples for prostaglandin
- Umbilical Arterylvenous: metabolites
yielding a reduced incidence of hypertension in the + pH and blood gases - Assessment for hypertension
+ Platelet count - Assessment for hemorrhagic
control group of 8.6% (95% experience the 9% inci- + Blood for prostaglandin metabolites complications
- Pre- and post ductus arteriosus
dence and 5% experience the aspirin rate of 1.5%). It Transcutaneous oxygen monitoring
for 3 hours
should be noted that for correlations or associations
with continuous outcomes, the power was substantially Fig. 1. Experimental design summary.
higher, permitting some subgroup hypotheses to be
Diagnoses. Before any project deliveries, hyperten-
sive disorders were defined as follows: (1) Pregnancy- dation was defined as a birth weight s; 10th percentile
induced hypertension: mild, a diastolic blood pressure according to the growth standard of Brenner et al. 13
of ~ 90 but < 110 mm Hg on at least two occasions at In the research clinic blood pressure was determined
least 1 hour apart and before or during labor or within with the patient seated and the cuff at heart level after
12 hours post partum; severe, a diastolic blood pressure the patient had rested for 5 minutes. A standard air or
of ~ 110 mm Hg on at least two occasions at least 1 mercury sphygmomanometer was used with a standard
hour apart and before or during labor or within 12 (25 to 35 cm) or large adult cuff (33 to 47 cm) selected
hours post partum. (If a study patient had a platelet as determined by the patient's upper arm circumfer-
count of < 100,000/mm' or an aspartate aminotransfer- ence. Korotkoff 1 and 5 were recorded unless Korotkoff
ase ~ 100 U/L, she was considered to have severe preg- 5 = 0; then Korotkoff 4 was used. If, at an antepartum
nancy-induced hypertension even if the blood pressure clinic visit, the Korotkoff 5 was ~ 90, the blood pressure
criteria for severe pregnancy-induced hypertension were was repeated after the patient had rested for 15 to 30
not met.) (2) Preeclamspia: mild, a diastolic blood pres- minutes. During initial evaluation at labor and delivery,
sure ~ 90 but < 110 mm Hg on at least two occasions at similar equipment, patient position, and criteria were
least 1 hour apart and before or during labor or within used; however, these aspects were not standardized
12 hours post partum and proteinuria of ~ 1 + on two throughout a subsequent labor, delivery, and post-
or more occasions at least 1 hour apart in the absence partum period that encompassed up to 24 to 48
of a urinary tract infection or gross hematuria or hours.
~ 0.5 gm per 24 hours; severe, a diastolic blood pres- Patient compliance. Clinic attendance and treatment
sure ~ 110 mm Hg on at least two occasions at least 1 adherence were managed as detailed above. Primary
hour apart before or during labor or within 12 hours of analysis was by intent to treat; however, to allow subse-
delivery and proteinuria as defined for mild preeclamp- quent analysis of outcomes and patient adherence to
sia. One of the following was also present: headaches or treatment, along with the motivating effect of monitor-
visual disturbance, epigastric pain, oligura, thrombocy- ing, we assessed patient compliance by a capsule count
topenia, increased bilirubin, increased aspartate ami- at each 2-week visit. The compliance index was calcu-
notransferase, fetal growth retardation, or proteinuria lated by the formula (number of pills taken)l(number of
~ 3 to 4( +) or 4 gm per 24 hours. Fetal growth retar- days between visits) x 100. The compliance index was
1086 Hauth et al. April 1993
Am J Obstet Cynecol

