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Drawings, coloring pages, activities, crafts, and print or network on b

iblical themes. 2. Coloring onl
ine. 3. Proposed act
ivities of religion for Child
as2.asp?materia=442&nombre=Religión 4. Department of Religion. College erain Ika
stetxea (Irun). Children's Stage.
antil.htm 5. Religious Pedágio Magazine. Very good section of links to the area
of religion. Child.
listarticles&secid=5 6. Collecting a large set of activities for Children with v
ariety of themes. Virtual Group "Working Groups of Teachers of Religion" belongi
ng to the CPR in Malaga (Spain).
3/infantil1.msnw 7. Very good site in English. There are different options and a
ll are accompanied by a flash presentation and images are very suitable for the
level. There is also access to material to levels of Primary, Middle and High Sc
hool. 8. Web Stunning Cartagena a professional resour
ce with great coloring. This is the link to Christmas resources. ~ http://almez. jgag0003/Navidad.htm 9. Teacher Professional Network of Religion.
It belongs to the training platform Teacher Center of Malaga. Large amount of ma
terials in the "Documents - Textbooks." Domino Lady (folder "Mary") to evangelic
al puppet characters, parables, in "Bible", and others in other folders. http:// 10. Christmas section on the web "the Smurf jump
ing." 11. Drawing
s of Jesus, David and Goliath ... for children.
jesus.htm 12. Coloring pages on Christmas.
hila/Truskymochila.htm 13. Stories of Christmas.
oren17/la_navidad1.htm # CHRISTMAS 14. And coloring sheets. Guadix page. http:// ~ Camerata / christ / recursos_fichas.htm 15. Page of a group of
Catholic businessmen who offer the sale of teaching resources. Very useful webs
ite that contains demos. See sections: demos, songs and games. http://www.alencu 16. Coloring Easter, Christmas, Peace ... htt
p:// 17. Ed.D. Crafts for Kids. The options are
in column on the left. Can be applied to religious content (changing the design
, theme, etc.).. 18. More pic
tures to color. Click on the sections of the left column in "Celebrations" and "
PRIMARY CLIC Resources 1. In this list are activities click on Lent and Jesus of
area=div & language = en & nivell text_titol =* & = & = & text_desc text_aut = &
num = 100 2. Click and computer resources in power point for religion classes,
in addition to cards, prayers, a theater and some other things. http://www.galeo 3. Irabia school page. Department of Religion. Among ot
her activities we can find exercises with Clic 3.0 to review the main contents o
f the primary agenda of religion. Some topics are about the sacraments, moral an
d commandments 4. Joint activi
ties for the area of Primary Religion On the issues: Palestine at the time of Je
sus, Jesus of Nazareth, the Bible, the sacraments and the Church. We can find an
other set on the great religions and one on the parables of Jesus. http://www.ed 5. Department of Religion. College era
in Ikastetxea (Irun). Primary. Among other activities are some in-clicking on th
e vestments and objects of the Mass prayers, simple prayers and the church. http
:// 6. Here is a series of activ
ities that will be very useful for your religion class.
yolyceballos/pagina_nueva_4.htm 7. Educational applications of the Colegio Santa
Maria del Pilar - Mariano of Zaragoza. Search listing the area of religion. htt
p:// 20of% 20clic/Aplicaciones_clic_t xt.htm
8. Activities click. Seek one that deals with the profestas.€CEIP Beatriz Galin
do. 9. P
age Luis Guerrero Garcia, professor at the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar de S
oria. Offers many opportunities to use ICT in the classroom aimed at students of
the third cycle of primary school. A lot of Hot Potatoes exercises done with th
e Bible. Select "Religion." 10. Materials created by
members of the click Chilean educators. In the last section we found an activit
y to the area of religion on the life of Jesus.
cl/materiales.HTM?200627 # language 11. Click to primary activities. Look in the
section of Catholic Religion.
e=visualizaAplicacionWe CLIC application = b & & web = 9 & sid = a7945170a92ba59
cc2f2bafc129c8ae8 12. Three other activities click to the area of Religion. http
:// complicat
ion = CLIC & web = 9 & sid = da52ca8b3cfe32a2d34bbacdf5e290df 13. Click to prima
ry materials. Website of the Diocesan Education Delegation Palencia. You have to
click on the "Resources".
