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The word addiction is used to describe habits, mannerisms and customs.

the true meaning of the expression is pathological. We need to recognize when an
attitude becomes a real problem.
Journal-Lab Course Media Unisul - Shark
November 2007
When the disease becomes habit
First step to quitting is admitting that you're sick and then seek help
Text of Laura Perucho Mezzari
Photo-montage of Laura Perucho Mezzari
word addiction is used by people to designate various habits, mannerisms or habi
ts. However, the true meaning of this expression is pathological. We need to dif
ferentiate when some attitude in your life actually becomes an addiction and how
to treat it. According to psychiatrist tertius Braulio Escobar, addiction is re
lated to a region of the brain called the limbic system. It is this region that
are released hormones, triggered by certain situations. These hormones, includin
g dopamine, give the person a feeling of pleasure and well-being. "This release
can be done in several ways, such as the use of chemicals or other activities, l
ike playing," said Escobar. The habit becomes a habit from the moment you pass t
o prevent the person from having a normal life. "It is a disease when it interfe
res with day-to-day life of the individual, bringing suffering. He needs it, "sa
ys psychologist Cristina Gouveia Machado. The defect impairs the repertoire of l
ife: work, family relationships and social relationships. "Most often people onl
y realize this when they are already taken," reinforces Escobar.
Patience and remedies
The treatment of a dependent requires patience and perseverance. "Each person ha
s a different behavior, a different biology, genetics and a different social mil
ieu than psychological. So there is a recipe for everyone, "says Escobar, explai
ning that each case must be examined by the professional isolation. The most rec
ommended is the combination of drugs, which, as in the case of alcohol, inhibit
the desire to drink, with psychotherapy, which seeks to study the personality of
the addict. "The psychologist acts discovering what led the person to develop t
he habit, what need that is behind it," says Cristina. The process is to show th
e patient that there are other ways to meet this need
other than the addiction and make him see the damage caused in your life. But th
e psychologist warns: It is important that the person will realize the harm the
addiction it causes. "In the specific case of addiction is very common that the
patient's family to bring the doctor's office. But, if not an addict's need, the
chances of improvement and a positive prognosis is much smaller, because there
comes a need for it, but who live with him and suffer together. "
Family support is crucial
Who's next patient must be aware. According to Escobar, family and friends who w
ish to support the need to seek further information as possible about the type o
f addiction and treatment. "Usually everyone has a dependent family, a smoker, s
omeone who drinks only try to hide it, drop it, closing his eyes and stroking th
e head. And then we are agreeing with his addiction, "adds psychiatrist. Cristin
a stressed that the addict needs support because it is an addiction and psycholo
gical suffering is like an invisible disease, not like many others who have
paupáveis and specific symptoms in the body. "We must stress disorders that addi
ction is causing the person's life." As for medications used in treatments, with
no worry about. "They do not cause dependence or withdrawal syndrome," says Esc
obar. Cristina explains that the drugs can cause dependence are those with black
stripe and the remedies that are used to treat addictions to have red stripe, t
he same as an antibiotic, which is not addictive. "In addition, psychotherapy ai
ms to follow the patient, noticing any adverse reaction to that addiction is not
replaced by medicine." The psychologist says that what happens is the indiscrim
inate use of these drugs. In Brazil, many people resort to self-medication, or u
se the recipe work for life, not making a return to the office to find out if th
at product is delivering results. Biochemist Daniel Duarte confirms the thesis.
"These drugs are not addictive because they are used for a short period of time.
Unless the person to continue taking for years, then yes. " Duarte says he does
not know of any case of someone addicted to drugs
used for this purpose. "Since antidepressants yes, they can cause addiction."
An incurable disease
Some say, after a treatment of addiction, which is cured. This is a mistake. "We
do not talk about healing in medicine. We talk about treatment, "Escobar teache
s. Therefore it is said that an alcoholic will live in that condition for life.