25,000 "T'""----------------,
extract were quantified by a specific TxB2 radioimmu-
noassay. Anti-TxB 2, TxB2 standard, and iodine 125-
Aspirin TxB2 were purchased from Advanced Magnetics, Cam-
bridge, Mass., whose assay protocol was used through-
out with the exception that separation of antibody-
bound from nonbound '25I_TxB2 was achieved by use of
Q. donkey antirabbit "{-globulin attached to cellulose beads
&15,000 (Sac Cell, Boldon, Tyne, and Ware, U.K.). The assay
~ standard curve ranged from 0 to 1000 pgltube, and the
~ lowest detectable amount of TxB2 generally ranged
from 3 to 7 pg/tube. Between-assay coefficients ofvari-
ation for sera with high TxB2 (> 10,000 pg/ml) and for
low TxB2 (200 to 2000 pg/ml) were l.6% and 4.9%,
~ respectively; within-assay coefficients of variation were
5,000 comparable. All samples obtained during the clinical
trial from a given patient were quantified in the same
assay procedure. Laboratory personnel were blinded as
O~-"T'""---~---r_--~._~ to the treatment of all patients.
24 29-31 34-36 Delivery Data analysis. Outcome data collection occurred af-
Gestation (weeks) ter delivery but before the assignment code was broken.
All patients (including those who failed the "run-in"
Fig. 2. Median serum TxB2 levels at randomization, at 29 to
31 and 34 to 36 weeks' gestation, and at delivery in women trial) having any hypertensive disease were further re-
who received aspirin or placebo. asterisks, Significant decrease viewed by the principal investigator, masked to treat-
from randomization in aspirin group (jJ < 0.001) at all sam- ment group, to determine project-specific hypertension
pling times; plus and minus percent, changes relative to baseline diagnoses. All outcome data were accumulated and
values for both groups.
entered into a relational data base containing project-
specific data. Data "lock" occurred before breaking the
calculated for each 2-week period between visits. If double-blind code. Our reported analysis is by "intent
compliance was < 80% the patients were counseled to treat" for the efficacy of daily 60 mg of aspirin in
regarding the importance of taking their pills. We also preventing hypertensive disorders. Statistical analyses
determined serum TxB2 levels in each patient at ran- were conducted by means of the Statistical Analysis
domization, at 28 to 30 weeks, at 34 to 36 weeks, and at System release 6.04 for personal computers. Student
delivery for subsequent secondary analysis of compli- t test, X2 tests of proportion, and one-tailed Fisher's
ance, response, and potential crossover (women who exact tests were used where appropriate, with a
unintentionally ingest aspirin or other nonsteroidal p :5 0.05 considered significant.
antiinflammatory drugs that can also reduce serum
TxB2 levels). Results
Randomization and treatment. The University of Of the 2475 women screened from July 1, 1988,
Alabama at Birmingham Investigational Drug Serivce of through Aug. 1, 1991, 606 were randomized to either
the Drug Resource Center generated a blocked ran- the aspirin or placebo treatment groups. One patient
domization scheme with randomly chosen block sizes. from each group was lost to follow-up, leaving 302
With this scheme each of the 604 patients in the patients in each group for analysis. The patients in each
double-blind trial was randomly assigned to take either of these groups were of similar age (aspirin mean
60 mg of aspirin or placebo daily. Confirmation of the 20.3 2.6 years vs placebo mean 20.4 2.7 years)
60 mg capsules of aspirin was provided by National and of similar race (aspirin group 30% white, 70% black
Medical Services (Willow Grove, Pa.). Ten separate vs placebo group 27% white, 73% black, p = 0.416).
samples from two bottled formulations averaged 65.8 Both groups had a similar number of antepartum visits
and 63.5 mg of aspirin per capsule. (1l.6 2.2 in the aspirin group and 11.4 2.3 in the
Serum TxB 2 Serum (0.4 ml) was acidified to pH 3 to placebo group).
4 by the addition of 1N hydrochloric acid and then Compliance was similar in the aspirin and placebo
extracted with 3 ml of ethyl acetate. Two milliliters of treatment groups. The mean compliance index, with a
the ethyl acetate extract was removed and evaporated; maximum of 100, was 94.5 (SD 5.4) in the aspirin
the dried residue was suspended in 1.2 ml of assay group and 94.4 (SD 7.53) in the placebo group
buffer (0.01 moUL phosphate containing 0.1 % bovine (p = 0.43, not significant). Compliance in the overall
serum albumin, pH 7.0). Aliquots (20 and 100 f.LI) of the aspirin and placebo treatment groups was also con-
Volume 168, Number 4 Hauth et al. 1087
Am J Obstet Gynecol

Table I. Obstetric complications in 604 Table II. Perinatal outcomes in 604

women who received either aspirin or women who received either aspirin or
placebo daily placebo daily
Aspirin Placebo Aspirin Placebo
(N = 302) (N = 302) (N = 302) (N = 302)