Powerpoint 1. Resources powerpoint presentations.
lla/rebost/intropps.htm 2. A page with interesting powerpoint presentations for
elementary and childish. 3. PowerPoint
Resources for religion classes, in addition to cards, prayers, a theater and som
e other things. 4. Christian Web resou
rce. It is a Gospel passage but can take advantage of the presentations and many
other resources. 5. G
reat cast of powerpoint presentations with a variety of themes. Virtual Group "W
orking Groups of Teachers of Religion" belonging to the CPR in Malaga (Spain). h
ttp:// 1.msn
w 6. "Reflections of Light" is a Catholic site dedicated to the proclamation of
the kingdom and carried out by an Augustinian Missionary. In it you will find re
sources and materials pastoral service to the Gospel. http://www.reflejosdeluz.n
et/Presentaciones/inicial% 20presentaciones.htm 7. Proefesora personal page of a
religion. Offers, among other materials, powerpoint presentations on biblical t
hemes, religious objects, sacraments ...
cursos.htm 8. Powerpoints of topics such as St. Thomas, religious objects, figur
es from the Bible, history of Israel. ~ Camerata / christ
/ recursos_power_educ.htm 9. Powerpoint on the life of Moses. http://es.geociti 10. Religious background mod
els for the development of powerpoints.
ml 11. Powerpoint with maps and pictures of the era of the Old and New Testament
s. Online version. To download 12. Presentations catechet
ical and theological issues in PowerPoint.
io/magisterio.htm 13. Another great list of powerpoint presentations. Although m
any are pastoral can be adapted to classes.
ajes.htm 14. List of 40 presentations powerpoint on biblical themes. http://www. 15. Pastoral themed presentations. Great
list sorted alphabetically. 16. More than 400 pres
entations from all types of themes. You can tailor classes. http://www.mentecrea
Other resources 1. Activities for Primary religion. Within each cycle
displays a list of subjects, choice of religion.
/propuestas.asp 2. Bible Maps for consultation.
03/pagina/mapas/geobiblica.html 3. Computer resources for religion classes, in a
ddition to cards, prayers, a theater and some other things.
m/clasereli/descarga.htm 4. Venezuelan page on the Missionary Childhood. Drawing
s in black and white print, comic books on biblical texts according to the litur
gical season in black and color, material related to the different liturgical se
asons, Stations of the Cross and Rosary, material on the Eucharist. http://www.i 5. Religious Pedágio Magazine. Very good section of links
to the area of religion. Primary.
e=Sections&op=listarticles&secid=3 6. Site map of all e-Catholic resources. http
:// 7. Software and games to download to
your computer.€This site is evangelical but can use some of the resources we of
fer. 8. Web practice of
Catholic religion teacher. Materials and resources for teachers of religion. ~ h
ttp:// jgag0003 / 9. Religion Page of Chilean teachers. It o
ffers tiered planning school religious instruction and activities. We even found
evidence of evaluation. 10. Child Bible
online with images alluding to the biblical text.
el/index.php?bibel_showpictures=1&bibel_language = 001 & bibel_chapter bibel_zoo
m = 35 & = & action = view & change_language = 001 11. Anyone who knows a little
English may find interesting activities in this web evangelist. Bingo, board ga
mes, coloring, etc. 12. Cla
ssic Home CNICE (Ten-Year Education and Science Ministry) with activities concer
ning the Bible. From this page you will have access to all the biblical material
lia/a ntiguo / home / contenidos.htm 13. Teacher Professional Network of Religio
n. It belongs to the training platform Teacher Center of Malaga. Large amount of
materials in the "Documents" 14. Web mat
erial on values, hobbies, Old and New Testament and some more. http://www.educa. 15. Resources for the kind of religion: p
ps, click subjects ...