In your brain, there is a recorded memory of that substance that brings pleasure
. If he does not deal with it, it goes back to drinking. Fortunately, improvemen
t rates are significant, reaching 80%. "But there is no guarantee that the perso
n will never have a relapse," says the psychiatrist. But when this happens, the
damage tends to be worse. There is a level of tolerance in the brain that regist
ers the final amount of drug or alcohol enough to bring you pleasure. "After tre
atment, the body is detoxified and if the person returning the drug, for example
, it will build on the last record. It is so often the case with overdoses leadi
ng to death because the body was different, was more sensitive. "
Extra-laboratory is the journal of the Course of Social Communication - Journali
sm - the Unisul Campus Shark
Text and photos: 6 Students Semester / Prof. Claudio Toldo | Edition: 7 Students
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Course Media
Journal-Lab Course Media Unisul - Shark
November 2007
Joke in bad taste
Crack, marijuana, five overdoses and six years of dependency. And it all started
with a cigarette
Text by Denise Maurice
"At 13 I started to pick up the cigarette from my father, was a joke, and when I
saw myself at 15, I smoked crack and marijuana." This is the beginning of the s
tory of Joshua Claudiano Figueira, 19, a native of Chapeco western state of Sant
a Catarina. "I started using the first crack than marijuana. I will not lie, it
feels wonderful, but after beating the fear, depression. " Claudiano knew the ha
llucination of crack in a party of your building. At 14, his parents moved to Im
bituba and there I became involved with narcotics. "In the beginning was beautif
ul, wore little, and the money my parents gave me for giving allowance to sustai
n my addiction," he says. But over time, the teenager began to increase consumpt
ion of their allowance money and not supplied his addiction. "I started to pick
up gifts that I won on my birthday and Christmas and would exchange for meager s
tones, but then I saw that there was not enough. I moved in the pocket of my gra
ndmother, my father's wallet until the day my father and put a suspected counter
feit note in my wallet. "
Claudiano remembers the scene as it was today. He took the fifty actual portfoli
o from her father and was quickly exchanged for crack, but the dealer saw that t
he note was fake and did not sell drugs. "I came home mad, I needed to smoke. Th
e first thing I saw before me was a pair of sewing scissors from my mother, and
was soon caught stuffing the belly of my father. My God, I regret so much. But w
hen we're under the influence of drugs, can do many things that we thought we wo
uld not have courage. I saw my father lying there in the room, full of blood, an
d the only thing I thought was stealing his wallet. " The teenager used all the
money that was in the wallet of her father. "All the money consumed in an aftern
oon, I was stunned, I had an overdose, the first of five over my addiction. When
I woke up was strapped to a gurney and my father looked at me, I do not know wh
ether to hate or fear. It was unfortunate the state in which I was, "he complain
ed. Claudiano swore he would not return to smoking crack, but failed to meet sin
ce the crises of abstinence were terrible for the user. "I could not control mys
elf in the face of crises, but remember that it was the fifth time
I had an overdose, and that, lying in a hospital bed and full of gadgets, I real
ized that I had to get out, not by me but by my parents. Destroy their lives, th
ey separated because of me. " When the boy was discharged from hospital, he aske
d to go home as was customary, asked her parents for help because he did not tak
e any more. He needed help and strength to fight. Two years ago,€Claudiano is in
a rehabilitation clinic in the city of Florianopolis and visit his parents and
relatives every two months. "I know it's difficult for us. Even more I'm his fat
her, but that he asked us that and I know he is happy ", he complained the fathe
r Claudino Joshua Figueira, 49. Every two months the family made a party to rece
ive Claudiano. "It's nice to know I can count on my family, I had a lot of willp
ower and today I am clean, do not smoke and do not drink. I am happy and now I w
ant to be fully recovered so I can tell you a little of my life for all. " This
story had a happy ending, however, according to psychologist Ana Maria Ferreira,
only 35% of drug users can recover. "It's a pity that the index is still low,
but we hope that with awareness in the media, this ratio rises, as soon as possi
ble, "says the psychologist.
From euphoria to depression
According to the dictionary of Portuguese, "drug is any narcotic substance, hall
ucinogenic, exciting, such as marijuana, hashish, cocaine, administered orally o
r otherwise, with the intention of the user to pass, primarily and transitory ch
aracter, a psychic state that feels nice ", but the good feeling lasts only a fe
w moments and then the user is replaced by pain, sensation of pain, depression.
The drugs cause changes in mental, physical and emotional. The drug user becomes
chemically dependent, ie need to ingest the drug which became a slave. We know
that not only are illegal drugs that cause pain, suffering and addiction. But th
ey are illegal drugs that most affect the user's life. Marijuana, cocaine, crack
, opium, perfume launches, ecstasy, LSD are some of the illegal drugs.
Religious work frees young
Text Jailson Vieira
In the city there is the Shark Open Door Movement, maintained by the city admini
stration and Shark Capivari Low, and also for helping the community. The move is
an entity that assists in the recovery of people who have some kind of addictio
n and who want to seek spiritual healing to drop it. The site is located in Pous
o Alto, border between the municipalities and Shark Gravatal, and serves residen
ts of this region. The premises are in a farmhouse that serves as a place of res
idence for patients undergoing treatment and has a good structure with three bed
rooms, lounge, meeting room, storeroom, kitchen, chapel and a football field, be
yond the bathroom. In the body, the addict is for about 90 days, with the first
two months he is under treatment without receiving a single visit and can not ha
ve any contact with family or friends. After that, you can spend three days at h
ome and back to the entity to complete the treatment and stays there for 30 days
. According to the pastor of the Chapel of Humaita, Father Sergius Jeremiah, who
is also a director of Open Door Movement, the work involves family dependent.
"There are three different areas for work with addicts, one is that their relati
ves are also considered codependent chemicals." Weekly, every Tuesday at 20:30,
there is a meeting attended by the patient and family, with the aim of developin
g joint work. In the meetings, which last about two hours, more than 15 dependen
ts are enrolled in one room and the family in another.