Indicated pre term delivery 12 (4%) 13 (4.3%) Fetal death 1 1

Spontaneous preterm de- 8 (2.7%) 11 (3.7%) Fetal growth retarda- 17 (5.6) 19 (6.3)
livery tion (No. and %)
Preterm premature rupture 9(3%) 8 (2.7%) Fetal growth retarda- 16 (5.8) 15 (5.6)
of membranes tion (2: 37 weeks)
Labor induced 66 (22%) 84 (28%) (No. and %)
Cesarean delivery 72 (24%) 66 (22%) Birth weight (mean 3249 577 3169 553*
SD, gm)
Differences between groups were not significant. Birth weight at 2: 37 3342 485 3280 425
weeks' gestation
(mean SD, gm)
Apgar score at 1 min 7.93 1.47 7.70 1.67
(mean SD)
firmed by serum TxB2 determinations. Median serum Apgar score at 5 min 8.86 0.54 8.81 0.65
TxB2 levels were similar at randomization in both (mean SD)
groups, but the women who received aspirin had sig- Umbilical artery pH 7.26 0.08 7.26 0.07
(mean SD)
nificantly lower serum levels at 29 to 31 (jJ = 0.0001) Umbilical artery pH at 7.26 0.08 7.26 0.07
and 34 to 36 (jJ = 0.0005) weeks' gestation and at 2: 37 weeks' gesta-
delivery (jJ = 0.0001) than the placebo group and from tion (mean SD)
Umbilical artery pH 39/241 (16) 37/233 (16)
their TxB2 level at randomization (Fig. 2). There was an <7.20 (No. and %)
overall increase in serum TxB2 from randomization to
delivery in the women who received the placebo. *P = 0.085; all others p > 0.1.
Selected obstetric complications were similar in the
604 women who received either aspirin or placebo
(Table I). There was no significant difference in the rate The effect of maternal aspirin treatment on the inci-
of indicated or spontaneous preterm delivery, preterm dence of hypertensive disorders is depicted in Table Ill.
amnion rupture, induction of labor, or incidence of The incidence of pregnancy-induced hypertension was
cesarean delivery. Selected perinatal outcomes were similar in women who received aspirin or placebo. How-
also similar in the infants of the women who received ever, the incidence of preeclampsia was significantly less
aspirin or placebo. The incidence of fetal growth retar- in women who received aspirin. Only five (1.7%) women
dation overall and at term, the mean birth weight at who received aspirin versus 17 (5.7%) who received pla-
term, the mean umbilical arterial pH levels, the percent cebo developed preeclampsia (p = 0.009). Preeclamp-
of pH values < 7.2, and the mean pH values at term sia was severe in six women who received placebo but in
gestation were all similar (Table II). There was a trend only one who received aspirin (p = 0.06). The mean
toward a higher overall mean birth weight in the gestational age at delivery was 36.0 4.58 weeks in the
women who received aspirin (jJ = 0.085). One fetal five women who developed preeclampsia and who re-
death occurred in each of the aspirin and placebo ceived aspirin and 36.4 3.67 weeks in the 17 women
treatment groups. One of these women, who was taking who received the placebo (jJ = 0.85). The combined in-
the placebo, had an unexplained death of a 2430-gm cidences of pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-
fetus at 38 weeks' gestation. Her urine drug screen and eclampsia were not significantly different between the
Kleihauer-Betke test were negative, and pathologic ex- two groups. An elevated aspartate aminotransferase
amination of the fetus and placenta revealed no appar- (~ 100 U/L) occurred in three women who received aspi-
ent cause for the death. The patient did not have rin and eight women who received placebo (p = 0.128).
preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension, Thrombocytopenia 100,000 mm3 ) was documented
abruptio placentae, or evidence of fetal hydrops. An- in five women who received aspirin and three women
other fetal death occurred in a women who was receiv- who received placebo (jJ = 0.477). As expected by some,
ing aspirin; At 31 weeks' gestation, while lying in bed, a uric acid level of > 5.5 mg/dl at delivery was more
she had acute onset of severe abdominal pain and frequent in women with preeclampsia (22/27, 81.5%)
severe headache. The patient was delivered vaginally of than in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension
a 2000-gm fetus and required transfusion of eight units (24/39, 61%),P < 0.08.
of packed red blood cells. Fetal death was confirmed Finally, the incidence of pregnancy-associated hyper-
and felt to be caused by preeclampsia and abruptio tensive diseases were compared in those women who
placentae. The urine drug screen was negative. received aspirin or placebo, as compared with the 316
1088 Hauth et al. April 1993
Am J Obstet Gynecol

II Placebo
o Failed "Run In"




Fig. 3. Pregnancy-associated hypertensive disorders in women who received aspirin or placebo or

who failed "run in" trial. asterisks, p < 0.009 and p < 0.05 for aspirin group compared with placebo
and "run in" failure groups, respectively. PAH, Pregnancy-associated hypertension; PIH, pregnancy-
induced hypertension.

Table III. Effect of maternal aspirin treatment (60 mg/day) on the incidence of pregnancy-associated
hypertensive disorders
Aspirin group Placebo group 95% Confidence
(N = 302) (N = 302) Odds ratio interval

Pregnancy-induced 19 (6.3%) 17 (5.6%) 1.19 0.62-2.27

Mild 4 II
Severe I 6
Total 5 (1.7%) 17 (5.6%) 0.29 0.11-0.79*
Pregnancy-induced 24 (8%) 34 (11.3%) 0.71 0.43-1.16
hypetension or

*P = 0.009.

women who failed the "run in" trial (pregnancy-in- thelial cell origin, is a potent vasodilator. In the placen-
duced hypertension 5.8%, preeclampsia 4.1%). The tas of women with preeclampsia, the production of
incidence of any hypertension or pregnancy-induced TxA2 is increased and that of prostacyclin is decreased
hypertension was similar in all three groups. However, relative to their production in placentas from normal
preeclampsia was increased in those who failed the "run pregnancies. 10 Whether this alteration in the placental
in" or who received the placebo as compared with those production of these eicosanoids occurs after the onset
who received aspirin (Fig. 3). The birth weight at of the clinical syndrome of hypertension, edema, and
delivery, gestational age at delivery, and perinatal mor- proteinuria or precedes and mediates the development
tality are depicted in Fig. 4 for the three groups. There of preeclampsia has not been determined.
were six pregnancy losses after 24 weeks' gestation in If a model for the development of preeclampsia
the 301 women who failed the "run in" and in whom all presumes that there is an early and increasingly (with
outcome data was available. These exceeded the num- advancing gestational age) disparate ratio between ma-
ber occurring in those who received aspirin or placebo ternal TxA2 and prostacyclin levels, then many clinical
(p = 0.06). Of the six perinatal losses in the women who and physiologic observations regarding preeclampsia
failed the "run in," four were fetal deaths and two were can be explained. Women with increased sensitivity to
neonatal deaths. Among these deaths, two of the moth- angiotensin II as early as 24 weeks' gestation have an
ers had hypertensive disorders. Three of the six losses increased incidence of preeclampsia. 3 Both these phe-
were in newborns who weighed < 750 gm at delivery. nomena would be expected if these women had an
excessive level of an endogenous vasoconstrictor or a
Comment deficit of an endogenous vasodilator. Also, most preg-
TxA2, whether of placental or platelet ongm, is a nant women have a lowered total peripheral vascular
powerful vasoconstrictor, whereas prostacyclin, of endo- resistance. This is probably because of an increase of
Volume 168, Number 4 Hauth et al. 1089
Am J Obstet Gynecol

Perinatal Mortality
D 5
c: N=1' N=1'