Resources ESO CLIC 1. Materials for religion class. Personal Page of José Luis P
eña. CLIC-based exercises to take place online in the "classroom materials." In
the "Resources" can be downloaded.
lclases/materialclase.htm 2. Materials click ESO, among others. Also offered for
primary. Website of the Diocesan Education Delegation Palencia. You have to cli
ck on the "Resources". 3. Department of Religion. Coll
ege erain Ikastetxea (Irun). Secondary. Among other activities, click on find so
me in the Church, Scripture, revelation, original sin, Jesus Christ, the Bible,
Educational units. 4.
Activities about the major religions plus more. Department of Religion at IES La
s Lomas, Alicante. 5. P
acket addressed to the second year of secondary work which the great world relig
ions, beliefs, geographical location, symbols, rituals, sacred texts, customs ..
. 6. Package with activities on vocab
ulary related to the popular elements of the celebration of Christmas in July ht
tp:// Anglo cultures. Online activities based
on different themes HotPotatoes curriculum. IES Pedro Espinosa (Antequera). htt
p:// 8. Activities ab
out Lent. CEIP Juan Carlos I (Jaén)
d=3255 9. Activities click HotPotatoes jclic and teacher of religion. Teacher Pr
ofessional Network of Religion. Direct Link:
e/document/document.php?cidReq=REDRELCA TOL & curdirpath =% 2FMateriales_Didacti
cos% 2FActividades_clic% 2C_jclic% 2C_ HotPotatoes can also enter from the main
URL http://redes.cepmalaga .org / courses / REDRELCATOL following paragraphs: Do
cuments - Educational Materials - Activities click jclic, HotPotatoes. 10. http:
// CLIC applica
tion = b & & web = 9 & sid = e2fdaaeac755cf1d0a2562e3f0296425 Activities for pre
mium and, within these, a section for religion. Click Portal of the Ministry of
Education of the Region of Murcia 11. Click
royectos/proyectos.html Department of the Government of Aragon. 12. Click on Chi
le: 13. Activities to educate
in solidarity. 1
4. CPR Activities Ná
jera (La Rioja) 15. College Ir
abia. Powerpoint
1. On this page you can download PowerPoint presentations on biblical content an
d Chief ESO first year of high school. SM part.
sual/index.html 2. Many powerpoint presentations about the church, Jesus Christ,
the sacraments,€New Testament and Old Testament. Pastoral Studies for the New E
vangelization. 3. Powerpo
int presentations on theology, trinity, Christology, sacraments, moral, social d
octrine and ecclesiology. Association study groups today.
08Pres/0000Indice.html 4. Personal page with more than 85 presentations in power
point. ~ aballus / index% 205.htm 20esp% 5. Department of Re
ligion IES Juan A. Suanzes. Powerpoint presentations prepared by students. http:
// 6. Personal Page of J
osé Luis Peña. Powerpoint presentations on various topics. http://perso.wanadoo.
es/joseluisgpena/recursos/recursos.htm 7. Presentations with a variety of themes
and different types of drawings. 8.
Department of Religion at Catholic Kings Sádaba IES (Zaragoza). See sections "a
ctivities" and "materials."
tml 9. IES Corona de Aragon. Section "Notes."