Work, discipline and prayer for healing
The patient in treating AD, 20 years, has been attending the meetings that a mon
th ago. "Since then I did not put another drop of alcohol in the mouth and not u
sed other drugs. It is a great work that is being done in my life, "he says, reg
retting not having met the above motion. According to Father Sergius, for addict
s was planned a program based on the tripod: work, prayer and discipline. The wo
rk is so that it can detoxify the addict, the prayer "because nothing can be sol
ved alone - it must be placed in the hands of a superior being who is God" becau
se it teaches discipline and the
dependent to reorganize. "The rate of recovery of the body is 20% to 30%, a rate
considered high in Brazil," guarantees religious. The priest points out that th
ere are cases in which people participate in two or three meetings and believe t
hey are cured. "Not quite, not just go in just a few meetings and you think you'
ve got the cure." A trainee of Psychology Marcelo Ghizzi develops a work at Open
Door, and states that there is no cure for addiction. He notes that there are t
hree types of users: the occasional, problem and addict. The casual user is that
using the drug once in a while, or making social use.€The problem is that that
user loses control financial and psychological. But the addict is one who can no
t live without drugs. Throughout the state of Santa Catarina, there are many reh
abilitation centers which are connected to any church. The patients not only see
k the healing of addictions, but also spiritual healing. Ghizzi the understandin
g, there is an addict, but chemically dependent or addicted, as they relate to t
he internal entity. "Addicted is a very strong term. If you are analyzing all ad
dicted to some
thing, and especially in God, "he says.
Doors open for treatment
The Open Door institution has the capacity to house 14 inmates, but are currentl
y seven patients undergoing treatment. Many of them come to the organization led
by a relative or by court order. But there are those who go willingly, by the n
eed to change their lives. There are patients treated 18-50 years. Those who are
in the range of 18-25 years are treated by the use of illicit drugs. Overall, i
n 10 patients, two or three are handled by addiction to alcohol and seven for th
e problem of illegal drugs. The Movement Open Door works with the psychosocial m
ethod, analyzing the psychological side of the patient and returning him to soci
ety. Ghizzi estimates that 10% of people who recover do so pure desire for liber
ation from addiction. For him, "not enough to combat the disease of addiction, w
e must also take care of the psychological to the hospital unable to come to als
o develop a state of depression."
Journal-Lab Course Media Unisul - Shark - November 2007
Despite the statistics, drop
Text Ednilson Perdon
Vices different, but something in common mark the life of Anita, John Christophe
r, Archangel and Robson. For them, tobacco and alcohol, licit drugs, despite the
easy access and enslaving thousands of people of different ages and occupations
, can be abandoned. In Brazil, 25 million people smoke and another 20 million wa
nt to quit and fail. This reality for the artisan and maid Carara Anita De Pieri
, 47, a resident of the neighborhood Coloninha, Orleans, is different. Anita was
smoking up to 36 years. It all started at age 22, when under the influence of h
is sister tried their first cigarette. "I thought it was good. Very good. So oth
er cigarettes were being downed. They controlled my anxiety and also gave me a s
ense of well-being. An illusion. An addiction that was slowly taking over me and
that I could only leave it for 36 years, "says happy to abandon the drug. The d
ecision was confirmed on the day of your wedding. Were 16 hours on 23
June 1990. "It was a very special moment, so I'll always remember it. The right
decisions in our life can not be forgotten. When I get married, I smoked my last
cigarette. The penultimate on route to the Church of Thirteen of May and the la
st to get off the car. At the church door. A wise decision. By quitting smoking
I have never regretted, "he jokes. To feed the addiction, Anita came to burn up
to two packs of cigarettes a day and on weekends this reality rose up to six por
tfolios. "I lived a great illusion. Today I realize that I lost time and health,
because the smoker does not realize the harm that smoking does to you. Today no
t miss addiction that has long been my bad mate. I believe the smoker who want t
o quit smoking can do the same. Just leave it. It is a matter of shame and love
of life, "he argues.
Negative influence of the father
Influenced by his father, the bus driver Christopher John Jacinto, 46,
resident community of Santana, Urussanga, tried their first cigarette at age 16.
But failed to take hold in addiction. The only experience was simply frustratin
g. "My father smoked. My friends and I also thought I could imitate them. I trie
d. But I could not accompany them. Fortunately, it was a frustrating experience.
I could not swallow the first cigarette. When I try it badly. The smoke choked
me and I was afraid. I think this happened because smoking was not the same thin
g to me, "he smiles. Failure is not John left unsatisfied. Smoking is bad for yo
ur health and your pocket, because who knows who has this habit is expensive to
Alimental. "With money from a pack of cigarettes you can fill the pockets of bul
lets and leave with a taste. Because of the cigarette, I know that will not die
anytime soon, "he says happily. John worked for 18 years in public transportatio
n drivers and terminating their activities daily at two o'clock. Already, the pe
diatrician Librelato Arcangelo, 54, smoked 18 to 30 years. It started when smoki
ng was to be
fashion. So he smoked up to two packs of cigarettes per day.€To stop the addicti
on has a purpose that it was difficult to stick to it. "I promised myself I woul
d smoke only two cigarettes a day. One at bedtime and the other to rise. But the
anxiety was so strong that I actually go to bed even earlier than usual to sati
sfy the will of the cigarette down soon, "he recalls. Arcangelo left of addictio
n on their own and today feels uncomfortable with the smell of the drug used by
patients who are treated at your doctor's office. "To get rid of the smell until
I take three baths a day because at my doctor's office does not prevent custome
rs from smoking.