Gestational Age


'"~ 3,200
C> 3,150 3,127
Aspirin Placebo Failed 'Run In'

Fig. 4. Mean birth weight, gestational age, and perinatal mortality in women who received aspirin or
placebo or who failed "run in" trial. asterisks, Increased perinatal mortality in 301 women who failed
"run in" as compared with either aspirin or placebo group, p = 0.06.

various smooth muscle relaxants, including progester- body weight (or about 300 mg) with minimal inhibition
one, prostacyclin, and endothelial-derived relaxing fac- of prostacyclin production. Ylikorkala et a1. 16 gave ei-
tor. Thus normal pregnant women tend to have an ther a placebo or 100 or 500 mg of aspirin to 27 healthy
"underlilled" intravascular capacity, as viewed, so to women at term and found that at delivery (0.5 to 11
speak, by their renal and adrenal systems. However, hours after treatment) umbilical artery prostacyclin me-
women with excessive vasoconstriction and increased tabolite levels were similar in both the placebo and 100
peripheral resistance from early gestation would be mg group and lower only in the 500 mg group. In
expected to have a diminution of the normal increase of contrast, TxB2 levels were significantly higher in the
plasma and red blood cell volume. This lack of intra- placebo group than in women who ingested either 100
vascular volume expansion commonly occurs in women or 500 mg of aspirin. Hoogendijk and ten Cate l7
with severe preeclampsia or eclampsia. 14 A continued reported that in women treated with "low-dose aspirin"
maternal imbalance of TxB2 and prostacyclin, favoring the platelet production of malondialdehyde progres-
vasoconstriction, would explain the increased occur- sively declined to 95% of baseline production within 10
rence of uteroplacental insufficiency and the resultant days, which is similar to the platelet life span. Spitz et
fetal growth impairment that is .common in women with al. 6 and Brown et a1." found that a maternal dosage of
severe preeclampsia or eclampsia. Finally, with worsen- 81 mg of aspirin significantly decreased the TxB2/6-
ing of the vasoconstrictor/vasodilator imbalance, the keto-PGF ln ratio. Sibai et al." tested 20, 60, and 80 mg
clinical syndrome of hypertension, edema, and protein- aspirin dosages and reported that only the 60 and 80
uria would become manifest. Sequelae of this syndrome, mg dosages significantly altered the TxB 2/prostacyclin
such as hepatic dysfunction, major motor seizures, en- ratio to favor the vasodilator. Recently, Schiff et al. 9
dothelial disruption with microangiopathic hemolytic reported that women who received 100 mg of aspirin
anemia, and thrombocytopenia can also be explained daily had a 35% decrease in their serum TxB 2/6-keto-
by excessive arteriolar spasm produced by an increased PGF In ratio, whereas the ratio in those who received the
eicosanoid vasoconstrictor. If an imbalance in vasocon- placebo increased by 51 % with advancing gestation.
strictor and vasodilator substances occurs before the Similarly, in our study patients taking the placebo
overt clinical syndrome of preeclampsia and it either median serum TxB2 levels increased by 28% from 24
causes or mediates this illness, then pharmacologic weeks' gestation to delivery (mean 38.9 weeks) but
prophylactic intervention before the clinical syndrome, decreased by 60% from 24 weeks' gestation to delivery
aimed at reversing this imbalance, should ameliorate or (mean 39.1 weeks) in the women who received 60 mg of
prevent subsequent preeclampsia. aspirin daily.
The dosage of aspirin necessary to inhibit TxA2 In 1979 Crandon and Isherwood ls reported a lower
synthesis without affecting prostacyclin synthesis is very incidence of preeclampsia in nulliparous women who
low. Masotti et a1.15 reported platelet cyclooxygenase took aspirin more than once each 2 weeks compared
inhibition with a single aspirin dose of 3.5 mg/kg of with those who had taken no aspirin. Beaufils et al. 19
1090 Hauth et al. April 1993
Am J Obstet Gynecol