.htm 10. High school students work in powerpoint erain.
rtamentos/religion/trabaalum03.htm 11. "I tell you." Reflections and educational
thoughts. Powerpoint presentations. Catholic and interfaith. http://www.tecuent 12. Great powerpoint presentations topics list on the manuals in the Libra
ry of RIALP Theological Introduction. Worth a visit.
onent/option, com_remository / Itemid, 49. The same materials we can find also i
n 20TEOLOGIA.htm 13. Here you will find a
collection of messages and assemblies made in PowerPoint with different messages
. They belong to the parish of San Sebastian in Seville. Link "Mounts Powerpoint
" 14. Bible Presentations, discussions, fil
ms. Sacred Heart school.
presentaciones.htm 15. Animations and presentations on the most representative r
eligions in the world, Jonah, King David, etc.. Http://
n.php?id_seccion=27 classroom use 16. Work performed by students of the IES Pedr
o Espinosa.
1. Page that provides links to five webquest on the apostles, religious art, sac
raments, sacred art and liturgical calendar. Look at course, Religion. http://ww 2. Hunting treasure on Pentecost. http://www.yo YWY2vh 3. Although this i
s aimed for primary school webquest can serve as initiation into the use of such
teaching resources for secondary education. Topic: the Magi and the Virgin Mary
. http:/
/ a.htm 4.
Raised Webquest for 6th grade, but to be as adjacent to the first cycle of secon
dary, why not use it on this cycle?. About people for peace. http://www.colegiop # Task 5. Spies among Christians. Teacher Center
Resource and Gijón.
20garcia/Esp% C3% A Das% 20entre% 20los% 20cristianos.htm 6. For Area Catholic
Religious and Moral six WebQuests. Within the list are specified in a group for
the area of religion. 7. Treasure hunts, an
d webquests miniquest. Look at subjects, Religion.
2/procesa_index_tipo.php 8. Webquest on various subjects classified as secondary
level. We can find powerpoint presentations and other resources. IES Jesús del
Gran Poder. Dos Hermanas. Sevilla.
anpoder/catolica 9. Webquest on the sacraments. Instituto Nuestra Señora del Ros
ario. Peru. 10. Webquest on Christianity and hum
an rights. Department of Religion at IES Las Lomas, Alicante. http://ficus.pntic 11. Webquest on education in our school v
alues drizzles of Madrid. 20SER 2
0of% 12% 20FUERTE.h tm. Another great list of webquest in various subjects. Ther
e are a number for the area of religion in primary and secondary. Browse subject
s and level. 13. Although
it seems the same site that listed above, it is not. In it we find various webq
uest for the area of religion.€Has the same design as its predecessor. http://ww 14. Webquest Library. Database web
quest published. These are related to religion. Tit
m:8080/BDWQ/resultbus.aspx?Tipo=Asignatura &% 20 = religi% c3% b3n 15. Webquest
and topics by level of education. Department of Religion at IES Pedro Espinosa.
uet sCristDerch.htm The apost
les of Jesus. Area Religion: h
ttp:// seekers webquest:
% Search 7Ecbarba1/RECU
RSOS/indexrecursos.htm subject - religion. Search
leccionwebquest.php subject: "Religion" and "Religion and moral values." http:// Other resources 1. Pedro Felipe. Enter the ex
cellent website of a teacher from Rioja and reviews the interactive test. http:/
/ 2. Religious Pedágio Magazine
. Very good section of links to the area of religion. Secondary. http://www.scre 3. Page where
you will find information, maps, poems, quotes, sayings ... of different faiths. 4. A collection of religious pictures grouped by
topic. They can be used as illustrations in the work of students or their power
point presentations. 5. Concep
t maps and diagrams to support the teaching units that make up the agenda for hi
gh school students. It is currently only available one year of ESO (click on the
cubes that make up that name).
gion/paginas/NUEVA2.html 6. Miscellaneous Topics for the classes of Religion. It
contains everything from lesson plans to powerpoint presentations. It belongs t
o the website of the purity of Mary Congregation. A very pastoral approach but a
dapted can be very useful in class.
htm 7. Area page on the Catholic religion with documents and materials that can
be used in class. ~ pperez1/contenido.htm 8. Teacher Profess
ional Network of Religion. It belongs to the training platform Teacher Center of
Malaga. Large amount of materials in the "Documents - Teaching Materials" You c
an look into the history section. 9. Depa
rtment of Religion at IES La Costera. Here you will find complete information ab
out the course, its features, why is it necessary, and how you can subscribe. Yo
u'll also find fun activities, games and work materials, useful for teachers and
students, news related to the teaching of religion and recommended books and au
diovisual materials. Click on the "activities".