Drink is part of national culture
Alcohol consumption is a central issue in public health in Brazil. Surveys in Br
azil indicates that 11.2% of the population close to diagnosis of alcohol depend
ence. Their use is embedded in Brazilian culture. Part of the festivities. It
When the will to live speaks louder
Text by Arthur Silveira Lessa
At a party among friends, a company happy hour, weddings, birthdays, barbecues,
ballads. There are few situations cheerful and relaxed everyday where alcoholic
beverages are present, and for this reason, it often is associated with happines
s and welfare. And that's where the danger begins. As happened Paulo Eduardo Sil
veira, who battled alcohol addiction for about five years and 12 years is consid
ered a victory by getting rid of the addiction and without leaving aside any par
ty to which is invited. Paulinho's story as he is known among family and friends
, with alcohol, began much like that of many young people today. At age 13, went
with friends to a nearby bar to drink after class. Having never liked beer, wer
e the spirits he drank.
works as responsible for maintenance of computers and equipment from the factory
. "After three hours without alcohol, the body has already complained and had th
e hangover. Few noticed the problem in my company because the environment is qui
te broad, and the smell drifted fast, "he recalls. Fortunately there was still t
ime to reverse the situation, after incessant warnings of friends and family. "I
never drank until fall. My problem was not the quantity but rather the routine.
It was this routine that was beginning to disturb even my job. "
Courage in the face and
The first attack happened addiction on their own in 1991, when he spent a month
without drinking. Unfortunately, this attempt, the plan backfired. "I was in the
face and even courage. But the companies that I have cultivated, just not succe
eding. Also, I smoke since I was 18 years, and this time I was smoking one after
another. " During this period, he suffered from insomnia, delusions, irritabili
ty and tremors. And back at the bar, the situation has worsened considerably. It
was a year straight and drinking too much. Until, on October 6, 1993, he went t
o Marilene, Portinari's social worker at the time, with a cry for help: I need t
o stop drinking! This revelation came after an episode very striking. "I took th
e car to go to work. I saw that it had
able to exercise my duties and hit the road to Balneario Camboriu, for fear of d
isappointment that could cause the family. Arriving there, I thought a lot about
the direction that my life had taken and, in turn, sought by Marilene. After gi
ving the most important step in the rehabilitation process, which is to admit th
e problem and ask for help, Paulinho was subjected to laboratory tests and 15 va
cation days for detoxification Clinic predecessor, the Good Shepherd Hospital, w
here he went for the morning and afternoon and went home to sleep. There he was
treated with vitamin B, attended lectures and participated in
events. After this period, he returned to work normally. "Family support was ver
y important, as both brothers of my wife and brothers," he recalls. He said ther
e were six critical months, when he had to avoid the most places where there cou
ld be up with drinks and a possible relapse. After two years, he said, he felt f
ully recovered and free of ghosts. "Today I think I can even take a shot without
any problem. But what if I want to see if two also gives nothing? And then thre
e and so on ... Prefer not to risk. "
One dose before going to bed
Close to 30 years of age, 15 years after drinking, he began to feel that the hab
it was already disrupting your day to day. He began to drink three doses to slee
p every night, and feel weak and trembling, which passed with only two doses, wh
ich took after lunch to get to work in the afternoon Ceramics Portinari, where e
Journal-Lab Course Media Unisul - Shark - November 2007
cigarettes and alcohol is possible
an incurable, but manageable, experts say. The emotional imbalance makes people
seek alternatives to overcome fear. Often seek a solution to addiction that will
not. The student of Museology University Center Barriga Verde (Unibave), Orlean
s, Robson Romagna Lunardi, 38, experienced the alcohol still a child. Then over
the years, transformed the experience in addiction it dominated until the age of
30. "To stop drinking I had to get help. There were many years of experience th
at is not worth it. They were events that made me ashamed of myself. And I did n
ot know that this drug was addictive and both left the subject so discredited, "
he says sadly. The alcoholic loses the opportunity to live harmoniously in socie
ty. When is dominated by the drink, usually makes life in a war. The tranquility
is shattered. But to help those who want to leave this addiction there are grou
ps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Robson was this fellowship that sought help
to get rid of the illusion. "Today, thanks to help from Alcoholics Anonymous, I
can say that sometimes the drug user is not seen. Therefore it was necessary tha
t someone could point me the path. I needed someone to help me quit drinking. So
today I learned what it takes to make way for only 24 hours of not drinking. An
d that we renew every 24 hours. Today I am sober. Do not use alcohol since the d
ay October 29, 1999. My addiction began stimulated by the family because my fath
er offered a spoonful of caipirinha and I liked it. I was overwhelmed over the y
ears and today I am sorry. But luckily I could park the disease, "justified. peo
ple in 107 Brazilian cities, involving over 200 professionals. The survey examin
ed the prevalence of the two substances most commonly used in our society: alcoh
ol and tobacco. Alcohol has been used at least once in their lifetime by 69% of
the population. The index reaches 77% among men and is 60% among women. About 11
% of respondents reported having made alcohol dependence at some point in their
lives. The cigarette was used by 41% of respondents, 46% among men and 36.6% amo
ng women. The largest of 35 years were the most used: 53%. The dependence was re
ported by 9% of respondents. In Brazil, 200,000 people a year die from smoking-r
elated illnesses. Research shows that the percentage of smokers who want to quit
always exceeds 60%. In the United States and Britain, the rate is 75% and 73% r
espectively. Thinking about the people who do not smoke, Health Minister Jose Go
mes claims that are eliminated areas for smokers, smokehouses. It is proposed th
at the government submit to Congress a bill. Temporao remind that, in an article
published in May this year, the World Health Organization (WHO), shows Brazil a
s the country that has reduced the number of smokers in the last ten years.