accomplished the first trial of early (13 to 26 weeks' provement, if present, in perinatal mortality or morbid-
gestation) maternal aspirin prophylaxis to ameliorate ity. Others have previously reported evidence for a
or prevent preeclampsia. They randomized 102 women positive effect of low-dose aspirin on fetal growth. 11. 19
at high risk for the development of preeclampsia or Most recently, Uzan et al. 20 reported significantly less
fetal growth retardation to either 150 mg of aspirin and fetal growth retardation and increased birth weight in
300 mg of dipyridamole daily or to a control group. women who received 150 mg of aspirin a day compared
Women who received aspirin had a significantly lower with placebo. Our data were suggestive only of a posi-
incidence of preeclampsia and increased birth weights tive effect of aspirin on fetal growth in that the mean
and gestational ages at delivery. No significant mater- birth weight of infants of aspirin-treated women was
nal or newborn hematologic abnormalities occurred 3249 gm compared with 3169 gm in those who received
with the maternal aspirin treatment. Fetal and neonatal the placebo <p = 0.08).
losses occurred only in the control group (5 of 45) and Should all nulliparous women receive daily prophy-
none of the newborns whose mothers took aspirin were lactic low-dose aspirin therapy? Before any such recom-
severely growth retarded compared with four newborns mendation can be made, several factors must be con-
in the control group. Significantly more infants weighed sidered. First, although all the women in this study were
less than the 10th and 3rd percentiles for gestational medically at low risk, the fact that many were black and
age at delivery in the control group. Thus maternal all were poor undoubtedly accounted for the relatively
treatment with low-dose aspirin plus dipyridamole re- high background rate of preeclampsia. A middle-class
duced the incidence of hypertensive disorders and fetal white population would be expected to have a lower
growth retardation. Wallenburg et al. 11 also found a background risk of preeclampsia, and the effect of
significant reduction in preeclampsia in 44 primigravid aspirin would probably be less dramatic. Second, uni-
women selected to be at high risk on the basis of a versal aspirin prophylaxis in nulliparous women would
positive angiotensin sensitivity test at 28 weeks' gesta- be more attractive if an improvement in fetal or neo-
tion who were then randomized to either a placebo or natal morbidity or mortality could be demonstrated.
to 60 mg of aspirin daily until delivery. Schiff et a1. 9 However, even if an improvement in the perinatal
used a rollover test to screen 791 pregnant women who outcome cannot be demonstrated, universal aspirin
had various risk factors for preeclampsia. The 69 prophylaxis might still be valuable. Treating 600
women with an abnormal rollover test were randomized women with daily low-dose aspirin might well cost less
to either 100 mg of aspirin a day (n = 36) or a placebo than providing more intensive medical care for the 12
(n = 31). These authors also observed less preeclamp- additional women with preeclampsia. Data for that
sia in the women who received aspirin (seven of 31 vs analysis are being collected.
one of 34), P = 0.023. However, like Wallenburg et Finally, the question of universal aspirin prophylaxis
al.,11 they found no difference in the incidence of in nulliparous women would not arise if there were
pregnancy-induced hypertension (three of 34 vs four of better predictors of preeclampsia in nulliparous women
31). with no other risk factors. In spite of the apparent
Our data confirm that pharmacologic prophylaxis efficacy of aspirin for preventing preeclampsia in this
significantly reduced the incidence of preeclampsia in population, a good predictive test for preeclampsia
the aspirin group (five of 302 vs 17 of 302 in the would be extremely useful. Nevertheless, in populations
placebo group, p = 0.009). The severity of preeclamp- at high risk for preeclampsia because of proverty, race,
sia was also ameliorated, because severe preeclampsia and age, daily low-dose aspirin holds promise of achiev-
developed in only one of 302 women who received ing a substantial reduction in the incidence and severity
aspirin compared with six of 302 who received placebo of preeclampsia and perhaps an increase in birth
<p = 0.029). Our study population was different from weight.
those studied previously, in that all women known to
have any medical or historic risk factor associated with REFERENCES
an increased risk of hypertensive disorders were ex- 1. Cunningham FG, MacDonald PC, Gant NF. Hypertensive
cluded. The women selected had only to be nulliparous, disorders in pregnancy. In: Cunningham FG, MacDonald
be available to participate at < 23 weeks' gestation, and PC, Gant NF, eds. Williams' obstetrics. 18th ed. Norwalk,
Connecticut: Appleton & Lange, 1989:653.
to have successfully completed a 2- to 3-week "run in" 2. Kaunitz AM, Hughes jM, Grimes DA, Smith jC, Rochat
trial. RW, Kafrissen ME. Causes of maternal mortality in the
Other than a reduction in preeclampsia in 12 of 302 United States. Obstet Gynecol 1985;65:605-12.
3. Gant NF, Daley GL, Chand S, Whalley Pj, MacDonald PC.
women who received aspirin, we did not find additional A study of angiotensin II pressor response throughout
evidence of significant maternal, fetal, or neonatal ben- primigravid pregnancy. j Clin Invest 1973;52:2682-9.
efit. Because our sample size was based on the end 4. Everett RB, Worley Rj, MacDonald PC, Gant NF. Effect of
prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors on pressor response to
points of pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre- angiotensin II in human pregnancy. j Clin Endocrinol
eclampsia, there was not sufficient power to find im- Metab 1978;46:1007-10.
Volume 168, Number 4 Hauth et al. 1091
Am J Obstet Gynecol