10. Leisure elementary through high school.
tm 11. List of educational resources offered on this website. From Guadix. http:
// ~ Camerata / christ / recursos_didacticos.htm 12. Secondary Re
sources first. You need to select the first course of ESO, Reli. Some online act
ivities are in Catalan, but are understandable and can be performed by the stude
nts. 13. Educational resources of the Diocesan Educ
ation Delegation of the Diocese of the Canaries. Intersante the "classroom activ
ities" 14. Multiple computing resources to
download or install on your computer. They are pastoral resources but can be ada
pted to the kinds of religion. 15. CNICE teaching resourc
e on Society, Culture and Religion.
ptativas/sociedad.htm # Contents 16. Notes and resources to ESO religion classes
at Sacred Heart College.
a/index.htm 17. Site to explain the mass. With resources for teaching: concept m
aps, power point, explanation of signs ...
BACCALAUREATE 1. Religious Pedágio Magazine. Very good section of links to the a
rea of religion. Baccalaureate.
Sections&op=listarticles&secid=15 2. Christian Library. Encyclicals, Apostolic L
etters, Documents of Vatican II, Jerusalem Bible, etc..€It can be a great help a
s reference material. 3. Collect various items that c
an facilitate participation in the classroom work, debates, news to discuss, com
ment text, technical data to support the explanation, teacher training and the w
ork carried out by students. College Religion Department of erain Ikastetxea. ht
tp:// also offered high school stude
nt work. 4. Personal pa
ge with plenty of material in high school. Multiple themes and broad range of to
pics on every block. 5. Resources for High School first. Chronological table of
major religions and comparison chart. 6. A usefu
l and complete set of Bible maps. Allow us to more accurately understand the his
tory and geography to understand the Scriptures.
mor/bibliamapas.html 7. Radio series "A certain Jesus." Provides the text of eac
h chapter and the same in mp3 to listen. In English and Spanish. Good as teachin
g aids. 8. Material powerpoint on religions. http://es
9. Powerpoint presentations. 10.
Notes for religion class, songs, reviews ... Sacred Heart school. 11. Webquest to schoo
l on Holy Week in Valladolid. ~ lbag0000/html/ssanta
.htm 12. Bible Trivia. 1
3. Print comprehensive. Geographically located the origin of religions. Indicate
s some percentages of religious practice. etc.
as/religiones.pdf 14. Great Christian portal with extensive information on doctr
ine, liturgy, church documents, images, etc. Pastoral approach but can be a good
teaching tool. 15. Department of Religion
at IES Pedro Espinosa. Baccalaureate. Activities, themes and webquest developed
from the work of students.
er/bachiller.htm 16. Links to educational resources on Society, Culture and Reli
gion. ~ jfes0017/materias/mat05sr.php? link =.. / to
pics / m at05sr & owner = Links% 20a% 20Sociedad 20recursos% 20of%,% 20Cultura%
20and% 20Religión http:/ /
ildren/site/curriculum_sp_nt.htm Hot P
otatoes: The Bible. 7Ehotp0060/doloresperez/index
.html the Crusades, 7Ehotp0060/jlgarcia/index.htm
various activities, http:// /% 7Ehotp0060/InmaculadaFlori
do / Religions in antiquity, 7Ehotp0058/elenapalac
io / Holy Week, http://endrino.cnice.mecd. com /% 7Ehotp0056/cristinaalvarez/IND
ICE.htm Eucharist 7Ehotp0063/Catiana_Torregrosa/i
ndex.htm Christmas, 7Ehotp0055 / evamariasanchez
/ index.htm

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