Brazil firm commitment against tobacco smoke
The bill banning smokehouses confirms the unanimous decision of the 146 countrie
s represented at the Second Conference of Parties held between June 30 and July
6 in the Thai capital, Bangkok. At the meeting, Brazil and other countries that
have ratified the International Treaty of the World Health Organization have sig
ned a commitment to adopt environments free from tobacco smoke. The guidelines a
dopted determine the direction that governments should build on and reinforce th
e fact that ventilation and air filtration are not enough to reduce exposure to
the harmful effects of passive smoke.
Most used drugs are the lawful
The Brazilian Information Center on Psychotropic Drugs (Cebrid) published in Aug
ust 2001 the First Household Survey on Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Brazil. The
study surveyed more than 8500
A new way of seeing the world
Today he lives usually do not deprive yourself of any party or any social gather
ing, part of all the wheels of conversation, always accompanied by his trusty ca
n of tonic water, and if avail-
compa talking and helping those who are going through the same drama, having giv
en lectures in Portinari, which have immense gratitude for the support. "They co
uld just fire me. But they saw that I was still around and gave me help. "
Photo-montage of Muriel Albona
Journal-Lab Course Media Unisul - Shark
November 2007
The various forms of addiction
Ways that the addiction will go to people's lives are many, and the cure is not
so easy
Text by Daniel H. Antonello
The rooster has crowed,€the birds are singing, the noise of cars and the sun's r
ays indicate that the day dawned, and soon after, the alarm Nelson, scheduled to
wake up at 7 o'clock, will play. Thus starts the day of the last semester of th
e academic chemical engineering, Nelson Hartmam Junior. At 7-point he jumps out
of bed to be able to do all the activities before tackling the marathon of labor
, which begins at 9 am. With 25 years and there are five living alone, Nelson ha
s already set a routine and quite different from their parents at their age, muc
h like that of thousands of young Brazilians. Immediately upon waking, even befo
re showering, brushing teeth or making coffee in the morning, it turns the compu
ter. Read news? Receive information from a friend or relative abroad? Nothing. I
t is to access one of the most powerful addictions and snapshots of the current
generation. "Orkut and MSN." Junior says that doing so has become a routine, but
that does not feel dependent on a computer to know what happened the night befo
re. "If I did not have this feature, I would connect or even find someone to tel
l me how was this party or that happened that I lost," he says. The teacher and
psychologist - a specialist in psychotherapy - Maria Fernanda Jorge de Assis say
s that Internet addiction is a recent picture of addiction as well as video game
s of the children. "We need the person to realize that she's stuck in this kind
of support, it is no longer in control, and a simple electronics like the comput
er, you can change the routine," explains Maria Fernanda. The pioneers of depend
ence are smoking, drinking and games that cause the framework of addiction - tha
t is addiction, "become dependent on." In these cases, help the patient needs is
first of detoxification. And that's what happened to the retired military polic
e, Paulo Figueiredo Mendes, 54, admitted five times, a married father of two chi
ldren. Mendes recalls how it all started today, 34 years ago.
"Defects" of Mendes, because at the time the drink was moderate. In the girl's f
amily all loved Paul: It was funny, smart and, no doubt, was the main requiremen
t for being a "good party", since that time who was in the military only had a t
endency to grow within the corporation. Finally the day came as expected: on May
22, 1976, Paul and Elizabeth were married. On the day of marriage he did not pu
t a drop of alcohol in the mouth. "I was very nervous, I knew it was a great day
and wanted to be 'normal,'" says Mendes. On the first Sunday of the couple, Eli
zabeth was at home with his mother and Mendes went with friends to celebrate a b
ar in the neighborhood. "I left around 16 hours from home and only returned to 5
h15min am on Monday. That was the day that the family of Elizabeth noticed the '
party that I was', "bubble Mendes. To this day, all others were like this: Paul
has never stopped his work and has never ceased to miss anything at home, but le
ft the company of friends and drink.
certain types of foods have a level of alcohol content that should be avoided fo
rever, even if the patient has already gone through admissions. "Sago, liqueur c
hocolates and salads with vinegar are the main foods that taste recognizes even
before they are ingested," explains Jackson.