5. Sanchez-Ramos L, O'Sullivan M], Garrido-Calderon ]. produced mainly by platelets. Aspirin irreversibly inhib-
Effect of low-dose aspirin on angiotensin II pressor re- its cyclooxygenase and nonnucleated platelets cannot
sponse in human pregnancy. AM] OBSTET GYNECOL 1987;
produce cyclooxygenase. Thromboxane synthesis by
6. Spitz B, Magness RR, Cox SM, Brown CEL, Rosenfeld CR, platelets can recover only as new platelets enter the
Gant NF. Low-dose aspirin. I. Effect on angiotensin II circulation. The life span of platelets is about 8 to 11
pressor responses and blood prostaglandin concentrations days. The endothelial cells that produce prostacyclin
in pregnant women sensitive to angiotensin II. AM ] can recover from aspirin suppression more rapidly and
OBSTET GYNECOL 1988;159:1035-43.
7. Brown CEL, Gant NF, Cox K, Spitz B, Rosenfeld CR, thus change the thromboxane/prostacyclin ratio in fa-
Magness RR. Low-dose aspirin. II. Relationship of angio- vor of prostacyclin. It seems reasonable therefore that
tensin II pressor responses, circulating eicosanoids, and aspirin may have a therapeutic role in the prevention of
pregnancy outcome. AM] OBSTET GYNECOL 1990;163:1853- preeclampsia, a disease characterized by vasoconstric-
8. Sibai BM, Mirro R, Chesney CM, Leffler C. Low-dose tion and increased platelet aggregation.
aspirin in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1989;74:551-7. The first reported prospective clinical trial using
9. Schiff E, Peleg E, Goldenberg M, et al. The use of aspirin low-dose aspirin to prevent preeclampsia was by Beau-
to prevent pregnancy-induced hypertension and lower the fils in 1985, followed closely by Wallenberg and others
ratio of thromboxane A2 to prostacyclin in relatively high (see references 11 and 19 of article). In these early trials
risk pregnancies. N Engl] Med 1989;321:351-6.
10. Walsh SW. Preeclampsia: an imbalance in placental pros- with small numbers of patients, there was a suggestion
tacyclin and thromboxane production. AM] OBSTET Gy- that aspirin in doses of 60 to 150 mg daily during the
NECOL 1985;152:335-40. second and third trimesters reduced the instance of
11. Wallenburg HCS, Makovitz ]W, Dekker GA, Rotmans P. pregnancy-induced hypertension. Subsequently, larger
Low-dose aspirin prevents pregnancy-induced hyperten- trials showed significant reduction only in true pre-
sion and preeclampsia in angiotensin-sensitive primi-
gravidae. Lancet 1986;1:1-3. eclampsia (hypertension plus proteinuria) and not
12. Wirtschafter DD, Blackwell WC, Goldenberg RL, et al. A pregnancy-induced hypertension. It is not uncommon
county wide obstetrical automated medical record system. in the medical literature for several clinical trials with
] Med Syst 1982;6;277-90. low statistical power to demonstrate no difference be-
13. Brenner WE, Edelman DA, Hendricks CH. A standard of
fetal growth for the United States of America. AM] OBSTET tween compared groups. In situations such as this,
GYNECOL 1976;126:555-64. meta-analysis may be useful. In 1991 Imperiale and
14. Pritchard]A, Cunningham FG, Pritchard SA. The Park- Petralis 2 reported a meta-analysis of clinical trials of
land Memorial Hospital protocol for treatment of low-dose aspirin for the prevention of pregnancy-in-
eclampsia: evaluation of 245 cases. AM ] OBSTET GYNECOL duced hypertension. Six clinical trials meeting their
15. Masotti G, Galanti G, Poggesi I, Abbate R, Serneri GG. inclusion criteria were evaluated by means of the fol-
Differential inhibition of prostacyclin production and lowing nine selected standards and principles for clin-
platelet aggregation by aspirin. Lancet 1979;2: 1213-7. ical trials: (l) randomization, (2) blinded ness (single,
16. Ylikorkala 0, Makila UM, Kaapa P, Viinikka L. Maternal double, or nonblinded), (3) assessment of compliance,
ingestion of acetylsalicylic acid inhibits fetal and neonatal
prostacyclin and thromboxane in humans. AM ] OBSTET (4) explicit inclusion criteria, (5) explicit exclusion cri-
GYNECOL 1986; 155:345-9. teria, (6) baseline similarity between groups of impor-
17. Hoogendijk EM, ten Cate ]W. Aspirin and platelets. Lan- tant features (these included maternal age, parity,
cet 1980; 1:93-4. diastolic blood pressure, weight, and smoking), (7) ad-
18. Crandon A], Isherwood DM. Effect of aspirin on incidence ministration of principal maneuver (aspirin) in an
of preeclampsia. Lancet 1979; 1: 1356.
19. Beaufils M, Uzan S, Donsimoni R, Colau]C. Prevention of equivalent and comparable fashion within and among
pre-eclampsia by early anti platelet therapy. Lancet 1985; trials, (8) equivalent and comparable use of ancillary
1:840-2. treatments, and (9) equal detection of outcomes be-
20. Uzan S, Beaufils M, Breart G, Bazin B, Capitant C, Paris]. tween groups. The overall results of these six clinical
Prevention of fetal growth retardation with low-dose
aspirin: findings of the EPREDA trial. Lancet 1991;337; trials suggest that low-dose aspirin significantly reduces
1427-31. the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension and severe
low birth weight among newborns with no adverse
effects associated with taking aspirin.
Discussion The current study is the first to address the benefits
DR. FRANK C. MILLER, Lexington, Kentucky. The an- of low-dose aspirin in preventing preeclampsia in the
algesic property of willow bark, which contains salicy- general patient population of normal nulliparous
lates, was known by Hypocrites and was used by Native women without pre screening for angiotensin-II sensi-
Americans, among others. Aspirin was developed and tivity or the "rollover" test. This prospective, double-
became available in 1899 as a result of research by Felix blind randomized study was designed to test the hy-
Hoffman at Bayer Industries. lOver the next 60 years pothesis that low-dose (60 mg) aspirin treatment re-
aspirin became the most widely used pharmaceutical duces the incidence or severity of pregnancy-associated
product in the world. Yet the use of aspirin to alter hypertension in a healthy group of nulliparous women.
prostaglandin production was not contemplated until The study design meets all of the standards and prin-
the 1970s, when it was discovered that aspirin affects ciples of clinical trials outlined above. Patient selection
platelet aggregation through interference with platelet occurred at 20 to 22 weeks' gestation. A 2-week "run in"
synthesis of prostaglandin, presumably TxA2, a potent was conducted to determine compliance primarily by
vasoconstrictor and promoter of platelet aggregation means of serum TxB2 levels > 1000 pg/ml on the
1092 Hauth et al. April 1993
Am J Obstet Gynecol