community when parents do not know what to do and whom to call. "Sunday of those
, I was leaving for lunch and found a desperate father at the gate. I invited hi
m to bring his son into our midst, but surely not the teenager stumbled, "said J
Teen Challenge
Strange behavior, poor grades in school and verbal or physical aggression are si
gns that something is wrong. PJS, 64, went through a hard time when he discovere
d that his son was using drugs. "I could not believe it could not be true, I alw
ays talked to him when we were a united family", he complained that the taxi dri
ver took me to the Teen Challenge Shark. Along the way - which are nothing more
than eight kilometers from the center of Jaws - he told a story about the discov
ery and acceptance of the family. "My son had 20 years, was in college and nothi
ng locked and never asked to study," she reports. I asked what he had done to he
lp the child. "Girl, I brought him here, but in less than a week he fled." Not a
ll do as the son of a taxi driver. Jorge Eduardo Filho is voluntary and technica
l addiction in the Teen Challenge, a community therapist who works with chemical
recovery for 16 years. About 20 youths aged between 20 and 30 years are accommo
dated on the site. Jorge says that most young people are drawn to
Value in simple things
All activities,€like washing, ironing, cooking and cleaning, are the very young
who play. "Our goal is to show them that they had it all out there and do not ha
ve value," says Jorge. In the community there is time for everything, nobody doe
s what he wants. There is a certain kind of tolerance within the first 15 days a
fter the couple needs to get used to the rules, standards and schedules. In addi
tion to socializing with others who have gone through the same experiences, youn
g people have access once a week to talk with psychologists, separately and once
a month for the whole group. In addition, parents, family and friends are alway
s welcome to spend the day with them. After six months of restoration work the p
erson can leave the site on weekends, to review their relatives, but on Monday,
on time, should return. Jorge says that the key word to summarize the progress a
nd possible cure of young people is God. "It's a kind of spirituality that is es
tablished for them, is how to understand that only God has the power of forgiven
ess and healing," he says.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Time passed, and Mendes was hospitalized five times, four of them without succes
s. But the last time was different: he decided to change and sought help from Al
coholics Anonymous. Psychologist Maria Fernanda Mendes studied the case and conf
irms that the change only occurred when the patient realized that someone was si
ck and needed help. "His Mendes realized that was no longer controlling the drin
k in his life, he did not drink anytime he wanted, but at the time your body fel
t the need," says the psychologist. The wife of his Mendes, Elizabeth, says that
tired to bathe her husband and only recovered after 48 years with him and manag
ed to find a job. "I was scared to death to leave him at home with children and
with friends, I knew something good was not going to leave," he says. Even with
all the problems, never abandoned Elizabeth Mendes. "He was always a good husban
d and father, he never ceased to miss anything, never raised his voice at home,
we had several fights, but never thought of leaving him," says Elizabeth.
Home, food and liquor
In 1973 he joined the military career and on October 4, 1975 asked her to marry
young Elizabeth de Barcellos, who later became Mrs. Mendes. On request, he highl
ighted his three defects. 1) does not drop the football weekend; 2) will not lea
ve the rum, and 3) the holidays. Elizabeth accepted the request and
Alcohol in the sago
Today, one of the challenges of Mrs. Mendes is the care with the power of the hu
sband. According to the general physician of the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conce
ição de Tubarão, Pericles Spartags Junior
Journal-Lab Course Media Unisul - Shark
October 2007
Beware the TOC
Nail biting it feels normal, but is a way of disguising his mind that he is very
Text Tara Pacheco
Who ever caught yourself biting your nails, counting nails in the lining of the
house, relying on street poles, policing is not to step on the cracks between ti
les, cast the first stone. Gestures that apparently seem to be normal can become
an addiction or some sort of defense designed to undo some kind of anxiety. Whe
n this "defense" becomes uncontrolled appearance of the first symptoms of Obsess
ive Compulsive Disorder, OCD. Psychologist Ana Cristina Carvalho explains that O
CD is a compulsion, the person has a thought that is obsessive and does somethin
g for the anxiety caused by this thought to decrease. "Compulsion is not efficie
nt, because then the thought that causes such anxiety comes back and the person
continues to perform rituals such as washing hands several times a fear of becom
ing contaminated. This becomes a problem and can be considered a
OCD when these thoughts eventually disrupting the routine of work, personal and
family life, "explains Ana obsessive ideas can appear in many situations, such a
s music for commercials that will not come out of one's mind, or the idea that t
here may be a beast from under the bed, or that the gas valve can be open, despi
te the logic suggested be closed. Some of these mental defects can be caused by
childhood trauma, or even by some trauma stored in the unconscious.
windows, one, two, three times if possible. That when I woke up at midnight to s
ee if everything was closed ', says Shult. Moreover, other rituals, like only sl
eep if I had someone on the side, never leave unattended, do not take the bus al
one, also accompanied by a long period. "One day everything was going, I think t
he time and the therapy made me forget, or at least reduce it all," says Rafael.