second visit. Three hundred sixteen of 962 women 24 weeks rather than 10 to 12 weeks to have your
screened for the study failed the "run in" and were patients start the aspirin?
followed in the routine clinic. Their outcomes were DR. RONALD S. GIBBS, Denver, Colorado. Dr. Hauth, I
evaluated separately. Fig. 1 outlines the study protocol, compliment you on the design, conduct, and analysis of
which includes plasma 6 keto-PGF In and umbilical your study. I would like some help on the ability to
Doppler flow assessment at randomization and 28 to 30 generalize your results to the population of nulliparous
and 34 to 36 weeks' gestation. women as a whole. In particular, I would be interested in
Each group had one fetal death. The fetal death in the concordance of your diagnosis of pregnancy-induced
the woman receiving aspirin was secondary to abruptio hypertension with the diagnosis of clinicians in general.
placentae associated with preeclampsia. No significant DR. JlAROLD SCHULMAN, Mineola, New York. We have
differences were observed in induced or spontaneous heard about the state of our knowledge, and I person-
delivery rates, premature rupture of membranes, induc- ally found it disappointing that we would begin a study
tion of labor, or cesarean delivery. All newborn param- of preeclampsia by selecting entry criteria of nullipa-
eters were stated to be similar, with only a trend toward rous women. I would hope we know more about the
higher birth weights in the aspirin-treated group. The disease than to select that as an entry criterion.
umbilical Doppler flow results were not reported. Fig. 2 There are three studies, two in Britain and one in
depicts the serum TxB2 levels in each group. Women France, in which the study entry point was 24 weeks,
who received aspirin had significantly lower serum lev- and an abnormal uteroplacental Doppler test result was
els at all three sample points. SEM bars should be used as the entry criterion. The study was then random-
included to demonstrate variation. ized, aspirin versus placebo, and showed a significant
The combined incidence of pregnancy-induced hy- reduction in both pregnancy-induced hypertension and
pertension and preeclampsia was not significantly dif- proteinuric hypertension, much more impressive than
ferent between groups, but preeclampsia and in partic- your results.
ular severe preeclampsia was significantly less frequent So I think your study design is severely diluted with
in the aspirin-treated group. normal pregnancies. There are so many normal preg-
The women who failed the "run in" trial had essen- nancies involved in this series that showing significant
tially the same incidence of any hypertension or preg- differences would be a problem.
nancy-induced hypertension as did the aspirin and You mentioned that you used umbilical Doppler
placebo group but more preeclampsia and more preg- ultrasonography in the evaluation of these women. I
nancy losses after 24 weeks. hope a break point of ~ 3 SD was used to evaluate its
I would like to ask the following questions of Dr. significance. I am curious about what your data showed.
Hauth: (1) Why did the authors choose to define pre- DR. ROBERT F. CAsPER, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I
eclampsia as two elevated blood pressure recordings wonder if it would be sensible to use aspirin every
only 1 hour apart and not at 6 hours apart as in most second or third day rather than every day. Aspirin is an
standard texts? (2) Why did the authors report only the irreversible inhibitor of cyclooxygenase. Blockade of
levels of serum TxB 2, a metabolite of thromboxane, thromboxane and platelets is long lasting because the
and not 6-keto-PGF In' the metabolite of the vasodilator platelet doesn't have the mechanism to regenerate
prostacyclin, because the proposed mechanism of low- thromboxane. However, endothelium does have the
dose aspirin is an alteration in the TxA2/prostacyclin ability to regenerate cyclooxygenase and produce more
ratio in favor of prostacyclin? (3) Did the authors prostacyclin.
perform umbilical Doppler flow assessments as stated in Dr. Hauth has demonstrated that thromboxane was
the study design? If so, what were the results, and were blocked very well, and still there wasn't much difference
they clinically significant? (4) The incidence of labor in the two groups. I wonder whether there would be a
induction (nonindicated) was reported as 26% in the better chance of getting a prostacyclinlthromboxane
aspirin group and 28% in the placebo group. Why did balance if there were an interruption in the aspirin.
so many normal, healthy primiparous women have DR. FREDERICK ZUSPAN, Columbus, Ohio. The cause of
induced labor? and (5) How can one translate the preeclampsia is not known, but perhaps it's related to
observation that the incidence of pregnancy-associated an implantation defect at the time of conception. Ad-
and pregnancy-induced hypertension is not altered ditionally, it's probably also related to an alteration in
with low-dose aspirin, whereas preeclampsia is? the adrenergic mechanism around the base of the spiral
arteries, which reinforces what Dr. Gibbs said. Why not
REFERENCES start the aspirin at 10 or 12 weeks of gestation?
1. Mills JA. Aspirin, the ageless remedy? N Engl J Med
Second, there was no difference in perinatal outcome,
1991;325:1303-4. so it would seem to me that your next entry is going to
2. Imperiale TF, Petralis AS. A meta-analysis of low-dose have to constitute more ill patients to define whether
aspirin for the prevention of pregnancy induced hyperten- this regimen is of value. I congratulate you on a care-
sive disease. JAMA 1991;266:260-4.
fully done study.
DR. HAUTH (Closing). Our design that was formulated
DR. ROBERT C. CEFALO, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. in 1987 is similar to that recommended in a recent
Dr. Hauth, you do recognize that spiral arteriole prob- description of metaanalysis criteria regarding low-dose
lems associated with preeclampsia may begin very early aspirin for prevention of preeclampsia.
in pregnancy. My question is why did you select 22 to Let me answer first that we anticipated difficulty with
Volume 168, Number 4 Hauth et al. 1093
Am J Obstet Gynecol