Obsessional rituals
Rafael Shult was a carrier made of OCD. At age 13 he and his family were victims
of a robbery.€Held hostage for almost an entire night, the family, the mother,
he and twin brother, saw her father being murdered. The trauma caused by the sit
uation meant that Rafael becomes afraid of everything. "Before bed I checked all
Remedies and Therapy for the mind
The psychologist explains that there are some types of treatment for OCD, such a
s occupational therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, which is one of the bes
t to work the problem. In some cases you need the help of pharmacotherapy. "The
drug is used to decrease patient anxiety, and therapy for him to deal with these
thoughts, which in reality is
own fear that he has. But we need not worry if you think someone has OCD, the di
sorder is not crazy, "joked Anne Ideas obsessive compulsory, when exaggerated an
d promoters of significant anxiety or distress, are pathological cases. "The obs
essions are so ingrained in the consciousness that can not be removed simply by
a reasonable advice, or for free choice of the patient. They seem to have emanci
pated existence of the will, and not undermine the critical assessment, patients
have the exact sense of the absurdity of his mental content, "adds psychologist
. Ana explains that it is very common to find people who have the characteristic
s of OCD. Many famous as the presenter Joe Soares, who worries excessively with
the position of senior staff in places where he attends, have this disorder.
Playing against the very sort
Text of Cindy Abreu
"Brazil is among the countries that have more home games, bars with slot machine
s, making the practice of it a profitable business for those who do not play," s
aid Police Chief Civil Shark Renato Poet, who in August held the pursuit of slot
machines in bars in town with the new team of students from Acadepol 2007 (Poli
ce Academy). Illegal or not, gambling houses like nickel or bingo game in the pa
rish hall, it matters little. Who is addicted to games, card games to play at a
friend's house. According to psychologist Cristina Machado Gouvea, there are dif
ferences between the enthusiast and gaming addict. "The addict is going to be on
e that day may not begin or end without a table. That loses day of work or high
amounts of money. Already the aficionado has only admiration, finds the practice
of the beautiful game. " Cristina also explains that there are games more addic
tive than others, because that depends on the personality of each individual. "F
or example, those addicted to computer games typically have social phobia, and e
nd up getting into the addiction to be a practical individual"
says the psychologist. For Blonde Di Antunes, director of Our Home Institution i
n Jaws, following a spiritual doctrine, in gambling addiction should be consider
ed by the spiritual side too. She believes that many addicts are driven by obses
sive, disembodied spirits and low-energy, using the low esteem of players to man
ipulate it. "People are very immediate, think the game is the best solution to t
heir problems. They forget the faith and believe that going by the shortest rout
e will be happy, "said Blonde.
Faith helps, but temptation is easier to play
For Rev. Antonio Manenti, the player becomes dependent on the lack of faith. Man
enti points out: "I get in my church many people who have tried everything, and
only found their way here." The question of religion is very strong in view of t
he student Anelise Manenti, who said he had gone through a terrible time with hi
s father, addicted to card games. "At first my mother and I went to church, then
convince him. Today he can not even hear in letters, "says Anelise.
Professor Uilton Ribeiro says it was very difficult to quit. "I played cards all
night and came increasingly indebted." He says he almost lost his own house at
a table. "The worst thing was not nearly the loss of property, but the threat of
leaving my wife with our oldest son, then I still drink," recalls Brooks, with
tears in her eyes. The teacher just quit his addiction to the fear of losing fam
ily. For over 25 years without playing, he says he feels no desire for any kind
of gambling. The addict in games does not take his addiction, always thinking th
ey can stop whenever you want. Cristina says it is common to hear of addicts. "T
hey do not realize that the issue has gone out of their control." There is also
the question of ease of play. It's easy to find in bars, for example, table game
s such as snooker. According Estelita, better known as Tita, who owns a bar near
Unisul Shark, which offers these types of games, some students fail to attend c
lasses to play,€and say that the game used to take the stress.
Few can kick the habit
The treatment for the addict, unlike drug addicts, is primarily psychotherapy, a
nd then prescribing a controller anxiety. According to Cristina, family support
is of great value because it is often a family member who has to take the reins
of the situation. Many addicts can not have money in their schoolbags. "Importan
tly, the addict needs in the game, like all dependent special attention. Compuls
ive gamblers tend to want to commit suicide, "says the psychologist. It is impos
sible to say that the person seeking healing will be totally free from addiction
. According to Cristina, the patient must understand that there are moments in l
ife that he'll feel more fragile, and that care will have to be redoubled. "Only
12% of patients can recover from addiction to games involving the financial sit
uation of the addict," says the psychologist. The others continue to relapse and
treatment. And this happens for the delay in seeking help.
Journal-Lab Course Media Unisul - Shark
Photo-montage of Marco Antonio Mendes
November 2007
Addiction pants boots
When football is over lawns and becomes an obsession that can not be controlled
Text Grazi Bez Batti
Pleasurable obsession?
Many people say sex addict, but few know the consequences
Text by Marco Antonio Mendes
"Besides my wife, had eleven lovers," says a professor who until recently was co
nsidered not just a sex addict, but obsessive. The man, who asked not to be iden
tified, despite having a normal life today, believes that society is not ready t
o discuss certain subjects. "Suffered so much prejudice and teasing would be par
t of my social cycle. Some people might understand, but many have not, "he argue
s. Neither does he understand his own life. "The head did not think up as low,"
he jokes. But if we estimate that the desires we had was what he would like to e
xperience, even if it did not, the two heads functioned the same way. Traveling
between different cities because of work he met many women. It was this period t
hat accounted for the 11 lovers, despite being a married man with children. It w
as common to have at least two sexual encounters a day. It was from that moment
he realized something was wrong. It was not possible, as he, a person think abou
t sex all the time. An experience with a girl of 14 years, when he was an adult
of 28, was the most striking. "Girls that age want older men and I took advantag
e of it. When I found myself what I was doing, gave up the relationship, "he rec
alls. Despite the temptations of instinct and achieving them, the teacher could
not admit the person he was. Had a riot, but also had criticism about what I did
. Not admitted because it hurt and hurt others. The only thing I did not want to
be was "an old pervert." He said that they are 50 years old and stay with girls
was the last thing he expected of himself. The wedding was a front for a normal
life. Not loved his wife, but kept the relationship for two years. When I heard
that for this
behavior is no treatment, did not think twice. "A friend said if I wanted I coul
d handle going to a psychologist, but it would depend on more of my will." Durin
g the two years of therapy, the teacher never touched on any woman. "The start o
f treatment was not easy, but I could manage. He had some moments that could not
bear the pain in the genitourinary and repeatedly went to the hospital. It was
a serious fight and took up diazepam to calm me down. " Stayed a year living alo
ne to understand the person he was. It was a period of seclusion he believed to
be the gateway to a normal life. When he finally won the vice, thought to be sin
gle the rest of life. "From chicken, I started to be labeled as gay by people, b
ecause they refused all meetings." But fate would be good and the only woman for
whom love was when he was a teenager. Sex is not more pleasure to meet, but par
t of the relationship. According to him, "an act observed by two." According to
psychologist psychotherapy Marília Maura Salvalaggio, sex addiction, known as ny
mphomania, is also a bipolar disorder. The disease shows sudden changes in behav
ior, ie at a time when the depressed person may find yourself and others enter a
period of euphoria. For sex addicts, the euphoria is the urge to find a partner
for sexual intercourse. Sex as Marília, is something primitive and is part of t
he animal instinct we all have,€as well as eating and sleeping. According to psy
chologists, people who develop this disease usually have not had the presence of
a father figure. "Psychology considers a father figure is not necessarily a par
ent, but a person who imposes limits while still a child or is developing. Is so
meone going to impose authority over the acts that the person will take in futur
e, "he explains.
Men are addicted to football, and this is not news to them, much less for women.
The impression is that the Gauchos are more fanatical than the rest of the Braz
ilians. They turn the sport into a family tradition, as well as the mate and the
barbecue. This is the case these gauchos: Advertiser gremista Sandro Fabrício R
amos, 33, Porto Alegre, the director of industrial NAM Rafael Vieira da Cunha, 2
9, Cachoeira do Sul, and the doctor Perci Anthony Weber, 60, of Santa Rosa, Inte
rnational fans of both. As Perci, Raphael and Sandro had the choice of the time
by family inheritance. For Perci, the best place to watch the games of Inter is
at home in the company of their children. Perci is considered an addict for the
sport, why not lose a game. Sandro says he watches the game whenever it is trans
mitted, and it is in the state capital. "Also because there is nothing better th
an watching your team live and friends present at the ritual," he jokes. Many ad
dicts do not admit the addiction to the sport. Not your case. "I see the Globe s
ports every day and I follow the results, I get angry when my team loses and ext
remely happy when he wins. I guess I'm a fanatic yes, "he says. Among those who
do not consider themselves addicts, but living for many years with the sport, is
one of the most important sports journalists from Criciuma Francisco
Milioli Netto, 67, and 50 working with the football. For Milioli, football is no
t a vice but a matter of choice. "Either you like or dislike, practicing or not
practicing, watching or not watching." Bangu and the supporter of Criciuma, the
expert in the field reports that the greatest pleasure of football is watching a
beautiful game organized, causing much excitement. For women, when it comes to
football, the situation is, in most cases, very delicate. Lawyer Ana Paula Ramos
Wasniewski, 28, Criciuma-SC, says that repeatedly argued with her boyfriend. "W
hen I lived in Porto Alegre, he could not stay long with me on Sunday because of
the games. He went to the game and never led in the road because it was not tim
e. " Currently Ana Paula is still struggling with addiction. Today she lives in
the city and are fighting for other reasons. "He always comes back stinking of b
eer and also has the game can not do anything together," he says. The advertisin
g Loreta Diaz, 25, born in Porto Alegre and resident in Criciuma-SC, supports ne
ither hear the word football. Addicts has dated the sport and admits that this i
s an important factor to maintain a relationship. Stress with the previous relat
ions was so great that Loreta got some issues in relation to sport. Have gone th
rough situations boyfriend being drunk and stick in her legs after the game. "To
day, I can not hear for a second a football announcer on the radio, my blood boi
ls and I want to run away."
Photo-montage of Grazi Bez Batti

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