a consensus diagnosis. Currently we are part of a As for labor inductions, most were for postterm ges-
National Institute of Child Health and Human Devel- tations and oligohydramnios. Our concern was that we
opment calcium trial and a National Institute of Child were causing oligohydramnios, but after the code was
Health and Human Development trial of high-risk broken, we found that oligohydramnios was similar in
patients with low-dose aspirin. One difficulty was con- women who received placebo and in those who received
currence of the National Institute of Child Health and aspirin (11 % and 13%, respectively). The 316 women
Human Development Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units with failure who were followed up in routine clinics only
Network Centers on the diagnosis of preeclampsia. The had a 6% incidence of oligohydramnios, but in that
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists group there were six fetal deaths, and all were associ-
(ACOG) Hughes definition uses 6 hours and the Inter- ated with fetal growth restriction. It is possible that, with
national Society for the Study of Hypertension in Preg- the research clinic care and three or four additional
nancy (ISSHP) definition is 4 hours. Moreover, the sonograms, we detected more oligohydramnios even in
method of blood pressure determination is difficult low-risk women and that was the reason for the induc-
because few large centers have total control of labor and tions.
delivery procedures. Internists do not understand that Why did aspirin only reduce preeclampsia? I don't
the labor and delivery environment may last many know. My opinion is that pregnancy-induced hyperten-
hours. During that time patients are not sitting quietly sion is probably a poor term. A better term may be
before a blood pressure determination. They have con- transient gestational hypertension. Also, if systolic blood
tractions, receive regional anesthetics, and are left in pressure is used, the pain and anxiety of labor may be
the left lateral position very frequently. the cause of the increase in systolic pressure. Chesley'
As summarized, before the double-blind code was has taught us over many years and most recently in his
broken, in addition to diagnosing preeclampsia with 1985 article that preeclampsia is a more precise diag-
our described criteria, we also categorized these pa- nOSIS.
tients by the ISSHP and the ACOG (Hughes) criteria. Why select 20 to 24 weeks instead of 12? I don't think
The ISSHP uses only the diastolic pressure with an we would have gotten 10 to 12 weeks through our
open-ended postpartum duration. The Hughes method research committee. Also, pragmatically, in our obstet-
uses 15 mm Hg diastolic and 30 mm Hg systolic from ric population we don't see most of the patients at 10
20 weeks' gestation on and up to 24 hours post partum. weeks. We care for an indigent Medicaid population
Our definition was most similar to that of the ISSHP that may not be generalized to private patients, which
since we just used the diastolic blood pressure. Our was Dr. Gibbs' question.
definition resulted in identical numbers of women with In terms of general recommendations, we are not
mild and severe preeclampsia as compared with those prepared to recommend that all nulliparous women
of the ISSHP and similar to those of the Hughes take low-dose aspirin. We are performing various sub-
method. analyses related to changes in serum thromboxane in
We investigated the origin of the 6-hour rule when individual patients in our population. The results may
designing the National Institute of Child Health and allow us to select out the highest-risk patients in our
Human Development calcium and low-dose ASA trial in population.
high-risk patients. It likely was codified by the Commit- I didn't understand Dr. Schulman's question. Our
tee on Maternal Welfare that was active in the 1940s data did show significance in favor of a positive low-
and 1950s. Considering the practice profiles of the dose aspirin effect. I am aware of his interest in Doppler
1940s and 1950s, my sense is that women with hyper- technology and his belief that it predicts many adverse
tension were sent home from clinics and told to come outcomes. I remember him saying once about 8 years
back in the morning, hence a 6-hour rule. The 4- and ago, at ACOG's OB Committee, that the Doppler tech-
6-hour definitions were not based on a prospective trial nology would revamp how we diagnose preeclampsia.
as related to outcomes. That has not happened and our Doppler data on these
As stated, our definition of pregnancy-induced hy- patients do not support his premise.
pertension and preeclampsia resulted in an identical No, there wasn't a different perinatal outcome, but
number of these diagnoses as with the ISSHP defini- the power of our population wasn't designed to address
tion. Our numbers were similar to those with the ACOG that issue. We designed the trial in two ways. One was to
definition except for more mild pregnancy-induced evaluate intent to treat (i.e., can we get a population to
hypertension with the ACOG definition, which was take a medicine and within that population show a
because of the intrapartum 30 or 15 mm Hg rule as benefit?). In our subanalysis, to be reported later, we
compared with blood pressures early in pregnancy. will evaluate individual patients' serum thromboxane
Dr. Miller asked about prostacyclin in the plasma. We levels to reflect who actually complied and who were
used serum thromboxane because of the large values crossovers. This "compliance analysis" may answer your
with means of 8000 to 10,000. We reported these values perinatal benefit question.
to assess population compliance (ASA versus placebo).
We will evaluate individual patient compliance in the REFERENCE
future. 1. Chesley LC. Diagnosis of preeclampsia. Obstet Gynecol
We do have plasma for prostacyclin and thrombox- 1985;65:423.
ane analysis, but we did not measure serum prosta-

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